eviesmyspiritanimal · 5 years
Row Your Boat
Uma: Row, row, row my boat gently down the stream...
Harry: *nods his head to the song*
Gil: *smiles really big*
Uma: Throw the boys overboard and listen to them scream... *chucks Harry and Gil off the boat and speeds away, laughing maniacally*
Uma: See ya, suckers!
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torringtonthethird · 7 years
Tumblr media
Saw these out at Target! #disneydescendants #disney #descendants2 #descendantsmal #descendantsevie #descendantsben #descendantsuma #dolls #collector #toyhunt #hasbro #fashiondolls
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eviesmyspiritanimal · 5 years
Uma: *walks into Harry's room* Harry, where'd my eyeshadow go?
Harry: *in the middle of applying the makeup and freezes*
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eviesmyspiritanimal · 5 years
Makeup: Episode II
Uma: Harry, where's your makeup?
Harry: Thought I'd try out a day without it.
Uma: ... *runs to her room before coming back to him*
Harry: What are ye doin'?
Uma: Wear this, QUICK!
Harry: But you said-
Uma: Don't care what I said, WEAR IT!!! *tackles him to the ground, mauling him with eyeshadow*
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eviesmyspiritanimal · 5 years
Goodness Class
*Sea Three in Goodness Class with Fairy Godmother*
FG: If you are given a crying baby, what do you do? *points to each option*
Uma: Take its voice.
FG: No... Harry?
Harry: Hook it.
Uma: Take its voice.
FG: No... Gil?
Gil: Guys, it's obviously throw it in the water! Babies like swimming!
Uma: Take its voice.
FG: *sighs in patient frustration* No, Uma, you've already-
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eviesmyspiritanimal · 5 years
Knuckle Sandwich
Uma: What's my name?!!!
Gil: Shrimpy!
Uma: *unimpressed* Are you hungry, Gil?
Gil: No, I ate just a second ago-
Gil: *falls off pier and lands in water, shortly after rising back up*
Gil: Where's the beef?!
Uma: *throws Harry in with him*
Gil: ...
Harry: ...
Gil: Where's the real beef?!
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eviesmyspiritanimal · 5 years
His Captain
Summary:  Surrounding Harry's feelings after Uma rejected his kiss at the party after the barrier was brought down. Huma or Uma x Harry and some Audrey thrown in with her surprisingly insightful advice. This is kind of sort of a prequel to "Keep Your Enemies Closer" and "Girls' Trip." However, it isn't required to make sense of the other two.
  Harry spun Audrey around, grinning wildly at her, and pretending not to notice Jay’s insistent glare on his back as he danced with her. She was pretty enough, but she couldn’t really erase his underlying feelings about the rejection he had just endured from Uma.
  He glanced over at his captain, watching her as she shimmied beside Gil and humored his silliness for a moment. Harry could see the fondness on her face as she rolled her eyes at the goofball, ruffling his hair out of its strangely and obviously quite temporarily perfect state.
  He felt whatever happiness he had in his chest drop a little further as he considered what had happened just earlier. It was a sad state of affairs. The entire thing was.
  “You’re a great dancer, Hooky,” Audrey teased, and he could easily see that she wasn’t feeling quite as enthusiastic as she should’ve been given that everything was going so swimmingly. It was quite apparent that she was keeping a firm façade to cover her true feelings. It was as fake as anything he had ever witnessed. He could tell that she had a lot of practice at it, but it was effortlessly identifiable to someone who had endured as much pain as Harry Hook had in the past.
  “Ye aren’t so bad yerself, Princess,” Harry flirted with her mindlessly, shooting another look in Uma’s direction as he tried to appear enthusiastic about dancing with Audrey.
  Audrey studied him for a moment as they skipped around one another, and he forced that charming grin on his face in hopes that she would swoon and completely forget whatever train of thought she was currently on.
  Disappointingly for Harry, it only brought a slight smile to her face that most certainly didn’t meet her eyes and she sighed slightly as she slowed a bit in their dance. It unnerved him to see her calm coolness and what seemed to be understanding of what he was feeling.
  Harry Hook did not do emotions. Everyone knew that he was a flirt that never cared anything about anybody. The only thing he was loyal to was Uma, her ship, and the promise of trouble.
  But that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
  “You love her, don’t you?” Audrey asked him, and he was shocked at her intuitiveness. He quickly tried to think of something that was witty and would deflect her attention from his deeper feelings but she shook her head at him. She seemed to be able to read him like a book, and it scared him out of his mind.
  “I’ve been after someone that I couldn’t have before,” Audrey confessed, and Harry watched as the mask slipped for just a moment to expose the true turmoil that was lying just beneath the surface with this girl. Audrey looked over at Ben dancing with Mal, and Harry was surprised to see a small smile come upon her face.
  He knew that Ben getting engaged to Mal was the entire reason that she had went nuts not too long ago. But to see her actually appearing to approve of their relationship was absolutely amazing.
  “I didn’t stand a chance with him. But I should’ve seen it coming. I didn’t love him as a girlfriend should, after all,” Audrey solemnly confessed, and he sensed the need for her to tell this to someone that was almost suffering the same fate as her. He watched her carefully, soaking in her every word carefully.
  “He always was my sweet big brother,” Audrey continued, giggling a bit at the sight of Evie and Ben hip-bumping and acting crazy. After a moment of watching him, she looked back at Harry with a very serious expression.
  “I was clouded by the big picture of what I wanted and what others wanted for me. I wanted to be a girlfriend to someone, so I was willing to go with anyone.” Audrey looked pointedly at him and she knew that particular comment was sent at him for his choosing to dance with her over Uma. He grinned sheepishly, but his smile melted away quickly as he swallowed hard in an attempt to keep away whatever emotion that could show.
  Audrey sidestepped, keeping up their happy dancing despite both of their true moods. After a few moments, she paused, couples dancing happily all around them. Harry raised his gaze to look at the people. Audrey gazed with him, but she quickly returned her eyes to his own icy blue ones.
  “So I took the first thing that came at me, and didn’t stop to actually worry about what I wanted at that moment,” Audrey painfully admitted.
  Harry was sure that he caught sight of tears in her eyes, but she closed her eyes for a moment before smiling at him as she reopened them. She held his hand that was in her own tightly, squeezing it.
  “But the good part about you is that you do actually have a chance with her because you really do love her in that way. Don’t waste your time on other girls, Harry. You need to talk to her,” Audrey told him, and he watched as a tear slid down her cheek.
  He furrowed his brow, feeling her touch slipping from his hand as she backed away from him with a final look of sweet well-wishes thrown his way. She turned, and he watched until she had completely faded away, disappearing into the thickness of the crowd.
  Harry knew she had to be coping with her own demons right now surrounding what she had done under the scepter’s influence. He didn’t know very much about her, but that was something that was easy to assume. Affecting that many people had to leave one with serious guilt.
  He always said he wanted to hook someone and he always made a huge drama about not getting to do so, but the truth was that he never wanted to hook anyone if he didn’t have to. Harry never truly wanted to physically harm anyone.
  Now hurting someone’s pride was a totally different story, but he generally avoided that if he possibly could, at most jabbing roughly in the places where he knew he wouldn’t seriously wound anyone’s feelings.
  Harry was amazed at this Auradon girl that he never even knew before this huge conflict concerning her alter-ego. Audrey had successfully managed to dig deeply into his carefully guarded heart and had managed to unearth every emotion and hidden thought that he possessed.
  He didn’t feel anything for her beyond what was platonic, but he certainly had a certain admiration for her amazing abilities to understand him. Harry supposed it was probably because she had suffered a similar issue and she could recognize it inside of him as well.
  Harry was disrupted from his reverie when a couple came dangerously close to stepping on his feet. He stepped back, starting to leave the circle of dancers. He was nearly outside of them when a hand caught his wrist and yanked him so that he turned back to face the mystery person.
  His eyes widened as he recognized his captain standing before him. She had a highly displeased expression on her face as she eyed him carefully.
  “So, what kind of stunt were you pulling back there?” Uma cut to the chase, blunt as always. It was almost as much of a comfort to him as it was a curse. He wet his lips slightly.
  “Well, my cap’n, ‘twas jus’ a slip of the tongue. Or the lips as the case may be,” Harry told her with a big grin in an attempt to dispel any anger she might have had. However, to his complete shock, he almost thought she looked disappointed. However, whatever weakness that could have been showing at that moment quickly disappeared in favor of undisguised irritation.
  “No, not that, you moron. I’m talking about dancing with Hello Kitty,” Uma clarified, her gaze hardening as she stared him down.
  “Oh, she grabbed me, so I thought the gentlemanly thing to do would be to oblige,” Harry explained himself, finally allowing himself to look down at Uma’s hand that was still closed firmly around his arm.
  Uma followed his gaze and she ripped her hand away from him, stepping back just a bit. A twinge of disappointment took hold of the pirate as he watched her dust her hand off on the top of her dress.
  “Huh… Since when did you care about being gentlemanly?” Uma skeptically questioned when she finally looked back at him and Harry smiled at her slyly.
  “Since we’re living in Auradon,” Harry told her cheekily and Uma glared at him, but allowed a softer grin to come onto her face as she looked at Mal.
  Harry followed her gaze and couldn’t help but enjoy the sight of Mal who was currently making herself look like an idiot as she danced ridiculously with Evie. Mal was having some sort of a dab attack while Evie was jokingly doing the floss back at her before they both collapsed into giggles, hugging each other tightly.
  “And it’s all thanks to her,” Uma told him, a look that was so purely adoring that Harry couldn’t help but want to kiss her. He stepped a bit closer, but quickly shifted back into his original spot, his smile quickly fading as his and Uma’s incident came back to his mind.
  “Yeah,” he hesitantly agreed as he watched Mal kiss Ben who had sneaked up behind her. When it had went on for just a little too long, Jay came over and patted him hard on the back in a friendly warning about his little sister, despite the fact that they were going to be married soon. Harry couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at the other boy.
  Harry honestly wished that Uma would look at him in the same way that Mal did Ben. He wanted nothing more than for his captain to take the mate in first mate more seriously.
  “Thanks for standing by me, Harry. I couldn’t ask for a better guy by my side,” Uma told him sincerely, and he felt his heart jump just a bit with her particular phrasing. It was almost as if he were her guy, which would be an absolute dream come true.
  He hadn’t meant to, but he had fell completely and deeply in love with this girl and there was absolutely nothing he could do about it.
  She looked up at him with a big smile and with undisguised love in her gaze. He returned her look and wrapped an arm around her tightly. She leaned into him heavily, pressing her head against his chest.
  Harry knew that she didn’t experience the sort of love that he felt, but he was willing to take what he could from her.
  “I love you, you idiot,” Uma mumbled under her breath and he looked at her quickly, a little too quickly if her embarrassed expression was anything to go by. He knew she had to have meant it platonically, but to ensure that fact, he squeezed her tightly and replied with something lighthearted but barbed with a hidden test.
  “I’m glad ye think so highly of me as your first mate. I s’pose ye won’t be givin’ my position to Gil no time soon,” Harry told her, hoping she’d clarify her declaration. Uma rolled her eyes, reaching up and smacking him lightly on the back of the head.
  “Good grief, I’d never give it to Gil ‘cause he’s an even bigger moron than you are,” Uma said with a laugh, but the look that she flashed him after that statement conveyed that she didn’t mean it entirely.
  “Hi, you two,” Mal suddenly spoke to the both of them, materializing just behind them. Uma spun around with a big grin and Harry felt his heart warm with his captain’s happiness. He knew she was ecstatic to get back her long-lost partner in crime and best friend. He also knew Uma had always cared deeply about Mal despite the fact that Mal didn’t want anything to do with her after the drowning incident when they were children.
  “Hey, Dragon,” Uma teased, drawing Mal into an excited hug as Evie came up behind the both of them with a big grin. Evie smiled at Harry, and he raised an eyebrow at her flirtatiously. She just rolled her eyes good-naturedly and returned her gaze to Mal and Uma.
  “I trust that you are enjoying yourselves?” Mal asked them in a ridiculous voice as she attempted to look queenly. Uma faked a deep bow as she acted as if she were completely honored to be in Mal’s presence.
  “Indeed, my dearest Queen Boogerface,” Uma managed to keep a perfectly straight face as she addressed Mal. The faerie mischievously raised an eyebrow as she stared at Uma with mock contempt.
  “You will be locked away for that act of treason, you lowly peasant,” Mal waved her away, and they both laughed at Mal’s goofy voice.
  “Okay, but seriously, you get to dancing with your boyfriend, okay? This is a partay, seaweed-breath, not a ball,” Mal joked, winking at Uma as she glanced at Harry with a grin. Harry’s breath hitched at her comment about boyfriend, and he looked at the back of Uma’s head, eager to see how she would respond.
  “Yeah, yeah, sure thing. I’ll dance with him if it makes you feel any better,” Uma told her, rolling her eyes, and Harry couldn’t resist his heart’s excited jump at her subtle agreement with Harry’s status. But he did quickly reprimand himself, knowing that she was really just trying to avoid letting Mal win in their little battle of the wills.
  “It would indeed,” Mal trailed off, eyeing the two of them before clapping her hands twice.
  “As you were. But with dancing this time,” Mal faked yet another bow in the midst of her happy haze, and her and Evie strode off to enjoy more of the dancing and no doubt discuss Mal’s wedding that was sure to come in the not so distant future.
  Uma rolled her eyes at the purple-haired girl, but Harry saw the fondness in her gaze as she watched her leave. She then turned to Harry with a raise of her eyebrow.
  “Well, you wanna dance before she comes back with some smart comment?” Uma offered. Harry internally jumped at the opportunity, but he maintained his usual suave, unaffected demeanor as he wrapped an arm around her waist, dragging her into the fray of dancers.
  “T’would be me pleasure, Cap’n,” Harry agreed, feeling a little daring and kissing her hand just to see how she’d react. Uma’s eyes lit up in a strange emotion that fortunately for Harry was not anger or anything of the sort. He couldn’t exactly recognize it, but before he could consider it any further, she started moving as she copied the other pairs around them.
  “I don’t exactly know how I feel about this gentleman version of you. We’re off the Isle, but that doesn’t mean you gotta go and get a whole personality change,” Uma told him, her expression conveying her unimpressed emotions but her voice betraying a softer feeling.
  “It was always there. Maybe ye just didn’t see it up close,” Harry replied smartly, a grin on his face as he led her in the dance. She snorted and moved in just a little closer as they skipped about.
  A few minutes of silence passed as they danced together. To Harry’s utmost surprise, Uma pulled a completely unexpected move as she spun around him before landing back in front of him with a flourish. He grinned at her, admiring her new trick.
  “Bet Princess couldn’t do that, could she?” Uma remarked, and Harry hoped that he correctly noted what sounded like jealousy in her tone.
  “Nay, I’m sure she couldn’t have. After all, no one’s as great as me cap’n,” Harry expressed, and Uma grinned widely at him.
  He felt his heart soften at her happiness with everything here. Whatever she felt for him, he supposed it didn’t really matter in the end. She loved him in one way or another, and he loved her with all of his heart.
  After all, that was his captain.
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eviesmyspiritanimal · 5 years
Reacquisition of Property
Summary: When Evie goes to reclaim one of her mother’s jewels from Uma’s first mate, she discovers that it will not be quite as simple as she originally anticipated. For this is no average victim of her routine seduction. Hevie and maybe a tiny tad of Huma if you’re into wishful thinking. Yet another of the disconnected oneshots that have no influence on my main stories. Except for it is maybe lightly mentioned in "Girls' Trip" when Mal's trying to embarrass Evie.
  A blue-clad form peeked out from behind the corner, looking to see if the captain of the fine ship docked just in front of her was anywhere nearby.
  To her relief, there was absolutely no one there besides the crew and a few other stragglers that didn’t particularly belong to any group. The bluenette scanned the pier and smiled to herself as she homed in on the sight of Harry Hook standing there on the ship, surveying the other guys who were working.
  However, a particular aspect of this view especially caught her eye. He was toying with a gigantic jewel in the hand that was not covered with the hook belonging to his father. It was perfect.
  Evie took one more look around before stepping outside of her hiding place. She shook her head for a moment, not believing that she was doing this, and especially without Mal and the other two. But they had assured her that she would be fine since they knew that Uma was scheduled to be out that day doing something on the Isle.
  Evie began her trek down to the boat and sighed as she went over her mental checklist.
  She would first find any information that she could for Mal and their gang.
  And most importantly she would obtain the jewel that Uma’s crew had stolen from her mother. By any method of persuasion.
  The part about stealing the jewel was probably the most difficult of her objectives, and Evie couldn’t help but wish that Jay would just sneak into Uma’s ship and steal it when no one was awake or looking. But when her mother got in one of those moods where she wanted what she wanted right then, there was certainly no disputing her. She couldn’t even wait until that night for what she wanted.
  Evie headed down the rattling stairs, hoping that they wouldn’t fall through underneath her weight, and stepped onto the platform nearby the ship. She looked over at the pirate that was standing not too far from her, hoping to catch his gaze.
  Sure enough, before she knew it, he was staring back at her. A wild grin sprung upon his face, and he stalked across the deck and onto the dock where Evie was watching. But not before firmly tucking the prized jewel in the left pocket of his coat. She kept the disappointment off of her face. It was going to be infinitely more difficult to swipe it from him now.
  “Ahoy, there, gorgeous,” he wolf-whistled at her and Evie resisted the urge to roll her eyes in response. He moved in closer, officially stepping into the berth that she mentally considered her seducing circle.
  “What brings a scrumptious little snack such as yourself to the big-bad wolf’s part of town?” Harry asked her, focusing on certain parts of her body for a little longer than she was particularly comfortable with.
  “I kind of got lost navigating your territory. Where’s Uma?” Evie questioned, the first thing out of her mouth. He stopped, laughing at her before poking out his bottom lip mockingly.
  “All business? I’m disappointed.”
  “Well, a lady’s got to do what a lady’s got to do,” Evie winked, trying to throw him off just a little. She threw in a winning smile just for good measure, anticipating his sudden transformation into putty in her hands.
  However, he just stepped a little closer to her, his blue eyes sparkling with a bit of dangerous mischief as he eyed her carefully.
  “That’s cute, but methinks you’re up to a wee bit more than ye let on,” Harry gently traced his hook along her jaw before quickly turning to face the ship. “After all, Mal wouldn’t let one of ‘er dearest pets wander off into our territory unless there was an ulterior motive behind it all.”
  Evie’s eyes widened as she realized that he might be a little less stupid than she thought. So she quickly made the decision to turn on that alluring charm that her mother had so firmly instilled within her.
  Evie immediately lowered her eyelids, smiling mysteriously as she walked over to him before tracing her hands on his shoulders and slowly running them down his back. He immediately stiffened, and a low growl built in his throat in response to her ministrations.
  “It’s too bad Uma’s bad boy can’t help little old me just this once. I really am quite lost despite your suspicions, and I’m sure I could repay you for your,” she trailed off for a moment, purposefully dragging her fingernails against the muscles of his back, “trouble.”
  Harry slowly turned to face her, and against her will, she felt a flutter of attraction at the intense look in his almost glowing blue eyes. The corners of his lips slowly curved into a smile as he gave her a quick onceover, leaning against the railing of the pier. Evie intensely willed herself not to swallow hard in response to his raking gaze.
  “Today’s yer lucky day, Pretty Face,” he pushed off the rail after a moment, watching her carefully as he moved in closer. She couldn’t help but fall a little deeper into the depths of those strangely entrancing eyes as he drew even closer than he had been.
  “Uma’s not here on account of ‘spying on Mal,’” Harry informed her, air-quoting with his free hand that was not firmly holding his hook. Evie couldn’t help but raise her eyebrows in mild shock.
  “Now, now, there’s nothin’ ye can do about it, so ye might as well tell me where ye want to be goin’. I’ll help you out. Methinks that the boys can handle ‘emselves. Eh, boys?!” he called out to the crew, and since the lot of the were nearby listening to the conversation and drooling over Evie, they quickly agreed with him.
  Evie forced her face back into that easygoing flirtatious grin, knowing that she needed to draw him away from everyone and steal what her mother had demanded. The bluenette moved closer to him, taking her finger and tracing his hook carefully and deliberately as she delivered a scorching look aimed to melt him on the spot.
  Luckily for her, he seemed to be going for it hook, line, and sinker, pun not intended. His eyes were locked on her as she started off the pier and in the direction of the alleyways, swaying her hips with each step. Harry practically ran after her, wasting no time in following.
  As soon as she entered the alleyway, she felt his presence just behind her. Her heart unwillingly skipped a beat as they walked, and it nearly stopped entirely when his breaths started falling down her neck and he took hold of one of her arms with his free hand.
  “Ye mind informin’ me of what that payment’s goin’ to be? I never take any bargain without knowin’ what I’m gettin’ in return,” he huskily whispered in her ear, his accent thick with each word he spoke. Evie shivered involuntarily and decided that she needed to give him at least a little taste of what she was supposedly promising so she could keep him following her.
  She tilted her head around nuzzling his neck with her nose, placing a small kiss against his throat before stepping out of his quick grasp. Evie offered him a confident smile.
  “Come with me a little further and I might let you cash in early for your ‘trouble,’ you hunk,” she accentuated in a sultry tone, and she turned away before she could see his response. The desire in his eyes and the intensity in his brow was already throwing her off-guard, leaving her a bit breathless and weak in the knees.
  They moved deeper into the darker parts of the Isle, until she decided that she was far enough from the others that she might could swipe the jewel from his pocket and also escape through the darkness.
  Evie stopped, and she felt the hard planes of his stomach and chest bumping into her. Before he could even begin to speak, Evie spun and pushed him toward the wall, attacking him in a rough kiss in an attempt to distract him from her ulterior motives.
  His free arm immediately grabbed her around the waist, dragging her against him firmly as he returned her kiss with as much vigor as she had began it with.
  Evie was afraid that her workings to distract Harry were working a little too well in the much unintended effect of sending her into a dizzy almost intoxicated state. As a closet hopeless romantic, Evie desperately tried to avoid kissing boys if she could when she was forced to seduce them for whatever reason. She tended to get a little too absorbed in the kiss similarly to her victim.
  However, this was not an ordinary victim, so she knew she needed to keep her head, despite her conviction that this was probably the best kiss she had ever experienced and that she would love to keep going with it for a while longer. She casually ran her hands down his chest and coat lapels in a feather-like touch, subtly utilizing her thumbs to search for the jewel in his pocket.
  She smiled into the kiss as she identified the valuable rock with her finger. Evie eased her hands across his sides and subtly slipped her hand in his pocket just as she intensified the kiss, throwing every last bit of passion that she could muster.
  “HARRY! It’s a trick! She’s after the treasure!” a loud voice sounding suspiciously like Uma’s suddenly shouted, growing ever closer. Evie latched her fingers around the jewel, separating from Harry’s lips with a loud pop, and took off as fast as she could in the direction of VK turf.
  She could hear Uma yelling something at Harry as their footsteps started pounding after her. Evie frowned, really hoping that it wouldn’t be long before she met Mal and the others. She knew they’d be lingering around nearby where she was supposed to leave Uma’s territory.
  Evie put her long legs to good use, despite the fact that she was in heels, and she ran quickly through the alleyways, navigating them effortlessly. She only slowed down when she was sure she couldn’t hear Uma or her crew anywhere behind her.
  However, to her complete shock, she spotted Harry just in front of her, presumably looking around for her. She sucked in a breath, her eyes wide as she froze, hoping he wouldn’t see her. He happened to turn his head and his eyes widened as he spotted her standing in the alleyway.
  Evie looked at him pleadingly, hoping he knew and could understand that this jewel was the determining factor in whether or not she was locked in her castle for days on end. He locked eyes with her for a long moment, not saying a word.
  “Please,” she mouthed, hoping that he would let her go. She really wanted to keep seeing the sun and enjoy being outside. It was so horrible to spend her time in that dank castle with her constantly nagging and reprimanding mother.
  Harry turned his head in what Evie was sure was Uma’s direction and Evie braced herself for her awaiting doom, furrowing her brow in an attempt to steel her expression in a bravery that she certainly didn’t naturally possess surrounding the prospect of being captured.
  “She musta got away! Might as well head on back to the ship!” Harry called out as he gazed at Evie with an oddly sincere expression on his face.
  Evie was completely baffled by his unexpected assist. There was absolutely no reason for him to help her, yet he had done it. And against what she was sure was his captain’s direct orders. She knew exactly how much he valued his captain’s favor, but he still risked it in favor of her getting away safely, even with their treasure.
  Evie couldn’t help but laugh breathlessly, barely a sound coming out of her, and she smiled at him, trying to convey her gratitude in that one gesture but knowing that she couldn’t tell him thank you out loud or enough to make up for the amount of pain and suffering she would have had to go through if she didn’t have that jewel when she came back to her mother.
  He nodded slightly in response, his lips quirking in a slight grin before he disappeared from sight around the corner.
  Evie stood there for a moment, leaning against the nearby wall as she reeled with overwhelming relief and pure surprise.
  Harry Hook had actually done something for her. He had risked his credibility and standing as one of the most elite members of Uma’s crew just for one of the most elite members of the enemy.
  Evie pushed off of the wall, suspecting that they were probably gone, yet at the same time hoping for at least a glance of a coattail or brim of a hat that indicated his presence. Despite her slight disappointment that he had completely disappeared, Evie couldn’t help the huge grin that sprouted across her face at the very thought of it all as she bit her lip, hurrying through the alleyways back to her gang.
  A forbidden act of kindness and a fluttering attraction that could go nowhere given the circumstances. It was depressing, yet…
  It was all sort of romantic, really…
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eviesmyspiritanimal · 5 years
Starter Pack Playlist for Descendants Writers
So I decided to compose this list of songs that get me particularly hyped for writing for a certain character or ship. I was hoping it might help all of you if you needed a little pick-me-up in writing. I sort of imagine it as the songs on each character’s playlist on their phone.
 Mal - “Bad Reputation” by Joan Jett, “Confident” by Demi Lovato, and “Roar” by Katy Perry
Evie - “Can’t Stop the Feeling” by Justin Timberlake, “I’m Only Me When I’m With You” by Taylor Swift, and “That’s My Girl” by Fifth Harmony
Hades - “Crazy Train” by Ozzy Osbourne (I mostly stick with the instrumental), “Sweet Child O’ Mine,” and “Welcome to the Jungle” by Guns N’ Roses
Uma - “Just Like Fire” by P!nk, “Me Too” by Meghan Trainor, and “Girl on Fire” by Alicia Keys
Harry Hook - “Leave Her Johnny,” “Randy Dandy-O,” and “Roll Boys Roll” all from Assassin’s Creed IV
Carlos - “I Like to Move It” by Reel to Real feat. The Mad Stuntman, “That’s What I Like About You” by The Romantics, and “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars
Jay: “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor, “Dynamite” by Taio Cruz, and “Mama Said Knock You Out” by LL Cool J
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eviesmyspiritanimal · 5 years
Confidence Woman
Mal: I see you're still a weirdo.
Uma: Made a whole career of it, babe.
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eviesmyspiritanimal · 5 years
It's Biting Me!!!
*Sea three's super tired from hiking all day and returned to campfire where Gil is going to sit down*
Uma: *realizes where Gil's going to sit* Don't sit on the fire, you moron!!!
Gil: *accidentally sits on the hot coals of the campfire in the midst of his tired stupor before quickly jumping up*
Gil: *looking at his pants that are starting to catch flame* Ooh, I think the fire likes me!
*the fire starts to actually burn his pants*
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eviesmyspiritanimal · 5 years
Who Wants Gum?
Evie: So who wants gum?
*nobody replies*
Evie: *disappointed a bit* No one?
Uma: I actually had a hankering for licorice whips.
Mal: I want some fried octopus.
Uma: *glares*
Mal: *glares*
Evie: Welp, gum's all we got, so open the pieholes!
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eviesmyspiritanimal · 5 years
Uma: I'm so sick of my dog.
Mal: I didn't know you had a dog. What's its name?
Uma: Gil.
Mal: Oh, well, I love my pet.
Uma: What kind of creature do you have?
Mal: A very wild, crazy affectionate, sometimes overly eccentric Evie.
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eviesmyspiritanimal · 5 years
Is she not a fast learner?
Uma uttering the best line in all of the Descendants movies
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eviesmyspiritanimal · 5 years
Uma's Are Like Onions...
Uma: I have layers, okay?
Gil: Oh, like a cake?
Uma: NO! Like... an onion.
Gil: Well, everybody likes cake.
Uma: I don't care what everyone likes! I am like an onion, end of story.
Gil: *considers this for a moment* So you stink?
Uma: Yes- no! NO!
Gil: Oh, I get it! When you're in the sun for too long, you start sprouting little brown hairs.
Uma: NO!!!
Gil: *quiet for a moment before smiling widely* You know what everybody likes? A parfait.
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eviesmyspiritanimal · 5 years
Mal: Why do you always smell like seaweed?
Uma: Why do you always smell like betrayal?
Evie: *Running out of the room* POOP JUST GOT REAL!!!
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