#sorry for the late reply btw
cassierobinsons · 9 days
i’ve never understood why people get so hung up on the amelia text situation. like. sam left her first. when he showed back up bc of the text, he slept with her. and then when she offered him a chance to get back together, he left her again! like. yes the text scared him a bit, and yeah maybe it was a bit petty of dean, but it’s not as if sam hasn’t tricked dean in the past either, and ultimately it allowed sam to get closure 🤷‍♀️
plus i really struggle to sympathize about it considering the distressed calls from kevin were ignored 🫢🫢
(in response to this post)
idgi either and what i truly don't understand is how badly it's been warped in fandom when the entire reason he sent that text was because sam was going to help martin kill benny. people seriously think dean hurting sam's feelings with a fucking text is worse than attempted murder!!!
but yeah it's hard to gaf when sam fucked kevin over so bad. even if what dean did had been way worse i still would've been like. okay but you did abandon kevin for an entire year so maybe you had it coming!
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princesssszzzz · 10 days
I hope you write Rhaena x Cregan one day 🙏
Anon 😭😭😭 I actually had a WIP for them from a while back. There’s a section of the fic I don’t know where I want the story to go, so I’ve been putting it off for now until I think of something good. I’ll have to finish it soon but my thought process for Rhaena x Cregan is so different than my Baela x Cregan ship lmfao.
The WIP is a modern AU so it’s not the best example probably. It’s Cregan just coming over to hang out with Jace all the time and he leaves for the marines. Rhaena thinks Cregan won’t like her because she’s not like Black Aly or Baela. When he comes back Rhaena is older and they end up having a little fling and he tells her she likes him the way she is. In Westeros, my ideas for the ship is really just Cregan being very mature, stoic, and serious and Rhaena letting her hair down because the war is finally over. One of my headcanons is that Rhaena is trying to help Aegon during the hour of the wolf and they can’t really trust anyone, but Cregan is the only trustworthy person around. Cregan x Rhaena is the best time to write manipulative Rhaena because he’s preoccupied with other people and never suspects Rhaena of doing anything. I’ll probably write something when Morning gets bigger also
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I don’t even have a ship name
Rhaegan?? Crena? Omg 😭 Rhaegan sounds slightly better because I made Baela x Cregan is Baegan
Btw my Baegan ship is giving
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tzaharasykes · 1 month
I would love to hear all the reasons you don’t ship Donna with Eric and don’t think they were right for each other because I totally agree and we’re such a minority! They want really different things out of life and I feel like Eric needs someone more romantic, supportive and loving than Donna is while she needs someone more unconventional and adventurous than Eric (I say this as someone who likes Eric but isn’t crazy about Donna, and she honestly seem to believe she was way too good for him)
Hi! Yes we really are in the minority here. I pretty much don't like them together primarily for the reasons you have stated. What they want out of life will take them in totally different directions, especially Donna. Donna is probably the biggest issue for me, and you can't exactly be a shipper of a ship if you simply dislike half of it.
Donna has always seemed like she thinks of herself as better and smarter than Eric, and is not afraid to disrespect and belittle him. She mostly says nothing when their friends put Eric down in order to prop her up. When there is a problem, he is primarily to blame before she can even think of apologizing for her mistakes.
She thought so little of him throughout season 3, specifically before the episode of their breakup. Main examples I can think of right now: interjecting and belittling him when he's trying to tell his friends a funny story, ditching him for hours after a concert night out and feeling entitled to do so, and her diary entry about wanting Eric to be, like, edgier or something, which led him to attempt to get a tattoo for her. It is Eric's fault for reading her private diary, and he should not have done it. But this specific point goes back to what you mentioned about Donna needing someone more "adventurous". Eric was not that for her.
These were the true feelings that she was yearning for, but chose to settle with Eric after her failure with "bad boy, exciting" Casey because Eric is safe and practically "worships" her, which naturally gives her the upper hand. I just think that's a horrible way to look at someone, in my opinion. At the end of season 3, once she was made to face the reality of being with Eric in the long term, she rejected the idea and didn't want to give him a real answer.
I don't think I need to talk too much about the crap in season 4. More belittling, more pettiness, vengeance (unapologetically slandering him in the school paper and then getting upset when she gets a taste of her own medicine), and rubbing Casey in his face. Eric wouldn't think to treat her the way she treated him. Yet he is somehow still the bad guy and in the complete wrong.
Season 5-7 were basically the same type of behavior. Season 6 brought back Mitch, which really brought some of Donna's worst qualities (ego and pride) in the way she treated Eric. Season 6, Eric ditches his own wedding, knowing this conjugal life will only fill Donna with regret. Imagine knowing that the person you love is going to regret spending the rest of their life with you. Just wow. Season 7 Eric seems to have grown disillusioned with his life and this shitty relationship and just left. I'm glad he did.
In the end, it was all a rollercoaster and while Donna and Eric had their (few) sweet moments, so much of it was overshadowed by these lame negatives for me. As for Eric, he threw himself into this relationship and made Donna his whole world to the point where he had no aspirations besides wanting to be with her. Naturally, this made him insecure, especially when he felt he was being left behind. This wouldn't have happened if he had some solid goals for his future, rather than just sitting around, smoking pot with his friends, and thinking of Donna all day. In Donna's defense here, I can see why her feelings about the promise ring were so hesitant.
So, these are my main reasons for not liking the ship. No matter how many years go by and I rewatch, this minority opinion remains the same.
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vampcubus · 9 months
If Kyojuro is the best pussy-eater, then what is Shinjuro 🤔??
like father like son. where do u think kyojuro got his hearty appetite from? 😉 the rengoku men are all enthusiastic eaters.
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that-giorgione · 5 months
Hi I don't go here (FL) but a beloved mutual of mine does and I wanted to say that Giorgione sparks joy. Love that metal chicken nugget of a man
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vampyan · 3 months
heyy a while back I can’t rlly recall when but i got blocked off ur main for an ageless blog I think? can you unblock me i vividly remember a great fic you had on that acc but i didn’t know how to use the tumblr app back then and didn’t have a bio LMAO so sorry for bothering you tho,, lots of love <33
oh, sure thing <3 i'll unblock you rn
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the-puppet-bracket · 6 months
Can I submit propaganda for Charlotte Wiltshire late? I just found out about this poll I need to help my precious child
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yumedoca · 10 months
I've been noticing your posts of Detective Conon (is that how it's spelled?) anyways I'd been noticing them and tbh I'd forgotten who it was and I'd been seeing the little boy wondering why he looked so familiar before I remembered where I'd seen him.
He's from the Lupin III X Detective Conon special. That's when it clicked that you were posting Detective Conon. Bro I didn't realize it was him till I remembered this- 😭
[Warning: Rambling's of a fangirl Ahead]
Hai there! Hope you're having a great day!!
Yeah, The Conan (as in Arthur 'Conan' Doyle) X Lupin special was a thing, lol. The thing is that I'm just like you except I'm on the other side of the spectrum, I've only watched Detective Conan, but I haven't watched Lupin at all. I've watched the special as well, but it seems that it was more Lupin focused (I heard it was made for anniversary or something??), so I was kind of confused for some of the parts. There's a crossover movie as well, but after my reaction to the special, I figured that I'd watch both after I have consumed Lupin media. I still haven't watched it but that's because I'm too busy to watch anything at the moment now, but once I'm able to have more free time, I'd love to start watching Lupin since it seems like a lot of fun!!
I'm pretty sure the crossovers were made because both shows share the same animation studio. Detco's (short for detective Conan) mangaka, Gosho Aoyama is a huge fan of the series, even stating Fujiko is his ideal woman. There's even a character who's based off of Fujiko in detco as well!
As for Detective Conan, considering all the fandom I've seen you be a part of (You have great taste BTW), I feel like it would be a shame if you didn't check out the series because I feel it fits perfectly into your tastes. I myself started the series when I heard there were Urusei Yatsura references in the series:
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Couldn't find a clear anime counterpart of this so have the manga version instead. This is only just one of the references though.
And while looking up the reference, I came across a small plot summary and it intrigued me. Then I started the anime and I've been obsessed since. Like Ace Attorney, Detco is a mystery series with tons of lovable characters. It also has an overarching plot which keeps you intrigued at the same time. A series filled with Love, Thrill, Shock and Suspense to the brim. I would highly recommend it!!
You can experience the series by either manga or anime. I'd say for you anime might suit better since the manga is still ongoing, over 100 volumes, is officially licensed but it has localization (the names, 96% of the fandom uses the Japanese names), it is readable on the VIZ app for a small subscription, but the localization problem still exists. Of course, you can read fanscans without localization as well. Mangadex is good site for that.
As for the anime, it has over a 1000 episodes (+ movies and OVA and other stuff) but that's because it has tons of fillers. 65% of the series is canon to the manga. You can easily look up a filler list and watch which are canon according to that. There are good fillers, but you can watch those in your own time. There are movies as well, which even though not canon, I'd definitely still recommend.
I'd say if you're watching the TV series in the quickest time, it would take a few months. I think I took 5-6 months, but I also took a lot of breaks in between so it isn't all that relevant.
Anyways, even though watching Detco is time consuming it is still something I do not and will never regret because of story and characters this amazing (and memeable) and I'm pretty sure everyone else who have watched it feels the same.
Detco does have a sister series called Magic Kaito which is much shorter in case you've decided not to watch Detective Conan. It's a phantom thief focused series with 5 volumes and 25 something episodes. However, if you do watch Detco, you will come across Magic Kaito whether you like it or not..
In the end, the choice is up to you. Sorry for all the rambling, when I start talking about any my favorite things I just can't seem to calm down..
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If you have any queries, feel free to ask! I'm open to any discussion!!
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idyllic-affections · 11 months
HELSPSKSLGJ it's them real and true. you would think tighnari would get it though smh smh /lh
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tidethreads · 1 year
So what you're saying is that you could play matchmaker & make some of us into European (deposed) royalty? Maybe a matchmaker for a certain single historian-in-training.
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haha i guess! he's a really nice and really smart guy, i TA'd a class he took last year and his essay was easily the best.
i have to say though, even though some members of royalty/nobility are nice and down to earth, they're still part of families that can be difficult to deal with:
for example the Bavarian guy in question always goes by just "Bayern" as his last name and not "Prinz von Bayern"/Prince of Bavaria like it is legally the case in Germany with ex-nobility and wanted our uni to put down Bayern for roll-call purposes etc. - his PARENTS intervened from Germany and said that is unacceptable and talked to the administration and then they finally reached the compromise that on class lists it says "P. von Bayern"
like imagine having to reach a compromise on things like this with your own parents, and imagine having those people be your in-laws
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hirunoka · 11 months
Im chewing \(^-^)/💛🪻🪻🪻🪻 i hope today is kind and peaceful to you, as well as delicious 💛💛💛✨️🏵☕️🍪🍫🤟
Niiiice! I hope you had a great day, dear 💛💛💛 Thank you for your good wishes 🌻🌻🌻
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merehumsafar · 2 years
theme 🛐🛐
You 🛐🛐
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artsysurvivor · 2 years
C9 for Halt and H9 for Ferris, please.
Also, if you want an RA fic, send an ask my way as a repayment of sorts.
You know, this one was kind of a tough one to do, because I see the toothy one (C9) as kind of having an evil vibe, ya’know? My first idea was when they met again, the next one was young halt about to yeet Ferris out the window, but then, finally, I came to this.
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Haha. Edgy. Anyways, I was going for a dreamy-nightmare look, so hopefully that comes through.
Thanks for the ask! It was fun to do!!
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i got so happy when i noticed u write for street fighter like???? woah?!?!?!?
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Hell yeah m8. I'm super suprised that Street Fighter has became the main thing I write for rn. I was fully expecting to be stuck writing T.F2 but nope! Street Fighter requests came out of the blue really! Not that I mind I adore the games and I'm glad to help fed into the fanfiction department of SF lol
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vampcubus · 5 months
Speaking of lack of giant sub zelda men, I'm practically starving for Ganon content! Is it so bad that I want to latch onto his huge tits?
again i haven't played totk just yet so i dunno if i simp for ganon yet but on appearance alone??? *moans* 😩
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avid-idiot · 1 year
Yeah I mean we have sm in common it’d be a shame not to (can’t believe I didn’t plan to at first likee)
Why not both tbh
Yea, shame on you ryo. Now you gotta be the ultimate gentleman to make it up to her
Very good idea. I might just
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