dandyads · 1 year
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Dentyne, 1948
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cerealkiller740 · 2 years
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1948 Dentyne Gum advertising
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g4zdtechtv · 8 months
THE PILE PRESENTS: X-Play - Blinx And You Miss It
Even his time-sweeping abilities can't bring G4 back for a third time.
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sohannabarberaesque · 2 years
Over a takeaway order of boneless chicken wings with the Hair Bear Bunch in their camper van on a foggy evening on the road
SQUARE BEAR, over what must seem like his third round of boneless wings: Jeez, Hair, are these boneless wings irresistable!
HAIR BEAR: If I may just explain things, I chose boneless chicken wings for the din-din this evening as something different and at once exciting and fascinating! Besides, pizza all the time can get to be rather hackneyed and predictable, guys!
BUBI BEAR, ever the excitable one: No doubt about the irresistability of the clyde, these boneless wings can certainly get to the deliciously irresistable! Especially the barbecue clyde, and who could resist licking the sauce off the fingers?!
HAIR BEAR: If it's all the same, perhaps next time we get some boneless wings, let's see if we can get a variety pack of sorts ... man, who could resist the parmesan garlic such like yours truly?
SQUARE BEAR: I just hope we have plenty of Dentyne for after ...
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theseshipsshallsail · 4 months
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They’re addictive, Elio’s lips, and visions of him pursing them at the al fresco dining table - biting them subconsciously whilst transcribing Haydn or Bach - take up an inordinate amount of his waking hours. But here and now they’re utterly ruinous: pressed to Oliver’s own in an apparent quest to devour.
Oliver was twelve years old when he received his first proper kiss: an impromptu game of spin-the-bottle at the Freidman’s summer garden party. He never learned her name - can only recall a general sense of inadequacy and Cinnamon-flavoured Dentyne - but it’s safe to say he’s kissed plenty of others since, and thankfully with much greater finesse than his terrified, seventh grade fumblings.
Not that he’s prone to brag. 
On the contrary, he’s spent years denying his baser urges. Burying deep the conflicting passions he’s seldom dared acknowledge outright. Yet the moment he’d found himself kissing Elio Perlman in the blanketing wildflowers of Monet’s berm was nothing short of a revelation: and one that’s merely grown in intensity with every heartfelt intimacy thereafter.
He’d dreamed of their first embrace - hypothetically, of course, though in exquisitely vivid detail - but reality, he’s found, is a slow-burning splendour. Softness reigns when it’s just the two of them, and Elio’s innate curiosity is a warm and gentle fire that sets his hazel eyes alight. 
Ironic, admittedly - that he kisses like he’s in no hurry, when time is a luxury they can ill afford - yet by the same token he’ll lean into Oliver with the whole of his being.
Raking blunt fingernails along his strangled rib cage.
Anchoring knobbly knees to the curve of his waist.
Tickling those flexing toes against the sensitive soles of his grass-stained feet.
But he’s more than a temptation, is Elio: he’s the catalyst that spurred his reinvention. His complex nature changed him fundamentally - knocked him on his ass then right off his axis, too - and Oliver’s charting this brand new orbit with gusto; an eager disciple, some might say, worshipping at the altar of generous lips still laced with the savoury aftertaste of Pasta alla Norma.
They’re addictive, Elio’s lips, and visions of him pursing them at the al fresco dining table - biting them subconsciously whilst transcribing Haydn or Bach - take up an inordinate amount of his waking hours. But here and now they’re utterly ruinous: pressed to Oliver’s own in an apparent quest to devour. 
Self-restraint falls by the wayside as he slides a palm beneath Elio’s t-shirt; mapping the ridged line of his vertebrae from nape to boxers-covered ass. The other, he places at the graceful column of his throat; thumb caressing the jut of his Adam’s apple in a lazy to-and-fro. It bobs on cue when he swallows back a groan, and licking past his cupid’s bow Oliver draws forth a series of heady whimpers until Elio’s damn near panting; each blissed out sigh hot and provocative where it brushes his scratchy cheek. 
And yet he never really breaks contact, does Elio: not even when he’s struggling to catch his breath. 
Simply rests that supple pout at the corner of Oliver’s mouth; sweat-damp curls framing his face as he nestles into their chamomile-scented pillow: shamelessly seeking his touch. 
“I could do this forever,” he murmurs, achingly vulnerable in the ashen light of dawn, and something heavy lifts from Oliver's chest as he steals another kiss: the ghost of his name on the air between them almost smothered by the quicksilver blood in his veins.
“You and me both…” he allows - holding Elio close - and not for the first time compiles a mental checklist of the things he’ll need to do to make it so.    
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saltygilmores · 2 months
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, 3x9, A Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving, Part III--"Lorelai Mourns Her Breakup WIth Dean--WTF Is Wrong With This Bish, No Seriously, Someone Needs To Study Her in A Lab Or Something" OR "Doofus In A Green Apron And the Woman Who Loved Him" Or "Supermarket Seduction: The Lorelai Gilmore Affair"
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I'm kinda obsessed with playing Brand Name I Spy whenever someone visits Doose's. It's kinda fun to play Stars Hollow Anthropologist and figure out how these curious creatures live, what products they subsist on. In this scene I spotted (deep breath) Whiskas Cat Food, Ring Pops,Alpo and Pedigree Dog Food, Barilla Pasta Sauce, Princella Canned Sweet Potatoes, A1 Steak Sauce, Carnation Canned Milk, Sunkist Orange Soda, Dole bananas, Planters cashews ,Lindt chocolate, Dentyne Ice Gum, Uncle Ben's Rice, some kind of Ragu instant meal, Ocean Spray pie filling, Symphony chocolate bars, Vaseline and a variety of lotions (for which Jess is grateful), Band Aids, Stove Top Stuffing, Campbell's Soup, Gatorade, Mylanta, Pepcid, Ponds cream, Advil (both regular and a fruit flavored Children's variety), SO MUCH TYLENOL, Snuggle Detergent, Bounce Fabric Softener, Q Tips, Bactine, Neosporin, Quilted Northern wet wipes, Chapstick, 2 ginormous boxes of Kraft Instant Mac & Cheese, a WHOLE LOT of First Response pregnancy tests and ovulation kits (every one of these brands is still in existence 22 years later, btw) Aaaand last but not least: Kirk, A grown ass woman with a sick obsession over her daughter's teenage ex boyfriend, and a doofwad wearing a green apron.
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The way those pregnancy tests are so fucking prominent in the background is sending me into orbit. Who is even getting laid in The Hollow besides Babette/Morey and Miss Patty, and they're past menopause. Things Doose's Market does not sell: Condoms Things Doose's Market does sell: Cigarettes (there's a "We Card" placard on the register)
The WB network was truly the place to be for product placement in the early 2000s.
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SHE'S GOIN IN FOR THE KILL! da dum da dum da dum dadumdumdumdumdum
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The two of them making eye contact across the market. PLEASE!
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The way she looks at him! I ship them so hard! I also ship Dean's face with the business end of a speeding train!
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What kind of slave driver is Taylor Doose for making Dean work on Thanksgiving? Please make him work every holiday, Taylor. His family won't miss him. (I know that here in the US quite a lot of supermarkets stay open on Thanksgiving, at least for a half day anyway, but like, why isn't Taylor working? He's probably taking a Thanksgiving holiday in Hawaii with the money he's embezzled from all the town fundraisers. Broken bridge my ass). Dean says he's getting paid time and a half for working the holiday, so I will not be calling the Connecticut Board of Labor on Taylor. Luke, meanwhile,continues to pay his nephew in acorns. For what the DALA is worth, it really leans creepily one sided. Lorelai's always coming onto Dean with Dean looking bewildered with the milf seduction. Well, maybe not in this scene from season 4, he was pretty into it by then.
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Lorelai: I'll give you time and half. in my bed.
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L: Dean, Wait... D, slowly turning around clutching packs of Dentyne gum: Yeah? L: I...LOVE YOU. Nah just kidding. We know it actually gets a helluva lot weirder than that.
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The look on Doofwad's face says even he knows you're full on delulu. She makes a speech to Dean about how when you live in a small town you shouldn't shit where you eat, metaphorically speaking. I mean, after all the times she's had to scramble to find alternate dining establishments because she had a spat with Luke, she should know. Lorelai wants Dean to know that she's done hiding from him. Uhh...
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Dean just got the memo that he was avoiding Lorelai.
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For as long as I live I will never let you live this line down, Lorelai Gilmore. Salty Gilmore's Gravestone will read: Here Lies SaltyGilmores March 24th, 2022-???? She Recalled That In The Thanksgiving Episode Lorelai Gilmore Told Dean Forrester That They Weren't Broken Up Yet
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Dean: Okay, whatever you say, DeLuLu Lady.
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Get yourself a partner who looks at you the way Lorelai Gilmore looks at the local teenage bagboy.
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That was pretty intense, Deano. Take a deep breath, it'll be okay. Just head over to the lotion aisle and then make yourself comfy in the break room. Lorelai exits the market to meet Rory, seemingly drained, and shaken by the events that just transpired. When Rory (who is now avoiding entering Doose's Market herself in this neverending game of Business Boycott Roulette) asks how it went, Lorelai can barely speak, as if moments ago she had just done all the heavy lifting for her own relationship and not Rory's. Truly twisted stuff, I'm telling ya. (by the way thank you to @ernestonlysayslovelythings (AGAIN) for pointing out that Jess' green coat makes at least one more appearance. I'll have to postpone the Coat Funeral/Ritual Burning To Ward It Of Evil Spirits)
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gutwrenchflowerbomb · 7 months
I love the tunnels. Always have. I mourned when they went away. I also missed the rainbow color scheme so I’m happy that’s back. White ring ropes are neat.
The only thing I’m not really diggin is the font for DYNAMITE. It looks like the Dentyne Ice logo or some shit. It’s like…too *sharp* or something. Idk.
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kiwanopie · 2 years
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​i just know this dork ass freak loser would smell like the stalest of spit. probably don’t even brush his teeth good. fingers likely grimy af from digging in his ass but i swear he play it off like he pulling out a wedgie. i bet he musty. i bet when he pee it burn at the end nd it smell like sauerkraut. i bet every single one of his friends agree that the water in his house taste like pool water. i bet his breath stank - like not even regular stank - like he’s been sitting there letting that shit cook his teeth in his mouth and the top of his tongue got a film on it. i bet his mama don’t like him. i bet his cousins can’t stand him. i bet his dog don’t even be licking his tacky ass cause he taste like bug spray. dude probably got a sinus infection. i KNOW he’s never ever in his LIFE been invited to a sleepover. he like kiwi on pizza. he think “playing the devil’s advocate” make him look smart. he’s seen every episode of Seinfeld. and i BET this bitch can’t fight irl. on god i wanna beat his ass. it would not be hard. id pop his ass like dentyne gum y’all i do not like him
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leopoldainter · 20 days
Brothel of Thebes:peacefull
It's just vine whip so careful, you have to oppose it to find there thorned.
Chagrin & Power Meeting area. Some followers. I thought it wanted to bring coffee back not bileout
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He is a grief
Don't tell people, she means dentyne thrice it's Trident in canada
Cp.Barbosaw and revealed to have taken a bite
Orange Stride or rollercoaster5select.
They must last longer I don't get popping from height.. .
So this is just dandruff
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A hospital exploded!
And they call the first movement the strip rap
It's getting hot so heres Cape.
You brought my pregnant.
She didn't say anything about that. Or are 2 in bol
You don't want another baby do you.
The blonde in roswell2Firewall Lost to closelando
Its expensive prayrea. No just oloser
Like nippon
We love wimbledon
What snows your relish. Telling me it's never been zucchini.
French kissing with tounges and you think tonsils...she wad sitting in a phonebooth 25¢Vague Judicial...
They're is hitclips
There's something famous in their for my president.
I can vote any party.
Now. Tungsten I'd gendered. Ok. 3thunder
Only online. Diesel
President Fox captain drublin. Him
Shovel he's short not tall
No, fake hair. And short.
Faker? Phony
Don't open with bazooka, use the stand contest j theater . And pretend to be confused.
He means controlled by the devil.
Yeah, I think just fuck him.
It's left us a thrift store.
So they trace eacher
Sandra Beeman
Send flowers to webrlor did you know where they were from around
People are from everywhere
I know,now I'm a leslie again, don't pull my finger
We use these to plant trees
That's your problem, duh plant seeds
Where'd yours from.
M.Barron: Funny story but it's just a regular cheese greater
She bought the 45$ wheel only one slice at a time miss.
Where's the rest of the bric
Some kind of grease cheesroom. Here. Nachos
You did that in a microwave. Isn't it some holiday
Oh, it's just the regular greater. From the restaurant I went to once.
Baffling Badaboom
That's free
You can ask for more when its done
Things change.
Carlsbad springs
Then on this sign out nearing Beaver Lane and Indian Creek. Never getting near without texiyiabn Carlton Place.
So paved.
Passing lane
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Hey weird treason.Parity Advantedge magic. TOM CRUISE. Legend. That weird narrow movie box credit fontDarkness.Aprox.2,32hoursRuntime
I grew up within a microwave. I know when it is dinner.
Be kind
Slump in Fully Rewound. You know Gem keeps track. Chained an ultramar to the side of his like I obviously support thar secret past Bush reiki master bridge toMcDonaldsToRestoParkand Canadian tire well we notic3d a lot of empty houses
Peopl3 rushin
They ga e us these gat as these are trillium
Only quebec as casse pop for that
So many people were crying by then
.rsvp%?re Ballad
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They caused spiderman and Superstar
Better access to shower water caused the restless stiller to take opportunities as well as maid a kathy and he's a very smarter brother.
I said that's enough
It's milk I multitask
Watching television isn't a task. Pouring that's a task.
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zeta-male · 3 months
how are they still allowed to sell dentyne fire. had one two days ago and my mouth still hurts please help
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stupidscav · 5 months
As someone who had braces for 6+ years as well as a metal hinge in the back of my jaw to straighten said jaw, I feel your pain
If you want to chew gum, dentyne or freedent are braces-safe gums to chew btw. And if your braces ever rub up against your mouth funny or start scratching you, there should be some kind of dental wax they can give you to cover the area of metal that's giving you a hard time
Don't give up my dude
tyy I don't like gum and they gave me some wax (actually used some now) but it's nice to know I'm not alone ofc:] I'm probably gonna have to deal with it for a long time too evrhhgjj
my teeth are just BETTER because they're JAGGED and they HURT PEOPLE MORE/silly
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oldshowbiz · 1 year
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Hand me the box of Dentyne
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g4zdtechtv · 1 year
You’re Dam Right.
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wtffacts · 1 year
Dentyne gum was invented in 1899 by a druggist from New York named Franklin V. Canning
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you-fuckers-are-asses · 6 months
Dentyne Gum commercial w/ Johnny Knoxville (1995)
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ensegnity · 2 years
I associate Dentyne cinnamon gum with THAC and Marble Hornets every time I chew it.
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