#delaney guyer
meringuehearts · 6 months
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we were children together
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wanna see a drawing I did of cosette? of course you do here she is
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itriedsohard · 1 day
Les Mis US Tour ‘24 Is Beyond Amazing
just saw the Les Mis tour (it’s like my 4th time seeing it live) and can I just say this was my FAVORITE production I’ve seen, SO MANY ENJOLRAS AND GRANTAIRE MOMENTS my heart 😭😭😭, every single cast member sounds incredible literally a perfect cast (Nick Cartell my beloved)(now obsessed with Kyle Adams aka Grantaire)(Preston Truman Boyd as Javert healed me actually) AAAAAAHHHHHHH 10/10 would recommend
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medium-observation · 5 months
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Hadestown - First US National Tour
March 16, 2024 - Medium Observation
Video | Matinée
John Krause (t/r Orpheus), Cecilia Trippiedi (u/s Eurydice), Matthew Patrick Quinn (Hades), Lana Gordon (Persephone), Will Mann (Hermes), Marla Louissant (Fate), Lizzie Markson (Fate), Hannah Schreer (Fate), Sevon Askew (Worker), Jamal Lee Harris (Worker), Cate Hayman (Worker), Quiana Onrae'l Holmes (Worker), Daniel Tracht (Worker)
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Near Perfect video of Cecilia and John as Eurydice and Orpheus respectively. They are incredibly fantastic and are such a cute pair. Some washout and shakiness throughout.
NFT Date: November 1st, 2024
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Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBiBBy
Video is $20
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Les Misérables - Sixth US National Tour
February 6, 2024 - Medium Observation
Nick Cartell (Jean Valjean), Steve Czarnecki (u/s Javert), Hayley Dortch (Fantine), Matt Crowle (Thénardier), Victoria Huston-Elem (Madame Thénardier), Devin Archer (Enjolras), Mya Rena Hunter (Éponine), Jake David Smith (Marius), Delaney Guyer (Cosette), Sky Vaux Fuller (Young Éponine), Olivia Grace O'Sullivan (Young Cosette), Henry Kirk (Gavroche), David Andino (Bamatabois/Babet), Matt Rosell (u/s Feuilly), Kyle Timson (u/s Factory Foreman/Brujon), Kelsey Denae (Wigmaker), David Young Fernandez (Jean Prouvaire), Randy Jeter (Bishop of Digne/Lesgles), Cameron Loyal (Claquesous), Andrew Marks Maughan (Combeferre), Julia Ellen Richardson (Factory Girl), Ethan Rogers (Courfeyac), Juliette Redden (u/s Old Woman), Christopher James Tamayo (Montparnasse), J.T. Wood (Joly), Mikako Martin (u/s Ensemble), Arianne DiCerbo (Ensemble), Genevieve Ellis (Ensemble), Greta Schaefer (Ensemble), Veronica Stern (Ensemble)
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Perfect video of this incredible cast. Steve tears the house down as Javert and is near perfect in the role. The video has very little washout and the colors are very pretty. There is some grain when it's very dark but it's not distracting. Some shakiness throughout.
NFT Date: November 1st, 2024
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Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBdxRt
Video is $20
Videos can be purchased through me at
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enjolrasling · 6 months
I saw the Les Miserables US tour on Tuesday and am still IN MY FEELINGS about it, so here’s a random assortment of somewhat coherent thoughts/rambles/write up/review.
(Note: I saw the entire principle cast except Randy Jeter (who was out) and two ensemble swings. Andrew Marks Maughan was pulling double duty as both the Bishop and Combferre.)
• I didn’t know anything about Nick Cartell going in, but holy fuck, that VOICE. Tone is immaculate. Lungs of fucking steel.
• “Another story must beGINNNNNN” are you kidding me Nick. Who gave you the right to be this talented. Why is this man not more famous?!
• Preston Truman Boyd as Javert - voice is great, nice deep baritone. I wanted a smidge more from him acting wise though (this improved over the course of his performance).
• Nick and Preston sound phenomenal together, their voices work SO WELL.
• Haley Dortch has the voice of an angel and I loved her portrayal of Fantine.
• I appreciated that when Fantine was attacked/arrested all of the lovely ladies kept trying to stop it/help her. A nice staging touch.
• The whole transition into the courtroom was fantastic. Nick with that ending note of “Who Am I?” 🤯 I feel like I heard a few nods to Colm’s Valjean throughout Nick’s performance, this being one, which I appreciated on a cellular level.
• Confrontation sounded sooo good. It is a little goofy looking because Nick is so much shorter/smaller than Preston, which made the whole Valjean-as-stronger-man thing a bit silly. The blocking here didn’t do much for me. But what can you do. However! The “you’ll wear a different CHAInnn!” *cue Present with the chain hitting the stage floor* was fierce.
• It took a minute but Matt Crowle really won me over as Thénardier. Acting choices were 💯 without going over the top.
• There was a lot going on during “Master of the House” and it was a lot of fun, but also hard to catch everything.
• Gavroche was delightful. As usual.
• I’m not sure why Enjolras’ blonde wig was so bad, but it was really distracting. Devin Archer does a very decent Enjolras, but man that wig was not doing him any favors.
• Marius’ entrance was forgettable. I think this was more a staging issue than a reflection on Jake David Smith maybe? All the students kind of looked the same at this time. I had a hard time telling Les Amis apart all night, honestly. Except for Enjolras and Grantaire, obviously, which brings me to….
• Kyle Adams. You freaking fan-servicing national treasure. Cards on the table, seeing reviews of Kyle’s Grantaire was the single biggest reason I decided to catch this tour, and I was really, REALLY hoping to see him in the role. I did not think anyone would ever come close to eclipsing Hadley as my R of all time, but Kyle is right up there in his orbit. Omg that scene stealing little shit. He really put his all into “the drunk one”. Blowing the kiss to E at the end of Red and Black. Continually slapping people with his coat jacket. The dick-bottle in Enjolras’ face. Constantly goofing around with Gavroche. It was all gold. I really appreciate an actor who’s done their homework, and Kyle is very obviously well versed in both the source material and the rabid E/R fan fiction. His performance is a love letter to the fans - to those of us who have cried over the brick, who have watched every musical version we’ve been able to get our hands on over and over again - and I love that for all of us.
• Anyway, back to “Red and Black”. Devin is great, really brings the sassy Enjolras energy. Marius is….kind of forgettable again. Sorry, Jake. Enjolras when he grabs that flag…Devin is really serving.
• “Do You Hear the People Sing” was wonderfully rousing, as always. One of my favorites forever. The transition to the streets was very pleasing. Again, Devin with that damn flag. I might end up shipping Enj with the flag as much as E and R, he’s that passionate with it 🤣
• Delaney Guyer was a perfectly pleasant Cosette. No criticisms, I just haven’t really ever cared about Cosette much as a character. Her songs do very little for me. But Delaney was lovely.
• Mya Rena Hunter as Eponine was somewhat “meh” for me. Her vocals are killer and “On My Own” got one of the biggest ovations of the night, but I didn’t love her acting choices. Or maybe lack there of, it didn’t seem like there were any. I dunno.
• The staging/choreo for “One Day More” was really entertaining. Much better than the underwhelming marching I saw in the 2012 production. Devin serving sassy, dramatic Enjolras with flair and a rifle is a whole ass mood.
• I fucking love the barricade set. Seeing Les Amis climb all over that thing is such a moment. Enjolras literally leaping off the set multiple times. Dude gets AIR.
• Gavroche flipping off Javert was an audience favorite.
• “A Little Falls of Rain” was underwhelming. The staging was a bit awkward and there was no scene chemistry between Jake and Mya. I really wanted to feel something. I didn’t. Just eh.
• “Drink With Me”, on the other hand, was so wonderfully emotional. Kyle’s stying of R’s verse is an angrier, grittier interpretation and I’m sooo here for it. Enjolras goes to console him and R pushes him away. The pain feels so real.
• “Bring Him Home”….Nick. Fucking. Cartell. I have no words. He cast an absolute SPELL over the theater. His breath control is super human. His last “home” note went on FOREVER. Absolutely phenomenal. Hands down best version I’ve ever heard live. Biggest ovation of the night.
• Gavroche’s death 😭 So sad, so well done. It was very striking how he was shot just as Enjolras’ hand reached up for him as he returned. The timing, the lights, sound everything was excellent. Then he crumpled onto E’s shoulder. E handed his lifeless body to R, who was just devastated. I love the relationship they created between Gavroche and R this production. The entire build up of their interactions made this moment so poignant and believable.
• Christopher Robin Sapp really took his 5 seconds of National Guard Officer/Loud Hailer time and absolutely slayed it. I want to see more of this guy in the future.
• The choreo of the final battle was very satisfying. I totally missed Marius getting injured and just mistook him for another student because again….Marius was just not catching any of my attention this tour, lol. The frantic moment between E and R in this scene was so raw and well done by both actors. R reaching for E’s face, clasping hands so very briefly. Ugh.
• Then E with the flag again. This scene is so striking and Devin gives it EVERYTHING. Then R climbing up after E once he gets shot and falls off of the barricade. The way it takes a few moments for R to die after being shot and Kyle freaking Adams makes sure the audience knows it…
• I was lucky enough to see a production with the revolving stage back in the day and I’m really glad I did, because the reveal of Enjolras’ body hanging upside down off the other side of the barricade with the flag is one of those theater moments that will haunt me forever. Enjolras’ lifeless body in the cart just doesn’t have quite that same punch, but it’s timed very nicely with the music swell, and the way his body shifts/almost falls out of the cart when it’s carried away again is quite effective.
• Ok so the sewers. That was cool. I felt like this production used just enough of the screen to really assist the set design without relying on it too much. It worked really well for the orchestration and gave depth to Valjean just dragging Marius across the stage 3 times.
• Thénardier dragging in that corpse by his ankles for “Dog Eats Dog” lol. Matt really showed up for this scene. I think he did a good job of dipping into the “comedic” aspects of Thénardier as well as balancing the really rotten parts - this was a really great rotten part. I thoroughly enjoyed his turn as the infamous innkeeper.
• Javert is such a little drama queen.
• “Stars” was A++++. One of my forever favorites anyway, but Preston took this song to church. Also, I do NOT remember this staging, if it’s what I saw in 2012 (I don’t think so?!) and holy shit. I was not expecting what they did, which got quite a few gasps from the audience. The falling/floating/reaching while holding that last “ONNNNNNN” was a fucking MOMENT. Props to this production set up. Major props to Preston. Just wow.
• The transition from “Turning” to “Empty Chairs at Empty Tables” was beautiful, and I love love love the candle choreography. When Les Amis blow their candles out….ugh 😭 This number was a bit of redemption for Jake David Smith, who until now had kept slipping into the background. I found his Marius to be a bit uninspired and unrecognizable for the most part. He did not bring much of a presence to the role until this moment. But his vocals were great here, and the anguish felt genuine.
• I don’t have much too say about “Beggars at the Feast” because I was too busy watching no one but Kyle Adams as Major Domo for the entire scene 🤷🏻‍♀️
• But omg the change of Thénardier’s lyrics from “this one’s a queer / but what can you do?” to “this one’s a queer / I might try it too” and then he dips that random wedding guest dude was a giant yes from me.
• Finale left a touch to be desired blocking/staging wise. I remember feeling that way with the 2012 production as well. Les Mis is just such a powerful musical, I feel like it deserves a bigger ending than basically everyone just standing in two lines behind Cosette and Marius. The cast’s vocals made up for the lack of production though. Truly so, so good.
• In conclusion: Nick Cartell has an otherworldly voice and Kyle Adams is the Grantaire we all deserve. I am so, SO glad I got to experience this cast.
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starlight-lesbians · 1 month
More stuff about Lottie while I doodle!
She and Hydra have had a flirtationship going for like a WHILE, neither of them will admit it’s serious (it is they’re obsessed with each other)
He was the first one she met when she was transferred, so they ended up being really close
I modeled Lottie’s personality a bit after Lorelai from Gilmore Girls, she’s energetic, silly, and like insanely loyal. she has a huge heart and worries a lot for other people, her feelings can get hurt a bit easily though. She is pretty flirtatious but in more the cute demure vintage-y way (she’s very cutesy very demure)
She and Hydra bicker about everything in the most oddly flirty way possible. Every argument ends with like zero hostility though, they’re literally just being annoying for fun
Side note when I say they’re insistent that they aren’t serious I mean that they will be making out one minute and then the next they’re claiming to just be friends
However if someone flirts with one of them the other will get jealous and steal them from the conversation lmao
Big little sister energy from her, she serves cunt and makes ill-advised choices
She doesn’t have much interest in racing but takes part anyway when she’s needed to support her friends, she does prefer sitting on the sidelines and watching though
If I had to pick a Broadway/West End actress to play her I’d pick Christy Altomare, Charlie Burn, Kimiko Glenn, or Delaney Guyer
Her vocal tone is pretty bright and expressive, most suited to a soprano 2 kinda
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columbusartsfest · 7 years
Sign Your Art 2017 Inspirational Tiles
The Columbus Arts Festival is bringing back the massively popular Sign Your Art community art project.
Sign Your Art invites local artists and members of the public to create unique works of art on 6” X 8” wooden tiles. In 2015, more than 700 people came to the Sign Your Art tent to participate and nearly 300 of those tiles were chosen to be part of a citywide art installation along with 64 tiles designed by local artists. The installation appeared on 64 street signs across the city, which spelled the word “ART” when pinned on a Google map and is now included in the Google Cultural Institute Street Art Project.
Learn more about the 2015 Sign Your Art project at columbusmakesart.com/sign-your-art/map/, and visit the 2017 Sign Your Art tent June 9-11, on the east side of the Cultural Arts Center to make your own work of art. Approximately 300 of the tiles painted at the Festival will be used for the citywide art installation. Participants will be notified after the Festival if their tile was selected for installation.
Laura Alexander, Cynthia Amoah, Laine Bachman, Jennifer Bender, Queen Brooks, Sam Buganski, Christopher Burk, Gabrielle Burton, David Butler, Jackie Calderone, Hakim Callwood, Marco Castro, Sue Cavanaugh, Michol Childress, Jacci Delaney, Alvoyce Douglas, Larry Doyle, Greg Easterling, Barbara Fant, Mike Fields, Janet George, Cameron Granger, John Grosvenor, Roger Grosswiler, Gabriel Guyer, Adam Hernandez, Sarah Hout, Sherleelah Jones, Nancy Kangas, Keo Khim, Dane Khy, Jen Kiko, Ben Lamb, Chris Leyva, Mark Lomax, Michael McEwan, Bryan Moss, Kate Morgan, Celia Peters, Ric Petry, , Susan Van Pelt Petry, Ashley Pierce, Meghan Ralston, Jeff Regensburger, Gaye Reissland, Stephanie Rond, Lucie Shearer, Jenn Shepard, Marshall Shorts, Catherine Smith, Maggie Smith, Melissa Starker, Mona Solymos, Mindy Staley, Tera Stockdale, Aaron Thomas, Amandda Tirey, Debra Tucker, Aina Turiaga, Patrick Wayner, Leah Wong, Scott Woods, Donte Woods-Spikes, , and Helen Yee.
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tannertoctoo-blog · 8 years
Untitled Document
January 25, 2017
British Journal of Aesthetics, Vol. 56, #4, 2016 dialectica, Vol. 70, #4, 2016 Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol. 43, #2, 2017 Journal of the History of Philosophy, Vol. 55, #1, 2017 Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. 94, #1, 2017 Philosophy and Public Affairs, Vol. 44, #2, 2016 Social Epistemology, Vol. 31, #1, 2017 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Vol. 61, 2017 Tanner Lecture on Human Values, Vol. 35, 2016
British Journal of Aesthetics, Vol. 56, #4, 2016 Articles Paisley Livingston. Bolzano on Art. Filippo Contesi. Disgust’s Transparency. Alan Roberts. Humour is a Funny Thing. Christopher Mole. Real Objective Beauty. Hannah Ginsborg. Synopsis. Karl Ameriks. Ginsborg, Nature, and Normativity. Richard Moran. The Topic of the Judgement of Beauty. Eli Friedlander. Between Communicability and Common Sense. Angela Breitenbach. Normativity and Purposiveness. Hannah Ginsborg. Replies to My Critics. Book Reviews Cynthia Nielsen. Unfinished Worlds: Hermeneutics, Aesthetics and Gadamer. Karen Simecek. What is Fiction For? Ben Blumson. A Syncretistic Theory of Depiction. Jeanette Bicknell. Groove: A Phenomenology of Rhythmic Nuance. Back to Top
dialectica, Vol. 70, #4, 2016        Original Articles Sven Ove Hansson, Karin Edvardsson Björnberg and John Cantwell. Self-Defeating Goals. Elisa Paganini. Informative Identities: A Challenge for Frege's Puzzle. Bjørn Jespersen. Left Subsectivity: How to Infer that a Round Peg is Round. Laura Felline. It's a Matter of Principle: Scientific Explanation in Information-Theoretic Reconstructions of Quantum Theory. Jonathan Schaffer. It is the Business of Laws to Govern. Luis Rosa. Rational Doxastic Dispositions and the Epistemic Regress Problem. Travis Dumsday. Natural-Kind Essentialism, Substance Ontology, and the Unity Problem: Two Dispositionalist Solutions. Book Reviews Paul Butterfield. The Philosophy of Conspiracy Theories – By Matthew Dentith. William Fish. Disjunctivism: Disjunctive Accounts in Epistemology and in the Philosophy of Perception – Edited by Marcus Willaschek. Gregory Lavers. Functions and Generality of Logic: Reflections on Dedekind's and Frege's Logicisms – By Hourya Benis-Sinaceur, Marco Panza and Gabriel Sandu. Back to Top
Journal of Medical Ethics, Vol. 43, #2, 2017 Introduction Nir Eyal. The Benefit/Risk Ratio Challenge in CLinical Research, and the Case of HIV Cure: An Introduction. Background Daniel R Kuritzkes. Why Cure, Why Now? Kenneth A Freedberg, Paul E Sax. Improving on Effective Antiretroviral Therapy: How Good Will a Cure Have to be? Nir Eyal. How to Keep High-Risk Studies Ethical: Classifying Candidate Solutions. Risks Rebecca Dresser. First-in-Human HIV-Remission Studies: Reducing and Justifying Risk. Seema K Shah. When to Start a Paediatric Testing of the Adult HIV Cure Research Agenda? Caspar Hare. Risk and Radical Uncertainty in HIV Research. Benefits to Participants Lara Buchak. Why High-Risk, Non-Expected-Utility-Maximising Gambles can be Rational and Beneficial: The Case of HIV Cure Studies. Emily Largent. For Love and Money: The Need to Rethink Benefits in HIV Cure Studies. David Evans. An Activist's Argument that Participant Values Should Guide Risk–Benefit Ratio Calculations in HIV Cure Research. Informed Consent George J Annas. Cure Research and Consent: The Mississippi Baby, Barney Clark, Baby Fae and Martin Delaney. Danielle Bromwich, Joseph R Millum. Informed Consent to HIV Cure Research. Benefits to Nonparticipants Daniel Wikler. Must Research Benfit Human Subjects if it is to be Permissible? Regina Brown, Nicholas Greig Evans. The Social Value of Candidate HIV Cures: Actualism versus Possibilism. Rahul Kumar. Contractualist Reasoning, HIV Cure Clinical Trials, and the Moral (Ir)Relevance of the Risk/Benefit Ratio. F M Kamm. The Morality of Risks in Research: Reflections on Kumar. Afterword Nir Eyal. Returning to Philosophical Foundations in Research Ethics. Back to Top
Journal of the History of Philosophy, Vol. 55, #1, 2017 Articles Arash Abizadeh. Hobbes on Mind: Practical Deliberation, Reasoning, and Language. Karolina Hübner. The Trouble with Feelings, or Spinoza on the Identity of Power and Essence. Joshua Stuchlik. Circling to Scientia: Reading Descartes in Light of the Debate Between Stoic Dogmatists and Academic Skeptics. Symposium: Kant on Cognition Eric Watkins, Marcus Willaschek. Kant’s Account of Cognition. Stefanie Grüne. Givenness, Objective Reality, and A Priori Intuitions. Andrew Chignell. Kant on Cognition, Givenness, and Ignorance. Eric Watkins, Marcus Willaschek. Givenness and Cognition: Reply to Grüne and Chignell. Book Reviews Jakob Leth Fink. Plato on the Metaphysical Foundation of Meaning and Truth by Blake E. Hestir (review). Verity Harte. Second Sailing: Alternative Perspectives on Plato ed. by Debra Nails and Harold Tarrant (review). Klaus Corcilius. De Anima by Aristotle (review). Charlotte Witt. Aristotle on Female Animals: A Study of the Generation of Animals by Sophia M. Connell (review). Harold Tarrant. A New Text of Apuleius: The Lost Third Book of the De Platone by Justin A. Stover (review). Sten Ebbesen. Alexander of Aphrodisias and the Text of Aristotle’s Metaphysics by Mirjam E. Kotwick (review). Katja Krause. Aristotle’s Ethics and Medieval Philosophy: Moral Goodness and Practical Wisdom by Anthony Celano (review). Michael Moriarty. French Philosophy, 1572–1675 by Desmond Clarke (review). Luiz Eva. Academic Skepticism in Seventeenth-Century French Philosophy: The Charronian Legacy 1601–1662 by José R. Maia Neto (review). Ruth Boeker. Consciousness in Locke by Shelley Weinberg (review). Peter S. Fosl. Hume’s Sceptical Enlightenment by Ryu Susato (review). Miriam Schleifer McCormick. Hume’s True Scepticism by Donald C. Ainslie (review). Paul Russell. Toward a Humean True Religion: Genuine Theism, Moderate Hope, and Practical Morality by Andre C. Willis (review). Uygar Abaci. Kant’s Modal Metaphysics by Nicholas F. Stang (review). Caroline A. Buchanan, Daniel Breazeale. Fichte’s Ethical Thought by Allen W. Wood (review). Stephen Houlgate. Hegel’s Theory of Intelligibility by Rocío Zambrana (review). Karl Laderoute. The Nietzschean Self: Moral Psychology, Agency, and the Unconscious by Paul Katsafanas (review). David Fergusson. Scottish Philosophy in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries ed. by Gordon Graham (review). Back to Top
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. 94, #1, 2017 Articles Neil Levy. Implicit Bias and Moral Responsibility: Probing the Data. Richard Dub. Delusions, Acceptances, and Cognitive Feelings. Sinan Dogramaci. Why Is a Valid Inference a Good Inference? David Pineda and Agustín Vicente. Shoemaker's Analysis of Realization: A Review. Susanna Rinard. No Exception for Belief. Daniel W. Brinkerhoff Young. Kierkegaard on Time and the Limitations of Imaginative Planning. Robert J. Hirsch. Maudlin's Mathematical Maneuver: A Case Study in the Metaphysical Implications of Mathematical Representations. Book Symposium: Strange Tools Alva Noë. Strange Tools: Art and Human Nature: A Précis. Noël Carroll. Comments on Strange Tools by Alva Noë. A. W. Eaton. Strange Tools vs. Plain Tools?: Comments on Alva Noë. Paul Guyer. Alva Noë, Strange Tools: Art and Human Nature. Alva Noë. Art and Entanglement in Strange Tools: Reply to Noël Carroll, A. W. Eaton and Paul Guyer. Back to Top
Philosophy and Public Affairs, Vol. 44, #2, 2016 Original Articles Victor Tadros. Permissibility in a World of Wrongdoing. Ketan H. Ramakrishman. Treating People as Tools. Back to Top
Social Epistemology, Vol. 31, #1, 2017 Russian Philosophy of Science Guest Editor: Ilya Kasavin : Forthcoming Special issue on Russian Philosophy of Science Articles Ilya Kasavin. Towards a Social Philosophy of Science: Russian Prospects. Boris I. Pruzhinin & Tatiana G. Shchedrina. The Ideas of Cultural–Historical Epistemology in Russian Philosophy of the Twentieth Century. Lyudmila A. Mikeshina. Social Philosophy of Science: Unexpected Russian Roots. Lyudmila A. Markova. Science Studies in Russia and in the West. Evgeny Blinov. The New Scientific Policy: The Early Soviet Project of “State-Sponsored Evolutionism". Valentin A. Bazhanov. From Under the Rubble: Logic and Philosophy of Logic in the USSR and the Ideologized Science Phenomenon. Vadim M. Rozin. The Moscow Methodological Circle: Its Main Ideas and Evolution. Elena Mamchur. The Destiny of Atomism in the Modern Science and the Structural Realism. Back to Top
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Vol. 61, 2017 Regular Articles Yoichi Ishida. Sewall Wright, Shifting Balance Theory, and the Hardening of the Modern Synthesis. Sean Allen-Hermanson. Kamikazes and Cultural Evolution. Sara Green, Robert Batterman. Biology Meets Physics: Reductionism and Multi-Scale Modeling of Morphogenesis. Maël Lemoine. Animal Extrapolation in Preclinical Studies: An Analysis of the Tragic Case of TGN1412. Book Reviews Camilla Mørk Røstvik. The Changing Power of Scientific Institutions: The Modern Histories of Nature and The Royal Society. Karen Kovaka. Different Research Projects Require their own Individuality COncepts. Sam Fellowes. Putting the Present in the History of Autism. Back to Top
Tanner Lecture on Human Values, Vol. 35, 2016 To check if  a lecture is available click on the last name of lecturer The Tanner Lectures on Human Values The Trustees / Preface to Volume 35 Lectures Danielle Allen: Education and Equality Lecture I: Two Concepts of Education. Lecture II: Participatory Readiness. Elizabeth Anderson:  Liberty, Equality, and Private Government Lecture I: When the Market Was “Left.” Lecture II: Private Government. Margaret Atwood: Human Values in an Age of Change. Dipesh Chakrabarty: The Human Condition in the Anthropocene Lecture I: Climate Change as Epochal Consciousness. Lecture II: Decentering the Human? Or, What Remains of Gaia. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg: A Conversation with Ruth Bader Ginsburg Philip Pettit: The Birth of Ethics Lecture I: From Language to Commitment. Lecture II: From Commitment to Morality. Eric L. Santner: The Weight of All Flesh: On the Subject-Matter of Political Economy Lecture I: On the Subject-Matter of Political Economy. Lecture II: Paradoxologies. Peter Singer: From Moral Neutrality to Effective Altruism: The Changing Scope and Significance of Moral Philosophy. The Tanner Lecturers Back to Top
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csenews · 8 years
JSCC Fall Semester Honor Roll Announced
Fall Semester Honor Roll Announced
 Jackson, Tenn (Jan 25, 2017) – The Office of Admissions and Records at Jackson State Community College released the honor roll for the Fall 2015 semester. On the honor roll, there were 319 full-time students who achieved a quality point average over 3.00. There were 387 students who made the dean’s list by achieving a quality point average of 3.50 or better.
 Honor Roll is reserved for students who are enrolled for twelve (12) or more
hours of college-level work (Learning Support excluded) and who complete
a semester’s work with a quality point average between 3.00 and 3.49.
 Dean’s List is reserved for students who are enrolled for twelve (12) or
more hours of college-level work and who complete a semester’s work with
a quality point average between 3.50 and 4.00.
Dean's List
Abby Rae Mitchell Florence AL AL-Lauderdale
Lindsey Nicole Baker Camden TN-Benton
Kayla Brooke Carpenter Holladay TN-Benton
Tanner David Johnson Holladay TN-Benton
Kaitlyn Annette Page Holladay TN-Benton
John Henry Benjamin York Big Sandy TN-Benton
Samantha Madison Barrow Atwood TN-Carroll
Brandon Ryan Bowman Yuma TN-Carroll
Stephanie Marie Brown Cedar Grove TN-Carroll
Layla Dawn Byrum Huntingdon TN-Carroll
Kimberly Ryan Canoy Cedar Grove TN-Carroll
Abbie Priestly Carden Huntingdon TN-Carroll
Jonathan Thomas Cash Atwood TN-Carroll
Leslie Marie Cathey Mc Kenzie TN-Carroll
Meagan Renee DeLaney Cedar Grove TN-Carroll
Samantha Leigh Ferguson Cedar Grove TN-Carroll
Kalee Jo Fountain Lavinia TN-Carroll
Dan Ellsworth Hoffman Mc Kenzie TN-Carroll
Carl William Joyner Buena Vista TN-Carroll
Patrisha Dannielle Leadbetter Lavinia TN-Carroll
Mitchell Brandon McCartney Mc Lemoresville TN-
Jackie F McClain Huntingdon TN-Carroll
Steven Hunter Peterson Huntingdon TN-Carroll
Tracy Genettie Prestwood Mc Kenzie TN-Carroll
Lacy Jolene Pride Mc Kenzie TN-Carroll
Ashton Marie Ratliff-Clay Atwood TN-Carroll
Alysia Marlana Shear Huntingdon TN-Carroll
Amanda Michelle Williams Buena Vista TN-Carroll
Danielle Leigh Williams Huntingdon TN-Carroll
Matthew Tyler Williams Atwood TN-Carroll
Christopher Wesley Wood Cedar Grove TN-Carroll
Kelsey L Wortham Huntingdon TN-Carroll
Christopher Edward Cox Henderson TN-Chester
Landon Thomas Cupples Henderson TN-Chester
Jonathan Trey Ervin Henderson TN-Chester
McKinley Brooke Farley Henderson TN-Chester
Ashley Dianne Frye Henderson TN-Chester
Cameron Lane Greer Henderson TN-Chester
Trevor Andrew Hatch Henderson TN-Chester
Tori Brooke Hill Luray TN-Chester
Britney Hanna Holder Beech Bluff TN-Chester
Austin Tyler Holman Henderson TN-Chester
Haley Elaine Hughes Pinson TN-Chester
Dylan Wesley King Enville TN-Chester
Megan Elizabeth Lewis Henderson TN-Chester
Brooklyn Rene Miller Henderson TN-Chester
Peyton Randal Millner Jacks Creek TN-Chester
Carlee Elizabeth Morris Henderson TN-Chester
Amber Shalane Mosley Henderson TN-Chester
Jaylan Dewayne Northern Henderson TN-Chester
Jared Patrick Page Henderson TN-Chester
Tori Justee Denee' Page Luray TN-Chester
Eva Perez Henderson TN-Chester
Chase Colton Ross Henderson TN-Chester
Caitlin Jenee Sanchez Luray TN-Chester
Kendyl Dawn Smith Henderson TN-Chester
Samantha J Sweat Henderson TN-Chester
Sydney Blair Watson Henderson TN-Chester
Marcus Lee White Henderson TN-Chester
Payton A Wilkinson Luray TN-Chester
Yeltsin Chapina Bells TN-Crockett
Meleah Rose Gateley Humboldt TN-Crockett
Emily Ann Hunter Bells TN-Crockett
Jalen Juwan Ingram Bells TN-Crockett
Kevin Scott Kail Bells TN-Crockett
Jennifer Mooney Halls TN-Crockett
Lauren Breanna Pender Bells TN-Crockett
Whitney M Revelle Alamo TN-Crockett
Micah C Riley Alamo TN-Crockett
Jordan Heath Saylor Friendship TN-Crockett
Kordell Jay Smith Alamo TN-Crockett
Daniel Ray Tolley Friendship TN-Crockett
Brittney Rache Williams Maury City TN-Crockett
Valerie Suzanne Broadway Scotts Hill TN-Decatur
Whitlee Adraianna Camper Scotts Hill TN-Decatur
Robin Danielle Davis Parsons TN-Decatur
Nathan Erie Gibbons Decaturville TN-Decatur
Kyla Bree Linton Parsons TN-Decatur
Stephanie Lynn Mitchell Scotts Hill TN-Decatur
Jessica Brooke Patton Scotts Hill TN-Decatur
Jenna Lynn Davis Dyersburg TN-Dyer
Cara Lee Rose Newbern TN-Dyer
Erica D Tipps Newbern TN-Dyer
Chloe Jo West Dyersburg TN-Dyer
Joshua Duane Adkins Medina TN-Gibson
Reagan Wesley Barnhart Medina TN-Gibson
Luke J Bray Milan TN-Gibson
Seth Everett Brown Humboldt TN-Gibson
Alivia L Church Milan TN-Gibson
Dylan Warner Cole Milan TN-Gibson
Charles Benjamin Coleraine Medina TN-Gibson
Anne Seibert Connell Milan TN-Gibson
Kendall Nicole Cox Medina TN-Gibson
Sara Elizabeth Cox Medina TN-Gibson
Jeremy Shane Dennison Humboldt TN-Gibson
Wesley Luke Ellis Trenton TN-Gibson
Michael Scott Evans Milan TN-Gibson
Robert Mcgregor Fly Milan TN-Gibson
Nicholas Grant Gutierrez Humboldt TN-Gibson
Alyssa Faith Hartig Humboldt TN-Gibson
Kahmadre Jay-Quan Hudson Milan TN-Gibson
Hannah B Hutchison Trenton TN-Gibson
Ryan Daniel Jones Medina TN-Gibson
Kinsey Jill Karnes Dyer TN-Gibson
Kaitlyn Michelle Kelly Humboldt TN-Gibson
Alyssa Breanne Lynn Gibson TN-Gibson
Ryan Dennison Mayfield Milan TN-Gibson
Jennifer Nicole McCaskill Milan TN-Gibson
Lauren Elizabeth Miller Medina TN-Gibson
Alyssa LeAnne Mohney Medina TN-Gibson
Ashli Jeann Mohney Medina TN-Gibson
Sa'Liyah Ann Newbill Humboldt TN-Gibson
Andrew Lloyd Oliver Humboldt TN-Gibson
Samantha Kelly Palmer Bradford TN-Gibson
Chelsea N Phifer Dyer TN-Gibson
Ashley McClain Pierce Kenton TN-Gibson
Alexander Popp Humboldt TN-Gibson
Benjamin Douglas Powell Milan TN-Gibson
Dylan Ray Powers Milan TN-Gibson
Haley Nicole Rainey Medina TN-Gibson
Annie Elizabeth Rainwater Milan TN-Gibson
Courtney Michelle Reese Milan TN-Gibson
Daijah Monique Robinson Medina TN-Gibson
Crystal Lee Rogers Medina TN-Gibson
Brooklyn Victoria Schrupp Medina TN-Gibson
Anna Sison Bradford TN-Gibson
Amber Dawn Speer Medina TN-Gibson
Kyle Martin Trompower Medina TN-Gibson
Katherine Walters Humboldt TN-Gibson
Kayla Morgan Williams Medina TN-Gibson
Tonya Kaye Acred Middleton TN-Hardeman
Hannah Rose Black Bolivar TN-Hardeman
Rachel Elise Davis Middleton TN-Hardeman
Gregory Ronald Diffee Henderson TN-Hardeman
Austin Wade Greene Middleton TN-Hardeman
Luz D Gutierrez Whiteville TN-Hardeman
Timothy Landon Lee Harris Bolivar TN-Hardeman
Destiny Kenyatta Herron Bolivar TN-Hardeman
Sarah Beth Hopper Pocahontas TN-Hardeman
William Stewart Koimn Middleton TN-Hardeman
Mallory Paden Lowery Hornsby TN-Hardeman
Patric D Stewart Middleton TN-Hardeman
Carly Rae Weems Bolivar TN-Hardeman
Dustin Blake Ayers Savannah TN-Hardin
William Warren Bond Pickwick Dam TN-Hardin
Amber Nicole Bowling Savannah TN-Hardin
Kaylee Renea Gillis Savannah TN-Hardin
Ryan Mitchell Guyer Savannah TN-Hardin
Julia Renee Hall Shiloh TN-Hardin
Crystal Dawn Holloway Morris Chapel TN-Hardin
Makaila Cheyenne Keymon Shiloh TN-Hardin
Christopher Cain Lambert Counce TN-Hardin
Savanna Cheyenne Liford Savannah TN-Hardin
AdriAnna Marguerett Martin Olivehill TN-Hardin
Mason Mckenna Mitchell Savannah TN-Hardin
Dustin Kane Moore Savannah TN-Hardin
Katy Carroll Nix Savannah TN-Hardin
Sasia Sewilta Patterson Savannah TN-Hardin
Savana Rae Payne Savannah TN-Hardin
Jefferson Charles Rey Olivehill TN-Hardin
Dakota LeighAnn Russell Morris Chapel TN-Hardin
Serenate N Searles Savannah TN-Hardin
Benjamin Riley Smith Savannah TN-Hardin
Jodie Lee Smith Saltillo TN-Hardin
Kaila Grace Smith Savannah TN-Hardin
Lauren G Smith Savannah TN-Hardin
Jessica Lee Ann Stricklin Savannah TN-Hardin
Derek J Swain Savannah TN-Hardin
Alexis Alley Thurman Savannah TN-Hardin
Jennifer Michelle Vandiver Savannah TN-Hardin
Ronita D Walker Counce TN-Hardin
Destiny Brooke Weeks Morris Chapel TN-Hardin
Alison R Whaley Savannah TN-Hardin
Haley LeAnne White Savannah TN-Hardin
Kanesha L Wright Adamsville TN-Hardin
Henry Stanley Clement Brownsville TN-Haywood
Debra Fay Davis Bells TN-Haywood
Latoya Antionette Gibbs Brownsville TN-Haywood
Jennifer Marie Hendrix Brownsville TN-Haywood
Presley Grace Hupp Stanton TN-Haywood
Nathan Spencer Lilly Brownsville TN-Haywood
Caroline Elizabeth Newcom Brownsville TN-Haywood
Amye Ann Pitts Ripley TN-Haywood
Nakesia Monique Shephard Brownsville TN-Haywood
Elizabeth Blair Simpson Brownsville TN-Haywood
Kristin Brooke Turner Brownsville TN-Haywood
Emily H Wright Brownsville TN-Haywood
Andrew B Austin Lexington TN-Henderson
Shelbie Leanne Austin Huron TN-Henderson
Bethany Jo Autry Lexington TN-Henderson
Matthew Dillon Ballard Lexington TN-Henderson
Trent Cavalier Beacham Lexington TN-Henderson
Adam Clayton Briggs Lexington TN-Henderson
Molly Brooke Brown Lexington TN-Henderson
Charles Michael Carrington Lexington TN-Henderson
Emily Anne Dyer Lexington TN-Henderson
Cassidy O Garner Beech Bluff TN-Henderson
Bethany G Hayes Lexington TN-Henderson
Zachary Robert Haynes Huron TN-Henderson
Kersten L Hays Lexington TN-Henderson
Cassidy Nicole Johnson Lexington TN-Henderson
Allyson J Keymon Darden TN-Henderson
Kelsea Lee King Lexington TN-Henderson
Kristen F Lawler Lexington TN-Henderson
Sarah Michelle Lindsey Lexington TN-Henderson
Brooke Leane Littlefield Lexington TN-Henderson
Lavie-En R Lyons Lexington TN-Henderson
Abigail Marie Maness Decaturville TN-Henderson
Morgan Elizabeth Maness Lexington TN-Henderson
Alaina Elizabeth Moore Lexington TN-Henderson
Fernando Gonzales Munoz Lexington TN-Henderson
Vanessa Ann Nelms Lexington TN-Henderson
Jessica Marie Nowell Lexington TN-Henderson
William Survan Pickering Lexington TN-Henderson
Jimmy Hunter Powell Lexington TN-Henderson
Allyson C Reeves Lexington TN-Henderson
Alyssa L Reeves Lexington TN-Henderson
Kaley Elizabeth Rogers Scotts Hill TN-Henderson
Taylor Denae Singleton Beech Bluff TN-Henderson
Jacob Daniel Smith Lexington TN-Henderson
Kimberly Ann Tilley Lexington TN-Henderson
Christian J Wallace Lexington TN-Henderson
Virginia L Weeks Darden TN-Henderson
Lilly M Woods Darden TN-Henderson
Courtland Nicole Hester Paris TN-Henry
Rachel Gayle Ragan Buchanan TN-Henry
Samantha Jane Tyler Buchanan TN-Henry
Colby Ryan Wood Paris TN-Henry
Andrew Carver Dunavant Ripley TN-Lauderdale
John Daniel Moore Ripley TN-Lauderdale
Remoun Abdo Jackson TN-Madison
Malarie Alexander Jackson TN-Madison
Malek Alghunaim Jackson TN-Madison
Sajedah Alghunaim Jackson TN-Madison
Kimbrielle Elise Allen Jackson TN-Madison
Faith Selene Atherton Jackson TN-Madison
Roger Lee Baker Oakfield TN-Madison
Colin Andrew Barnett Jackson TN-Madison
Marietta Nicole Barnett Jackson TN-Madison
Matthew Elliot Blackwell Jackson TN-Madison
Cameron D'Anne Briley Jackson TN-Madison
Marcus Wayne Brown Jackson TN-Madison
Megan Brittany Bryant Jackson TN-Madison
Megan Fairchild Buehler Jackson TN-Madison
Ryan Mitchell Butler Jackson TN-Madison
Michael Aaron Campbell Beech Bluff TN-Madison
Kimberly Renee Carpenter Jackson TN-Madison
Jessica Dianne Carter Jackson TN-Madison
LeeAnne Madison Clement Jackson TN-Madison
Rachael Merriem Clenney Bells TN-Madison
Vania Evette Comer Jackson TN-Madison
Charlotte R Concialdi Medon TN-Madison
Abigail Grace Cornelison Beech Bluff TN-Madison
Humberto Coronado Jackson TN-Madison
Alberto Coronado Chavez Jackson TN-Madison
Alan Wayne Couch Beech Bluff TN-Madison
Melissa Anne Craigie Jackson TN-Madison
Yulissa DeLaCerda Jackson TN-Madison
Garrett Wade Downing Jackson TN-Madison
Sarah Elizabeth Droke Jackson TN-Madison
Samantha Corina Espinoza Jackson TN-Madison
Chloe Nicole Espitia Jackson TN-Madison
Michael Brandon Fiddler Jackson TN-Madison
Joshua Michael Gatley Jackson TN-Madison
Jessica Danielle Gibson Medon TN-Madison
Zia Goli Jackson TN-Madison
Cameron Jade Goodman Jackson TN-Madison
Brianna Madison Gregory Humboldt TN-Madison
James Jacob Gross Jackson TN-Madison
Alex James Haggard Jackson TN-Madison
Olivia Grace Hall Jackson TN-Madison
Marshall Britton Hammill Jackson TN-Madison
Korean Nichele Harris Jackson TN-Madison
Kathrine Elizabeth Hart Humboldt TN-Madison
Garry E Harvey Jackson TN-Madison
Sarah Elaine Harvey Jackson TN-Madison
William Glenn Holden Humboldt TN-Madison
Edith Charity Horst Jackson TN-Madison
Kimberlyn AnaPaige Hunt Jackson TN-Madison
Issac James Jackson TN-Madison
James Edward Johnson Jackson TN-Madison
Johnna Alise Johnson Jackson TN-Madison
Kayla Nichole Johnson Beech Bluff TN-Madison
Hailey Renee Jones Pinson TN-Madison
Kalesha Rachelle Jones Jackson TN-Madison
Madison Brooke Jones Medon TN-Madison
Meagan Hope Kitchen Jackson TN-Madison
Dylan Alexander Kyle Jackson TN-Madison
Janelle Nicole Kyle Jackson TN-Madison
Shea Elizabeth LaFont Beech Bluff TN-Madison
JuliaAnne Frances Lansdale Jackson TN-Madison
Dillion Robert Larimore Medina TN-Madison
Sarah Fulton Lim Jackson TN-Madison
Matthew Ross Lipscomb Jackson TN-Madison
Philippe Lumpkin Jackson TN-Madison
Madison Nicole Manley Jackson TN-Madison
Megan Gabrielle Manz Jackson TN-Madison
Banks Christian Mayo Jackson TN-Madison
Sarah Renee McBride Jackson TN-Madison
Janaina McFarlin Jackson TN-Madison
Blanca Estela Mireles Valdez Jackson TN-Madison
Michael Lee Montgomery Jackson TN-Madison
Hamilton Meriwether Moore Jackson TN-Madison
Andrew Steven Murley Oakfield TN-Madison
Myesha Shantelle Murphy Jackson TN-Madison
Jennifer Lynn Nieves Jackson TN-Madison
Lauren Marie Nieves Jackson TN-Madison
Ashlee R Perry Jackson TN-Madison
Nicholas Anthony Pica Jackson TN-Madison
Kaylan Nicole Pickens Jackson TN-Madison
Jaime Jo Pittenger Jackson TN-Madison
Andrew Christopher Pope Jackson TN-Madison
Paige Marie Ramage Jackson TN-Madison
Naydelin Ramirez-Gonzalez Jackson TN-Madison
Desiree Ransom Jackson TN-Madison
Teena Maree Rea Jackson TN-Madison
Matthew Walker Renfroe Jackson TN-Madison
Tara Ashton Robbins Jackson TN-Madison
Anna Belle Robertson Jackson TN-Madison
Sophia Ann Sage Jackson TN-Madison
Sandra Shari Santiago-Bullington Jackson TN-Madison
Tempestt Bernice Seward Jackson TN-Madison
Colby Brooke Singleton Jackson TN-Madison
Allison Taylor Smith Jackson TN-Madison
Taylor Leeann Spencer Jackson TN-Madison
Mia Kayley Spivey Jackson TN-Madison
Mya Taylor Spivey Jackson TN-Madison
Cameron Scott Sweat Jackson TN-Madison
Debra Taylor Jackson TN-Madison
Zachary Chase Taylor Jackson TN-Madison
Blake Martin Tims Jackson TN-Madison
Jelani Devin Tolbert Jackson TN-Madison
Kayla Jordan Vaughn Jackson TN-Madison
Ryne Vinson Jackson TN-Madison
Bethany Rae Wagar Jackson TN-Madison
Jordan Breanne Warren Jackson TN-Madison
Kenneth Connor Weaks Jackson TN-Madison
Clay E Webb Medina TN-Madison
Jacob Dylan Weidner Jackson TN-Madison
Elizabeth Renee Williams Jackson TN-Madison
Jesse A Williamson Jackson TN-Madison
Noah Alyssa Wilson Jackson TN-Madison
Ryan K Woods Jackson TN-Madison
Alexander Ryan Wortham Jackson TN-Madison
Kelci Nicole Zabriskie Humboldt TN-Madison
Joshua Avery Frantz Spring Hill TN-Maury
Kathrine Rose Atkinson Adamsville TN-McNairy
Jonathan Ray Bauer Bethel Springs TN-McNairy
Carrie Elizabeth Clausel Ramer TN-McNairy
Cameron Taylor Cline Stantonville TN-McNairy
Haylie Marissa Crum Michie TN-McNairy
Jeremy David Day Stantonville TN-McNairy
Shiloh Nicole Durbin Adamsville TN-McNairy
Eric Ryan Gowler Selmer TN-McNairy
Christina Kaitlyn Gray Selmer TN-McNairy
Evan Parker Harris Stantonville TN-McNairy
Dalton Bradley Hendrix Selmer TN-McNairy
Kase Michelle Hensley Selmer TN-McNairy
Zachary Alan Howell Adamsville TN-McNairy
Sarah Elizabeth Hurst Hornsby TN-McNairy
Kateryna Kucherenko Adamsville TN-McNairy
Warren Austin Lowrance Bethel Springs TN-McNairy
Mary-Elizabeth Adale Lyons Adamsville TN-McNairy
Elizabeth Nicole Miller Selmer TN-McNairy
Andrew Vinson Pettit Adamsville TN-McNairy
Haven D Phelps Selmer TN-McNairy
Samuel Reid Pierce Selmer TN-McNairy
Jacob Alan Qualls Michie TN-McNairy
Ashton Brooks Rich Michie TN-McNairy
Josiah David Rininger Finger TN-McNairy
Cassidy Alese Ruth Adamsville TN-McNairy
Bryce Dean Youngerman Selmer TN-McNairy
Michelle Amber Donner Clarksville TN-Montgomery
Kristian Alisha Davis Union City TN-Obion
Stevie Brooke Mers Union City TN-Obion
Sandra Marie Dicks Linden TN-Perry
Ian Jose' Bibiloni Lakeland TN-Shelby
Sadler Allen Goodwin Cordova TN-Shelby
Brandon Tyler Maxwell Collierville TN-Shelby
Zane D Phillips Collierville TN-Shelby
Amy Lois Bartlett Olivehill TN-Wayne
Brittany Nikole Bunch Clifton TN-Wayne
Nicholas Caden Grace Clifton TN-Wayne
Brennen Zachary Cobb Greenfield TN-Weakley
Jordan Fischer Sharon TN-Weakley
Jeffery Lynn Hampton Dresden TN-Weakley
Lyndsey Brooke Scott Sharon TN-Weakley
Honor Roll
Morgan Nicole Ash Big Sandy TN TN-Benton
Michael Keith Coady Camden TN TN-Benton
Dylan Blake Furr Holladay TN TN-Benton
Avery Michelle Hicks Camden TN TN-Benton
Brooke Maria Laprade Camden TN TN-Benton
Justin Lee Smothers Camden TN TN-Benton
Kristina Marie Cannon Atwood TN TN-Carroll
Anna Camille Click Huntingdon TN TN-Carroll
Dorie Eden Cook Mc Kenzie TN TN-Carroll
Joshua Cody Douglas Yuma TN TN-Carroll
Labreeska G Franklin Cedar Grove TN TN-Carroll
Ashley Nicole Futrell Huntingdon TN TN-Carroll
Sara Beth Hayes Huntingdon TN TN-Carroll
Joshua Lynn Hedge Cedar Grove TN TN-Carroll
Mariah Francis Hernandez Lavinia TN TN-Carroll
Whitney Nicole Hicks Buena Vista TN TN-Carroll
Cory Michael Howard Bruceton TN TN-Carroll
Kirsten L Joyner Buena Vista TN TN-Carroll
Zoe Ashland-Marie Mebane Bruceton TN TN-Carroll
Rachel E Noles Buena Vista TN TN-Carroll
Russell Lee Noles Buena Vista TN TN-Carroll
Delaina Brooke Norval Bruceton TN TN-Carroll
Jack D Preshern Huntingdon TN TN-Carroll
Charles Neil Prestwood Mc Kenzie TN TN-Carroll
Charles Neil Prestwood Mc Kenzie TN TN-Carroll
Channa Larame Ragsdale Hollow Rock TN TN-Carroll
Ashley Nicole Rich Huntingdon TN TN-Carroll
Hannah Kaitlyn Rorer Mc Kenzie TN TN-Carroll
Riley N Toombs Mc Kenzie TN TN-Carroll
Elaynna N Voris Lavinia TN TN-Carroll
Brittany Nicole Webb Huntingdon TN TN-Carroll
Michael Elihu Wilson Bruceton TN TN-Carroll
Holly D Wood Huntingdon TN TN-Carroll
Randy James Yarbrough Atwood TN TN-Carroll
Austin Nathaniel Banks Beech Bluff TN TN-Chester
Larissa Elisabeth Barker Henderson TN TN-Chester
Erin Michelle Barnes Henderson TN TN-Chester
Zackary Jordan Bethune Enville TN TN-Chester
Olivia Paige Brown Henderson TN TN-Chester
Brennan Edward Conaway Henderson TN TN-Chester
Ariel Jade Cox Henderson TN TN-Chester
Carol Lynne Ebert Henderson TN TN-Chester
Ashley Michelle Faulkner Henderson TN TN-Chester
Haley Cheyenne Hardwick Henderson TN TN-Chester
Bayley Madison Holder Henderson TN TN-Chester
Peyton Cody James Henderson TN TN-Chester
William James Lampley Enville TN TN-Chester
Madison Nicole McCaskill Henderson TN TN-Chester
Mollie Shannon McGuire Henderson TN TN-Chester
Reba Marie Price Henderson TN TN-Chester
Christine LaShae' Puckett Henderson TN TN-Chester
Trenity B Puente Henderson TN TN-Chester
Taylor D Scheele Henderson TN TN-Chester
Devin Riley Scott Henderson TN TN-Chester
Aric Benjamin Sprague Henderson TN TN-Chester
Amber Dawn Thompson Finger TN TN-Chester
Haley Lynn Thompson Finger TN TN-Chester
Garrett Duane Todd Henderson TN TN-Chester
Shawana Marie Turner Henderson TN TN-Chester
Jessica Kay Craig Bells TN TN-Crockett
Danielle Delynn Crawford Alamo TN TN-Crockett
Phillip Tate DePriest Alamo TN TN-Crockett
Darla Marie Gauldin Alamo TN TN-Crockett
Meraleigh Peyton Holland Friendship TN TN-Crockett
Stephen Earl Lee Friendship TN TN-Crockett
Jessica Gail Newell Gadsden TN TN-Crockett
Jonathan Scott Pearson Bells TN TN-Crockett
Ana Julissa Rios Bells TN TN-Crockett
Lindsey Anne Weatherholt Alamo TN TN-Crockett
Darla Raelyn Webb Bells TN TN-Crockett
Kiana R Jones Nashville TN TN-Davidson
Jesse Alan Burns Scotts Hill TN TN-Decatur
Morgan Anna Crews Scotts Hill TN TN-Decatur
Whitney Michelle Hicks Decaturville TN TN-Decatur
Geovany Jimenez Parsons TN TN-Decatur
Blake Alan Lindsey Decaturville TN TN-Decatur
Sabrena Breanne Robertson Scotts Hill TN TN-Decatur
Alyssa N Rosson Parsons TN TN-Decatur
Natashja C Scott Decaturville TN TN-Decatur
Bryan Wood Swafford Decaturville TN TN-Decatur
Kailey Ann Turpin Parsons TN TN-Decatur
Leslie Ann Darrow Dickson TN TN-Dickson
Kyndal Riddick Dyersburg TN TN-Dyer
Chari A Swift Dyersburg TN TN-Dyer
Cody Mason Anthony Adkisson Milan TN TN-Gibson
Olivia Payge Barnett Milan TN TN-Gibson
Bethany Carol Lynn Bolin Milan TN TN-Gibson
Jacob Grant Bryan Medina TN TN-Gibson
Seth Brayden Burchett Milan TN TN-Gibson
Andrew Tyler Chambers Humboldt TN TN-Gibson
John Michael Chappell Bradford TN TN-Gibson
Madison Paige Ellis Rutherford TN TN-Gibson
Andrew Joseph Gordon Milan TN TN-Gibson
Maddie Hope Hall Bradford TN TN-Gibson
Dalton Wayne Harrison Bradford TN TN-Gibson
Braydon Gregory Hendrix Medina TN TN-Gibson
Ethan David Hicks Medina TN TN-Gibson
Rachel Nicole Jones Medina TN TN-Gibson
Amanda D Littleton Milan TN TN-Gibson
Amy Alison McCoy Humboldt TN TN-Gibson
Blake Carson Monroe Humboldt TN TN-Gibson
Alexander John Morris Medina TN TN-Gibson
Drake Cristopher Owens Medina TN TN-Gibson
Kaitlind Elaine Partin Medina TN TN-Gibson
Gavin William Powers Milan TN TN-Gibson
Kayla Michelle Reeves Milan TN TN-Gibson
Cody Scott Reynolds Dyer TN TN-Gibson
Katelyn Nicole Rickman Dyer TN TN-Gibson
Tasha N Romero Milan TN TN-Gibson
Abbie Elizabeth Sims Kenton TN TN-Gibson
Amy Kristen Spears Gibson TN TN-Gibson
Deven Clay Stephens Milan TN TN-Gibson
Carley Nicole Thompson Dyer TN TN-Gibson
Michael Sean Threadgill Medina TN TN-Gibson
Erick Douglas Trejo Trenton TN TN-Gibson
Emily Renee Turner Humboldt TN TN-Gibson
Bailey Anne Vandiver Milan TN TN-Gibson
Franchesca Danielle Ward Humboldt TN TN-Gibson
Luis Santiago Ayala Middleton TN TN-Hardeman
Kenylsha D Bryant Bolivar TN TN-Hardeman
Megan Ashley Caicedo Middleton TN TN-Hardeman
Tyler D Callahan Middleton TN TN-Hardeman
Jecamyn Lee Cox Middleton TN TN-Hardeman
Nyasia Razhanee Garrett Bolivar TN TN-Hardeman
Dylan Hawke Gibson Pocahontas TN TN-Hardeman
Sydney Reagan Howell Bolivar TN TN-Hardeman
Joshua M Kennamore Middleton TN TN-Hardeman
Michael Brandon Knepp Henderson TN TN-Hardeman
Hannah Lynn Langley Pocahontas TN TN-Hardeman
Colin M LeVault Bolivar TN TN-Hardeman
Andrea Lashae Mullins Bolivar TN TN-Hardeman
Kaci Leanne New Whiteville TN TN-Hardeman
Hannah Grace Scott Middleton TN TN-Hardeman
Zoe Madelyn Smith Bolivar TN TN-Hardeman
Courtney M York Middleton TN TN-Hardeman
Taylor Brooke Alexander Savannah TN TN-Hardin
Alyssa Mariah Dilday Olivehill TN TN-Hardin
Ricki Kay Lynn Ford Savannah TN TN-Hardin
Andrew Hyatt Gober Savannah TN TN-Hardin
Chandler Davis Harris Savannah TN TN-Hardin
Caden Charles Holt Savannah TN TN-Hardin
Maggy Lynn Jerrolds Savannah TN TN-Hardin
Alexander Chase Lilly Olivehill TN TN-Hardin
Glennan Ray Lowrance Olivehill TN TN-Hardin
Dustin Lee Neill Savannah TN TN-Hardin
Cheyenne Danielle Petty Savannah TN TN-Hardin
Freda A Ray Savannah TN TN-Hardin
John Andrew Robinson Savannah TN TN-Hardin
Jordan Luke Sledge Savannah TN TN-Hardin
Delaney Jean Timberman Savannah TN TN-Hardin
Cherry E Williams Savannah TN TN-Hardin
Christian Jamaal Florence Brownsville TN TN-Haywood
John Burton Friedman Stanton TN TN-Haywood
Jordan P Goodman Whiteville TN TN-Haywood
Jose Manuel Lopez Brownsville TN TN-Haywood
Halie Nicole Steward Stanton TN TN-Haywood
Ashley Ann Breeden Huron TN TN-Henderson
Eduardo Carreto-Salgado Sardis TN TN-Henderson
Lauren Rae Cole Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Tonie L Coleman Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Jacob Burton Essary Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Summer Lynn Flanagan Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Andrew Garrett Grice Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Jacob Logan Harrison Saltillo TN TN-Henderson
Jenny Marie Hart Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Jessica Gail Houston Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Cara Anne Hueter Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Crystal Renee James Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Corey Lee Johnson Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Shanna L Lindsey Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Gavin Caleb Maness Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Destiny Lanette Moody Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Ashlea N Pence Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Haley Sheree Perry Darden TN TN-Henderson
Jennifer Suzzette Pipkin Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Eli Tyler Plunk Sardis TN TN-Henderson
Dylan Frank Powers Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Holly Duncan Pratt Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Kacey Pratt Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Caitlin Ashlee Scott Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Kenneth M Silver Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Mykelle C Sweatman Huron TN TN-Henderson
Dillon M Todd Wildersville TN TN-Henderson
Emily Nicole Vinson Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Dalton Bryce Womack Lexington TN TN-Henderson
Macy Nicole Woods Huron TN TN-Henderson
Jessica R Woody Scotts Hill TN TN-Henderson
Kenneth Hunter Bethune Paris TN TN-Henry
Collin James Dougherty Buchanan TN TN-Henry
Seth Zachary Gibbs Mansfield TN TN-Henry
Trevor D Woodworth Henry TN TN-Henry
Ashley Nicole Bates New Johnsonville TN TN-
Angel Nicole Smith Ripley TN TN-Lauderdale
Kolie J Smith Halls TN TN-Lauderdale
Kenzie Owen Hohenwald TN TN-Lewis
Emily Elizabeth Allen Jackson TN TN-Madison
Jeanine Gamal Amra Jackson TN TN-Madison
Kaitlan Sheree Anthony Medon TN TN-Madison
Crystal Linda Autry Jackson TN TN-Madison
Callen Wade Bigford Humboldt TN TN-Madison
Laquisha L Bond Denmark TN TN-Madison
Shelbi Leigh Bond Jackson TN TN-Madison
Jasmine D Bray Jackson TN TN-Madison
Hunter Daniel Brown Jackson TN TN-Madison
Jaquisha Tamara Bursey Jackson TN TN-Madison
David Alexander Champion Jackson TN TN-Madison
Curtis Andrew Cobb Jackson TN TN-Madison
Nathan Michael Coffman Jackson TN TN-Madison
Claire Allison Cooke Jackson TN TN-Madison
Zachery Lynn Covington Jackson TN TN-Madison
Emmanuelle Nmn De la Cerda Jackson TN TN-Madison
David Michael Deloach Jackson TN TN-Madison
Sydney Gabrielle Downen Medon TN TN-Madison
Rachelle Lynne Fjeldahl Jackson TN TN-Madison
Eric Nicholas Forsythe Jackson TN TN-Madison
Roy D Fuller Jackson TN TN-Madison
Jeremy Clynn Garner Jackson TN TN-Madison
Brooke Lauren George Jackson TN TN-Madison
Brittany Ann Goff Jackson TN TN-Madison
Angela Lynn Goodman Jackson TN TN-Madison
Jayda McKenzie Hampton Pinson TN TN-Madison
Jullianne Jeanette Hatchett Jackson TN TN-Madison
Michael Dustin Helton Medon TN TN-Madison
James Andrew Henderson Jackson TN TN-Madison
Michael Edward Henges Jackson TN TN-Madison
Isaac Andrew Hernandez Jackson TN TN-Madison
Janet Diane Hilliard Jackson TN TN-Madison
Angel Mae Hodgin Jackson TN TN-Madison
Joshua Brent Honey Pinson TN TN-Madison
Cody Lynn Hunt Oakfield TN TN-Madison
Kassidy Blair Jones Beech Bluff TN TN-Madison
Jordan Hope Kinman Medon TN TN-Madison
Bishop Jones Lewis Jackson TN TN-Madison
Abby Elise Lit Jackson TN TN-Madison
Callen Renee Lovelace Jackson TN TN-Madison
Elizabeth E Macon Jackson TN TN-Madison
Anton DeWayne Maxwell Jackson TN TN-Madison
Jacob Lee McCord Jackson TN TN-Madison
Kyle Irvin McKinnie Jackson TN TN-Madison
Luis Fernando Mendez Jackson TN TN-Madison
Natalie Mendoza Jackson TN TN-Madison
Julia Rhea Mysiewicz Jackson TN TN-Madison
Robert Dennis Painter Jackson TN TN-Madison
Chiquita Lashon Perry Jackson TN TN-Madison
Shainia Danielle Perry Jackson TN TN-Madison
Brittney Michelle Pickens Jackson TN TN-Madison
Jessica Lynn Pittman Pinson TN TN-Madison
Drew T Presson Jackson TN TN-Madison
Zachary Quinn Pruitt Humboldt TN TN-Madison
Brandon Rashad Reaves Jackson TN TN-Madison
Xavius K Robinson Jackson TN TN-Madison
Dalton L Roe Jackson TN TN-Madison
Adam S Rouse Jackson TN TN-Madison
John Louis Santana Jackson TN TN-Madison
Jessica A Schmith Jackson TN TN-Madison
Joshua Bryant Shuford Jackson TN TN-Madison
Bradley Rice Sills Jackson TN TN-Madison
Allison Claire Stutts Jackson TN TN-Madison
William A Swift Jackson TN TN-Madison
Chelsea Marie Thacker Jackson TN TN-Madison
Chelsey Michele Thomas Pinson TN TN-Madison
Anna June Thompson Jackson TN TN-Madison
Lakeychia L Thompson Jackson TN TN-Madison
Samuel Matthew Tolley Jackson TN TN-Madison
Aries Janae Tyler Jackson TN TN-Madison
Jacqueline Mari Venable Jackson TN TN-Madison
Allison Nicole Vires Jackson TN TN-Madison
Shelley Leanne Weaks Jackson TN TN-Madison
Quantarius Demond Webb Jackson TN TN-Madison
Kaylyn Alyra Weddle Denmark TN TN-Madison
Destiny Marie Westbrook Jackson TN TN-Madison
Anna Elizabeth Westover Pinson TN TN-Madison
Thaddaeus L Williams Jackson TN TN-Madison
Nathan Allen Williamson Mercer TN TN-Madison
Ashton Vernard Willis Jackson TN TN-Madison
Taylor Nicole Willis Jackson TN TN-Madison
Kameron Dean Wilson Jackson TN TN-Madison
Mia Tamara Wilson Jackson TN TN-Madison
Brinlea Madison Woodard Medina TN TN-Madison
Sarah Ann Woodward Jackson TN TN-Madison
Haley Nicole Worsham Medon TN TN-Madison
Hannah M Wright Jackson TN TN-Madison
Brandon Kyle Brown Selmer TN TN-McNairy
Jacob Ryan Cox Bethel Springs TN TN-McNairy
Stephen B Frost Ramer TN TN-McNairy
Randie Jo Gossum Selmer TN TN-McNairy
Darren Wayne Griswell Michie TN TN-McNairy
Caleb Tate Kennedy Selmer TN TN-McNairy
William Homer Lescheck Bethel Springs TN TN-McNairy
Ethan Riley Lusk Stantonville TN TN-McNairy
Karly Jo Napier Adamsville TN TN-McNairy
Terry Blake Oliver Selmer TN TN-McNairy
Tamara A Pickens Stantonville TN TN-McNairy
John Hunter Powers Selmer TN TN-McNairy
Krista D Ray Selmer TN TN-McNairy
Emily Katherine Surratt Stantonville TN TN-McNairy
Briley Jasper Taylor Selmer TN TN-McNairy
Taylor Mekenzie Wallace Selmer TN TN-McNairy
Kayla Renee Bradley Clarksville TN TN-Montgomery
Michael John Conn Clarksville TN TN-Montgomery
William Blake Qualls Lobelville TN TN-Perry
Donnel Tyler Bailey Murfreesboro TN TN-Rutherford
Griffin Robert Allen Collierville TN TN-Shelby
Nicholas Jordan Blankenship Collierville TN TN-Shelby
Kayla Briann Nason Memphis TN TN-Shelby
Annamarie B Pugh Arlington TN TN-Shelby
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