#dep as a gfh
hopelesscounty · 2 years
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If you keep putting someone on the back burner, eventually they will go cold.
Name: Eleanora Jade Whittaker Nicknames: Nora, Nor, Ellie (her mom's way of naming her after Eli) Age: 27 Role: Gun For Hire, Eden's Gate reconnaissance for Eli/the Whitetail Militia
(See below cut for history!)
"Brief" Pre-P.E.G History: A result of parental neglect and abuse at the hands of her older brother, Nora learned to find solace in the forests of Hope County very young. By the time she turned 11, she was already considered a flight risk, taking what she had learned through her uncle Eli's survival lessons and applying it in order to keep herself safe. While she often found herself in Eli's care during her flights, particularly bad episodes found her disappearing into the woods for days at a time, leaving her with an intimate knowledge of the forests surrounding her home.
Whenever she was home, her primary focus was the farm. A staple of the community for decades, the Palmer-Whittaker farm in the Valley had been her mother's pride and joy, something Nora adopted from her. While primarily a crop farm, the family did keep a number of animals and when she was home, Nora would spend hours with them, preferring their company over her family's.
Her parent's focus on her brother - their Golden Boy - left Nora with a significant lack of self-worth, and an even bigger lack of self-preservation. Seeking adventure and danger became the most important thing to her throughout her teenage years, especially once Lilith, her neighbour and closest friend, moved away. It never truly went away, even as she matured.
"Brief" Post-P.E.G History: Nora's relationship with her mother was the best of her immediate family and although neglectful, she still loved her mother. Naturally, her mother's decision to leave the family and join the Project crushed Nora, doubly so when it was brought to light that her Pilgrimage had failed and resulted in her death. Her father followed suit, willingly joining the Project and leaving the farm and properties to his son.
While both Whittaker children were raised Christian, neither truly believe in the teachings, so when the opportunity to sell the farm to the Project and leave Hope County entirely reared its head, Nora's brother capitalized, selling the house out from under her and leaving her homeless. This began her work with Eli's militia, where she would spend her time learning her uncle's plans and doing Eden's Gate reconnaissance from the many hidden shelters she's built in the forests of the county.
Due to the way he took her home from him and turned it into one of the Project's farms, Nora's secondary objective after gathering intel is to make things difficult for the Project. Notably by making John's life a living hell. It began immediately after he purchased the farm from her brother: overnight she sabotaged the equipment, harvested what crops she could, burned the rest, and set their animals free. Since, she does everything she can to get under John's skin and piss him and the rest of his siblings off, including vandalizing and blowing up the many billboards with his stupid (handsome) face on them.
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aceghosts · 2 years
John’s Worst Day Ever, please?
(Also tagging @direwombat and @derelictheretic.)
The title is a bit misleading, but basically Blue and the GFH get together to destroy John’s ugly ass yes sign. Everyone gets a chance to vent their frustrations while also destroying Peggie Property. It’s part of Blue’s FC5 Canon, but I haven’t worked on this one in a while and it is still a very rough draft. Here is a snippet that happens toward the end of the fic:
Blue releases Grace’s shoulder, grabbing their grenade launcher. They aim for the middle of the ‘S’. “This is for trying to drown me, you bastard,’ They pull the safety off, a wide smile on their face, ‘This is for not taking No, you creepy asshole.” The grenade flies with a satisfying plonk. It hits the middle of the ‘S’, bringing down the final part. “So, who gets the last part?” Blue asks, turning to everyone else.
“I don’t think you’re done, Dep,’ Adelaide comments with a smirk, ‘Heard you had some choice words about Joseph for Jerome.”
“I want to hear you insult that creepy, man bun asshole.” Jess butts in.
The other Guns for Hire voice their agreement, and Blue reloads their grenade launcher. They aim for the middle of the ‘Y’, cocking the safety. “This is for upending my life and making me a pawn in your creepy ass game of bring forth the apocalypse,’ Blue lets the grenade fly, ‘That’s for everything you’ve done to Hope County.” It explodes, bringing down the final part of the ‘Y’. They leave unsaid the growing feelings in their chest, the one thing that Blue truly hates Joseph Seed for.
On their hip, their radio crackles, John Seed’s slimy voice echoing out of it. “Deputy,’ he snarls, ‘When this little uprising is over, you and your ‘friends’ will rebuild that piece by piece. You will all work until your fingers are worn to the bone. And when you and your ‘friends’ have finished, I’ll bury all of you beneath it.” He pauses for a moment. “Perhaps, you need a reminder of what the Project is capable of.”  
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direwombat · 2 years
That anon again. Thank you for listening to my rambling. And if it matters any, Joseph gets plenty of chances to Suffer during my dep's canon. Because we're (plural because this is all from an RP verse my best friend and I have where she plays Joseph and a 'John fucker' GFH while I play my dep and John) bitches like that and can't let the Seed boys get away with being the worst without suffering for it. (1/?)
A major theme of Joe and Dep's relationship is 'be careful what you wish for' since he spends a good early portion of things wanting to change her to fit his whims (for her 'own good' of course), but oops, he gets attached to who she is but by the time he realizes it, his actions are already responsible for her having begun to change for the worse. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, Joseph. Now suffer. And I'm rambling again, but I had another question to ask. Two actually.
First: how did you first get comfortable with sharing Syb with the rest of tumblr? I ask because part of me is tempted to do this with my Dep, but the other part of me is scared of being perceived and judged for my dep, my interpretations of characters, etc. Two: With Augustine becoming Faith, did Joseph specifically pull this to punish Syb? Because I'm getting big 'you took my family member, now I take yours' vibes. And it sounds about right and petty and fucked up enough for Joe. (3/3)
f;lakdjfaldfkj that's TOTALLY FAIR i sure as hell don't let jacob off easy either fal;dfjkadf
and OOF well...to answer question 1: i've been shouting about my ocs into the void of the internet for the past several years (got started in the dragon age fandom, moved to the general dnd fandom, and ended up here) having friends already on tumblr/in the fandom space to share ideas and bounce off of certainly helps. it's for sure scary!, but tbh? the more you talk about them the more curious people will get. at least that's been my experience. and then of course, engaging with other people who have their own ocs, rb-ing their art/fic/sending asks for ask games and prompt lists are a great way to kind of find your place in the fandom/community and make friends! And to address your fear of being judged for your dep/interpretations of characters, i'll just say this: fandom would be boring if everyone had the exact same interpretation of the characters and it's ok to disagree with an interpretation as long as you're not a dick about it, yk? And, just like people irl, everyone's deputy is different and adds to the fandom!
my advice: do whatever you feel most comfortable doing. make your characters in picrews and do those uquizes! I normally open tag, so if you see one from me that you like! tag me! this includes wip wednesdays/whenevers too if you ever feel brave enough to share any writing you have! BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, you are your oc's number one fan! if (god forbid, and i've never seen this happen personally) someone doesn't like them and has the gall, the sheer audacity to say that to your face? block them. have fun with your oc is what i'm getting at. they're your little barbie/bratz/whatever doll that inspires the most nostalgia for you. we're all just playing little games, telling little stories and dressing up our personal blorbos however we want. :)
as for question 2:
ahh.. poor sweet Augustine. So, Augustine is a park ranger who was on duty at the Whitetails Ranger Station the night of the Reaping and was injured in a pretty nasty fall. One of his coworkers (another oc, Shaw) is one of Jacob's Chosen (who spent a lot of time undercover as a civilian), and after hearing that the Deputy escaped, he essentially lets Jacob know that they have a piece of leverage against her. He's sent to Joseph to heal, where he's very subtley and slowly indoctrinated into the cult. He keeps Augustine hidden from Syb and he also keeps it secret that Syb is the one causing misery to the Cult/newfound family Augustine has found himself welcomed into (as much as he and syb love each other, they're not perfect and uh...there are some abandonment issues there). anyway, i'm still kind of ironing out the details of it all, but essentially, after john and faith are neutralized (john dead and faith/rachel safe and getting clean) jacob and joseph are like, "alright, time to use our secret weapon." Syb knows they have Augustine at this point, but she's under the impression that he's a prisoner, not a member of the cult.
So they meet up on neutral ground (i'm thinking tanami island) only instead of a loving and wholesome reunion, Syb finds out that her brother drank the kool-aid and Augustine finds out that his sister is the one causing the "unnecessary" violence plaguing the Project (which also, Joseph is very careful to shield Augustine from the actual violence, and paints the Project as a much more peaceful organization than it actually is). Anyway, cult tactics win over in Augustine's head and he turns against Syb, and given the power vacuum in the Henbane and his *ahem* closeness to Joseph, he's offered the mantle of Herald/Brother Faith. And. Yeah. It's definitely a method to punish/break Syb, and it's also a way to reward Augustine for his loyalty. Even she wouldn't kill or arrest her own brother. That reunion with her brother is the beginning of Syb's breaking point, and everything after that is just her slipping into misery, helplessness, and despair. everything about this is exploitative as hell :)
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scarlettkat86 · 4 years
FC5 GFH Tag!
Tagged by @chyrstis ty bb💜
My brain instantly emptied when I saw this tag. Hopefully I got it working enough to give y'all Lo as a GFH.
Loralai Dale Jones (GFH)
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With Fangs for Hire
Boomer: "Bebee booms!" "Who's the bestest boy? You are!"
Peaches: starts singing pussy cat by bridge city sinners
"How bout a treat for that catitude eh? Wouldn't wanna end up like those peggies."
Cheeseburger: *offers hand and ear scratch* "hope you don't mind some fruits for a snack, I'd like to see you around for a long time big guy"
"hey cheesie, think I could ride on your back into battle? No?"
With other Guns for Hire
Sharky: *checking him out as he joins the team* "dammit, forgot my 'caution: wet floor' sign"
*high fives and secret handshake before shouting "team loshaw in the house!"
*sharky turns on radio. Set those sinners free starts playing.* "this is such a Johnny Cash knock off but goddamn it's good." * Starts singing off key and slaps his hand before he can turn it off.*
Adelaide: "Hey Ads, why's Jacob not on the 'any hole' list?"
*if adelaide is talking bad of hurk jr* "I'm all outta Bitch b gone spray, but these hands can show you what happens when you don't have anything kind to say."
"Im 100% certain I didnt need that image. Now I can't go back to the marina."
Jess *after watching her stealth kill a chosen and two judges in seconds* "I think you're lady boner is showing."
*while waiting* "You know sometimes I wish you'd talk more, but I'm learning the beauty of being one with natur-" *one of Jess' arrows hit the tree beside her head* "Fuck. I don't know if I'm afraid or horny right now. Both. I think both." Jess smirks, barely visible, but its there.
Nick Hey nick, wanna make a deal? *scratches beard* "Depends what you got in mind"
"Free flying lessons in exchange for painting a giant dick onto John's plane?" She rambles on about her plan and he agrees.
"Oh! I almost forgot! I found some of that old baby stuff the peggies took in a bunker a while back, tell Kim I'll be by this weekend."
Hurk Jr. Always greets her as ElDeeJay *finger guns* "Hurkinator!"
After a fight* Hurk runs over to her "Are you alright amigo?" *clutches scrape on her head* "first of all, did you see that peggie get launched? Amazing, and i think he's still in the tree!! Secondly, don't ever aim that rocket near me again or I'll throw you off a cliff."
Grace: *first time meeting her* "wow, you're gorgeous."
"sick shot! Think you could give me lessons?"
"I can sense your an honest person. Glad to have you at my back."
In combat:
•seeing an enemy: "the big ones mine."
•sneaking: "one two Lo is coming for you..."
•killing an enemy: "this never gets easier." "It's my life or yours!" "Think I strik have brain on my boots. Disgusting."
•Reviving: "I'll be there lickety split!" "You're not dying on my watch."
•Hurt: "sonofabitch!!owww." "I'm fine, it's just, a scratch." "Come on! Push through the pain, just a few more."
•Downed: "Take your time, I've got all day. Just bleeding out here." "Fuckfuckfuck" *vision blackened* "I don't see a light. That's.. that's a good thing, right?"
If asked to drive: "Buckle up mother fuckers!" "You can totally trust me behind the wheel."
Reckless driving: "cheese on a cracker!" "Who the fuck taught you to drive? A blind man?" "Watch out, I don't want to meet a fiery death at the bottom of a cliff!"
•Changing the radio stations:
Faith's music *exaggerated yawning* "Nope, no, nein, I can't."
*oh John while riding with grace. Making up lyrics* Oh lawd!! Beauty and Grace! She's putting bullets in each and every peggies face!"
• If you haven't tried Chad's grill, you've gotta. Don't be put off by the whole roadkill thing. It's fresh, it's delicious. Here feeds the whitetails. I mean have you seen Eli? That's a piece of meat I could sink my teeth into...."
•I wasn't born here in Montana, don't remember much of Tennessee. I do remember always going for hikes to local waterfalls or fishing with my dad there. Was a little more dense, a little less serene... man, I wish he'd of had a chance to see this place.
•Can't stand sitting around. Anyone wanna go for a run? No one?
Location specific:
•In the Whitetail Mountains: "Nothing makes my skin crawl quite like those wolf beacons. Faith has nothing on Jacob when it comes to psychological horrors."
•At Fall's End: So glad to see this place outta John's hands. Im not much for religion but I try to stop by to see Pastor Jerome often. Mans got some interesting stories from his time in service, and history of Hope County.
•Near any Clutch Nixon mission: Greatest or stupidest stuntman of all time. I tried the Baptism of fire one time. Lost an eyebrow, took two years for the burnt hair on the side of my head to grow back normal and broke my arm but man. It was thrilling.
Tagging: @goodboiboomer-fc5 @wewillryesagain @minilev @theblissburns @nightwingshero @jacobmybeloved if yall wanna.. sorry for any double tags, maybe you have a 2nd fc5 oc to share? No obligations though! I took... forever to find this in my drafts :/
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depvotee · 3 years
Hey...... On summer..... I wanna make a Resistance Calendar.... And yes it's just a bunch of pinups
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marymay-fairgrave · 6 years
I headcanon Sharky revealing he knew the Judge was the Deputy all along (despite the mask) one night in Prosperity because they couldn’t mask that ass. He’d know it from anywhere, even after 17 years. And he’s not even saying it in a sexual way, just a “I just know who you are” type of way. 
Then he’d hear a burst of noise from behind the mask that at first he thinks is crying, but really it is an uncontrollable laughter that devolves into tears because the Deputy is known, wasn’t forgotten, and wasn’t hated after all these years and they can’t even fucking believe it.  
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grumpyhedgehogs · 5 years
ok so i had (yet another) idea for a fc5 au: 
Rook was with Eden’s gate from the start; they’re one of the few people who survived the move from down south to Hope County and got into the Seeds’ good graces. They are pretty devout and kinda act like the Judge from the beginning.
But then they come to Hope County. And everyone there is so... nice?? to?? them?? that doesn’t usually happen. They don’t know how to deal with Mary May offering them a drink (John had them in confession for days the last time they drank) or Sharky/Hurk/Nick asking them if they wanna kickback for a few hours (Jacob trained idleness out of them- they have to work for their keep after all, or else they may become weak) or something as simple as Pastor Jerome asking them if they are alright and telling them they are important in the lord’s eyes (Joseph only ever talks about his role in the collapse, not theirs. They aren’t important, not really.)
Soon enough everything kicks off though, the sheriff and the other deputies have been taken (Rook is in charge of helping collect them and guarding them) and the GFH are already pushing back against the cult but they don’t have the help they really need. The resistance is losing. 
And int he middle of it all is Rook. Rook, who is experiencing something very strange, something they haven’t felt ever since Faith helped them walk the path, since John’s atonement, since Jacob's training, since Joseph. They begin to  Doubt. And it only grows stronger.
In the end, the GFH gain a powerful, vengeful ally in Rook- and they don’t even realize that all it took was showing some small act of kindness.
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bonedownhard · 6 years
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yo man, you alright??
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playstationmademe · 2 years
7-12 for the Fc5 asks 💜💜
7. What is your opinion on Marshal Cameron Burke?
He's a headstrong idiot that dragged everyone into a shitstorm. He doesn't deserve what Faith did to him though.
8. If you could, would you live in Hope County?
Nah probably not. Too full of crazies lmao
9. Have you ever done the secret ending?
Yeah, during my first go at the game actually! I thought I'd try and just wait, because FC4 had the same thing.
10. When you first played the game, did you Resist or Walk Away? If you've replayed the game, what do you pick the same option?
I Resisted, because that family put me through hell damn it!
I have done the Walk Away ending too, but i think it's less satisfying? like, oh now Dep's likely killed everyone in the car, and that's it.
11. Do you prefer Guns for Hire or Fangs for Hire? Who is your favorite GFH/FFH? Your least favourite?
Fangs, because they're so cute! Guns are great for their one liners though. Boomer and Peaches are my favs, then its Nick and Sharky from the GFHs.
I rarely use Hurk, mostly cuz he blows me or himself up more than anyone else. And Cheeseburger, but that's because we can only have 2 at a time and if I could i would be running around with a dog, cougar and bear lol.
12. Have you played the Joseph DLC from Far Cry 6? If so, what did you think about it?
No not yet. I will likely get the DLCs at some point though.
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starsandskies · 3 years
Exactly! Plus (since this is a video game & not real life) I have minimal love for the Resistance. I'm not as interested in their plight as I am in understanding the Seeds, and my Dep spending more time with them outside kidnappings. The GFH are awesome, but outside them it's like, my Dep's putting in hard work while everyone else complains. I'd much rather garden for Eden's Gate and have the Seeds tell my Dep stuff about them like she's their therapist. Can't wait for Joseph's DLC MY GOD!!!!!
Hahaha, it's a very valid point, to be honest.
Obviously, it's a game, and that's the role they set for us as the player, but yeah, sometimes it feels as if you're doing all the hard work for people you sometimes barely know. It's like if my Dep would love to yell at them, "you guys threw me in the middle of this shitstorm without even asking me wtf is wrong with you all."
It's fantastic that they've been able to create such good villains (I mean, not only for FC5 but for the other FC games) that we would all like to know more about them.
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adelaidedrubman · 3 years
the gfh + the deputy also represent the 7 deadly sins. 😐 dep is wrath, nick is greed, grace is pride, jess is envy, sharky is gluttony, hurk is sloth, and adelaide is lust
ooooh sick i never put that together either. it makes perfect sense though. that's so cool, thank you for telling me anon.
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
Hey there! I saw that you have requests open for far cry 5 and I was wondering which characters you write for? Thanks!
Hi anon!! tysm for asking! i’m so excited to do some more fc content in general (although i’ve been v busy recently!)
characters for fc5 i will write for include:
the seeds [jacob, joseph, john & faith]
GFH [nick, sharky, hurk, grace, jess & adelaide]
protagonists [joey, staci, eli, wheaty, dutch, whitehorse, jerome &mary may]
minor characters [bo, charles lindsey, kim, huntley, skylar]
the dep is also included!! but i tend to do things first person/have the reader as the deputy but you can totally request a ship for them too
you can request most characters since i know the game pretty well and i’m not judgemental to who ppl wanna request for !!
hope this helps <3
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scarlettkat86 · 5 years
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chazz-anova · 3 years
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Type: Story / GFH Mission Location: Rye & Sons Aviation / Seed Ranch (Holland Valley) Quest Contact: Nick Rye Rewards: Nick as a Gun For Hire, 900 Resistance points Description: "Nick's plane was taken by cultists before he and his wife could disappear for good. Pregnant and expecting, they need help to get out of Dodge."
Over the radio, Nick Rye pleads for help as the cult attempts to steal his plane. When the Deputy arrives, they find the airfield overrun with peggies and Nick is under fire. After finishing the rest of the cultists off- Nick informs the Deputy that his plane has already been taken and is stashed at John Seed’s ranch. Explaining that he can’t go because his wife, Kim, is expecting, the pilot asks the Deputy for their help.  Once at Seed Ranch, Dep secures the land for the Resistance and takes back the Rye family plane. Back at Rye & Sons- Nick barely has time to check the craft for damage before Eden’s Gate attacks once more. After they’re dealt with, Kim convinces Nick to stay in Hope County and fight the good fight with the Deputy.
While you can steal the plane without taking the outpost at Seed Ranch, if you return there will be no alarms or acknowledgement of killing all enemies. You must fast travel away and then back to reset this.
Nick (Beginning): We’re trapped, we’re fucking trapped! I swear to god, I’m gonna kill that son of a bitch John Seed… you see them peggies take off with my plane? I need it back! That was our only chance of getting out! I’d go myself but my wife’s due any second. I just don’t know what I’m supposed to do… I mean, without that plane we’re fucked! Please… my family needs your help. I’m sorry. I don’t like getting emotional… name’s Nick by the way. Look, if I know the cult they’ve taken my plane to John Seed’s Ranch. It’s got the only other landstrip big enough to land the thing! I know it’s a lot to ask but… I’m desperate, partner.
John (After You Take His Ranch): So, you’ve taken my home in the name of your little ‘Resistance’.  Ah, if those walls could talk… well, more accurately, scream. Just know that I will get it back- sooner or later. And when I do, maybe I’ll hang your skin as a trophy above the mantle. 
Nick (When You Get In The Plane): Hoorah, deputy! Now you need some distance, just go north for a bit. You gotta get that plane back to me! Now, I need to make sure they didn’t mess with it. Let’s run some tests! Hang a sharp left at the crop circle and fly low along the river! I’m gonna have you dip that left wing. That’s the one that worries me, it’s always acting up a bit. Goddamn! Breaking into John’s ranch of all places and making it out in one piece! Way to show those fuckers! That’s all they do around here anyways! Show  up at your door and take everything you own, just like they did to me! Good thing we didn’t lose that plane, we’d have been fucked. Ya know, I should have figured everything was gonna be alright. That plane’s never let a single one of us Ryes down! You should be coming to a big fork in the river, hang right! Yeah, it takes a certain kinda person to defend their home.I gotta be honest, I don’t know if I am that kind of person. I don’t know if you have any little monsters at home but the thought of leaving mine fatherless terrifies me! And mine ain’t even born yet! If running means saving my family at the cost of losing my home, so be it! That’s the right move ain’t it? Still. Makes my goddamn blood boil that I gotta uproot from the place that my family worked so hard to put together! They made every inch of this land with blood and sweat, and now I gotta lose it all to some man-bunned little twerp and his posse of inbreeds? No, fuck it, you don’t mess with the Ryes without getting a scar! Let’s give ‘em the long kiss goodbye partner! You should be flying over a field, light up any peggies you see! And if you see any Bliss tankers, blow them sky high!
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mikasuxxx · 3 years
Alright, alright.
Thoughts on the Guns and Fangs for hire?
I love the GFH and FFH! Theyre all so special and unique and funny in their own way. I love Sharky and Hurk's one brain celled arguments, and their absurd comments, The way Grace tries to make some funny comments and actually some pretty solid points whenever dep is around, the weird sex comments and hilarious insults that sharky and hurk make. Jess's "edgy" vibes but like in a good way, the way Nick acts like a cute silly himbo. I'll admit, i don't use the FFH that much, but i love all of them. They're so cute. Especially Cheeseburger, he's literally just a cute cuddly teddy bear
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foofygoldfish · 3 years
10-13 for Alice, 7, 17 & 20 for Stella!
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10. How about Dutch? Do they get along with?
she thinks he's a little weird, but during the few interactions she's had with him, he's been pleasant enough
11. First thoughts on the Seed family?
i mean, her asshole sister was dating john, so...
12. What’s the region they feel most connected to? 
the henbane! she's from the valley, yeah, but the henbane just.... feels right. it also has vastly superior hiking, in her opinion - the whitetails have more trails, but the henbane has the views
13. From the GFH/FFH which one they get along with the most?
sharky and nick! she gets along with all of them, really, but sharky is her bro and nick... she's literally known him since she was a baby lmao
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7. What are their thoughts on the cult?
y'all know how much alice hates the cult? yeah. take that, multiple by a thousand.
17. From the Whitetail Militia - who do they get along with?
most of them, honestly - she's not officially-officially a whitetail until partway through the events of the game, but she's always gotten along with them.
20. How do they feel about Jacob?
When the dep doesn't kill him? She goes out to do it herself. Honestly, though, that might partially be because he's her dad....
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