#lieutenant abrudas
lieutenantabrudas · 5 months
Words: 1,814 Fandom: Mass Effect (Comics), Mass Effect - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Abrudas/Desolas Arterius Characters: Abrudas (Mass Effect), Desolas Arterius Additional Tags: Flash Fic, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Summary: It doesn't snow in Cipritine. Desolas doesn't break his promises. But the ground is turning white, and Valis has been waiting for a while.
written for the shrimp skwad writing server’s surprise challenge 012: let it snow
and also because i’ve had no thought process only desabrudas for like 2 weeks
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sparatus · 5 months
2, 14, 24 for microfic!
micro story prompts
oh i can make this shit hurted, thank u :3 second two are under a cut i went off a lil
2. This Was A Mistake - Tasora Rennis, Garrus Vakarian (Garrus/Citadel DLC Turian, post-Archangel, ExDiff canon)
She shouldn't have agreed to this. How could she be so naive? She should have stopped this ages ago, just cut her losses, had her cry, and moved on. She'd known she should, and how many people had told her to? She was a grown adult, an ambassador even, not some twitterpated child.
Yet here she was anyway, sitting in the hospital, letting the stupid idiot she'd given chance after chance after chance try to beg for just one more.
And the worst part was, she wanted to.
She pushed herself back, away from the bed, away from Garrus, away from her own stupid fucking feelings. "I'm sorry, Garrus," fell from her tongue, her subvocals pulsing the sorrowful honesty of it. "I- I just- I can't, I'm not doing this again. I- I shouldn't have come, I'm so-"
Claws grazed across her wrist, but slid clumsily off, the painkillers too much for even a desperate brain to overcome. "Tas-"
Her heart lurched into her throat at the pathetic whimper that one syllable made it out as, but she didn't dare turn around. It was- it was just too much, how was she supposed to deal with it? Some half-cocked idea to go out and "clean up" fucking Omega, chased by Spectres, Cerberus agents, a big damn shootout, a betrayal that maybe wasn't, taking a rocket to the face - and all that, and he couldn't manage one good fucking reason he hadn't called, hadn't texted, hadn't given any reason to believe he was even alive, much less still cared about her? And throughout the whole thing, he... he didn't even have the decency to sound like he wouldn't disappear again.
She swallowed, forcing her lungs to fill again. "This was a mistake," she pushed out. "I- I knew it was a mistake, and I still-"
Another high, desperate whine, and this time she was stupid enough to look back. His single unbandaged eye caught hers, glazed over with the drugs and pain but still shining with understanding, with something darker and sadder and much, much more painful than any half-destroyed face could inflict. "Tas," he slurred again, and this time it sounded more like a lost child's cry. "I'm- I'm sorry. I don't... I just..."
He swallowed, and she couldn't help but notice the wince as his throat moved. "I just want to go home."
And as the sob cracked through his subvocals with a painful-sounding gasp, she felt one more chance pick a hole in the ice around her heart.
14. Overgrown - Saren Arterius (post-canon, mentioned Kryterius, no-Reapers AU)
Nobody has tended the yard in quite some time.
It makes sense, Saren supposes, settling down on the back step and cracking open whatever fizzy energy drink Nihlus handed him. The little house in Ifura has sat empty for seventy long, lonely years. He and Desolas and some of their friends have all taken turns swinging by from time to time to keep an eye on it, make sure nothing is stolen or broken down, fix whatever needs fixing, but there's no point in cleaning up tallgrass prairie that's just going to die and crumple and be buried in snow the following winter. Even the handful of times he and his friends had holed up here to lie low until their targets forgot about them, they'd deliberately not done any maintenance beyond what they needed to make the house livable for a couple months, and left the yard to its own devices.
A dark brown drake in long, flowing, clay-spattered clothes settles beside him out of the corner of his eye, calling to a downy chick poking an insect with a stick. Saren takes a drink. The autumn breeze sighs as it crosses the long-forsaken yard and swirls through the empty space beside him, melancholy and pensive.
The grove he fled into stands taller now, has crept closer to the house with nobody to remove the growing saplings it's laid down. It's somehow all the gloomier. Electric blue eyeshine glints at him from the shadows, just for a moment, and dark red stains the grass as it drips from glistening teeth. He takes another drink, and when his hand goes down, the eyes are gone.
He hums to himself, watching the kolakoe tree sway in the breeze. It hasn't gotten that much bigger since he was small, but there's a split where a storm carved off a large branch, and there's knotholes where he doesn't remember them. Granted, his vision isn't what it used to be, he can admit that now. A lot of him isn't what it used to be, really. His prosthetic doesn't like the growing cold, either. Crawling into bed under the heavy covers and pressing up against Nihlus's bulk in an hour or two will feel all but divine.
The wind tickles his cowl again, and this time it sings a lullaby with his mother's soft coo. Maybe it's time for bed.
He doesn't stand just yet, watching the unkempt prairie grass undulate in the breeze. Desolas doesn't like coming back here, too many memories, but Saren finds comfort in it. The house missed him, he thinks, and will welcome its son returning after all these years, now with a husband of his own. At some point, he and Nihlus will have been there long enough the dead won't be lonely, the yard will no longer be overgrown, and his brother can come home again.
24. Tender - Desolas Arterius, Valis Abrudas (Desabrudas)
They call him a Titan.
That's the only thing he could be, they all seem to think, something greater than a man who strides across the stars with power and charisma enough to make lesser beings pine for his favor. Countless separatists and rebels and enemy aliens fall before him, command coming almost effortlessly, like the tactics and leadership elder generals spend decades honing are written into his soul. His men adore him. His superiors envy him. He is the Titan of War, come down among mortals to remind them of what makes them turian.
To Valis, though, there is no Titan, no almighty higher power sharing his strength with the army for his own ineffable reasons. There's only Desolas, her friend, her lover, her own personal pest she stopped trying to get rid of ages ago. And Desolas is only a man.
But, she supposes as she sinks down between his knees and lets him hold her face so very gently in his long, ragged talons as she takes him between her jaws, maybe the man is worthy of such devotion, too.
The hastatim honed him into a weapon, something violent and hard and sharp, but he's nothing but soft with her, cupping her face in his hands and pressing the most delicate of kisses to her head, and that's its own form of grace, she thinks. This great, dangerous Titan, crafted solely for war, ignores all the praise and worship from his men, his superiors, his public, and instead has eyes only for her, and holds her in an embrace that yearns for peace.
Sometimes, when he's asleep in her arms and the glorious divinity has left him to lie as only a man once more, she thinks about the future, what the universe might hold for a man their people think a god. Is it selfish of her, she wonders, to want to take him away from his adoring worshippers, to hide him away in some peaceful home where he can hang up the mantle of godhood for good? To scrape away the clinging dark of war, to make him into something for her and her alone? They've discussed kids before, late at night in the quiet spaces where they can be Desolas and Valis again instead of Colonel Arterius and Major Abrudas, and she wonders what kind of sacrilege it might be to want to bear the chicks of such a man, or if it would instead be simply the highest form of devotion she could show.
If he is a Titan, she decides, then let her be his paladin, his priest, his most devoted of followers, and let the unholy things they do when nobody else is looking be the most beautiful and sacred acts of all.
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masseffectfanwork · 7 years
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Masterpost for May’s theme What Might Have Been
Despite the overwhelming odds, tomorrow came by @arteriusbrothers
Saren Arterius, Kryterius  
Promises by @spacesquirrel
Commander Shepard, f!shepard, Kaidan Alenko, shenko, fshenko
#NihlusDeservedBetter Part 1, Part 2 by @bethadastra
Commander Shepard, f!shepard, Nihlus Kryik
Rejected Cerberus Dossier #126: The Assassin  by @rock-paperback-scissors 
Thane Krios, Irikah Krios
What Might Have Been by @kestrelsansjesses 
ME:A, Ryder, f!ryder, Jaal Ama Darav, Ryder x Jaal, spoilers
Supernova by @bioticsandheadshots 
Commander Shepard, f!shepard, Kaidan Alenko, shenko, fshenko
The Father in the Son by @nerdyholler 
Commander Shepard, f!shepard, Koylat Krios, Thane Krios, background shakarian
When Darkness Comes by @maximumrevolution 
Commander Shepard, f!shepard, Kaidan Alenko, shenko, fshenko
let’s take this mess and make a home by @arteriusbrothers  
Desolas Arterius, Lieutenant Abrudas, OCs
Almost by @standintheashes
ME:A, Ryder, f!ryder, Reyes Vidal, freyder, spoilers
In Absentia by @emrisemrisemris 
Commander Shepard, m!shepard, Kaidan Alenko, mshenko
Red Skies by @emrisemrisemris 
Commander Shepard, f!shepard, Jack, f!shepard x Jack, Space Pirates
Opportunity Knocked by @imaginaryelle
ME:A, Ryder, m!ryder, Gil Brodie, Ryder x Gil, End Game Spoilers
Futures Lost by @bardofheartdive
Commander Shepard, m!shepard, f!shepard, Kaidan Alenko
Thank you all for participating! If you want to participate in June, the theme is Legacy! 
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Look i cant write canon characters well but i Tried + they need more fluff so shrug emoji as a nihlus tho can confirm i was an ass 2 saren height difference kisses For a Turian Saren was rather small, topping out at six feet exactly which left him at a slight disadvantage when interacting with species that were naturally very tall. So it ended up that half the time he was practically climbing onto the nearest chair to be able to stare someone in the eyes to be able to properly yell at them or in the current case; having to deal with Nihlus laughing at him while he stands on tip toes trying to kiss his mate. He grumbles while trying to pull Nihlus down to his level by his cowl. "Nihlus. Nihlus this is not amusing I am not even that short in comparison to you come down here I am trying to kiss you." Eventually, Saren's not sure if he actually manages to tug him down or Nihlus simply bends to meet him, he manages to kiss Nihlus and mostly gently nip at him for being so rude. "Insufferable absolutely insufferable, remind me why I'm with you again?" Saren can feel the laughing subvocals before Nihlus responds in between kissing him firmly, arms wrapping around his smaller frame. "Mmm because I'm great in bed? And you'd have no one to use as a foot rest if I wasn't here." "Point taken." He smiles into the kiss as he answers the subvocals back with his own teasing ones. "Although have you seen me Nihlus I could have anyone I wanted. Anyone." Saren nips him once more before breaking apart the kiss as Nihlus looks mock offended. "Oh I see how it is, I feel so unloved Saren, you absolutely wound me." He can only manage to look mock offended and hurt for a couple seconds before dissolving into laughter, Saren joining in a moment later. "Love you Nihlus." "Love you back Saren." Top of the head kisses After a week in the hospital Lieutenant Valis Abrudas realized she was bored beyond belief, by week two she realized that hospitals are the worst place to be in. By week three she was considering staging an uprising and sneaking out while all the doctors were distracted. Or sneaking out as well as she could with a messed up, well, everything. At week three and half when she was seriously considering staging a revolution the person she was hoping would arrive finally, finally showed up. General Desolas Arterius came in looking properly repentant with flowers and were those-, "Did you actually pick up the episodes of my shows I missed while I was out? Alright you might be forgiven just for that." Valis quirked her mandibles in a smile as Desolas laughed and leaned down to give her a kiss on the top of the head before setting the flowers and discs on the side table. "Wellll I figured you'd be annoyed at me for not being here since everything was falling apart so I supposed I could suffer through those awful awful soaps with you." His words were accompanied by teasing subvocals as he lay part on part off the hospital bed next to her, giving her another more proper kiss this time. "Mhm you better watch em with me, do you know how boring these hospitals stays are? I was about this close to having a revolution." She smiled and kissed him back firmly, arms wrapping around his cowl to pull him closer. "Pff it'd be some revolution all right with you hardly able to get out of bed and and everyone else being sick or infirm." "Oh now you're definitely watching these with me." Valis mock glared and swatted at his arm before curling into him, resting her head under his chin. "You get to be my eyes for this Des that's your punishment for being a shit." She could see his badly hidden smile as he laughed and mock saluted her. "Yes ma'am."
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kuraiummei · 7 years
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MERWeek, Day 3 - General Arterius and Lieutenant Abrudas This one is photo manip of a few different images from the comics, and then some editing. A continuation of the time-travel premise from the day 2 entry. Behind them, Temple Palaven is going boom... without Desolace in it.  I have the sinking suspicion that General Arterius and Commander Shepard would argue like mad about everything that needs to get done to prepare for the Reapers, to the point that the rest of the crew would constantly be looking at the camera like it’s The Office. Even Saren... especially Saren. Hahaha.
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dreamsleeverarts · 7 years
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Desolas II Arterius, my OC from my (not even yet started) fanfictions, and some RPs with friends as well as a special version I share with LouRou.  In his main ‘verse, he takes the place of Shepard (I get sick of it always be so human-centric, so I’ve reworked all kinds of things).  Des is a turian biotic and a former cabalist, as well as the son of General Desolas Arterius and Lieutenant Abrudas.  This is him as pictured in the ME3 era, probably kicking some Reaper or Cerberus asses.
I have an alternate asari-raised version of him, Decimus Torquatus, on http://mefa.jcink.net/
Pose from the amazing http://null-entity.deviantart.com/
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lesbianladyeboshi · 7 years
I haven’t completely read either comics but I'n def crushing on both Rasaan the 1st female Qunari and Lieutenant Abrudas the 1st female turian and Idk which tall womancrush in the gayest way possible is worse
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lieutenantabrudas · 8 months
Words: 2,444 Fandom: Mass Effect (Comics), Mass Effect - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Abrudas/Desolas Arterius Characters: Abrudas (Mass Effect), Desolas Arterius Additional Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Reunions, Developing Relationship, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Alcohol, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Devotion Series: Part 3 of I'll Follow You Summary: Diverging careers separated Desolas and Valis for almost thirty years. Now that they've crossed paths again, Valis can't be sure if Des is still the man she remembers - or if he ever could be again.
written for the shrimp skwad’s surprise challenge 009, “running late”
mind the tags lads xoxo i think about these two a normal amount
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sparatus · 5 months
26 and 47 DEWIT
micro fic prompts
oops the second one got away from me so it's under a readmore
26. how dare [you] - Algidus and Incuria Epirian (teia's parents)
"Algidus and Incuria Epirian?"
Algidus knew the officer standing at his door. Had kava breaks with him now and again, even. For fuck's sake, he'd even listened sympathetically to harrowing tales of this exact duty at lunch breaks.
He swallowed. "Yes?"
The officer's subvocals thrummed with apology and sympathy as he held out the datapads in his hand. Sorry to have to do this. "You've been served."
Algidus's jaw creaked, and his wife took the pads in stunned silence as the officer made himself scarce. He didn't want to believe it. He couldn't believe it, this kind of thing didn't happen to them. They were good people. He was C-Sec, for fuck's sake. Sure, maybe they were a little tough on their children, but it was for their own good. They just wanted them to be happy.
AEDITEIA EPIRIAN, Applicant, vs. ALGIDUS EPIRIAN, Adverse Party. Temporary Order of Protection Against Stalking, Aggravated Stalking, or Harassment (CRS 117.23)
His hand shook. "I knew that Sparatus boy would be nothing but trouble," he gritted out. "We never should have agreed to that wedding, now look what's happened."
Curi sniffed, tugging him back inside. "He can't represent her, it's a conflict of interest, isn't it? He must have hoodwinked one of his lawyer friends into it."
Algidus pulled his mandibles in against his face. To think, they'd been nothing but kind and welcoming to that awful brat, and here he'd turned their little Addie against them so thoroughly this had happened. "We'll find out at the hearing," he gritted out, locking the door behind them.
47. crave - Desolas Arterius, Valis Abrudas (desabrudas)
Desolas hadn't slept well in years.
The hastatim had assigned him a therapist. Allegedly. He rarely had time to go, and when he did, they mostly just kept repeating the same three points about the stress of the job and finding a hobby, which wasn't helpful at all for getting to sleep. The physician suggested pills, which worked for knocking him out, but he still woke up tired and unrested.
The last time he'd slept well had been the last night he'd spent with Valis, after they'd gone a couple rounds and collapsed in her bunk tired but happy and promising they'd stay in touch.
He hadn't kept it. Another fuck-up from the king of fuck-ups.
He lay awake at night a lot, staring at the ceiling and longing for that last sleep. Her thick, muscular arms wrapped around him, his legs tucked up loosely against her belly and hips, their heads pushed together so they were all but sharing breath. He didn't go back to Ifura when Valis held him. He slept soundly, peacefully, only dreaming of sea-cliffs and golden eyes that looked at him like he was the only thing worth watching. He'd been warm, and safe, and loved.
And then the army had sent him away from her.
He missed her. He missed her he missed her he missed her, he missed her like the moons missed the sun and the mountains missed the sea. He couldn't sleep without her, he couldn't laugh, he couldn't find space to sit down and breathe and remember the excited young man he used to be. None of his friends had followed him to the hastatim, and nobody already there wanted to be a new one.
He couldn't stay. He couldn't leave.
Thirty years of living like that, barely alive, steadily losing his mind as the lack of a good sleep and the stress and the no friends to bleed away the suffering piled up. He didn't know how he didn't just end it himself. (He did. Saren would be sad. Parmat would have to burn another descendant she wasn't supposed to outlive. Nobody would tell his friends.) Thirty years, and he was a colonel, and they were talking about putting him up for general if he did well with the next deployment. Something on Taetrus, because of course that was what they were taunting him with, going back to that base where he'd met the one person he most wanted to be there, having to put up with being surrounded by reminders of her but never seeing or touching her again.
He thought he was hallucinating when he saw her again. The shit sleep had finally caught up to him, he'd figured. Of course if he was going to start seeing things, it would be seeing her, on Taetrus. Naturally.
It wasn't a hallucination.
And after he knew she was real, after she'd hunted him down at the old sparring ring and they'd beaten the shit out of each other and she'd walked away, after she found him again a week later in the same old tree, he told the moon what was wrong, and she listened, and she caught him as he fell, like she'd promised so many years ago she would.
And then she carried him back to his barracks, but this time, she didn't leave, and he could finally, finally sleep.
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narcissistarscream · 8 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Mass Effect Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Desolas Arterius/Lieutenant Abrudas Characters: Lieutenant Abrudas, Desolas Arterius, Original Turian Character(s) Additional Tags: Hospitalization, Not Canon Compliant, Tags May Change Summary: Lieutenant Abrudas survived the events of Shanxi, but at a cost. Now she's landed in the hospital with a mostly-crushed leg, a media circus just outside her window, and the only other survivor she could talk to dropped in for a few visits before up and vanishing, off on his own mysterious mission. She can't get out of bed without help, the only people she can talk to about what happened are psychologists who weren't there, and she is very, very bored.
Surviving Shanxi was only the beginning.
i guess this is combining 2 days of n7 month (22: one turian and 23: first contact war) lol..... anyway this has been bouncing around in my head for a while and im still the only content producer for both abrudas and this pairing so i can do what i want
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and now some desabrudas to remove last fics feels Home Is Where You Are The sunlight was peeking in through the curtains ever so barely as Valis started to slowly blink and come to. For a few moments she wasn't quite certain of where she was or what woke her until bits of information started to trickle back in. (You're at home, your name is Valis Abrudas, they made you a Captain, your mate is Desolas Arterius and you're pretty sure you smell coffee and food.) For a long time she just laid there under all the blankets and practically buried in pillows contemplating whether to remove herself from the comfy bed or not. On the one hand the bed was so comfortable and without Des in it she could hog all of the blankets. On the other hand though food was beckoning and her stomach made it clear she needed to get up. With a groan she rolled out of the bed, more literally rather than figuratively, before grabbing her cane and wrapping the blankets around her like a cloak. Yawning she shuffled out in the general direction of the kitchen, knowing as she got closer Des would be aware she was awake from the gentle click click click of her cane. Once she got there her mandibles spread in a wide grin of their own accord as she took in her husband. (Now when did that happen? She swore just yesterday they were a casual thing and now here they are married. Miracles really are real aren't they.) For several long moments she simply stood in the doorway admiring Desolas who was fully aware and tilting his head to display his crest just so. She had to admit though the way the light was hitting his plates and making them seem like an even more stunning snowy white was rather wonderful. The blue of his clan always contrasted beautifully with the white she thought. “Mm you're such a show off Des.” “Who me? Never.” Des flashed her a cocky grin and over exaggerated seductive pose that she couldn't help but laugh at as she moved to sit down, absently rubbing her aching leg afterwards. “Yes you you're the biggest show off. After all these years you still are.” She smiled as Des kept up posing for a few moments longer before clicking the stovetop off and coming over with a couple large plates of. She wasn't sure what the word was exactly at this moment but she knew it smelled good. After setting down the plates Des moved to kiss Valis’s temple that she presented out of long comfortable habit. “You know you love me being a show off though.” “Mm true especially when you're trying to look like one of those pin up models.” She used to joke when they were younger that if it didn't work out being in the military Desolas could just be a model for some company or other, which was usually followed by over exaggerated flexing and posing. As they ate breakfast in companionable silence Valis’s thoughts wandered here and there. How strange life was sometimes. Not too long ago she was a Lieutenant now she's a Captain living mostly quietly after the Relay Incident with her husband a General. Sure the fact they were living relaxed like this right now was due to the fact she almost died recently in a cave in on Shanxi but all things considering it could have been worse. Plus now she had an even bigger excuse to get Desolas to watch shows with her and cuddle. “So are we going to pretend to be functional members of society or are we gonna curl up under the blankets again and binge watch tv for a few hours?” “Desolas, Dessy, honey you already know the answer to that.” She laughed as she got up and pulled the blankets even more snugly around herself. “And the blankets are gonna be aaaall mine unless you can steal them back.” “Oh I see how it is, using me for my blankets.” “Damn straight skippy.” As they curled up on the couch for a nice day of binge watching whatever shows they wanted to Valis thought she had a pretty damn good life. Loving husband and plans for some kids in the future, brother in law who tries to act all gruff but she knows is sweet. Yeah she had a pretty good life like this and she wouldn't trade it for anything.
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notsogreathornedowl · 8 years
lieutenant abrudas, from the comic mass effect: evolution, sounds like jasper from steven universe. i would say i don’t make the rules, but when 4 of the 6 posts in her tag are mine, i totally do.
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utopianoverlord · 12 years
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lieutenantabrudas · 1 year
Words: 810 Fandom: Mass Effect (Comics), Mass Effect - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Abrudas/Desolas Arterius Characters: Desolas Arterius, Abrudas (Mass Effect) Additional Tags: Developing Relationship, Falling In Love, Rivals to Friends to Lovers, Romantic Fluff, Implied/Referenced Sex Summary: Valis has called Desolas a lot of different things over the years.
been stressed, wrote desolas musing about the different names valis has for him to make myself feel better. the implied sex tag is mostly just to cover my ass, it’s very blink-and-you’ll-miss-it but i don’t feel like getting grumbled at so. enjoi
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lieutenantabrudas · 2 years
Words: 3,948 Fandom: Mass Effect - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Abrudas/Desolas Arterius Characters: Abrudas (Mass Effect), Desolas Arterius Additional Tags: Pre-Canon, Pre-Relationship, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Implied/Referenced Sex, Alcohol, Hurt/Comfort, Rivals to Friends to Lovers, Grief/Mourning Summary: Valis doesn't want to like Desolas. He's arrogant, he's aggressive, he's a pain in her ass. But there's something about him hiding just out of sight, something she only sees in the darkest parts of the night when it's only the two of them, that she can't help but want a closer look at. And one night, that's exactly what she gets.
[kicks the door down with tinfoil-and-sharpie rarepair king crown crooked on head] I’M BAAAAAAAACK
“haha let’s put some symbolic gestures in this one” i said “it’ll be fun” i said i fell on my own fucking sword i hope yall are happy
this can be read as a follow-up to Wake Me When It’s Over, but that isn’t required reading. set about a year after the deaths of the arterius parents, when des is 25 and he and valis are still NCOs.
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lieutenantabrudas · 2 years
Fandom: Mass Effect Trilogy Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Saren Arterius/Nihlus Kryik, Abrudas/Desolas Arterius Characters: Nihlus Kryik, Saren Arterius, Desolas Arterius, Abrudas (Mass Effect), Original Turian Character(s) Additional Tags: Reunions, Family Feels, Alternate Universe - No Reapers, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Series: Part 4 of Exponential Differentiation Summary: After weeks on his own to reflect and recover after Minuteman, Nihlus returns to Palaven to visit Saren in recovery at his brother's home. There's one last thing to settle before he can return to the hunt for Cerberus, and he intends to get an answer, once and for all.
aw gosh aw darn i said this would be a one-shot didn’t i. yall dont mind a few extra thousand words of kryterius do you :)
spoilers for the end of my fic broken mirror inside!! like, very major spoilers, it literally has one in the summary, if you haven’t read that first i strongly recommend it!! or don’t, idc, i’m not your mom. read it tho
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