themagisterprotocol · 7 months
...I know I'm the last person you want to hear from right now, and hearing this from me probably won't actually help, but... it's worth a try.
It's okay to be scared. The people who have been sending you those messages, mocking you for being scared, have no right to do that. Everything about your situation is terrifying. But... It's gonna work out. I'm willing to help research a way to fuse you and the Magister back together. I don't want either of you to die. Whether or not you remember any of this... That's something you and the Magister have to work out together. I don't think you'll be able to fuse back together without his help. I'm... I'm willing to help as well, but only if you let him wake up. We can figure out what to do from there.
...Please. Please let him wake up.
( @livingwiththedrums )
I- I'm not scared!... I'm not...
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livingwiththedrums · 7 months
Miss... Miss Vera... the- the door is locked and I can hear something coming-
-Koschei (@themagisterprotocol)
...There, it should be unlocked now, come on in. Did... did you see the Magister while you were out there?
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themagisterprotocol · 7 months
... I just watched the Magister fall through his TARDIS door... like... through the shut door, and now he's passed out on the van floor and his cat won't stop yowling.
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themagisterprotocol · 7 months
So, recovery took a little longer than an hour, but I am happy to announce that I am fine, if a little sore, the Master's stropped off to his own TARDIS now, and I am keeping myself confined to my bed, the library, and the kitchen, no hard work for a few days for me... although library research isn't really hard work, so I'll probably be doing that...
Hm, anyway, my second heart has been successfully regrown, it's getting used to working right now, and I keep feeling rather lightheaded as my blood stream catches itself back up to speed, hence the rest, but I am alright.
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themagisterprotocol · 7 months
I am aware that my contact right now may not be welcome, but... you really do not have to do this. Talk to me. Let me try and help at least. Everything you're going through right now, all of this. We can figure it out together, if you allow me to understand you. Please, you must try and see reason, you will not gain anything by denying help now will you? Deep breaths. Deep breaths are good, yes?
-The Doctor (@tremastersweb )
Help me? HELP ME? Where was that HELP when we were younger? When I actually needed it? You- You- You're a fucking hypocrite, first you don't believe in me or the fact that I can be helped, then you want to help, make up your FUCKING MIND.
I- I- I... Gah! You- I-
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themagisterprotocol · 7 months
...are you envious?
The green-eyed monster got you in its grasp? Over Vera's TARDIS?
Hm, maybe it's a newer model? Dunno, from what I've gathered it's an Academy TARDIS, right? Maybe it's modified?
Aaaaaanyway, the first time I was in front of a Toclafane, it fucking short-circuited. So. Uh. Not sure if me being a human has to do with it.
I do not care about Vera's TARDIS, more concerned for my safety...
And I am not sure why the Toclafane did that, but I can assure you that from everything I've seen, that is not normal... It's got a human head in it, maybe it got sick or some shit?
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themagisterprotocol · 7 months
Ah! Bathroom, here we go! Now then, let's have a look in the mirror, since Vera seems so adamant that I need to have a lo-
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themagisterprotocol · 7 months
That cat sure has a set of lungs on him, might have to throw him out with how noisy he's being.
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themagisterprotocol · 7 months
The Magister: Tells the little Tot to not touch the sonic/laser screwdriver because it's not safe to operate if you don't know what you're doing.
Also the Magister: Scratching his head with a laser screwdriver.
Maybe we should be focusing on your lack of care for safety with dangerous tools instead? I'd rather not merge back into one person with the worry of physical damage to ourself.
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themagisterprotocol · 7 months
…I saw that one of the anons was asking about music… I recently discovered a few artists that I really like. Have you listened to anything by the Beatles or David Bowie? Who is apparently also Ziggy Stardust (that name is so cool!!!)
( @livingwiththedrums )
... Why would I care about Earthern music? I barely tolerate the planet as it is.
... Pink Floyd and Metallica are... decent, I suppose...
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themagisterprotocol · 7 months
I have finished the puzzle.
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themagisterprotocol · 7 months
Wait, shit, does that mean something's wrong with the Magister again??
Oh I doubt it, that cat's been on and off with it's screeching since I put him to sleep.
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themagisterprotocol · 7 months
i bet that when you do merge back into one person, you'll have both sets of memories and emotions on the matter, and you're just saying that it wont happen because youre SCARED.
youre scared of the unknown, youre scared to care for anyone...
because of whatever caused you to be hurt.
that hurt, it seems to be a lot, for years and years and years and it settled into some kind of bitterness, didnt it?
and youre scared to find that people actually want to help, so you're lashing out, youre doing the only thing you know how to do, right? be an asshole and get them to distance themselves from you so you can continue to hate.
So what if you're right, so what if his memories will stay, so what? You- Stop it... shut up... stop... I... I'll kill you! I will... I... STOP IT!
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themagisterprotocol · 7 months
oh! but let's go a little deeper!
anger is a secondary emotion, sir! one that only comes about from hurt and you have an awful lot of it, as we're seeing now! so...
what happened to you?
SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT up... shut.. up...
Shut up.
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themagisterprotocol · 7 months
I wasn't trying to doxx my ex! Was just, um, explaining why I decided to head for Central Europe.
Also, Mr Sex-on likely doesn't check this site anymore anyway...!
...he's pouting because his version of the Doctor isn't talking to him, I think.
Fuck, he's worse at flirting than I am.
Do you think I ought to tell him?
I'm taking that choice away from you, anon.
@saxon-official I believe this one is aimed at you.
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themagisterprotocol · 7 months
Got bored and decided to have a bit of a look around this abandoned city, and I found a bunker, it is full of different types of paint.
I have many questions.
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