#detective Conan theories
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I think everyday.
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imurasakaw · 2 years
Some thoughts about APTX...
In File.821, it is revealed that in the tape to Shiho for her eighteenth birthday, Elena said to her:
“The truth is, your mom is making a truly terrifying drug at the moment. My lab mates are getting really excited about it; they say it's like a dream drug. Your dad and I are putting all our hopes on it and calling it the Silver Bullet! But in order to complete the drug, your dad and I will have to leave you and your sister. Please understand, Shiho.”
—In order to complete the drug, your dad and I will have to leave you and your sister. Please understand.
She asks Shiho to “please understand” their departure in a tape that is meant for Shiho’s eighteenth birthday; she had planned all these recordings in advance and made them before her own death. These recordings are meant to cover the years of Shiho’s life until she reaches majority, from her first to her twentieth birthday—and all of them were recorded before Shiho was even a year old.
With that context in mind, the “leaving” she’s talking about sure sounds like the permanent kind, rather than, say, merely leaving them temporarily in someone else’s care to focus on their research. So Elena knew they were going to die. And according to her, the reason they have to die is to facilitate the creation and completion of Silver Bullet.
And if we accept that reading, then the next question becomes:
Why must the Miyanos “leave”—die—in order to “complete” the drug?
How fantastical might Aoyama go with this drug?
And this ties into a different question I’ve had for a long, long time, which is: why did the Organization spend so many years (and money and effort) into raising Shiho, putting her through the best education possible, shaping her into a prodigy, a child genius, all so that she can carry on her parent’s research? Why wait over ten years for Shiho? Why not just recruit a different scientist? No matter how wild or out-there Miyano’s ideas may have been, it’s unlikely that the Organization (especially with their deep pockets) can’t find even a single other scientist willing to carry on that research.
Additionally, Vermouth’s fervor in making sure Sherry is killed—not captured, killed—also raises questions. “If you want someone to hate for this, blame your parents who took over this foolish research,” she says to Haibara right before she’s about to shoot her. I know many people read this as a personal hatred she has against the older Miyanos and in turn Sherry for what they had created/were trying to create, but what if her goal is simply opposite to the Organization’s and the Boss’s, and not enmity directed specifically at individual persons? The Organization raised Sherry to continue the research; Vermouth wants Sherry dead so the research cannot continue. (She agrees to Conan’s demand during the Full Moon case that she give up on Sherry, in part because she sees how dedicated he is to fight the Organization and shield Sherry from it, and for a long time she does abide by that agreement, but then she tries to kill Sherry again during Mystery Train because Bourbon has found Sherry and aims to bring her back to the Organization. Vermouth’s preeminent goal has always seemed to be to prevent Sherry from returning to the Organization by any means necessary.)
And to be fair, all this may have just been, well, the product of the author having already decided on the character profile of “Haibara Ai” that he wants (genius teenage scientist, creator of APTX4869, the Irene Adler to Shinichi’s Holmes) and then just shaping her backstory around that decision. And Elena’s words in that tape may have just been lies and euphemisms to her daughter, cloaking the fact that she can sense that her death is near with allusions to a grander purpose. Parents all want to appear as best as possible in front of their children.
But if it’s not that, might there be some other reason? Again, just how fantastical might Aoyama go with this drug? Might there be some genetic component required here?
Might APTX4869’s effects have something to do with the Miyanos’ genes? Or rather, Sera family genes? Because why is it that, out of everyone who has supposedly been fed the drug (the APTX victim list that we keep seeing appears quite lengthy), only three people have been shown to the readers to have survived, two of whom (Mary and Haibara) we know for sure are closely related? (I think I once read someone saying that Aoyama said in an interview that Haibara and Conan aren’t related, but that’s so many layers of hearsay that I don’t know how much stock I should put in it until I see the print interview. I just know that one panel in Scarlet Return (File.897/Ep783)—where Conan talks about how Yukiko is “good at disguising herself as family” and then immediately thinks about how she also did a good job disguising him as Haibara that time—that panel still has me going eye emoji.)
Anyways, there are more questions than answers after all that, but it’s all so interesting to think about!!!
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dcfandomexplain · 2 years
Detective Conan Itakura's Software Theory
Vermouth's Secret
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kidconsky · 3 months
I really like the theory that Kaito is 1 year older than Shinichi.
This was something I thought about when I rewatched some dcmk stuff, I recently saw a post about it on Facebook and now I have it on my mind again...
In short, it would be due to the fact that when Aoko turns 17, Kaito is already 17 and if we try to put the story in chronological order, he still hadn't seen Shinichi in the clock robbery, meaning Shinichi would still be 16 because when he turns 17, he already lives like Conan.
The problem is that in the clock robbery episode it is said that Shinichi is also 17 years old, which doesn't make sense because like I said, in film 1 he has a 17th birthday, so it ends up being this mess... ah, wow another plot hole in dcmk who knew...
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kakapim · 4 months
Playing devils advocate here.
I still think that Toichi being alive is ... a not very good idea, but... now that the shock has passed and I'm chill about it now, and have been rereading stuff... there Might Be Something Here.
My favorite theory about Toichi that saves his ass from being a completely shitty father is that the assassination attempt did not kill him, but DID leave him disabled somehow. Kinda of what happened to Kudo, except he wasn't shrunk.
That would explain:
1- Why he had to disappear for 8 years. I don't think Chikage could explain to a child that his father "had an attempt on his life and is now hiding" that would be hard to explain, and kids aren't the best at secret keeping.
2- Why Toichi left stuff behind for Kaito. Since he cannot perform magic tricks and parkour anymore, he let Kaito decide if he wanted to carry the mantle of being KID.
3-Why he still hasn't showed up. Remember that Kaito Corbeau was Chikage dressed as him, and in movie 27 is flashback from Yuusaku (as I've heard, I have not watched the movie). And he was dressed as Corbeau, so I guess we don't fully know how he's doing modern-day. Him being in Japan would be too much of a liability.
This stuff also explains why Kaitos room was timed. His door was going specifically open after 8 years, being 17, which is old enough to know the truth and not spill.
Interestingly enough, it seems this decision of making Kaito the Kid was not something Toichi and Chikage agreed on, judging by the fact she asked Kaito to stop being KID and move to Vegas (and the whole Corbeau fiasco) and seemed somewhat upset in the first manga chapter when she realizes Kaito had found out the secret room.
But despite all of this, it doesn't explain why Toichi couldn't have simply just... called him? Like once the door hit the timer, he could've just called the boy. Tell him "Hey son I am alive although not well. Yes, I was the thief KID. I dont know what you will do with this info but have fun I guess". Cmon. Unless the disability in question was amnesia or something.
The only thing that breaks this theory is the fact that apparently Corbeau has been making the rounds in Las Vegas... but as I said before, Chikage asked Kaito to come with her and get there. Which is curious... does she want Kaito to meet the real Corbeau? To know something that's been a secret? Def something to ponder about.
So yeah... Gosho might have burned the rice but he might be able to clutch this. What I'm saying is, while hating on Toichi is funny, perhaps we should be a little more patient to see what happens.
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jaehattori · 4 months
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Do y'all remember my post of emirichu of her mentioning shinichi. WELL GUESS WHAT!! in her latest video, she shows clips of herself in the Detective Conan cafe(I think this is the 30th anniversary one?) Detective Jae time! Considering that this was just her anime guide video and her mentioning that more anime cafe videos will be coming its most likely we will get a video where she reviews the cafe (YIPPIE!! Also the last photo is my planner I got from her merch) SO FUTURE DETECTIVE CONAN CAFE VIDEO!!!!
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prompt-master · 6 months
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The continuity of this show is so dead man, you've got people using smart phones in a pre-conan flashback, and Ran has a flipphone despite it being established that her flipphone was a gift from Shinichi so they could stay in contact while he's "missing"
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suleikazuleika · 5 months
I don't have access to Movie 27, so this theory might already be debunked.
But I'm more convinced then ever that Kaitou Corbeau is a Chikage + Kudo Family Team-Up.
If the whisperings I'm hearing about the reveal are true, then the three of them have an invested interest in seeing Kaito retire as KID.
I mean, it wouldn't be the first time Yusaku and Yukiko pulled some really sketchy shit. Remember the "Conan Edogawa Kidnapping Case" from the early volumes? They straight up kidnapped their son to prove a point.
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That said, I don't think that's their primary reason behind Kaitou Corbeau. I think they're searching for Toichi Kuroba. What better way to lure someone out than to wear their face and use their own techniques?
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If Toichi's body was never recovered after the accident or went missing, then of course it would raise suspicions from his loved ones.
It would explain their rather frequent trips overseas, especially considering how shit in going down in Japan right now with their children.
But if Toichi is alive, why hasn't he shown himself? I have a few theories:
Option 1) Like Shinichi, he believes that his loved ones will be safer if both they and the assassins who targetted him believe he's dead.
Obviously, this backfired spectacularly with Kaitou Kid's return. I love Konosuke Jii, but I'm starting to believe he royally screwed up Toichi's plan with his desire for revenge.
While he did not want Jii to tell Kaito of his alter ego, Toichi clearly had plans on telling his son himself. He left a voice recording in the secret room, which probably detailed his motivations and a warning not to follow in his footsteps. Unfortunately, that message deteriorated over the 8 years since his death.
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It is possible that around this time, Chikage and the Kudo couple were tipped off on a Toichi sighting, thus forcing their focus elsewhere.
Option 2) He was seriously injured in the accident, and now believes his presence poses a danger to his loved ones. This one would be incredibly tragic, but sometimes a traumatic injury can cause a personality change like increased bouts of anger.
Even if these concerns were unfounded, I don't see Toichi as the kind of person who would take that risk with his family. Combined with concerns over the organization, it paints a bleak picture.
Option 3) Toichi is the series' main villain and a bad father. Just as his final message could've been a warning to Kaito against becoming KID, it could also be an invitation to inherit the role.
The adrenaline rush of a successful heist could have proved addicting, and Toichi could have used his assassation attempt to leave his shackles of responsibility behind. He could have graduated to an even more dangerous phantom thief persona.
Remember how there is 8 Night Baron books? One for each year since Toichi's supposedly death? And Yusaku has never revealed his identity, not even to his own son...
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While I think this last scenario is the least likely, it would certainly be the most dramatic. It would force Kaito to rethink his whole career.
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lupizora · 10 months
I still can't stop thinking about the M27 teaser trailer. Honestly, when the very first teaser (that had played after the credits of M26) became available online without subs or translation, I thought the new movie might have an amnesia sub-plot. Like something happened that would make Kaito forget everything related to Kaitou KID and Heiji and Conan would have to deal with that along with the rest of the movie's plot. Of course, that idea was shot down from the translation, but I got attached to it for fanfic purposes lol.
So, after seeing the new teaser, that first silly impression is slowly becoming a fully fledged fic (is it HeiKai, HeiShin, HeiKaiShin, idk haven't reached that far yet 😅)
Like yeah, I want the dissonance of KID being aware that Heiji knows Conan is Shinichi, and Heiji not really knowing that Kaito looks like Shinichi (because Kudou never tells him any details that are not important for the task at hand). If anything, Heiji probably heard that's an option from Kazuha because Ran kept complaining to her about all the times KID had disguised as Shinichi before (or given recent manga spoilers, even from Hakuba and his suspicions).
That's why when Heiji unmasks him by cutting through his top hat, KID still slips into his Shinichi disguise (after doing it so many times, I'm convinced he can without a mirror at this point). Not because Heiji will believe it, since Conan is right there, but to buy time.
Heiji, of course, is pissed off about it, and given the whole Kidzuha fiasco, he wants to cut KID in half more than play along.
But KID says that he can't help it if disguising as the people that Heiji loves will keep him safe from his wrath. While Heiji has a crisis over what kind of love does he mean, KID makes his escape (recently stolen sword and all). Heiji throws his sword after KID, like a javelin, and unbeknownst to him, actually hits the handglider. KID drops out of the sky, fate unknown.
Next day, Iori shows up to bring Heiji to Momiji's temporary place (will the plot remain in Hokkaido, dunno) as there is a sensitive matter to discuss. Turns out, they found KID somewhere. While they recognize this person looks like Kudou Shinichi, it's still pretty obvious the clothes he had been wearing was KID's outfit. Heiji manages to convince them to bring Conan along, since the suspicion for KID's real identity will fall on his "cousin" and who's better to dispel these kind of rumors.
What neither of them expects when they are left alone with KID though is that one, he doesn't know who he is; two, he doesn't recognize Conan; but three, he remembers Heiji.
For now, I think the sword has something to do with this temporary amnesia (like holding a part of Kaito's soul or sth) since he feels more like himself whenever he's close to it. I also like actual magic shenanigans in the DetCo universe because it means I can make Akako appear (if the magic is real, she can exist. That's my rule lmao).
But that's pretty much what I have of this idea.
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moonsunpenguin · 7 months
Phee's Version of Events and Why it's Sus
We have been shown what Phee thinks Tan/New did (given that he’s the one that’s saying it to Jin and not like the typical flashbacks we were given, it gave the feeling that it’s just his character’s deduction of how things played out. Basically just his version of the events. Or I could be wrong and, like a lot of the audience, was reading too much into the show).
One thing that stood out to me aside from the fact that he was never there when he thought Tan/New set up the trap for Por or the wire for Uncle Dang, nor have we been shown that they talked about doing those things. How he could’ve known that’s what happened is just weird. Or maybe he’s just really good at investigating, his father is an investigator, maybe he got the skills from his Dad. For those two incidents, he may have noticed that Tan/New was not accounted for when those happened. So, he gets a pass on those two.
However, him knowing that Top was drugged was where he lost me. Sure, he could’ve deduced once again that Tan/New did something to Top since he was the last one with Top before Top “disappeared”. But how could he know Top was drugged? The only people that knew were the ones that were in the house AFTER Top came back from the temple. Phee and Jin never saw Top. They were looking for him before the masked killer attacked them at the temple but they didn’t know it was Top. So how could he know that Top was now drugged and hypnotized to punish everyone that hurt Non?
If there’s one thing police procedural dramas and true crimes taught me, it’s that only the guilty ones would have knowledge of specific details on a case that were not revealed to the public yet. So take that as you will. 
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detco-hell · 1 year
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he's fine :)
[episode 523 - What She Truly Wants to Ask]
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fisherrprince · 1 year
the problem is I’m such a staunch believer in the slow buildup, the earnest enjoyment of meandering through terrible story decisions and weird nothing subplots to build up into a conclusion that explodes out from all that as fantastic storytelling and intrigue based on all that buildup, such that it makes it necessary to get through all that or you’re missing something essential, that I’m also a terrible person to talk to about what makes a story good. I can tell you plenty of what actually makes something tight and well-written and all that technical speak but how could anyone take my advice when I so so so love excruciatingly long unnecessarily complex fumbling and weird nonsense that spirals into, inexplicably, weird nonsense that makes you cry your lungs sore
#kipspeak#my point being everyone is too mean about post arr. sure f’lhammin did not have to be our problem but everything after that was like#meandering. Thinking. building. unnerving. they were cooking and i RESPECT their dubious food#i love homestuck and long audio dramas and dnd podcasts and indecipherable fancomics and lego ninjas and khux and im starting to love ffxiv#all incredibly long and made with passion and kinda weird and hard to get into#said with THE MOST affection in my heart#I could structure a kids show and I know how to write for tv but in my heart of hearts#I just want to write an impossibly long absurdity epic that is weird and a little bad and also makes you feel shrimp emotions#ALSO I feel 0% bad for not respecting ur theory or opinion if you haven’t played khux/dr/recoded I don’t feel bad about it at all I’m right#understand what’s going on in them and I’ll respect your theories. it’s like comics enjoyers but less chaotic#don’t let me get into comics. superheroes never really catch my interest but if you let me get into comics I’d explode#‘it gets really good’ is a genuine way to interest me#also don’t let me get into anime that do this. I already watched a thousand episodes of detective Conan—#maybe it’s a careful balance of weird and Good Storytelling Seeds. it has to have internal logic for one; and it has to have a structure#It has to be leading somewhere. and I want to see where it leads#we are GOING through the disney worlds. all of them. they are COOKING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Someone mentioned about Akai Shuichi being a TA/ Akai being someone from engineering degree.
Yes. 100% Akai must've been from the STEM degree but he does not have to be in the engineering degree to pursue a doctoral degree in Japan. You just have to have a relevant master's degree for doctoral degree. (I am sure by orders of magnitude) because in Japan for you to get into doctoral/ masters studies you have to pass the entrance exam. Yes, they make you sit on an exam that is notoriously harder than PhD qualifying exam (an exam grad students need to pass before them becoming officially a PhD candidate) and then decide if you are worthy for their program or not. So he doesn't really have to come from engineering background. I have a friend who got admitted to Earth Science for their graduate school despite doing Physics for their undergrad and only took one or two geology classes. I know someone from a top Japan univ who had an engineering background and did masters in Physics -- that pure physics.
What you need to apply for doctoral program in Japan is a master degree mostly. That's because doctoral students are expected to do research therefore they are not covering courseworks anymore. Unlike US PhD program where you spend initial 1-2 year to complete courseworks needed for qualification exams and then continue the next 3-5 years researching, Japanese program makes you take that master courses, do 1 year master research, defend your thesis then you can apply for a PhD program.
Also for TA job it is not really a requirement since Japanese students pay for their tuition (except some universities -- but most universities require you to pay for that). Fundings can come from your Principal Investigator (PI) aka the faculty member that you are working for who is willing to make sure that you don't fork your own money to pay for your education or university offering a TAship but it is really optional (in my uni I only know one or two doctorate students who choose this TAship and they still have to pay for tuition).
That's why Gosho can easily make him to be a doctorate student. Afaik (again this depends on universities) doctorate students do not really attend taught classes in Japan. He can easily skip those classes.
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dcfandomexplain · 2 years
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kakapim · 5 months
I've seen people ask "Why didn't Yuusaku investigate his brothers murder" and consider it a plot hole, but after some consideration I think it could be explained. My reasoning is:
1- Yuusaku knew Toichi had beef with other more dangerous criminals
2- If they didn't bother killing a world famous magician, they sure asf wouldn't hesitate to kill an author, too. If he did die, he would leave a very young child and his wife. And nothing would be solved.
3- We don't know how much Yuu knew. Like yeah it was obvious Toichi had beef with other, more dangerous criminals, but there's no guarantee Toichi told him about his night life, if at all. If MK organization wiped out all info about the case and called off the police investigation, it would be very hard to find a lead again. And as I said, doing so would surely bring unwanted attention.
Remember that the first KID was doing it all for shits and giggles before the whole pandora ordeal. Ik Yuu is one of the smartest mfs in Detco, but would he know about the gem? I mean, the only reason we even know about it is because they specifically told Toichi to find it. Otherwise, it would be impossible to know unless he found someone who works for them.
He might know it *now*, since Toichi and him are in contact with eachother, though. But again, we don't know how long Toichi went without telling people he was alive.
He even might have told him to not dig into the case because it would be dangerous to both of em. Unfortunately that DOES bring out the issue of Toichi being a terrible father, because it essentially means he went "don't worry bro, my 17yo traumatized son will solve this 👍" and Yuu was... fine with this ??
Like I understand not opening up an investigation or calling the fbi or whatever, since it would be dangerous to everyone involved- but not telling Kaito his pops is alive is just cruel. Kaitos already in danger anyway, so what's the point?
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