beardedmrbean · 7 months
1. Belgium deported 'dozens of Russian spies' in recent months, De Croo says
Belgium has expelled "dozens of so-called Russian diplomats" who were "clearly spies" from the country in recent months, said Prime Minister Alexander De Croo (Open VLD) over the weekend. Read more.
2. Palestinian families live under 'Sword of Damocles' as Belgian denationalisation continues
Several Flemish municipalities continue to revoke the Belgian nationality of children born to Palestinian parents – despite reprimands from the Federal Ombudsman in February. Given the ongoing destruction of Gaza, the poor timing of the decision is leaving affected families in a state of desperation. The Brussels Times spoke to one of them. Read more.
3. 'Three-country train' between Liège, Maastricht and Aachen to launch in June
The "three-country train" first envisaged years ago will finally start running between Liège, Maastricht and Aachen in June, more than half a year later than expected. Read more.
4. Four arrested teenagers were planning terror attack on Brussels concert venue
The four teenagers (aged between 15 and 18) arrested on Sunday on suspicion of terrorism likely wanted to carry out an attack on an unnamed concert venue in Brussels and reportedly even had a concrete date for their plans. Read more.
5. 'Major disruptions' on Brussels public transport expected on Friday
Public transport in Brussels will be severely disrupted on Friday 8 March as members of several trade unions will participate in the national day of action for International Women's Day. Read more.
6. Angèle announces duet with Italian singer Mahmood two years after last release
Brussels singer Angèle and Italian phenomenon Mahmood have jointly announced a duet to be released on Friday 8 March. The announcement comes after a long absence of new singles for the Belgian star. Read more.
7. Why does Belgium have 'compulsory' voting and what if it was abolished?
While Belgium is one of the few remaining countries where turning up to vote is compulsory, around 10% of the population still stays at home during elections. But why does this obligation in the first place, and what would happen if it were abolished? Read more.
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mervekaratas · 21 days
İkinci Sekülerizm: Devlet ve Para İşlerinin Ayrılması
Ana akım iktisatçılar, "Merkez bankamız faizleri düşürecek mi, sabit mi tutacak, yoksa yükseltecek mi?" diye sormayı bırakıp, "Merkez bankamız neden faizleri belirliyor?" diye sormaya başlasalar pek çok sorun kökünden çözülecektir.
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Başımıza gelenlerin kaynağı bu statükocu ve vizyonsuz bakış açısındadır.
Faiz oranları, piyasada tasarruf arzı ile kredi talebinin kesiştiği noktada belirlenmelidir. Eğer piyasada fazla tasarruf varsa ve kredi talebi görece düşükse, faiz oranları düşmelidir. Kredi talebi yüksek ve tasarruf arzı düşükse, faiz oranları yükselmelidir.
Bu işi 2-3 tane kasabalı bürokrata bırakmak, ancak sürünmeye neden olur. İnsanlar hâlâ asıl sorunun farkına varamıyor. Koca bir gezegen, Austrian Business Cycle Theory altında eziliyor.
Para arzı üzerindeki tekeller, tüm dünya toplumları üzerinde büyük birer parazittir. Bu tekelleri kaldırmak, Milei bile başaramamıştır ve muhtemelen bizim yaşadığımız süre boyunca da bu kurumlar varlıklarını sürdürecektir. Ancak, asırlar süren bir vadede, insanoğlunun bu tür tekel yapılar olmadan yaşamayı, teknolojik gelişmelerle paralel olarak ilerleyecek desantralize sistemlerin yaygınlaşmasıyla öğrenmesi gayet muhtemeldir.
Bunlar yeni fikirler de değil.
1970'lerde Hayek, merkez bankasının kaldırılmasını ve para arzının devlet kontrolünden çıkarılmasını "Denationalisation of Money" adlı eserinde savundu.
1990'larda Rothbard "The Case Against the Fed"i yazdı.
2000'lerde Ron Paul'un "End the Fed" adlı eseri çıktı.
Bu işi, çok uzun vadede, ABD'liler yapacaktır. Yaptıkları gün, iktisattan tek anladığı şey "Bir dahaki Fed toplantısı ne zaman?" olan kişilerden arınmış bir dünya olacak. Bu mükemmel arınma gecesi olabilir, ama ömrümüz yetmeyebilir.
Ben buna dünyanın ikinci sekülerizmi, ikinci aydınlanması derim.
Din-devlet işlerinin ayrılmasından sonra, para-devlet işlerinin ayrılması.
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om-gay · 1 year
Renationalise everything, starting with the internet.
Renationalise everything, starting with the internet. Apple unironically suggests I write "denationalise"
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ntumun23hcc · 2 years
Comrade Rykov wishes to make a Proposal
In terms of long term measures to further enhance the effects of the ongoing NEP, and foreground our stance as a state-capitalist economy: - Enforce a Minimum Wage System: set a minimum wage of 8000 R per month for workers for small-scaled enterprises that have been denationalised, monthly spot-checks to be conducted on small-scaled enterprises to make sure that the plan proceeds smoothly - Reorganisation of trade unions: assign a government official to trade union organisations to enhance communication between trade unions and governments so that all problems and inequalities in the economy could be reported immediately and reflected upon
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t4tstarvingdog · 2 years
ohhhh it’s rereading fic kind of day….
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ruin-run · 3 years
Hard and horrible times we are living at, oh guardians mine. PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT THIS PLEA FROM UKRAINE, and help with what you can. It’s not a scam or my way to get your money, which I don’t want. It’s a cry against oppression, denationalisation and freedom of being.   There’s no time for private things, because this war can happen any where and any time and will effect most of us in the world U_U NBU Opens Special Account to Raise Funds for Ukraine’s Armed Forces: https://bank.gov.ua/en/news/all/natsionalniy-bank-vidkriv-spetsrahunok-dlya-zboru-koshtiv-na-potrebi-armiyi?fbclid=IwAR3il3MJAv_m9Qtdi_2n6ujyRxR73csc_BXAQn56V65AtCMR_BvCzWarMH8
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cultml · 2 years
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1995lahaine · 3 years
as a fellow nzer you are 1000% right. north island summers absolutely yes, kapiti coast baby. but these country is on the brink of fucking collapse because no one can afford to live here, ive got serious dental work quoted at 2k that i can’t afford, i can’t afford to rent let alone buy in my area where i’m employed at above minimum , im chronically ill and spend a fortune to go to the shittest GP but change change providers because none in 100km radius is taking new patients. NZ might be pretty but we have absolutely nothing on the nordic countries. i’d go back to live in Denmark again is a heartbeat. the world needs to stop idealising a british colony lol
literally this is exactly it. i feel incredibly grateful to live in a stable, gorgeous country which has been well-managed through the pandemic, but beyond those there's so little going for aoteroa rn. like. our minimum wage is genuinely actually very low when you account for exchange rates and the exorbitant cost of food/rent/power/utilities here, we are still a british colony that continues to erode māori rights no matter how much lip service out government pays, roger douglas fucked us and denationalised so so many industries in the 80s, like. HELLO. it's gorgeous and it's safe and it's better than some places but holy shit, it is not paradise, not by a long shot
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In the past few weeks I have really felt as if the Suez Canal was flowing through my drawing room.
- Clarissa Spancer Churchill Eden, Countess of Avon, on the Suez War 1956
Clarissa Spancer Churchill Eden, Countess of Avon  turned 100 on 28 June 2020.
When she was born Lloyd George was Prime Minister and her uncle Winston Churchill was Secretary of State for War and Air. Her father Jack’s parents were Lord Randolph Churchill and the beautiful Jennie Jerome. Her mother was also a beauty, Lady Gwendoline Bertie. As an only daughter Clarissa felt over-loved and smothered.
Clarissa was never much interested in politics. Self-contained and silent as a girl, she would say, ‘I only spoke when I had something to say’. She made her debut with Deborah Mitford and Pamela Digby, but wanted more and was tutored by famed Oxford philosopher, Isaiah Berlin and Lord David Cecil.
She then joined a heady milieu of artists and writers - Lord Berners, James Pope-Hennessy, Edith Sitwell, Cecil Beaton, Greta Garbo. Her life was like an early volume of Anthony Powell's A Dance to the Music of Time. Evelyn Waugh and Duff Cooper were hopelessly in love with her.
But at 32 years old she went from High Bohemia to High Politics on maarrying Foreign Minister Anthony Eden - a surprise to many in high society. The Anglican Archbishop of Sydney and Evelyn Waugh protested that Eden had a wife still living. Much of Waugh’s moral outrage was down to personal jealousy and his unrequited love for Clarissa. Eden had indeed been a loveless marriage to his first wife Beatrice but in 1950 they finally divorced, and in 1952 Anthony married Clarissa.
Anthony Eden was no slouch as he sailed through Eton and, like many of his generation, he served in the First World War losing two brothers killed in action along the way. Eden himself served with distinction in the trenches and front lines of that bloody war. At the age of 19, he was the youngest adjutant on the Western Front and by 1918 because of his conspicious bravery, at the age of 20, Eden became the youngest brigade major in the British Army. He was awarded the Military Cross (MC) for her war time service. After the war, he studied Oriental Languages (Persian and Arabic) at Christ Church, Oxford, starting in October 1919. At Oxford, Eden took no part in student politics, and his main leisure interest at the time was art. Eden was in the Oxford University Dramatic Society and President of the Asiatic Society. Along with Lord David Cecil and R. E. Gathorne-Hardy he founded the Uffizi Society, of which he later became President. Possibly under the influence of his father he gave a paper on Paul Cézanne, whose work was not yet widely appreciated. Eden was already collecting paintings.
Eden read the writings of Lord Curzon and was hoping to emulate him by entering politics with a view to specialising in foreign affairs. He went into politics and became an MP at the age of 26 years old. In Parliament he quickly made a name for himself and was already being talked of as a future Prime Minister. He was gently mocked for his fussy self-image and was often regarded as the best-dressed, best-looking politician of his time - although one rival rival said of him, “half- beautiful woman; half- mad baronet’.
Clarissa was deeply in love with Anthony, and he with her. But she wasn’t quite prepared for the high stakes of politics as her husband climbed the greasy pole of political advancement. Eden was deeply ambitious and he eventually became Foreign Secretary in 1931.
Clarissa recalled, ‘My first visitor was the wife of the head of the Foreign Office, Lady Strang, who came to tea….I did wonder what I had got myself into when her opening remark was ‘I hope you are not going to denationalise steel – it is doing so well’ I had previously had no views about steel’
Within 3 years, Anthony at last achiecved his life’s goal and became Prime Minister, having at last succeeded Clarissa’s uncle, Winston Churchill who stepped aside for the younger Eden. Was she the most beautiful cultivated chatelaine of No 10 since Catherine Walpole? Many did then and many think so today. 
A gall-bladder operation gone wrong and the debacle that was the Suez Crisis made for a short and unhappy time for Eden as PM and a trying time for Clarissa. She was famously quoted as saying ‘in the past few weeks I have really felt as if the Suez Canal was flowing through my drawing room’. This was said in a rare political speech at Gateshead on 20 November 1956, but picked up and widely reported.She later regretfully conceded that “drawing room” was perhaps an unfortunate metaphor.
Nevertheless the Suez War took its toll and Eden eventually found his health broken. His stellar political career lay in ruins as Haorld Macmillan plotted behind the scenes (a fact that Clarissa never forgave him for). Eden resigned in 1957 and in 1961 accepted an Earldom (of Avon). Both Anthony and Clarissa enjoyed 20 leisurely years between Wiltshire, Stratford, Paris and the Caribbean.
Her main loves are art and opera, she loved to travel and, though not one for discomfort, she would endure any amount of it to find an obscure chapel in Serbia. In later life she took up sub-aqua swimming, happily enjoying life in deep waters. Though she read serious classics, she took an unexpected enjoyment in soap operas like Dallas, greatly entertained by the antics of J. R. Ewing and Cliff Barnes with their huge Stetson hats, talking about their “Daddies”.
A great many people bored her and still do, but she takes a wry enjoyment from that. I heard an anecdote from a friend that once after a dinner, when she said, “I think we have exhausted the social possibilities of this evening, don’t you?” - a more elegant way of saying it was time to go.
In many ways Clarissa remains a reminder of a nobler age of Britain and who embodied many of the values that made Britain so great before the sunset of its empire and the dawn of counter culture of the Modern Britain of the 1960s. She has always remained enigmatic person, the soul of discretion but fiercely devoted to her loved ones. Above all, she has been a woman of substance in control of her own destiny.
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yomirainee · 4 years
Activity: "Where's the Patis?"
Habiliments - clothing.
Sumptuous - splendid and expensive-looking.
Sartorial - relating to tailoring, clothes, or style of dress.
Hauteur - haughtiness of manner; disdainful pride.
Concordat - an agreement or treaty, especially one between the Vatican and a secular government relating to matters of mutual interest.
Emetic - a medicine or other substance which causes vomiting.
Debacles - a sudden and ignominious failure; a fiasco.
Gastronomic - relating to the practice of cooking or eating good food.
Ensue - happen or occur afterward or as a result.
Denationalised - deprive (a country or person) of nationality or national characteristics.
It's good to relate with the author with her essay. Even though it takes time for me to finish because of the amount of unfamiliar words in it, it's a great text. It talks about how the food in our own country differs from other countries. I agree with the text, that despite of the amount of desire we have on tasting or experiencing new things outside of our country, we still can't remove the original love we have for our country. Maybe we can change our favorites, but some remains the same. One can't forget the place he came from.
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USPS introduces Parcel Select Regional Ground service
If the range of mails to be added are less, they might reach you earlier than anticipated. But if they have bulk mails, then the transport hours of USPS might be extended. According to uspsoig.Gov, Postal Regulatory Commission has agreed to a carrier, e-tailing Amazon.Com. They will use Parcel carrier to supply everything even on Sundays. According to the deal, it began delivering Amazon packages to Los Angeles, New York, and different metropolitan regions like Dallas, New Orleans, Houston, and Phoenix.
The postal service already misplaced $52 billion due to the fact 2007, and continued to do so if sure reforms weren’t taken. Two of the proposed approaches to save you USPS from collapsing is to prevent USPS Saturday shipping because it just provides as much as the cost, as well as remaining unneeded put up workplace locations that handiest have only a few clienteles.
However, the congress blocked such hints, which gives continuing lifestyles to USPS transport days to live even which includes their offerings for the duration of weekends. But however, is it the right move?
Won’t USPS collapse if their budget keep to upward push and their income can slightly fend for his or her wishes? If so one can be the case, one solution that we can notably consider is to denationalise USPS or perhaps to open the opposition in postal markets.
Though there are nevertheless folks who are the usage of the services of postal service, we can not erase the reality that it's far turning into out of date as the net continues to grow and makes communique less difficult and faster.
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Should america follow the lead of Germany and the Netherlands who already privatized their countrywide postal offerings a few decades ago?
If yes, then there may be a opportunity that we can keep our postal machine. If they do now not need to privatize it even though, we are able to still prefer to open up some competitions as performed through Sweden and New Zealand.
These reformed adjustments made the postal structures of those international locations lived greater years and there was an development visible on services and efficiencies provided by way of those corporations to the postal services which benefited productiveness and purchasers as properly.
Priority Mail Express comes with a money-lower back assure. In truth, it's far the quickest home carrier, which is available for the duration of the year and may attain to any cope with inside the United States, even which include PO boxes. So, handing over on Sundays isn’t a new idea. What subjects is the value for the Amazon transport.
The advantage of it being handy for a really low value or at the least, cheap gives a client a cause to continue with it.
USPS (United States Postal Service) is one of the first-class mail offerings in the US, which became set up inside the Nineteen Seventies. US Mail, as maximum could call it, is geared for the established order of an office that operates in receiving and dispatching of letters to receive, ship, and deliver the letters and packages at positive expenses.
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uspsretail-blog · 5 years
USPS padded flat rates envelope
Won’t USPS collapse if their budget keep to upward push and their income can slightly fend for his or her wishes? If so one can be the case, one solution that we can notably consider is to denationalise USPS or perhaps to open the opposition in postal markets.
Though there are nevertheless folks who are the usage of the services of postal service, we can not erase the reality that it's far turning into out of date as the net continues to grow and makes communique less difficult and faster.
Should america follow the lead of Germany and the Netherlands who already privatized their countrywide postal offerings a few decades ago?
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If yes, then there may be a opportunity that we can keep our postal machine. If they do now not need to privatize it even though, we are able to still prefer to open up some competitions as performed through Sweden and New Zealand.
These reformed adjustments made the postal structures of those international locations lived greater years and there was an development visible on services and efficiencies provided by way of those corporations to the postal services which benefited productiveness and purchasers as properly.
Priority Mail Express comes with a money-lower back assure. In truth, it's far the quickest home carrier, which is available for the duration of the year and may attain to any cope with inside the United States, even which include PO boxes. So, handing over on Sundays isn’t a new idea. What subjects is the value for the Amazon transport.
The advantage of it being handy for a really low value or at the least, cheap gives a client a cause to continue with it.
USPS (United States Postal Service) is one of the first-class mail offerings in the US, which became set up inside the Nineteen Seventies. US Mail, as maximum could call it, is geared for the established order of an office that operates in receiving and dispatching of letters to receive, ship, and deliver the letters and packages at positive expenses.
Retail Ground is america Postal Service’s lowest fee option to send applications of all sizes, such as outsized containers, to destinations within the United States. It usually takes among 2 and nine days to acquire a Retail Ground package deal, however USPS sometimes takes up to 14 postal enterprise days to supply objects sent with this approach. This mail elegance turned into previously called Parcel Post and Standard Post.
Although Priority Mail takes priority over First-Class Mail and Retail Ground, you may send large and oddly-fashioned packages through Retail Ground, together with tubes, rolls, and boxes of unusual dimensions. However, you may’t use Retail Ground for packages that degree extra than one hundred thirty inches in duration and width and weigh extra than 70 pounds
The USPS makes use of quarter-primarily based pricing for all Retail Ground package transport. There are nine zones inside the U.S. And prices are primarily based on the gap from the authentic bundle location to the delivery destination. Prices are $7.35 and up for a one pound package deal. Also, Retail Ground is situation to USPS’s balloon pricing. The USPS can rate you more in case your parcel weighs much less than 20 kilos, but measures between 84 and 108 inches in length and width.
Besides being the 1/3 biggest company for civilians inside the United States, it already made its name inside the postal operations for forty five years and counting. However, with everyday usage, customers have many doubts approximately it. Say for instance, can someone pick up programs from USPS?
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draftingtides · 6 years
Usually, he and Dean took breaks between hunts, which is partially why finding his own doppelganger in the diner after a night of killing vampires was so displeasing.
This fic includes:
Sam dealing with depersonalization
Sam dealing with trauma
Sam struggling with his sense of identity
Sam seeing a therapist
Friendly shapeshifters
Canon levels of queer-coded Sam (and likely actual queer Sam)
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protoindoeuropean · 5 years
Is there any aristocracy in Slovenija? Or at least their descendants that are known and/or prominent because of their origin?
The only one that I know is Zmago Jelinčič Plemeniti, where plemeniti in Sln. means ‘noble’ and that would’ve (presumably) been the title awarded after one’s name if we had any nobility / if it had been allowed by the law – but it isn’t, so the guy went out and legally changed his surname to say ‘Noble’. If that doesn’t tell you enough about him, let me add that he’s the president of the Slovene Nationalist Party and an all around odious personality ...
If there are any others, they aren’t public figures and I don’t even know if any of the noble families that used to own land in Slovenia also live here. We do hear from time to time about the demands of noble families that used to own property here to get it back in the process of denationalisation (as it was nationalised during the time of SFRY), but not otherwise.
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hellfiredawn · 5 years
a very descriptive profile of your muse.
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name :   benjamin ivan gillespie nicknames :   ben, benny. age :   twenty-five  species :   human. gender :   cis male orientation :  heterosexual / heteromantic zodiac :   taurus  moral alignment :   lawful neutral, bordering on lawful evil. abilities/powers :  highly skilled in hand to hand combat, knife combat, weaponry. well versed in lying to people, mostly strangers. skilled in counterfeiting documents -- passports, identification, etc. interests :  loves weapons, of all kind. loves cars, especially older cars - can often be found working on his own car (or admiring it) in his spare time. enjoys hiking, working out, spending time with his friends. spoken languages :  fluent in english, spanish. knows latin, irish gaelic. profession :   supernatural hunter for the order height  :   5′10 colors :   dark colours -- wears a lot of flannel, does that count? fruits :   mangoes, avocados -- the expensive ones. drinks :   black coffee, chocolate milkshakes, lemonade. alcoholic beverages :   whiskey, gin, beer. drugs :  occasionally, hardly ever because it effects his denationalisation disorder. drivers license :  yes ever been arrested :  yes, although his permanent record would say otherwise. tagged by :   @sheoccult thnx bb tagging :  @biirdbone @fuckingvictus @prcphesiied @sulveig @hiethen
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Up until this weekend I hadn’t worked for nearly two years. That drought well and truly broke with the 23 hours of work I just did. 
I even had just the one bout of denationalisation, which kinda ruined me in a former retail life.
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