#delsin x wrench
cosmic-kaden · 5 months
𝐿𝓊𝒸𝓀𝓎 𝒯𝑜 𝐻𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝓂
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Ship: Stronger Together (Wrench x Delsin x Kaden) Words: 815 Warnings: Just Kaden is sad for no reason lol Summary: Kaden has the deep blue, their two loves help them out of their own head.
So, I couldn't write anything so I channeled my feelings and frustrations to make a comfort fic~ Actually tagging people this time! :D Divider by @/benkeibear
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Low. That was the word to describe how Kaden was feeling. They couldn't really pinpoint where it was coming from and that alone was causing Kaden to feel frustrated with themselves but it felt like an endless tiring cycle. Be frustrated and then feel really sad for no apparent reason. Thankfully, they had some people to snap them out of their funk.
Kaden trailed out into the living room to see Delsin resting on the couch, his legs sprawled out and hung over the arm of the chair, his eyes were closed and Kaden couldn't tell if he was sleeping or not, either way, they trailed over to him and gently crawled up on him and rested their head on his chest.
"Oh.." Delsin's voice filled the room, it was groggy, yeah.. he was asleep. His arm moved to wrap around Kaden. "What a nice surprise."
Kaden didn't say anything and nuzzled their face into his chest.
"you okay?" he asked as he started to gently rub their back to which Kaden only responded by shaking their head no.
"How can I help?" Delsin frowned, his voice holding concern.
Kaden shrugged their shoulders.
At that moment Wrench walked into the room his mask flashing to exclamation marks followed by slashes in the opposite direction of one another to signify sadness "How come he gets cuddles and I don't!" he hummed, a playful tone in his voice.
"I didn't ask for them, they came to me…Kaden's not feeling well"
Kaden shifted up and off Delsin as he moved as well until they were both sitting on the couch together, Wrench soon followed and sat down on the other side of Kaden. Instantly he reached over, gently rubbing Kaden's back.
"What's up? What has you looking so down?" Wrench asked gently.
Delsin and Wrench could see the tears welling in Kaden's eyes as they stared off into the ground, Their voice breaking when they spoke out "I don't know" the last part coming out as a choked sob and the tears finally fell.
It took both Delsin and Wrench a fraction of a second before they were both hugging Kaden on either side of them. They knew that sometimes Kaden's emotions would run high and could be rather negative for no apparent reason.
"It's okay, don't need a reason to feel down." Delsin hummed softly
"and before you say it, you're not a bother~" Wrench followed.
"I feel like it though.." Kaden sniffed.
"Well, you aren't, if you were do you think we'd stick around? You're never a bother. We understand you have high emotions that even you can't understand at times. We'd never belittle or judge you for them." Wrench sighed softly.
Delsin pulled away enough to look at Kaden "A gentle reminder that it's okay to not be okay.." he reached up and wiped some of Kaden's tears.
"Is there anything at all we can do for you right now?" Wrench asked softly.
"I just..I just need a distraction from myself for a little while..I don't really know how to do that though" Kaden inhaled deeply, trying their best to not start crying again.
"Done," Delsin said as he stood up. "Let's order some food and watch some movies. How does that sound?"
Kaden looked up at Delsin and nodded silently.
"Ouh! Then maybe we can play that racing game you like so much, you know with the missiles and stuff" Wrench said enthusiastically.
"We can IF SOMEONE doesn't launch their controller across the room because they exploded!" Delsin stares directly at Wrench while Wrench's mask flashes to two backslashes.
"JUST BEFORE THE FINISH LINE! My anger was justified! You blew my ass up just before I crossed!!"
"Well, should have saved your defensive weapon~" Delsin cooed with a dumb grin on his face.
"Yeah well you should use your….your…shut up!" Wrench growled
"uh huh~" Delsin teased.
"You're a menace" Wrench shook his head.
Kaden couldn't help but let out a small snort of laughter as they recalled the memory and it was like music to Kaden's husband's ears. They were both happy that their silly bickering over a video game could get them laughing.
The rest of the night was full of food, fun, and laughter. Wrench and Delsin had succeeded in cheering Kaden up, they were having such a good time they forgot that they were feeling horrible just hours before.
It was in these moments that Kaden felt like the luckiest person in the world, to have not one but two people in their life who actually cared about them and instead of judging them or invalidating their feelings they supported them and would do anything in their power to make sure Kaden could start to feel more like themselves when times were hard. They cared deeply but more important than that, they understood and Kaden would always be grateful for that.
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Tags: @heatobrienswife || @ama-ships || @dragonsmooch || @roboraindrop || @mahitoslittlebird || @kylars-princess
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neonlovebites · 2 years
Masterlist (WIP)
Delsin Rowe x f!Reader | Infamous Second Son
Stressed Out - One Shot (Ao3) | 18+
Eddie Munson x f!Reader | Stranger Things
The King’s Throne - One Shot | 18+
Lara Croft x f!Reader | Tomb Raider
Requiem in D Minor - One Shot (Ao3) | 18+
Samuel Drake x f!Reader | Uncharted
Wrench x f!Reader | Watch Dogs 2
Anarchist’s Lullaby - Unfinished/On Hiatus (Ao3) | 18+ One More Birthday Present - One Shot (Ao3) | 18+ Birthday Cake - One Shot (Ao3) | Fluff Space Jam - One Shot (Ao3) | 18+ Breaking the Law - One Shot (Ao3) | 18+
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ramble-writes · 2 years
So I am stupid.
So when inFamous Second Son came out (2014), I thought that was the year it was set. But no. It takes place in 2016. Which is the same year that Watch Dogs 2 takes place. Why do I make this connection? Because I am one of those people that ship Delsin and Wrench and no one can stop me.
So in the year 2016, Delsin is 24 where Wrench is 28, only 4 years apart. And I'm only trying to grasp at this because of the year Watch Dogs: Legion takes place in (2028/29). I only put it like that cuz the first Watch Dogs game took place in 2013, or 2014 as WD:L says idk.
At that point, Wrench is 41 where Delsin would be 37. Aiden is 55, Marcus is 37 ect ect. And because some people really love to draw inFamous, Assassin's Creed, and Watch Dogs together (tho AC & WD is cannon same verse), why not go off that where conduits meet hackers which equals chaos? I've seen art and comics of these crossovers, but never really any writing? So yeah my dumb brain decided this is what I'm going to hyperfixtate on and want to write about instead of the RvB story I have sitting in drafts lol.
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a crack ship we need to discuss is Delsin x Wrench
2 punk dumbasses who are in love
send headcanons please i need to water my crops
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starcrcwns · 4 years
💻 Sitara Dhawan Tags 💻
Relationships pt 1
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💻 - ( Marcus Holloway )
💻 - ( Delsin Rowe )
💻 - ( Josh Sauchak )
💻 - ( Wrench )
💻 - ( Horatio Carlin )
💻 - ( T-Bone )
💻 - ( DedSec )
💻 - ( Allies & Family )
💻 - ( Foes )
💻 - ( Dyn: Sitara + Marcus )
💻 - ( Dyn: Sitara + Josh )
💻 - ( Dyn: Sitara + Wrench )
💻 - ( Dyn: Sitara + Horatio )
💻 - ( Dyn: Sitara + T-Bone )
💻 - ( Dyn: Sitara + Family )
💻 - ( Dyn: Sitara + Parents )
💻 - ( Dyn: Sitara + DedSec )
💻 - ( Rel: Sitara x Marcus )
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pizzadwight · 7 years
Tagged by @fangirl323 ty fam :^0
Goal: finish college and actually make a living w/o dying yfm 
Relationship status: single as fuck and dying 
Favorite color: Purple!! 
Last song I listened to: ℭΔƉΛVẸɌ - Tunnel Vision... i keep listening to witch house lmao    
Last movie I watched: Hercules! 
Top 3 TV shows: Ajin, Stranger Things, and Black Mirror tbh 
Top 3 characters: Tom(Eddsworld), Wrench(Watch Dogs), Delsin(Infamous) 
Top 3 ships: Tomatt, Delgene, Tord x World Domination
tagging @glass-gun @ewpilotz @kiruraki and @gayharpoon >:^0
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mangasia · 7 years
15 Favorites Characters
So I saw a 10 fav characters that @snajey made and I thought it was a lot of fun and as I couldn’t decide I chose to make one bigger :3  It was a lot of fun you should do it too I love seeing those kind of things ~ hehe
1 — Monkey D. Luffy | One Piece
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2 — Link | The Legend of Zelda
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3 — Dean Winchester | Supernatural
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4 — Peter Maximoff | X-Men
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5 — Wrench | Watch Dogs 2
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6 — Elliot Alderson | Mr. Robot
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7 — Noel Kreiss | FFXIII-2
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8 — Lex Luthor | Batman V Superman
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9 — Wednesday | The Addams Family
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10 — Delsin Rowe | Infamous Second Son
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11 — Tate | American Horror Story
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12 — Starfire | Teen Titans
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13 — Sans | Undertale
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14 — Clementine | The Walking Dead Game
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15 — Tyrion Lannister | Game of Thrones
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i tag @bootyjou ‘cause I want to see your list <3 
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cosmic-kaden · 5 months
By the way, the game that Wrench and Delsin are bickering about is my favourite race game Jak X LOL and that incident mentioned actually happened to me irl when I was playing, I was in first and just mere inches to the finish line like as my tire just hit the top of the checker mark someone blew me up and I came in 5th XD
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ramble-writes · 2 years
Wrench yawned as he stretched his old limbs out above his head. Eugh. To think he can claim himself as old for once is kinda gross. But that’s the sad reality when he’s 41 years old. He rubs at his face before looking at his phone where he has a text from Marcus pulled up asking about visiting for a week. A week to reconnect, a week to spend time with friends and unwind like old days before Horatio died and after !NViTE was taken down. Honestly it didn’t sound bad.
Another text popped up, but from a number he doesn’t recognize. He pulls it up and skims over the message.
You commin’ to San Fran in 2 weeks?
Weird. An unknown number texts him asking if he’s going to San Francisco, California the exact same two weeks Marcus asked him to come. With zero hesitation he plugged in his phone and pulled up a program on his laptop to scan the IP address that’s attached to the phone number. 
Seattle, Washington.
Even more weird. He doesn’t remember anyone from Washington unless it was one of the DedSec members that got a new number there. Wrench then went back to the PM with Marcus and asked him if any members had moved around the states.
Sure yeah. Some moved to Chicago to fix the DedSec group there. Some moved to other states to help start up DedSec there. But I dunno about Washington man.
Huh. I got a txt from a Washington # asking about me coming to Francies in 2 weeks.
That’s a lil spooky man. Don’t answer it.
Wrench sent a thumbs up emoji before setting his phone down. He stared at the location where the number is. He pulled up a map to see where its at and a ‘huh’ left him at seeing the Space Needle. The sight of it made him pause. He’s visited Seattle at least once from what he remembers.
10 years ago, he traveled a bit and ended up there. He remembers some big structures that were in the process of being taken down from what looked like a military take over, tons of construction happening and if he recalled correctly, some people that looked like average citizens were flying. He can’t remember if that’s right or not. Wrench doesn’t remember the face or name of a guy he met there, but the smell of smoke and the rattling of chains were locked in his mind.
Wrench can't remember if he got that guy's number or not, but he does remember a tattoo, but that's as much detail he can think of. As for the trip itself, he does recall going to the Space Needle which is great, he can think of a few tags he left there as well. The fish market is definitely memorable. Fishermen throwing fish as entertainment for the people before gutting them.
All Wrench had were these memories to hang on to. As for that smoke man, the only thing that came to light about him was a deep longing that he could only guess he did care (possibly love) for the guy. That was till leaving for an opportunity of a lifetime, getting married and divorcing his now ex-husband, and he's been here in London since. Fuck where did the time go...
-2 weeks later-
San Fran-fucking-cisco. Oh being home sent Wrench on a frenzy in things he wanted to do once he's back with the gang! He wondered how Sitara was doing, if Josh was still hunched over that same damn computer of his. And Marcus. Oh sweet Marcus! The torment can continue! And driving on the RIGHT side of the street after giving up on driving to the left. He won't miss that at all.
With a little bit of hacking, he got into the nearest electric car that was totally left sitting there and drove on home to his good ol' garage. Wrench did feel a bit bad for leaving Wrench Jr back in London, but he couldn't risk his baby getting lost again. Not like when they fucked over !NViTE those many years ago.
Wrench was just about to text Marcus that he arrived home safely, that is till loud honking interrupts him and the gate to his garage opened up. It was like God sent an angel to him upon seeing Marcus step out with that goofy grin of his.
"Marcus? Oh Marcus! You son of a bitch it's good to see you! Fuck I could kiss you!"
"Uh. You don't mean that, right?"
That made him snicker. "No. 'Course not."
"Well you better get yo scrawny ass over here or I'm leaving without you!"
The emoticons on Wrench's mask switched to carrots to show his happiness as he trotted over. It was a brief hug the two shared before getting into the car and heading off for that board game store where their hideout laid below.
"So I thought about what you said 'bout people from Washington."
"Yeah? What of?"
"Turns out some did migrate north and ended up there. When word got out of your return, they came hustling back! Along with some natives who joined up."
Question marks appeared on the screen of the mask as the wearer tilted his head.
"Why you lookin' at me like that? You stayed up there for 3 years! Do you not remember the whole conduit situation that existed the whole time you were there? I remember you callin’ me up screamin’ about people turning into streaks of neon, disappearing into satellite dishes, concrete people, you even mentioned someone turning into paper! And you dated one.”
And there went the bells. Wrench started to rapidly tap at the dashboard of the car that Marcus had to stop him since he’s driving. He knew there must’ve been a reason why smoke was so prominent in his mind from that time.
“You’re telling me we got conduits in our ranks!? And you waited till NOW to tell me??”
Marcus let out a chuckle as he shakes his head. “Why else did I ask you to come down here? One of them got their birthday comin’ up, so why not celebrate it with The Wrench present?”
Wrench started to pat at his legs in excitement, telling Marcus to drive faster so he can bless the place with his ever so glorious presence. It was amazing how he dealt with this masked psycho for the whole time he’s been in DedSec and knew what all his crazy rambles meant. As for Wrench, well now he was wondering which one was it that he dates for the time he was in Seattle.
The car pulled up to the curb of Gary’s Games & Glory, the board game store where the beloved Hackerspace resides below. Marcus got out and hustled over to the other side to open the passenger door for Wrench who gives a ‘thank you, good sir’ in a mock British accent. Of course, Marcus responded in the same manner.
Going inside the building, Retr0 and The Wrench made their way to the back of the store to where the keypad is where the passcode was entered. And like always, the door took what felt like forever to open before the two went in and descended the steps to the base floor. Wrench inhaled deeply and let out a sigh. Hackerspace, sweet Hackerspace~
Loud voices greeted the two as they made their way to the open area, and it was a bit of a surprise to see how it’s kinda packed. It was easy to tell who was what by how the conduits would flash their powers and how others got excited/were impressed by them. Wrench went to get closer, till he was poked in the shoulder by none other than Sitara. 
She still rocked the side ponytail, but her outfit of course changed a bit along with the color of her makeup. But Sitara was the same as she was those years ago as she did hug him since his coat has less spikes than the vest he used to wear. Of course, he hugged her back with the double carrots appearing on his visor to show his happiness. There was nothing that could beat being home here in San Francisco for him.
“Oh! Hey, Wrench. There’s someone you gotta meet!” Marcus exclaimed. Wrench looks at his friend as he waved someone over, then jumped at the sudden cloud of smoke that went still and formed a face Wrench hasn’t seen in 11 years: Delsin Rowe.
Delsin looked when Marcus gestured, and that joyous expression he had on his face for being in San Fran, changed to a more softer one with a half smile.
“Hey, Wrench.”
“... Hi.”
“It’s been a long time since I last seen you, right?”
Wrench gave a slight nod. Everything that happened back in Seattle came back to him in quick flashes. How they met, tagging walls, fucking with what little is left of the DUP, and other things that he’s glad his mask covers his blush. By looks, Del hasn’t changed much. The vest was still the same, but that white hoodie was replaced with another white hoodie, but with a DedSec logo printed in black.
“That hoodie looks good on you...”
“Hm? Oh, yeah! Marcus gave it to me as an early birthday gift. I mean, that’s why us conduits are here. You did get my text asking if you were coming, right?”
That made him gasp as he scrambled to pull out his phone from his pocket to look at the text. “So that was you that messaged me! Fuck, man! I was worried there for a sec thinking I got hacked!”
That made Delsin laugh, which turned into wheezing when Wrench went off about how he didn’t grab a birthday gift for the power sponge. The conduit simply reassured him that Wrench being there is good enough since it’s been years since they hung out. Of course, this made Wrench feel defeated, but silently vowed to get something later. 
37 years old is what Delsin turns to. Marcus made a comment that they’re the same age since he turns 37 in December. Of course the two laughed at that while sharing some drinks, then looked at the amount of people that were huddled around Wrench as he told his tales of London and how chaotic things were and the tech they had. Conduits and hackers were captivated as he retold about having to chase down a literal invisible car that he liked to dub the Ghost Car.
“Ya know, D? I remember Wrench tellin’ me about you two. The things y’all did, the sick tags, and honestly how much he adored you.”
Both men look to see a brief streak of neon and Fetch sitting down on a crate full of who knows what.
“You should’ve seen this idiot come runnin’ when he and Wrench did something! He would gush about it like a wittle skool girl,” Fetch snickered as she squished her cheeks as if to mock Delsin. He only shook his head with a chuckle as he elbowed her.
“I did not sound like that, I can tell you.”
“No. But ya did practically swoon when you told me about when you two kissed.”
Marcus choked on the sip he took and whipped his head around to look at the pinkette, then looked at Delsin. “You did a what when y’all kissed?”
“Oh no...”
“Mhm! Smokey looked like he was star struck. Babbling on ‘bout how it aaaaall happened!”
“Fetch, I am going to punch you.”
“Hey! Don’t make me bring up that one time I came over to your place and saw you in your sweats with bite marks and nail scrapes.”
It was quiet between the three as Marcus now stared at Delsin with wide eyes and a grin forming on his face. He started to giggle as he nudged and poked at the smoke conduit who swatted at him to stop.
“You tapped that! Holy shit man! Quick, who was top and who was bottom!”
Delsin covered his ears as his cheeks turned a bit pink. “I’m not listening to you two anymore!”
The two laughed as he got up and moved away from them in a hurry. It was easy to tell he’s the one that can get flustered quickly between the two. For now, it was nice to see the two groups be together and have fun as they celebrate Delsin’s birthday. “Cake” was just a bunch of donuts from a shop not too far from where they are, but it was still fun to smush one in Del’s face.
As much of a party animal Wrench is, being in his fuckin 40s is not fun. He managed to slip away after the bazillionth yawn he let out. Hell he didn’t even drink much like he used to! Plus, he still had that vow to find something for Delsin since he had zero idea it was happening. High-jacking a car, he drove off to his garage in hopes to get a spark of inspo to see what he could make or turn into a gift.
He scratched at his head in frustration as he looked through boxes of parts he scrapped or broke from old projects. The smell of smoke then filled the garage and Wrench turned his head to see Delsin standing in the center with smoke trailing upwards, meaning he came from the vents.
“Oh uh... Hey, Del.”
“Hey. You left.”
“Oh. Pssh. Yeah. Being 41, I can’t really party like I used to.”
Delsin chuckled as he put his hands in his pockets. “Guess that job offer really made you an adult.”
Wrench shook his head with a slight chuckle. “Yeaaaah. That was till the guy fucked me over and stole my work. I showed him what’s what, and now the bastard is locked away.”
Yikes. It does kinda explain why he seems more tired. Though that could be the jet lag since he did fly from London all the way to America. Delsin then looked around the place and let out a whistle.
“Quite the place you got.”
“Yeah. I did a lot of things in here, and it was the birth place of the first ever Jimmy Siska remote control car! One of the best moments that live here.”
Another chuckle left Delsin. He watched as Wrench pulled something out of a box of other devices, then went over to his workbench to start doing... whatever it is. The masked hacker pulled out his laptop as well and booted it up to pull up a program, then got to work dismantling and rebuilding the object he grabbed. The conduit went over to see what he’s working on, only to find himself being asked to sodden some bits of metal together.
It took some time to finish the base of the object, then Wrench found himself yawning and closed his laptop. Tomorrow, he told himself. He’s going to work on the program to make it light up in the morning. He checked the time, then looked at Delsin and motioned with his head to follow. Out the door of the garage they went and over to the tall building next door, they took the stairs on the side of the building to go to the top.
The building wasn’t tall enough to see over every other structure, but it was enough to get a sight of the bay to the east and the ocean to the west. Wrench went over and sat down on the edge of the building and patted the spot next to him for Delsin. When he sat down, a sigh was let out.
“Remember when you brought me up to the Space Needle to show me the sunset?”
“Heh, yeah. It’s uh... It’s where we had our first kiss.”
Wrench nodded, then removed his mask since Del has seen him without it before. A sigh leaves him as the both of them sat there in silence, till the conduit rested his head on the hacker’s shoulder. There was no flinch when he did that, only a welcomed cheek resting on the top of his head.
“I have to admit... I missed you,” Wrench muttered. Delsin chuckled a bit as he pressed closer.
“I missed you as well. I sometimes think back to those years you were in Seattle and all the stuff we did, the things I showed you...”
“You wishing we could go back to those times?”
Delsin nodded a bit, then lifted his head up to look into those same blue eyes, thinking if it was a good idea to ask or not seeing as how they just reunited.
“Do... Do you think we could restart? Fresh from the start?”
Wrench blinked, then gave a half smile. A fresh start sounded the best way to go, so he straightened himself up a bit and cleared his throat. Delsin simply rolled his eyes in seeing what this man was going to do.
“If we are gonna start from the beginning, then from the beginning we shall go.” He then held out his hand to the Akomish man.
“Hey there. Names Reginald Blechman. But you can call me Wrench instead. What’s your name?”
Oh that threw Delsin for a loop at hearing his name, but he had to play along with this. So he took the waiting hand and shook it.
“Delsin Rowe. But you can call me Del if you want.”
The both of them chuckled at the introductions and let go of each other.
“Don’t go thinking I’m going to call you Reggie, now. That would be fucked up to moan out since that’s my brother’s name.”
Wrench let out a snort before he busted out laughing. “Not like I’m going to let you call me that anyway! I would rather be dead before anyone calls me Reggie. No offence to your brother, of course. But someone using a known nickname of Reginald on me is a no no.”
“Understandable. Besides, Wrench fits you better. Gotta fix that loose screw in your head somehow.”
“Hey!” Wrench lightly shoved him as he laughed. The two calmed down and went back to their previous positions, Delsin’s head resting on Wrench’s shoulder. What came next was how it was just the tips of their fingers that touched. They both had a feeling things will turn out for the better, and lost time can be regained.
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