#despite her not showing ANY of that on the surface u vu ]
lunaetis · 1 year
▸▸ [ @v-iciious || plotted starter ]
─「リカ」─  training of the newcomers to the pokemon league headquarter by one of the ELITE FOUR wasn't something uncommon to see happen. not to mention how the ground-type master tended to take the role in showing the rope to these trainers whenever time permitted. though it was called a training, one rarely see the receptionist of paldea pokemon league get too serious.
                " iron head ! " with a clear command, the donphan let out a mighty roar, head turning into metallic substance before slamming into its target, sending the GLACEON flying back as the crowd cheered louder in absolute excitement. that was the battle-decider by all means, though instead of her eyes watching her opponent, rika had her gaze upon certain someone among the crowd that set her heart ablaze like no other. gloved digits held out her pokeball, recalling back her trusted pokemon before tilting her head. only then that her eyes landed on the trainer, their face barely REGISTERING into her mind right now.
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                " better luck next time, yeah ? " a charming smile flashed towards the challenger, before she waved to the crowds, yet her line of vision was locked upon him and only him. she secretly bit her lip. how long had it been since they had seen one another ? words bubbled within her throat, and the urge to simply throw her arms around his form was barely CONTAINED. what a cheeky man. when one of her coworkers came over with an invitation for a drink after this, seeing as it was friday evening and they were clocking out from work, she waved them off with a grin. " ah, sorry. i already have plans. i'll see you on monday. "
                before heading back inside and towards the locker room to change, those CRIMSON HUES couldn't help sparing another glance to a certain figure within the crowd, feeling the organ in her left chest skipping a beat. the effect he had on her with the absence was almost ridiculous. and she was sure he was well-aware of that, too.
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authcntic · 6 years
hi, it’s your local mess em ! this is my first baby kota and i’ll be posting another intro for linc shortly butttt until then check out her pinterest / stats and maybe hmu on discord/smash that like if u wanna plot ?
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lana condor. cisfemale. she/her. — did you see { dakota vu }, i haven’t seen the { twenty-one } year old in a while! you know, they’re a { record store clerk }, and have been living in jersey city for { eighteen years }. some say they’re { egocentric & facetious }, but i think they’re { affable & debonair }. regardless, i’m glad { kota } is here.
back in 1997, lan and huynh vu and her older brother, evan, welcomed dakota into the world ! while she was in fact born in vietnam, she didn’t live there long at all as they moved when she was only three to jersey city
moving to america presented better opportunities for dakota’s parents and they quickly made a better live for themselves and their kids in the town they began to call home
better opportunities meant more money and resulted in them absolutely spoiling their kids. they wanted to make up for the rough life they’d had back home, not realizing the consequences that spoiling them could have
they weren’t filthy rich, but the kids definitely got a couple toys every paycheck and got to pick where the family ate out every friday night. it was a good life for them, to say the least. 
school was plain old school. kota had a few boyfriends here and there, made decent enough grades and even played on her school’s volleyball team starting in seventh grade. and she was pretty great at it, still is. 
flash forward to high school, a time known for making first impressions. kota wanted to be popular more than anything. she convinced her parents to buy her only the cutest outfits, even getting a summer job at the grocery store to buy some herself. long story short, she made it to the popular crowd. 
not to be that person, but kota wasn’t your stereotypical popular girl. she told the corniest jokes, to the point that people sometimes laughed just because it was that bad. loves memes and is proud of it. has the worst laugh that sometimes ends in her snorting. was actually friendly to those that weren’t necessarily in her crowd. people liked her well enough. who could hate someone that still made punny jokes on the daily? 
nobody realized she had an ugly side until they got really close to her, or tried to. all those years of being spoiled had finally reared their ugly selfish head when people tried to go to her advice or have anything more than a surface-level conversation with her. 
her humor was suddenly annoying when she applied it to any and every serious situation, cracking jokes at the most inappropriate times. she’d never had to worry about anything serious in her entire life, considering her parents made sure the kids never witnessed the hardships they had dealt with in the past. so her coping mechanism for anything that stresses her out is laughing. in her mind, it’s the best idea and results in the most easy-going day. 
not only did she avoid anything serious, but she’d turn the conversation to her. how did her hair look? did they have that girl’s number who she’d made out with at the last party? any attempt at a serious talk resulted in a topic change, mostly to something about her. she loves talking about herself, considering she was so used to the attention being on her as a kid. somehow, she almost always turns the conversation topic to herself. it’s a talent at this point. 
don’t let this deter you from being her friend, though. she’s not a terrible person, she’s just stuck in a phase of sorts ?? maybe she’ll occasionally get serious, but that’s only if she’s seriously wasted. however, she’ll avoid getting to that state as much as she can because she knows that’s when she slips up and gets real. 
she’ll try not to show it, but she knows she avoids getting serious and she’d prefer to keep it that way. 
anyway ! after graduation she went to a two year college literally just so she could tell her parents that she got some sort of degree 
now she works at the local record store and acts like she runs the whole place ?? makes a lot of changes that the owner doesn’t know anything about which isn’t the biggest deal considering he’s mia 
some random details are that she visits vietnam every summer to see her extended family, secretly really f*king loves playing video games ladkjf ( it’s her passion and she’ll play you over and over again just to kick your ass at a game ), kinda embarrassed by how she was in high school but will she admit it ? never
likes to flirt when she finds someone she’s interested in and isn’t afraid to let them know she’s interested ! relationships ? maybe one in high school if the other person was lucky enough to get her to settle down for a min
loves her family a whole lot and will 100% try to kick your ass despite her being 5′3″ if you mess with them, they’re the one thing she’s serious about tbh
loves vietnam so much, one of the things she holds closest to her heart and she’ll go on and on abt how much she misses it
unknown to herself, kota is really a mess like .. yikes. she doesn’t really know how to deal with any situation that’s relatively serious which is a big issue and will definitely screw her over one day 
absentmindedly sings and sometimes gets caught by customers and she tries to act like nothing happened even tho it was definitely obvious that she was belting out i wanna dance with somebody 
some ideas for connections other than the usual (best friend, childhood friends, first kiss, enemies, etc) !
high school ex. news spread quickly of the person that finally caught kota and they definitely received lots of nods of approval for being able to do it. could have been that they genuinely liked each other and once it started getting serious she ditched, or maybe they dated simply because they were both popular and it made sense. 
breaking down the wall. despite her stubborness and refusal of it, this person keeps trying to get her to be serious and understand that life isn’t all sunshine. they want this for her and probably have a hell of a lot of patience to attempt to make her a decent person and eventually, help her find her way. 
repeat customer. this person either really loves music or maybe just wants to see the girl who works there, who knows ? either way, they talk about music for hours and sometimes even go get food together on her lunch break. on occasion she’ll set aside a record that she thinks they’ll like. she appreciates them though she’ll never say it out loud. 
high school friend. these two ran in the same crowd and for appearance’s sake, acted like the best of friends despite their occasional fights. eventually the anger boiled over and after graduation, they blew up on each other. it was so bad that everybody knew and now they won’t talk if they don’t have to. they’ll make small talk, still feeling the obligation of being civil from back in high school, but that’s it. 
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