#delete the SECOND I’m back
alwaysneedyforsir · 2 months
is a hug too much to ask for
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ectoplasmer · 4 months
oh my god what if the captchalogue card is dave’s stuffed body.
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sexynetra · 7 months
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rainymoodlet · 8 months
i hope things start going better for you soon but i just wanted to say i don't think kmik is flagging in quality at all! you have a real talent for this sort of thing - you have a way of personifying sims that i genuinely aspire to and your screenshots always look gorgeous. even with the recent no-dialogue posts i think you do a fantastic job of constructing a story and atmosphere, and going from your life update posts it's completely understandable that they would be a little low-effort sometimes (and you always make it work regardless). kmik genuinely gave me a good baseline for what i want my bachelor challenge to be (.....once it gets the contestants) and i always look forward to your posts. it's easy to be hard on your own projects, but from the outside you're doing great. (anarchosimdicalist)
HEY WH… 🥹 i just got this!?!?? in my inbox?? omg i am literally rolling on the floor, i cannot tell you how much this means to me honey!! 😭 it’s been so hard looking from the outside in and seeing what, from my perspective, looks like a complete garbled mess - but i read through the challenge from the start to finish recently and realized that it was actually pretty… good 🥹🙏
you’re so right about the ability to criticize everything about your own projects: esp with life being the way it is, it’s felt (sometimes) like a mess that’s gotten entirely out of my hands fhdhd 😂 i am so glad to hear that you’ve enjoyed it 🥹 everyone having trusted me with their sims, to give voice to them and to understand them, with my liminal reaching out and practically slapping things on the dash… bwuh, i’ve been a nervous wreck!! i can’t tell you how much this means to my confidence, though: you’re such a treasure, darling, you really are! 🙏🥰
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ju-ji · 5 months
Not to be dramatic but I really think I’m going to live the rest of my life pretending that last twilight ended on ep 9 like will I watch the finale? Obviously but I’m going to think of it as basically fanfiction. These plot twists they keep throwing in during the last couple minutes of each episode are really pissing me off and they’re only doing them to facilitate character development but I just don’t like the choices they’ve made!! They brought in the eye donation plot to develop day’s mom and that’s literally all it took?? Day has surgery and before we even know if it works suddenly she’s ok with mhok and supportive of her blind son like that seemed too easy. There was no real internal struggle for her it just sort of happened instantly and that’s not realistic not to fucking mention how absolutely cruel it is to give day the hope of being able to see again and taking that from him AGAIN (this is also what happened with August but I’m done talking about him- that is, the instantaneous unprompted character development). And if that didn’t piss me off bad enough, now we have a mhokday BREAKUP and separation for an unknown amount of time that is likely to be YEARS given day is going to graduate and I’m pretty sure he wasn’t that close to doing so before he went blind like whyyyyyyyyy are we doing this!!!! Like I get the trope of separation for individual growth but don’t any of u think you can grow individually while being in a relationship and doing so while ALSO growing as a couple is so much more appealing??? Even if they wanted to go the separation route they didn’t have to fucking break up 😭😭😭 I GET why day felt pitied (and I also get why mhok lied) and I GET that that is the most offensive thing ever to him but to me breaking up seemed like kind of a rash decision and I know that’s not THAT out of character for him but I kinda thought he had grown out of that SOMEWHAT and would be more willing at this point to like. have a conversation and work it out. They really had 1 (one) breakdown of communication and that was all it took for day to give up????? Like I know he was a self-proclaimed asshole from the beginning but I kinda thought he had matured a little bit over the last at least 9 months idk maybe that’s just me….. I really thought day was better than this (insert we were all rooting for u gif) also everyone (pretty much all of us) who wanted some sweet sweet mhok development by way of reciprocal support from day, well. Tough shit I guess. Doesn’t look like that’s happening, unless they speedrun their separation period and they’re back together by ep 12 2/4. anyway. there was literally absolutely nothing they could do to ever top ep 9 4/4, I just didn’t think they’d lose the plot quite like this 😔😔
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pepprs · 2 years
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#purrs#what if i was experiencing ordeals so mortifying and horrors so horrible i could not talk about them to anyone in full honesty and truth and#transparency not even the dearest people in my life who love me and actively want to support me and listen to me or my tumblr mutuals who#are literally my bestest friends who live in my phone and in some cases outside of it so instead i locked myself in my rapunzel tower and pr#proceeded to cut off my hair and then cut off my dress and then cut off my brain so it could stop perceiving stimuli and reacting to it#despite wanting to get better and thinking it’s getting better and i couldn’t even tell my therapist because he doesn’t get me but it takes#too long to find a new one and i don’t have time and also my tower was getting renovated and also i was a little bug who was getting.#crushed by giant rain drops falling on my shell and bending my antennae so im dizzy and also it’s as almost midnight and i had to be up at a#work awake in 6 hours and ready to fscilitwtbeblike 3 things but i was screaming and howling and pounding on the floor over the dumbest most#normal sjit in the entire world that i couldn’t tell anybody i was struggling over because it would make everybody in the world blow up and#die and explode. what if i had to communicate the horrors through memes and vague posts every single day and that was all that was truly at#my disposal and everyone thougut i was being weird and standoffish and mean but really i was pulsing hurt like a strobe light every second o#of every day. becaus ei think if all of that was true i would simply go to sleep without doing the dishes and redacted redacted redacted red#redacted. and i wish i could. but i can’t. I’m just a little beetle and the rain drops are so huge. lol#delete later#puslng INCOMMUNICABLE hurt *. like morse code. like fire flies. Because literally… 💡💡💡💡💡#<- girl who has had separation anxiety since the day she was born. but also girl who never texts anyone back. girl who is a hypocrite 🥰
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whoreiaki-kakyoin · 6 months
I don’t have the spoons at ALL to call Netflix after they fucked up our account and tell them to fix it but I would like to put on something for some mindless relaxation time that isn’t an asmr or gaming stream….. gonna just start pirating shit bc I’m fed up and so burnt out.
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ilostyou · 3 months
there is no greater feeling of assurance than seeing a tiktok with what you thought was a completely preposterous hateful biased quite frankly bigoted awful take with hundreds and thousands of comments agreeing with it being just as awful hateful bigoted then feeling more unsettled and very very bothered for genuinely days after leaving the video be and still stewing in the icky feeling it left you only to then come across a bunch of videos echoing your original thoughts on how hateful and harmful of a take it was with plenty of people in the comments agreeing it didn’t sit well with them and they also felt very put off by how awful hateful etc etc etc it was
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How do y’all write multi chapter fics. The continuity errors. The plot holes in mine. My writing is literally just me slapping down whatever the fuck I feel like sentence by sentence. I don’t know how a scene is gonna go until it’s over
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pucciverse · 8 months
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 1 year
just a reminder for the new folks, the chapters for sunflower I’m posting every day at the moment are reposts! if you don’t wanna wait (or if it seems familiar) it’s all on my ao3 and was originally posted half a year ago.
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qskeppy · 2 years
any pronouns
this is my blog where i post about mcyters. if you wanted my blog where i don’t do that then too bad O_O i love skeppy. if you hate skeppy get off my blog right neow! here are some epic me facts:
i am a bbhposter and skeppylover. i’m also a fan of foolish, quackity, and more recently the expanded qsmp cast. i mostly liveblog streams here but i do also talk about skephalo The Real People among other things.
i love illegally reuploading karl jacobs' vods especially the super copyrighted ones. fuck you night media and crunchyroll.
this used to be a karl jacobs/dsmp blog but then karl was taken up into The Darkness (became a roblox youtuber) and never returned (didn't stream) so i unstanned and rebranded.
skephalo will be reunited and personally i don't care about the consequences. namaste.
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i follow blogs from both the dark side and the light side. if i follow you and you believe our beliefs on a series or a content creator are incongruent then NO it was not an accident and i only do it for my personal entertainment/because i’m nosy/because i like your other posts. i am not telling you which side is the dark or light side btw.
i don’t tag crit or discourse. i am mexican — ocasionalmente hablaré en español.
ao3: serevelaa
karl jacobs vods: here + my addition to how to watch dsmp + hmu if you need help finding a specific clip, vod, or moment in karl jacobs history :)
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EDIT OCTOBER 2022: dream has never been the focus of my blog and never will be.
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cowboycarters · 10 months
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cannot-copia · 2 years
omfg just found out the company I used to work for hired one republic to play at their in office 100th anniversary party
This is the same company that has had ppl like journey, styx, Joan Jett etc at their yearly holiday parties bc they will do anything but pay the people on the phones more or hire enough people to where it’s not back to back with a long queue every single day 🙄
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evansbby · 1 year
Honestly I kinda see you as a 🐯 or a 🐻 lmao I probably have a very unpopular opinion, everyone might see you as like not really intimidating 😭BUT HEAR ME OUT WITHOUT GETTING MAD PLEASE 🙏🏼 I wanna send so many asks but I feel like since youre pretty straight forward idk how you’ll react to things I’m curious about, cause sometimes you seem kinda passive aggressive to an ask and then I get scared and then decide to not send one🧍🏻‍♀️
Damn okay 💀😭 idk what to say to this bahahaha. I uh don’t think I’m passive aggressive? I can be blunt sometimes but only bc that’s just my personality. But I genuinely don’t think I’m passive aggressive, especially if someone is nice to me, I’ll be nice back to them. I’m curious about what you want to ask me bc I can’t imagine how wild it is that you’re scared of me answering it 😭😭😭 I don’t bite (unless someone is rude hehe)
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jerriisspeakingnow · 2 years
Normally I’d apologize for going overboard with obsessive pathetic simping but honestly I’m not going to apologize for the person I’m becoming after today.
Edit: definitely not apologizing today because I just learned the dub is finally coming out starting next week and I’m gonNA CRRYYY.
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