#dental office tour
promenadedentistry · 7 months
A Tour of Our Dental Office!
Welcome to Promenade Center for Dentistry! Join us for a virtual tour of our modern and welcoming dental office, where we strive to make your visit as comfortable and stress-free as possible. From the moment you step inside, our friendly front office staff will greet you with a smile and help you check in. Relax in our welcoming reception area with a refreshing beverage before your appointment.
Experience a thorough and gentle teeth cleaning in our hygiene rooms, designed for optimal oral health. Our team of skilled hygienists will ensure your smile is gleaming and healthy. For more complex procedures, our state-of-the-art surgical suite is equipped with the latest technology for optimal care and comfort. Say goodbye to dentist office jitters and hello to a positive dental experience at Promenade Center for Dentistry!
#dentaloffice #dentistvisit #oralhealth #dentaltour #dentaltechnology #modern dentistry #dentalcare #dentalsurgery #dentalhygiene #promenadecenterfordentistry #dentalexperience #comfortabledentistoffice #dentalcleaning #smilegleaming #stressfreedentist #positivedentalvisit #dentalanxietyrelief #welcomingdentistoffice #optimaloralhealth
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anappleadaydentist · 1 year
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Take a Virtual Office Tour - Apple A Day Dental Clinic
Explore Apple A Day Dental Clinic with our virtual office tour. Get a glimpse of our state-of-the-art facilities, modern technology, and welcoming environment. Experience dental care like never before.
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loveofmylouis · 1 year
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flowersandbigteeth · 1 year
I really liked Orion and was wondering if you could write about him kidnapping reader.
(Sfw please)
I've been wanting to do something soft 🥹
Orc (Orion) x fem reader
Word Count: 3k
W: kidnapping, some creepy behavior, light violence, and some kissing, sfw fluff
Find the previous part here
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You stretched your shoulders as you glanced at the clock on the wall. It was finally 6 and time to head home from your job as a dental assistant. It had been a long day of coaxing little kids to open their mouths for X-rays and calming the poor children that hated the dentist, but you had some leftover Chinese food in the fridge that you were in a hurry to get home and devour. Unless, of course, you got your usual visitor. 
“Hey, (Y/N), I saw you walking home from work the other day,” your boss and one of the pediatric dentists, Aaron, mentioned as the two of you collected your things. “I can give you a ride home if you want.” 
Aaron seemed like a nice guy, but you didn’t want to take advantage of his kindness. 
“I’m okay,” you said. “I walk home everyday. It’s good for my health.” 
He frowned, seeming put out at your refusal. 
“Come on, let me drive you,” he pushed. “It’s dangerous for you to walk alone in the evening. I’d feel terrible if something happened to you.” 
You gave him a smile and waved away his concerns. 
“Really, I’m fine,” you said, but Aaron wasn’t happy with that answer. 
“There have been a string of muggings on your street,” he insisted. “Come on, let me give you a ride. I’m just concerned about your safety.” 
You were sure you didn’t need a ride, but Aaron seemed insistent and you didn’t want to sour your work relationship by appearing ungrateful for his friendly concern. 
“Okay,” you finally agreed, exhausted from a long day and not feeling like fighting with him. 
He brightened up at that and seemed giddy to lead you to his car. 
Aaron drove an expensive sports car, which he was eager to show off. 
“What do you think?” he asked you, demonstrating the heated seats and dynamic driving features. 
You had absolutely no interest in cars, so you just nodded politely until he was done and pulled out of the parking lot. He put on some music and you leaned back into the comfortable seat, trying to enjoy the ride. It was nice to be off of your feet after a long day’s work, even though you felt uneasy sitting next to Aaron. You rested your eyes for just a moment but when you opened them, it seemed like Aaron wasn’t going in the direction of your house. 
“I think you’re going the wrong way,” you informed him and he gave you an easy smile. 
“I know,” he said. “I figured you’d be hungry so I’m taking us to one of my favorite spots.” 
You frowned, not sure what to say. 
“I really can’t afford to eat out, Aaron,” you said, trying to figure out how to politely turn him down. “I have some leftovers at home…” 
He shook your concerns away. 
“Don’t worry about it. Dinner’s on me,” he said. “I’ve always wanted to have some time alone with you so we can really talk. We work together, but I feel like I hardly know you.” 
His words made your stomach twist. He wanted to have time alone with you? Aaron was good-looking enough, he had blonde hair, blue eyes, and was quite tall, but you weren’t interested in getting to know him beyond casual chatter around the office. 
“You really don’t have to do this,” you tried to argue, but he wasn’t listening, instead tapping the steering wheel with his fingers and humming along to the song on the radio. 
While your thoughts churned over how to get him to take you home, your phone buzzed. 
Where are you? 
It was your friend Orion. Since you’d met him out with your friends one night, he’d been coming by a lot. Instead of going out on another tour with the mercenary group he had worked for, he took a private security job in the city and often stopped by your house for coffee or meals. 
You had a huge crush on him. Who wouldn’t? He was enormous, with verdant skin and an arm full of sexy tattoos. His face was the picture of rugged masculinity. His jaw had sharp planes and his tusks were white and shiny.  Since he wasn’t with the merc group anymore, he’d let his hair grow out a little longer and it was always messy in a way that gave you post-sex hair vibes. You weren’t a particularly good flirt, but you tried your best to show him you were interested with little touches here and there. 
It was hard to tell how he felt about you. He was very protective, but he wasn’t pushy like other guys you’d been with. Every time he came over he was incredibly polite. You’d watch movies together or make him dinner, but he never tried to kiss you or touch you more than casually. You were desperate for his kiss, but too shy to make a move. What if he just wanted to be friends? It would be humiliating. Plus he wouldn’t come over anymore if you made things weird and you didn’t want that. You’d gotten used to having dinner with him at least three times a week if he wasn’t working. You’d even started stocking extra food because he ate a lot. 
My boss is taking me to dinner. 
He didn’t answer right away, instead, you watched the dots showing he was typing flash for a few moments before he finally responded.
You glanced up at Aaron to find him looking at you. 
“Who’s that?” he asked, his thin lips curving into a frown. 
“Oh, just a friend,” you replied. “So where are you taking me? I’m starving.” 
He seemed pleased you were interested in where you were going and brightened up. 
“The Whisk and Ladle,” he said. “It’s a great place. You’ll love it.” 
You balked when he said the name. 
“Aaron, that’s expensive!” you gasped. “I’m not really dressed for-” 
You were still wearing the scrubs you wore to work, printed with little mice wearing sunglasses. You were dressed to work with children, not go to a five-star restaurant. Again, he waved your concerns away. 
“Nonsense,” he said. “You always look beautiful. Let me treat you.” 
You nodded, quietly, feeling more and more uncomfortable the closer you got to the restaurant. If you’d have been a tougher woman, you’d have made a fuss, demanded he take you home or jump out of the car, but you were worried about losing your job. Money was tight and you didn’t have any savings to float you until you found something else. You needed to make Aaron happy so he wouldn’t find some excuse to get rid of you. 
After a few minutes, you texted Orion the name. Some little part of you wished he would come to save you from what was about to be an extremely awkward dinner, but you were sure he’d never do that. From what you knew of him, he was strong but an extremely measured orc. You never saw him upset or out of control. 
When you arrived, Aaron was sure to help you out of the car, and as you walked inside he had his hand on your lower back until it slipped down to cup your bottom. Instinctively you took a step away, but he didn’t seem to notice as he spoke with the hostess. Weirdly, he had a reservation, as if he’d planned this date long before he offered to give you a ride home. 
You were seated at a pretty table with a white tablecloth and a small centerpiece of roses, which was very pretty but entirely too formal for your liking. Looking over the menu, your mouth fell open at the prices. A Cobb salad was $30! 
“Get whatever you like,” Aaron said, smiling at you from across the table, “it’s on me.” 
You gave him a tight nod, trying to force a polite smile on your face, but the idea of him spending this much money on you made you uncomfortable. When the waiter arrived, you ordered the cheapest thing available and water. He took your menus, and Aaron turned his attention to you. 
“I’m thrilled you decided to join me, (Y/N),” he said as if he hadn’t set all of this up without your knowledge beforehand. “I’ve always admired you. You’re incredibly beautiful.” 
“Uh…thanks, I guess,” you murmured, wishing you were anywhere but there. 
“Can I tell you a secret?” he asked, leaning in to get closer to you. 
“Sure,” you said. 
He gave you a conspiratorial smile. 
“I always intended on asking you out. That’s why I hired you,” he explained. “I love coming to work every day and seeing you.” 
You immediately frowned. While you were sure he intended that to be flattering, it was incredibly creepy. He hadn’t hired you for your experience? He just wanted to date you? 
You were thinking of something to say when there was a commotion at the front of the restaurant. 
“Sir! You can’t come in without a reservation!” the hostess was yelling and to your surprise, Orion was marching across the dining room looking pissed off. His dark eyes immediately found yours, and you hoped he read the relief in them. 
“Orion!” you gasped, looking up at him. 
He glanced away, glaring at Aaron. 
“Excuse me,” Aaron said, indignant. “You’re interrupting our dinner.” 
Orion ignored Aaron and turned his intense gaze back to you. Your heart skipped in your chest, and your cheeks burned. The look in his eyes was a mixture of ravenous hunger and complete outrage. 
“Did you agree to this dinner?” he snapped, and your mouth went dry. 
Unable to form words, you quickly shook your head with a tight jerk. 
“He just brought me here,” you finally managed to squeak out. “I-I wasn’t planning on-”
He cut you off raising a large hand, looking back at Aaron. 
“You kidnapped my woman,” he snarled. 
Your eyes popped at the words “my woman.” Did Orion consider you his? 
Aaron shrank under Orion’s gaze. 
“I-I would hardly say kidnapped…” he stammered. 
Orion growled. 
“Did he touch you?” he asked. 
You tried to lie and say he hadn’t, but your face told him something different. 
“It was just a little touch,” you peeped when it was obvious he could tell the little shake of your head that you gave him was an untruth. 
Before you could finish the last word, Orion clocked Aaron in the jaw with his meaty fist. His chair toppled over and he lay sprawled out on the floor, unconscious. 
“Orion!” you squealed again, but he wasn’t listening. 
He scooped you up and threw you over his shoulder, marching back out of the restaurant while all the guests watched in shock. The waiters and the hostess jumped out of his way as he passed. 
“Orion! What are you doing?” you asked as you bounced on his shoulder. 
Instead of answering, his chest rumbled with a deep noise that released butterflies in your stomach. 
He opened the passenger door to his truck and carefully set you inside, buckling the seatbelt over your chest before he shut the door. Then he hopped in the driver’s side and peeled out of the parking lot. 
You stared at your friend, eyes as big as saucers as he drove through the darkening city. 
“Why did you do that?” you questioned. “You could get in big trouble! He might get you arrested!” 
He snorted. 
“For protecting my mate from her sexually harassing boss? Doubt it.”
You blinked at him. Mate?
There were different rules for the Fairyfolk when it came to mates. They defended them so fiercely a new set of laws had to be drawn up to protect this “cultural difference.” Every human knew not to touch a Fairyfolk’s mate. You shook your head, trying to sort through what was happening. 
“Where are we going?” you asked, as he was not going in the direction of your house. 
“Home,” he said. 
You blinked at him. 
“My apartment is the opposite way,” you argued, but he just pinned you with a look. 
You drew your brow and crossed your arms, pouting. 
“Orion! Why aren’t you talking to me?” you asked. 
His face softened, and he twisted his hands on the steering wheel, taking a big breath before he answered you. 
“I don’t like that he touched you,” he said. “No one touches you but me. You’re mine.” 
Your mouth fell open just a bit before you forced it closed, swallowing a lump in your throat. 
“Yours?” you asked and he nodded curtly.   
“B-but…you never said…” you stammered. 
“Not good with words,” he grunted. 
“Oh,” you said, your mouth forming a surprised O shape. 
You turned away from him, looking out the front windshield at the darkening city slipping by. 
“Where is home?” you asked. 
“You’ll see,” was all he would say. 
You folded your legs under your body and leaned your head against the window, tired. Your heart was pounding and a slight tremor left you vibrating against the seat. Where could Orion be taking you?
At some point you must have dozed off because when you woke the truck had come to a stop and Orion was opening your door. 
“Where are we?” you murmured, your words a bit slurred from sleep. 
He unbuckled your seatbelt and took you in his arms. 
“Home,” he said. 
You peered through the darkness to find you were no longer in the city, but on one of the mountains that surrounded it. Over your shoulder you could see the city lights twinkling in the valley like stars. In front of you there was a beautiful cabin home. It was two stories with full pane glass windows and a wrap-around porch. 
“This is where you live?” you gasped. 
You’d always assumed Orion had some flat in the city just like yours. 
“It is where you live, too,” he corrected. 
Your eyes widened on him as he took you up the front steps and unlocked the door. 
“I can’t live here!” you argued. “I’m too far away from work!” 
He chuckled, a deep rumble in his chest. 
“You will not go back to work,” he told you, setting you on the couch and turning his back to you so he could put fuel in the woodstove. 
“But…how will I make money?” you asked. 
“You don’t need money,” he said. “I have plenty of it.” 
“But…but…” you stammered, trying to wrap your head around the situation. 
Was Orion claiming you? Did you want to be claimed? 
The door of the woodstove clanged shut and he spun around, his smokey eyes on you. He lowered himself to his knees in front of you so you were eye to eye. 
“I’m not sure I understand-” you started to say, but were silenced with his lips slanting over yours. 
Your whole world swung upside down as he kissed you. Electricity shot down your spine, energy sparkling at the apex of your thighs. You breathed a wispy sigh into his mouth and the large fingers of one hand clutched the nape of your neck, holding you to him. This was the kiss you’d been desperately pining for and it was more than you could have ever imagined. 
When he pulled away, he pinned you with his inky gaze. 
“You’re mine, got it?” he rumbled. 
You whimpered and nodded, your thoughts muddled and his rich, spicy scent filling your lungs. He pulled you to him again, this time his kiss was more hungry and needy. You felt his smooth tusks against your cheek and his stiff tongue licking your bottom lip, wanting entrance. You parted your lips for him, letting him explore. He licked and tasted you while your fingers dared to creep up his chest, feeling the hard planes of muscle underneath his shirt. At your touch, he let out a deep rolling sound. 
Though Orion was eager to get your clothes off of you, he knew you were delicate, both inside and out. He adored your soft spirit and vowed never to crush it, so instead of taking you to bed and ravishing you, he rose to get comfortable on the big couch, pulling you into his lap and wrapping his arms around your warm body. He smoothed his large hand over your hair, tucking your head under his chin. 
He lamented waiting far too long to claim you, not wanting to frighten you and scare you away, but he couldn’t tolerate some other male hovering around. You belonged to him whether you knew it or not and it was well past time to claim you for his own. 
Completely oblivious to these thoughts, you sighed into his chest, listening to the gentle boom of his heartbeat, and feeling like you’d come home. 
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thatsrightice · 3 months
Even Colonel Kidd went home.
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That was as it should be. For the entire war so far, Jack Kidd had been carrying the 100th. He was the best air leader, and he flew all the tough missions when the 100th was out in front of task force. Until Bennett came, he was the Air Exec and Group Ops. To the degree that Harding and Kelly let him, he was the Group Commander. He was the Group.
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At twenty-three when he looked eighteen, he was one of the handsomest men I had ever seen.
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Now, after months of war, he looked fifteen years older. He was gaunt. His regulation hat, not the hundred-mission crush type, was too big for him. His uniform hung on him. Al Dahn, the Group Dental Officer, told me that Jack's gums were withdrawing from his teeth. He was exhausted.
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Since he flew only when we were task force lead, he had not completed a tour. When Tom Jeffrey came on the base, he knew how great Kidd had been, but he knew that a man can only take so much.
"Jack, you have had enough. You are going home."
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"Thanks, Jeff."
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sgiandubh · 10 months
Far away and long ago
One thing leading to another, I tried to watch A Princess for Christmas yesterday, prompted by my Peleș/Pelișor Anon answer and I have to say I am grinning as I write this post: it is, after all, a Hallmark movie, isn't it?
Maybe if I were drunk and/or in good company, it would have been easier. I was neither, so it was unwatchable. Even with the bits of personal nostalgia, knowing very well all the sets they used: from the two castles in Sinaia, to the Știrbei (princely) House private chapel in Buftea, to the Bragadiru Palace in Bucharest they obviously used for that ball. I finished skimming on fast forward for S and howled at this bit of Imdb trivia, I believe with all my heart to be wishful thinking:
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Not only I do not believe ever seeing/hearing such a thing in all the interviews I have read/watched (of which they are a shameless handful), but it would be completely out of character for 'No Ego' 2014 S to declare such a preposterous thing (correct me if I am wrong, for I truly believe I am not).
Anyways. When it looks low budget, it is a low budget (with Eastern European logistics) D-series thing, despite all their efforts. Plot is downright stupid and the painful cheesiness permeating the slightest line uttered makes it unredeemable. Nuh-oh: not even to kill time, not even on a flight from Almaty to Saint Petersburg. No way.
Low budget is particularly apparent when it comes to costumes. This one, for example...
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Her dress is ok-ish (heavily insisting on the -ish, here). But his uniform is an operetta reinterpretation of the Romanian Army's dorobanț (infantry) State Protocol uniform. An exact copy of the 1877 Independence War officer outfit (itself a Second Empire French uniform copycat, but that's just the historian in me nitpicking, of course):
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The above is a very recent pic (2023 Remembrance Day festivities at a British War Cemetery near Bucharest). I know that place well, spent all my childhood 1 mile away, my grandparents owned a house in that village. It is a small, forlorn plot of infinite melancholy and a striking sight, with its carefully trimmed grass, among what used to be cornfields, circa 1984. 'This is British soil', my grandfather once told me and that made it both absurd and enticing: an alien enclave of sorts, a city of the dead. He was correct, by the way, and that gave our Remembrance Day expeditions a sort of strange, furtive charm. We always brought flowers and he, a former officer and POW, would always salute, bareheaded under heavy rain. But, I digress.
Both that movie and my recollections were far away and long ago. Mercifully so for S, at least. The difference in demeanor, profile and presence is undeniable, no matter what the Disgruntled Tumblrettes would tell you: some pushed the cheapness up to the gratuitous folly of 'he was a much better actor then'. Well, he wasn't: no chemistry with a female co-star who would clearly be more eager to have a dental surgery intervention. And no presence every time a very tired Roger Moore is around, which makes for roughly three-quarters of his part. But unlike many striving wannabes, he managed to pull out of the Prince Ashton (🙄) typecast and give us a very credible JAMMF, when starts aligned and with a surreal bit of luck.
If he could manage to pull out of the JAMMF typecast, I see great things. Until then, I will stand by my words: this is a guy with tremendous, but completely overlooked/untapped potential, who has been repeatedly miscast. And this is why what would immediately happen after OL is of critical importance. Brace yourselves.
On another, completely unrelated note: should I wait for that US copycat, disingenuous McTavish booze circus tour to end, in order to draw a line and my thoughts on his brand? I think I should, but always happy to oblige to public demand :)
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tcits-x-you · 9 months
Platonic goz x clown reader ?
Of course!!
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G0Z was absolutely thrilled when you joined his circus!
He INSISTED on showing you around everywhere literally moments after you joined.
^ Like as soon as you got the job, he grabbed you by the hand and took you on a very enthusiastic tour of the circus.
Honestly, with the way G0Z was acting, it was as if you were his new best friend. Which wasn't a bad thing! That's how he acts around most people. His friends especially.
He even introduced you to everybody too! And he makes sure the welcome was warm, too.
Whether it be running a booth, being a preformer/entertainer or having your own place you run within the circus (something similar to YUKC0's arcade or T00FERZ's dental office or G0Z's own clinic), G0Z would make sure your designated area would be up to your standards.
Overall, it's more than clear that you and G0Z have a strong friendship meant to last a lifetime.
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nightmaremp · 6 months
Weremayhem: Song of Beasts. Ch 23: The Office of Felines
 Nora walks into the Shack after running some tasks. “Hey” she said worriedly as she opened the door. Janice, Floyd, and Lips were standing there with their arms crossed.They looked so disappointed at Label Lady. 
“What did you do?” asked Floyd Pepper in a harsh tone. 
“Like, why would you tell the doc to just, like, end the process?” asked Janice. 
“Like, why would you do that?” she added. The black haired female’s eyes were wide. 
“Uh….’Cause this insanity has to stop and by the way you’re welcome” replied Nora. 
“Man, you just don’t get it, do you?” replied the red haired male. 
“Teeth can’t just end the process.” he added with a growl. 
“Why not?” asked Label Lady. 
“Cause, like, the process always ends with Teeth telling his parents no” replied the blonde female. 
“But the only way that happens is if he does the whole process” she added with Floyd and Lips repeating it at the same time. 
“But now, you done prematurely ended said process. Teeth never says no and embraces the horrible life of a financially secure dentist” said Floyd, Lips and Janice repeats what he said. 
“Listen, there’s no way Dr. Teeth is gonna be Dr. Teeth, the dentist one. I’ll figure out a way to bring him back” replied Nora. 
“I would wait until after the next flashback” replied Floyd pepper. 
“What flashback? Teeth isn’t even here.” replied the black haired female. 
“It ain’t his flashback.” replied the red haired male. 
“It’s mine,” he added. 
The flashback starts in a dentist office. A 20 something year old Teeth in a dentist outfit was messing around with some fake teeth. His hair had gotten long to be put in a man bun. He had some chin hair growing. 
“I don’t think you’ve been brushing, Eugene” chuckles Junior as he uses a toothbrush to brush the fake teeth. 
“Excuse me” said a voice from the doorway. The ginger haired male stops. 
“I’d like to make one reservation for the Cajun Pride Swamp Tours,” the male added. 
“Well, it pains me to tell you, but their office is next door” replied the doc as he slowly turn to face the guy. Floyd’s eyes got wide in shock to see Teeth. 
“Oh, hey, it’s you! It’s the good doctor” replied Floyd Pepper with his arms open. 
“Well, I’ll be” replied the ginger haired male. 
“If it ain’t Sergeant Pepper” he added. The red haired male chuckles. 
“You just wandered into my family’s dental practice,” said Teeth. 
“Oh, is that  what this is? Ain’t life funny that way” replied Floyd Pepper. The good doctor laughs. 
“Since I’m here, you might as well take a look under the hood, huh?” he added. 
“All right, open wide and say ah” replied Teeth. 
“Ahhhh” said the red haired male as he open his mouth wide. The doc take a look inside the other male’s mouth. 
“Yep. I see the problem” said Junior. 
“What’s that?” asked Floyd Pepper. 
“You ain’t got no teeth” replied the ginger haired male. 
“Oh” replied the red haired male. 
“You’re gonna need a bridge” replied the doc. 
“Well, you already gave me one of those, remember?” replied Floyd as he grabbed his guitar. He starts to play a guitar riff.
“I meant a dental bridge, but yours is much more pretty,” replied Teeth. Floyd Pepper suddenly pull out the hominca from before. 
“Come on. You still have it?” asked the doc in shock. 
“I shouldn’t. But I shall” he added as he grabbed the hominca. 
“Oh!” said Floyd before they start playing blues music. 
Tina suddenly walks in. “What in the blessed bayou is going on…” she started to say before she gasped. 
“You again?!” said the ginger haired female with a hiss. 
“Ma'am,” replied Floyd Pepper. 
“What is that busker boy doing in here?” asked Teeth’s mother as she put her hands on her hips. She looked dead into her son’s eyes. 
“That’s what I keep asking myself, mama,” replied her son with a whimper. 
“The universe keeps bringing us together,” he added. “I think it’s destiny,” said Junior. 
“Dentistry is your destiny” replied Tina. 
“And one day, you will take over and bring miles of smiles to everyone just like you promised.” she added. Teeth kept his head down. 
“Right, gerald?” asked his mother. His father walk by the room, unaware of what is going on. 
“Yep” replied his father, who was looking through some paperwork as he walked by. Junior looks at the red haired male. 
“Mama’s right. I made a promise to take over the family practice.” said Teeth to Floyd as he handed him the hominca back. His mother nods her head before leaving the room. The doc turns and walks away. 
“I just didn’t say when,” said Junior. He picks up the solid gold tooth floss case and takes it out of its frame. 
“What you doing there?” asked the red haired male. 
“Oh, just a little bit of security, you might say. Let’s go” replied Teeth as he put the case over one of his teeth. Making it a gold tooth. 
“Where are we headed?” asked Floyd. 
“To our destiny” replied Junior as he smiles at the red haired male. The gold tooth shines in the light. 
They quickly took the Molar Express and drove off. “Think your parents will miss the bus?” asked Floyd Pepper. 
“Absolutely,” replied  Dr. Teeth. 
The flash back ends. “Man, long flashback.” said Nora. The red haired male, Janice, and Lips turn to Zoot who was on the couch. 
“Yeah, Zoot’s still in it” replied Floyd. The dark blue haired male kept staring like a deer in headlights. 
He groans softly as his small flashback happens. The saxophonist was making some fake teeth sing a song in an office. The flash back ends. “Rotting away” softly sings Zoot. 
“All right. No more flashing back. We gotta help Teeth with his parents.” said Nora with a bit of a stern tone. 
“We’re too late. He’s gone” replied Janice. “He’s with his parents at Cavity Con.” she added. 
“And he left this behind” replied Floyd Pepper as he showed Label Lady the solid gold floss case that Teeth used for his gold tooth. 
“His gold tooth cap?” asked Moog in shock and worried tone. “He really is gone gone” he added. 
“No. Everyone go grab your gear. It’s time to go make some mayhem.” replied the black haired female. 
“Let’s go,” said Floyd as they headed out the front door. 
Lewis followed them with his little sister in his arms. He didn’t follow his father to the event because the ginger haired boy didn’t want to see his father lose his happiness. 
Animal and Moog got up and were about to go out the door. “Nora,” said the drummer. 
“Oh, God, not again” replied the black haired male. 
“Look, this gig is the most important opportunity in my life, and I’m not gonna blow it by crushing on my boss,” he added. 
“Not that I am” Moog said with wide eyes at the wild man. 
“Nora!” replied Animal. 
“Okay, fine. Maybe a little” replied the black haired male. The drummer chuckles. 
“You don’t know her. She only dates, like, super slick dudes like JJ.” he added. 
“You know, and I’m just a struggling…” Moog started to say. “Why am I explaining this?” he asked. 
The black haired male takes a deep breath. “Just drop it. Okay?” he asked. 
“Hey, you coming or what?” asked Nora as she peaked around the front door. 
“I’m all yours” replied Moog with some blush on his cheeks. 
“Don’t” he said to the drummer who was about to say it. The wild man sighs. 
“Okay” replied Animal. 
“Okay” replied Moog before walking out of the Shack. 
“Nora” said the drummer before laughing. 
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judy-maroon · 2 years
Conversation with Scott: Dream Come True
I asked Scott Klopfenstein if I could interview him as it’s been a dream of mine for a long time. When he agreed, I knew I wanted it to be special. I thought about maybe asking to do it live on his Twitch stream, or recording it for Facebook or Instagram. But when I was there at the Last Exit Live show in Phoenix and he was right in front of me, I realized I didn’t want the pressure of performance to be a part of it. I just wanted to talk to him like we were friends. That was the experience I wanted more than an in-depth or entertaining interview. And I felt that it would be more of an experience that he would want, too.
He sat across from me in a high backed grass green armchair. I asked the obvious question – it was the last day of the tour, were they relieved to be done? Ready to go home, sure. But everyone agreed what they would miss most would be the inside jokes. Prichard chimed in that none of their friends back home would get any of their jokes now.
In his white t-shirt, high water purple slacks, new balance sneakers and ever present beanie, Scott looked very comfy. I didn’t ask about the wardrobe choice but wondered if it was deliberate styling or if it was just comfortable. Considering Scott’s recent Lyme Disease diagnosis, I would have been in favor of anything that made him a bit more comfortable or made the symptoms easier to cope with. He spoke about the medicinal regime he needs to adhere to to manage the disease and it is involved. On top of that, upon arriving in Phoenix, a dental implant chose to uproot itself and so necessitated an emergency visit to the dentist. He was very complimentary of the dentist office he visited in Chandler, though the name of the place escapes me. Apparently it was a gorgeous place to visit.
I wanted to ask what was, to me, a kind of silly question. When stressed, as a musician, does he prefer to play music or listen to music? But coping with stress isn’t really a silly topic at the heart of it. Scott said that when he’s stressed the problem he often has is that he’s unable to follow something to completion, so he needs peace, stillness, at those moments. We talked about better ways of coping with stress. Scott likes meditation, he walks 6 miles daily. We talked a lot about the mind-body connection, the emotional impact physical activity can have on your body. He talked about the emotional release that can happen in pilates and how his former acupuncturist could tell what was going on in his life just from where his body was holding on to tension. He spoke as a person very familiar with the effects stress can have on your body and the best ways he’d found to address it.
The band had just completed a two day drive from Austin, TX. I asked after what, to me, seemed like a pretty intense tour schedule: 9 shows in 14 days, driven through several states by bus. No one was complaining, though, and there were smiles all around. I felt at ease immediately back there in the green room. I was worried I was encroaching on personal space as we hung out before the show, but I couldn’t settle on that feeling. Everyone was conversational and welcoming, despite most of them probably having no idea who I was.
Scott asked me if I was there with anyone and when I told him I wasn’t – one friend couldn’t make it, another lived far too far away, among other issues – he told me I would be with them, then. Tonight, I would be part of the band. This is what it’s like talking to Scott – if you’re feeling alone, friendless, he’s there to reassure you that you are absolutely none of those things.
I asked him about performing at SPI, the Ska Punk International Fest, that had happened in Austin. They played on a bill with several other prominent ska and punk bands. He said they got there pretty late, but the crowd was good. Though the Littlest Man Band has all the elements of a ska band, their music isn’t quite in that genre. Though watching their performance of It’s You at Last Exit that night, it definitely felt like a more punkified version than I’d seen before, with an intense drum and horn section driving the energy.
I was curious about what Scott thought about musical genre as identity, how conscious he was of trying to adhere to a genre. I asked about the song writing in Reel Big Fish, for example, and how much they tried to stick to just one style of music. He reminded me that not all Reel Big Fish songs are ska songs (and upon reflection, I remembered this, too: Where Have You Been, the cover of New York, New York, are just two examples) but that Aaron really loved that kind of music. It was what he wanted to write and play, it was who he was.
And Scott is a well known member of the ska/punk community, and has expressed gratitude for that acknowledgement in the past and did so again to me. I asked if he had ever worried that his ska fans from Reel Big Fish might not follow his music in its different direction. He reminded me that he had released music with PAL during his time with RBF that had been received well, and that the reaction to Drunk Again and Average Man, when they were first released, had been positive, too. It made him feel like he could pursue his music and still be able to find an audience, whether they were new to him or not.
I mentioned that in both Reel Big Fish and PAL he shared vocal duties, but in The Littlest Man Band he is the lone frontman. Was this always his ambition? His answer was low and quick when he told me, No, he never wanted to be a frontman. He is a sidekick, he said. That is how he still considers himself even within The Littlest Man Band. I smiled at the word because it is the reason Scott has always seemed so approachable to me. As a self-identifying weird quiet girl, I found the goofy loveable sidekick role easy to play and it made it easier to fit in, too. And I saw it in Scott in his performance persona with Reel Big Fish. It made me feel a kinship with the trumpet player. Hearing him admit to the sidekick identity was validating, in a way.
Being a sidekick necessitates a group and Scott enjoys the collaborative element of creating music. So, I had to ask if he ever said no to a collaboration and he admitted that he has at times had to say no. I asked how he determines who he can collaborate with. He said that he needs to know that whoever he works with can understand him and follow him down any creative path he may take, while also not being afraid to call him out when he’s not going anywhere. He spoke tenderly of his creative partner, Catya, and how she knows when to tell him he’s off track and when to tell him he’s got gold. It was apparent how important their relationship is when he celebrated her upcoming creative projects as well, and the pride was completely obvious on his face and in his voice. The trust is real and necessary for it to work.
He said when meeting a new potential collaborator, he’s more interested in doing something like visiting a museum together rather than taking a traditional meeting. I get the impression that he loves being part of a creative community and that it’s important newcomers are as willing to be there as he is. I get this impression from his online communities as well – be there for the serious talent, but also be there for the absurdist silliness. Scott is both, and you can’t really understand what he does unless you can be there for both.
The Littlest Man Band’s new single continues Scott’s unique genre identity. He admitted he doesn’t really think about genre or try to limit himself that way. He has songs he wants to create and for them to turn out the way he envisions them, he’ll be the frontman and go where the music takes him. He recently spoke about the story that inspired Sidle Up: a magical realism fantasy about a planet with identical cities on opposite sides of the globe. Every six months the inhabitants of one city find they’ve woken up on the other side of the world. Their only clue that this has happened is their sand filled homes; the result of an unceasing sandstorm that circles the planet every six months.
But that isn’t what the song is about. The song is about a relationship coping with generational trauma, with sweeping concerns under a rug along with the ever present sand. It’s about the pain and strain in a relationship when important things get pushed aside and unaddressed in the name of keeping the peace until they fester. I asked how often he uses this technique to write a song – creating a fantasy first. He admitted he does it all the time. He likes to come up with a story, and then pull the human element out of it, the relationships that must exist in those contexts, and his song will tell that story.
I was a little surprised when Scott then asked after how I was doing. The same way I am always a little surprised that Scott knows my name. This is more a reflection on my star-struckness when talking to him than it is on his ability to remember who I am. After nearly three years of somewhat continuous conversation through his weekly Twitch stream, it would be kind of weird for him not to know me. But he’s Scott Klopfenstein, and I’ve been a fan since 1998 when something like having a two hour long conversation with him was still purely a dream activity.
But I found myself confiding in him, trusting his kind face and easy smile. Just like always. Scott is the one celebrity I always felt could be a friend and it really felt that way as we talked. When I told him about my son’s delight over my trumpet playing, I could tell his smile matched my own. And when he shared his pride about his eldest daughter’s drawing, I felt another kind of kinship. The smiles of parents taking real joy in the joys of our children.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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11th March 1932 saw the birth of Binkie Stuart, the child film actress, in Kilmarnock.
During the 1930s Binkie enjoyed brief fame as a child actor and was considered Britain’s answer to Shirley Temple. She was born as Elizabeth Alison Fraser in Kilmarnock.In 1933, Stuart’s parents entered her in a “Most Beautiful Baby” contest and won. She then enrolled in dancing classes and began her film career in 1936 when director Monty Banks was looking for a child actress.
  Despite Stuart’s very young age, her dancing abilities landed her the part and for the next four years, she became a celebrity and large amounts of merchandise bearing her likeness were sold. At only 7, her career came to an end. Plans to have Stuart visit the United States and seek acting roles in Hollywood were effectively ended by WWII.
  Afterwards, she did live shows with her parents, but at 15 refused to embark on a tour of continental Europe. Her irate father forced her to take a job as a receptionist in a dentist’s office and by 21 he and Stuart’s mother had divorced. Stuart never received a penny of the large sums of money made from her movies and her father refused all entreaties by her to give some of her earnings over. Stuart then continued to work as a dental receptionist for years, marrying a television engineer. Eventually she became a nurse until retiring in the 1990s.
  Binkie Stuart died on 15 August 2001, aged 69.
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anappleadaydentist · 1 year
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Office Tour | Apple A Day Dental Take a virtual tour of our modern and welcoming dental office at Apple A Day Dental. Discover our state-of-the-art facilities and comfortable environment. Schedule an appointment today.
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haljordangreenjedi · 2 years
What kind of discharge would be a realistic one for Hal, do you think?
so, knowing what we know at this point in time, that Hal ends up back in the military in canon (at least for a while), i believe that it has to be a General Discharge.
there are five types of discharge from the military, and we’re gonna go through them as best as i can:
1) Honorable Discharge — this is what most military members end up with, and comes with all the benefits of being a veteran. (access to the VA, continued military medical and dental care, disability benefits, the GI Bill.) it essentially means they finished their tour of duty, and they had good/respectable conduct. of course there are situations where a service member receives an honorable discharge without finishing their tour, they have become a parent or don’t have a viable family care plan.
2) General, Under Honorable Conditions (aka General Discharge) — this means that the service member was satisfactory, but involved in situations where their performance or conduct could not warrant an honorable discharge. i know, the “under honorable conditions” is confusing, but so is the military in general lol. those that receive a general discharge usually have had minor misconduct or nonjudicial punishments in their record. if you have a general discharge, you still have access to VA benefits such as medical, and burial in a national cemetery, but you don’t get the education benefits such as the GI bill. there is still a stigma attached to having this kind of discharge, and it can affect their ability to find work or attend schools.
3) Under Other than Honorable Conditions — this is the last form of administrative discharge, meaning without a court martial. this one is reserved for those with patterns of behavior that is a major departure from the expected conduct. we’re talking like security violations, violent behavior, illegal drug use, civilian court convictions, but also being found guilty of adultery in divorce proceedings or abusing power as a superior. most veteran benefits are unavailable, and generally speaking, they cannot reenlist in any other component of the armed forces.
the final two forms of discharge can only be given after a court-martial finds the service member guilty of certain offenses. they can also only be handed down to enlisted individuals. one thing you should know: court-martial convictions often equal time in a military prison.
4) Bad Conduct Discharge — virtually all veteran benefits are forfeited on a bad conduct charge, and as i mentioned, time in a military prison. potential offenses that can result in this form of discharge include being drunk on duty, a dui, adultery, and arrest for disorderly conduct. this discharge isn’t complete until the service member finishes their incarceration period, and it must be disclosed when you’re applying for a job.
5) Dishonorable Discharge — the absolute worst form of discharge, also often includes a stint in military prison. consequences include loss of VA benefits, loss of civilian rights (such as the right to bear arms), disqualification from federal employment, and the service member may not qualify for civilian benefits such as unemployment or federal student loans. if someone has a dishonorable discharge, odds are they have: committed murder, fraud, treason, sexual assault, participated in espionage, or deserted the military.
commissioned officers cannot receive a Bad Conduct or Dishonorable Discharge by a court-martial, and they can’t be reduced in rank. instead, if they are found guilty by a general court-martial, they can be handed down a Dismissal. a Dismissal is the functional equivalent of a Dishonorable Discharge.
additionally, military separations are a different beast altogether, and have their own broad variety of reasons. it should be noted that a medical separation or medical discharge belongs in this category, and usually someone with a medical discharge is entitled to VA benefits as well as disability benefits (this is dependent on if it is a service related disability).
of course, everything is subjective, and the examples i gave are simply examples that i can find referenced across the internet. i’m inclined to think that the way they bring hal back into the military fold has to insinuate a general discharge, although it could also be under other than honorable conditions. i lean towards more general discharge because they do insinuate a bit of leniency with hal because of who his father was back in the day, and an OTH discharge would require a review for hal to be allowed to rejoin the air force, and they can’t reasonably have all of the brass know that hal jordan is the green lantern. in my opinion, that could cause way too many potential problems.
i’m also attaching the resources i used below. there is some variability in what’s published on the internet, but i stuck with the details that were most consistent for simplicity’s sake, and that made the most sense based on my own understanding of the subject. there are always gray areas when it comes to the military, and specific circumstances will change how they react to a situation. if anyone has anymore questions, please feel free to send me an ask and i’ll do my best to explain.
sources: i, ii, iii
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
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Squidbillies #36: “An Officer and a Dental Dam” | May 12, 2008 - 12:15AM | S03E16
Granny passes away, and the Cuylers waste no time in getting her possessions evaluated by an Antiques Roadshow style appraiser. Her stuff is junk, except for the one thing Early dismissed out of hand; a collection of letters. They turn out to be correspondence with General Robert E. Lee. Dan Halen buys them from Early for next-to-nothing and opens a historical museum using the letters as a basis for tableaus. It includes a self-guided audio tour. The meat of the episode is Early and Rusty going through the tour, getting disgusted when they realize the letters are becoming increasingly sexual and disgusting.
This one ends with them summoning General Lee’s ghost. In one of his letters he claims that he’ll rise from the grave, leading them to believe that his spirit could also revive Granny. They actually do revive the ghostly Lee. All is revealed: Granny was faking her death to score some strange from a ghost.
I don’t think Squidbillies is a bad show. This episode is fine, and funny enough to not piss me off. But it’s also one of those shows that’s “better than you think”, while also being rarely GREAT. The reward you get for giving the show a chance is pretty minimal. I don’t particularly regret not being a regular viewer of this show when it was on. But I also don’t find it punishing. It’s fine. It’s all just fine.
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sheerioswifties · 2 years
So I'm on the phone with my dentist's office working out the next few appointments (we're having to do it all in stages) and the girl tells me they have an opening on November 14th so I'm like "okay lemme check my calendar... I do have something that day... oh, heh, my calendar is telling me to buy Taylor Swift tickets that day, ha," and she goes "oh yeah! I heard that Taylor Swift was doing a tour, but like something like it's only for Swifties or something," to which I was all oh I freaking wish "oh no it's just this thing they do through Ticket master where if you're signed up/have an account as a ~verified fan~ you supposedly get like first dibs on the tickets," and she was like "oh okay cool so does that work..." as awkwardness settled in as we both knew damn well I won't be buying tickets that day because I can't even begin to try to pay this horrendous dental bill lol lol but anyways that was my other Swift-related interaction outside if the Internet this week
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prosmilestx · 10 days
Meet Our Doctor Dedicated to Your Dental Health | ProSmiles
Meet the team at ProSmiles, where our skilled dental specialists are dedicated to your care. Get to know us and see how we can help with your dental needs.
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tritondental · 16 days
How to Choose the Right Dental Clinic for Effective Teeth Whitening in Surrey
Teeth whitening not only gives you white teeth but also boosts your confidence. I’ve seen people just reacting “Ew” when they see yellow teeth guy. It’s not easy to choose teeth whitening Surrey as there are many clinics. A dental clinic that focuses on patient experience is probably the best. There are factors too that are worth looking at. Like you should also see their experience, reputation, services, and costs. We're here to help you find the perfect dental clinic Surrey for your bright smile dreams.
Why does picking the right place matter? Well, you want your teeth to shine, not your wallet to cry! Plus, your smile deserves the best care possible.
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1. Ask Around and Check Online
First, ask your relatives or friends. Has any of your acquaintances recently obtained tooth whitening? What is their opinion about where they went?
Then, go to the Internet. Find dentist offices that provide teeth whitening Surrey. Read the reviews from other clients about them. Are there lots of positive reviews? This is an indication that you’re on the right track. However, avoid dentists with numerous negative comments on their sites.
Do not forget that people love talking about what they have gone through before in life. Make use of this fact!
2. Look at the Dentist's Skills
A great smile starts with a great dentist. Look for dental clinics in Surrey where the dentists know their stuff about teeth whitening.
Don't be shy - ask questions! How long have they been whitening teeth? What kind of training do they have? A good dentist will be happy to tell you all about their experience.
The more practice a dentist has with teeth whitening, the better your results will likely be. Experience counts!
3. Check Out Your Whitening Options
Different dental clinics might offer different ways to whiten your teeth. Some common ones are:
In-office whitening: Quick results, done at the clinic
Take-home kits: Whiten at your own pace at home
Laser whitening: High-tech option for fast results
A good dental clinic in Surrey will explain these options to you. They'll help you pick the best one for your teeth and lifestyle.
Be wary of clinics that push only one option. Your teeth are unique, and your whitening plan should be too!
4. Take a Look at the Clinic
When you visit a dental clinic, use your eyes! Does it look clean and modern? Do they have up-to-date equipment?
A clinic that looks good often means they care about giving you good care. Some places might even offer you a tour. If they do, take it! It's a great way to see if you feel comfortable there.
Remember, you'll be spending time in this place. Make sure it feels right to you.
5. See How They Treat You
Pay attention to how the staff acts when you visit or call. Are they friendly? Do they answer your questions? You should feel valued and comfortable.
A good dental clinic in Surrey will take time to understand what you want from your teeth whitening. They'll address any worries you have.
Also, ask about follow-up care. Will they check on you after the whitening? Can you come back for touch-ups? Good care doesn't end when the whitening does!
Choosing the right dental clinic in Surrey
Choosing where to get your teeth whitened in Surrey doesn't have to be hard. Think about these things and you'll find a great dental clinic Surrey in no time.
Remember, your smile is important. Take the time to find a place that will treat it right. Happy whitening!
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