lmiindia · 8 days
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Leadership development is a journey that enhances with experience and time.
Learn how leadership abilities evolve and get better over time and discover the stages to achieving leadership excellence in our new blog.
Read the blog by clicking here
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thxnews · 1 year
Charting Our Path: Australian International Development Policy
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  A Vision for a Peaceful and Prosperous Indo-Pacific
In a significant stride towards bolstering Australia's influence and promoting a peaceful, stable, and prosperous Indo-Pacific region, the Albanese Government has introduced a comprehensive and forward-looking international development policy. This trailblazing initiative, the first of its kind in nearly a decade, will serve as a cornerstone for Australia's engagement, positioning the nation as a prime partner of choice for the region.   Addressing Regional Challenges Through Sustainable Investments At the heart of this new policy lies an unwavering commitment to address pressing regional challenges head-on. The government's strategic focus centers on marshaling aid investments to combat complex issues such as poverty, economic growth, healthcare, infrastructure development, climate change, and gender equality. By harnessing these resources, Australia aims to carve a transformative path toward inclusive prosperity and sustainable progress within the Indo-Pacific.  
A Framework of Effectiveness and Transparency
By emphasizing a paradigm shift toward efficacy, responsiveness, transparency, and accountability, the meticulously designed new policy stands resilient against the multifaceted challenges and opportunities of the modern era. The Albanese Government envisions a development program that finely tunes to the region's needs and delivers tangible outcomes resonating on both local and global scales.   Forging Authentic Partnerships and Empowering Communities Australia's visionary approach extends beyond traditional avenues. The policy embraces a renewed commitment to fostering genuine, respectful partnerships through increased investments in locally-led solutions. By nurturing local job creation and economic opportunities, a novel fund is set to be established, poised to directly support community organizations within the region and catalyze impactful local development initiatives.  
Prioritizing Gender Equality and Climate Action
At its core, the development program champions unwavering commitments to gender equality and climate action. The policy envisions the integration of fresh targets to amplify the resilience of Australian development assistance in confronting climate impacts and enhancing the lives of women and girls. This commitment reflects Australia's dedication to inclusivity and the cultivation of a sustainable future.  
A Catalyst for Progress
This ambitious policy framework serves as a bedrock for the Albanese Government's sweeping international development investments, which have already translated into $1.7 billion in new funding over a span of five years. The policy showcases a steadfast dedication to the sustained growth of the development program, echoing Australia's pledge to advance positive change on the global stage.   A Comprehensive Performance Assessment A pioneering performance and delivery framework is poised to guide the seamless implementation of the policy's visionary tenets. This robust structure will systematically measure the impact and effectiveness of Australia's ongoing endeavors, reinforcing the nation's commitment to transparency and results-driven strategies.   Reinvigorating Expertise and Skills In tandem with these groundbreaking developments, the Albanese Government has pledged to strengthen the arsenal of development skills and expertise within the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. This commitment is a direct response to the challenges posed by nine years of prior budget cuts and neglect, aiming to fortify Australia's influence on the global stage.  
A Thriving Partnership Landscape
Simultaneously, the government has released the findings of the Development Finance Review, a comprehensive assessment conducted by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. In a resounding display of commitment, the government has embraced all eight recommendations, propelling Australia towards enhanced partnerships with impact investors and philanthropists. This strategic maneuver is poised to amplify the influx of private finance aimed at advancing transformative development outcomes in the Indo-Pacific.  
A Catalyst for Private Investment
In alignment with the Review's insights, the government is set to introduce Australian Development Investments, a groundbreaking initiative designed to facilitate up to $250 million in catalytic support for private impact investment across the Indo-Pacific. This visionary step underscores Australia's resolve to foster sustainable change through innovative financial mechanisms.  
A Confluence of Consultation and Vision
Crucially, the formulation of this groundbreaking development policy and the comprehensive Development Finance Review drew extensively from consultations across Australia and the Indo-Pacific region. The Albanese Government extends its gratitude to all participants for their invaluable contributions, which have shaped a roadmap toward a more prosperous and harmonious future.   A Pledge to Catalyze Change These dynamic policy initiatives stand as a testament to the Albanese Government's resolute commitment to rejuvenate and elevate Australia's development program. With a resolute focus on achieving positive outcomes, the nation stands poised to navigate uncharted territories and carve a brighter path for the entire region.   Quotes attributable to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator the Hon Penny Wong: “Australia is resolutely leveraging its comprehensive national resources to champion its interests and drive positive global transformation. “Economic development and prosperity are the bedrock of lasting peace and stability. “This visionary policy reinforces Australia's steadfast presence—extending beyond times of crises—by collaborating with the region to bolster resilience and facilitate the attainment of shared aspirations. “Our novel policy blueprint will guide the convergence of Australia's development program with our diplomatic, defense, and economic engagements.”   Quotes attributable to the Minister for International Development and the Pacific, the Hon Pat Conroy MP: “The Albanese Government is spearheading the revitalization and reinvestment in Australia's development program, following the previous administration's detrimental budget cuts and neglect of development expertise. “Our trajectory aligns with the priorities of our partner nations, envisaging a future where poverty is eradicated, resilience is fortified, and regional relationships are deepened. “We are committed to nurturing homegrown solutions that yield dual dividends—propelling local job growth, generating on-ground economic benefits, and enhancing the global impact of Australia's investments.”   Sources: THX News, Minister for Foreign Affairs & The Hon Pat Conroy MP. Read the full article
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karthikadme · 2 years
Leadership Qualities to Excel
Leadership is all about leading a team of people who can meet organization goals and assist in growing, not only the organization, but themselves as well. Budding leaders, aspiring to reach leadership heights, therefore, should first be successful in leading themselves. This can be done through a 3-step process:
Self- Awareness
Exercising Self- Control
Continuous Self- Improvement
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This step includes a process of carrying out weekly self-retrospective on self-performance (what went well and what did not), continuous self-assessment and visualization as to how to enhance/maximize the potential and seeking feedback from boss, teammates, family members and close friends.
Exercising Self-Control
All human beings have their own limiting behaviors which includes reacting to situations, short tempers, biases etc. Building strong relationships and handling situations in a mature manner is key for the growth of all, especially for the budding leaders.
Budding leaders should become very conscious about their thoughts, feelings and emotions. The weekly self-retrospectives and seeking feedback from boss, team mates, family members and close friends will also help in a big way to identify such behaviors.
Budding leaders should be able identify such reactive behaviors soon as the same happens and take corrective actions immediately. Some of the common ways to do so are taking a pause, having a glass of water, and temporarily stepping away from the situation.
Regular exercises and meditation should help to bring more calmness of mind as well as awareness in the long run.
Continuous Self-Improvement
Self-improvement is a continuous process for all, especially so for the budding leaders. This is a very important tool for the growth of people and the organization. Budding leaders should be constantly adopting self-improvement techniques to enrich their knowledge, especially in the areas that are identified during the self-awareness process as areas that need improvement.
Budding leaders should do the following to keep self-improving:
Attend trainings/seminars (relating to technical area of expertise, self-improvement as a person, mindset, leadership, public speaking etc.),
Reading books/articles
Exchange thoughts/ideas with industry peers using social media
Get mentorship
The knowledge gathered should be shared and implemented.
Work Ethics
Budding leaders should exhibit strong work ethics at all times. Only then, can they lead by example in the future. Work ethics include integrity, respect, punctuality, and discipline. Adherence to company rules and regulations is also very important.
Leadership is about building a high performing team who can meet the performance goals of the organization. For budding leaders to become such leaders, they should maximize their own performance to start with.
This process starts with knowing about the organization. Seek information about the organization:
Nature of activities (Product or services provided; customers and geography)
Organization vision and values
Organization chart
Key policies (Employee handbook, etc.)
Benefits (Health, welfare etc.)
Awards and Recognition System
Seeking and receiving feedback system
Performance appraisal system
Scope for learning and development
The next step is to do proper expectation setting about the role:
Details of the role
How does the role align with the company goals?
Key Performance Areas
Criteria on which performance will be evaluated
Boss’s expectations
Armed with the proper role expectation, budding leaders should keep continuously scaling new heights of performance, keeping the following key aspects in mind:
Be result oriented. Always work with goals & targets
Quality of work is uncompromising
Always state facts
It is common to make mistakes; admit it, correct it, learn from it and do not repeat
Take responsibility for your actions
Build strong relationship with team members
Involve (meaningfully) in team interactions
Seek opinion & feedbacks for improvement
Maintain confidentiality
Show eagerness to learn from others
Be ready to help others, always
Follow team rules
Coordinate well (E.g.-Proper handover during shift change)
Never put down team members
Keep to your commitments
Whenever you are not able to meet any commitment or deadline, you inform well in advance, apologize, and propose an alternate plan
Be transparent about the status of work/project
Participate in all employee related activities (e.g.: outings, surveys)
Participate in meetings/events/trainings
Speak up/ask questions
Provide constructive suggestions
Change is inevitable. Change is necessary for the growth of organizations. Leaders should manage the change management process in an effective manner. Budding leaders should develop a mindset for change.
Change need not always be something big or complicated. Small changes to improve the daily working life of team members is also an important aspect of change. Technology upgrade is also an important component of change management.
Budding leaders should keep eyes open for change. They should provide constructive suggestions to the management Including investment in technology which will make both the processes and team members more efficient.
Budding leaders should also volunteer to be part of any change management implementation group, whenever such opportunity arises. They should play in a meaningful role in:
Identification of the need for a change
Establish the benefits for the change
Planning and implementation stages
Drawing up realistic timelines, along with assignment of responsibilities
Changes create feelings of uncertainty, and therefore, the adoption process by team members should be well managed Assist the management in carrying out the implementation without causing any hardship to the other team members.
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indianschool-blog1 · 4 months
Results-Based Program Management | ISDM
ISDM's Results-Based Program Management certificate equips you to lead impactful development programs in India. Learn sector-specific skills for managing complex programs that deliver lasting change.
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Technical skills Development Program
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IIC Cell, Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida organized Technical skills Development Program with the collaboration of Techsaksham- Edunet Foundation. The Trainer of Techsaksham was Mr. Ankit Dixit. Tech Saksham Program (TSP) is a top-up program that uses experiential learning to develop employability skills amongst female students pursuing higher education in sciences, computer applications, vocational areas, and engineering, by imparting critical skills that are required to secure jobs in the market.
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anilkhare · 2 years
The Benefit of Taking Career Counseling
If you are interested in a particular field of work, taking career counseling is a great way to turn your passions into a viable career. Not only can a career counselor help you identify the fields of work that best suit your interests and skills, but they will also help you learn about networking and how to overcome challenges that might prevent you from achieving your dreams. If you haven’t yet taken career counseling, now is the time to do so!
Career counseling helps you identify fields of work that match your skills
Career counseling is an excellent way to discover your interests and discover your unique abilities and traits. The counselor will conduct an assessment that will help you identify what field is most likely to suit you best. He or she will also ask you questions about your personal preferences and your skills, as well as your personality. From these answers, you can decide on your next steps and choose a course that will help you achieve your career goals.
A career counselor will help you explore and understand your options by examining your skills, preferences, and personality. A counselor will also help you achieve a balance between your personal and professional life, and will implement strategies for overcoming obstacles and finding work satisfaction. The counselor will coach you to achieve the career success you’ve always dreamed of through effective job search. These professionals will help you find a job you love.
Career counseling helps you understand how networking can help your career
The benefits of networking are many, and if you know how to use it properly, you can find job opportunities in nearly any field. You can also get valuable insights and advice from people who know you well. If you have any career-related challenges, you might want to consider seeking out career counseling. This type of professional help can help you identify your ideal job and career, and create a plan to get there.
In order to develop professionally, networking is essential. Studies have shown that people who network with their peers tend to stay in their jobs five years longer than those who do not. Networking signals to employers that you are in better mental and emotional health, which leads to more advancement opportunities. Building a strong network will improve your collaboration skills and increase your knowledge of new ideas. Networking also has major health benefits, keeping your mind and body strong.
Career counseling helps you reach higher career aspirations
Whether you are struggling to find a job or looking to improve your professional preparation, career counseling can help you get started on the path to a fulfilling future. Career counselors can help you identify your ideal career or job and help you find different options that will take you where you want to go. As an example, Andrew sought career counseling when he was trying to transition from one job to another. He had recently been laid off from a law firm, and wanted to make a change in direction.
Career counseling can be an extremely beneficial service. Not only will they help you figure out which career path to take, but they can also help you find the right resources for your particular goals. For instance, they can help you network with influential people in your industry. Those connections can lead to better job prospects and a quicker career progression. A career counselor will guide you every step of the way. So, if you’re wondering how to make a career change, you don’t have to feel embarrassed or self-conscious about the idea.
Career counseling is a strategic resource for employees
Career counselors help people explore their options, understand their choices and execute their career plans. These counselors work in various settings, such as individual sessions, educational contexts, or group counseling sessions. They serve as sounding boards for employees and help them navigate the workplace, especially when they are experiencing difficulty in their chosen career path. They also provide a framework for mapping out a long-term career trajectory. These benefits make career counseling a valuable strategic resource for employees and employers alike.
Effective career development programs are vital for today’s organizations. They allow employees to meet their professional and personal goals, as well as retain more qualified employees. It is important to establish a clear plan of action for employees, which will preserve the organization’s ability to meet future needs. In addition, proactive career management will help employees take advantage of opportunities, which can help both the organization and employees grow professionally. Career counseling programs should be available to all employees in any company, regardless of size, so that employees can make the most of the resources they have.
Career counseling helps you overcome obstacles
Career counseling is a vital aspect of self-improvement. It helps people identify what their strengths and weaknesses are. During your career counseling session, your counselor will use a variety of tools, including interviews, personality tests, and assessments, to determine the best course of action. The career counselor will work with you to identify the obstacles that you face, and then coach you through them. If your counselor identifies any issues beyond your control, they will refer you to a psychologist or therapist. Typically, career counselors hold a master’s degree in counseling or other related field and may be board certified by the National Board of Certified Counselors.
During career counseling, you and your counselor will discuss your hopes and aspirations. You will also discuss any emotional or developmental concerns that may be hindering you from finding your life/career path. Often, this is a difficult process, so you will need to have full faith in your counselor. While career counseling is not a substitute for mental health treatment, it can help you overcome obstacles and find a path that meets your needs and fulfills your personal desires.
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Building a Strong Full-Stack Foundation: Essential Skills and Tools
In the dynamic world of web development, mastering full-stack development is a powerful way to enhance your skill set and increase your marketability. A solid foundation in full-stack development not only makes you versatile but also equips you to handle both the frontend and backend aspects of web applications. Whether you're a budding developer or an industry professional looking to expand your expertise, understanding the core components of a full-stack foundation is crucial.
What is Full-Stack Development?
Full-stack development involves working on both the client-side (frontend) and server-side (backend) of web applications. A full-stack developer is proficient in a range of technologies that allow them to build complete web solutions from scratch.
Key Components of a Full-Stack Foundation
Frontend DevelopmentHTML/CSS: The building blocks of web development, crucial for structuring and styling web pages.JavaScript: Essential for creating interactive elements and improving user experience. Familiarity with frameworks like React, Vue.js, or Angular can be beneficial.Responsive Design: Understanding how to create layouts that work well on various devices using frameworks like Bootstrap or material design principles.
Backend DevelopmentProgramming Languages: Knowledge of server-side languages such as Node.js (JavaScript), Python, Ruby, or PHP.Frameworks and Libraries: Familiarity with backend frameworks like Express.js for Node.js, Django for Python, or Rails for Ruby.Database Management: Understanding both SQL databases (like PostgreSQL or MySQL) and NoSQL databases (like MongoDB) is crucial for data storage and retrieval.
Version ControlGit: Proficiency with Git and platforms like GitHub or GitLab is essential for managing code changes and collaboration in development projects.
APIs and Web ServicesRESTful APIs: Knowledge of creating and consuming RESTful APIs to enable communication between the frontend and backend.GraphQL: An alternative to REST for querying and manipulating data, offering more flexibility.
DevOps and DeploymentServer Management: Basic understanding of server environments and deployment strategies, including using platforms like AWS, Heroku, or DigitalOcean.CI/CD Pipelines: Familiarity with continuous integration and continuous deployment practices to automate testing and deployment processes.
Soft SkillsProblem-Solving: Strong analytical skills to troubleshoot and resolve issues.Communication: Ability to articulate technical concepts clearly to non-technical stakeholders and work effectively in teams.
Building Your Full-Stack Foundation
Start with Projects: Apply what you've learned by building real-world projects. This hands-on experience is invaluable for reinforcing your skills.
Stay Updated: Technology evolves rapidly, so keeping up with industry trends and new tools is important.
Join a Community: Engage with developer communities through forums, meetups, or online groups to learn from others and stay motivated.
Developing a strong full-stack foundation is an investment in your career as a developer. By mastering both frontend and backend technologies and understanding the tools and practices that support modern development workflows, you'll be well-equipped to tackle complex projects and adapt to the ever-changing tech landscape. Whether you're just starting out or looking to deepen your expertise, focusing on these core areas will set you on a path to success in the world of full-stack development.
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naturecoaster · 5 months
Leadership Pasco Accepting Applications for Class of 2025
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The Leadership Pasco Recruitment Committee is excited to announce the upcoming Class of 2025. We are inviting emerging and already flourishing community leaders who reside or work in Pasco County to apply for the Leadership Pasco Class of 2025. Leadership Pasco Accepting Applications for Class of 2025 Applicants will be chosen from a competitive pool of individuals that are interested in learning about the important challenges facing Pasco County and committed to utilizing their leadership abilities for its long-term benefit. Since 1990, Leadership Pasco has introduced business and community leaders to major facets of the Pasco County community through an intensive ten-month course. Class members participate in full-day program sessions, tours, and candid conversations with community leaders to broaden their local understanding of the ever-changing needs of Pasco County. Topics include criminal justice, tourism, healthcare, education, government, infrastructure, media, and business industries. In addition, each Leadership Pasco class is responsible for making a positive impact within thecommunity by organizing a Class Project that brings charitable people and resources together to address a particular social, educational, economic, environmental, or cultural need in Pasco County. For over 30 years, Leadership Pasco has helped to identify and recruit current or potential leaders of Pasco County, facilitate the development and interaction of those leaders, and to foster an issues-oriented learning environment for those leaders and the citizens of Pasco County to encourage an exchange of ideas and generate enthusiasm for community growth and development. Applications are available online at www.leadershippasco.com and are due by May 15, 2024 The Leadership Pasco Recruitment Committee will review all applicants and start the class selection. All selected 2025 class members will be notified by the end of June 2024. Monthly program sessions begin with orientation in August 2024 and conclude with a graduation ceremony in May 2025. For more information, visit www.leadershippasco.com. For questions or concerns, contact Laura Raposa, Recruitment Committee Chair at (727) 858-6452 or [email protected]. About Leadership Pasco Leadership Pasco, established 1988, is a highly respected leadership developmentprogram designed to connect, educate, and engage emerging and existing leaders inPasco County. The program focuses on fostering a deeper understanding of thecommunity, promoting collaboration, and inspiring participants to take an active role inshaping the future of the county. Read the full article
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sunansurf · 2 years
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drzaibkhan · 3 years
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Why is the world afraid of #China’s rising #ArtificialIntelligence #HumanBrain #DevelopmentProgram? Different western media outlets have reported speculative, even maniacal conspiracy theories regarding #China’s #ArtificialIntelligence (#AI) #Advancement.. (part 1) By #DrZaibKhan #InGodWeHaveFaith March 24, 2022 https://www.instagram.com/p/CbdqcIADh60/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lmiindia · 8 days
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phontinent · 4 years
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lokerjabodetabekid · 4 years
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ucmasabacusgwalior · 4 years
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