#detective princess seifuku supremacy
vanivenivici · 1 year
Here's a fem!shuake ficlet because I have an oddly specific agenda to push:
One step into Sae’s palace, a gargantuan casino dripping in gold and neon, and the threshold is officially breached. It’s time for Akechi to see how the Phantom Thieves really operate for herself. It’s time for the real performance to begin, ringing false even down to the physical manifestation of her spirit. She’s not lurking in the dark today. It’s just another stage.
It’s been a while since she wore the seifuku. Shocking white material with matching red collar and pleated skirt. The opera-length gloves and tall grey boots with a red heel. The golden bows. The red mask. She’d forgotten how much she liked it.
She knows all the Thieves are watching. Every last eye is trained on her. They want to know the shape of her heart. It’s too bad for them, this is only the outer shell. She’s expertly hidden all the sharp points beneath a beautiful candy coating.
“Aw yeah! Time to fight evil by moonlight!” Futaba yells with an impish grin.
Ann giggles into her hand. “It’s really cute!” She’s a terrible actress, so she must mean it.
“I think it suits me rather well,” Akechi smiles. She scans the rest of the Thieves for their reactions, from Makoto’s tired smile to Ryuji’s slack-jawed ogling, and inevitably settles on Kurusu’s unreadable stare.
Kurusu pulls her hands out of her pants pockets just long enough to send Akechi a silent, red-gloved thumbs-up. What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Well, it doesn’t matter. They don’t need to know how important it is to her. They don’t need to know how the Sailor Senshi are the pinnacle of strong, righteous heroes. Beautiful and powerful. Fighting with everything to win. Pristine like the light of the full moon. She couldn’t imagine such a hero looking like anything else.
But it’s “cute.” It’s “sexy” with a universal tolerance. If it’s a shallow caricature of perfection they want to see, it’s a shallow caricature of perfection they’ll find. It’s exactly what’s expected of the brilliant and demure Detective Princess. Her own feelings have no bearing at all.
“So, when you fight do you shout ‘Persona Prism Power!’ or what?” Futaba suddenly asks.
Of fucking course not, Akechi doesn’t say. “I’m afraid not.”
“Aww,” she pouts. “That would’ve been cool.”
She doesn’t understand Futaba at all. “Aha, sorry to disappoint you.”
“You should try it out. I bet it’ll give you a stat boost.”
Not a chance. “Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind.”
[Also I put way too much thought into this but the end card of her All-Out Attack would be the Sailor Venus pose. Twirl and all. Thank you.]
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vanivenivici · 6 months
Feel like absolute shit I just want them back. So here's another femshuake ficlet. yuri be upon ye
Justice Rank 6 but with gorls
“Can I ask that you keep this between us?”
What, this impromptu bathhouse trip? Kurusu isn’t one to kiss and tell. No, why would she tell anyone about this? Makoto and Ryuji would accuse her of getting too friendly with the enemy, and she’d never hear the end of it.
But Akechi doesn’t elaborate. She stands there in her towel with her bra in her hands. It’s… padded. Her thumb leaves a deep indentation in the material from her fierce grip. Her figure isn’t real, either. A bitter smile cuts across her face, then she throws the thing into her locker and slams it shut before heading into the bathhouse proper.
So. Wow. Okay, that’s what she meant. Kurusu follows her in without a word. A bath to wash away the day’s grime sounds heavenly, actually. She picks a spot nearby and begins her routine. Akechi hasn’t gotten her hair wet so neither will she. It’s too much trouble, anyway. She sees Akechi spread the soap down her long slender legs, and she wonders.
She wonders about a lot of things—soap on soft legs across arms down shoulders thighs perfect manicured fingers—and she blasts herself in the face with cold water. She knows why the padded bra exists, it’s nothing but dressing for the public. It’s a costume of the Ideal. The constant grind to be perfect in both mind and body. Still, Kurusu wonders if the bra was an agency idea, or if Akechi decided it all on her own.
“So, what size are you really?” Kurusu asks over the running water.
She hums. “Similar to you, I’d imagine. E70.”
“The exact same.”
“Ah. We really could swap places,” she laughs. “I bet my clothes would look good on you.”
“You think so? I can’t say the same for mine. They’re kinda plain…”
“That’s on purpose though, isn’t it?” she says more like an accusation. “You prefer to not stand out. Tell me, were those fake glasses of yours a lawyer’s idea, or did you concoct the disguise yourself?”
The exact same. Kurusu douses herself with more water, despite Akechi’s piercing gaze. “I decided it myself.”
Akechi’s smile gains that bitter edge once again. “We’re a lot alike, you know. A simple mask may become an anchor, but it’s still too important to let go.”
She stares for a long time into the soapy water as it slowly sinks towards the floor drain. Then suddenly, she perks up: “Ah! I’m sorry. Places like this always dredge up a lot of old memories…”
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vanivenivici · 8 months
Post-canon femshuake college roommates where Akechi comes in after class in August to the sound of a hair dryer.
“Why is she washing her hair in the middle of the day?” But when she ducks her head in the bathroom Akiren has the dryer on cold & stuck under her shirt.
“It’s hot & I got sweaty.”
Akechi, thoroughly unimpressed: “Clearly.”
(But Akiren catches her doing something similar in winter in the dead of night bc their old dorm isn’t well insulated & “The toilet seat is too cold.”)
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vanivenivici · 1 year
Okay I started sketching a costume rendering for Detective Princesses Seifuku Supremacy and that “I AM SO CRINGE :(” meme is very true
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vanivenivici · 1 year
what if I just... made a femkechi cosplay with the seifuku... Detective Princess Seifuku Supremacy real.......
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