deltaofdeath-blog · 8 years
If there was one thing that Emizel remembered from his last visit to the city, it was that attacking people for money was socially unacceptable. It was a human concept, and since the majority of the city was populated by humans, it made sense. He could live with that. Attacking unsuspecting civilians was something a bully would do, not someone with any self respect.
Now... since he couldn’t fight to make a living, what could he do? He at quietly at the table shaded by the large colorful umbrella, face scrunched in thought. He flipped his half filled water bottle once, then twice, just to give himself something to do.
On the third flip the cap came off, splashing the contents of the water bottle forward onto a few unfortunate people walking in from of him.
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“Aw, hell...”
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gottagobaby · 8 years
Hardcover copy of "An Alien Harvest: Further Evidence Linking Animal Mutilations and Human Abductions to Alien Life Forms" by Linda Moulton Howe.
Judd carefully slides the book under the couch out of sight and stares at Gaito, eyes glowing. Slowly, the cat backs up, his entire body fading from existence...
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candykraken · 8 years
destinyofdarkness replied to your post:
“Well… It was just in the box and I have no use for it… What do you think? Do we know anyone who might buy it?”
"Maybe if I thought about it for a while I could come up with somebody... Personally I'd just dump it at a pawn shop. Ain't my business."
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whxtscolor · 8 years
🎵 reverse
Send “♪ reverse” for a song that reminds me of your muse.
Narisumashi Genga | KulfiQ
it’s more the feel of the song than anything?? but still, 
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heartgoldsoulsilver · 8 years
“What are you supposed to be?”
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“Why is your hair--- are you a TROLL???????????????”
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gottagobaby · 8 years
☎ Betray a friend for their own personal gain
Depends on how serious of a betrayal it would be. For the most part everything is for Judd’s personal gain from the get go....However, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a history for this. At least in terms of Octarian relationships. Prior to the Great Turf War, Judd was on amiable terms with both Octarians and Inklings, and now Judd lives only with Inklings very intentionally. I’m sure you can imagine how DJ Octavio– the leader of the Octarians –feels about that.
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candykraken · 8 years
A wooden dagger and some sort of ceremonial black cloak.
“Eugh, this is looks all cult-y... You could probably get some weirdo to buy it though.”
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mightylittlezombie · 8 years
{ 💀 }
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       “You share the same bad taste in hairstyle like the idiots I know.         But more importantly, what is that animal, that follows you around?”
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anonymusvocaloid · 8 years
Today was a day like any other for Anon. She was walking around trying to find District one. And of course she had to notice the unusual boy ahead.
"Excuse me...but why are you wearing makeup?" His eyes looked like he had some. "um..sorry i ment to ask about Sector 001."
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erwcn-blog · 8 years
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     “I’m not giving you mine, even how hungry or pitiful you might look!”      | The gun wielder mentioned beforehand. Due to his limited knowledge about this city, who knew what weirdo would be unleashed around his vicinity! Especially not to forget the words of those scientist. He’s a subject of this city, experiencing new life’d be a challenge for him. The other’s seemingly approach could be announced a new challenge to him! |
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candykraken · 8 years
destinyofdarkness said: “Eel is actually very good. Especially if it’s smoked
"Yeah, man! I want smoked eel so bad now! Look what you guys did now I gotta go to the fish market and freeze my tentacles off trying to get eels."
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whxtscolor · 8 years
destinyofdarkness replied to your post “Gaito hands Kaito a piece of paper with the word love written on it....”
"I want to know what it means."
He’s not sure where to begin, if he’s honest. There are plenty of different was to explain what it means, and different ways of meaning it... but he’ll try his best anyways.
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“It’s... when you have a certain kind of strong feeling for someone, I guess. Like... I guess I’d say when you want to be around them a lot, and you can’t get them off your mind... and you care for them deeply, too. You want the best for them, and you want to see them happy and smiling and just... They’re important to you. When you love people, or someone, you feel like they brighten your day, and they care about you, and things like that... I-I’m not good at explaining it, really.”
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nacchaun-blog · 8 years
destinyofdarkness replied to your post “02cm replied to your post “(( i counted and ranma has like 11...”
I forgot half of that. This makes me want to watch Ranma all over again ^^
(( you shouuuuld its so good omg ))
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headmastering · 8 years
"I was being such a fool"
Ozpin doesn’t know this young man, but he can sympathize with him. He’s made plenty of mistakes, still makes them at his age. There’s still the chance this one can grow out or even because of them however.
He gives what he hopes is an encouraging smile and hand on the shoulder. At the moment that’s all he has to give.
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