#derek hale blog
nrnyx · 8 months
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PROMPT: How about Derek and Stiles meeting at a dog adoption event and falling in love over the same dog.
Thank you @steelcodewolf-blog for the prompt!
Stiles ran up to the counter and slammed his application down. “For Sparky!” he gasped out of breath as he’d just sprinted the entire mile to the adoption agency after his jeep broke down. It was finally the day. Stiles was free of his lease agreement and moving into a pet-friendly apartment. He could have a dog - his dog because he’d been visiting Sparky for months now after seeing his cute picture online. 
The animal shelter staff held Sparky as long as they could for him, but he’d been warned that today was their big adoption fair, and Sparky would be part of the group being pushed hardest for adoption. Sparky had already been with them for nearly a year before Stiles showed up, and before that, poor Sparky had been shipped from another shelter in New York. The shelter couldn’t hold him if someone wanted to adopt him. 
Stiles hadn’t been too worried. One of the reasons Sparky was still around was because he was a rather large and somewhat alarming German Shepard mix that might have actually been a wolf-dog, but the shelter didn’t have the funds to test his genetics, to be sure. Sparky had never been aggressive or tried to attack anyone. He was a chill dog that loved belly rubs, so he remained up for adoption. 
The staff even said that Stiles was the only person Sparky had ever shown an interest in. Sparky didn’t really like toys, wasn’t interested in other dogs or attention of any kind really, but he liked Stiles. The staff said he already knew the sound of Stiles's jeep and only ever bothered barking to alert them that Stiles was coming. Stiles adored the old grump right back and had visited him at least once every few days with the hopes that no one else would take notice of just how awesome Sparky was. 
Being a newly graduated college student and an intern with the FBI didn’t exactly bring in the big bucks yet, so Stiles had to wait for his lease to be up in order to find a new place to live that allowed pets. He’d managed to scrape up enough extra money for the rather hefty pet deposit and had Sparky a new bed, food, and dog tags waiting for him in the jeep, which they would have to walk back to, but he was sure Sparky would like the chance to stretch his legs.
It was going to be awesome.
Martha’s face fell as soon as she realized it was him, and Stiles felt his heart falling right along with her look of pity. “Stiles…” she started, but Stiles didn’t give her time to finish.
“Where’s Sparky? Please tell me you didn’t give him to some stranger off the street! I’ve been coming in for months!” Stiles protested in disbelief. How could they betray him? He thought they were all rooting for him and Sparky. He’d told them he would be in by the end of the day. They promised that even if someone tried to adopt, they wouldn’t let Sparky leave the same day. They’d make an excuse to hold him as long as they could for Stiles.
“I’m so sorry, Stiles. I know how excited you’ve been. This must be so heartbreaking for you, but his dad showed up,” the woman explained with actual tears in her eyes. 
Stiles couldn’t find his voice. That had been the last thing he’d expected to hear. “His dad?” he finally managed to get out. “His dad?”
“Yes, he had proof -” 
“He lost him! He lost him for over a year, and you’re just going to let him walk in and take him! Just like that? Clearly, the guy wasn’t a responsible dog parent to begin with. I mean, what kind of evidence did this guy have?”
“Uh Stiles…” Martha tried to interrupt, but Stiles was on a roll. There was no way Sparky was going anywhere with anyone but him. 
“Because photos can be photoshopped, and videos can be falsified. I know! I work for the FBI. Who is this guy? I want to see some I.D. and this so-called evidence. No one is leaving here with Sparky until I hear this assholes side of the story because there’s no way Sparky - ”  
“Jacks,” a male voice spoke up from beside him, and Stiles was momentarily left speechless as he turned and caught sight of, frankly, the most attractive guy he’d ever seen in his entire life, and he’d gone to school with Jackson Whittmore. 
“Holy shit, adopt me,” Stiles mumbled before his brain-to-mouth filter could catch up.
The guy's eyebrows did something impressive. “What?” 
“What?” Stiles asked back equally as dumbfounded. Honestly, he was just as surprised as anyone at what came out of his mouth sometimes. 
“Stiles, uhh… meet Sparky’s…  I’m sorry. I mean Jacks’s dad, Derek Hale,” Martha introduced as Stiles's big brain tried to get back online. “Apparently, Jacks was stolen about a year ago. His dad’s been looking for him ever since. He tracked him down here all the way from New York. Crazy, right?” Martha laughed nervously as she looked between the two.
Stiles eyed Derek Hale for a long moment and already felt himself accepting this new disappointing reality. The guy looked like Sparky’s dad. They both had a certain wolfishness about them that was undeniable. Honestly, Derek Hale had to be the most dedicated dog dad in the world to have tracked his lost dog all the way across the continent. 
Stiles felt himself deflating. “I’m glad you guys are reunited. I’m sure Sparky - I mean Jacks is pumped to see you again.”
Derek fished his phone from his pocket and turned it so Stiles could see the screen saver, which was truthfully the most adorable picture of the two together and obviously happy. “After he was taken, it took me a while to track him down. I found out that a shelter in New York shipped him to the West Coast, thinking he’d have a better chance of being adopted, but they couldn’t tell me where he ended up. I started checking shelters in Washington and was working my way down the coast when I saw an ad for today’s event. Jacks picture was part of it.”
“I’m glad you found him,” Stiles offered again, unable to look at the guy as he said it even though he did mean it. He couldn’t even get that kind of dedication out of a boyfriend. This guy was like a superhero or something. “Cool, well I gotta go…” 
Derek opened his mouth to say something, but Jimmy from the back was calling for him. Stiles knew Jimmy was the one who typically got the adopted dogs ready and brought them out to greet their new owners. He needed to get out of there. Stiles didn’t think he could say goodbye to Sparky- well, Jacks, which was a much more suitable and dignified name, he supposed. 
Derek, with his man stubble and leather jacket, looked like a guy who would own a dog named Jacks. 
More proof that they fit together.
While Derek was distracted, Stiles slipped away, shoulders slumped as he started the long walk back to his jeep. About halfway there, a familiar bark froze him in his tracks. Stiles turned just in time to see a black pickup slowing down to a stop beside him. The passenger window was down, and Jacks's big head was sticking out of it. 
“Do you live around here?” Derek called from the driver's side as he leaned out of the way of Jack’s aggressively thumping tail. 
Jacks whined, and Stiles immediately reached out to soothe him, running a hand over his massive ears and scratching how he knew Jacks liked. This earned him a great big lick across his face in return. Stiles laughed, swatting playfully, but Jacks only pushed closer, beginning to lick Stiles in earnest.
“That’s amazing. The shelter told me about you visiting him. I didn’t believe them at first. Jacks has never taken to… well, anyone else really,” Derek spoke up again, amusement clear in his voice as Stiles tried to fend off all the affection being lavished on him. Jacks had never been quite this excited to see him either, but it was a very welcome shift after the heartbreak he’d been feeling a moment ago. 
At least Stiles knew Jacks would miss him too. “Yeah, me and him… we kind of bonded while he was waiting on you.” Stiles shrugged in reply taking a small step back and almost giving in again when Jacks whined in protest.
Derek glanced at Jacks, before reaching out and patting him on the back in a reassuring way. “They said he was pretty depressed before you came around. Wasn’t eating much or leaving his kennel,” Derek explained. Stiles hadn’t known that part, but he was glad he helped Jacks until Derek found him. It was at least some comfort he could take home with him.
“I should uh… get back to my jeep,” Stiles said, pointing his thumb in the direction he was walking. 
As much as he liked seeing Jacks he really wanted to get home and have a good cry in private. Not only was he losing Jacks, but Jacks owner happened to be an insanely hot guy right out of Stiles's fantasies and entirely out of his league. It just reminded Stiles of exactly how lonely he was these days. Loneliness and his last breakup had been the whole reason Stiles was on the shelter’s page looking at adoptable dogs in the first place. 
“It’s parked a little down the road. I need to call a tow,” Stiles felt the need to explain, hoping his ears weren’t as red as they probably were. It was a bit embarrassing, but the jeep had been his mom’s, and he only had a few more years as a lowly FBI intern before he could afford to get it fixed properly. Maybe he could get his pet deposit back. That would help pay for the tow truck he was going to need to call. 
 Derek leaned over to unlatch the door. “Hop in. I’ll drive you down there and take a look. I’m a mechanic.”
Stiles couldn’t help how his mouth fell open. Could this guy be any more perfect? The only thing that would be better was if he were - 
“And maybe you’ll let me and Jacks take you to dinner… you know, as a thank you for looking out for him.” Derek sent him a wolfish smile that had probably seduced the panties off of hundreds of college co-eds back in his day. Stiles wasn’t embarrassed to admit that he could now be bunched into that category. 
“Uhh yeah okay…” Because what else was he going to say. Jacks moved over a bit to give him room, and as soon as Stiles settled, he had a lap full of wolfdog. 
Derek threw his head back and laughed. “Doesn’t look like he’s going to be letting you leave so easily.”
Stiles cleared away the lump in his throat and buried his face in Jacks soft fur. “I don’t mind.”
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buckybarnesss · 3 months
i am so obsessed with how hoechlin rolls his neck for derek's shifting.
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bluerosesdiary · 1 year
teen wolf: the movie (2023)
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eli hale you are my new baby and i love you so much
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the real reason that S4 of Teen Wolf isn't as good as the first three seasons is because there was clearly a concerted effort to limit Stiles' and Derek's screentime together, and Isaac is Completely gone, so there's an empty black hole where that patented homoerotic hostility used to reside. tragic, really. Peter is still there, of course, but he's also Stupid this season, so he can really only do so much for the ambience. also the writing is shit. peace and love, peace and love. <3
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mattmaesonnatural · 2 years
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Eli you look like mommy baby
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shiftingvisuals · 21 days
Teen Wolf Visuals?
Teen Wolf Visuals
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Pairings: Platonic!Caregiver!Derek Hale, Platonic!Caregiver!Peter Hale, Platonic!Little!Isaac Lahey x Little!Reader
Summary: A thunder storm happens and you and Isaac don't like the noise. At least Derek and Peter are there to help.
Warnings: Derek calls Peter a dufus, not liking thunder because of the loud noise (no specified reason) Nicknames (Kids/Kiddos, Isa - Isaac, Sweetheart)
(Gender Neutral Reader)
NOT Proofread
You and Isaac had been having a sleepover, Derek being left in charge of watching the two of you. It had reached a point in the afternoon where the two of you had got tired and Derek asked if you guys needed a nap.
After a little convincing both you and Isaac agreed and so Isaac laid on the sofa, whilst you curled up on another sofa. The two of you quickly fell asleep.
Derek looked over to the two of you before going to get a couple of blankets for you. He went upstairs and went towards a cupboard.
"Hello Derek."
"Jeez! Peter.. Christ.. what are you doing?" Derek exclaimed.
"Nothing really. I was bored so I'm here" He answered.
"Okay well then be helpful and help me take some blankets downstairs"
"Because the kids are downstairs and asleep and it's getting cold..?"
"When you say 'the kids' do you mean like Scott and Stiles and the teenagers that for some reason are always here..? Or-"
"No dufus I mean I mean Isaac and Reader" Derek sighed.
"Oh, yeah okay in that case I can help"
Derek picked up a couple of blankets and started to hand some to Peter when a crash of thunder startled them.
"Oh no.." Derek mumbled.
"The kids.."
Peter and Derek quickly made their way downstairs, looking over to you and Isaac.
The two of you were huddled together, your hands were over the top of Isaacs over his ears - trying to help him muffle the noise.
"is okay Isa..." You whispered to him.
Derek and Peter approached the two of you.
"Kiddos..?" Peter quietly said.
"Mhm.." you muttered.
Peter looked at Derek and nodded.
Derek carefully removed your hands from Isacc, replacing it with his own. He looks at Isacc smiling softly, lightly tapping his hands against Isaacs to a beat, giving Isaac something to focus on and help him calm down.
Peter then gently took your hands and looks at you.
"Are you okay?"
"Too louds..."
"Oh sweetheart it's okay it can't hurt you.."
"Come here.."
He carefully picked you up, bouncing you lightly in his arms.
After about 20 minutes of Derek calming Isaac and Peter calming you down the two adults decided on putting on a movie.
"What movie should we watch?" Derek asked.
"Aladdin..?" Isaac quietly asked.
You nodded eagerly.
Peter chuckled.
"Aladdin it is then"
Derek put on Aladdin and the four of you spent the rest of the evening watching Disney movies.
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whyiskaulitz · 1 day
Teen Wolf DR Introduction !!
Name: Caroline Tate/Hale
Faceclaim: Phoebe Tonkin/Hayley Marshall
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Age: 16(season 1)
Species: Tribrid(were-coyote, vampire, witch)
Malia Tate/Hale- twin sister
Peter Hale- Biological Father
Noah Stilinski and Melissa McCall- Parental Figures
Scott McCall- Brother Figure
Friends: Scott and Stiles, Scott’s Pack
Soulmate: Isaac Lahey, Stiles Stilinski
Short Backstory: I am Malia’s twin sister so i was also adopted by Tate family. When my sisters and mother had car accident i stayed in home with my adoptive father. He raised me and taught me haunting etc. Since childhood i was friends with Scott and Stiles. When I was 16 and Scott got bitten(season 1). I got bitten by a vampire and this “woke up” my were-coyote self(?). I was practicing witchcraft so i became tribrid. When we were 17 we found my sister(season 3b).
tik tok about shifting: kathae_
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film-in-my-soul · 9 months
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A 2023 PodTogether Piece co-created by @film-in-my-soul (That's me! | Writer) and @fluxydrawings (Podficcer | Created Cover Art)
Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV)
Pairing: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Rating: T
Word Count: 12,486
Podfic Length: 01:13:21
Summary: "A werewolf?!" Stiles's voice is raised, a frantic curl to his question. He's pacing his hotel room, holding his headpiece like a phone out of habit.
"You didn't read the briefing?"
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(commission piece done by @retroautomaton, who always does the most wonderful work &lt;;3)
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buckybarnesss · 8 months
Do you have any sterek or teen wolf fic recs? I've seen so many fics completely warp the characters (which fair enough they're having fun). It's just not my cup of tea so I've given up on going through the tags
for your everyday hits and your cult classics.
either way (you'll figure it out someday) by ohhalefire
like you'd get your knuckles bloody for me by allyasavedtheday
homeland by kitkatpancakestack
the weight of living by thecomedownchampion
werewolf love songs vol. 1 by aggybird
falling into place by hyperlittlenori (shiguresan)
way down we go by wolfspurr
introduction to zero-sum anthropology by apocryphal
let's build a beehive by greyhaven
kintsugi by artemis69
roots to tether by by clotpolesonly
home by thetypewritergirl
to find you again by nightlight69
the moon's gonna follow me home by turningterrific
rearrange by imnotahero
the nightmare of my choice by mirrorkill
fly a little faster by mirrorkill
cross my soul by ecarian
get sharp series by chiomi
will follow though by owlpostagain
crash landers by gyzym
DILF by twentysomething
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For @delicious-irony and Michelle (who doesn’t seem to have a Tumblr but if they do, please let me know). Thank you for being awesome mods! 
Artwork by the ever-wonderful @faevorite-main-blog who gets more and more talented with every passing second ❤
It only took five seconds for Stiles Stilinski to open the door, and the second his eyes landed on who was on the other side, his face shuttered.
“No.” He slammed the door in Derek’s face.
Or, he tried to, but Derek reached one hand out and pressed it to the wood, stopping him from succeeding.
“Hello to you, too.”
“You can’t be here, it’s exam period,” Stiles insisted, hand still on the knob but not trying to slam it a second time. “I need to focus. I need to be on my game to keep my grades up. You’re distracting.”
“How am I distracting?” Derek demanded, arching an eyebrow.
Stiles gave him a look, and then emphatically motioned Derek from head to toe a few times.
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"this is a little out of my experience," says Derek Hale, in reference to a man surviving a murder attempt via fire.
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nebulanovella · 3 months
Derek Hale regressor moodboard!!
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omgcharlie91-blog · 4 months
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Such a beautiful sight
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aew-kun-age-regression · 11 months
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Pairings: Caregiver!Derek Hale + Little!Isaac Lahey + Little!Stiles Stilinski.
Summary: When some people start yelling, Isaac gets scared. It's a good thing that his best friend (and brother <3) Stiles is there to protect him. 😌
Warnings: Arguing, (Peter, Scott and Theo) Isaac and Stiles not liking loud noises/arguing, Protective Stiles <3, Protective Derek, Nicknames. (Isa, boys, bud)
Isa - Isaac.
A/N ~ I appreciate I have a few requests buts I couldn't help myself! I had this idea and I just wanted to write it so badly 😭❤️ I love them!!! This definitely took an angsty turn that I expected 😂
NOT Proofread
Now, being in the pack (Especially with who else was in the pack) sometimes meant being made of tougher stuff.
There were multiple regressors and caregivers in the 'Mccall pack' and it meant that everyone tried their best to get on with each other, and just generally look after each other.
However that didnt stop the occasional fight.
Honestly Derek wasnt sure how it had got to this point. He had been watching Stiles and Isaac as they happily play with some small figures, in the corner of the room when Scott, Theo and Peter came into the room yelling at each other.
Isaac tensed up instantly, uncomfortable with the loud noise. Stiles had noticed and moved towards Isaac carefully, also uncomfortable with the noise.
Derek noticed the boys reactions and turned to the three men that had walked in.
He flashed his eyes at them, after turning away from Isaac and Stiles as to not scare them and spoke in a dangerously low tone.
"If you're going to keep fighting then. Get. Out. Now."
"Do not tell us what to do!"
"Go away!"
Theo and Peter half yelled, whilst Scott rolled his eyes.
Isaac flinched at the yelling and tucked himself into the corner more, Stiles instantly jumped back and stood protectively infront of him.
Scott noticed the boys and tapped Theos and Peters shoulders, pointing to Isaac who was now hiding behind Stiles.
"Lets take this elsewhere..." He mumbled, walking off.
The other two muttered apologies as they followed behind the alpha.
"...Boys are you okay?" Derek asked quietly, keeping his distance.
Stiles didn't budge, still standing as a shield to any danger for Isaac.
"You're safe, okay bud?" Derek spoke quietly again.
Stiles shook his head and slightly turned to Isaac.
"Isa? Okay??"
Isaac nodded his head, and held Stiles's hand.
Derek was happy that despite the interuption that had clearly brought unforgiving and negative memories to the surface for the youngest boy, that Stiles was able to comfort him, and just overall protect him.
When it comes down to it, the two boys would do anything to protect each other. Even if that meant standing in the way of danger or just someone yelling to protect the other from a potential threat. Even if they were scared themselves.
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playdoughtiny · 3 months
Can you do a moodboard for little Derek Hale and CG Kate Argent from Teen Wolf?
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Teen Wolf ( 2011 ) — little Derek Hale x caregiver Kate Argent
requested by anonymous | hope you like it!
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