akalanthis · 2 years
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their relationship is "hello boss~" and "I swear to god one day I'll shoot you"
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skippingseaglass · 4 months
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(don't worry he doesn't actually believe that uzi's biromantic because she's from a country of biromantic people he's going along with the bit and making her think he does because he gets to be mean sometimes too. awesome biromania lore in the tags)
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cryptidm0ths · 4 months
I'm working on a og concept world which is basically a post apocalypse fantasy cowboy world were people have crystal hearts(theres more to it with the hearts)
For funies, I asked my bf what Himamoo would be and he hit me with; human experiment with Kaname's crystal heart. :]
���👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 you had me at post apocalypse fantasy cowboy universe and also your boyfriend is 100% correct!! :]
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finleysarts · 1 month
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Source : https://x.com/JoshuaTookes/status/1800721784360386775
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kilfeur · 3 months
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Vous savez je me demande si au fond, Vi n'a pas été forcé d'être une pacifieuse. Dans les premières images, on la voit pas justement dans son uniforme. Donc peut être qu'elle a été jugé pour les crimes de sa soeur et que Caitlyn a justement proposé d'être une pacifieuse pour éviter une plus lourde sentence. Et du coup Vi se retrouve à endosser le rôle de pacifieuse. Surtout que même sur l'image avec le groupe, elle a l'air misérable, on sent qu'elle veut pas être là.
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Et puis la phrase qui dit "Ma soeur est morte", je n'y crois pas une seule seconde. Elle a passé toute la saison 1, a essayé de retrouver sa petite soeur. Et ce malgré les évènements qui la dépassent. Donc je pense pas qu'elle a fait table rase concernant sa relation avec sa soeur. Et qu'entre ces deux là, ça risque d'être plus compliqué entre ces deux là.
You know, I wonder if deep down, Vi wasn't forced to be a enforcer. In the first images, we don't see her in her uniform. So maybe she was judged for her sister's crimes and Caitlyn offered to be a enforcer to avoid a harsher sentence. And so Vi finds herself taking on the role of enforcer. Especially since even in the image with the group, she looks miserable, we feel that she doesn't want to be there.
And then the sentence that says "My sister is dead", I don't believe it for a single second. She spent the whole of season 1, tried to find her little sister. And this despite the events that are beyond her control. So I don't think she's wiped the slate clean regarding her relationship with her sister. And that between these two, it's likely to be more complicated between these two.
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gabiioartist · 1 year
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every versions of the ruler from a story ive been building since 2018. from mahenge (2018/2019) to eurydice (the last two pictures, frm this year), heres a little improvement/developpement
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ink-ami · 8 months
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Kieran's character developement was delicious, kicking his ass with ogerpon was nice, but seeing warm up again, throw a masterball AND THE SUNRISE SCENE OMG. Also Carmine doesn't get enough recognition, her character devellopement was more subtle but oh so good too !
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one important thing to remember is that i have almost 3k posts in my drafts and 99% are reblogs (most of fanart) so whenever i work on emptying them theyve been there for months
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louise-auxcimes · 9 months
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Tobie Lolness ♥ La prairie was one of my favorite parts of the series to work on ! There was almost no pre-production and we had to devellop everything from scratch ! I did some lineart for these too, and we spent twice as much time on the episode as usueal - it was thrilling ! We put all our love and efforts in it ~
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bootsy-owo · 1 year
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ok ok the new fionna and cake show is crazy i love it, i can't wait to see what devellopment they will do for the character ;o; oh also here is winter king fanart :3
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cryptidm0ths · 2 years
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time to skip the implied angst and go straight to the silly goofy interactions
[ID: a 5 panel comic going back and forth between Rinne Amagi, Kohaku Oukawa, and Niki Shiina in the doorway of HiMERU'S appartement and HiMERU himself sitting on the floor of his flat.Rinne is a taller man with messy dark red hair and blue eyes, he is stending on the left side of the door way . raising his hand in a peace sign. Kohaku is a shorter pink haired boy he is standing behind Rinne and Niki , in the center of the doorway, only the top his head is visible. Niki B avrage height, with long silver hair tied in a messy low ponytail. he is leaning on the right side of the door .
In the first panel, Rinne seems to be barging in, smiling widely , he sayseems to be barging in, smiling widely , he calls in "Yo! merumeru~ you've been ghosting us for 2 weeks. we have snacks!"
In the second panel Himeru is sitting on the floor. he has shoulder length blue hair half tied back in a bun, with darker blue roots. He looks like he hasn't slept in a few days.He is wearing a cropped hoodie with a boob window, basketball short and miss matched socks . he is staring in front of him emptily.
the third panel is the same as the first but Rinne and Niki look surprised , Kohaku still can't see as he is behind the other 2.
the fourth panel is the same as the second panel however himeru looks more distrested. there are various arrows pointing to parts of his apparence : "wrong hair color " , "wrong eye color , hasn't slept in 2 weeks (normal)" , "moles? ", "student food . . .", "tits (crossed out) Depression outfit" and "soul leaving his body" pointing to a badly drawn Bkubstars "soul"
the final panel is similar to the first and third, Rinne is grinning knowingly, kohaku is peaking his eyes over the other's shoulders whilst niki explaims "who the fuck are you? " End ID].
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finleysarts · 1 month
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Source : https://x.com/JoshuaTookes/status/1800721784360386775
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satirates · 10 months
I don't care if soulgayfire win or loose, but we can all agree that Tubbo leadership was A+ today, right?
He litteraly pull up his team from the ground, planned a strat that could get them victory and lead them trought it. This is such a good character devellopement for him
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"Is the human dancing?"
"Doesn't look like a dance to me. Maybe a ritual?"
"Why don't we just ask"
"And potentially disturbe a ritual? You know wjat happened to Zaati when he decided to not be culturally sensitive"
"Yeah yeah, he got a spear thrown an inch of his face by a very angry Attra matriarch..... and now they are married."
" I'm just saying Dessa, If you wanna talk to him, stay close to cover"
Vakk was an asahole, But Dessa knew he had a point. So she aproached the sparing mat slowly while watching thw human performe his routine.
"Uum, excuse me" They said
" Huh?" The human said with a slightly startled reaction" OH! m i hogging the mat? Sorry. I'll be done in a minute or 2 if that's ok"
"No, that's allright. I just wanted to ask you as to what this ritual is" now relaxed Dessa said.
"Ritu- OH! yes this does look pretty ritualistic I guess. Mind I finish though?
" Oh no, not at all!"
The human just smiled and nodded, proceeding with his ritual. While Dessa kept watching.
And shortly after the human knelt slowly, put his forehead to the mat, slowly rose while obviously avoiding touching the amt with his hands, took a step backwards and boues the final time.
"Wooh!" He said, jumping in place. Conpletely shattering the calm demeenor he exuded not 10 second ago.
"Now, Propper introductions! I'm Teddy, I'm a translator and linguist with UN diplomatic core" the human said stretching his arm. A gesture of good will found in many species
"Dessa, amature xenoculturologist and medical officer on board this station" Dessa replied
"That explains your interest in my, ritul" Teddy added with a smile
"Well, yes. I find different beliefs and rituals other species performe intriguing. If you would be willing to explain I'd be greatfull." Dessa said trxing to be as cordial as her curiosity would allowe
"Please, talk more casually. I hear enough diplomatic talk a work as it is. And I'd be glad to explain." Teddy said
" What you saw was called Nage-no-kata it's a stric performance form made of 15 techniques of Judo. And Judo is a martial art I train"
Dessa looked confused " Military skill? Is my translator malfunctioning?"
"Yeah the translation pack still isn't up to speed with coloquialism and cultural elements. That's another reasons I preffere casual conversations lets me know what I'll need to work on in the future"
"Ok so. What would the proper translation be?"
"Well.." Teddy paused "either fighting sport or self defence skill"
"... so the translator wasn't wrong..."
"Technically not"
"And you humans .... made military grade combat into a sport" Dessa stated withoit a hint of wmotion
"Well no, the sport was develloped before" Teddy retorted
"Well... I don't know if that makes me feel more or less uneasy"
"Look it sounds bad if you phrase it like that but Judo has among the lowest rate of serious injury qmong human sports and among the highest percentage of highly educated people in its ranks"
"That ... sounds like a salesman pitch"
"Did it help calm you down though?"
"I ... guess? I stil don't understand why a linguist would need combat training"
"I actually started practicing as a teenager so I wasn't even a linguist-"
" you teach combat to kids?! And I tought Attra were militaristic" Dessa interrupted
"What I was gon a say is that Judo is ot just fighting it's a philosophy." Teddy retorted, seemingly finding this ordeal amusing
"Another sales pitch?" Dessa asked.
" I stand guard .... that's a coloquialism for I'm listening for my people"
"Noted" Teddy said before co ti uing his explenation
"As I said. JUDO is a philosophy. It's based of using the oponenta strenght against him. If pushed, you pull back, if pulled, you push. But it's also built upon respect. Towards the referees, towards your coach, towards your oponemt and even the mat you stand on during the match"
"That woukd be all thw bowing". Dessa persumed
"Correct!" Teddy said happily " you see, I used to be a troublemaket as a kid and gor cought shoplifting. The judge saw I was just a lost kid so he offered me a deal. I can get a record which would make getting a job much harder, or I can join his friends program that aimed to reform troublemakers" Teddy said with a melancolic look
"Ok so ... you were a criminal?" Desaa asked
"Basically, yeah"
"And what stopped you continuing doing crime is ...combat training"
"I guess."
"Oh we are talking about this more later over drinks!" Dessa said grinning from ear to ear
"Ok, but you're buying" Teddy added
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fraudulent-cheese · 6 months
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Assistant Alejandro and Contestant Noah! this was super fun to draw and i might devellop this AU a bit more because i have some ideas!!!
(Their personalities aren't swapped, only their roles are!)
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