#destiel debunked every chance I could get
dqmens · 3 months
The havoc i’d wreak on the supernatural fandom if I could draw 
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spookyseraphs · 3 years
supernatural and the x-files (specifically destiel and msr) parallels
this was intended to convert my spn friends to txf and my txf friends to spn and then it got out of hand. i got tired of finding sources for everything, so you’ll just have to trust me, i’m an expert on both subjects.
cas/scully's faith in god vs dean/mulder being non-believers (but believing in the other) (spn) (txf)
cas being the healer, scully being a doctor (spn) (txf)
cas is supposed to guard the michael sword but falls in love vs scully sent to debunk the x-files but falls in love (spn) (txf) 
cas and scully are both immortal (spn) (txf) (also)
cas/scully's families hate dean/mulder (spn) (txf)
cas/scully coming to believe in humanity/the paranormal (spn) (txf)
i'm an angel vs i'm a medical doctor (spn doesn’t have a compilation)   (txf)
they’re not like... the best drivers
hello dean vs mulder it’s me (spn) (txf)
dean/mulder's fucked up fathers (spn) (txf)
dean/mulder's eldest child syndrome and their unhealthy need to protect their younger sibling (spn) (txf)
dean/mulder being the best in their respective fields (hunting and criminal profiling) and being well known for it
dean/mulder and their porn habits (spn) (txf)
no one has ever hated themselves the way dean and mulder hate themselves (spn) (txf)
dean and mulder both have issues with fire (spn) (txf)
both die, get buried, and then come back
sunflower seeds vs pie
also they both hate nazis (spn) (txf)
yellow fever vs war of the coprophages  (spn) (txf)
ship parallels
blue and green eyes (hazel is close enough)
for some reason theres a pizza man parallel? (spn) (pt 2) (txf) (pt 2)
mulder/krycek vs dean/crowley (spn) (txf) (also)
cas/hannah vs scully/pendrell (poor hannah and pendrell never stood a chance... and died)
also cas/scully get laid ONE TIME (april/ed jerse) and they almost die because of it and then never do it again (spn) (txf)
vs dean/mulder having plenty of love interests/hookups
cas/scully have never done anything wrong ever
dean/mulder... sigh... i love them... but they've made some questionable decisions (i'm looking at you mulder: fucking the vampire THE EP AFTER SCULLY'S ABDUCTION AND WHILE WEARING HER CROSS and dean, kicking cas out and locking jack in the ma’lak box?? really guys?) (spn) (txf)
creators who think their relationship is platonic despite everyone with eyes saying otherwise (spn) (txf)
also the way that neither were ever written or intended to be romantic
the fandoms were split heavily between shippers and non shippers 
they also both had to have scenes changed because they were being played too romantic
a kiss was cut from the episode memento mori and gillovny were always trying to hold hands (x)
jackles forever wanting to cradle misha's face and the cut i love you from the crypt scene (x)
just... gillovny vs cockles in general, i am not a real person shipper, HOWEVER they are both messy (spn) (txf)
their first meetings? iconic. chemistry? immaculate. dean/mulder are super defensive but tbh cas/scully fell in love at first sight (spn) (txf)
they also had no concept of personal space pretty much immediately (spn) (txf)
they have a baby (that has magic powers) together that they lose twice (jack dies and becomes god, william/jackson is adopted and then as far as they know he dies) (spn) (txf)
cas/scully also have a kind of kid (claire/emily) that dean/mulder are willing to co-parent regardless of the fact that they definitely aren't theirs (spn) (txf)
we get an i love you that still doesn't get taken seriously or make them canon (stuck in the middle (with you) and triangle) (spn) (txf)
dean keeping cas's trenchcoat vs mulder keeping scully's cross (spn) (txf)
they go absolutely batshit when the other is in danger or dies/is dying (spn) (txf)
they're also known and used by their enemies as each other's weaknesses (spn) (txf)
msr being mistaken as a couple vs every angel and demon cracking jokes about destiel being a couple (spn) (txf)
skinner and sam just off to the side looking frustrated while msr and destiel are having a couples moment (spn) (txf)
eating each others food (spn) (txf)
appreciating each others interests (spn) (and this one) (txf)
parallels except the roles are swapped
dreamland/small potatoes vs casifer, i just think scully/dean should have realized IMMEDIATELY (spn) (txf)
mulders fight the future speech vs cas's confession (spn) (txf)
they should have kissed and didn't
it almost ambiguously canonizes them both
AND THE SECRET TAPES, the most famous msr kiss isn't an actual canon kiss, it's a blooper of gillian and david making out in front of the camera (two different times) and it wasn't scripted it was literally just them messing around (x)
this is me manifesting jackles dropping the tapes and those tapes having the same energy
they just really love each other (spn) (txf)
non ship/general parallels
leyla harrison vs becky rosen being fandom stand ins (spn) (txf)
they were supposed to end on season 5
Good but bad (absolutely iconic) sci-fi shows
they both had two finales which both sucked
they shared soooo many cast and crew and both filmed in vancouver
they're such similar shows, motw/story episodes, the funny and serious episodes, dealing with the paranormal, they're basically siblings
also siblings in the way that they handle racism, misogyny and consent/rape/bodily autonomy
the supernatural book series vs the movie made about mulder and scully (spn) (txf)
mystery spot vs monday (spn) (txf)
tall tales vs bad blood  (spn) (txf)
 the benders vs home (spn) (txf)
why did both shows use live bees??? (spn) (txf)
the fbi's most wanted and the fbi's most unwanted (also everyone involved looks cute as fbi agents) (spn) (look how cute!) (txf) (cuties!!)
the syndicate vs heaven and the cigarette smoking man vs god
the bunker vs the basement office
every single side character on both shows deserved better!!! most of them literally didn't need to die!!! and i'm still angry!!!
the poor brothers adam milligan and charlie scully existing and then being literally forgotten about until the last season
the fandoms living for things cut from the scripts (spn) (txf)
team free will vs mulder, scully, and skinner
these ones are shippy, but more my opinion than factual
both pairs just keep getting traumatic events dumped on them for absolutely no reason
cas/scully both have major exasperated why do i love this man vibes
absolutely most iconic and slowest slow burn romances of all time and are just the longest games of will they/won't they, baiting, and were never INTENDED to be slow burns
they're always willing to die/kill for each other, however they WILL NOT talk about their feelings under any circumstances
in the field where i died, mulder says that he and scully have been around each other in past lives but never romantically and according to chuck, every other universe's castiel just pulled dean out of hell and listened to his orders
SO in these other lives/universes they were always linked to each other but only in this life/universe do they fall in love
the last seasons really fuck up my favorite characters
dean should not be that shitty to jack OR cas for that matter
and mulder shouldn't have left scully and william (and dearest dana?? DANA?)
and, controversial opinion, but cas/scully could do so much better and deserve so much better but dean/mulder... it's the best they'll ever get
HOWEVER, i feel like their love is MORE powerful BECAUSE cas/scully could do better but they don't want better or normal they want dean/mulder and they will fight to the death for it, it's not the easy choice, it's just what they want
and i say this with all the love in the world for both dean and mulder, but cas could have just followed his orders and returned to heaven like every other version of himself did. scully could have easily found a normal man to settle down and have 2.5 kids with. dean was always going to be stuck in chuck's plans, and mulder absolutely could not just go find a wife to settle down with.
cas/scully put up with SO MUCH SHIT from dean/mulder, while being ALWAYS FAITHFUL to them, it was never the easy option to love these men and stay by their sides, it was hard and they worked for it!!!
they’re both the greatest love story ever told, they tied
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Why Castiel/Hannah should be a more mainstream ship
This is going to be a long essay, but I need to say it. For those of you who follow me, I’ve said a lot of the same things before, but I think it's finally time to address the naysayers head-on.
Now, before I continue, and before people accuse me of attacking their ship, that’s not what I am trying to do. Yes, Destiel shippers irritate me sometimes, but it’s not the ship itself that annoys me, it's the toxic haters that make up the ranks of that ship. You know who you are. I have every respect for Destiel, Megstiel, and any other ship, really. Just because I personally don’t ship it doesn’t mean I disrespect or hate on it.
But I also think that it's time that my ship also gets the recognition it deserves. And it’s time that Hannah, as a character, gets the respect she deserves. I am always disappointed by how little credit she gets from the fans, I am continually seeing mood boards, aesthetics, collages commemorating the women of Supernatural, or the angels of Supernatural and Hannah is regularly absent from these boards. And she deserves way more than to be forgotten.
I hope that, with the show coming to an end, people who plan to rewatch the show through will remember her and give her a chance to shine.
To illustrate why I think that Hanstiel should be counted among the more popular ships that in involve Castiel, I’d like to debunk the top 10 arguments I have had thrown in my direction by people who think they can bully me away from loving Hannah and Hanstiel.
But they are literal siblings!
Ugh. This argument. Okay if that’s what you think, fine, that’s your opinion, but you need to realize that this is up to personal interpretation. Yes, the angels consider themselves siblings, but it’s evident that the SPN writers don’t necessarily consider this a literal thing because there are a few incidents of angel pairings. Daniel and Adina, fallen angels, were clearly lovers. Also, if Chuck created angels, he also created humanity, but do you consider some random Human on the street your sibling? This is really an old argument, and it doesn’t hold much stock, but it's really up to personal belief about the show. You can’t force your views about this on me, and you can’t try to persuade me your opinion is right because it is just that- your opinion. Mine is valid too.
Also, a side note. If you ship Wincest but pull this ‘angels are siblings’ card, then you are a hypocrite.
But Caroline Johnson was married!
And? So was Jimmy Novak. Are you trying to imply that because Caroline was a woman, she needed to return to her husband any more than Jimmy Novak needed to return to his wife? This argument reeks of misogyny.
Hannah abandoned Castiel when she found out about his borrowed grace.
Yes, she did. But think about it from her point of view, she had this unwavering trust in Castiel as her leader and what he did was considered abhorrent to her and her fellow angels. Finding this out from Metatron instead of Castiel himself was no doubt a shock to her, and it left her scrambling to figure out how to reconcile this blow to her faith in him. And this doubt didn’t last long, as soon as she realized what was going on, she went right back to him and resumed her unwavering trust in him.
Hannah tried to tell Castiel to kill Dean
Again, see it from her point. She was trying to grasp and process what she had just learned. And she knew that angels were blowing themselves up in Castiel’s name. She didn’t want to believe it was true and she needed something to cling to. She doesn’t know the Winchesters, as well as Castiel, does, she has no reason to trust them, and she doesn’t understand the bond Castiel has with them.
Hannah tortured Castiel in season 11
No, Ephraim and Jonah tortured him. And even though it was revealed that Hannah was in on it, it also clear that she was pressured into it. Just look at how Ephraim and Jonah talk to her, they were very disrespectful to her, and it was clear this was their idea. And whatever part she played in this, she protested it, and in the end, she fought and died saving Castiel. She literally gave her life for him.
It’s Hannah’s fault Gadreel committed suicide!
No, it's not. Hannah came down to the prison, and it's clear she wanted to try to understand Castiel’s stance. If she didn’t, she wouldn’t have been down there in the first place. Castiel and Gadreel didn’t need a guard. She was trying to sort it all out, and Gadreel acted impulsively.
Hannah is hot-tempered and impulsive
Hell yeah, she is. She tried to attack Tessa when Tessa called her weak, and she totally started the fight with Adina. Oh, and we can’t forget how she smashed Metatron’s face into the bars for making a sexual remark towards her. But that’s all what makes her an awesome character. She has flaws. As a writer myself, I can tell you that perfect Polly's are no fun at all. Hannah had depth, she was complicated. She was brave and badass, but she certainly had apparent flaws. Besides, are you trying to tell me the Winchesters don’t have flaws? Hannah is badass.
Hannah was obviously meant to be Castiel’s love interest
Yeah, she probably was, but I mean so? Can’t Castiel have a little happiness in his life? Besides, she wasn’t just that. She was his second in command, she was a leader in her own right. She even led heaven! She wasn’t only Castiel’s love interest, she was amazing in her own right.
If you don’t ship Destiel, then you are a homophobe!
First of all, I am a bisexual woman. I am allowed to be attracted to both men and women, and it’s obvious that I am crazy about Hannah. Also, it's okay for me to prefer het relationships. I happen to be married to a man. I am generally attracted to what I can relate to, and there should be no shame in that. In any case, I don’t need to justify my interests to you. And anyway, you do know that Hannah took a male vessel at the end right? And that Castiel took a female vessel in the past?
Castiel obviously loves Dean!
Okay. Like I said, I respect all ships. But you are going to have to come to terms that in addition to Dean and Sam, Castiel also loved Meg and Hannah. He may have even harbored feelings for Kelly Kline. Since none of those ships became completely canon, we the fans, must interpret what we will about it. I don’t ship Destiel, Megstiel, or Castiel/Kelly Kline but I respect that Castiel may or may not have feelings for any one of them in canon. The world may never know if this was so. Chemistry is in the eye of the beholder. I could see clear signs that Castiel had feelings for Hannah, and I can document such signs, but that’s what fiction is. It’s something that’s not real in the first place so we the fans are free to interpret what we see as we will.
And here are some points I want to make as to why Hannah is amazing and why she is precisely what Castiel needed.
Hannah is the kind of rare angel that Gabriel was talking about back in season 9. The type that is more than a machine built to obey
Hannah has empathy. She is a rather passionate angel. This is her strength and her inner struggle. She is an angel, bound by her instincts to obey and stuck in her strict principles of angel code, but it's pretty clear that she doesn’t obey without question. In many ways, she is a lot like Castiel was in season 4, but unlike Castiel, she seems to have had these feelings all along. Castiel had to learn them. In “meta-fiction,” Gabriel claimed that he and Castiel were rebels because they were different than other angels. And I think that Hannah was another one of those rare ones, with the potential to understand free will.
She never once brought up Castiel’s past nor never appeared to resent him or hold a grudge against him or feared him for what he did to heaven
All throughout season nine, when Castiel was without grace, whenever he encountered another angel, they were quick to blame him for the fall. They actively hated him or even feared him. Some even tried to kill him. Many still resented him for the war with Raphael. Pretty much all the angels Castiel encountered harbored these feelings towards him, but when Castiel met Hannah in that warehouse, she lacked that resentment. She had just been tortured by Gadreel and left in a room full of dead angels, and when she met Castiel, she knew who he was. She never once brought up the war with Raphael, or even the fall, something she herself was a victim of and was no doubt traumatized by. She never feared or hated Castiel.
She was devoted to him in a way that no one in the show has ever been
Castiel really needs someone who could devote themselves to him the way that he would devote himself to them in return. Hannah fits the bill. She listened to him when he taught her about humanity. I mean, really listened. And throughout their road trip, she was more concerned with trying to help with Castiel’s fading grace than she was with her mission. His suffering and deterioration clearly bothered her. Even though she acted on impulse many times, she’d listen to him as he explained why things are the way they are here on Earth.
She was even willing to make a deal with Metatron
This one is a big one because it proves that Hannah is like a Winchester! How many times has Sam or Dean made a deal to save one another? They would pick each other over the world any day. And has either of them ever made that sacrifice for Castiel? Well, Hannah was going to. She knew full well the possible consequences of letting Metatron out, but she was willing to do it to save Castiel’s life. If he hadn’t gotten there, she would have. I think it was a surprise to Castiel because no one has ever cared about him like that.
She literally begged him to take care of himself
It’s clear that Hannah had feelings for Castiel, and they motivated her to be concerned with. Maybe Castiel was uncomfortable with her affections because he’s not used to someone being concerned with his well being? Which is really sad if you think about it. Regardless of her feelings for him, Hannah was concerned that Castiel wasn’t taking care of himself. She begged him to try to save his own life or to at least be as concerned about it as she was. And he continued to blow her off and dismiss her, probably because poor Castiel does not value his own life. If he did, then he would at least be willing to try to work with her to find a plan to save himself instead of literally having to have the king of hell step in to save them both.
Castiel trusted Hannah enough to implore her to carry on in his place if he died.
When it became clear that Castiel may not make it to carry out his mission, to help Dean or to find the rogue angels, when Hannah confronted him and implored him to do something about his grace, even reminding him of his mission, he asked her to carry on in his place. She doesn’t think she could do it, but he did. He trusted her, he saw something in her that she didn’t see herself. He believed in her and thought that she was more than worthy of taking his place if he died. That right there is huge.
She is one of the very few angels to ever give up her vessel, and her actions inspired Castiel so much that he decided to look into Claire’s life after all this time.
Hannah did the one thing that even Castiel himself could not do. She admitted she had feelings for him and more than anything, she wanted to stay with him and see where their feelings lead them. She wanted that very badly, but then she encountered Caroline’s husband, and she was reminded about the life she had taken away, and she put her feelings aside to give Caroline her life back. Anyone could see how heartbroken Castiel was to see her go, but he was so inspired by her act of selflessness that he looked into Claire’s life.
In “Meta-fiction,” Metatron explained that he ordered Gadreel to kill all the angels in the warehouse but leave one alive. Gadreel chose to spare Hannah. Did he pick her at random or did he sense that she was different and that she had the power to persuade Castiel to be a leader?
I mean everyone else around them noted how well matched they were. The tow-truck driver, Adina, Metatron, even Crowley. Maybe Gadreel sensed that Hannah was not like other angels and that she might have the power to be an influence in Castiel’s life. Of course, his motives were less than good, but I think he knew that Castiel would respond to someone like Hannah, someone who was like him or had the potential to be.
It’s my headcanon that Castiel and Hannah both have autistic characteristics
This is the last stance, and it is something very personal to me. I am on the Autism Spectrum, and I hold the opinion that Castiel and Hannah both have Aspie characteristics and that if they were Human, they would surely be on the spectrum. This is the single reason why I love Hannah so much. Do you realize how marginalized us aspie girls are in mainstream media? There are so few of us, and most Autistic characters in fiction are male. It is hard to be autistic and female, and here is the one character I can admire and relate to because she is like me.
So there you have it. The case for Hannah and for the Castiel/Hannah ship. I don’t think it should be considered a rare-pair anymore. It is just as relevant as any of the popular pairings concerning Castiel. This will always be my one and only OTP. And Hannah is and always will be my favorite character. Her and Castiel both. I am a Cas girl and a Hannah girl. Just wondering if there are any other true Hannah girls out there.
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