sparatus · 7 years
Words: 2,382 Rating: General Audiences Relationships: Desolas Arterius/Lieutenant Abrudas Characters: Desolas Arterius, Lieutenant Abrudas Additional Tags: Fluff, Relationship Discussions, Married Couple, Disabled Character Summary: Eight years after Shanxi, Desolas and Valis have an important conversation.
giveaway prize for @autistic-council-spectre, who asked for desabrudas fluff!!!
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narcissistarscream · 8 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Mass Effect Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Desolas Arterius/Lieutenant Abrudas Characters: Lieutenant Abrudas, Desolas Arterius, Original Turian Character(s) Additional Tags: Hospitalization, Not Canon Compliant, Tags May Change Summary: Lieutenant Abrudas survived the events of Shanxi, but at a cost. Now she's landed in the hospital with a mostly-crushed leg, a media circus just outside her window, and the only other survivor she could talk to dropped in for a few visits before up and vanishing, off on his own mysterious mission. She can't get out of bed without help, the only people she can talk to about what happened are psychologists who weren't there, and she is very, very bored.
Surviving Shanxi was only the beginning.
i guess this is combining 2 days of n7 month (22: one turian and 23: first contact war) lol..... anyway this has been bouncing around in my head for a while and im still the only content producer for both abrudas and this pairing so i can do what i want
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nonbinarysparatus · 8 years
the most important part abt desolas n abrudas as a pairing is saren staunchly refusing to admit that anything’s going on, cause the concept of his brother dating somebody and not splitting up after a little bit is so bizarre to him he rejects it altogether. calling her only by rank. insisting that she’s only staying with desolas temporarily. those symbols of marriage they’re wearing are pure coincidence. hahaha whose child is that why is it in my room desolas
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sparatus · 7 years
for the ship ask: 3+5 for kryterius? an 6+8 for Desolas an Abrudas?(u got me hooked on their ship send help)
yell heah
3.Are they open about their relationship? How do they feel about public displays of affection?
they’re pretty modestly open abt it..... like they’ll joke around and make comments abt their home life together in public, and they won’t deny it if anyone asks, but that’s about the extent of it. kissing or other such affectionate gestures are kept to private or when nobody’s really paying attention to them.
5.Nicknames? Pet names? Any in-jokes?
neither of them is really the nickname type i feel like..... but they do have in-jokes out the fucking wazoo. most of them occur during missions, like “what’s the plan?” “don’t get killed”, but their most frequent on is like....
so this one time they had leftovers in the fridge, and were planning on eating them like for lunch the next day or something, but they got called out suddenly before they could, and when they got back it had fur. neither of them really wanted to touch it, so they contained it behind some jerry-rigged kinetic barriers and let it grow in peace. it became a running joke that one of them would come home from a mission, check on The Thing In The Back Of The Fridge, and come up with something new that it was supposedly doing. “it growled at me.” “it blinked.” “it’s trying to convince the fruit drawer to stage an uprising.” they also sometimes jokingly threaten each other with it, like “give me the remote or i’ll make you touch the thing in the back of the fridge” or “let’s make a bet, loser has to make eye contact with the thing in the back of the fridge for ten seconds.” nothing ever comes of such statements, they’re just having fun.
note: other food in the fridge is protected from the t.i.t.b.o.t.f.’s spores and stuff by the kinetic barriers. they did their science. the barriers were intended as a measure to contain the mold’s spread so they could safely use the fridge until they could get rid of it properly. unfortunately, hazmat won’t take them seriously.
desabrudas (NO MERCY...... victory is mine the more ppl i get to ship these two the happier i am)
6.Any tasks that are always left to one person?
already answered!! [link]
8.What do they like best about their partner?
des admires valis’s resilience and attitude. even before shanxi, she refused to be intimidated by higher ranks and authorities. since he was made general fairly young, he felt alienated by his peers and subordinates; turians his own age avoided him because he was much higher-ranked, turians his own rank didn’t include him because he was much younger than them, and his subordinates almost tiptoed around him like some sort of prodigy or god. it made him uncomfortable, so valis marching right into his office and telling him she wasn’t afraid of him and would damn well tell him when he was being an idiot just kind of drew him to her. and beyond that, he found out she knew she was being blacklisted for her bad attitude, yet she persisted with the military, which he found admirable. when she was injured on shanxi, and those traits manifested in refusing to just lie down and quit because her leg was a mess and her brain had a couple technical difficulties sometimes, he fell in love with her all over again.
on her end, she loves that he’s very all-or-nothing, “go big or go home.” he feels with his entire self, in a sense; when he’s angry, or sad, or excited, or quiet, or any other emotion, he lets that be his focus until it fades. he dedicates himself 110% to everything he does, from his job to his relationships. both his unwavering loyalty to the empire and to his people, and his absolute devotion to his little brother endeared her to him in the beginning. after shanxi (in a no-reapers au anyway), she knew he was angry about harper and co., even if he was refusing to tell her. he went away for a while, and she worried he was going to get himself killed, but then he came back, and they had a long talk, and he told her he was going to try to move on, because he wanted to be there for her as she recovered far more than he wanted any sort of closure for shanxi. she would have dragged him into something dirty right then and there if she hadn’t still been in a hospital bed.
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sparatus · 7 years
Words: 1,108 Rating: General Audiences Relationships: Desolas Arterius/Lieutenant Abrudas Characters: Desolas Arterius, Lieutenant Abrudas Additional Tags: Parenthood, Cuddling & Snuggling, Movie Night, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - No Reapers Summary: No-Reapers AU. Desolas and Abrudas spend some quiet time together after putting their kids to bed.
hi this is self-indulgent nonsense, please read des and valis being tired parents
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sparatus · 7 years
#23 Desolas/Abrudas
23. “Just once.”
Desolas covered a yawn with his hand as he wandered into the bedroom, closing his eyes and getting a lungful of Valis’s scent. “Hey,” he mumbled, reaching up to rub at his eye. “Still working?”
She glanced up at him for a moment, then went back to the datapads she’d scattered around her on the bed. “There’s more than I thought. You get the kids to bed?”
He hummed an affirmative, shook out his neck, and lumbered over to the side of the bed, going to unclasp his omni-tool from around his wrist. “Come and sleep, Val. It’s late, and the paperwork will still be there in the morning.”
She shook her head, merely moving datapads out of the way so he could lie down. “If I put it off now, it’ll never get done.”
He set his omni-tool on the bedside table next to the chrono, then hauled himself into bed with a sigh. “Yes, it will. I know you.”
She looked down at him, then shook her head again. “I’ll just be another hour.”
He blinked at her slowly, then flicked a mandible as his gaze drifted to the vidscreen hanging on the wall and an idea struck him. “Mind if I watch vids until I pass out, then?” he hummed.
She paused, then reached over to her side table, retrieved the remote, and dropped it in his lap. “Knock yourself out.”
“Thanks. And if that pun was intentional, you’re sleeping on the couch.”
Her mandibles flicked up, and he purred softly as he turned on the vidscreen. Protesting her sense of humor was more of a joke in and of itself at this point. Tucking one arm behind his head, he brought up the guide and started flipping through. Boring. Boring. Meant for little kids. Boring. Interesting, but not in the mood. Boring. Hold on.
He made his selection, then settled back and waited. Not his favorite vid in the galaxy, and comedies usually didn’t hold his interest, but Valis had talked him into watching it on a date back before Shanxi, and he’d at least enjoyed watching it with her.
After a few moments of dialogue, Valis slowly looked up. She watched for a minute, then turned to look back at him. “You picked The 840-Year-Old Virgin on purpose.”
He gave her the most innocent look he could muster. “Who, me? Are you saying I can’t enjoy a good, classic, well-reviewed asari comedy?”
She snorted at him and gave his shoulder a shove. “I’m saying you picked a vid we both liked so I’d stop working.”
“Of course not,” he lied, putting a hand on his keel. “I’m a general, I encourage your work ethic. But of course, if that’s what you want to do...”
She hesitated, and looked back to the vidscreen. After a few moments of watching Falel stumble her way through a conversation with her co-workers, she heaved a sigh and started sweeping her datapads into a single pile. “Just this once,” she told him, depositing the stack neatly on her bedside table. “And only because it’s only just starting.”
He smiled and flopped an arm across her pillow in an unspoken invitation. She accepted almost immediately, lying down and tucking her head up against his cowl with a low hum. “You’re awful, you know,” she purred, squirming to get comfortable.
He chuckled and rolled onto his side, snuggling closer to her while still angling his head so he could watch the vidscreen. “Whatever you say, babe.”
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sparatus · 7 years
Desabrudas, 5, 6, and 26!
thamks!!!! this is assuming a no-reapers au cause shanxi was kind of a game changer for how they approached the relationship
5. Nicknames? Pet names? Any in-jokes?
they both like to call each other “babe” or “baby” depending on mood, babe is more common though.... also sweetheart on occasion, when they’re being more gentle with each other......... and as casual forms of address shortened forms of their names, “des” for desolas ofc and “val” for valis
they have a couple running in-jokes, most predominantly “desolas hates asari soap operas” cause valis loves them and he thinks they’re absolute hogwash. he’s mostly given up genuinely complaining, cause he knows it’s pointless and cause he’s allowed to cuddle with her as she watches if he keeps his dumb opinions to himself. mostly she’ll just be like “hey i’m gonna put on [x soap]” and he’ll make some exaggerated negative noise and then move over so she can lie on top of him and snuggle
6.Any tasks that are always left to one person?
they generally try to split the workload, especially once they’re parents.... des is better suited to things that require more mobility cause of valis’s bad leg, but that’s about it
26.How do their friends feel about their relationship? Their families?
des’s friends are about 32% ex-lovers, so there were one or two who were jealous, but otherwise they’re generally pretty supportive. he got a bit of nay-saying re: sleeping with his xo, and then later some of his friends suggested he leave her after she was hurt on shanxi (they quickly became ex-friends). the ones who stayed were happy to welcome valis into the fold.
as for his family, well, his parents were dead, so no problem there. his grandmother, aka his only living relative who bothered to get in contact with him other than saren, was mostly just happy he’d finally settled down, and she did gradually grow to like valis. saren, well... saren is saren. he and valis hit it off famously the first time they met, and des took that as his cue that things would work out just fine.
on valis’s end, her attitude didn’t lend well to making many friends, but the ones she did have were apprehensive for a while. as much as it was a step up in the world to be dating a general, especially a general who’d made headlines for how young he’d reached the rank, des was still pretty “dumb young bachelor”-esque, and they warned her to be careful. it took a while for des to convince them he genuinely loved valis and wanted to stay with her (not dumping her after shanxi helped a lot), but once he did, they started warming up to him.
her family has significantly fewer dead and/or estranged people than des’s side. they had much the same attitude as her friends, concerned he was just using his rank and “empire’s most eligible bachelor” status (as declared by the tabloids) to get in bed with her. a couple of them blame him for her injuries post-shanxi, claiming he should have known better than to venture into the cave. most of them are still kind of standoffish towards him, but they’re willing to tolerate him because of the whole “you fathered 4 children with our [daughter/sister/etc]” thing.
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sparatus · 7 years
Words: 1,638 Rating: General Audiences Relationships: Desolas Arterius/Lieutenant Abrudas Characters: Desolas Arterius, Lieutenant Abrudas, Original Turian Character(s) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - No Reapers, Domestic Fluff, Children, Family Summary: Eleven years since Shanxi. Six since getting married. Two since becoming a father. Some mornings, the passage of time takes Desolas by surprise.
another thing i did for @meflashfanwork this month..... y’all know me i love my no-reapers au desolas/abrudas and what’s more “what might have been” than no-reapers aus
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sparatus · 7 years
Words: 1,081 Rating: General Audiences Relationships: Desolas Arterius/Lieutenant Abrudas Characters: Desolas Arterius, Lieutenant Abrudas Additional Tags: Cuddling & Snuggling, Television Watching Summary: Abrudas has a somewhat... questionable taste in vids. And unfortunately, she has control of the remote.
for the prompt: kisses meant to distract the other person from whatever they were intently doing
s/o to @99bottlesofhorosk for thinking up the title and premise of the soap, it was completely off the top of their head and i am vaguely concerned
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sparatus · 7 years
Kiss #2 for Desolas/Abrudas?
this is fairly early on in them working together…. they still address each other by rank rather than by name cause both their surnames are a bit clunky and they aren’t familiar with each other enough to feel comfy using first names….. they’re fuckbuddies at this point but not necessarily dating they’re just mutually into each other
2. moving around while kissing, stumbling over things, pushing each other back against the wall/onto the bed
Desolas stormed into the armory, mandibles set in irritation. “That was reckless, Lieutenant,” he snapped, showing his second his teeth. “You could have gotten yourself killed.”
“But I didn’t, did I?” Abrudas challenged, trying to yank her greaves off and growling when they didn’t pop off immediately. “It worked, so what’s your damage?”
He snarled, fumbling at the clasps on his cowl. “Fucking…” He shook his head and stomped one foot in Abrudas’s direction. “You’re lucky that was just a simulation.”
She jerked her head up and hissed at him, pupils narrowing to thin slits. “Don’t you stamp at me! I saw an opportunity, and I took it. Your plan would have taken a lot more time, and a lot more manpower.”
He raised a hand and flashed his talons at her, taking a step forward. To his surprise, she rose to her feet, squaring her shoulders and spreading her feet to brace herself. He jerked back, and she took her chance, stepping up to meet him. “You told me, keep an eye out for any chance to outmaneuver. That’s what I did. If it had turned out any other way, would you be so damn pissy now?”
He hesitated, then slowly lowered his hand. She snorted and put her hands on her hips. “That’s what I thought. You know I’m right, you’re just huffy because I was reckless.” She fixed him with a Look, eyes narrowed, brow plates and mandibles lowered. “As I recall, you tend to get pretty damn reckless yourself. Hypocrisy isn’t a very becoming trait, General.”
He growled as she stalked even closer, their keels almost touching. “You know what I think, General? I think you’re just trying to fight with me so you can pretend you weren’t worried about me.”
His throat closed up, and he instinctively drew his head back as she leaned hers in. “That’s a very lofty presumption, Lieutenant.”
“You’re not denying it.”
All he could focus on were her eyes, flecks of dull gold, flicking back and forth. Her brow plates had gone back up a sliver, and her eyelids had relaxed ever-so-slightly. She was studying him. Waiting to see what his next move would be.
He swallowed and tore his gaze away, instead surveying the rest of her admittedly imposing figure. She’d left the simulation before him, so she’d gotten more of her armor off. Only her abdominal and thigh armor was left, along with her gauntlets. Right, she’d been working on her legs when he’d walked in. Her endosuit, the standard all-black, clung to her, reaching all the way up to just below her jaw. And damn if it didn’t flatter the shit out of her biceps.
Ah, fuck.
“What do you say,” he said slowly, trying to tell himself he certainly wasn’t admiring the burly musculature of someone he was desperate to be angry with, “we finish this conversation somewhere private, and reach a compromise? Say…” He swallowed again. Spirits, his tongue felt like it was choking him. “My quarters?”
He didn’t dare look at her face, but he didn’t miss the cant of her hips as she pressed in way too close. “What do you say we get all this armor off, and find a compromise right here?”
They moved at the same time. Their keels crashed together as they grabbed for each other, his hands going to her waist as hers pulled his head in close. The kiss was rough, and a little painful if he was honest, but really, who cared? Rough was fun. And with a body like hers, she could manhandle him all she wanted and he’d only say thank you.
She pushed, and he pulled, and they awkwardly stumbled backwards in one four-legged tangle. He almost tripped over something, hard and metal and probably Abrudas’s cowl armor. One of her hands grabbed for him as he fell, and dragged him back upright by the thigh. They were almost equal in height, him barely half a talon taller, but that hardly mattered when her hand held the base of his skull locked against hers, still kissing him, their jaws now parted and mandibles almost aggressively scraping against each other.
A distant part of his mind reminded him that his armor was going to be uncomfortably restrictive in a very important spot very soon, but the moment his cowl hit the wall, he decided he’d get to it when he got to it. Or whenever Abrudas decided he would get to it. That was fine, too.
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sparatus · 8 years
Desabrudas and 13. “I wanted to say “I love you” for the first time without stuttering, but that failed.”
thanks!! sorry this took a bit i’ve been busy and also my usual inspo for them has been running dry (read: des is depress)
Valis yawned and stretched, leaning back against the headboard on Desolas’s bed. Her bad leg still ached from all the walking around she’d done that day, but it was leagues better than it had been when they’d first started rebuilding it, so she supposed she couldn’t complain.
At the rattle of the blinds, she swiveled her head and flicked a mandible. “Funny, I always thought sex by moonlight was the romantic kind, not in the dark,” she teased, following Desolas with her head as he crossed from the now-closed blinds to the nightstand.
There was a click, and warm lamplight filled the room, casting a faint yellow tinge across Desolas’s lunar white plates. He was quiet for a moment, straightening out the pillows on his side, then he simply groaned as he collapsed face-first, hauled himself fully onto the bed, and sprawled out, one hand reaching over to brush against her hip. “You watch too many soap operas.”
She snorted. “Hey, what did I say about insulting my entertainment choices?”
“I’m allowed to make fun of you for watching that tripe,” he challenged. “I pulled you out of a collapsing cave, I’ve earned a few jabs.
“You didn’t pull that one at the hospital.”
“Like I’m going to fight over something that stupid with someone who could get me thrown out with the press of a button. I’m not an idiot, Valis.” He snorted and rolled onto his back, letting his head loll to one side so only one of his hypnotizing blue-gray eyes was looking up at her. “Besides, your terrible tastes aside, you’re still not supposed to have sex just yet. Not the kind that could make babies if we’re not careful, anyway. So no moonlit bad novel fodder for you.”
She mock groaned and let her head fall back against the wall. “Traitor. And after you said all those nice things about me at the hospital. I haven’t gotten laid in months, Des.”
“Funny, you were laid up in bed for a lot of it, and on your back, to boot.”
She hit him, he laughed, and after a minute, she laughed, too. Just like always. It was good to have him back.
Eventually, the laughter faded, and Desolas sighed, a long, slow sound. “Valis, what I said in the hospital...”
She jerked her head up and tensed her neck. “No take-backs.”
He grunted and shook his head, rolling onto his side and propping his head up with his hand. “No, nothing like that, I mean...” He sighed again, then inhaled deep and started again. “I meant what I said. Every word.”
The hand not holding up his head reached over to grasp hers, and she automatically looked down. His thumb rubbed idle circles against the palm of her hand as he continued, “I was... thinking. A lot. While I was gone.”
She was tempted to say something like, “Don’t hurt yourself,” but he seemed intent on his wording. She didn’t want to break his concentration.
Desolas took a deep breath, and she looked away from their intertwined hands to watch his face. He wasn’t looking at her, gaze focused on their hands and head bowed. His other hand had gone down, and now it lay limp against the bed, just his elbow propping his torso very slightly off the mattress. “Captain Valis Abrudas,” he said, and her name fell off his tongue like a prayer, “you are the strongest, bravest turian I’ve ever met. You’re a good leader. A cave collapsed on you, and you still didn’t let it stop you. You’re a credit to the Empire.”
She blinked slowly, then carefully sat up, turning her torso to face him more fully. “Easy, Des. That sounds like you’re admitting you have an emotion other than anger and depression masked with nonchalance.”
He finally looked at her then. “Maybe... Maybe I am.”
His jaws and mandibles moved like he wanted to say something else, but their eyes had locked, and he suddenly looked lost, frightened, and, dare she say it, vulnerable. His subvocals roiled with a convoluted mess of fleeting thoughts and conflicting emotions. Mostly, he was anxious, with hefty doses of embarrassment and desire to please. But underneath all of that was one chord, weaving its way in between all the other threads.
She pulled her hand out from under his, staring down at him. He shrank back, not much, but enough to echo the pain that had suddenly flashed in his eyes and the rejected note that had surfaced in his subvocals.
She was stone-still for a moment, then, slowly, cautiously, she leaned down and brushed her nasal plates up against his, letting her eyes fall shut as her subvocals responded for her. Reassurance-care-affection. Loveyouloveyouloveyou.
They didn’t move for a long moment, frozen with their faces just barely touching. Then the mattress shifted under her, and Desolas’s head started to rise, and she went with him. A taloned hand found hers, and traced its way up her arm, along the edge of her cowl, and up to cup the back of her skull, holding her ever-so-gently in the kiss. With a low hum, she sat up more and felt around until she found his hip, then wrapped that arm around his waist, pressing at the small of his back to pull him to her, which he needed no encouragement to oblige.
She stretched out her mandibles to tap against his, and a knee bumped against hers briefly before moving past, a thigh replacing it and brushing past hers. With a quiet sigh, laced through with contented subvocals, she allowed him to guide her onto her back, lazily running her hand up and down the part of his back not obstructed by his cowl. It felt nice to be treated like something precious again, after so many months of doctors and nurses acting like she’d shatter if they so much as breathed wrong. This was being soft in a caring way, in a loving way, in a way she'd missed something terrible.
Desolas pulled his head back, and she opened her eyes. “Message received, General,” she murmured, and the way his mandibles lifted in a smile was more than worth how breathy and hoarse her voice sounded.
He chuckled softly. “And here I thought I’d be able to get through everything without stuttering.”
She chuckled, moving her free hand up to caress the side of his head. "Nothing ever goes as planned, does it?”
He snorted and leaned into her touch, turning his head to nuzzle her hand. “I should’ve known,” he mumbled into her palm. “I wasn’t even finished yet.”
“Oh?” She raised a brow plate and lowered her hand. “Do tell.”
He hesitated, then sighed. “Well,” he began, looking down like he was choosing his words carefully again, “remember all those times we’d joke about ‘your ass is mine’ or whatever, or get possessive during sex?”
“Mm,” she agreed, nodding. “You’re hot when you’re like that. Why?”
He took a deep breath, then leaned down to touch their frontal plates together. “Like I said, I was thinking about us a lot while I was gone. And... and I want that.” He met her eyes again, and there was nothing but sincerity in his gaze. “I want to belong to you, Valis,” he all but whispered. “For the rest of my life, or at least for as long as you’ll have me.”
She blinked slowly, then exhaled and tilted her head up to kiss him again. “Funny,” she murmured, “I want that, too.”
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sparatus · 8 years
some disjointed desolas/abrudas thoughts
desolas and abrudas are roughly the same size, with desolas a little taller but abrudas a little burlier. they like to hold each other when they sleep or just when they get a chance to sit down and rest, one’s head tucked into the other’s cowl, arms loosely draped around shoulders and waists.
it’s common knowledge amongst their subordinates that the general and the lieutenant are an item, but nobody says a word. they all look the other way when quiet kisses are exchanged, or when professional gestures are replaced by affectionate ones. it isn’t their place to question.
saren knows. saren has always known. but his brother’s love life is his own business, and the lieutenant seems to reciprocate, so all he does is tease desolas in private, as little brothers are wont to do. he accepts abrudas’s new position in his life like that was what had always been.
there is no such thing as a strategy meeting. that’s code for when the general and the lieutenant retreat to the general’s quarters, discuss plans for the next day over food and lots of drink, and try to pretend they aren’t undressing each other with their eyes for as long as they can. it ends when they can’t pretend anymore, and subtext becomes text.
they’re friends, first and foremost. they enjoy bedding each other. it’s fun. but also fun is sitting around and talking, and laughing at terrible vids, and daring each other to eat the worst of the worst of the mre’s in the stock room. they’re both approaching middle age, but when they’re alone together, they feel like teenagers again.
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sparatus · 8 years
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for the last day of non-shepard ships week: a quick, kinda bad draw of desolas and abrudas..... did y’all know these two are so little-known whenever i talk abt them i feel the need to post links to their wiki pages as evidence they’re real actual canon characters and not my ocs
i know this isn’t what abrudas looks like in the comic but listen..... listen. her design changes 3 times on the same page and they couldn’t keep des’s markings consistent when they weren’t just straight forgetting them they Did Not Care abt turian designs i can do what i want
i’m literally the only content producer but listen. this is a good rarepair. a good good rarepair. join me in hell
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sparatus · 8 years
this chapter is EXACTLY 3,600 words and idk how to express how happy that makes me
the plot thickens and a bunch of ocs are introduced!! with a special bonus appearance from a couple major characters from another series i’m writing ;)
i love writing this story but man does it get me emotionally...... i love abrudas so much you guys
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sparatus · 8 years
desolas had a habit of greeting abrudas with “hey, beautiful. miss me?”
after his death, abrudas would talk to the stars at night, and never failed to open with “hey, beautiful. miss you.”
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sparatus · 8 years
Words: 1,093 Rating: General Audiences Relationships: Desolas Arterius/Lieutenant Abrudas Characters: Desolas Arterius, Lieutenant Abrudas Additional Tags: Lazy Mornings, Breakfast, Developing Relationship, Friends to Lovers Summary: Abrudas is staying with Desolas while their squadron is on shore leave. Mornings are her favorite part.
me waking up at 10 in the morning today: man it’s the last day of non-shepard ships week, i should produce So Fucking Much desolabrudas as a grand finale me now, 12 hours later: i made two whole desolabrudas things in less than a day! i did So Fucking Much! time to go lie down and die for a little while
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