#derek siegerson
thedaltonshipment · 4 months
Round One, Pair Eighteen
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artemismoon12writes · 4 years
Title: A Vested Interest
Daltonfic Big Bang: Week 3, Day 5, Dwodd 
Ryan Cobb still didn’t know about his desk chair, so money was still up for grabs. Nice.
“Fuck off!” Derek yelled, looking across the large, white and glass hallway of the Ohio Brooks Parker Galleria Mall to the Hot Topic.
“What is it?” Bailey asked, not turning from his sink full of dishes. He was up to his elbows in coffee mugs and dessert-stained plates. “Is Sebastian coming up to ask for another job application?”
“Shut up Bailey, you know it’s only because he thinks Julian’s hot, not because he wants to work here. And no; it’s not that asshole.” Derek gestured across the hallway; Bailey couldn’t see it because he still had his back turned, uncaring. “It’s that fucking asshole and his boyfriend!”
“You know, the assistant manager and that hipster guy!”
“Oh Dwight?” Bailey asked. “What’s wrong?”
“They’re fucking again!”
Bailey made an amused noise. “Good for them.”
“Good for them!?” Derek exclaimed, “What the hell does that mean?”
“Well, if you could get laid at work you would.” Bailey said, hiding his laughter. “I’m glad you don’t for the record; I don’t want to clean that up, but it’s a little funny.”
“Exactly- how is it that the goth who isn’t even in charge of that place is getting laid and I’m here in a fucking Starbucks like a loser?”
While Derek was ranting, he was ignoring the girl at the register. Bailey shot her a look, commiserating before drying his hands to take her order.
“And if we’re really splitting hairs here Bailey, shouldn’t he, I don’t know? Be doing his job? Instead of letting his little hipster boyfriend fuck him in the changerooms?”
Bailey rolled his eyes, grabbing a larger sized cup for their customer and waving her panicked look aside. It was the least he could do since she was putting up with Derek’s ranting.
“Jeez, Derek if it bothers you so much, just join in our betting pool and you at least could make some money off it.” Bailey said, steaming the milk like it was just another normal day. Which, working with Derek for at long as he had, it kind of was.
“Betting pool?”
Their customer interjected, “I’m from the Barnes and Noble next door; we’ve got it going with us, Clay and the boys in the store, Bailey and y’all, and then then Chels and the Pet Co. downstairs for how long it’ll take the manager to catch them.”
“All those people know? And Ryan still hasn’t figured it out?” Derek asked, confounded.
She shrugged, “Yeah, well, Pet Co. was waiting for the two month mark to send Ryan upstairs at the right moment; but Todd and Dwight were just talking; I’m thinking Clay ran interference so the bet’s still going.”
Derek looked caught between anger and intrigue. He looked at her with a scowl before, “Put me down for fifty bucks on two weeks from now. Ryan’s not an idiot, he’ll realize.”
“Not if he spends all his time downstairs with the fish tanks.” Bailey pointed out.
“Why is he even managing a Hot Topic if he loved animals so much?”
“He’d never sell anything if he worked downstairs, that’s why.” Their customer pointed out, wandering back to the Barnes and Noble with her drink. “Good luck boys!”
Oh it’s on, Derek thought, not realizing how difficult a task it would actually be to accomplish.
Two months of this nonsense aside, Dwight Houston had not set out to completely disregard professionalism and decorum when he got this throwaway job at the mall. His mother raised him better than that- or so she kept saying. He was only here for the sole purpose of keeping his car and proving he was responsible- nothing more. If he had enough knowledge of alternative culture to tell people why Hot Topic was the worst place to shop, that wasn’t his problem. He was merely the solution.
When Todd Hendricks, or “Hipster Guy” as he referred to him for the first two weeks in his head, walked in, there was no master plan to get back at his manager for promoting him in this insanity. No, it was only a short conversation, based around Todd’s utter incompetence.
“If she’s a real goth, she will not want anything we sell here. This is emo shit, New Oracle in Glensdale is the real space for crystals. This is just plastic and Yellow 33!” Dwight shook the fake silver jewellery at the customer and his wide rimmed glasses, plaid shirt, and rough, red scarf. “Your sister will not like this.”
“But that’s why it’s funny. Because it’s not authentic.” The customer (who would be known as Todd) said. “She’ll hate it and it’ll be hilarious.”
“It’s offensive! You say she’s a witch, then it’s doubly offensive.” Dwight said, motioning to put the piece back up on the highest shelf with the pole hook.
“I’m her brother, she’ll know it’s a joke.” He argued. “I’m not here to rock your goth purist boat.”
“I am not a goth,” Dwight said, putting the offending piece out of reach. “I am a post-industrial punk with spiritualist leanings; its completely different.”
“Sure.” Was the response, grinning like he’d not proven anything.
Dwight groaned, “Clay, back me up here; the Vampire Diaries spinoff jewellery is not something we should be promoting to any self-respecting goth.”
His part-timer, Clay Rizzo, poked out from behind the piercing display where he totally wasn’t trying to steal new lip rings. “I don’t know Dwight; I am one of those emo pieces of shit, so maybe I’d recommend it?”
“I get no support around here!” Dwight said, stalking to the back of the store. “Impossible!”
Todd looked over to the part-timer, decked in the unofficial uniform of all black and a hundred emo-band pins. “I think I’m dropping by more often.”
Clay gave him an evil grin. “Pleasure doing business with you.”
From there it escalated; Todd coming in multiple times a week just to annoy Dwight. Well, that’s what Dwight assumed until Todd asked for his phone number.
“What? Why’d you want that?”
Todd looked at him like he was an idiot. “Because I’ve been flirting with you this whole time? Were you not…”
Clay, unknown to the two of them, was watching with Robin and Jake from behind the t-shirts. They were supposed to be executing the planogram; but why do that when there was drama to observe?
“I was not.” Dwight said robotically. “Uh, okay, that’s…”
“I literally looped a tie around your neck and pulled you in, and you didn’t realize I was into you?”
Clay, who remembered that exchange, had to be smothered with a Haven shirt but Jake to stop him from making noise.
“In my defence, I’m not used to people flirting with me.”
“If you’re not interested, that’s fine. I just thought-”
“I’m not not interested?” Dwight interjected before Todd turned away and walked out. “I’m just, uh, not used to … this?”
“I can work with that.”
It somehow progressed, in spite of Dwight’s inherent awkwardness. Jake, Robin, Jasper, and Clay respectively waving the pair off whenever Dwight took his lunch break now.
“They grow up so fast.” Clay said dramatically while Dwight gave him the finger. Todd just smiled at his conspirator and told them to take care of the store. Not that he worked there. He was there often enough he’d take to reminding Dwight about stock orders, schedules, and that Jake had a family dinner coming up so someone had to get it covered. The store had never run so well as it did when Todd started dating their assistant manager.
“Where did you guys put the Manic Panic?” Ryan Cobb, actual manager of Hot Topic, called out from the stockroom. “There should be a packing slip for a 3 pack of each colour, but all I see is overstock of those short-shorts!”
“I don’t know, ask Jake,” Dwight said, standing on a step ladder with Jasper spotting him. “He was in last night when the delivery came in.”
“I’m asking you. How can you be my assistant manager and not know where the hair dye is? We have that Chang girl coming in later and I promised her we’d have her order in!” Ryan called. “I’m going on break, that dye should be on the shelf when I get back.”
Ryan left, once again for supposedly fifteen minutes- but the entire staff knew he’d be gone for the rest of the day downstairs to play with the parakeets Pet Co. just got in.
“Oh, you’re in trouble.” Robin said, amused.
“Shut up.” Dwight muttered. “I bet Jake just put them somewhere weird. Call him and see what’s going on.”
“I’ll call him. He told me nothing came in last night though.”
“Perfect, just fucking perfect.” Dwight groaned.  
“What’s wrong?” Todd asked, coming in with a cardboard tray of drinks. “I just saw Ryan go by, if he’s actually in the store for any minute I’m scared the place will burst into flames.”
“Once in a blue moon, it happens I guess.” Dwight admitted, climbing down the ladder to receive his kiss on the cheek and the green tea Todd brought for him.
“What’s happening?” Todd asked, taking his own coffee off the tray and pushing the sugar-laden third and fourth cups to the part-timers he’d been subtly converting to his side. Jasper particularly grabbed his eagerly, gushing thank yous.
“Jake might have lost a delivery.” Dwight paused, “Or not? I don’t know about the warehouse, but they’ve been fucking up recently anyways. I swear I can’t find last night’s order but the stockroom does look like shit…”
“You have a computer? There should be a record of orders received and rejected? I know not everyone still does things hard copy.” Todd suggested.
“It’s in the manager’s office!” Robin volunteered. “Not that we’re allowed in there. It’s for Ryan and Dwight only.”
“Well, they can’t fire me so I don’t care about that rule.” Todd said, taking a sip of his coffee and beelining to the back room.
Dwight scrambled to follow him. “No! No! No customers in the back!”
“Oh come on, if Ryan’s going to get mad at you about it then I might as well try to help.” Todd said, finding the tiny room easily and placing himself in the desk chair like he owned the place. “Password’s hottopic123, very creative, not hacking proof at all.”
“It’s a formality, that’s why it’s on the post-it.” Dwight grumbled, reluctant to admit he was grateful for the help.
“Okay, well according to your emails it’s right there. They’re not sending it because of the USPS strike. I don’t know why Ryan didn’t notice that.” Todd said after a few open tabs and a control+f.
“Oh that’s why.” Dwight grumbled, pointing to the open tabs on tanks for tropical fish. “He was distracted.”
“Why is he in charge of a Hot Topic if he doesn’t want to even work here?” Todd asked, looking through the pages. “Like, if you’re desperate you could work for the raptor sanctuary; they’re hiring.”
“Wait, you know the raptor sanctuary?” Dwight asked, intrigued. “I have an owl there.”
“I’m sponsoring Rowena, the prairie-”
“Merlin.” Dwight finished. “Yeah, she’s the one who the workers are teaching how to do the flight tricks right?”
“Yeah.” Todd paused, “You’re Castiel’s sponsor? I thought that name was stupid.”
“It’s not stupid! It’s a good name!” Dwight said before realizing Todd was joking with him. “Oh, okay.”
“So, if Ryan is going to ignore the email in his inbox in favour of spending all his time at Pet Co. I propose we do something to get him back.” Todd said, spinning around in the chair and closing the door to the office. It was more like a cupboard with how much room there was.
Dwight looked at him suspiciously. “What do you mean?”
Todd locked the door, “You’ll see.”
Robin wasn’t sure what was happening until he went to knock on the door and heard it. Shit. Maybe Dwight was cool.
First thing he did was tell Jake over the phone, who told Jasper, who told Clay- who told literally the entire mall by the time he’d made it in for his closing shift.
“Who knew the dude had it in him.” Jake said, punching in, careful to give the office door a lot of room. “I mean, I would do that but Dwight’s always struck me as a bit of a-”
“A nerd?” Jasper supplied.
“I’m so proud of my dads.” Clay said, already on the top of a stepladder switching out t-shirts. “Like, I can’t use that office so I don’t give a shit- but it’s also hilarious. How long do you think it takes Ryan to notice?”
“First, they’re not your dads.” Jake said.
“Todd gave me a gold star for my pins last week, they’re my dads.” Clay said, half joking, but mostly trying to annoy Jake.
“Okay, fine. Secondly, Ryan isn’t going to notice shit. If he hasn’t notice you’ve been stealing lip rings to wear while at work he is not going to notice Dwight’s boyfriend fucked him in the office.”
“Or did Dwight fuck him?” Jasper asked.
“I don’t care.” Jake dismissed the comment. “Either way, it’ll be, like a year before Ryan realizes something is up.”
Clay grinned, “Care to put your money where your mouth is?”
“You’re on.”
The pot, by the time Pet Co., Barnes and Noble, Starbucks, and Radio Shack got in on the action, was somewhere around $400. The only ones unaware, were the couple in question and Ryan Cobb.
“Shit, Clay! This isn’t what it looks like.” Dwight said hurriedly, Clay pulling open the curtain to the change rooms enough to poke his head in.
“Really? Because it looks like you’re just passionately embracing Todd.” Clay shrugged, “I could be wrong.”  
Todd would have normally made a quip back, but he was too close to reply. “Uh, not a good time.”
“Well, you’ve got almost no time at all for this quickie because Ryan is on his way back. AKA, he’s on the elevator and if you’re here balls deep-“
“I will curse you so hard-”
“You’re already hard, I get it. Put some pants on, wrap it up.” Clay said, flipping the curtain closed. At least the two of them were polite enough to not make any of the part-timers do cleaning duties on these occasions.
Either way, Clay has a vested interest in not alerting Ryan right now. The pot was up to $800 now, and he would need that for next semester’s books. College was expensive.
In the end, it wasn’t Ryan who caught them; it was the night security guard who got them outside in Dwight’s ridiculously out of date Chevy. With an ‘indecent exposure’ strike on his record, Ryan had to let Dwight go. The betting pool wasn’t sure if this meant the bet was on, or off.
The next week, when he found Todd wandering past the Hot Topic to the men’s bathrooms with one lanky, gothic boyfriend in tow- he shot Todd a thumbs up and informed the rest of the mall the game was still on.
Ryan Cobb still didn’t know about his desk chair, so money was still up for grabs. Nice.
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gleedyke · 6 years
A Letter to Dalton
and, of course, to @cpcoulter-com. Alternately titled “To the Dalton Boy Reading This Letter”:
This story has been a journey. A journey of roughly seven years. Anyone who fell down that rabbit hole long ago, yet never truly left Warblerland, knows personally how much can happen in seven years, in the world as a whole as well as in their own lives. Now, here we are at the start of a new year, 2018.
Whenever this next update comes, myself and (what I hope to still be) a small army of people are going to experience so many emotions no matter what happens in the story itself. I’ve reconnected with so many people in the past month about Dalton as well as connected with new people as we anticipate that moment. All of this because of this constant in our lives: this one very good story. We’re here because the waiting is worth it and because, as I mentioned earlier, we never really left Warblerland behind despite the rest of our lives changing over the years. A part of it always stuck with us because it moved us, touched us, understood us.
I’ve been making dumb posts because 1.) I think I’m funnier than I actually am and 2.) people have been actually encouraging this nonsense by reblogging. I will continue to do so. I will also continue to scream at people I know about how anxious I’m getting for this update to just be here already. That being said, I wouldn’t be constantly filling the ‘daltonfic’ tag with my garbage if I didn’t have hope it would increase the activity of other, more eloquent, and talented members of this fandom who have been dormant for many years. I also wouldn’t be so restless about this update if I knew it wasn’t going to be brilliant and so, so worth the wait. Which is why, to CP, I say sorry about the crazy. Please, take your time. We know it will be ready when it’s meant to be.
And, also to CP, thank you. Thank you for continuing your work even though we have no idea what has gone on in your life all these years. Your commitment is commendable, and we really do appreciate it despite how much we may act melodramatic over it. It’s only because you’ve given the world such wonderful things, things that adults who may have began this journey in middle school can still hold on to, relate to, and love.
I reread Dalton fully in anticipation for the next chapter. It moved me as much if not more as the first time through. It was as if revisiting old, dear friends. The characters and stories have always stayed in my heart, entering my thoughts from time to time, and I’m not actually sure they’d ever leave. Not that I’d ever want them to. They never fail to bring a smile to my face and warmth to my soul.
This is a really special work CP Coulter created. I just wanted to post at least one sincere thing about it before the fateful day because I certainly won’t be coherent enough to properly convey what I want to convey. So thank you for letting us be a part of something this special.
With love, Hannah. Anyone out there reading this, please remember to
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stvrmhondss · 10 years
Our Derek face cast can sing! *squeals*
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burakovskyyy · 10 years
"I'm an idiot," Derek told her immediately, staring with something like hopeless desperation. It spilled out of him unbidden, and he had the nasty feeling that he was going to go to bed tonight with humiliation still fresh. "I'm the biggest idiot in the world. Monumental. Everything you've said about me, you've thought about me, you're right. You're absolutely right, and I'm a terrible person."
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I Promise
Title: I Promise
Characters: Derek Siegerson, Logan Wright, Sonic Larson
Summery: Logan has to be the one that takes care of Sonic. He HAS to. 
AN: Just... We all know this isn't canon... It just lived in my brain for a week when it could have been... 
Derek softly closed the door to Sonic’s little house. As he had feared, the little hedgehog still hadn't eaten. Derek sighed, and rubbed his temples. "What am I going to do?" he muttered, walking towards the door.
Just as he reached it, the door swung open and smacked Derek in the face. "Ahh! Oh fuck, OW!" Derek yelled, hands flying up in pain to his nose as Logan flew into the room.
"Where’s Sonic?" Logan demanded, on the edge of hysterics again.
Derek looked at his hands to check if his nose was bleeding. It wasn’t, even though it felt like it was. "What do you want with Sonic?" Derek asked the blond, rubbing his abused nose.
"I need him! I- I have to take care of Sonic!"
"It’s fine Lo, I've got it, he doesn't even like you mu-" Derek said, before Logan interrupted angrily.
"No! I have to do it!" he stopped a moment, then continued softly. "I have to take care of Sonic. I couldn't take care of Julian, so I have to take care of Sonic." Logan sank to his knees, muttering "I have to," over and over under his breath.
Derek felt his heart break just a bit more than it had already the past few days, and walked back over to Sonic’s little house in the corner and carefully pulled the sleepy hedgehog back out. Cradling Sonic carefully, Derek walked back over to Logan, kneeling next to his broken friend.
"Logan," Derek said softly to get his friends attention. Logan lifted his head from his hands, wiping at the new tear tracks. Derek moved his hands to show he was holding Sonic. "Here. But be careful!" Logan went to reach his hands out to grab him, before thinking better of it and just holding his hands out for Derek to place Sonic in them, which Derek did carefully and slowly. Derek waited for Sonic to curl up and scream again, and readied himself to save the hedgehog in case Logan freaked out. But for once, Sonic let Logan hold him.
Logan just sat there and stared at the little hedgehog, and Sonic stared back. Logan’s green eyes, which had seemed so dim and haunted lately, filled with tears. Derek moved softly to the door, and silently left.
Logan moved to cradle Sonic against his chest, and tears slipped down his cheeks again. "Don’t worry. Don’t worry  I’ll take care of you. I promise" Logan muttered to the hedgehog as another sob broke through his lips. "I promise."
  AN: ...I'm not just going to Gondola hell.. I'm going to end up in George's circle....
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thedaltonshipment · 4 months
Round One, Pair Twenty-Three
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artemismoon12writes · 4 years
Title: The Difference Between Hanging Out and a Date is Flowers
Daltonfic Big Bang; Week 9, Day 3; Julian Larson/? Julian is forced to go to the Valentine’s Day Fair, despite last year’s sparking a whole lot of horror for him. Can’t he just have one good day? 
The Valentines Fair was huge this year; so huge they’d teamed up with Dobry Hall and just rented a fairground outside of town. Julian had planned to just stay in his room all day, given what happened last year. Murdoch refused, telling him he couldn’t have any special privileges when everyone else was out helping with the event.
So instead, he was there… and doing nothing to help because fuck his fellow Stuarts. They’d been following him all week, babying him like this was supposed to help him out emotionally or something. He knew he had baggage, but that was his own business. Let him just ignore these dramatic boys and try, in vain, to have a good day.
Between Logan pretending he’d had feelings for him all along, Sebastian reappearing to say ‘le fuck your healing process’, and whatever bullshit Derek hadn’t grown out of; he was planning to just avoid anyone he knew. Maybe he’d find some of the Day students. Wait, no, Riley Paige would get him to help with something. Fuck; maybe he could find one of Royal’s booths and just chill with Merril. It was almost enough to make him give up on boys altogether; shit, girls were so much less dramatic than these assholes he lived with.
He was looking for Merril’s booth (she’d texted him a pile of apple and pear tarts, so surely he could just follow the smell?) when he saw a short girl chasing Dwight Houston and Bancroft’s sister through the tents, yelling something about rocks. They looked frantic, escaping through a hole in a Hanover tent while she slipped on some of the half-frozen grass; still frosty in the February sun. That sucks… he should do something.
“Hey, need help?” He asked, walking up cautiously; she could be a fan after all. “You took quite the dive there.”
“No, I got it.” She sighed, standing up and brushing herself off. Her hands were red, but not skinned despite the fall. “I just suck at walking I guess.”
“I couldn’t help but notice you trying to kill Houston and Bancroft. Anything those two idiots do to annoy you?” Julian asked, genuinely curious. Dwight Houston did a lot of stupid shit; but his first thoughts usually revolved around whatever Derek did to piss off girls, and that didn’t seem like Houston’s style.
She shook her head, “They lost the collection of gems I had on display for our booth for Prima. Now I have nothing to sell, so Royal is going to take the prize for Dobry.”
“And why’d you trust those two with it?” He knew them by reputation alone for getting into trouble; but not much else.
“Because those two happen to be my best friends.” The girl said, sounding like she couldn’t quite believe it herself. She put on a faint smile though, looking up and sticking out her scraped hand. “Sadie Moore, maybe you’ve heard of me.”
“Julian. Shame enough, I haven’t.” He shook her hand. “You’re new aren’t you?”
“Yeah, I transferred up here from Florida for Junior Year; but from the way the girls in Dobry go on, I’ve become some kind of one woman rumour mill.” She shivered. “It’s freaking cold up here. I don’t know how you all deal with it.”
“Don’t ask me. This winter is just as bad to me. I’m from California and everytime it snows here I get whiplash.” Julian smiled as she laughed. It was a nice laugh. “And one-woman rumour mill? What’s with that?”
She rolled her eyes, “Dobry girls see romance everywhere they look; a chunk of them think I’m dating Dwight, the other half won’t shut up about that time I kissed Laura, and the rest of them think I’ve gotten both of them, when like? Fuck you just cause I’m bi doesn’t mean I’m a slut. Jeez, it’s 2012, I just want to enjoy the Valentines Day Fair without all that.”
“You’re bi?” Julian asked, before he could stop himself.
She wrinkled her nose, suspicious. “Yeah. You got a problem with that?”
“No! Just, I don’t meet many people who just say that aloud to people they just met, you know?”
Julian didn’t like being on the back foot with people. Let alone being caught off guard. Sadie kept looking at him until her expression cleared and she judged him not a biphobic asshole- which, wouldn’t that be ironic?
“I guess you’re right. Hey, you want to walk around? I guess I’m off booth duty until someone can find my gems; unless you have your own booth to get to?” She looked over his jacket, “Stuart? I don’t want to get you in trouble.”
Julian laughed, “I was ordered to show up and nothing more than that. And gems? Like? Rubies or something?”
“Semi-precious at most.” She explained, launching into a long diatribe about online ‘healing crystals’ versus her own, far superior, ethically mined quartz.
By the time they rounded Hanover’s Ferris Wheel (the compromise for a less dangerous ride this year), Julian’d caught himself laughing at Sadie’s geology jokes; sharing the time he snuck up to the Hollywood sign; learnt Sadie liked heavy metal; and told the entire story of Clark, Marcie, and him engaging in a spicy noodle challenge back in LA. He hadn’t even realized they’d walked that far; engrossed in conversation.
The air was turning colder, nipping his ears and turning the tip of Sadie’s dark nose red. She coughed, sticking her hands under her arms. “Fuck, this place is shit. How do people live up here?”
“You were here for December right? You saw it snow, and that didn’t scare you away?” He asked.
“Oh no, snow is pretty!” She insisted, “I’ve gone skiing with my parents in Whistler, that’s fun! But this? Where it’s just grey and gross and cold? Uh, it’s so stupid.”
“Well you not wearing gloves, so maybe that’s why?” Julian pointed out.
She rolled her eyes. “Logic. Facts. Maybe I don’t like gloves?”
“You forgot them didn’t you?”
She flushed. “I lent them to Laura actually, she forgot her own back at Prima.”
Julian looked down at her biting the inside of his lip considering. Ah fuck it. He pulled off one of his own gloves and handed it to her. “Here, put your other hand in your pocket. It should be fine.”
Her eyes widened. “You sure?”
“Yeah, whatever.” He looked over at the booths; they were squarely in Hanover territory. Huh. How long had they been walking? He should say hi to Abbot. But he was probably busy running things over here.
“Thanks.” Sadie said, her left hand stretching experimentally with a too-large glove and the right nudging his elbow. “That was pretty nice of you Mr. Larson.”
He snorted. “I was wondering when you’d realize.”
“I don’t watch many dramas. So, it took a bit to realize you were that movie star who goes here.” Sadie said, “Sorry I can’t say I’m a fan of you stuff.”
She looked genuinely apologetic; he shook his head far too quickly. “No, no, that’s… that’s a good thing.”
Julian could count on one hand the amount of people he’d known who were fans first, who he’d genuinely come to like as people. It was nice to talk about work and that was it; it was just work. Half the reason he’d decided to come back to Dalton was to have just a slice of that normal experience. And if he was bombarded by fans? Well, how normal was that?
“Oh, okay.” She said, confused by the quick refusal. “I guess, you want to keep walking?”
“Yeah. Tell me more about skiing, I’ve never gone all the way up to Whistler. Are you good at it?”
It continued like that; making the rounds of the booths, pocketed hands bumping against each other as they avoided the clusters of people pushing their way forward. Every so often Sadie would spy another Dobry girl and lament the loss of her inventory for her booth; but thankfully, Julian was so out of context next to her, there wasn’t an awkward encounter. It was weird, every second Dobry girl they ran into seemed to ask about Bancroft or Houston, expressing surprise they weren’t with her.
“I guess you were right about the Dobry rumour mill. It’s going full force this year.” Julian joked.
Sadie rolled her eyes. “It’s annoying, but hey, considering they’re off hiding together the rumours will hopefully leave me out of it after today.”
“You’re not worried they’ll start to connect you and me then?” Julian asked, the notion suddenly appearing in his own head.
“Like half of them even realized who you were. You’re not going around advertising you’re the famous Julian Larson; and standing next to Dobry’s current resident witch doesn’t help put two and two together.” She pointed out.
“I just haven’t turned on the charm.” Julian joked; it was an old Hollywood myth, but it had some truth to it about hiding in plain sight. He could stride forward, and let everyone know who he was, but it was nice to not have to chase off a horde of teenaged girls (and boys) this year. God knows last year was a shitstorm for that kind of thing.
“I guess you turned it on.” Sadie smiled, before turning to see Derek coming towards the two of them. She frowned. “Oh, its that guy.”
“You know Derek?” Julian asked before Derek cut him off.
“I’ve been looking for you everywhere! You haven’t been answering your phone. We needed you to help with the Lunch Tent.” Derek was annoyed. That much was obvious.
“I’ve had my phone on silent. Murdoch told me to show up, and that’s all I’m doing. I don’t care if Stuart loses again this year; I just want to have a Me Day.”
Derek’s eyes flicked over to Sadie, “Me Day huh?”
“Come off it, not everyone is a Don Juan wannabe like you.” Sadie’s gloved hand went to her hip, daring him to say anything further.
Derek blinked, alright then. He looked back to Julian, reaching out to pull him away. “Come on, I’m not doing Logan’s prefect duties alone.”
“Why not just let Logan do them?” Julian countered, stepping backwards.
Derek gave him a look. “You know it’s a two-person job, if not a three person job trying to control these freshman on any project.”
“Sounds like not my problem.” Julian shrugged. “Ask Murdoch for help, I’m out of here.”
“He said no.” Sadie said firmly before Julian reached out and tugged her hand, motioning towards the gap in the booths. His almost laugh met her mischievous eyes.
Before Derek even knew what was going on, Sadie and Julian had taken a page out of her own pursuit that morning and ducked between the booths, darting down and around staves and tent poles to lose him. Maybe they ran for longer than necessary, maybe that was half the fun. They reached the Windsors row, gasping for breath and laughing.
“Do you think he tripped and fell?” Sadie asked, brushing her curly, brown hair out of her face.
“No, he’s more coordinated than that.” Julian said.
Sadie shrieking with laughter and shoving him, “You’re so rude!”
“You’re the one who faceplanted!”
“By accident!”
“It was funny.” Julian pointed out, avoiding Sadie’s playful shove and instead catching her hands and looking down at her like he was lecturing her. “These are dangerous weapons, I ought to report you for use of deadly force. Except I won’t, because you’re tiny.”
“Short jokes? Really?” Her grin betrayed that she found it just as funny. “Well, at least I don’t hit my head on doorframes.”
“You laugh, but I always have to duck getting into limos.”
“Oh that is the most Hollywood thing you have said yet.”
“I’ve babysat Angelina’s kids.”
“Angelina Jolie?”
“I can go on.”
“Oh my god, you’re a dick.” Sadie laughed, “I’d hex you, but I don’t think it would stick.”
“So they’ve been saying about me, since the day I was born.” Julian said, dramatically put upon. “I endure such slings and volleys of-”
“If you start quoting Shakespeare, I will lose it.”
“Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage-” Julian grinned, ignoring Sadie’s protests to get him to quiet.
“I suck at English, come on!”
“And then is heard no more: it is a tale, told by an idiot,” Julian continued.
“Yeah! You’re the idiot!” She tried to interrupt.
“Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
“Yeah, my fury. Goddamn you actors.” She said, looking up with pink cheeks to stick her tongue out at him. “If I could just recall lines like that, I’d never have to use a spell book again, I’d just memorize them all.”
“It’s a gift. What can I say? Not everyone is as good as me.” Julian teased to Sadie’s exasperated smile.
They paused, realizing Julian was still holding her hands and sprang apart; not realizing how close they were. Julian felt his own face flush but hid it well enough. Now wasn’t the time, nor the day, to really get close to someone; even if she was quite pretty, he had to admit to himself.
“Uh, so back there you seemed to know Derek. Even though it took you a bit to realize who I was?” He tried.
She coughed, waving a hand carelessly. “Yeah, well everyone in Prima got to witness what can only be described as the most pathetic display of pining in the history of the world. Casey’s already told everyone to stay away from him because she said he’s a cheater; but then he showed up one day before Winter Break with this giant apology bouquet, and get this, it’s full of white lilies- which I didn’t know she was allergic to, but if you really feel that way about her, maybe? I don’t know? Know her allergies? But also, those are funeral flowers. As far as apologies go, it’s pretty shit.”
“You’re friends with Casey?” Surprise tinged Julian’s voice.
“Not friends per say, but she’s part of the welcoming committee. She’s pretty cool.” Sadie clarified. “How are you friends with a guy like that?”
Julian shrugged. “Derek’s pretty cool. He’s a really good friend when you get down to it, but yeah he is kind of shit with girls. I guess that’s what happens when your best friend since childhood is a gay guy. It’s not like he’s really been comparing notes. Logan and him aren’t that bad once you get to know them.”
“Well, I guess I have pretty biased sources.” Sadie said, waving around at the Windsor tents. “If my friend Morgan’s cousin wasn’t one of yours, I think I’d probably just see a Stuart badge and kick you guys on sight.”
“So violent Miss Moore.” Julian smiled. “We are kind of dicks though, so fair enough.”
“You’re not half bad though Mr. Larson.” She teased back. “You’re fun enough to hang out with.”
“I’m an exception to every rule I will assure you.”
“Don’t start quoting shit again. I will end you.”
“Only if you can reach that high.”  
“Oh you!”
“Hi Sadie! Oh, and Julian? I didn’t know you two knew each other.” Reed Van Kamp said from behind the table of the nearest booth. “You two enjoying the fair?”
The pair smiled; Reed was always a welcome sight, no matter who you were.
“Yeah, it’s been pretty fun. We’ve just been walking around. I thought you’d be out with Shane?” Sadie asked, coming under the tent top to talk more easily. “He mentioned something about Valentines plans.”
Reed looked down bashfully, “Well, last Windsor party got us all banned from Warbler activities; Blaine thought it’d be good if I was sitting down for all of the Fair. So, we’re doing our date on the weekend instead.”
“Aww, that’s cute. Then you won’t have to deal with Valentines Day crowding.” Sadie pointed out. “Really its working out in your favour.”
“I guess.” Reed said, then looked over at Julian. “I’m surprised to see you here. I thought I heard you were staying in all day.”
“What Murdoch wants; Murdoch gets.” Julian shrugged.
Reed smiled. “It’s good to see you anyways; at least someone gets to have a date today.”
“Oh we’re not-”
Reed flushed, “Oh heck, I’m sorry! I just assumed. That was bad of me. Here, have some cookies on me.”
“You don’t have to.” Sadie said even as Julian took what was offered.
He nudged her. “They’re good, take some. Wait, these are some of Kurt’s right?”
“Yeah, it took David and Wes all day to clean up the aftermath. He was a man on a mission!” Reed said, pushing a little ribbon-wrapped packet at each of them; then pushing them out as he cut himself on the edge of the plastic and had to call for a band-aid.
Julian and Sadie wandered off, happily snacking on their free cookies. They really were quite good, even if Sadie said there was nothing magical about them.
“You know, that’s the second person to assume we’re on a date.” Julian pointed out.
“And what of it?” Sadie asked.
“Well, what makes a date not a date?” Julian crunched down on another cookie. “You have two people sharing food and talking, and what makes it different between just hanging out and a date per say?”
“I think someone needs to ask and the other needs to accept. But yeah, its pretty arbitrary.” Sadie nodded. “Most people hold hands or some shit, or kiss. You saying you want this to be a date?”
“I’m just saying it could be an option.” Julian said, mulling the idea over in his mind. It would be nice to be on a normal date; not one where he had to sneak around with a guy and pretend they were just friends, or hide from paparazzi with a girl because his agent wanted maximum exposure for their upcoming film together. “It doesn’t need to be a thing. But I’ve liked talking to you. We should do this again, whatever you want it to be.”
She pursed her lips. “Hmm. I accept. You need to get me flowers though.”
“A date it is.” Julian confirmed, laughing at how easy that was. He offered his ungloved hand; hers slipping into it easily, with a crinkle at the corner of her eyes.
“So, flowers? What kind do you like?”
“Not lilies.” Sadie joked.  
“Belladonna maybe? What do witches like?”
“Well this witch likes roses.”
Julian froze, “Uh maybe something else?”
He face paled; she’d probably heard from Dwight and Laura. “Oh shit! I’m sorry! Look don’t worry about it.”
“No, no, it’s just, they’re not-”
“Marigolds then.” She said, hurried.
“I can work with that.” Julian recovered, the awkwardness still lingering. “You shall be showered in marigolds. You’ll be covered in pollen before the day is out.”
“Now that’s a picture.” Sadie said, letting him lead her towards the nearest flower booth and moving her head so he could tuck a marigold into her curls. “Aww, that’s so cute.” Julian agreed.
The rest of the day was much of the same. It was like they’d said; there wasn’t really much of a difference between hanging out and a date beyond the declaration of intent. It was fun though. He liked being able to wander around and feel like, yeah, this was a date. It was something he could say aloud. And she was nice. Maybe it wouldn’t go anywhere, but as far as dates went he’d had far worse ones. It was certainty better than dealing with all the romantic drama an all-boys school seemed to kick up.
By the time everyone started packing up, they were sitting on a bench near the entrance and exit gates, sharing a basket of chili fries. Sadie was telling him about her last boating adventure around the Florida Keys, and Julian’d been wistfully imagining a surf contest between the two of them if she ever ended up on the West Coast.
The Prima and Royal prefects were gathering their girls near the gate. Julian looked over, “Do you need to get going?”
“Probably. I wish I had been able to drive here on my own, but the roads are too icy for my bike.”
“Why the hell would you bike all the way here? The fairgrounds are like, ten miles from Dobry.”  
“No, motorbike. I ride sometimes with some other students, but I can’t do shit in the winters up here.”
“You have a motorbike?” Julian asked, “You realize that makes you like, ten points hotter.”
She blushed. “You’re an idiot. But yeah, I guess it does. Maybe I’ll take you out sometime when the weather gets warmer.”
“It’s another date I guess,” Julian said, crumpling up the paper from the finished fries. “Isn’t it supposed to be the other way around though? The girl clinging to the cool guy on the motorbike?”
“Well, it’s either you or Allison, and she’s still in her baby gay phase so I don’t want to mess with that.” Sadie stood, before bending down to kiss the corner of Julian’s mouth. She flushed. “I’ll see you around.”
Julian looked after her, a little shocked but in a good way. “Yeah, I’ll do that.”
She waved as she went to join the other Dobry girls at the buses. Maybe he’d have to join the rest of his own House at some point; but either way… it had been a good day. Yeah.
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Cassy: LOOK AT THIS http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m2haiy9edR1r75xih.jpg
Cassy: Jules: -rolls his eyes-
Reneé: Derek: Jules, you need to be more comfortable with your body -sarcastically-
Cassy: Jules: alas I do -dramatic sigh- if only I could lie around without a shirt and be content
Cassy: Jules: -is shirtless currently-
Reneé: Derek: -pats his shoulder- it's okay, buddy. one of these days you'll see the value of yourself
Cassy: Jules: yes... someday
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thewinter-smolder · 12 years
About Derek's cock | A Stuart Trio drabble
and also Jogan because I was having feelings and when you have feelings you write about Derek and his cock.
Not my best.
“Come on! I’m starving and you’re taking more than Julian to get ready!”
When Derek finally came out of the bathroom he was only on a pair of boxers. Logan let his head fall back with an exhausted groan. “Derek!”
 “In a minute. Hey–” He’d had a frown upon his face since he stepped into the room. Head down, he walked towards Logan. “Does this look infected to you?”
“Wh–? Oh, gross!” Logan shut his eyes tightly and stretched an arm so his hand could cover the sight. Derek kept drawing forward the elastic band from his boxers with the same concerned expression as before. “Derek, what the fuck?!”
“I think I caught something,” the brunet mumbled while trying to get a better view of himself. He raised his gaze up to Logan, who was still using his hand as a defense mechanism and his eyes were now focused on the ceiling far away from that. Derek took a step forward, “Come on, just one look–“
Logan jumped back. “Eeww, no. Gross.”
“Hey, it’s just a penis!”
“I don’t wanna see your penis, Siegerson.”
Derek frowned. “Should I feel offended?”
For a while they stood there, Logan looking at his friend in disbelief and Derek looking hurt. Finally, the latter sighed. “Just take a look.”
“I’ll buy you coffee.”
“I’ll do your homework.”
“Forget it.”
“I’ll give you my car.”
“Not in a million years.”
They were walking in circles –Derek still offering things behind a Logan that kept refusing. The athlete stopped and ran both hands through his hair while pulling it desperately. “Dude, I just want you to look at my cock and tell me–“
“Yes. Julian’s bigger.”
Both guys turned towards the door where Julian was standing with a cocky smirk and a glint of mischief in his eyes, he raised an eyebrow. “Should I ask?”
“It’s not –!” Derek took a deep breath and counted to five while playing with the waistband of his boxers. “I just think I caught something.”
At Julian and Logan’s blatant laughter, the brunet couldn’t do anything but bang his head against the nearest wall.
And when the couple stopped, Julian wiped out a tear and lead Logan to sit with him in Derek’s bed. Between chuckles and coughs, he cleared his throat and called for his attention. “Okay, D, show us your cock.”
They laughed again at the look of Derek’s face brightening up at those words –like a child on Christmas morning... His friend scoffed and started walking back to the bathroom.
“Okay, okay, we’re stopping now. We’ll be good. Show us.”
Still upset and scowling, Derek stood in front of them and dropped down his boxers. Julian and Logan leaned forward and scrunched their noses at the same time.
“Does it always look green?”
“Looks rotten.”
“Some skin’s falling off, see?”
“You two are the worst friends someone could ever wish for.”
The couple grinned innocently and stared back at Derek’s cock. “Seriously, D, I thought your only good attribute was… that, but–“
With a snort, Derek pulled back on his navy-blue boxers. “Puh-lease. I’d rock your worlds. I’m that good.”
Then there was a weird silence.
“Derek’s trying to seduce us with his rotten cock.”
“Is it some kind of reverse psychology thing? Are you showing us that so we’re no longer into cocks anymore?”
“Well, I think is working. That shit’s disgusting.”
“That’s not how a regular penis looks like, D. I’m worried.”
“Maybe some girl grudged you.”
“Your cock’s gonna fall off.”
“Best case scenario… gonorrhea.”
“I think it’s a wart, tho –Hey! Stop –stop pushing us! Oh, c’mon, D, we’re having fun!”
“You two. Out.”
“But your cock, Derek! We need to talk about your cock!”
The door shut in their noses. Julian and Logan stood in silence for a couple of seconds with identical amused expressions.
“We’re your friends, buddy! We take your gonorrhea seriously!”
“I rather have gonorrhea than you two as friends, assholes!”
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Derek's Crumbling World
Title: Derek's Crumbling World
Characters: mentions of everyone, but mainly Derek Seigerson, Logan Wright, Julian Larson, and Sonic
  Summery: After the tragidies of Hell Night, Derek tries to take stock of his life.
AN: So during that week long period between 27.2 and 27.3, I got kinda sad... And sad feels turned into 3 Sonic related fics... And while I knew this wasnt what was going to appen, and we all know now it isnt what happened, this is what my brain was doing to me.
Derek tried rolling another grape at Sonic, but again, it was ignored. He sighed, and put it right under his nose. Sonic just sniffed at it a moment, before continuing to wander over Julian’s bed. "I know you’re confused buddy, but you have to eat." Derek informed his friend's little hedgehog, tears starting to well in his eyes. Sonic ignored him, and just made those tiny sounds that sounded almost like a high pitched little bark, as sad and pitiful as the first night.
Trying not to squish the hedgehog, Derek lay out on Julian’s bed and curled around a pillow, carefully inhaling the lingering scent. A dry sob racked Derek’s chest as he realized Julian’s smell was fading. Then he realized one that was replacing it wasn’t his, but Logan’s. Tears finally broke through the dam he had built behind his eyes after that first day.
From what he had gathered from the incoherent and hysterical Logan, and a few of the confused survivors wasn’t concrete, but Kurt had apparently known previously, and had told Derek what had happened before he went home for his recovery. His friends had come so close, because Julian had told Logan how he felt. Even though it was a horrible situation, Jules had told him. And Logan had woken up and realized what Derek had known, that he did love Julian back, in that way. But then the idiot shoved Kurt to safety and sacrificed himself. But then he somehow managed to get to the third floor, and jumped with Adam. Derek felt himself bristle and felt as spiky as Sonic as he thought of him.
Adam. Not only was it that bastards fault that any of them were there in the first place, but the doctors said that if Julian hadn’t saved him, if Adam hadn’t landed on Julian, his injuries would have been less intense. Jules would have survived. Now one of his best friends was dead, his other was dying of a broken heart, so many others were injured. Derek thought of the bump and scar that still graced the back of his head two weeks after his own encounter with the creep. And even those who weren’t part of the injured were mentally hurt.
Danny and Dwight are both still in the hospital, Danny getting blood transfusions, and Dwight finally woke up, and is in the middle of multiple skin graft surgeries.
The twins are quiet, supposedly just sitting in their room all day, and never breaking contact with the other.  Reeds curls are gone, and so is his spirit. Shane had turned into a clingy 5 year old, always attached to either Blaine or Reed. That friend of the Anderson's, Derek thought he heard him called Michael, had discharged himself from the hospital and disappeared.
Kurt had gone home; the day Reed was released from the hospital. He wouldn’t talk to anyone, and wouldn’t let anyone see him, his giant of a brother and his father making sure no one got in. Derek also knew from their brief conversation, that Kurt blamed himself, thinking that if it weren’t for him, Jules would have gone out the second floor with the others.
Apparently after the first few days, Blaine hadn’t really been talking. He had only a few times, and that was when he was trying to get Kurt to stay, and when he tried to reach him after Kurt was home. After that, he went mute.
Charlie jumped at every sound, and he and Justin grew more protective of their houses, but more indecisive. All the Hanovers blamed themselves for not being able to see who Adam really was.
Bailey wasn’t playing his music. Whenever he did, it was decidedly happy, like he was again trying to fix a mess that wasn’t his fault. David was a mess, and never left Wes’s side. The tech-y Windsor was unplugged, and would sit outside; staring at the charred pile of ash that formerly had been the art hall, till the young blond and the small Asian Windsors pulled him away.
Logan would never be the same. Derek just knew from the haunted look in his friends almost lifeless green eyes. This wasn’t something Logan would ever completely come back from.
During the day, the campus is silent. But at night, the air is filled with sobs, and nightmare induced screams. And then the talks of closing the school... The whole world was falling apart, and it felt like it had fallen to Derek to fix everything. He had stepped up to fill in as prefect, made sure there was always fresh coffee in the pots, made sure all the Stuarts ate at least twice a day. But besides that, he had no idea what to do, or how to even go on. Sonic curled up near Derek, watching him with sad eyes. What could he even do with Sonic now that his daddy was dead?! Derek curled tighter around the pillow, wishing he could inhale some of his friend’s courage and strength, along with the lingering smell of coffee and cherry lollipops.
        AN: .....I'm going to Gondola hell, aren't I ....
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Worth It
Music thumped through the club, bodies crowded on the dance floor, Derek was just visible, grinding against his latest conquest, from where Julian was sitting at the bar, swirling the amber drink in his glass.
He was torn out of his trance when a tall form slid onto the bar stool next to him. He didn’t even turn his head, he knew who it was.
“You made it.” He smirked a little, placing the glass down as the boy next to him let out a low, seductive laugh and his long fingers began to press tantalizingly against Julian’s inner thigh, running up and down, making him shiver.
Slowly, and without a word, Logan slid off the stool in order to subtly press closer to his boyfriend. His hand slid over the bar to place a 10$ note by Julian’s half-full glass, hand slightly brushing over Julian’s knuckles.
“Come with me.” His breath tickled the hairs around Julian’s ears and the brunette watched out of the corner of his eye as the blonde disappeared into the men’s room.
He smirked as he cast a glance towards the dance floor, Derek nowhere to be seen, and he followed the other Stuart.
As soon as the door closed behind him he was pressed against it roughly, a hand immediately went to his hair and tugged as a mouth was pressed against his and a tongue was shoved roughly past his teeth.
Julian felt Logan’s erection pressing into his own and he groaned loud and long into Logan’s mouth, pushing forwards to increase the friction as Logan did the same, their moans melding together as they rutted heavily against each other, the rough fabric of their jeans gloriously rubbing against them but both boys yearned to feel skin on skin, yearned to be free.
“Clothes. Off. Now.” Julian panted heavily, hands tugging on Logan’s hair so much that Logan cried out in both pain and pleasure, hands instantly moving down to the button on the brunettes jeans and roughly tugging it open and plunging the zip down. Everything after that was a blur, Julian’s trousers and underwear were shed and Julian’s loud moans were going out of control, increasing in their volume, Logan encouraging them with every tug on his dick and every suck on his neck. Their shirts and jackets were the only remaining clothes on them, Logan’s eagerness to be inside Julian meant that he had only shoved his trousers down past his ass.
“Fuck me now.” Julian cried out in ecstasy as Logan slid one finger into Julian from behind making the actor keen and buck in the blond’s arms. “Now, Logan, please!”
The Warbler grinned possessively, groaning past the grin as he removed his fingers from Julian’s ass and tore a condom from his jacket pocket, ripping it open as fast as he could.
When the condom was out of its packet, Julian snatched it and reached down to roll it on to Logan’s cock, making him groan and his hips snapped forwards at the contact.
Julian laughed softly but mewled as Logan roughly lifted him up by his thighs and pressed him against the cold door of the bathroom. Julian threw his head back, smacking it against the wood and not caring at all, he didn’t even notice the pain that shot through his skull. He was far more preoccupied by the spine-tingling pleasure that shot right to the base of his skull and made him cry out in rapture as he pulled Logan closer, burying his head in Logan’s neck to try and stifle his piercing cries of bliss as Logan pressed in, right to the base with one thrust.
But Logan wanted to hear every cry that came from Julian’s beautiful mouth, the noises he was causing. So he leant forwards and bit down hard on his strong neck causing Julian to jerk back and cry out, bucking in Logan’s strong arms and clawing at his strong back as the blond continued to pound into him, making the door rattle loudly in its frame.
Julian couldn’t care less whether people in the club could hear them, he was too wrapped up in pleasure and risk and Logan.
Suddenly, Logan hitched Julian higher, Julian tightening his legs around Logan’s waist. The change of angle meant that when Logan thrust in again, he hit Julian’s prostate dead on. Julian stuttered for a second before white lights sparked in front of his vision and every muscle in his body tightened as he came with strangled cry that echoed off the tiled walls of the small bathroom. Logan continued to pound into Julian, the sound of skin slapping skin accompanying the moans and breathy exclamations coming out of Julian’s mouth. Suddenly Logan’s pace started to falter and he began to moan low and his breathing became erratic as he too succumbed to the immense pleasure that coiled in the base of his stomach before exploding. He too cried out deafeningly loud, his voice breaking as the pleasure continued to surge through him.
When Logan came down from his high, Julian attached his mouth to his as they continued to rock together slowly, riding out the aftershock of their orgasms. The kiss was slow and deep, their tongues rubbing against one another languidly, both boys moaning softly.
They didn’t even care that they could have been heard past the door they had been having sex against. They had been. People stared wide eyed at the closed bathroom door, the screams that had been heard above the music still ringing in their ears.
Nor did they check to see if the bathroom had been occupied before they began to rip each other’s clothes off. Derek sat wide eyed, hands over his ears and mentally scarred in one of the cubicles.
But they didn’t care as they grinned into the kiss.
It had been worth it.
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thedaltonshipment · 4 months
Round One, Pair Twenty
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artemismoon12writes · 4 years
Title: Robin, Prince Eric, and Two Zombies Walk into a Pizzeria
Daltonfic Big Bang; Week 4, Day 4; Halloween 
“I thought we weren’t supposed to wear costumes to Avery’s party?” “I told you, you should have dressed up.”  “We’re not going to the party.”
“We are far too old to go trick or treating!”
“Come on, it’ll be fun!” Wes said, dragging Danny behind him.
Wes’ Robin costume was something he’d worn before, but it still fit so he’d pulled it on. Danny was protesting, pulling down the arms on the Prince Eric costume Wes had forced him into. He hadn’t wanted to dress up, he’d just wanted to go to the alumni party, eat a bowl of chips, and forget about how badly he’d messed up in front of the whole NYU swim team yesterday.
Wes didn’t accept those excuses, shoving him into whatever he’d had in his closet until something came out of it.  
“Why do you even own a flute?” Danny asked, trying hard not to drop the instrument which Wes had tucked into the wide blue sash at his waist.
“It was my sisters- actually so is that scarf, so we can’t get it dirty.” Wes said in way of explanation, pulling him down the road.
“How about we just put it all back? Avery said it isn’t a costume party.”
“I told you, we don’t care about Sanchez, or Avery, or Justin, or whoever is throwing the alumni party this year. I’m taking you trick or treating!”
Danny groaned, “We’re just a block away. Can we just go there instead?”
“Hey Danny.”
Wes and Danny turned to see their fellow alumni- who Wes was constantly forgetting still lurked around New York- on the other side of the car-logged sideroad. Logan stopped mid wave, concerned. Derek was with Logan, presumably both heading to the Dalton party.
“You okay?”
“He’s fine Logan!” Wes said, rolling his eyes. Danny elbowed him, he liked Logan- besides, that was all high school drama, they were college kids now.
Logan crossed the street anyways, definitely not in the Halloween spirit; though Derek made an effort by smearing his face with zombie paint and just wearing his old soccer uniform.
“I thought we weren’t supposed to wear costumes to Avery’s party?” Logan asked.
“I told you, you should have dressed up.” Derek told his tall friend.
Wes frowned. “We’re not going to the party.”
“Then why are you out?” Derek asked. “I mean, Avery’s got the whole 23rd floor of the Augustine booked for this.”
Danny saw his chance. “Because Wes says he wants to take me trick or treating. It’s so stupid right?”
“You’ve never been! I can’t let this continue!” Wes exclaimed, waving the pillowcase he’d grabbed in his optimism.
Danny looked over to Derek and Logan, hoping for support from reasonable adults, but only found shocked expressions.
“Not even once?” Logan asked.
“God, I went every year, and then just got more candy until Amanda was too old for me to babysit her.” Derek said. “Trick or treating is the shit. Were your parents religious or something?”
Danny shrugged, feeling self conscious. He’d already had the same argument with Wes. “They just, never saw the point? Isn’t it a little weird to run around asking for candy?”
“It’s free candy!” Derek insisted, “It’s a tradition. Shit, I’ve wanted an excuse since I was a kid- Logan we have-”
Logan was ahead of him, pulling a tie out of his pocket to wrap around his head and wiping some of Derek’s zombie makeup on his thumb to smear haphazardly on his own cheek. “Hughes, we’re helping. Avery can deal for one night. You cannot go an entire life without trick or treating.”
Danny looked at Logan like he was nuts. “It’s not a big deal!”
“No it is! And I’m glad Hughes got you dressed up, two blocks up is a whole line of brownstones and they’ll be perfect.”
“You don’t even have a bag!”
“We’ll share!” Wes insisted, confused but elated that he now had allies in this- even if they were unexpected. “It’s not really about the candy, but the experience.”
“How often can you say you can just walk around, knocking on people’s doors, and they welcome- no- encourage it!” Derek said, jogging ahead of them backwards because he already knew where Logan was suggesting.
“This is insane.” Danny said, almost stumbling over a pile of soggy leaves from the park beside them. “We should just go to Aver-“
“He will understand!” Wes insisted, shoving Danny forward with the bag in hand. “Hell, Logan, text him- maybe we can get a whole convoy going.”
“Nah, I’m cutting it close already. You can’t go trick or treating without a costume, and he definitely won’t be wearing one.”
“Because we’re adults-”
“If it makes you feel better,” Wes said as they rounded the corner, “we can give the candy away afterwards.”
Danny wasn’t convinced; but the line of brownstones in front of them did seem to be much more fun than a crowded, stuffy lounge party at the Augustine would have been. Plastic skeletons hung up on the bannisters, softly glowing jack-o-lanterns, and fake spiderwebs strung like candy floss between each townhouse. Little kids swarmed, dressed as what were probably cartoon characters Danny was too old to understand- mixed with the classic horror monsters that endured across the ages.
“Come on- wait no, not that one. The light’s off.” Derek said.
“They have a pumpkin though.” Wes pointed out.
“God, you guys just go to the next house. The lady’s in a witch outfit
Danny found himself pushed in front of a woman in a tattered, but incredibly clean, dress wearing a black, pointed hat on her green wig.
“Uh trick or treat?” He said hesitantly.
She gave a high pitched laugh. Danny jumped, startled at the sound. She then laughed more softly, looking up from under her hat with a smile.
“Hey, you’re a little older than I expected.”
Danny’s little chorus piped up: “It’s his first time!” “His parents never took him!” “It’s unfair!”
She raised her eyebrows, examining the group. “Well, I have to agree. How old are you now?”
“20.” Danny admitted, embarrassed to be standing on the stairs of a brownstone with this lady judging him and his parents. They weren’t perfect, but he still felt compelled to defend them.
“Well this is long overdue.” She said, digging into the bowl in her lap and dumping a huge handful of fun-sized Kit Kats into the pillow case. “Hey were is everyone else’s bags?”
Logan shrugged. “It’s more about Danny.”
Wes elbowed him out of the way. “We thought we’d share!”
“It was a spur of the moment thing.” Derek admitted.
“Okay, well since you’re all dressed up.” She threw three more into the bag.
“Happy Halloween!” She called, sending them scurrying down the stairs and onto the next house.”
“Happy Halloween!” The group called, even Danny.
Wes slung his arm around Danny, pulling him up the next stairs to ring the bell. “See that wasn’t so bad.”
“I just-”
“Trick or Treat!” The group chorused again; dissolving into laughter when the man at the door came out with a bushy beard, silky nightgown, and a sign on his chest saying ‘Freudian Slip’.
The night continued like that, with Danny getting more and more comfortable as they made their way down the block. Most at the door saw the humour, or if they even questioned the quartet, only clucked in sympathy and gave Danny an extra handful. If anything, it was Logan who got the most flack for his lack of preparedness. One woman made him recite the Monster Mash for candy because he didn’t ‘try hard enough’.
By the end, they had half a pillowcase and crashed into a pizzeria that may or may not be owned by Wes’ family.
“I told you you’d enjoy it!” Wes said, spreading their haul out on the table as Derek waited for the full pizza they’d worked up an appetite for.
Danny looked away, “I guess.”
“You guess?” Logan sat back on the chair; knocking everything without a ‘peanut-free’ symbol out of his pile. “It was fun, admit it.”
“Maybe it was.”
“Pizza’s here!” Derek announced, placing the box on the table. They forgot to specific it wasn’t for take-out, so Derek started playing with the plastic ‘table’ as they dug in.
“You glad you went?” Logan asked.
“Of course! Everyone got to do it at least once!”
“Just once.”
“Happy Halloween Danny. Next year we’ll hit up the bars, but this year, just pretend we’re not all decrepit old people.”
“I’ll try.”
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mymnemosyne-blog-blog · 12 years
Expectations | Dasey
Title: Expectations Author: mymnemosyne/Megan Word Count: 567 Genre: Angst Summary: Once you fall in love, you can only fall apart. Derek tries to forestall it, but maybe he's already too late. Notes: I have this headcanon that Derek's failure with Casey (and really his lack of long-term relationships in general) stems from a warped view he's developed of success/failure, and his inability to believe himself good enough for a relationship. This is a muddled first attempt at sorting through that.
Derek's busy becoming acquainted with the intriguing clasp of the waitress's bra when everything goes to hell.
The only sounds are the soft pants and sighs they're emitting, the susurration of cloth on cloth as they move together, and then--
A hitching breath, choked out as soon as it starts to escape. Derek tenses and turns, and there she is, silhouetted in the dim light of the hallway, her slender curves never more alluring, the liquid edges of her hair turned golden.
Even now she is the most beautiful woman he's ever seen.
Even with her hand fisted, white-knuckled, pressed to her lips like a prayer, oh god not now not again, her eyes wide, luminous--free of tears. She shudders, just once, then goes painfully still.
"Casey," he breathes, then again, "Casey!" ripping his hands from the waitress--what was her name? he can't remember it now, can't recall if he ever knew it in the first place--to chase her as she flees.
He elbows his way through the bar, knocks a burly man with too many tattoos off his stool in single-minded haste, but she is lithe and slips between people easily. By the time he makes it out the door she is already off the sidewalk, holding her car keys in that same white-knuckled fist like a weapon.
"Casey." He says her name like a talisman.
"You said it wouldn't happen again." Her voice shakes but her red-rimmed eyes are defiant. He knows the tears will spill later but she will not weep her memories away in front of him.
"Casey, please." He steps forward but she steps back.
"I can't do this again, Derek. I can't trust you, I keep giving you chance after chance--"
"--and you've wasted me, I've wasted me, on waiting for you to change."
She unlocks the doors, gets in, shuts the door, turns the car on.
He's frozen, thinking of what he should say--I love you, it didn't mean anything, she doesn't mean anything, you're the only girl for me.
The truth he's never managed to spit out: I'm Derek Siegerson and I always will be. I drink, fight and fuck and anyone who expects differently is dreaming. You see a part of me that doesn't exist, because I don't do that caring bullshit. People who love teeter on a precipice where the only way down is failure and I just can't.
And the truth about her, the part he's barely acknowledged, secretly, in the fragile moments just before sleep. You're the only perfect thing I've ever had and it's terrifying, the bar is set so high I can't bear to look at it, I'd rather break your heart now than break it later, because all my life I've only ever survived or failed and you deserve someone who will exceed all your best hopes.
She rolls the window down and leans out to look at him seriously.
"Derek--you'll figure it out. Even after it's too late, you will. You've always been able to puzzle it out in the end." She smiles then, just a quirk of the lip really, and it's eerie on her too-pale face.
Her tires screech shrilly as she pulls out of the parking lot.
Sometime later, the sickening impact of a fist to his jaw dimly pulls him back to reality. It feels almost like a blessing.
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lourryunited · 12 years
Killing me softly; Sebrek Chapter 9
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Here's chapter 9!  Sorry guys but this chapter has TONS more Jogan then Sebrek, honestly Sebrek only show up for like one scene. Sorry but it had to be done! Next chapter will be almost all just Sebastian, so look forward to that! Enjoy!
Lovers can hurt each other so deeply and rather then be hurt more, at a further damaging incident, both of them would rather leave then continue to be hurt. But sometimes  they would rather be hurt then lose the one they love.
"Julian!" Logan shouted, while banging on his boyfriends door. "Open the god damn door...or I'll break it down!" Logan heard shuffling from inside, Julian slowly opened the door and poked his head out.
"Logan!" Julian hissed "Are you fucking stupid? People are trying to sleep!"
"Oh don't be so dramatic!" Logan argued. Julian moved to shut the door, but Logan took that as an advantage to get inside.
"God dammit Logan" Julian said irritated "You never give up do you?"
"What type of boyfriend would I be if I did?" Logan asked smirking back at the actor.
"Please...Just leave me alone" Julian pleaded.
"Come on Jules" Logan said moving in closer to said actor. "Don't do this."
"Do what?" Julian snapped.
"Freeze me out like this" Logan responded.
"And why not?" Julian asked.
"Because I'm you're boyfriend!" Logan shouted.
"Oh really?" Julian spat back. "Because you certainly NEVER treat me like I'm you're boyfriend!"
"What the hell are you talking about Larson?" Logan asked.
"You treat me like shit Logan!" Julian responded venom lacing his every word. "You call me names, you always put me last, you....hit me."
"Once!" Logan argued back. "I hit you once!"
"So I suppose that makes it OK then, right?" Julian asked with sarcasm.
"Of course not!" Logan said.
"But yet you still did it Logan" Julian said with tears in his eyes. "You nearly broke my ribs"
"I..." Logan began.
"You don't care, do you?" Julian whispered.
"Jules...I do....It's just" Logan said.
"It's just what Logan? Julian asked "You treat me like shit because you don't know how to love me?"
Logan nodded his head. "I just don't want to fuck our relationship up"
"Logan!" Julian said raising his voice "Don't you get it? By treating me like this, you are fucking our relationship up!"
"I just thought that maybe if I treated you like I did before we got together, then maybe it wouldn't be that hard to screw it up." Logan confessed.
"You never treated me this bad before Lo." Julian responded, a single tear sliding down his face.
Logan reached up and whipped the stray tear off of Julian's face. "I know...I just...I'm so sorry Jules, I don't know what's wrong with me...when I'm near you I get these feelings....But I don't know what they are Jules, I've never loved anyone before...and I'm scared."
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