eviesmyspiritanimal · 5 years
Girls’ Trip Part 3
Summary: Evie, Mal, Uma, Audrey, and Jane go on a road trip to the beach for a three-day weekend. Evie’s driving and has road rage, Uma constantly pesters Audrey, Mal thinks it’s all kind of funny, and Jane’s wide-eyed and lovably clueless as usual. Friendship feels plus Jaudrey, Huma, Jarlos, Bal, as well as Hades and Mal father/daughter feels.
  “Wanna hear a story about a hitchhiker that I heard from some Auradon kid lately?” Uma asked and Audrey eyed her skeptically from her position beside the dark-skinned girl.
  “Maybe? It depends,” Audrey replied. Mal turned in her seat to look at Uma.
  “Go for it. We need something distract us after that fiasco earlier,” Mal told her, settling in to listen to her story. Uma grinned at them all before launching into her tale.
  “So apparently this kid’s dad was on his way to Tangletown and it was pouring down rain,” Uma began, and Evie glanced at her through the rearview mirror as she listened while drove.
  “The dad saw a hitchhiker on the side of the road, so naturally, he felt sorry for the guy and decided to offer him a ride.
  “The dude hopped in quickly, all thankful and that crap, and pulled in a leather zip-up bag with him,” Uma told them, and even Audrey was starting to look a little interested as she lowered her phone ever so slightly.
  “As they drove down the road, the guy was really strangely quiet. The dad couldn’t help but notice how odd he looked with his lanky legs and big hands on boney arms. His eyes bugged out and they had an almost feral look to them,” Uma described, and Audrey sat her phone down as she dedicated her full attention to the story. Jane leaned forward in her seat, watching Uma carefully. Even Evie was glancing into the rearview mirror more often in the midst of her curiosity.
  “The dad suddenly heard an unzipping sound, so he looked over at the guy and saw that he was very slowly unzipping his leather bag.
  “So the dad was like, ‘Yo, man, what’s in your bag?’ The guy immediately tells him, ‘It’s nunya business.’ And so they continue to drive a little bit farther.
  “The guy starts unzipping the bag again and the dad goes, ‘Seriously, what’s in your bag?’ The guy once again tells him, ‘It’s nunya business.’ The dad is starting to get pretty dang mad at this point, and when he hears the guy unzipping his bag a little more, he immediately pulls over and demands that the guy get out of his car,” Uma explained, and everyone in the car had their attention focused solely upon the pirate.
  “Of course, the guy’s all mad and he hops out of the car yelling and complaining and making a big fuss. As soon as he shuts the door, the dad takes off and leaves him there,” Uma narrated. “The dad’s really angry and he just can’t believe the nerve of this guy. He was kind enough to pick him up off the side of the road, and the guy won’t even do him the courtesy of telling him what the heck’s in the bag.
  “But here’s the real kicker- the guy left his leather bag in the car.” Mal’s brow furrowed as she considered this plot development, completely drawn in by the story.
  “The dad sees it’s opened just a little bit, and it dawns on him that he could just open it the rest of the way and figure out exactly what was inside that the guy was so intent on hiding from him,” Uma paused, and everyone felt the tension building.
  “So he pulls over slowly and stops. Then, he reaches over to the bag ever… so… slowly,” Uma narrated with a dead serious expression, mimicking the dad’s movement by reaching over in Jane’s floorboard. Jane followed her hand’s movement, looking in her floorboard as she tried to imagine the scene.
  “And he grabs ahold of the zipper, pulling it open to reveal,” Uma just stopped, and everyone gaped at her and her paused hand in Jane’s floorboard, hanging on the edge of their seats.
  “What’s inside?!” Audrey finally demanded after a few moments of this torturous silence.
  “Definitely a gun,” Evie murmured under her breath with a freaked-out expression on her face.
  After a few beats, Uma spoke again.
  “Nunya business,” Uma deadpanned, and immediately started laughing hard, falling back into her seat. Jane stared at her blankly, baffled by the way the story ended, and Mal turned back around to face the road with an exasperated expression. Evie’s brow furrowed as she considered the end and Audrey slapped her Uma’s leg in her frustration.
  “You can’t end it like that!” Audrey protested, but Uma just kept guffawing.
  “I can’t believe I seriously fell for that,” Mal spoke her thoughts aloud.
  “I really want to know what’s in the bag,” Jane told them, completely puzzled.
  After a few more moments of Audrey growing increasingly upset and Uma still chuckling, Evie decided she needed to divert them all from Uma’s little story.
  “Why don’t we put on some tunes?” Evie suggested, trying to bring a bit of levity to a situation that only Uma found funny. Mal just looked at her with a raise of her eyebrow.
  “Sure. It’s not like there’s anything better to do. I used up my best joke,” Uma told her, clearing her throat as she recovered from her laughing fit.
  “Here, I’ve got a good one,” Audrey offered, reaching forward between Evie and Mal and pushing it in the CD slot.
  Ooh whoa, ooh whoa, ooh whoa
  “This crap’s gonna suck.”
  “Shut up, it’s about to get good!” Audrey protested and Mal looked at Evie, thinking she vaguely recognized the tune.
  You know you love me, I know you care   Just shout whenever and I'll be there   You are my love, you are my heart   And we will never, ever, ever be apart
  “Aww, poor girl,” Uma sarcastically commented, and Audrey elbowed her.
  Are we an item? Girl quit playin'   We're just friends, what are you sayin'   Said there's another, look right in my eyes   My first love, broke my heart for the first time
   Mal immediately recognized that irritating high-pitched voice and she narrowed her eyes in dread as Evie suddenly looked way too excited for her liking as she sucked in a breath to sing along.
  “This is a girl, right? Kinda sounded a little bit like a dude with how her voice got deeper in that last line.”
  “It’s a guy!” Audrey shrieked in response, growing angrier by the second.
  “Oh… I guess that explains it,” Uma shrugged, grinning wickedly at the look on Audrey’s face.
  Baby, baby, baby, oh   Like baby, baby, baby, no   Like baby, baby, baby, oh   I thought you'd always be mine (mine)   Baby, baby, baby, oh   Like baby, baby, baby, no   Like baby, baby, baby, ooh
  “I think you’re killing me, me,” Uma sang along, and Audrey scowled at her.
  Oh, for you, I would have done whatever
  “Alrighty, then, and that’s the end of that,” Mal told them, and stopped the CD, pulling it out quickly and handing it back to Audrey. Evie looked at her with a slightly disappointed expression, but she quickly returned to her usual neutral expression that she had throughout the car ride.
  “That’s good music,” Audrey whined, and Uma let out a sharp bark of laughter.
  “I think you need to get your ears examined or something because that’s crap,” Uma unashamedly told her. “That dude needs some testosterone or something, because puberty’s not treating him kindly.”
  “I think he’s dreamy!” Audrey insisted.
  “I think that if you go for idiots like that, I don’t know how you ended up with Jay,” Uma successfully ended the conversation and Audrey simply huffed as she looked out Jane’s window.
  After a few beats of silence, something caught Audrey’s eye in the distance and she squinted, leaning forward a bit as she focused her attention upon it.
  “Hey, there’s a hitchhiker! And he’s got a bag!” Audrey suddenly cried, pointing out the window at a figure far ahead.
  “Revenge is not a good color on you, Princess,” Uma replied without looking, clearly not believing Audrey’s sudden announcement and thinking that she was simply trying to get back at Uma after the joke.
  “No, really! Look!” Audrey pointed again. Bored, Uma shifted her gaze over in the direction Audrey was waving at, and her eyes widened.
  “Well, son of a biscuit-eater,” Uma pronounced as she moved up to look between Mal and Evie. Jane leaned out her window a bit as the man was rapidly approaching.
  “Evie, pull over, I want to see what’s in the bag!” Jane called. But to her chagrin, Evie instead hit the gas as hard as she could and sped by the man on the side of the road.
  “What did you do that for?” Jane disappointedly questioned as she watched the form of the guy behind them.
  “I didn’t want to be the butt of the joke,” Evie hesitantly admitted with a guilty smile, and Mal giggled in response.
  “Personally, I’m glad she didn’t pull over,” Mal spoke up, growing more serious. “He could’ve been dangerous.”
  “You’ve just been corrupted by my hitchhiker story. He could’ve been interesting,” Uma expressed, reclining in her seat and frowning as she dug Audrey’s pink sunglasses from underneath her. She examined them for a moment before putting them on her face curiously.
  “Yeah, like put a gun to your head interesting!” Audrey told them, her brow furrowed concernedly as she pulled Jane so that her head wasn’t hanging out the window anymore.
  “Check out my sick shades, y’all,” Uma suddenly spoke up, pursing her lips in and raising an eyebrow as she tilted her head to the side. Evie just snorted in response, and Mal laughed at Evie’s sudden random noise.
  “Those are mine!” Audrey cried, trying to take them off of Uma’s face. She simply dodged Audrey’s invading hand, looking over at the pink princess.
  “Then why were they sittin’ in my seat?” the pirate sassily questioned.
  “Because they slid into it. Besides, you seriously need to work on your duckface,” Audrey snatched the sunglasses and poised them back upon her own face carefully.
  “The heck’s a duckface?” Uma asked, her mind so stuck on Audrey’s use of modern lingo that she didn’t even attempt to win back the glasses.
  “It’s stupid. Evie does it all the time,” Mal explained, looking over at Evie and noticing that Evie’s lips were pursed as she was driving. “See what I mean?” Mal huffed and Evie quickly relaxed her lips as she gaped at the other four who had begun laughing at her.
  “What?! I’m focused on driving!”
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eviesmyspiritanimal · 5 years
Girl’s Trip Part 4
Summary: Evie, Mal, Uma, Audrey, and Jane go on a road trip to the beach for a three-day weekend. Evie’s driving and has road rage, Uma constantly pesters Audrey, Mal thinks it’s all kind of funny, and Jane’s wide-eyed and lovably clueless as usual. Friendship feels plus Jaudrey, Huma, Jarlos, Bal, as well as Hades and Mal father/daughter feels.
  “Ladies…. I do believe that I need to use the restroom. Like in an urgent sort of way,” Audrey told them all, desperately having to pee.
  “What? You gotta go poo-poo?” Uma asked as if she were talking to a child. Audrey leaned away from her disgustedly and she slapped Uma’s arm. Mal worked diligently to hold back her mirth at the pink princess’s expense as her shoulders shook. However, Uma wasn’t quite as sparing in her laughter, and she unashamedly made fun of Audrey.
  “You uncouth beast! I have to pee!” Audrey announced, and Mal started scanning the side of the road for a place to stop in an attempt to take her mind off of the urge to laugh.
  “Good timing, Audrey. Charlene’s nearly out of fuel, so you guys be on the lookout for a gas station,” Evie instructed as she drove.
  “I see a town up ahead,” Jane acknowledged, and Audrey was almost bouncing in her seat as she tried to hold it.
  “Don’t worry, Audy, just think of waterfalls and rivers and the sound of a toilet flushing,” Uma described, leaning close to the brunette’s ear. Audrey eyed her angrily with a scowl.
  They passed the last tree on their way through the forest and entered civilization once again. Audrey could feel her bladder about to bust and her leg bounced a little more furiously as she spotted all of the different opportunities for restroom-using.
  “There’s a Hearts,” Uma told them, and Audrey excitedly looked over at the big heart on the sign.
  “That place is no good. The last time I stopped at Hearts, there was no premium fuel available, and Charlene only takes the best,” Evie firmly informed them. Audrey felt her urge to pee grow a little stronger, and she bit her lip.
  “Okay, then… What about that Speedtrack?” Jane asked, and Evie shook her head.
  “Crappy selection of drinks,” Evie negated, continuing in her driving. Audrey held back a whine and held her legs together a little tighter.
  They had nearly left the town when Mal, the wonderful human being that she was, spotted one last opportunity for Audrey to pee and for them to get gas.
  “Here’s something called a Jify-Journey,” Mal pointed at the gas station on the side of the road. It was a terribly run-down looking little place and it looked like it’d barely pump anything, much less premium gas like Evie had originally wanted.
  Evie started to say something, no doubt in negation of Mal’s suggestion, but Audrey quickly interjected.
  “JUST FLIPPIN’ TURN!” Evie begrudgingly pulled into the parking lot. Evie carefully wheeled in front of a pump and brought Charlene to a stop.
  “Okay, you guys, let me feed the beast, and I’ll meet you inside,” the bluenette spoke, turning around to face them all. However, to her surprise, Audrey had just crawled over Uma’s lap and ran out the car door.
  After a few moments of silence, Uma grinned, dispelling the surprised atmosphere at Audrey’s quick escape.
  “Well, I guess she really did have to go,” Uma commented, turning and sliding out of the car door herself.
  Audrey practically charged through the doors as she ran to the counter with an air of urgency that was not unlike the Queen of Mean. She slammed her hands on the counter, staring at the woman with wide eyes. The lady behind the counter jumped in surprise as she looked up from her task of counting the money in the cash register.
  “Where is the restroom?” Audrey demanded, bouncing in place a bit as she resisted the urge to pee.
  “Well, honey,” the woman started, and it was obvious that she was from Bayou de Orleans, “it’s right on back ‘dere on dat door to de right.” Audrey made a break for it as she rushed over to the hall desperately making her way to the toilet.
  She opened the door and was immediately greeted with a nearly unholy smell. Audrey gagged, feeing her insides wrench with the motion. She stepped forward and dared look at the porcelain throne and was horrified to see that it was very much clogged.
  Audrey covered her nose with her hand, leaning against the door in an attempt to keep what little was left of her breakfast down.
  “Why ain’t you peeing?” Uma questioned, raising an eyebrow as she suddenly materialized beside the pink princess. The need to puke was quickly replaced by the need to pee, and Audrey recoiled disgustedly at the sight of the restroom as she started bouncing on the spot.
  “Somebody sure trashed this bathroom,” Uma spoke aloud, surveying the little room with a slight grimace.
  “I can’t use this bathroom,” Audrey announced, and she looked around, feeling as if she were going to burst.
  “Well, go behind the building. Right out this door, see?” Uma pushed open the back door that led to the forest behind the place.
  “I think not! I am a princess!”
  “You planning on going in your pants, then, Princess?” Uma sassily asked her, and Audrey worriedly shifted her gaze between the open back door and the toilet inside the horrifying gas station.
  “I just… I need privacy, and what if someone sees me back here?!” Audrey squeaked, and Uma shook her head exasperatedly.
  “Are you worried about the chipmunks or the squirrels staring at your naked butt?” Uma asked, and Audrey shot her one last dirty look before finally deciding she would go outside. It was purely necessity that was driving her through that door, and she honestly couldn’t believe she was lowering herself to such a depth.
  On the other side of the store, however, things were going much less disgustingly.
  “Okay! Charlene’s all filled up,” Evie told Mal, the only one of the group that had stayed with her until she was through fueling the car. The bluenette stepped up into the Jeep and sat down, cranking the vehicle. “Mmm, mmm, mmm, listen to that hum,” Evie patted the wheel firmly with a loving gaze thrown at the car’s gas gauge. “That’s my little girl. Sounds just like her mama.”
  Mal raised an eyebrow, equally creeped out and amused by Evie’s love for the Jeep. It was almost like she thought she gave birth to it or something.
  “I think you like Charlene a little too much. Let’s park her closer to the building and then,” Mal paused dramatically as she looked at Evie from the passenger seat, “it’s snack time.”
  Evie grinned in response and drove around to the storefront, parking Charlene. They then both got out and walked in.
  “Welcome to Jify-Journey! How can we help you ‘dere?” the cashier greeted.
  “We’re just grabbing some roadtrip snacks, but thank you,” Eve politely replied, and the two girls wandered over to the bagged snacks.
  “Hey, E? Do you think Uma would like Doritos?” Mal questioned, picking up a chip bag. Evie glanced over from looking at the potato chips.
  “Sure. Be sure to get some spicy ones, though. She’ll probably really love that,” Evie instructed, pointing at the red bag. Mal took it off of the shelf and started searching for something for Audrey and Jane.
  “Mal? Do you want the Fritos or the barbeque chips? You’re really particular about that sometimes,” Evie checked, holding up two bags. Mal shrugged her shoulders and pointed at the barbeque chips.
  “Jane might like the Fritos, though, so keep both of them,” Mal told her as she tried to figure out what she thought Audrey would like.
  “Do you think veggie straws will work for Thorn?” Mal questioned. Evie simply nodded and took them from her. They were just about to go back to the cash register before Evie caught sight of a whole shelf of bright wrappers and boxes.
  “Look at all the candy!” Evie exclaimed and Mal hurried behind her as Evie stared at all of the various candies, completely mesmerized.
  “M! Look! Oreos!” Evie cried and Mal couldn’t help but compare her sister to an excited little girl. Mal walked over to her and wrapped an arm around her waist fondly.
  “Yeah. Which kind are you getting?” Mal asked, despite the fact that she already knew exactly what Evie would pick. The bluenette looked at her with a raise of her eyebrow before picking up a package of original Oreos.
  “Of course,” Mal nodded her head and Evie just grinned before looking through more of the selections.
  “Mal? What is M&M’s?” Evie questioned, picking up a box that pleasantly rattled when she moved it. Mal raised an eyebrow and leaned in closer to look at it.
  “Looks like some kind of chocolate,” Mal assessed, and she glanced at the bluenette who had an adorable pout on her face. Mal squeezed Evie tightly before letting her go.
  “E, if you want it, then get it. It looks good,” Mal told her, and Evie’s eyes lit up excitedly. Mal felt her heart ache painfully for her friend, knowing how much Evie the brown-eyed girl valued sweets since they were so rare on the Isle. Mal guessed it was probably hard for Evie to realize that she could just buy them easily now.
  “What about these? Or these? Ooh! And these?” Evie picked up several containers of various types of chocolate candies, and Mal nodded her head with a fond smile before they headed over to the drinks that were available.
  Mal quickly grabbed out a bottle of chocolate milk from the refrigerators and handed it to Evie, taking a bottle of strawberry punch for herself. She then withdrew a plain milk container, a bottle of water, and some green tea for the other girls, and her and Evie headed over to the cashier.
  As soon as they reached the counter, they saw Jane leaning on the counter and scratching at a piece of paper.
  Mal furrowed her brow and looked at Evie, but the bluenette was currently way too invested in her chocolate to even acknowledge Mal’s questioning gaze.
  Mal walked over to Jane with Evie in tow and she looked over the younger girl’s shoulder.
  “What are you doing?” Mal finally inquired and Jane jumped in shock as she tried to hide the paper behind her back.
  “Nothing. Nothing at all,” Jane lied, and even if Mal hadn’t seen Jane with the paper, she could easily see right through the fib. The purple-haired girl snapped her fingers to the left of Jane to temporarily distract her, and she reached around her back and took the ticket.
  “‘Win Big Bucks! Scratchums!’” Mal read the front of the paper and she grinned at Jane mischievously. The blue-eyed girl looked terribly embarrassed and ashamed of herself. Mal walked over so that she was standing beside her, and shouldered her gently, pointing to the card.
  “So, have you won anything?” Mal asked, and Jane looked a little calmer once she realized it was not against the rules, or at least that Mal wouldn’t judge her over it.
  “No, but I might with this ticket. So far, all the numbers seem to be lining up,” Jane grinned wildly and Mal took the coin from the counter, offering it to her.
  “Go, girl. See if you get anything,” Mal told her with a smile, and Jane leapt into action, scratching away at the card.
  After a few seconds, Jane gasped and squealed, hopping up and down as she practically shoved the card in Mal’s face.
  “LOOK! I got five dollars!” Jane proudly exclaimed and Mal forced an excited grin for her benefit. Five dollars really wasn’t that great, but Mal figured it was better than nothing at all for the girl’s efforts.
  “Cool!” Mal replied.
  They paid for their snacks and they were just starting to head out the door when Mal suggested that they all pee just in case they needed to go later in the trip. Evie easily agreed, saying that it would reduce the amount of stops they’d have to make.
  Mal, followed by Jane, strode to the back of the store. Evie was going to come back after she had loaded the Jeep with the snacks.
  When she reached the hall, however, the faerie’s eyes widened as she saw Uma leaned against the doorframe of the exit leading to outside.
  “Where’s Audrey?” Mal asked, and Uma groaned.
  “Don’t ask me where she’s at, ask me where’s she’s been. That girl’s been running around the back of this store like a chicken with its head cut off, insisting that none of the spots she chooses to pee at are good enough,” Uma complained.
  “Why didn’t she use the toilet in here?” Jane questioned, furrowing her brow.
  “Take a look for yourself if you’re that curious. However, let me warn you, it induces immediate barf.” Mal nodded, understanding exactly what Uma meant, and she walked over nearby the door so that she could speak to Audrey.
  “Thorn, do you think you could hurry it up out there? There’s a line,” Mal told her.
  “I’m working on it! I just can’t bring myself to go out here!” Audrey whined.
  “I can help with that!” Uma called, grinning at Mal as she pounded her fist into her palm. Mal rolled her eyes and leaned against the opposite side of the doorframe.
  Soon enough, Audrey came back in and they each took their turns. Before long, they were back in the Jeep and on the road again.
  “Here, Audrey, we got you some green tea and veggie straws; Uma, we got you plain milk and spicy Doritos; and Jane, we got you Fritos and water,” Mal handed all of the items back to the three passengers behind her and there were varying expressions of gratitude amongst them.
  “And you’re free to any of the chocolate in this bag,” Mal told them, passing it to Uma.
  The dark-skinned girl sifted through the bag with a bored expression, but it shifted to a more curious look as she pulled out a wrapper full of Whoppers. She opened the wrapper and popped one into her mouth, her entire face lighting up when the flavor burst into her mouth.
  Audrey took the bag from Uma and passed it to Jane. The younger girl opened the bag and examined the contents carefully before withdrawing a box of M&M’s. She happily chomped on her candies and gave the bag to Audrey.
  The pink princess started to send it up to Mal, but she paused upon the sight of a certain color of wrapper. She quickly reached inside to withdraw a York Peppermint Pattie. An almost childlike expression of wonder was immediately on her face as she opened it and took a big bite. She hummed blissfully as she contentedly chewed the chocolate and the filling.
  “That looks good. Mind if I have a bite?” Uma innocently questioned. “I’ll give you some Whoppers.”
  Audrey immediately lost whatever sweetness was on her face in favor of a greedy monster as she clung to her chocolate.
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eviesmyspiritanimal · 5 years
One of my fanfics. It’s a piece of Audrey angst with her finally realizing that she truly isn’t alone anymore.
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