lunaetis · 2 years
                there was a change in him ( @v-iciious ) that was obvious to the one who had always stayed by his side.
                the time she had seen him became lesser and lesser, though the ex-soldier would never complain about it. the lives they both led even prior to their first meet shaped who they are now, and their pasts were exactly why their paths had crossed in that fateful night and the mission that should've ended her life as they knew it.
                the BEAST watched him from the corner, noting that inevitable change in his demeanor, the way his eyes were more fierce even when he wasn't reading the documents in hand. violet was never someone demanding of his presence or time ever since they were together, there was never once a complaint from her side. perhaps, the only thing that came to her mind was that of worry, of the hardened personality he began to adapt after he returned from work, if it could be called that.
                if it were the time before this, he would've noticed the subtle change in the BLONDE's demeanor. the way her lips parted as though she was trying to tell him something, yet decided against it. if it were before, he'd have inquired what was on her mind, or why her eyes were following him as though she was longing for his presence despite him still seated beside her. but those times were no more, not when sometimes it went weeks, or even more without them seeing each other.
                she didn't know what was on his mind anymore, nor did he know what was on hers.
                he was busy, that was what she kept telling herself. from days turned into weeks, of how she had never found the right time to speak to him about what was on her mind, and it was beginning to eat up at her. day after day, she would be lucky to get a glimpse of him returning home ( could their place still be called that ? )
                " lir. " the silence was BROKEN, and for some reasons, she noticed how the sound of his name became foreign to her tongue. since when did his name that used to be the very thing that calmed her down become something alien to her ? when was the last time she had called him by name ? she didn't know. bright azure hues were staring at him, hoping for a moment of his time but even the affectionate nickname he used to call her felt like a distant past, too. a wordless gaze was all she got from him, this time, but she had his attention.
                an envelop was presented to him, rather a peculiar way to communicate something. no other sound nor words were uttered until he took it, and only then would he notice it was not her handwriting, nor was it addressed to him. if anything, he wouldn't have recognized the HANDWRITING at all. it was, however, the content of the letter that would grab at his attention.
                a hand-written letter with no address. it could only mean one thing —
                — this was delivered to her in person.
                as he read it, the EX-SOLDIER stood there with mixed emotions. when she first read the letter, she could feel her heart pounding. should this news be received many years prior to this, then she would have leapt for joy and rushed to the person's side without any hesitation. yet, the fact that she was standing there, looking like she was torn between making the decision with her heart or her mind. it was a summon, or perhaps one could say a request and a plead ? but to violet, anything that person said would've been an order.
                so why was it that she was reluctant to follow ?
                " he's calling for me. " finally, her words were heard once more, and the man-made weapon was sure that he already finished reading the letter itself. lips thinned, and gloved digits curled inwardly, the matching ring she had on her finger gleamed dimly upon the light, mirroring the one he had on his own.
                i don't want to leave. i don't want to leave you, lir ...
                head lowered, and her hand came to caress the EMERALD BROOCH on her person. no matter what he said, no matter what was asked of her, if he simply said the word, she would follow. she was his tool, and he was her master. he was EVERYTHING — despite being unable to feel it with her prosthetic hands, she gripped the brooch tightly.
                after all, it was the man who gave it to her that wrote the letter.
                " lir — " idon'twanttogoidon'twanttogoidon'twanttogo.
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                " — i have to go. to him. "
                gilbert bougainvillea is alive.
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pomfiores · 2 years
❝ you're invited to the ncr official wedding festivities between the prefect and a cucumber. it'll be the first triple wedding of the century. although you'd make a splendid bride-- please say you'll meet me at alter ? ❞ 😘😘 hes nervous but what a dream come true if his dreams come to fruition.
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     “Triple wedding?  What are you talking about?” What is it with these events based on weddings, not to mention in clusters?  Haven’t we just gone over an unfortunate event not once but twice, now?  Make it thrice, that’s already too much that he cares to know of.  "You know what, never mind. I'm more surprised you think you can just take advantage of wasting my time like this. Shouldn’t you be doing something, as well? Aside from whatever thi--”
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      “What did you say to me?”  Do you really think you can sprout this on him?  As if getting him involved would be so easy! “Don’t start with your ridiculous little ideas.”  A bride. What kind of proposal is this?  It’s no wonder he didn’t even make it as a potential groom for the last event! 
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tragedicna · 2 years
@v-iciious / cont.
When Lir's hand reaches out to caress his jaw, Shanjie nuzzles against the warm palm, craving more of Lir's touch. "Mhm," he hums, agreeing to the discipline. Whatever Lir has planned, he'd be willing to accept.
Let thy hands not wander idly...
Shanjie's hands reaches out, fingers skirting across the hem of Lir's pants before it lands upon the buckle. Eyes flickering upwards as if he's awaiting permission, he undoes clasp and tugs on Lir's pants. Licking his lower lip, "Can I?" he asks, voice almost a whisper, shifting his posture to push himself up a bit more, hand palming at Lir's groin.
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changqwi · 2 years
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@v-iciious​  /  another kiss prompt  |  accepting
an angry kiss 😈😘 // for shanjie obvi
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            they usually got along with one another  ,  that meaning lir just went along with shanjie’s whims without much of a question  .  but there were times when they disagreed and at times  ,  they were mild  ,  and sometimes  ,  they got explosive  .  both lir and shanjie refused to back down from their stance and it felt as if the two were going to kill one another  --  yet no one wanted to get between them for fear of their own lives  .             this situation wasn’t dissimilar to that . . . though it was edged with worry and concern . . . shanjie was known to be reckless and had a bit of disregard for his own life  .  that didn’t sit well with lir  ,  and when that was brought up . . . shanjie lashed out  --  not in anger but frustration  ,  as if he wanted to hide his vulnerability . . . emotions that sat bottled in shanjie’s heart seemed to pop open with just a simple sentence from lir  .           angry words and things he didn’t mean were said  ,  when things came to a head  ,  the two were close enough to have their breathes mingle  ,  enough to feel each otehr’s breath against their skin  .  shanjie’s grits his teeth and was about to pull back when lir’s hands cups his face and tugs him forward  ;  the soldier stumbles and braces himself against lir  ,  teeth clack together and a brief jolt of pain  ,  but shanjie doesn’t have a chance to pull away  ,  lips upon his own  ,  “  mm  !!  ”  he protests  ,  struggling against lir for a moment  .              as if to anger the other  ,  or try to get lir to let go . . . shanjie bites the other’s lip  ,  it’s all teeth and anger  ,  but it’s all futile or perhaps  ,  shanjie wasn’t all that dedicated in getting away  .  his anger had long morphed into upset and fatigue  ,  only when they pull away does he realize that he’s crying  .  his lips sting and the pain dull as compared to the way his body ached from overwork  .               ‘  don’t . . . don’t do this to yourself  .  ’  he swears he hears a plea edging lir’s tone  ,  an apology that seemed to settle over those words  .  lir’s hands slip from his face and shanjie feels himself yearning for more  .  to be grounded from his thoughts  ,  to be held like he’s worth something  ,  to feel like he’s living  .             this time  ,  it’s shanjie who reaches out  ,  “  don’t . . . don’t go . . .  ”  he begs  ,  pulling lir closer  ,  a kiss  --  hesitant  ,  shaky  --  pressed to lir’s lips  ,  “  i’m sorry . . .  ”  he repeats his apology  ,  like a mantra against the other’s lips  ,  “  don’t be angry with me . . .  ”  his tone made him seem much more child-like  ,  pleading for forgiveness  .  
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despairforme · 1 year
❝ what is this so-called emergency ?? what constitutes 4 missed calls ? ❞ ( im gonna drop this here bc i can't think of anything for our thread :') )
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Oh, there he was! Nnoitra was glad to see him, a bright grin instantly appearing on his usually gloomy face. He held up a hand in greeting. It had been a good while since they last met up, and Nnoitra had more or less forgotten about him. That was, until he NEEDED him. That was what the missed calls were about.
❝ Yo! ❞ Seemed Lir thought this really WAS an emergency. (spoiler - it wasn't). Nnoitra had come across a poster for an eating competition. More specifically - an ice cream eating competition. He'd been excited about it, until he'd realized that you needed to participate in teams of two. Nnoitra didn't really know anyone with a big sweet tooth like himself - EXCEPT THAT HE DID! Lir was that person. So, that was what all of this was about. ❝ Ya gotta come with me, or we're gonna be too late 'ta sign up! ❞ Without even offering him a further explanation, Nnoitra grabbed his shoulder to try and pull him along. Hurry, hurry!
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shcnshi · 1 year
❛ after lying to my face you expect a favour. ❜
the blacklist / accepting
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words die upon his tongue at lir's accusatory tone , a near mocking one . . . and shanjie HESITATES , breath stuttering as he tries to regain some bearing at the man's interruption . to say he was SPOILED by lir's willingness to do as he wanted whenever he asked , it would be an understatement and he understood this even more clearly now when the man denies him in situations such as these . he knows he's spoiled by how easily lir would forgive him for transgressions and he took that for granted often . " lir . . . " he begins weakly , not sure of what to say . . . he's sure the other can see the confusion and guilt that floods his own visage . lir's right . why should he agree to a favor when shanjie had blatantly lied to his face just several weeks ago . of course lir would remember such a thing . shanjie remembers what he said and did . . . of course he's slighted the ONLY person he could trust . " i . . . " he begins again , struggling , hesitating . he wants to reach out to grab lir and plead . for the man to listen , for forgiveness . anything to not have that kind of gaze upon him . the gaze that made him feel uneasy like he's about to lose something , the gaze that made him feel GUILT and reminded him of all his wrongs . and yet when he wants to reach out , he fights the instinct to desperately grab lir , shanjie shrinks . he shrinks into himself , and silence falls between them again . it's as if shanjie was trying to come up with a reason , another lie , anything to say but no words leaves his lips . " okay . . . " he replies softly , he can't always rely on lir anyways . he can do this on his own . he knows he had to stop using lir as a CRUTCH when things seemed to go awry . " okay . . . " he repeats again , a shuddering exhale leaving his lips , but no apology comes . no apology would mend the trust he head seemingly broke with his lie from several days prior . he's not sure if it's an apology lir wanted , but he knew it wouldn't have fixed anything even if he had apologized .
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paaansy · 7 years
eggos, demogorgon, bitchin
eggos: what food would you love to have an endless supply of?  bread
demogorgon: what is your worst fear?i fucking cant stand masks, drains, or wasps/hornets. also that ill die having not everyone really known who i am as a person? like, worried that if i die everyone will remember me as girl ??
bitchin: what makes you feel cool?passing as male lol
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evasjacks · 4 years
do we have a net for schwab books yet??
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tempest-archived · 8 years
ic ant t see
tehres ink everthere
it burns
thisis sis a prbelem
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cindercate · 6 years
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lunaetis · 2 years
@v-iciious asked :
“I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I’ve ever had.” // for violet !!
unprompted. || always accepting
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─「ヴァイオレット」─  you're a weapon and weapons don't weep.
                THE BEAST OF BOUGAINVILLIA was exactly that. she was a living weapon and a proof of how far one could be pushed into becoming deadly enough to be called a weapon rather than a person. despite possessing an appearance of a young woman, those azure eyes had shown no emotions ever since she was brought up. she was raised, and taught to be nothing but a killing machine. a living, breathing tool for someone to use, and a BEAST to bring victory to her master. fight and kill. blood and ashes. war and sacrifices. that was all she knew. that was her entire life. one order after another. no question, no emotion, none.
                and here she was, the same beast, the WEAPON whose her collar was cut loose and she latched onto the person who freed her from the officials ready to dispose of her. bright blue eyes were no longer emotionless, however, as they sparkled with silent delight every time they landed upon HIM. perhaps, not unlike a puppy awaiting to be petted, to be praised, to be called.
                " i am who I am because of you. you are every reason, every hope, and every dream i've ever had. "
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                and the SOLDIER stared at him, feeling the warmth of his hand against her cheek, feeling the warmth of his words seeping into her heart. each syllable registered itself into her mind, wrapping like vines so tightly and securely around the BEATING ORGAN in her left chest. and she stared at him with her eyes revealing everything words cannot.
                she looked at him like he was light, like he was hope in the darkness, like he was that silver-lining through the endless storm, like he was dawn that broke the dark, like he was EVERYTHING.
                and it was just that. it was truth. to violet, lir was her reason to live.
                shouldn't it be her who said those words to him ? shouldn't it be HER who told him just how much he meant to her, how she would be so willing to break every bones in her body just to keep him safe ? it should be like that, right ? her gloved hand slowly came over his own, gently pressing it closer to her cheek as she leaned into his touch, head turning so that she could nuzzle her lips into that the calloused palm that had been stained with blood countless of time. even so, she treated it like he was HOLY.
                lir ... lir ... lir ...
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                " please don't go where i can't follow. " it was a plead, a confession, a pledge, a VOW, all in one. in that single sentence, it was clear how her whole existence was tied to this person, how her VERY sense of self was made up, and around, the man before her. nothing else mattered, no one else could come close. his existence in her life was so massive that she cannot comprehend GOING FORWARD without him.
                " no matter where the path you walk would lead, whether it leads to salvation, eternal paradise, or literal hell, i will follow you. i will follow you anywhere. " LOVE ... she knew this was love in its purest sense, in the sense that she would have loved him regardless of time, circumstances, or any change in the future. she clutched his hand a little tighter, then leaning forward just so she could rest her forehead to his. like a lost puppy, like a lost soul finally finding a home after wandering aimlessly for so long.
                " i never dream, never hope. i never have desire for anything ... except you. "
                " if a weapon, a war tool like myself can become someone's hope and dream, then it's all because of you. i owe it to you. because you taught me what love is, all the love i have in me is for you and you alone. "
                " this body, this heart — it's all yours, lir. "
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pomfiores · 1 year
Forgiveness is out of the question-- he would steal as many glances as he possibly could AND continue his note taking. Though it was beginning to become increasingly difficult. And it certainly wouldn't be the first time he's been caught staring; though this time he doesn't spare it much thought. He whispers quietly, as not to disrupt his classmates, "you do look lovely this morning-- I hope you don't take offense to my staring." His tone is anything but apologetic, pairing with a mischievous grin.
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Despite never glancing in Lir's general direction, Vil had become a master at knowing whenever a pair of eyes (or more) were on him — not in the way a certain recluse might convince themselves and wish to slink away into the depths of shadows looming down Nightraven's corridors to save themselves from prying eyes — but in a way of elegant authority and regality. Head remains high, eyes fixated on the task at hand, never wavering at what others might be thinking if they're looking in Vil's direction.
With the practiced ability to tell whether someone was watching him, Vil could know if they were eyes of envy or longing — or even something more than longing. Typical. Dismissing such wandering eyes, the Queen tucks a loose strand of hair behind his ear as he went ahead a few pages to review a session in his textbook as his peers jot their notes as best they can to keep up with the professor.
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Exhaling softly followed by rolling his eyes, Vil doesn't acknowledge the compliment. "I heard your scores have begun to dwindle, especially after last week's pop quiz. If you're having difficulty in this next semester already, there's no shame in repeating a grade..."
Tossing his hair over his shoulder, he turns the page. "You're lucky you aren't in my dorm. Don't waste your breath, Lir." Get to work.
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tragedicna · 2 years
@v-iciious / sc.
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" are . . . you upset with me ? " shanjie asks , tone quiet . lir has always been hard to read for him , he can never tell what the man is thinking and that unsettles him . shanjie cared little about how people thought of him , but when it came to people close him -- like LIR -- he cares A LOT . the last thing he wants is to upset them in whatever way . . .
" lir ? " he prompts , was it because shanjie had gotten just a tad too reckless in the last operation and came back riddled in wounds ? his hand reaches out but hesitates just inches from touching the other , he thinks it'll be even more painful if lir shrugs his hand off so he drops his hand . eyes desperately focused on the other , he doesn't like this silence that settled over them .
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changqwi · 2 years
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@v-iciious​  /  moon sentence starters  |  accepting  
❛  something  doesn’t  feel  right ,   that’s  all .  ❜ / for shanjie !
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            sitting back on his haunches  ,  careful to pull himself higher than the cover of the grass he’s hidden in  ,  the barrel of his rifle drops to the ground as he turns to look at lir  ,  “  in what way . . .  ”  he asks cautiously  .  sure  ,  things have been a little too quiet  ,  even the radio itself . . . no activity  ,  not even animal movement  .  something isn’t right  ,  but there’s not much evidence to substantiate that something has gone wrong  .  “  i know it’s QUIET  ,  ”  he says slowly  ,  “  have we been made  ??  ”  he asks  ,  lips tugging into a frown as his attention shifts from lir to their surroundings  ,  that’d be bad news  .  maybe that’s why the comms have been so SILENT  ,  could his men be hunted down right now and he just didn’t know  ??  the grip on his firearm tightens  ,  careless is the first word that pops to his mind  .  he’s been CARELESS  .             hand reaching for his radio  ,  “  this is sierra-1 . . . does anyone copy  ??  ”  he asks  ,  biting his lower lip as anxiety wafts through his figure  .  “  i repeat . . . this is sierra-1  ,  what’s your status  ,  team 2  ??  ”  he asks again  ,  pulling himself up even more  ,  body stiff  .  eyes flickering to lir  ,  should he move from his cover and move towards the other team’s position  ??  should he just wait and trust that everything’s alright  ??  but shanjie knew is intuition is always correct  ,  and lir’s senses are much sharper than his own . . . who does he trust  ??
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agonizingpain · 7 years
@hellslut @hahaha-fucking @yungvrhees @99s--boys @grmcreepr @abcd-fuckk @naturalbornloners @kurt--cocaine @nattflikkan @corpsebunny @crymydarling @cruxifucked @traumagiic @deadmutt @psychotikos @mordadsboi @lovelysinner @witchydoll-withnosoul @im-drinking-your-milkshake @wyfoo @flirthurricane @killerslvt @satan-babygirl @deadman-6 @twoheadedbeer @breathekdd @nbkangel @deathicon @industrialdeath @fascistics @viciious that’s not nearly half of my favorite blogs but ily guys 💘👼🏻
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shcnshi · 2 years
@v-iciious / sc.
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            perhaps still high-strung from having returned from another operation  ,  the adrenaline still flowing through his veins  ,  not yet flushed from his system . . . perhaps it's the anger that seemed to bubble beneath his skin each time he sees the lackadaisical response from his  '  superiors  '  when he speaks about LOSS . . . perhaps it's his guilt and upset manifesting in RAGE because he had no idea how else to grieve the dead . . . whatever the reason was  ,  it's easy to see that shanjie's attitude was much akin to a FERAL animal  ,  ready to lash out at anyone who tried to speak to him  .               people avoided him in this period  ,  not bothering to approachi him while he's in this state  --  not that anyone bothered to approach him when he was in more calmed state  --  for fear of their own safety  .  well  ,  almost all people  .  not lir  .  never lir  .  he seemed to be the only person that ever tries and succeeded in reaching out to shanjie  .             the touch on his shoulder has him reacting VIOLENTLY  ,  throwing a fist out but it was easily caught  ,  his own hand encompassed by that of lir's  .  his breathes come out harsh and ragged  ,  jaw tight from gritted teeth . . . it's not hard to see that shanjie's UPSET  ,  and yet  ,  defeat floods his eyes as easily as the rage dissipates and his body sags  .  he wonders if the man is going to push him away if he just rests his head upon the other's shoulder  .             "  it went horribly  ,  "  he murmurs  ,  head coming to rest atop lir's shoulder  .  he knows lir isn't here for a mission report  .  but shanjie felt like giving the man one anyways  .  maybe it'd lift the guilt he felt  ,  or distract his mind  .  "  the intel they gave us was incomplete . . . bad  .  "  he mumbles  ,  he feels his body ache in the remembrance of the mission  .  he hasn't seen a medic yet  .  he's been avoiding the infirmary  .  perhaps in a way to punish himself  ,  refusing medical help for the injuries that scatter across his body  --  perhaps letting it fester and infect was the only way he can atone  .
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