#dethkomic future
dethkomic · 1 year
Does the AOTD reveal that the boys aren't gods mess with the Dethkomic storyline at all? I hope it hasn't thrown you too far off! I'm loving this story and I'd hate to see it messed up because of that! 😭
No uhhhh... if anything, it enhanced the direction I was already taking things. XD
Rest assured, Charles was not the only one who became studious in the clues pointing to how the Metalocalypse would go down. I too, did my fair share of listening to the Galaktikon II soundtrack and re-watching relevant episodes (and all of them in general) as I came up with Dethkomic's prophecy plot that, I was pretty sure, would end up tying into the finale. Brendon certainly did give us a lot of hints over the years, and although I admit I got a few things wrong (or they got changed due to production limitations when it came to AotD) -- none of it was really very far off. The puzzle pieces were pretty much right there in front of us, and I personally, didn't feel there were a lot of surprises in the movie when it came to what's been speculated on.
That said, there's a lot more open space in the deep-lore since we got a feature instead of a multi-episode season (definitely not a complaint - I love filling in my own blanks). So I'll have fun messing with a lot of those open ends, too.
One nice thing about Baen-Shee and indeed, the whole point of them being in this story in the first place, is that I get to work with cast members who are a lot more on-the-ball than Dethklok when it comes to this otherworldly shit. In the final updates, my intention was for readers to get behind the eyes of each of my girls as they come to the realization of what their place in the Metalocalypse truly is. I hope it does nicely to cast off feelings that the third installment of Dethkomic is somehow not going to line-up with the movie, because it absolutely will. :)
Thank you for the question! As always, Dethkomic loves you!
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chordsykat · 11 months
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This is my apology for being away from Tumblr as I deal with a heavy seasonal workload, and a little APB about what I'm doing right now in general. Lately, most of my fandom-time has been spent on Discord and thus, I'd like to invite people onto our MTL-adjacent community, Dis-Chordsykat once more. We're an 18+ server (seriously... no kids, please) basically a group of Metalocalypse creatives at this point, conspiring with and encouraging one another to do terrible things to fictional people.
For those of you who follow me for Dethkomic, this is also where I frequently post WIPs, extras, NSFW stuff and of course... crush on my OTP which is made up of two of my own characters whose relationship I recently canonized (See above image. Yes, I have gone mad with power. Thanks for asking!) I am also doing a Dethkomic Q&A where I'll be answering any and all Dethkomic questions as it pertains to production, development, and the story itself, on Saturday, November 25th (The weekend after Thanksgiving and day after Dethkomic's final update). I'll also have previews of things I have planned for the future of Dethkomic and a few other surprises, too. Full details/meetup will be in the Discord server, for those of you who wanna join in on that.
So that's what's up with me. Thank you to everyone sending me notes and messages. I'm not dead, just busy. :) Still love coming on here and seeing what everyone's been up to, and I hope to be more active after the holidays if you can't make it to the Discord!
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dethkomic · 2 years
The End
Well gang... Here we are. The end of an era!
Okay, so, maybe not that. But certainly the end of a dethkomic. For now, hehe.
I want you guys to know something. I want those of you who have only been with the fandom for a little while to know someone.
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That's me... a younger me... in front of my artist alley table at NYCC in 2013. The Klokateer on the left is my friend, Holkie.
Her real name was Holly, and she was a New York native who braved the ridiculous train and subway systems that day (It was Saturday, so things were nuts) just to come out and meet a random person she met through the Metalocalypse fandom. I was surprised and delighted to see her for the first time, live and in person. I gave her some of my werewolf comics, we talked MTL, and generally had a good time. Unfortunately, that was both the first and last time we'd ever see one another in the flesh.
Holkie died in late 2020, just a few months before the Metalocalypse movie was announced. It's a shame she isn't still here to see the show conclude. But I'm willing to go on record and say without her, and her dedication and genuine hard work as a fan, we might not be getting a movie otherwise. She ran the original Dethklok Minute on Livejournal and continued that work here on Tumblr for a time. It kept us fans up-to-date and looking forward to more Dethklok in a time when news about the show was hard to come by, and interest threatened to wane in-between seasons(that's just how it is when you're a fan of an animated series). I know wherever she is, if there's any justice to be had in this life and whatever happens after, she's somewhere biding her time before the premiere with my other friend (and yours) Jon Schnepp. And in the great hereafter, the two of them will have front-row seats in a theatre with a kickass surround sound system. And there'll be a 3D IMAX option. And Dorito dispensers. And candy snake tits. Whatever they are.
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I thought a lot about Hokie when I wrapped this comic. I got emotional more than a little when I was writing the eulogy given by her own Klokateer OC, Janet. You might guess that Janet's speech had as much to do with Cherry as it did Holkie, and you'd be right about that. But more so, I wanted it to be a statement to all of us.
When you have a fandom like ours -- a bunch of people who believe in a little cartoon show about heavy metal idiot-gods that hasn't had the ability/huge budget of other shows to churn out official content on a regular basis... and in spite of that -- in spite of apparent cancellation, even -- it still manages to come up with a great storyline, memorable characters, and captures the imaginations of talented masses like yourselves who have managed to make some of the most compelling fan-content on the internet for over a decade, now... It defies probability. And in our case, it defies being cancelled without a resolution.
I think that's something quite special. And it's worth celebrating.
Today is Halloween here in the USA. In our fandom, it's also the last day of Kloktober 2022. To me, this has always been a special time of year -- and I sometimes feel, even more than January 1st, it's a time of celebration for what has come to pass. It's a time of reflection and looking back. It's a time of looking forward to what will be. I can think of no better time to say thank you to each and every one of you dethkomic readers out there, for making this a kickass year. Thank you all -- my MTL friends from the internet, casuals who lurk in our fandom, people who are or who have worked on the show, and everyone in general, for keeping the faith. Thanks for keeping the torch burning.
Holkie, wherever you are, we hope we're doing you proud. This comic has been dedicated to you. And I really miss you. We all do.
Here's to the end. Here's to what's to come. Here's to you all.
Remember... Dethkomic loves you.
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dethkomic · 1 year
Welcome Back! And... A Look Ahead!
Hey goofballs! Hope you had a great time at the movie premiere..! In your own house... or wherever you got to see it!
Anyway -- welcome back to the latest and last installment of Dethkomic for this Volume! You heard that right: Issue #8 will be the final chapter of this saga, and boy what a doozy of a finale do we have in store for you guys. So...
Next Dethkomic Update will be Friday, September 15th, 2023!
And since I just said this series of updates will be our last, you may now be thinking... But what of Dethkomic, thereafter? The movie's over! The series (appears to be) also over! What next?
As I've said, I started on this Dethkomic journey to revive old stories I'd had from ages past in hopes to drum up and retain interest from our fan-community as we waited for the Army of the Doomstar movie... But I seem to have written a substantial amount of lore and now find myself looking back at all the worldbuilding that's happened over the last 2 years of creating Dethkomic. And folks, I can't tie up all those loose ends in the five updates we have remaining.
Therefore, it's the announcement I'm sure some of you have been waiting for:
Dethkomic will continue with Volume 3 in 2024.
That's my official word and you can quote me on it! Uh... also... no... I don't have anything further to reveal at this point... but stay tuned. :) AND REMEMBER! Dethkomic loves you!
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chordsykat · 4 months
🔮 for Caj, Nita, and Cherry, please! (Gointothevvater 🖤✨)
Alright let's do this! Combining this one with @gojira007's
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🔮 Crystal Ball- What kind of future does your OC want to have? What would they do to make it real? Caj - The way I'm approaching it with Dethkomic III is that she's going to be very busy with her work. Constantly in the studio, winning all the awards, and that kind of stuff. She probably wants an effing break. :D Unfortunately, she's going to have to help save the world (again) before that can happen. Nita - Like her wife, probably wants a break. But also has a severe and inexplicable case of baby fever. I mean... she's currently helping to run the world's biggest orphanage, so it's not like she's missing out on being a mom. But then, it's different when you find the love of your life and want children with them. So, for the duration of the final Dethkomic, that's going to be a little b-plot for her. XD Cherry - Before she died, I think Cherry actually was starting to get into performing full-time instead of going in for all this criminal activity, you know? Should she come back from the dead, well... I think she would find herself content to just be playing music again... Or, you know... going Super Saiyan Magical Girl and keeping the world from falling into the hands of the wrong Gods. Thanks for the questions, luvs =D Prompt list is here if you want to do it, yourself!
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chordsykat · 1 year
I'm the anon who sent that ask asking for oc advice and I wanted to say thanks for it! <3 I was also wondering if you had any fellow oc creators I should check out?
Certainly glad to help and I hope to expand on everything I wrote in response, in the near future :) In the meantime, I do happen to know a few OC creators (yanno... one or two..!) Here are some stories that come to mind which are also actively being updated:
If you want to get invested in a singular, well-written OC, throughout the course of a huge body of work - may I suggest @thatwritingho's stories about Olive Axworthy and her adventures as Dethklok's doctor/mortician/babysitter? AO3 Link
If you want extensions of the canon, and loads of backstory that involves not just original characters, but really fleshed-out versions of characters' extended families, then I suggest @fishklok's stories - especially the ones surrounding Magnus Hammersmith, his past, and his relationships. AO3 Link
@gointothevvater has been with us for many years now, and if you're interested in stories centering around an OC pairing with multiple characters in the canon (heavy emphasis on Pickles and Charles) then you should give her stories a read. Most of them are quick snapshots of the life of St. Cecilia Jameson that tie together in no particular order unless noted - it's easy to jump-in anywhere. AO3 Link
I have been reading @sparklecinnamonbunny's stuff since she showed up on the scene last year with her stories involving the musician-sister-PITA of Charles Offdensen, Sunday Mourning. She is usually found to be romantically involved with Nathan Explosion, but an equally-delightful what-if AU exists where she and Skwisgaar have a show-stealing kid together. AO3 Link
Onto multiple characters and multiple scenarios, but still in the "pairing" category is @pan-flute-skeleton's work, which centers most heavily on two characters: Vivi Skarsgård is romantic interest and eventual girlfriend of Skwisgaar Skwigelf, and Kari Naelstrom the childhood friend and eventual girlfriend of Toki Wartooth. Outside the realm of pairing, Pan has also written loads of crossovers with other OCs, and you might find her Happy Hour series to be a good primer for introducing yourself to someone new. AO3 Link
Beyond the realm of what I'd dub "pairing" fic is @procrazedfan's series of stories involving a huge world that is itself building into what promises to be an epic tour de force. If you like action/dramas and prophecy speculation, then I suggest getting to know the OCs of this brave new world -- most of whom are illegitimate children of Skwisgaar, whose relationships with "dad" aren't all sunshine and rainbows. AO3 Link
These are just some that I can name off the top of my head which have multiple stories in a serial format that have been recently updated. Loads more exist, and I highly recommend checking out the Characters section of the OC Wiki to get acquainted with even more of our fandom's thriving original character community. Additionally... Back in 2022, I did a huge OC get-together piece which showcases a lot of the original characters in our fandom and who created them.
If you're looking for a list of characters appearing in Dethkomic and who created them, that's right over here.
Whew. Again, not a complete list by any means... but I hope this is enough to get you started, anon!
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chordsykat · 10 months
Will you open up OC requests for the future Dethkomic?
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Another excellent question I have been getting a lot more, lately - I do post Casting Calls when I'm ready to take on more OCs. For the next issue, I have pulled a lot of the OCs who have been with me from the beginning and those whose characters I know well, to fit in more "involved" roles in the story BUT, I will 1000% need more background and incidental characters (I have big intentions).
More details will be coming soon, but rest assured, there will indeed be a call for OCs for Dethkomic III in the coming months. :)
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chordsykat · 4 months
Red, yellow, green, blue for Cherry... You're still doing the OC ask thing, right?
🔴 Red- What is a trait your OC has that those around them don't see very often? Is it seen by a rare few or completely overlooked?
You have great timing, OP. I have had to delve into this very thing while scripting Dethkomic III, lately. Here's a kinda-sorta of what I came up with...
Cherry is deeply sentimental. I think her logical side doesn't hint at this. Too, she's brash and boisterous and seems to get agitated easily, so you think she'd have nothing but disdain for old memories, especially if they're not good ones... But I think she sees the good far outweighing the bad. I think that may be a key to finding appeal in taking risks, as she'll be quite averse to doing so, in later stories. Hopefully, I won't fuck it up and you'll see what I mean soon enough, but I really see her as taking a long hard look at her life (and death) and coming to this conclusion.
🟡 Yellow- What is something your OC wants but knows they can never have? How does it feel to never get this specific desire?
So, I think if you get your life cut short, you're going to maybe feel cheated, regardless of how good it was going for you up until that point. And it's like, the ultimate "didn't get what I wanted out of this deal" for people with shit left to do. I am not sure if she knows, specifically, what those things are, but I don't think it takes knowing for her to get mad that she didn't have more time? If that makes sense. :D
🟢 Green- What is considered a weakness in your OC that is actually a strength? What is a strength in your character that can be twisted into a weakness?
It hasn't changed from the beginning - the ADHD. In the way it affects her, she's an amazing drummer with a metronome-like sense of timing and rhythm. Unfortunately, it's also a huge pain in her ass when it comes to straying from routine, or pattern... and I see it bothering her for how it messes with her ability to concentrate in general. (Read all about it in her character sheet) Will a supervillain exploit this in the future? Perhaps...
🔵 Blue- How would your OC spend a single day of interrupted peace? Where would they go or who would they be with?
While alive? Driving in her VW Microbus, to no place in particular. Smoking nasty weed and blasting Iron Maiden. While dead? Probably watching Pickles live his life as if it's some kind of sitcom. And let's be honest... it'd be better than a sitcom, probably. Thanks for taking the time to ask these, friendo! :D Prompt list is here.
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chordsykat · 1 year
More good ones!
🎶 What music do you listen to when you write?
You guys probably know my music tastes run all over the place and can't be consistent for more than a week at a time, but my go-to's for writing tend to be albums I can listen to, beginning to end. Bonus points if they seem to tell a story. I find soundtracks are ideal for this - music specifically written to amplify the feelings of highs and lows in a story will make me push myself to write with more excitement and emotion in general. Good albums can do this too - Dark Side of the Moon, Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy, Ride the Lightning, Led Zeppelin IV... the list goes on. So long as I'm pulling a story out of whatever it is I'm listening to, I'm gonna have a good time.
🗑 What is one fic idea that you loved at first but then scrapped?
I hate to say scrapped because there's always a chance I could grab onto something I thought up a hundred years ago and could never place... only to use it on something in the future. I'm doing a lot of that on what's becoming the script for Dethkomic III. Lots of things I never thought would be in the story, are finding their way into the story, including:
An all out epic battle scene (or five)
A world-tour (but not the music kind)
Regrettable Vegas weddings
Magnus Hammersmith
And more... All of these ideas came from stuff I had considered for other stories or drabbles, but they just didn't "hit" right, then. So when I'm low on ideas, that's when I go back to my notes (or more often, my brain) and I give them a reconsideration. Sometimes it works out. In fact, I'd say it works out more times than I never end up writing it at all. :)
Prompt list is here!
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chordsykat · 2 years
I see the "Herald" descriptions for Baen-she and I was wondering how you came up with that?
It's uh... aliens. No, it's not. And it's not substance abuse or secret access to unreleased Metalocalypse lore or secretly being Brendon Small or even having a space helicopter that can fly to the future (all are excellent and very popular guesses, however).
If I told you the secret is having a lot of time to think about it all, that'd probably be the real answer. But I realize it's a huge cop-out, too. So what if I told you that character development that goes beyond the surface-level and ascends into metaphorical and symbolic territory is something you can learn to do? Or maybe, better yet, it's something you can train yourself to do? Like flexing a muscle you didn't know you had..?
But to give this question its proper due, I'm going to have to delve into both Dethkomic and (very speculative) Metalocalypse fan-theory. Therefore, spoiler alert if you follow me below the cut :)
One of the nice things about working with an entire cast of OCs, as opposed to just one, is the built-in ability to play each one off the other, and build intricate thematic relationships that seem a lot harder to pull off than they actually are. The other nice thing Dethkomic specifically has going for it, is that I get to borrow off of themes already found in the canon.
Finding good ways to connect your characters to the world you put them in on an abstract level takes one thing above all else, and that's listening to who they really are. So, whether I'm writing fanfic or my own fic, I ask myself "Why are we writing these people in the first place?"
Sometimes this will lead you to answers like "They're just here to hang out with X," and I think the majority of fanfiction has that component to it. Mine sure does. But that's not always the totality of any character's purpose in the story by a long shot. If you're looking to throw symbolism, metaphor, and themes into your work, you're probably not writing one-shot hookup fics where that actually is the final answer (and if you do want to put that stuff into one-shot hookup fics, you should send me your WIPs because that sounds amazing).
It should be said -- None of the stuff I'm talking about here is necessary to tell a good story. Working with layers of metaphor is tricky, but if you successfully pull it off, even a little bit, it can add to the "wow, cool!" factor. That's not just something for the audience, either. As a writer, your overall satisfaction will see an uptick as well.
Symbols and character themes come about in two ways -- one is intentional, and one is incidental. You look at a character's personality and you might say, "This is Bob. Bob's spirit animal is a naked mole rat and his guardian celestial body is a black hole and his guiding natural element is ragweed." These themes are intentional and you can and should have fun putting little tidbits of them into your writing, straight out of the gate. Bob goes to a zoo and he gravitates to the naked mole rats? That's so Bob!
Incidental themes are a bit trickier. They appear as side-quests in your writing journey, and it's up to you to notice them. Here's a pointer -- if you get good at spotting symbolism in others' writing, you are "training your writing muscle" to be better at spotting it in your own. The bad guys escaped into a cave and the good guys are all afraid of the dark? Well holy shit! What about using Bob to go in and get them? Maybe Bob's not afraid of the dark? Maybe Bob is a natural spelunker? Bob's spirit animal is a naked mole rat, after all! This is so Bob!
So how do you "train" to spot symbolism? As I said above, the best way is to look at the media you enjoy, and see if you can spot any themes the authors have snuck in. Don't be afraid to "cheat" by interacting with your fandom and looking up some connections other people have made. Metalocalypse is full of this stuff, and we get into what I think are some of our liveliest discussions when we go back and forth about the prophecy. Go look at the wikis. Go peruse fan-theories (even "debunked" ones) on message boards, Discords and... *sigh*... Reddit (no offense to all my Klokateers on Reddit out there -- ilu but not the platform). Join in on the discussions right here on hellsite when they come about. Prophecy-speculating one of my favorite things about this fandom, personally.
So that brings us back to me and why my characters are here in the first place. Most of you know this, but Baen-Shee is in the Dethkomic story to explore the supernatural side of things. Not every MTL OC out there (or every character in the show for that matter) is going to be involved in the Prophecy, but I enjoy torturing myself with difficult and incomplete lore puzzles, so mine are players in it. All that said, here's probably what you came for in the first place -- a breakdown of some of the things I'm thinking about with my own characters as I examine the canon and my own stories, and little tidbits about how some of it came about:
Nita: We know she's head of the group, muscially, but I liked the idea of her being the last one anybody expected to be the most powerful character, supernaturally. I saw a lot of opportunities to play up her kind and unthreatening nature while simultaneously giving her character arcs that emphasize personal growth and strength of character. Nathan's a character who is giving off every indication that he's in charge and capable of managing his band and becoming a leader when the end of the world goes down -- but we all know he's incredibly insecure about all of it. I wanted Nita's purpose to not only be the usual finding herself stuff, but also helping others to find themselves. She's the Holy Unifier, and her "great appointed eternal task" is to keep everyone together. Too, I feel Nathan as the Chosen One is representative of the power of an individual, whereas Nita's on the flip side of that coin as the power one gets from others around them (she's totally Twilight Sparkle is what I'm trying to say, here).
Caj: She's a study in duality and surprises. Guardian of life, but also an assassin. The Holy Mother and (wo)man-at-arms. She's a girl who presets as a boy. Her eyes are two different colors. Her totem is a chameleon. And lest we forget, it's funny as hell that her Chosen One is also her greatest rival on the planet... etc, etc... Some of you guys already picked up on this, but watch closely, every mention of angels and devils in our current Dethkomic arc. This is a good example of a theme that sticks around for one story, only -- which is a thing that happens often in fictional serials and something you can totally employ if you only have one story to tell.
Cherry: The Holy Messenger -- and the Metalocalypse's first sacrificial player. Unlike Charles who follows her into the great hereafter a few weeks later, she doesn't get to escape death and become the Dead Man. I am so utterly stoked to show you her part in the continued Dethkomic stories, and that starts happening in just over a week from now, so I am going to try containing my excitement and keep from spoiling too much, but... Cherry's spirit animal is a phoenix for a reason. Also, I've said before the reason Cherry dies is not just a matter of emotionally torturing my readers, nor is it angst-porn: She dies because you need to get comfortable with the idea of major characters dying in my stories. ...and now I've probably said too much.
Sparkles: I've said before how Sparkles is my favorite character to write for, and how it's not just because I don't have to think up any dialogue for her beyond the occasional grunt and growl. Sparkles is a spirit of purity, nature, and all that's good and right in the world. It's definitely more an abstract concept than it is an "element" and I get to really stretch my imagination when coming up with the kind of things she's capable of. One symbol, one idea, one theme can mean several different things, and you might find as a writer (and especially if you're only just beginning to dip your toe into this stuff), it's easiest to loosely define your connections so as not to write yourself into a corner. You'll see Sparkles' powers finally come to the fore in Issue #7 of Dethkomic, and they suit her on several different fronts. I really surprised myself when I came up with it, in fact.
Eden: Her element is "the void" -- whatever that is -- and it's more than just a connection to her position as herald of death. Here again, keeping things kinda vague and loose, but the mirror-effect of a character whose history is (currently) a big question mark, having powers that come from something as obscure as a "concept" of an element is a connection one might make. Too, we throw that extra element of the moon in there, as a sort of guardian celestial force (calling to mind other visions too -- like space in general, the stars, the afterlife, the heavens...) and you can make further connections with Toki's association with rabbits on a mythological level. It's kind of all over the place, but tight enough to work, I think. Oh -- and speaking of mythology and bunnies in the moon... brush up on your world mythologies every chance you get. They'll do nothing but serve you in this endeavor, because at the end of the day, it's all about connecting the dots... or the stars in the sky, as it were!
SO. That was more of a tutorial than it was an answer. I hope you got to read through this and are still interested in this question, Claudia. It was a lot of fun to ponder and equally enjoyable to throw in some pointers for all my writers out there.
Also, I haven't gotten into it yet, but this is a good time to remind anyone reading this far that I'm doing a how-to-make-comics thing over on @dethkomic, and I release a tutorial every update over there. I totally will be covering more about metaphors and the like, very soon.
Great question! Thanks for reading!
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dethkomic · 1 year
If you haven't already, would you consider printing physical copies of the comic? 👀
I have had some people ask me this on my main, and in the past, my answer has typically been "Nah, don't wanna make money off of someone else's IP" But you know - lately, demand's been getting higher and I admit to attempting to think of ways that I might be able to swing them as giveaways or - better yet, charity trades. The charity in question would probably be something annexed to the show and the people who worked on it, or music/animation charities (I'm open to suggestions on that front). I am starting to think something like that could be possible in the future.
The legalities of that are, to my understanding, a lot kinder on the producer of the fanwork under copyright law - and moreover, don't ring as ethically dissonant as selling them does to me. :) To the point, I guess - I am fortunate to not need any money in exchange for working on Dethkomic, but I'm not well-off enough that I could have a bulk amount of what will very likely be two 100+ page comics (or one 200+ page comic) printed and postage managed to give them away in large quantities - but I am interested in looking into ways of making them physically available to you guys for a good cause at this point!
Real talk: I'm just so stoked people are interested in that, by itself. :)
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dethkomic · 2 years
Life After Deth(komic)
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As I sit here eating gummy bears for breakfast (like ya' do) it occurs to me that we're mere weeks away from the end of our little story arc. Hard to believe, but the chapter I'm working on currently will be the penultimate one. And I do want to apologize to you guys for taking significantly longer than expected to get that update to you. Life's been kinda wild, lately (new contract extended some of the work I've been doing, sick husband, subsequently sick kid... you get the idea) but I'm hoping we can wrap this one up by next weekend! After that, we'll have one more update.
...And that'll be it.
But writing this story and having you guys along for the ride has been such a joy this past year, that I'm just unable to leave the story at the point where it'll end. After all, I wrote so many fics all those years ago, and we haven't even touched on:
The fifth member of Baen-Shee, Eden Nightwish
Baen-Shee's role in the prophecy
Some big-bads lurking in the shadows who have mal intentions for our heroes and heroines
The full extent of Nita's powers and whether or not she'll ever be able to get a handle on them
That ridiculously complex Caj/Skwis/Charles backstory
The Tribunal's growing concern over all of the above
And for the love of GOD, Toki actually having a critical role in all of it
...Plus lest we forget: Todd Nirvana (Nita's dad and the best character on the show) and his borderline-inappropriate obsession with Nathan
I'd say there's still a lot of ground to cover, and since we also seem to have quite a ways to go before we get the movie/finale of the actual show, I'm up for keeping the hype-train running and penning new (well... technically old) stories for you all.
My update schedule might not be as regular, and fair warning: I might take a big break in between this and the next stuff in the series, but hey... I'm sure I'll still do the regular posting of questions you guys send me and incidental art and stuff. Please keep that coming as you come up with things. I think I might start reblogging fanart you guys have done of the girls and scenes and all that, too. Because you all just blow me away with that stuff and I love tumbling it around.
So there you have it, if you hadn't guessed already... The end is officially not the end.
Seeya soon, pals! And as always, dethkomic loves you!
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dethkomic · 2 years
hiya! i'm relatively new to the fandom and i LOVE your dethkomic so far, but i'm also curious about all its lore. from what i gather it's based on previous works of yours? where should one start if one has only read the dethkomic?
Well first of all, welcome to MTL! I hope you have been enjoying our small but awesome community! So glad to have you along for the ride that is Dethkomic!
As for the other stories I wrote, you'll be happy to know that you're right at the very beginning! Let's look at the chart:
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So, "the chart" is actually the index of my old fanfics, and the highlighted areas are the parts that Dethkomic re-writes. Next week being our very last update of this first story arc, you can guess that means we're going to have a funeral.
But don't despair! As I said in this post from last week, I'll be doing more comics, and I think "Dethkomic II" (working title, hehe) will be a total reimagining of the majority of what's left in the index, above. I basically have all-new ideas for the story in general from this point on, but I will be borrowing heavily from major points of each of the remaining five stories. I'll also be doing little one-shots here and there for things that I can't cram into the main storyline. Dethkomic-Drabbles!
And did I mention, confusingly, that I actually intended to have the "real" ending of my fics be the original Dethkomic: The Dethklok Doujinshi, which never got finished? I assume by the time I get there this time, though, the show will have wrapped with the movie come and gone, so I can decide how/if I want to pursue rehashing that "cursed" piece of fan-media (probably, lol).
And lest we forget the AU front: the girls wind up in a different universe (in the future? On some unspecified plane? Does time even exist?!!?) in my RPG game, "Harmonic Odyssey." But Harmonic is more of a crossover sort of deal, and it's not necessary that you read Dethkomic to play it, or play it to read Dethkomic, hehe. (end of shameless plug!)
So yeah! You're right where you need to be, friendo! Once again welcome, and I do hope you enjoy the ride! And remember! Dethkomic loves you!
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dethkomic · 2 years
Is Abigail gonna eventually make an appearance here?
Man I want Abigail to be in Dethkomic so bad it's unreal. But, at the time this story is taking place with regards to canon, we're two seasons too early and I don't have anything written that requires a flash-forward.
You'll see at the end there is room for me to continue a lot of threads I've started. I've actually already come close to having the backbones of a story treatment which would continue into the seasons we've seen since the Baen-Shee story was penned (which was also before season 2 wrapped) as well as span the major events of my old AU, here. In fact, of the original fanfics I wrote, all 6 of them were mostly completed before season 3 began. I think I was literally writing the last chapters of the last book when we hit the mid-season break, in fact. So a lot has happened canonically that I think would be awesome to explore.
Things I'm considering:
The Dethkomic sequel happens, canonically, after the movie: This is the biggest "what if" on the table, possibly. I am looking at a possible break after Chapter 4 which might take us to the time after the movie has premiered, so that'd certainly allow for a good amount of breathing room, but I have a feeling if I do want to continue these stories, I'm going to want to do so sooner than that and hey... who the hell knows what'll happen during the finale? Still, Abigail would likely make an appearance.
The Dethkomic sequel happens sometime after Season 3 and before Doomstar: My favorite option for including Abigail and a whole butt-ton of lore that we've learned. Especially if I wrote it as happening after Charles' big reveal about the Church of the Black Klok and all that. Especially-especially because in writing my fics all those years ago, we only knew that *something* was going on with ol' CFO's interactions with some supernatural craziness, and no details. With a few of those blanks filled in, I'd have a lot of fun merging old stories and speculation with what's come about since.
Or, you know... it could also just be a huge pain in the ass. Still, this is probably my favorite idea of the three.
And finally... The Dethkomic sequel(s) happen(s) as a series of flashbacks: Post-Doomstar, maybe post-movie, but Abigail is getting caught up on things that happened before she was involved with the band. This idea came as a means of tying my follow-up fics together into a sort of clip-show, and I'd likely do them as one-shots, and each one not nearly as long as Dethkomic. Appealing for how "complete" I could make something, but feels kinda cheap at the same time. An idea I'm not disregarding, but my least favorite so far.
But yeah, in all three aspects, we're looking at including Abigail and a lot of other characters we've met from Season 3, onward. Up until a few months ago, I wasn't even sure I'd go into sequel territory (beyond Harmonic Odyssey, that is), but the series has maintained its popularity to a point where people are starting to ask about things that I can't explain in 80 pages or so... and I'm motivated and would really like to explore them.
Also, I realize this was probably way more than you cared to know, OP, but, hey! There ya go :)
Thank you for the question! Dethkomic loves you!
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dethkomic · 3 years
That's a wrap on Chapter 2 of Dethkomic, pals! I hope you don't mind being left on a cliffhanger ending... because if you do, you might want to get used to it since I've been told I do it a lot and I'm a complete jerk and should burn in hell.
Anyway -- I have a BUNCH of Asks which I cannot answer, right now. In fact... here's a rundown of my top-10 things you guys wanna know about Dethkomic but I cannot answer:
#1: Are the girls good guys or bad guys? What kind of fun could I have if I told you, now?
#2: How are the girls connected to the prophecy? I promise more Tribunal scenes where this is explored. I'm not going to leave it to just the mention of one scroll.
#3: Why doesn't Sparkles talk? But -- growling is talking????
#4: Can you tell us more about Pickles' past with Cherry? Here again, I hope to unfold the layers of this as we go. #5: Will we see Magnus? As you can see from this update, I want to include some flashbacks -- if he does appear, it'll likely be in this way. But you never know. #6: Will you be continuing the comic through all the old stories you wrote? I'd love to but that's a tall order. We'll see where my time goes in the future.
#7: When are Nathan and Nita gonna kiss? I know, right? #8: What about Dr. Rockso? The rock n' roll clown? He does cocaine. Soon. #9: Does Charles know what's going on with all the secret plots floating around? The girls? The Tribunal? The prophecy? Stay tuned. If there's one thing that you can count on Charles for, it's finding out about things.
#10: Is this secretly some tie-in with the movie and are you actually Brendon Small? You found me.
Also, as it pertains to asks -- I promise if you ask me something and do so with an account attached, I will get back to you with at least a "I can't answer that right now!" See? I'm not a complete jerk.
Hope you liked this chapter, pals! I myself am happy to get past the point where I have to draw a helluva lotta fans and randos and can concentrate on the main cast and the occasional forest creature for a while. Seeya soon! Dethkomic loves you!
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chordsykat · 2 years
Requests Closed (for now)!
Thanks to everyone who sent a request for my Friday Sketches! I have enough on my plate for this go-around to keep me busy until tomorrow and still hope to get a Dethkomic update in over the weekend :D I can’t wait to show you guys all the wonderful things you’ve requested, tomorrow! Will definitely open up requests again in the near future :D
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