#detective noel my beloved
izel-scribbles · 5 months
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malevolent sketches (but what else is new lol)
warning: part 40+ spoilers
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can i interest you in some long haired human!john
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detective noel (he shall live on in out memories forever)
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deathnoblade · 2 months
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Detective Noel my beloved <3
Thank you for likes and reblogs as always!
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annimoose · 4 months
Ranking malevolent characters on how hot I think they might be:
Arthur lester - 7 or 8/10
A lot of people seem to be drawn to him, whether that be appearance or personality wise (I totally believe this to be a side effect of John's manipulation bleeding over but skeijrir)
Claiming this because Noel asked him if was married during being asked what he wanted and when Oscar was going to ask him if he wanted to go do... something 🏳️‍🌈❓️
John Doe - 1 or 10/10
There is no in-between for this. He's either the beautiful and elegant fractured piece of the kiy or a shrimp. I will not elaborate further.
Peter Yang - 10/10
He was too sexy for the world. 😔
Eddie - 8/10
Big bruiser guy can attack me anytime, lord have mercy
Kellin - fucked up/10
I mean, hes a war veteran who wears a gas mask at all times. He's fucked up physically and mentally. I hope he's doing alright. (I- know he's not)
Antoine - 10/10
Another character too hot for the world. What a shame. 😩
The King In Yellow - 9/10
He's an elder god who's known for lavish and madness, I KNOW he's hot. Minus one point because he prolly is a lil fucked up after being split in two.
John even comments on how remarkable he is (this could be just to inflate his ego but whatever you say john,, 🙄)
The Vanguard - 0/10
Would've been a great mascot for the Talking Heads
(If I see a what that mouth do comment I will delete this fucking post)
The Trader - 6/10
Honestly, I just would love to see some Trader fanart. I think he would look cool :)
Micheal Faust - delectable/10 or 11/10
Are you Mr. Faust because damn you're looking like a fine snack. 🥴
Had a guy eat him out, like literally.
Lorick - FROG/10
FROG FRIEND, FROG FRIEND. No hot is simply FROG frien 🐸
Kayne - eeeehh,,, 5/10,, probably 6 being generous?
I know a controversial take but let me splain
Not necessarily calling him bad looking but I feel like his features would definitely be stretched and contorted just enough to be unnerving. Looks human but you can definitely tell he's not.
Yellow - piss baby/10
Roll em up like a jaundice blunt and smoke em up. 🚬
Uncle - 0/10
I know what I said about Auntie Nyan Nyan but I promise you I'm not a monster fucker.
Mmmm Antie Nyan Nyan could put a collar on me and walk me like the dirty dog I am anytime.
Wallace Larson - 8/10 personality wise - -0/10
Would probably look hot, ngl,, too bad hes rotten to the core.
I hope he's getting his femur shattered over and over again during his permanent vacay in the Dreamlands.
The Butcherrrr - 6/10
Probably wouldn't look too bad for an old man. I really dont have much more to add on him.
Butcher my beloved 💖
Marie - widow/10
She deserves the world on a silver plater 💖
Now if we're going to talk about Lilith, everyone knows she's a 20/10. That's literally her thing to be hot and to swoon men. Thankfully she did NOT do this to Arthur.
Oscar - 5/10
Idk, I just feel like he wouldn't be that hot. 🤷‍♀️
This does not make me love him even less because GOD he deserved better. 💖
Detective Noel - 9/10
God I miss my man wife. It's not even funny. 😭
I'm starving now, gotta see if I have any left over Mr. Faust in the fridge.
Yaaay I did most characters. 🎉
This kinda derailed a little bit, but eh, whatever.
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detectiveichijouji · 4 months
Final Case - The Young Prince Detective’s Gambit
[AO3 version]
The enemy who once was a beloved friend of Ichijouji Ken and Akiyama Ryo was Nokita Yuu’s true identity, Hikawa Yuuichi. After hearing Yuuichi’s side of the story and be forced to face Daisuke, who was turned into an unstable Wolfmon, Noel, as Arsenemon, appeared and prevented Wolfmon from hurting Ken. The elusive gallant phantom thief then revealed that Yuuichi’s facts were twisted, and then gave his own witness of the events. Then… something made Wolfmon attack Yuuichi’s body, out of the blue and confusing Ken’s head -- Since Daisuke himself wouldn’t be able to kill a human. Turns out that It wasn’t exactly Daisuke who did that move, and yes the good part inside Yuuichi, which possessed Daisuke’s body. With the damage of Wolfmon’s holy light blade, Yuuchi’s body was damaged, but the corrupted vessel plotted something against them all. Once Miyako and Iori were rescued and healed, thanks to their jogress partners and Soleil & Lune’s help, the group reunited at the rooftop. And witnessed the vessel summon a dormant YukiAgumon in front of them, only to fuse the last two fake shards with the digimon and evolve it into Chaosdramon.
What should we do now…??
“Ken, please… destroy my body quickly, before it uses the portion of that digimon’s power on Chaosdramon.”
“Wait, what do you mean, Daisuke-kun?” Hikari asked, frowning.
“He’s not mon ami Motomiya for a while,” Arsenemon said.
“The good part of Hikawa-kun is within Daisuke right now,” Ken told the others.
“With the remaining three shards it might be a little bit more powerful than the usual, but… I beg you, Ken, everyone… End me now, I’m not even human anymore… And I do not belong here either…”
“That’s creepy to hear coming from Daisuke’s mouth,” Miyako commented.
“... Are ya sure of that, Yuuichi?” Daisuke was pitying him, “There could be… another way--”
“There’s no other solution,” Hikawa sighed, “I’m not human anymore, I’m just… ‘something’ who once was a human.”
“Just… Promise you all will… Take care of Ken for me.”
“Hey, Ken’s tough. He had witnessed a ton of bad things and he knows we will always be on his side. No need to promise you that, dude. He got our backs, and we got his.”
“Oh might be sooooo easy peasy to beat that critter with a hole in the body” Crescemon smugged, “After all, We’re like, six digimon against one.”
“Didn’t you forget someone…?” the vessel said. And thus, Matadrmon appeared in front of it.
“Ah nice, the annoying vampire…” Daisuke complained with a displeased expression on his face, but outside his body was only glaring at the new opponent.
“Hehe, oopsie…?” Crescemon chuckled nervously…
Youta cracked his fist, “I have a score to settle with that digimon, guys. So stay away from them, they’re mine .”
“Let’s leave Matadrmon to Youta and me ,” Mizuki said, stepping forward, “You guys take care of my nonexistent brother and Chaosdramon.
“M-Mizuki…?” the boy blinked.
“That digimon caused us trouble before and is going to cause even more right now.”
“Alright,” Miyako said, looking at the others, “Everyone ready?”
They all nodded in agreement.
“Do the honors, Miyako” Daisuke chuckled, “I know you’re itching to say that line again.”
Despite not being able to hear Daisuke, Miyako grabbed her digivice and pointed it to the sky:
“Chosen Children… Let’s roll!!”
Ken was still not sure about what to do about Hikawa. Everything said to him right now was too much for his heart and mind. But Daisuke was right about him though.
“Hey, maybe there’s a reason for that! Like, maybe he’s brainwashed or somethin’?? Evil clone? Maybe he’s not gone mad!”
“Can you really kill a human being, Ken??”
As always… Daisuke’s heart was in the right place. He might not be a talented genius strategist who could come up with a very logical resolve for a battle or a dilemma…
… But Daisuke understands people and their hearts pretty well. His emotional intelligence is over the charts of this group.
“... There might be another way to solve this,” Ken muttered. The digimon (except for Arsenemon) had started their respective fights while the kids watched them. But Ken was just looking at the vessel still struggling with the critical hit caused by Wolfmon’s holy light attribute.
“What do you mean?” Daisuke (Hikawa, actually) asked him, “No, you have to listen to me, Ken! There’s no other option, you have to--”
“Daisuke is right about it, I can’t do that. If I were the Digimon Kaiser, if I still were a cruel cold hearted arrogant brat… But…”
“You never had the guts to do it, right?” Arsenemon completed it.
“... Daisuke knows me well enough. Even if back in time… When we were enemies… If I knew that humans can die for real in the Digital World… I wouldn’t have tried to hurt them at all.”
“You were shocked when you hit me in the face with your whip,” Takeru commented, “So, guess this tracks.”
“... Sigh, yes.”
“Yeah, there might be another way to save you too,” Daisuke said, “I mean… Maybe something… Like, Uhh… Purifying you? Like in some TV shows--”
“I don’t think it’s possible,” Hikawa shook his head, “Having false hopes might make it worse for Ken. I… I already hurt him enough, so I don’t--”
"Ken doesn't want to save you just because you're an old friend, he wants you to have a chance to fix your mistakes and start over, just like he did".
“A… second chance?”
"Yes, you screwed up badly, and I would understand if none of us forgave you. But everyone who shows they're willing to do better and do the right thing deserves a chance to start over.”
“Why… Are you saying that to me?”
“Because… You might be the reason I got to meet Ken in the first place? It’s not Ken who created this new reality. It was you who did it, Yuuichi. And I can’t think about a world where I’m not friends with Ken, or with Miyako, Iori, Takeru, Hikari-chan, Noel, the others… Everyone.”
“And because you’re using my body right now, so please don’t do anything reckless I can’t get another scar for some… Stupid decision.”
Hikawa laughed lightly, and it made Daisuke protest, “Hey, I’m not kidding! This ain’t a joke, dude!”
“I guess I know why Ken liked you, and I’m glad you’re his friend.”
“So, what’s the plan?” Paildramon asked them.
“...” Ken started to analyze the environment, the enemies and their allies. It would be better if they just kept Imperialdramon’s power as backup, but they now have Valkyrimon and Dominimon in their deck.
Valkyrimon has the power of resurrecting fallen allies. Meanwhile Dominimon has the power of healing them. If they have to kill Hikawa Yuuichi’s body -- which is now just operating the vessel for a part of MIlliummon power…
But doing so, would make Hikawa’s good part to cease existing and leave Daisuke’s body…
He's not sure if this could work... But how long can his connection to Daisuke last?
“You got a plan, right Ken-kun?” Miyako asked.
“It’s risky. But we have to try it.”
“Whatever you're thinking of doing, I believe you,” Daisuke said with a smile, but now it didn’t seem to be clear if it was either Daisuke or Hikawa.
“... Arsenemon, can you do a favor for me?” Ken turned to the magician phantom thief.
The fighting style Flaremon and Crescemon had was nothing like the 02 group at all: They would just unleash their most powerful attacks and leave no room for counterattacks.
Though they tended to ram, intending to destroy the target, they were also perfectly synchronized. The graceful dance moves of Crescemon covered up the more brutal and insane rampage of Flaremon.  
It becomes hard to target one or another when they’re constantly moving. Matadrmon had to keep defending themself from the mad flurry of punches thrown by Flaremon but had no time to dodge all the ice arrows shot by Crescemon.
It was a tragic disadvantage. Maybe if they could make the sun-moon duo hit each other…?
But while they looked like hostile beasts just attacking nonstop, they didn’t seem to be careless. Which was odd for this fighting style.
Matarmon could target Flaremon for being the one in a melee combat with them right now, but Crescemon’s shield was protecting him. There might be an exact moment Matadrmon could exploit and hit one of them.
“It doesn’t matter.” Matadrmon whispered, and then tried their best attempt at taking both down at once -- “Thousand Arrow.”
Then, the enemy fired countless rapiers under their sleeves. Soleil smirked, watching that desperate move, until Lune had a deja-vu.
“They’re NOT aiming at our digimon, they’re…!!”
Yes. Matadrmon knew the only time a digimon partner would let their guard down is the moment their human partner is in danger.
Crescemon and Flaremon backed up to protect the human duo, and with this they got hit by that such reckless move. They would use their own bodies (and Crescemon’s shield) to protect their partners.
The difference between Soleil and Lune and the 02 kids (plus their seniors) is that they don’t seem to care about protecting themselves in a battle. This is why Daisuke and co. snapped at their antics and approach regarding Kayono’s partner. Or even, the possible reason why Ryouma’s Psychemon partner got brutally hurt to the point it returned to DigiEgg state since then.
“Crescemon!!” / “Flaremon!!” They called their partners the moment the digimon shouted in pain.
“You’re still reckless brats. Just like your siblings.”
It was implied that Matadrmon was their enemy. The enemy that had been haunting them since their first digimon adventure with their own group. An unknown enemy who knew about them. But neither Soleil nor Lune knew about them.
Because he came from that old forgotten timeline.
“G-get up, please!” Soleil said to their partners, “We can’t let that monster beat us!!”
“An omen…” Lune whispered, “Is it… because of siblings that we… We’re like this?”
“Get yourself together, Mizuki!!” Soleil snapped, “They’re messing with us like they messed with everyone else before!!”
“... I just realized I had a brother once, and he… committed a mistake. And he was connected to your sister, and Ichijouji-kun. And to whoever this Akiyama Ryo is. We’re fated to fail.”
“It doesn’t matter if this is fate or not! We should go against the odds! We can… We can win, right?!”
“Youta, Matadrmon will keep using this dirty trick because we lack strategy! All of our victories were because we had Noel on our side!”
“We’re not like the heroes everyone loves and cherishes. We’re the bratty rogue kids everyone wants to disappear.”
“DON’T GIVE UP!!” they heard someone’s voice coming from behind them.
Soleil and Lune looked back, and saw Daisuke-or-Hikawa just screaming at them. But judging from the speech pattern, it wasn’t Hikawa at all.
“Motomiya(-kun)?” the duo said together.
“You have to work together with your digimon, and trust each other!” Daisuke just stood behind them, “It doesn’t matter if you’re a hero or not! Just do what is right, not what you think is right!!”
He put himself at risk just to say that to them, while the entire group was facing Chaosdramon and the evil vessel. He, who was angry at their behavior before… Was just encouraging them now.
“Fight together with our digimon…?” Lune repeated, and looked at Crescemon.
“And trust each other…?” Soleil did the same as well, but glancing at Flaremon.
They then looked at each other and nodded.
“We’re not heroes, but we’re still on the good side” Youta grabbed his digivice, “Can you stand up, Flaremon?”
“Aye, sir.”
“We’re the ones who will make our own destiny now. Go against the odds, Right?” Mizuki took her digivice as well, “We can beat this creep, Crescemon!”
Then… a Miracle happened: The digivices just showed the two symbols on their respective screens. A Scale on Youta’s, and a Moon’s reflection on a water surface.
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Two lights covered Flaremon and Crescemon.
Flaremon ultimate evolve to… Iustimon ! Crescemon ultimate evolve to… Dianamon !
“... What is this,” Matadrmon wasn’t impressed but didn’t feel they should  underestimate those two anymore.
Iustimon was in the form of a two-legged Firamon, wearing armor and wielding a sword in one hand. In the other, he held a mysterious symbol of a scale.
Meanwhile Dianamon was wearing a moonstone colored like armor, wielding a twin scythe-like weapon in her hands.
“This won’t be enough to beat me.”
“Don’t judge your enemies like that, you weirdo!” Dianamon shouted, and dashed against them trying to hit Matadrmon with her blades.
“You still lack intelligence.”
“... No, you do.”
Iustimon seemed to be only on standby, but he was using the scale to measure both sides’ power and abilities.
“Fair Judgement.” Iustimon said, and then when the scales synced…
“...??” Matadrmon was unable to use their special technique, Thousand Arrows , anymore.
“Whoa, you balanced the game!!” Daisuke exclaimed in awe. That digimon was so cool…!?
“Heheheh…” Soleil chuckled.
“... I’m still able to fight.” the enemy warned the duo.
“We won’t let you beat us this time!” Lune shouted.
The only payoff for turning Matadrmon unable to use that technique is that Dianamon was unable to use her strongest special ability, Crescent Harken , which could finish that fight immediately.
But that didn't change the serious look on Dianamon and Lune's faces.
“You’re done for,” Dianamon said with a terrifying tone.
“Face your judgement,” Iustimon added.
“Never…” Matadrmon replied, and then kept defending themself from Dianamon’s twin blades. The enemy knew if they wanted to beat those two at once they needed to take down Iustimon first. So Matadrmon tried to move faster than Dianamon and exploit any opening in her attack patterns, and then directly attack Iustimon.
And when they finally thought they had found a way to get out from under Dianamon's attacking pattern…
“Divine Slash.”
Iustimon would simply slash them in half very quickly.
“?!?! H-how…?!”
Matadrmon fell on their knees.
“Because you underestimated us,”  Iustimon said calmly. His noble composure was so cool in Daisuke’s opinion. Dang it, Youta your digimon is so cool?!
“This was for what you did to Kayono and Ryouma too,” Daisuke noticed Soleil fists clenching as the boy said that.
“...” Matadrmon reverted into a DigiEgg form, in front of their eyes.
“You killed him…?” Daisuke asked, out of curiosity.
“No, he has been purified,” Iustimon explained.
“Aren’t you busy with that thing??” Lune then gestured to Chaosdramon fighting the other three digimon, with an angry face;
“Don’t ‘Oh’ at us!!” Dianamon snapped, stomping her foot on the floor and clenching her hands.
“You can beat me…!”  
“I beat you before, remember?” Ken smirked, “I can do it again.”
“I’d love to watch you try and fail this time.”
“We won’t fail and we won’t let you take Hikawa-kun away this time…!”
Imperialdramon was wrestling with Chaosdramon as they talked, Dominimon was protecting the kids, and Valkyrimon… 
… Was on standby?
“How do you plan to beat me without the Digimental of Desire now?” the vessel scoffed, “I’m an anomaly with part of Millenniummon’s powers. You should’ve heard your ex-friend and killed me.”
“We will save Hikawa Yuuichi-kun this time, and I’m sure about it!”
“I asked you a question,”
“I’m not fond of explaining my plans. Sorry, you will have to figure it out.”
The vessel kept being cocky, watching the good guys not doing well… They didn’t attack at any instance…Then, they watched Chaosdramon easily beat Imperialdramon. Dominimon came immediately to heal the Imperialdramon but…
“I think it ends here…”
… Chaosdramon threw missiles against Dominimon, who used their shields to protect themself and the human kids.
“Do you think we can win??” Takeru asked Ken, concerned. At this point everyone was…
“Don’t lose your hopes!” Daisuke came back, and stood in front of Imperialdramon, “You can do it, Imperialdramon!! Everyone!!”
“Valkyrimon, do something!!” Miyako ordered. But the digimon was still on standby.
The vessel was sure he was winning. He laughed loudly , creeping Hikari out.
“Is this your plan? Chaosdramon, end them all already!!”
Chaosdramon was ready to do something when… It stopped moving?!
“..?! What??”
Ken smirk did not leave his face. What did he do?!
“I think you forgot you weren’t only fighting only us ”
Ah yes... they had taken full use of Arsenemon's abilities. What actually happened was that Imperialdramon, Dominimon and Valkyrimon were holding back, in order to distract the vessel and Chaosdramon so Arsenemon could execute his special furtive ability -- Malchanceux -- to steal the shards and then weaken Chaosdramon.
Once the phantom thief was back to the side of the kids, he gave the signal to Valkyrimon, who moved at the speed of the light and attacked Chaosdramon, making it actually step back from Imperialdramon for a moment.
It was when Imperialdramon used their positron cannon on their arm to hit Chaosdramon, who was his guard down.
“Some people here are good at acting,” Ken said with a smug smile while the others chuckled or smiled just like him, “Besides, I’ve lost countless times to my friends that… I’m good at ‘losing’ too.”
“It was… a façade?”
“It’s called ‘gambling’, monsieur imposteur ~ ” Arsenemon answered, with a sensible chuckle, “But I guess this was more likely a gambit, non? ”
“Y-you…!!” ire consumed the vessel, pretty much he LOATHED that stupid phantom thief and that cocky Ichijouji so much.
 “We’re NOT over yet!!” Takeru screamed.
“Transcendent Positron Laser!!”
Imperialdramon firmly planted their feet on the ground and charged a very powerful version of their Positron Laser.
“Zero Heavens!!”
Seconded by Dominimon firing their ultra-high-temperature lasers from their shields on their shoulders in Chaosdramon’s direction.
“Laser Javelin!!”
And then finished by Valkyrimon summoning their javelin and shooting a laser from its tip.
The three attacks combined managed to beat Chaosdramon immediately. The opponent digimon reverted back into a DigiEgg in the end of the explosion caused by the chain combo-attack.
“No…!!” The vessel shouted but before it could do something, it felt something piercing its body even further…!!
When it looked back, Iustimon and Dianamon had used their sword and an arrow of ice on the same place Daisuke-and-Yuuichi had stabbed it previously.
 At the same time, Arsenemon destroyed the remaining three shards (yes, Daisuke still had one) which cut the connection between Hikawa Yuuichi and Daisuke. Takeru quickly held Daisuke in his arms, who fainted immediately due to exhaustion.
“You messed things up for everyone” Soleil and Lune said together, “We won’t allow you to hurt anyone else, not even Noel or Ichijouji(-kun)!!”
The vessel fell on its knees. And then… Valkyrimon came and used their special ability.
“Fenrir Sword.”
They pierced the vessel with their cursed, absolute zero sword to the vital points of the enemy, and then… Killing Hikawa’s body.
Combined with Iustimon’s Divine Slash , which extinguished the evil power of Millenniummon’s shard from Hikawa Yuuichi’s body… There was nothing left there. Except…
Valkyrimon used their special ability to resurrect the fallen, and it brought it back little by little.
“... Huh… What happened…? Who are you people…? What are those monsters…?”
… Hikawa Yuuichi ceased to exist. The human in front of them had lost memories, he didn’t even know the digimon.
“... I will never be able to know… What does it feel like to have a sibling…”
Arsenemon could notice Lune and Ken were a little anguished by that closure, “... I’m sorry, he couldn’t exist as his original self. This is what would happen in the end…”
“He might not be the same person we briefly met,” Takeru said with a serious tone, “But if Daisuke-kun were awake he would’ve said something like… ‘It gives him a chance to restart anew’, right?”
“Yeah, he would say that,” Ken turned to Takeru and smiled.
“I knew mon ami Motomiya would be important for the closure of this case,” Arsenemon said, “I think… He’s the kind of person able to change people’s hearts for good.”
“Yeah, I’m aware of that,” Ken laughed lightly and gave a soft gaze at Daisuke, still in Takeru’s arms.
And then… The fake shards’ case was finally solved.
Noel Leblanc and the other two, Hino Youta and Hikawa Mizuki, offered to help the boy who once was known as Hikawa Yuuichi to readapt to daily life. Since Hikawa Yuuichi didn’t exist in this reality in the first place, he had to keep the identity of Nokita Yuu instead.
I didn’t hear about them for a while… But I hope they all are okay.
As for us…
“Ya know, being a detective was fun and all BUT! I have a life goal to achieve!!”
… Daisuke went back to his ‘ramen business’ plan.
“Huh, but you clearly were having fun with it,” Patamon blinked.
“I don’t think I can do it for life… I did not catch Arsenemon! Arsenemon who caught me!”
“You mean…” Hikari wasn’t sure if she got what Daisuke had said.
“Like, we became friends. Have you ever seen a detective being friends with the phantom thief?!”
Better not tell him that there have been cases in the Phantom Thief genre, according to Takeru-kun and Iori-kun.
“So… We won’t be using that website BBS anymore?” Wormmon asked the others.
“There might be something we can do with it…” Miyako mused, “A-after all Izumi-senpai allowed me to use his own server to host it…”
“Koushiro is always involved with our activities, dagya” Armadimon shrugged.
“Would’ve we survived without him though?” Iori said, looking at his digimon partner, “Most of the apps and devices we used through these activities came from him after all.”
“...” I was still silent, thoughtful. Thinking of all that I had been through in the span of a whole year, almost two years to be exact.
“Hey, are you still thinking about what happened?” Tailmon asked Ken, out of the blue. Everyone turned to him.
“He said Ryo-san… Went after Millenniummon to avenge me… Do you think he’s fine…?”
The group didn’t know what to say, alas.
“He disappeared… And we never had heard about him ever again…”
“Do you want to, like… Search for him?”
The group looked at Daisuke, who had just said he wanted to stop playing the detective role.
“But didn’t you say--” The digimon were asking the same question at the same time.
“I didn’t say I don’t want to keep doin’ this. I said I want to go back to work on my life’s goal!”
“When you said ‘I can’t do it for life’ you were stating you didn’t want to keep doing it”  Iori pointed it out, calmly.
“Bingo,” Miyako agreed.
“No, I mean like… If anyone needs me I will not hesitate to come and help! It’s just… I want to do my own thing. And I’m not good at thinking about complicated stuff!”
“So our next case is the whereabouts of that Akiyama Ryo guy?” V-mon asked.
“Only if our mr. Detective Ichijouji Ken wants to!”
I never doubted that Daisuke would deeply care about me, or about the others. He likes to help everyone who’s in need. He saved not only me, but other people before. He’s the glue that keeps this group together.
I wasn’t sure if investigating the mystery of Akiyama Ryo’s disappearance was right. It felt whatever is the closure of that case could end up bittersweet or a tragedy.
Do I want to know what happened to Ryo-san? Or am I afraid of what’s the answer to that question?
“Maybe you’re not ready for that yet” Daisuke added immediately, “Sorry I thought you--”
“No, you’re right. I admit I’m afraid of what we could discover about that one. If he’s dead it would just… Make what Hikawa-kun said about him going after Millenniummon…”
“I think one day you will be ready to open that case then” Miyako looked at him, “And when that time comes, we all will be with you.”
“Exactly!” Hawkmon added with a nod. The others nodded and smiled at Ken as well, as some sort of agreement and to reassure that they would always be on Ken’s side.
“Thank you, everyone” Ken smiled back, his cheeks turned a bit reddish.
Maybe, someday… I will uncover this mystery. For my own sake, to know what happened to Ryo-san…
For now, I won't take responsibility for what is beyond my control.
This case is officially closed.
A tall man, tan skin and hair similar to a Young Gennai just arrived in Tokyo… After spending the rest of his life in a country town since early 2003. It had been a while though, he had just a few vague memories of living in Tamachi since he was born. But…
He couldn’t remember that much. A blurred memory of being in another place with a kid… Them being both children, to be exact… Doing something that felt like a dream adventure.
“Ah, I took a nice nap…!” he exclaimed, stretching his arms.
A digimon was on his side, dragging the luggage. The digimon, a purple-like dragon creature with bat wings attached to the hands (which also had drills as claws-or-fingers), growled, “You can’t be that careless, Ryo! Don’t leave me carrying your stuff all alone!!”
“Ah right, sorry Monodramon.”
Although he looked like a cool, responsible adult, this guy was kind of a carefree type. But his potential was off the charts, and his skills in certain categories were extraordinary.
Not wanting the tiny Digimon to carry the luggage for him, Ryo took it carefully. It was unfair to let his partner (?) carrying that, he agreed with Monodramon with a nod and a smile.
“Now where should we go?” Monodramon asked, curious with Ryo’s plans and intentions to move all back to Tokyo.
“That’s a good question, but first we have to go to our new home and then readapt to the environment. And Then… We will go look for him .”
“That person…? The one that mysterious woman mentioned to you before…?”
Ryo nodded with a grin.
“I wonder who this person is though…” Monodramon shrugged as they walked to the exit of the train station, “You said you don’t know who is either.”
“I will know when I find him for sure!” Ryo chuckled, playfully, “I have a feeling we might meet soon or later.”
Monodramon sighed, it was pointless to argue with his partner (?), sadly.
More and more mysteries have been uncovered and unsolved so far. Not all of those have a closure and will remain unsolved.
But maybe, one day… Some of those will be resolved and closed.
A new gate to the adventure might open again.
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wokeandghey · 4 months
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I just got a drawing tablet and what better subject for my first drawing than detective Noel my beloved
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merrinpippy · 5 months
thoughts on "the detective" thus far - i only got 15 mins in!
conversation about agency! this is necessary! i'm glad it's happening and it's so good!
arthur's stutter over "yes" irt John asking about separation my beloved
i wonder if the butcher will show up again. he must, right? he's too interesting not to. if KELLEN keeps being brought up the butcher certainly will. and it's not as if harlan would have trouble bringing back a particular one off voice actor or anything lol
YOO he tell the truth to noel! he include john in the relationship as a direct amendment for how isolated john felt with oscar!
"i've been waiting for you" eh???? you whatt?
"with respect I was asking john" oh fuck yeah!!!!! i'd actually seen a post about this before i ever decided to start listening to malevolent and it's even better in context! god they're so baffled and touched
arthur speaking john's words<3 love this for them and also me <3
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jeanvaljean24601 · 4 years
How to Watch Mad Men and More Great Shows for Free Right Now
Another day, another brand new streaming platform out there begging you to subscribe to its service so you can ignore your family members and binge-watch a bunch of TV shows and movies in the name of entertainment. This time, it's NBCUniversal's Peacock, which offers a free tier as well as  two premium options (one with ads and one without). The service  features a number of programs for free, including Friday Night Lights and even Parks and Recreation, but Peacock isn't the only place you can stream great shows without breaking the bank.
Below, we've gathered up a number of shows that don't require you to shell out money for Netflix,  Hulu,  Amazon Prime,  Disney+, Apple TV+, HBO Max, Peacock, and/or  whatever other streaming service subscriptions are out there. Sometimes you just need a simple freebie. And you know what? You deserve it. So check out the list below and take comfort in knowing it won't cost you a thing.
Watch it on: IMDb TV
Until recently you had to have a Netflix subscription to watch Mad Men, AMC's Emmy-award winning period drama from Matthew Weiner that was dedicated as much to style as it was to substance. The 1960s-set series, which traced the rise and fall of flawed Madison Avenue advertising executive Don Draper (Jon Hamm) through his own complicated relationship with identity, was a pointed commentary on the toxic masculinity, sexism, and racism of the era. It also changed the way we watch and talk about TV. If you haven't seen it yet, now's the perfect time to do so.
The Dick Van Dyke Show
Watch it on: Tubi (complete series), Pluto TV (complete series)
Realizing  The Dick Van Dyke Show is streaming for free feels a bit like winning a secret lottery or viewing an exceptional piece of art without paying the museum admission fee. The popular comedy, which ran for five seasons, was created by Carl Reiner and starred Dick Van Dyke as the head writer of a TV show, while  Mary Tyler Moore portrayed his wife. It's a timeless classic — one that took home 15 Emmys during its run, and if you've yet to experience it, you literally have no excuse at this point.
The Dick Van Dyke Show Photo: Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images
Watch it on: ABC app (complete series)
Felicity is best known as the show in which Keri Russell cut her hair (not to be confused with the show in which Keri Russell wore a lot of great wigs, aka The Americans). Depicting Felicity Porter's (Russell) college years and the struggles that accompany trying to figure out who you're supposed to be, the show is also famous for Scott Speedman's whisper-talking and the ongoing battle of Ben (Speedman) vs. Noel (Scott Foley). Although the WB series was previously streaming on Hulu, you can now watch it for free on the ABC app.
A reimagining of the kitschy original series, Syfy's Battlestar Galacticastarred Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, Katee Sackhoff, Tricia Helfer, Michael Hogan, James Callis, and Jamie Bamber and explored the aftermath of a nuclear attack by the Cylons, cybernetic creatures invented by man who evolved and rebelled against their creators. The show was critically acclaimed for the way it tackled the subjects of science, religion, and politics, and for the way it explored the deeply complicated notion of what makes us human. Everything from the miniseries to the two BSG films (Razor and The Plan) is currently available to stream for free on Syfy's website, so there's no better time to watch it. So say we all!
Watch it on: IMDb TV (complete series), Tubi (complete series), Pluto TV (first 13 seasons), YouTube (first 13 seasons)
For many millennials, the fourth series in the Degrassi franchise, Degrassi: The Next Generation, is the defining iteration of the long-running Canadian series. The drama series, which was sometimes so overly dramatic it was actually funny, tackled everything from date rape and suicide to sexual orientation and teen pregnancy. The series, which launched the careers of Drake (then known as Aubrey Graham) and Nina Dobrev, is streaming on multiple free platforms.
Watch it on: ABC app (complete series)
Eli Stone really had it all, which is to say it had Victor Garber singing George Michael songs, Loretta Devine singing George Michael songs, and George Michael singing George Michael songs. What else is there? ABC's offbeat two-season comedy-drama starred a pre-Elementary Jonny Lee Miller as Eli Stone, a high-powered San Francisco lawyer whose brain aneurysm gave him prophetic visions — which usually involved his friends, family, and colleagues breaking into song. Aside from a couple of ill-advised plotlines (the pilot, which suggests vaccines cause autism, is best forgotten), the show was a blast: a weird but memorable cocktail that should have stuck around for more seasons because, as I mentioned, Victor Garber sang George Michael songs. Also, Sigourney Weaver played God?! -Kelly Connolly
Watch it on: YouTube (nearly every episode)
A true Canadian treasure,  The Red Green Show was a long-running comedy starring Steve Smith as Red Green, a handyman who constantly tried to cut corners using duct tape and who had his own cable TV show. It was a parody of home improvement shows and outdoor programs and featured segments like Handyman Corner, Adventures with Bill, and The Possum Lodge Word Game. The show ran for 15 seasons, airing on PBS in the States. 
TV Premiere Date Calendar: Find Out When Your Favorite Shows Are Back
Watch it on: IMDb TV (complete series), ABC app (complete series)
Critically beloved but struck down before its time,  My So-Called Life has been praised for its realistic and honest portrayal of teenage life, not just via Angela Chase (Claire Danes), but through the show's young supporting cast as well. Now considered to be one of the best shows of all time, it tackled topics like homophobia, homelessness, drug use, and more without ever feeling preachy or like an after-school special. Also, Jordan Catalano (Jared Leto) could lean.
Watch it on: CW Seed (first five seasons), IMDb TV (first five seasons)
If you don't have Netflix but still want to watch  Schitt's Creek, you'll be happy to know you can watch the first five seasons of the heartwarming, Emmy-nominated comedy series, about a wealthy family who loses everything they own except the town of the show's title, for free on CW Seed and IMDb TV.
Dan Levy and Catherine O'Hara, Schitt's Creek Photo: Pop TV
Watch it on: Peacock (complete series); IMDb TV (complete series)
You may never know what it feels like to have Coach Taylor (Kyle Chandler) be proud of you, but you can pretend by watching all five seasons of  Friday Night Lights, a series that was as much about a Texas community as it was about the sport that united it. By the end of the show, you'll be asking yourself "What Would Riggins Do?" and tattooing "Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose" on your body, all while chanting "Texas forever!" Trust me, it happens to everybody.
Watch it on: CW Seed (complete series)
It is relatively easy to forget that The CW series The Carrie Diaries was a prequel to  Sex and the City, because the charming show, which lasted just two seasons, was able to stand on its own. The coming-of-age series that followed a teenaged Carrie Bradshaw (AnnaSophia Robb) was relatively innocent compared to the original series. The show's 1980s setting made it easier for the writers to focus on more harmless family storylines and teenage heartbreaks, but the show never shied away from the heartstring-tugging drama of young adulthood either. It's a shame the show never got the kind of ratings it deserved and wasn't able to exist beyond Carrie's high school years, but the Season 2 finale works well as a series finale, so viewers won't feel as if the story was left incomplete. android tv box
Watch it on: CW Seed (complete series)
It's a shame Bryan Fuller's saturated dramedy  Pushing Daisies, about a pie-maker (Lee Pace) with the ability to bring the dead back to life, couldn't bring itself back to life after becoming a casualty of the 2007-08 writers' strike. A whimsical delight, the show featured the pie-maker teaming up with a local private eye (Chi McBride) to solve murders by reviving the victims for a brief time. Known for its quirky characters, eccentric visual style, and Jim Dale's pitch-perfect narration, it remains must-see TV.
Watch it on: IMDb TV (first seven seasons); Peacock
Columbo kicked off nearly every episode by revealing the crime and its perpetrator to the audience, which means unlike most crime dramas, the show was less about whodunnit and more about Peter Falk's iconic raincoat-wearing homicide detective catching them and getting them to confess. Oh, and just one more thing: it's great.
Watch it on: CW Seed (complete series)
The charming and playful Forever, which starred Ioan Gruffudd as an immortal medical examiner, was the one show that could have saved ABC's Tuesday at 10 p.m. death slot. But the network still canceled the series anyway, enraging the show's fans, who have never let the sting of its death go. Luckily, it now lives on, ahem, forever (aka until the content license expires) on CW Seed.
Watch it on: IMDb TV (complete series)
It sounds odd to say The Middle, which ran for nine seasons on ABC, was unfairly overlooked, but it always felt like the series, which followed the middle class Midwestern Heck family, was a bit of a hidden gem. It wasn't as popular with Emmy voters as, say, Modern Family, and critics also failed to give it its due, but it was a real, heartfelt, reliable family comedy with mass appeal, and you can stream it on IMDb TV for free. h96 tv box
Watch it on: ABC app (complete series)
Trophy Wife's short life — it was canceled after just one season — can probably be chalked up to its unfortunate title, which was meant to be ironic but ultimately kept viewers from tuning in and experiencing the warmth of the show and the relationships at its center. Malin Akerman starred as the young wife of  Bradley Whitford's middle-aged lawyer, and the comedy explored the dynamics between the two, his children, and his two ex-wives, who were played by  Marcia Gay Harden and  Michaela Watkins. h96 max x3
Watch it on: NBC app (complete series)
Loosely based on the Biblical story of King David, Kings was a compelling drama before its time. Rudely cut down after just one season by NBC, the show starred Ian McShane as the king of the fictional kingdom of Gilboa, while  Christopher Egan portrayed an idealistic young soldier whose counterpart is David. The show also starred Sebastian Stan, which is reason enough to want to check it out.
Watch it on: ABC app (complete series)
Ray Wise portrays Satan in Reaper, a supernatural dramedy about a slacker (Bret Harrison) who reluctantly becomes a reaper tasked with capturing escaped souls from hell after it's revealed his parents made a deal with the devil many, many years before. The fact the show only lasted two seasons is a crime against humanity. Luckily, you can watch it in its entirety for free on the ABC app. h96 max x3
Watch it on: IMDb TV (complete series)
A team of experts led by a kooky old scientist (John Noble), his son (Joshua Jackson), and an FBI agent (Anna Torv) investigate strange occurrences around the country, X-Files style, in the J.J. Abrams-produced Fringe. The series is one of the best broadcast science-fiction shows of all time, particularly in its first three seasons, and perfected the art of the serialized procedural by weaving the show's deep mythology and excellent character work into weekly standalone stories, making it easy to binge or watch in spurts. And by the time the end of Season 1 starts, you'll have a hard time stopping. -Tim Surette
Watch it on: Tubi (complete series), Vudu (complete series)
Although American TV producers would eventually adapt  Being Human, the original British version, which followed three supernatural beings trying to live amongst humans, is far superior. The show, which ran for five seasons, starred Aidan Turner, Russell Tovey, and  Lenora Crichlow as a vampire, werewolf, and ghost, respectively. So skip the U.S. version entirely and watch the U.K. series for free.
Watch it on: Pluto TV (complete series),  Vudu (complete series), Tubi (complete series)
The Australian young adult-oriented series Dance Academy is not exactly what you'd call "great television," but it is great fun. Brimming with teen angst and melodrama, the series, which ran for three seasons and even had a follow-up movie, followed a handful of dancers at Sydney's National Academy of Dance as they trained in the sport they loved while also falling in and out of love with each other. The acting was sometimes questionable, but the series itself was addictive, not to mention one of the easiest binges you'll ever encounter. h96 max tv box
3rd Rock From the Sun
Watch it on: Tubi (complete series), Pluto TV (complete series), Crackle (all six seasons),  Vudu (all six seasons)
You might think a show about a group of socially awkward, 1,000-year-old aliens in human skin suits who are trying (badly) to pose as a human family and blend into an ordinary Midwest town might sound ridiculous, and, well, that's fair. But  3rd Rock From the Sun was still charming in even its most bizarre moments and gave its cast a lot of room to play up their roles and create an ensemble of weirdos that, at some point or another, start to tap into their newfound humanity and relish their new home here on Earth. -Amanda Bell.
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thefifthclown · 5 years
Part 1, Chapter 6-That’s Why I Told You to Escape; Scene 3
Fifth, Pierrot, pages 190-200
December 26th. 2AM.
Ayn was near the president’s estate.
It wasn’t to eavesdrop on President Julia. It was because he had been called there by someone.
Yesterday, a letter had reached Ayn. The contents were extremely simplistic, but the important thing for him had been the name of who sent it.
Heidemarie Lorre.
The woman who had once been his coworker, and his girlfriend.
A letter had arrived from her after she’d been missing for over a year. The penmanship was hers, there was no mistaking it. It was very like her to write such broken up and hard to read lettering.
He couldn’t see her anywhere. But that was also like her, in a way. Heidemarie never observed their agreed-upon times.
Ayn continued to wait for her, glancing around at his surroundings.
There wasn’t a soul around, this time of night. The darkness and silence had enfolded the entire district. If it had been a little earlier he could have seen the lights of Milanais theater even from here.
I’m freezing…
It could have snowed. That was how cold it was.
It was half past two in the morning.
Heidemarie still hadn’t come.
As one might expect, Ayn had started to become a little irritated, huffing white puffs of breath.
She’s late, no getting around it…Maybe the letter was fake…Or maybe something happened with her…
Should he go back already?...Or should he wait a little bit longer?...
While he was pondering this, it happened.
He could hear something coming from a back alley.
“--!?...Is that a cat?”
It probably wasn’t anything to worry about. But Ayn casually headed in that direction.
It was just an alley, nothing particularly unusual about it. Yet, he had seen this sight before.
He remembered. The incident that had happened four years ago.
I see…This place is…
Ayn then proceeded into the alley.
There was no cat. Instead, there was a single figure.
As the figure was hard to see clearly, their appearance obscured by shadow, Ayn thought for just a moment that it was Heidemarie.
But the figure looked a little bit shorter than she did.
“Good evening.”
It was a man—or rather a boy’s voice. When he drew closer he could make him out more clearly. His face was painted white, and he was wearing gaudy clothing…Dressed just like a clown.
“Detective Ayn Anchor…Thanks to you ‘Pere Noel’ has been put in quite the crisis. Do a favor for ‘First, Santa Claus’…and die here tonight.”
He was gripping a silver knife in his hand. That knife had been used to take many lives up to this point.
--This was “Fifth, Pierrot”. There was no mistake.
If it hadn’t been in this place…if it hadn’t been this back alley, Ayn’s reasoning would have stopped there. Ayn could see Pierrot’s appearance, with his true face hidden, overlap with that of a certain boy.
“Are you…Lemy Abelard?”
Pierrot didn’t hide his surprise at Ayn’s question.
“--!? How do you know—”
“So you are, then…Don’t you remember? The day we met.”
“What are you…talking about? What in the world do you—”
On Lemy’s part, he had first seen Ayn’s form when he’d been hidden in the ceiling at the Lucifenian palace.
But they hadn’t met directly then.
“Four years ago. When you were attacked by hoodlums here. That was when we met,” Ayn told him.
“…It can’t be…”
“I was participating in the investigation to capture ‘Fifth, Pierrot’. We had a tipoff that he was to appear in a show in Milanais Theater, and I infiltrated the circus to search for him—yes, dressed as a clown.”
“…You’re lying.”
“A disaster happened, then. A wild-animal tamer child was mauled to death by a lion. It wasn’t the work of ‘Fifth, Pierrot’…but apparently he wasn’t expecting it either. By chance I caught sight of him as he panicked and fled the theater. I gave chase—and then came to this alley.”
Lemy gave no reply. Ayn continued, heedless to his silence.
“There, I heard a scream. It was a boy’s voice. It wasn’t the direction that ‘Fifth, Pierrot’ had run to…but I couldn’t just let it go, either. I gave up on chasing him, and headed for where I’d heard the voice. There was a boy and two thugs.  Apparently the two ruffians got me mixed up with ‘Fifth, Pierrot’—”
“That’s a lie! You’re lying to me! The idea that that pierrot was just a police officer—”
“…After I saved you, I immediately returned to the hunt for ‘Fifth, Pierrot’. But he was already long gone. …My superior at the time chewed me out good. Throwing away a once in a lifetime chance like that.”
“That’s enough.”
As he spoke, Lemy raced towards him, the knife in his hand. But he was clearly shaking.
It wasn’t all that difficult for Ayn to dodge the end of his knife, trembling as he was.
“Lemy. Why are you doing this? Are you under orders from your mother—from President Abelard? If that’s the case, then she’s deceiving you. To think that she’d be forcing her own child to do this—”
“It has nothing to do with my mother! This is my own will! I’ll erase you, and so erase my worthless aspirations in the past! And then—I will become the true ‘Fifth, Pierrot’!”
Lemy charged again. Ayn shifted to dodge his knife once more.
--! Dammit!
There was a large rock by his feet. He hadn’t seen it there due to how dark it was. Ayn tripped, and fell to the ground on his back.
Lemy quickly moved to straddle him. He took his knife in both hands, and lifted it high.
He would be killed—Ayn screwed his eyes shut without thinking.
An explosive shot suddenly resounded through the alley.
He had heard that sound before.
That had—been a gun.
And not just from any regular firearm.
That…was from Heidemarie’s gun—
Ayn opened his eyes.
His gaze fell on someone who had fallen, leaning on him.
It was Lemy. Red was staining his chest. He’d been shot.
It was straight to the heart. A fatal wound.
“Wh…y? My…chest hurts…” he whispered, his voice fading.
Ayn stood, holding Lemy in his arms, and then laid him down on the ground.
When he looked up, a new figure had appeared.
She was standing there wordlessly, revolver in her right hand. Smoke was wafting from the gun.
“—My my, that was careless of me. Looks like I forgot to ‘hypnotize’ you into forgetting Gumillia’s face.”
From deeper in the alley another person approached. She was in a wheelchair. The owner of that brothel.
“No…That’s not it.” In the back of Ayn’s mind, a memory resurfaced. “Yes…How could I have forgotten you until now? You’re…You are—Hanne.”
Her hair color had changed, but it was none other than Heidemarie’s older sister, Hanne Lorre.
“It’s been some time since I was called by that name.”
“Why…are you two—”
“To kill ‘Fifth, Pierrot’, of course. –Sorry, Ayn. We sort of used you as bait.”
Hanne moved the wheelchair herself, and drew close to Lemy’s fallen body.
“…That’s why I told you to escape.”
Lemy looked up at Hanne with blank eyes.
In his mind, she looked to be sneering down at him.
“Why…you said…you’d save me…”
“Only if you didn’t betray me. I wish that I could have gotten you away from Julia. But…you picked her. You decided for yourself to take the path of ‘evil’. I couldn’t just leave a ‘Twin of God’ in her hands—so I had no choice but to do this.”
“I’m—not ‘evil’. The evil ones…are the whole wo—”
“No. Maybe you were using justice as a pretext. Maybe you thought you were doing it for your mother and Rin. --I remember a boy who looked quite like you, a long time ago. He too committed sins, for the sake of his older sister.  Though the world scorned her as ‘evil’, he alone tried to protect her. But he didn’t enjoy killing people. …You had begun to take pleasure in the act of murder, using your mother and friend as an excuse. You and he—aren’t anything alike.”
Blood was gushing from Lemy’s chest.
“I don’t want to die—I don’t want to die.”
“I expect the people that you’ve killed felt much the same way. …You just enjoy murdering people. An outcome like this is quite fitting for one like you. A low end with neither punchline nor catharsis. But…this is the story that you chose.”
“If this…is my…story…What should…I have…done?”
Hanne shook her head.
“I don’t know. How about you ask Ney?”
“Ney…where is Ney? I can’t hear her voice. Even though she’s always been so annoyingly by my side…Hey…where’s…Ney…”
Lemy raised his hand and grasped at air.
But there was nothing there. At least, Ayn couldn’t see anything.
He couldn’t save him now—not like he had four years ago.
Ayn still didn’t get what was going on now.
What relation did Hanne and Heidemarie have with Lemy?
Why did Heidemarie shoot him?
And as for Hanne—was she even really “Hanne Lorre” in the first place?
Her face was the same…but to Ayn she looked a little different than the Hanne that he knew.
Her true identity was that of the “Eternal Sorceress”, Elluka Clockworker—that’s what he’d learned of her before she disappeared.
But it wasn’t just that. There was something more frightening than that about her now—
While he still didn’t understand everything.
One fact was clear.
--The story of “Fifth, Pierrot” was drawing to a close now.
At some point, it had started to snow.
Ayn remembered that tomorrow would be the day of the Nativity Festival.
Beneath the piling snow, the fallen Lemy’s eyes started up at the sky.
But there was no longer any light lingering in them.
Duel challenge:
To my beloved sister-in-law,
I’ll be waiting at Merrigod Plateau.
From Irina Clockworker
As Julia Abelard
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arbeaone · 5 years
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The Skinny Magazine Published on May 01, 2017
[ View larger version here ] Text from the article can be read below. (There may be some errors.)
The Mighty Barratt
Beloved curmudgeonly comic Julian Barratt makes a jump to the big screen with the endearingly silly Mindhorn, in which he plays a washed-up actor caught up in a murder plot. He talks about the pomposity of actors and a possible return of The Mighty Boosh
Interview: Jamie Dunn
Movie actors are a funny old lot. Essentially they're big kids who've been paid handsomely to raid the dressing up box, but to hear them talk you'd think they were curing cancer. Comedian, musician, writer and actor Julian Barratt finds his fellow thespians' self-importance endlessly hilarious. "It’s so hard to not sound like an arse when you talk about acting,” he says down the phone from London. “So it's a very rich territory for comedy.” You can see this self-seriousness at work on shows like Inside the Actors Studio and those round table discussions The Hollywood Reporter do around the time of the Oscars. “Oh, those round tables are just great,” Barratt chuckles. “They're full of people trying to make out they don't care about acting and it’s just a job. ‘We're just like plumbers, but working with different materials; the plumber works with pipes, I work with human emotions.' Or when you talk about how privileged you are to work with whoever - even that comes across as annoying."
Barratt channels some of this pomposity into Richard Thorncroft, the protagonist of Mindhorn, his inspired new comedy, which he co-wrote with Simon Farnaby. At the start of the film we discover Thorncroft enjoyed some low-level fame in the 80s as the title star of Mindhorn, a cheesy detective show in which the titular sleuth uses his bionic eye to literally see the truth; his ocular gift helped him interrogate bad guys, but it also came in handy while seducing women. We see snippets of the show - which comes across like a mashup of Bergerac and The Six Million Dollar Man - throughout this feature-length comedy, but the majority of the action takes place in the modern day, where Thorncroft has become a grotesque has-been; overweight and toupeed, he reaches a career nadir when he loses his latest gig, a TV ad for orthopaedic socks, to John Nettles (of Bergerac fame).
Thorncroft is a joke, but Barratt can certainly empathise. “He is very much a version of me after a couple of bad decisions,” laughs Barratt. He reckons at actors are a few poor choices away from Thorncroft’s predicament. "I don't think it takes much: make the wrong career move here and there, and a couple of bad relationships, and suddenly you're on your own and you're grasping at straws.”
Barratt is being modest, surely. The 48-year-old has been a key player in some of the 21st century's most feverishly adored British comedies. With Noel Fielding he created the wildly surreal The Mighty Boosh, in which he played “jazz maverick” Howard Moon, a character even more pompous than Richard Thorncroft. Then there’s Dan Ashcroft, the self-loathing journalist who finds himself inside a maelstrom of idiocy in East London's hipster scene as depicted in Chris Morris and Charlie Brooker’s prescient sitcom Nathan Barley. He also had a recurring role in spoof supernatural medical drama Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace. And that’s not to mention Will Sharpe's brilliant Channel 4 show Flowers, from last year, in which Barratt gave his darkest- and finest- performance yet as a suicidal children’s book author.
Despite this success, Barratt insists a Richard Thorncroft-style fall from grace is a real worry. “Sure, I've made shows that have connected and that I'm very proud of, but you're always trying to think of the next thing you're going to do. You have to keep asking, 'Do I still have it in me to do another thing that people want?' I have friends who never got into show business at all, and they have proper jobs - they do their job and they're not constantly thinking, 'What can I do next?' 'How can I make it valid?’ ‘Is this going to work?’ 'Are people going to be interested?’ They just do a job and then at the end of the week they turn off and go out. I sometimes envy them that sort of life.”
We're glad he's stuck with comedy, as Mindhorn contains some of Barratt's most gut-bustingly funny material. With his career in the toilet, Richard Thorncroft is given a reprieve. When a deranged serial killer on the Isle of Man tells the police he’ll negotiate, but only with Mindhorn, whom he believes to be a real detective, Thorncroft is given a cushy gig resurrecting his old character to try and solve the murders. Files the film with ¡Three Amigos!, Galaxy Quest and Tropic Thunder, the other great comedies about actors being mistaken for their characters and pulled into real-life peril. The initial idea came from Barratt’s friend and co-star Simon Farnaby. “Really nerdy fans of The Mighty Boosh will know that Mindhorn is the name of a half-man, half-fish creature that appears in one of the Boosh's songs,” Farnaby explains when we meet him in Glasgow ahead of the film’s Scottish premiere at Glasgow Film Festival. “He's very obscure, he appears in one of the songs from the radio show, I think. Julian had given me the CD and I heard the name Mindhorn and I just wrote it down because it sounded like an 80s detective show, you know, these one word shows like Wycliffe or Spender.”
The pair clearly love this very particular genre; you have to love something to satirise it as well as Barratt and Farnaby do in Mindhorn. But the film isn't simply a nostalgic piss-take in the mould of, say, MacGruber, Will Forte’s hilariously crude parody of MacGyver, the action-adventure American equivalent of the shows Mindhorn send up. Barratt came up with the twist that the films should be about the actor who used to be in Mindhorn, and Richard Thorncroft was born. This was over a decade ago. "Originally Julian thought he was too young to play Thorncroft,” says Farnaby. “Whoever played the character had to be old enough to be believable as an aging has-been. We thought: let's get someone like Ben Kingsley to do it!” But so slow was the writing process that Barratt soon found he was approaching the perfect vintage to take on the role. “He likes to tell people he put on weight for the part,” chuckles Farnaby, “but he didn't, he just carried on doing what he normally does.”
Barratt is far more complimentary about his writing partner: "Simon is great because he's very pragmatic. He's great at just getting to the end of things. I'll get really caught up with the problems and the details, agonise over them a lot, so we were a good team." How does he feel about writing on his own?” "I can’t stand it to be honest. I'll do it. I mean, I like to write with someone and then go off and write a bit on my own and bring it back. But writing on your own is lonely, it’s bloody awful."
Talking of writing partnerships, Barratt is still best known for his wildly inventive stage show and BBC sitcom The Mighty Boosh, which he co-wrote and co-starred in with Noel Fielding. It was a classic chalk and cheese double act: Fielding's Vince Noir was a glam rock dadaist with a child-like spirit of adventure while Barratt’s Howard Moon was a curmudgeonly jazz-enthusiast and the butt of almost every joke. Rumours of a revival, or even a feature-length project, have been floating around since the pair's last official Boosh performance in 2009.
Barratt sounds open to the idea. "I don’t want to start any rumours, but we never finished with the Boosh," he says. "We parked it essentially. So it's like a crazy old car that we drove around in, and it’s still there. We could get it out, we could look at it, try and get the engine going again, give it a new coat of paint. Sometimes you think it’s best just to leave something where it was and not try and recreate that magic, but who knows?" He gives a long pause and chuckles. 'We'll probably run out of money at some point and you'll see us doing it.”
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bravomckenzie · 3 years
how do you choose which songs you use for playlists? like what is the criteria lol
this turned into a ted talk i am sorry HDJSHD
okay so for my character specific playlists, i always do a combo of songs that:
have the same ~vibe~ as the character like same energy or whatever or like just make me think of them
are relevant to the characters general storyline in relation to the characters side of things
^ the opposite end, aka the presumed feelings of the characters love interest aka for the two fandoms i’ve made playlists for, mc or the detective
i think the character themselves would relate to
so for this bobby playlist as my example heres which songs fall into which category (some might be in more than one) so you can like see what i mean exactly
bobby vibes:
shampain, somewhere in my heart, don’t threaten me with a good time, short kings anthem, on my own
relevant to his side of the storyline:
girls talk boys, gold rush, pretty girl, ready to run, adore you, obvious, electric love, walk the line
relevant to mc’s side:
trainwreck, touch, this kiss, malibu, finally, whatta man, electric love, i think he knows, walk the line, thinking of you (disaster recoupling war flashbacks)
songs i think he’d relate to:
connection, i hate everybody, mirrorball, somebody to love
but when i first make them, i just go through my library and add any song i think could even 1% fit into any of the categories. i usually end up having 50-75 songs by the time i’m done.
then i go through and cut it down to either 15 or 25 songs.
examples of songs i cut:
i feel like dancin’ - all time low, hitchhiker - demi lovato, sorry - halsey, liability - lorde, the rain - missy elliott, end of the day - one direction, etc.
once i’ve shortened the playlist, that’s when i go through and order it. this part is the hardest part tbh like where i do jump around genres so much, it takes forever to put them in an order that sounds good. i always have at least one or more country song, early 2000s song, and probably too many taylor swift songs (i can do it baby i know the law) so trying to make them work all together can take a while sometimes
the ordering process sometimes gets songs deleted bc i simply can’t find a spot for them. then i have to replace whatever i had to cut so i’ll go back through my library and add like 5 more songs and just test the waters with them.
but also sometimes my ordering has a different strategy than just the sound.
for example, in this bobby playlist, there’s a subtle joke within it. short kings anthem ends with cody and noel doing that radio show caller bit. the last line of the song is “well that’s great to hear, caller! glad you got your dick wet. next up, halsey!” and then a halsey song is what actually comes next.
or like my a du mortain playlist started with the prologue by halsey aka mostly just a reading of the prologue to romeo and juliette.
or when i made that wee playlist for myself that someone asked me to make once. it starting with let’s go crazy by prince was on purpose. i wanted it to start with those opening lines: “dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life.” and then my marisol playlist had a strategic first song too bc i wanted it to open with “this aint for the best. my reputation’s never been worse, so you must like me for me.” bc of when marisol’s route begins.
but yeah that’s that on that i hope i was at all helpful in finding the info you wanted and sweetie i’m so sorry for how much i talked yall know damn well that i just got shit to say
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izel-scribbles · 2 months
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Detective Noel yippeeeee
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and, as promised, shirtless noel NOEL SCAR CHART
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i’m already scared of the notes. please for the love of god try to behave yourselves
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A Condominium Conversion Idea.
London is my beloved urban area around the world and also it's an area that attract me back to it again and again. I enjoyed this online excursion of Bathtub, England a whole lot! There's an odds passion might peek know your trip of New York Urban area as you stare right into the Bethseda Fountain on Bethseda Balcony. Seeming towards the future, the Paul Smith Kid's Town in the Cheyenne Botanic Gardens showcases lasting bodies for power creation, water premium, meals production and also even more. Father Anthony Daniel, Brother Gabriel Lalemant, Father Charles Garnier, and also Father Noel Chabanel, were actually hurt and killed at various opportunities, but all for the exact same factor - their affection for The lord, their affection for the Indians as God's little ones, and their desire to take them the love of God via lifestyle in the Chapel. The complicated component concerning this part of Origin is that Adam has actually customarily been counted as the very first human The lord produced, and also although Genesis 5 lists creations of spin-offs residing years each as well as having several little ones, the population bottlenecks at the flooding where only eight people are actually stated to have actually endured via Noah's ark. Nourish us, God, with the living Bread as well as create our team drink deep-seated of the mug of salvation: that, following the teaching of thy Bishop Ignatius, as well as enjoying the faith with which he embraced the death of a Martyr, our experts may be actually supported for that eternal life which he ever before intended; with Jesus Christ thy Kid our Lord, who reigneth and also liveth with thee, in the oneness of the Holy Spirit, ever one The lord, planet without end. There will definitely be actually a time of festivities in honour of the famous street as it is consumed by nearby businesses. Individually, I find the Ubaid lifestyle as the organic indigenous people of that area influenced due to the visibility of beings that seemed to be timeless and god-like in comparison. In the course of his educational institution days, he said to the International Consortium of Investigative Reporters that he utilized to "sit around as well as consume sandwiches as well as perform songs" with Osama container Laden as well as his brother or sisters, when "Osama was OKAY." He added that he possibly found out about 40 can Laden family members and that the majority of them were nice individuals.
He was born to English aristocrats in the overdue 4th century; as in most noble family members back then, Patrick as a later child was predestined for the priesthood to take tax rewards to his affluent family members. Your post has sharpened my appetite for this, the absolute most attractive area in the world. Aeneas sprang on Aphareus child of Caletor, as well as happened him along with a spear in his neck which was actually transformed in the direction of him; his scalp dropped on one side, his headgear and defense came down alongside him, as well as fatality, lifestyle's adversary, http://twoja-zdrowa-dieta.info was shed around him. In the wake of her subterfuge and triumph, she was actually fêted by her people The celebration lasted for days, and also a tune was made up in her praise, complimenting her accomplishment of courage and also in providing the people from a specific death along with her elegance as well as her smarts.It has always been a popular joke that everybody in Nyc Urban area looks like they are actually going somewhere to make love (the garments, the makeup, the necessity ...), yet that couple of really come to that location. It fixates the 1955 bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama and also just how Spaceck's character - a regular white, upscale housewife - comes to be knowledgeable about the truth of her housekeeper's lifestyle and the prejudice she experiences daily.Yet 1489 individuals were actually detected along with dementia, typically Alzheimer's ailment (simply under 80%); 1285 possessed a stroke, almost 2 thirds of which (65%) was triggered by a blood clot (ischaemic); and 263 were identified with parkinsonism.Bed insects are coming to be a simple fact of lifestyle in the USA. While you should not permit mattress insects push you right into hiding, it's prudent to become positive as well as take preventative measures, especially during the holiday traveling time.
0 notes
annarellix · 6 years
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My review: (5*) I love this series and always thought they were really good mysteries but this Iis the best in the series. The plot keep you guessing till the end and I stayed awake late in the night hooked by the developments, twists, and turns. The characters are well developed and it's interesting how thing evolves from one book to the next. The paranormal element that was quite heavy in the previous book is present but in a light way. The cast of characters is always likeable and the cats are adorable. I look forward to reading the next instalment. Highly recommended! Many thanks to Kensington Books and Netgalley for this ARC
The plot: Lee Barrett has landed her dream job at Salem’s WICH-TV. As the new field reporter, she’ll be covering events live as they’re unfolding. Next on her holiday checklist is an interview with the beloved chairman of a popular walking tour through Salem’s historic districts. But it may be his ghost walking this snowy Noel season after Lee finds him murdered in his stately offices, bloody Santa hat askew. With her police detective boyfriend working the case and a witch’s brew of suspects—including some bell-ringing Santas—Lee chases down leads aided and abetted by her wise cat O’Ryan and some unsettling psychic visions of her own. When a revealing clue leads to another dead body, not even a monster blizzard can stop Lee from inching closer to the truth . . . and a scoop that could spell her own demise this killer Christmas. 
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detectiveichijouji · 5 months
Case 34 - The Heroic Kaiser?
[AO3 version]
The Space Trio had handed a data file to the 02 Group, in the aftermath of their fight against one old Soleil and Lune’s acquaintance named Kayono:
“This student’s title is ‘The Kaiser’, and he’s some sort of ace in his field.”
Ken remembered those words, and the next ones:
“His grades are above the school’s expectations, some sort of genius kid. And knowing Ichijouji Ken-kun here used to be called the ‘Genius Boy’ in the past…”
 He looked at the file again, now hearing Daisuke’s voice in his head:
“They could be the one targeting Ken, right?”
Just like Youta and Mizuki have the titles Soleil and Lune at Dai-Take-Hika’s school… Ken hadn’t time enough to check if anyone else at his own school would have something similar to those. But Noel might be right, someone from his school is targeting him, and playing with innocent lives… Trying to catch his attention, like a legit criminal from one of those detective stories.
“It can be just a coincidence,” he frowned, “This person looks like Taichi-san in terms of appearance though…”
“Tsukiyono-kun! Can you help with my homework…?”
Ken didn’t know this person, but it was indeed from his class. But how could he never have seen that student before? The answer is…
“Ah, sure sure! Show me where’s the problem.”
… That this kid was actually a transferred student.
All flags pointed at this kid. He suddenly got popular, beloved by everyone enough to use that suspicious title-nickname for 3 weeks?!
Ken watched the boy from his desk: Light brown fluffy hair but its “spiky” edges were cut, green eyes, a scar in the left ear…
“He can’t be… can he…?” Wormmon whispered to Ken. But soon or later he would know, Miyako is investigating that boy in her free time.
Then he got up from his desk, right after the ‘Kaiser’ finished helping the other student and left. Ken followed him to the hallways, with Wormmon on his back.
“Um, excuse us, Kaiser-sama--”
The boy stopped, and then witnessed Ken just staring at Wormmon’s head which was resting on his shoulder, as if he had just slipped a BIG secret by sheer accident.
“Don’t mind him…” Ken laughed nervously, covering Wormmon’s mouth immediately, “You’re… Tsukiyono Seishiro, by the way?”
“Yes, and you are…?”
“Ichijouji Ken, we’re classmates,” he uncovered Wormmon’s mouth, “And this is Wormmon.”
“N-Nice to meet you!” Wormmon babbled, awkwardly.
“Ah, I see… You’re the national celebrity, the ‘Genius Boy’ from the news?”
“I’m not a celebrity anymore, but yes” Ken nodded, calmly.
“True, your reign as Japan’s genius prodigy has ended shortly, right?” Seishiro smiled, it didn’t seem fake though? “But what would you want from me?”
So far Ken did not find anything that could lead this transferred student to be the wannabe Digimon Kaiser.
“Have you heard the news?” Ken started playing dumb, speaking politely and relaxed, “There’s strange jewelry and ceramic pieces being distributed by people turning them into unstable digimon.”
He knew that if Seishiro was indeed the one targeting him and his friend, some awkward reaction would be spotted by them.
“Ah, yes. Those cases are happening around Tokyo, right?”
“Exactly,” Ken said as Wormmon silently nodded his head.
“Huh… It’s a bit  suspicious of you asking me about that, are you involved in those cases?”
Ken’s heart skipped a beat. If he answered that, he would reveal he was the original Digimon Kaiser a long time ago. But there’s no way he could inform that he’s being framed for those crimes without--
“Tsukiyono-san, he’s the young prince detective who’s helping the police with those cases.”
Seishiro, Ken and Wormmon looked at the boy behind Seishiro, who was…
 “So obviously he would be involved in some way.”
Nokita Yuu?! -- Ken said to himself, mentally.
“Oh? So you’re playing the role of a detective?” Seishiro smiled again at Ken, “Interesting…”
Huh… That sounds strange…
“Ichijouji-kun is a Chosen Child, didn’t you know?” Nokita gestured to Wormmon, “He and his friends are the only ones who can solve those cases unlike us.”
“You’re not partnered with a digimon?” Wormmon asked, blinking.
“No, I don’t…” Seishiro shook his head, gently.
“So, our only duty here is to hand those shards to Ichijouji-kun” Nokita said with a light punch on Seishiro’s arm, “Tsukiyono-san, don’t forget that.”
Nokita kept walking, and once he was far enough from the other two, he dropped that smile.
“You went straight to ask the school’s ‘Kaiser’ if he’s involved in those digimon cases? Pathetic.”
The 02 Group gathered at Ken’s house after class… Except for Daisuke, sadly.
“So, what’s the news, dagya?” 
“We talked with the Kaiser person from Ken-chan’s school,” Wormmon responded.
“Yes, he’s a transferred student,” Ken added, “Tsukiyono Seishiro. He’s from my classroom.”
“Hmm…” Tailmon mused.
“I’ve researched for that name,” Miyako said next, showing them her laptop screen, “And apparently he is part of a manga and anime online forum.”
The screen showed one of the posts in a thread.
“We weren’t that sure if it was the same person at first, because he uses an alias called ‘Seishiro513’ but…”
“It’s not a random number, right?” Hikari said.
“ ‘513’ is in Gorowase , correct?” Iori asked, “And this means…”
“... ‘Ka-i-za’ which is ‘Kaiser’,” Ken answered, “So this is our suspect indeed.”
“What else do we know about this person?” Takeru looked at Miyako.
“He usually writes long reviews on manga, anime and games. But recently… He replied to a topic about the digimon incidents,” Hawkmon explained.
“Huh?” Patamon blinked.
“Suspicious…” Wormmon commented, while everyone else was reading the topic.
Their eyes widened when they read…
[I have one of those shards. Let me know if you have any questions.]
“W-what?!” Hikari gasped, “What did he mean by that?!”
“How old is this message, Miyako-san?” Iori asked with a serious tone, and then everyone started looking for the timestamps on the page.
“It was a day ago.”  
“Maybe we should contact Tsukiyono again,” Ken said, but suddenly…Ken’s phone rang.
“Who’s calling now, dagya?” Armadimon blinked. The group stood in silence as Ken answered the call.
They all thought it was Daisuke or Noel, but…
“Hello, Smooth young detective.”
“It’s you again…” Ken bit his lips, “What do you want?”
“I’d like to inform you that I will drop a fragment next to my new victim. Can you find it before it activates?”
“... Fine. Anything else?”
“Nothing else for now. But I will contact you again once I get more games for you.”
And then, the mysterious voice (? The Kaiser-wannabe?) hung up.
“Who was, Ken-chan?” Wormmon asked.
“We got a fair warning about the next victim.”
“Noel, ya know I don’t feel fine working with your other two friends because they don’t give a…”
“Yes, I know” Noel signed, “But I can’t turn my back on you and your friends either.”
“You said you had something to tell us,” V-mon interrupted, “then go ahead. Spill the beans. Start talking.”
Noel scratched his head, awkwardly. His absence from the previous battles involving the shards were because he was busy with other stuff, disguised in the crowd.
“I think you need to open your eyes and be more careful about your surroundings.”
“Huh?” Daisuke raised an eyebrow, “Whaddya mean, Noel?”
“I couldn’t tell Soleil-san and Lune-san before, but…”
Noel looked straight into Daisuke’s eyes, his hair flowing in the wind and his green eyes being visible.
Miyako used the radar to spot the faux shard, but Ken decided to leave it to her and Hikari to secure it before things went south. Takeru, Iori and him settled for going after Tsukiyono Seishiro instead, having all the evidence against their suspect.
They kept in touch via their earpiece communicators, borrowed from Koushiro once again.
The file given by Soleil and Lune had the address of Seishiro’s residence, and this was their first step there. The Tsukiyono family had another child, an older sister named Miyuki, who they met leaving the house.
She had the same face as her brother, and spiky blonde hair, yellow gold eyes. The boys asked for her brother, and she pointed with her thumb to the apartment’s interior. Ken asked if they could see him, and she allowed them to get in.
They stood in front of the boy’s room, the door locked. Takeru knocked on.
“Tsukiyono-kun? Are you there?”
No answer.
Miyako and Hikari used the shard radar to guide them to another area. There was no other fragment detected at the moment, and they thought they were lucky. Nefertimon and Aquilamon landed on a school’s yard in Shinjuku, and then started to check for the fragment.
“It must be somewhere in this area…” Miyako said, checking her laptop while Hawkmon and Tailmon alongside Hikari inspected the area.
“Ah? What is that shiny object over there, at the top of the building?”
“Could it be…?!”
There was a crow touching that suspicious object though…?
It was when…
“They all were caught in a trap, ” Noel sighed, as if he was already beaten by his adversaries.
“A trap?” Daisuke gasped, “And you hid this from everyone?!” he babbled.
“No, I didn’t…!! Actually, I know who the faux Digimon Kaiser is, and he’s too close to Ichijouji-san. Approaching him from time to time, because… he knows Ichijouji Ken’s past pretty well.”
“A friend, you mean?” V-mon asked.
“Ok, so… Ken’s closest friends are us… So you mean, one of us is lying? ” Daisuke frowned.
“I’m not sure about this, mon ami. You and the others wouldn’t do that. But did you know… That Ichijouji-san had another friend besides you all?”
“Another friend?” V-mon and Daisuke repeated in unisson.
“This friend…”
A few minutes later, the door opened. Seishiro was surprised to see them though.
“Ichijouji-kun?” the boy said, “What are you doing here?”
“We know what you’re doing (dagya)!!” the digimon said together. Seishiro blinked.
“What did I do??” he replied, with a pout, “Oh you meant that right? Sorry, but--”
“Wormmon, now!” Patamon ordered, and then the green digimon used his sticky net to capture Seishiro.
“Hey!! What are you DOING!?” the boy complained, and Armadimon tucked Seishiro in the corner of his room, “Ichijouji! What the heck are you doing?! Is this a prank?!”
“... The digimon went too overboard with this,” Iori said with a monotone voice. Takeru and Ken facepalmed at this as well.
“Huh?!” Seishiro raised an eyebrow, but was still angry for whatever those doofus were doing and would do next.
“I’m sorry,” Ken, Iori and Takeru apologized with a bow.
“Where’s the fake shard, Tsukiyono-san?” Iori asked, calmly.
“Yes, the one you mentioned on this forum thread here,” then Takeru showed him the mobile version of the webpage on his phone.
“??! Ichijouji-kun…”
Seishiro grimaced, panicked.
“I didn’t post that…! I haven't gone to that forum since I started High School!”
“Then what didja mean before?” Armadimon asked, “About a ‘that’ thing, dagya?”
“I meant the test answers from past years. I collect them to study and share them with an online study group, but… But lately everyone is using them to cheat and not to study properly!! So I’m refusing to share them openly now.”
“Oh, that…” Patamon blinked twice.
“He’s really a good person,” Wormmon commented.
“I have none of those shards…!”
The trio then freed Seishiro from the sticky silk, while Ken just tried contacting Miyako and Hikari, But…
… A light consumed the school’s roof and then a digimon appeared instead.
“D-Did the crow turn into a digimon!?” Miyako was dumbfounded by that scene.
“It was indeed a shard,” Hawkmon commented.
“C-can those affect even animals?!” Hikari looked concerned, something felt terrible… It gave her goosebumps, she looked at Tailmon, then turned to Miyako and Hawkmon, “What digimon is that?”
“It seems to be a griffon…?” Miyako adjusted her glasses.
“Hmm, a griffon…” Hawkmon mused, then Tailmon answered quickly:
“ Griffomon ! We will need to use Valkyrimon’s power right now!”
Hawkmon evolved into Aquilamon. Then, the digivices’ colors changed, becoming a matched pair and then released lights which formed the Jogress Holy Ring for its execution -- Aquilamon and Tailmon turned into light beams and waltzed in a helix shape. Once the lights hit the Jogress Ring, Silphymon emerged from its top.
Silphymon, ultimate-evolve!! Valkyrimon!
A beam of light surrounded Silphymon and then other two lights in red and pink danced in the shape of a helix as the digimon jumped into the red Jogress ring. From there, Valkyrimon came out of it, bathed by the glorious moonlight from the battlefield. 
Wielding their sword, Valkyrimon dashed thru the air and went into Griffomon’s direction.
While the jogress digimon fought the unstable enemy, Miyako was contacting Ken at the same time.
“Ken-kun, are you there?”
“MIyako-san, Tsukiyono Seishiro is innocent.”
“Huh?” Hikari was also on the same line, “What do you mean?”
“Someone hacked his account and pretended to be him,” Iori replied next, nonchalantly.
“Have you found the shard?” and Takeru asked immediately.
“Yes, we did,” Hikari answered, “But…”
“A crow found it first and evolved with it,” Miyako explained hesitantly.
“W-what? A crow?!” the boys exclaimed.
“D-don’t worry about us!” Hikari added quickly, “We’re fine!”
“This friend… Is someone Ichijouji Ken does not remember at all.”
Daisuke and V-mon blinked, “But how…?!”
“Wait… Ken said, a long time ago, that his memories were fuzzy and blurred after a certain… thing…”
“You mean the--” V-mon was about to slip it out something, but Daisuke interrupted him,
“Yeah yeah that thing, but you don’t need to say it!”
“... I’m sorry, but investigating stuff led me to discover what you’re hiding from everyone, Motomiya-san.”
“W-what do ya mean?!”
“Ichijouji-san was the original Digimon Kaiser, wasn’t he?”
Daisuke gulped.
“He’s the main reason for this whole game, right?” Noel said with a serious voice, “Isn’t he?”
“Don’t tell those two, Ken had done bad things, but he’s still paying for those crimes” Daisuke begged, but with a firm tone, “Can I trust you, Noel? Ken doesn’t need more people coming after him!”
“... I won’t let Soleil-san and Lune-san touch him, I promise. Your friends are my friends too.”
“But ain’t them your friends too?” V-mon asked, confused.
“We’re… Just teammates. And besides they’re exploiting me for their own business, but I'm doing the same in return.”
“You all are using each other…?” Daisuke asked then, frowning once again, “But--”
“I don’t mind, this is how a phantom thief works. Doing the sketchy job, after all I’m a criminal in your world, correct?” he said nonchalantly, and smiled.
“But…” V-mon was saying something until Daisuke abruptly interrupted him:
“Ok, fine. But who’s this old friend Ken had and cannot remember him at all?”
“Back to the main topic, oui . It's a boy around his age, he was a Chosen Child way before Ichijouji-san apparently? But why does no one know, or rather remember him…?”
“Wait, what… Do you mean…”
“Oui, exactement” Noel nodded his head, “This person’s existence was completely erased from this world.”
Valkyrimon managed to slash Griffomon with their sword, using the same technique executed on Kayono previously. The faux shard was destroyed in the process, and then Valkyrimon’s holy power resurrected the crow.
“Phew, we won…” the girls said in relief.
“But it was kind of random, wasn't it?” Miyako tilted her head, “Leaving the shard around and letting a crow evolve with it…”
“Yes,” Valkyrimon (Aquilamon side) nodded in agreement.
“Maybe we should meet with the boys for now,” Hikari suggested, “No one got hurt this time.”
“Does anyone know where Daisuke went though?” In different places and at the same time, Ken and Miyako asked their respective groups, “I hope he’s not getting into more trouble.”
They decided to call it a day and returned to their respective homes.
“E-erased?!” Daisuke and V-mon’s eyes widened.
“But how do you know that, Noel?!” V-mon babbled.
“I connected the dots, that’s simple. I’m not only a phantom thief, I’m a magician and illusionist. And besides I wasn’t here when this happened. I was in Witchelny.”
“But why are you telling those to me and not Ken?!” Daisuke squinted his eyes, “This person is trying to target him, not me!”
“Because you might be the key to beat the imposteur I suppose.”
“Oh I should go now, pardon. We will keep in touch. Au revoir, Motomiya-san~”
Daisuke and V-mon tried to catch Noel, but he snapped his fingers and magically teleported them back to their home. Daisuke’s hands were trembling, he then looked at V-mon, who was also trying to process what they just heard from Noel minutes ago.
The faux Kaiser is… someone who does not exist anymore??
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