#deuce: i think you'll like this one! | cater: she looks kinda like you lol...
cerealmonster15 · 2 years
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twst stardew au tag -> twst farming sim au, bc we respect harvest moon in this house
ft protag caycay adventures + chenya jumpscares in the mines
also some stuff i found in discord w/my friend as i was comin up with hypothetical ~cutscenes and mechanics~ lol
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ghostieyanyan · 9 months
If you don’t mind, which yandere twst boys do you see being most likely to exploit a mentally exhausted prefect to kidnap them?
To clarify, I think it can be argued that the prefect would be absolutely done with NRC after six life-or-death situations due to the overblots on top of being forced to adapt to education system of another world and putting up with the quality of students at NRC. You can’t tell me that a school full of villains would treat the only magicless student well. That just screams prime opportunity to manipulate the prefect into leaving NRC to go somewhere “safer” with one of the boys.
Once again, I’m just curious about your thoughts so don’t feel pressured to respond!
yes yes yes!!!
poor perfect tired to the bone from crowly and the other students. if only there was a knight and shining armor that can come and save them.
No longer an accidentally post! But I mean it did help me finish it lol
Yan!Riddle x mc
Yan!Leona x mc
Yan!Jamil x mc
Yan!Lilia x mc
Warnings: yandere, kidnapping, drug use (shrink potion), abusive behavior, chains, collar, gag, parenthood (gender-neutual), gritting teeth(?) (I know some people hate it so ill put it in here), not a lot of proof-reads,
yes, riddle was the first overblot (technically) and after his overblot, he felt awful about how he behaved. he was supposed to look after Heartslaybu but he ended up becoming his mother. he hated himself for that.
So now, not only is he taking better care of his dorm, with the help of his dorm. but whenever he sees you, he tries his best to check up on you.
How are you? Do you need help with any school assignments? etc.
they all had sweet intents at first but over time, you started to look drain.. like the life was sucked right out of you. when he asked ace and deuce, they confirmed that you were just tired of all the overblots and being crowley's lap dog. if only he knew how to help you...
at first he asked, trey and cater about how he should help you. they were mature enough to know, right?
cater, being cater, teased him on "having a crush on the perfect" or how he phrased it "oooohhh you are down bad!! lol" whatever that means...
Trey said that maybe ask the perfect if they do need help. but Riddle knows the perfect, they'll say they're fine even when they're not..
riddle felt lost and swallowed his pride as he dials his mother's number.
his mother was furious with the fact that riddle was facing an issue he cant fix himself but what she said about perfect shocked him.
"well.. maybe if this perfect isn't as perfect as their title, maybe they don't belong in Night Raven College!"
with that... the call ended.
now that he wasn't being held by his mother's strings, he saw red...! no one talks about his perfect like that! but.. she has a point.. (which makes him more frustrated) if perfect is miserable here... maybe they shouldn't be attending NRC. but where would they go...?
when he thought about that, he realized he didn't really want to be away from you... you mean too much to him.
so later that day, he requested you to join him in his room, he need to talk to you. you agreed cause why would you be cautious with someone you trust, plus you were too tired to worry about how strange the request was. he gave you tea and asked if you were okay.. you said yes, just stressed with some classes and drank you tea. it tasted... off.
you feel yourself shrinking.. you were shrinking!
you looked at riddle and he was just smiling at you! he picked you up and placed you into a tea pot.
"it'll be okay, my dear. once i graduate and get us a nice home, we'll live our happy lives away from this stress and... toxic poison. But for now, you'll have to behave. i love you, my dear"
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Whether you noticed him or not, Leona watches you run back and forth, from hallway to hallway. Kinda like a mouse running around for food but also staying hidden. Sometimes your running around helps him sleep or just ease him to a zen.
He'd normally wouldn't bat an eye because you're just a lap dog for that crow. But after time has past. He watched as you get slower, more exhausted. like you're pushing to prove something. It ercked him more than he would like. It hit too close to home for him.
When he finally was able to approach you on the matter, you looked like your soul was taken from you. Something within just snapped. He had enough of this. He made the call and suddenly, savanaclaw students came to your side and dragged you to leona's room. If you try to resist, Leona lucky told them to not hurt you too badly. But accidents happens. With their rough handling, you blacked out.
You wake up with a pretty collar around your neck and a chain attach to it? You look around and this is not your ramshackle room. You tried to sit up for a better look and get quick pulled down by the chain collar. It nearly broke your neck! But Leona would say you're being dramatic.
"Quick moving, im trying to sleep.."
You looked and saw Leona. He was laying on your chest and his legs were holding your legs down. He was like a strange weighted blanket. He wasn't in his school uniform but looks like he's in home attire?
"Where are we, leona..?"
You said, scared cause your literally in the hands of a lion that could kill you really quick..
He ears twitched and he looked up at you, bored. But he let out a smirk.
"Were home~"
It took you a minute to process what he said... home? Apparently your confused was evident on your face and leona let out a long sigh. He moved or above you, pining you down.
"Were at Sunset Savanna palace and WE are both gonna be staying here until I can trust you'll be a good obedient herbivore and stay by my side."
You were lost for words and unconsciously started to struggle under leona. Trying to push him off, kicking your legs, he got really annoyed when you accidentally pinched his tail with the bed and your foot.
His retaliation was to slam you down, knocking the wind out of your lungs. As you were gasping for air, he bit you really hard on your throat. You let out a silent scream. You thought you were going to die. This was your last moment of life.
Leona eventually let's go but quickly replacing his fangs with his hand.
"You WILL be obedient... do I make myself clear.."
That wasn't a question.. it was a demand.
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Jamil hardly noticed you.. PERIOD.
He's busy not only taking care of scarabia but also their housewarden. While his housewarden takes the credit.. he hated it. And the fact his housewarden is so happy go lucky to him too. Makes his blood boil!!
Jamil truly believed that no one would feel his pain, his struggles.. because everyone sees Kalim "success" before anything!
You and Jamil were in the housewarden meeting, well on the outside of the office during the meeting. Jamil had to be there because Kalim and you were there for Crowley...
You both had a quick moment until you asked him hows he been? He lends his head back against the wall and sighs. You laugh at his actions.
"I get that, hehe"
His eye twitched.
"Do you now..?"
"Heh.. I really do. I'm here for Crowley, even tho he's the Headmage. He's like a spoiled brat with responsibility... and HE knowing more about this world, and the work he does for it, more than I do. But nooo... he still gives it to me!"
Jamil stares at you as you vent about your stress and struggles in NRC. He honestly thought that your life is harder than his! How on the seven do you-?
The doors to the office opens and you and jamil both stand up. The other housewardens walked off and kalim ran to jamil, like a parent picking up their kid in kindergarten.
Jamil sighs, seeing kalim's face makes him exhausting... he quickly looks at you, not turning his head to not make it obvious. You were walking into Crowley's office as he hands you a big stack of papers. He practically saw the light in your eyes fade... he HAS to do something.. but what?
A few days past and he just watched you get more exhausted. The more he watches you the more his feelings for you grows. And the more he watched you get degraded the more he wants to set the world on fire for you..
You couldn't hold a conversation as long as you use to now! What is Crowley making you do?
His hand balled into fist. Then he get an idea.. he's always wanted to do this but never thought about it, there will be come changes to the plan with you in it but it could work!
It was in the evening and he stopped by the Ramshackle dorm. With shaking hands he knocked. He can't believe he's gonna do it.
You answer and he quick took out a cloth from his pocket and covered your mouth. Your struggles were pointless with his strength and your muffled screams wasn't going to be heard by anyone since you practically lived in the middle of nowhere. You went limp and he smile grew.
You woke up, chained, gaged, and blindfolded. You didn't know where you were you were so scared.. but you hear foot steps...
"Good morning, my little desert flower~ im sorry I had to contain you like this, I can't risk anymore seeing you. But once we leave the Isle of Sages, ill let you see."
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Lilia has been watching you since that first day you came here. How much chaos your presence cause, not including Grims presence, was amazing.
He'd be lying if he said he didn't feel something for you after that first day.
Whenever you're doing anything, he watches. And if hes busy, he has his bats watch you instead. They'll report any and everything about you. Including the dark circles appear under your eyes.
To say he was a little pissed... was an understandment. How dare the Crow hurt someone he cared for..
Lilia had half a mind to just get rid of Crowley with a big display of his remand.. but his kids will be scar so probably not.
He'd would think about if for a bit and told himself, why not just take you to live in Briar Valley? You could live there and he'd support you and care for you. You have a caring personal type with how much you take care of those first years.
You'll make a perfect parent...
Lilia stopped by Ramshackle dorm for a "surprised visit". You thought his strange behavior was just lilia being a strange guy? Meanwhile lilia felt like he was young again when he's with you. He felt shy and anxious. He was all fidgety and not making 100% eye contact with you.
Oh by the seven, you stir something within him and its not unwelcomed.
"Lilia? I don't mean to be rude but.. umm... why are you here..? You kinda came at a bad time.. Crowley has some paper work he wants me to fill out for him.."
Lilia fidgeting stop and if you had his super hear, you'd hear him grit his teeth for a moment.
He flips around suddenly and gets a unsettling smile.
"I came because I just remembered a old story and I wanted to tell someone before it slips my mind!"
You stared at Lilia but nodded for him to continue.
"Do you remember when I told you about the story of the Thorn Fairy? And how she put a curse on this cute little human~?"
With every word he spoke, he got closer to you.. you tried to make some distance but it quickly was put to a halt when lilia grabbed your arm.
"L-ilia.. You're hurting me.."
You tried to pull away but nothing can compete with Lilia's strength.
"Did I also tell you that with skill and focus, a powerful mage, can change the effect of such a powerful spell~?"
You're particularly trembling at this point. He got up really close to you and he shows you a small sewing needle.
"I promise, it won't be too long. Just long enough for everyone to stop looking for you~"
{I didn’t give Lilia an art piece because I drew something similar already}
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