r0b0-writes · 2 years
Gasp- reqs are open :DD I’m a sucker for the devil!cakes au- maybe some fluff with cakes not entirely aware of mortal things? Like “Ayo what is that- a convenience store? Doesn’t seem to be that convenient to me”
Sorry this took so long to get to! Consider this a crack fic lmao. They just have a bit of fun in a grocery store. Causing havoc is what entities like these are made for! [I asked the AU creators for permission, so we're good to go]!
Title: Low Profile Words: 1,354
K_K stretched his arms over his head as the trio entered the supermarket. “Why’re we here again~?” it asked with a yawn. “This place is so boring~” it whined. 
The smallest of the trio stopped ahead of them. “We’re here,” Sweet turned. “Because you two ate all my food,” he pointed at K_K and Cap’n. “And as punishment, you two are helping me shop for groceries. And you’re going to carry them all in for me, too,” he replied. 
K_K hummed, “I don’t see why I have to do all that~” they pretended to pout. “Cap’s the one who ate all your favorite candy~” They sent a devious glance in the angel’s direction. 
If he had less control, that comment would’ve prompted the feathers in his wings to puff at the accusation. “You offered them to me! I didn’t know!” Cap’n jumped between the two and clasped his hands in Sweet’s. “I was framed!” He turned and pointed his finger at K_K, “I should’ve known better than to trust a de–”
“Keep your voice down!” Sweet pulled the angel back by his headphones. “You’re supposed to be keeping a low profile, right?”
“Yeah, Cap~” K_K smirked, “we’re supposed to keep a low profile~” it teased. 
“You, too, K_K,” Sweet eyed. “Don’t cause any trouble.” “Trouble? Me?” it feigned offence. “K_K, I’m serious.”
Seeing the look in their eye, K_K’s facade fell. “Okay~” he smiled, “no silly business from me~” Though, as honestly as he had meant it, a devil would do what a devil was meant to. K_K couldn’t fight his nature.
The store was fairly large, big enough to get lost in. The trio had been in the store twenty minutes and had only managed to find a few items. What was supposed to be a short trip was quickly diverging into something else. The worst part however, was that Sweet was found this was less a punishment for them, and more one for him. Shopping with Cap’n and K_K was worse than shopping with kids. K_K was constantly putting extra junk in the cart which only encouraged Cap’n to start arguing. To retaliate against the argument, K_K would reply with teasing, prompting the angel to repress a blush. It seemed no matter what the two did, their differences always led to a rather awkward tension. 
“(We’ve been here forever),” Sweet groaned. “(I don’t know if I can take their bickering much longer).” Most of the time it was endearing to hear the two like this. However, it’d been a long day and it was quickly becoming grating.  
K_K smirked and elbowed Cap’n, “convenience store? What’s so convenient about it?” “Snrk!” Cap’n turned, leaning a hand on K_K’s arm for support as he held back a laugh. Sweet turned, “are you guys helping or not?” he tapped his foot.
“Course we are, Sweetie~” K_K beamed. It casually reached above the speaker and grabbed the box he’d been struggling to reach. It handed them the item with an innocent smile plastered on its face. 
Sweet narrowed his eye but placed the box in the cart. “Okay… well, if we want to get out of here soon we should probably split up,” they concluded. “Do you think you two can handle getting the snack stuff?”
“Of course~!”
“I’d rather stay with you,” Cap’n crossed his arms. Sweet shrugged, “up to you, I guess. But I’d hate to see what K_K could get up to on its own.” 
Cap’n slumped, they made a fair point. The smile on the devil’s lips seemed to agree too. 
“C’mon, Captain~” K_K smirked, “don’t be a slowpoke~” Groaning, the angel followed behind. 
Angels weren’t supposed to be this confused about devils. Yet, this one always left him guessing. It wasn’t fair that he, an angel, could fall prey to a devil so easily. He had to keep his guard up whether he wanted to or not. For Sweet’s sake, of course. Not his own. He needed to be strong to make sure Sweet wouldn’t be corrupted by some horned, winged, pretty, demonic entity. 
“(Pretty)?” he shook his head. That was not his thought. It couldn’t be. He would never think something so absurd about a devil. He was better than that. 
An arm wrapped around his waist as the two walked down the snack aisle. “Wanna have some fun~?” K_K teased. 
Cap’n jumped from their hold, desperately trying to ignore the heat emerging on his cheeks. “What? No! We’re just supposed to get what we need and leave–”
“But where’s the fun in that~?” K_K huffed. “These mortal places can be so boring~ Don’t you want to do something fun~?”
“With you? No.” Cap’n stepped further away. “You always get me in trouble.”
K_K rolled their eyes and pulled the angel back to their side. Hands on his shoulders, they whispered, “don’t you angels know how to have fun~? I bet Sweet likes fun~”
Cap’n knew it was a trap. He knew it was a ploy, but he couldn’t help himself. He gave into the temptation. “Fine, what did you want to do? If it’s not too bad I might join.”
Without explaining, the devil picked him up and set him in the cart they had grabbed. “I’ll skate down the aisles and you grab the food, simple~” 
All of Cap’n’s eyes narrowed, even the angelic ones over his shoulder. He knew there had to be a catch, something K_K was hiding behind that innocent expression. Against his better judgement, he trusted the smile. A poor choice on his end. No sooner had they started did Cap’n realize the speed they were starting to go. They flew down the aisles, Cap’n barely had time to grab the items needed. It would be impossible is not for the disembodied eyes that helped locate everything faster. 
K_K laughed as he kicked off the ground, making the cart go faster and faster. Using an eye to look ahead, Cap’’n warned of incoming customers. Even when the others in the store shouted, K_K remained smiling and laughing. They looked at the short angel in the cart with a grin. This was an angel that knew how to have some fun! He just needed the right push sometimes.
“K_K! You’re gonna get Sweet in trouble!” Cap’n braced himself as they swung around into another aisle. 
“No, I won’t~ No one will even–” “Wait! K_K, stop the–”
A pyramid of soda bottles had been set up in the center of an aisle. The duo were going too fast to slow down. They barely had time to brace themselves before crashing into the pyramid. Soda bottles rained down upon them like an avalanche. 
K_K popped up amongst the bottles, only disoriented for a second. They crawled a short distance to see Cap’n still lying on the ground. For a moment they assumed something was wrong. Angels could take quite a bit of damage, a simple crash shouldn’t have hurt him. They could see his chest rise and fall quickly. It was confused and moved even closer. As they got closer they realized he was laughing. He had a hand over his mouth, trying to stop himself, but it was useless. A smile appeared on the devil’s face. “(There he is).” 
Cap’n had only just sat up when they heard hissing coming from around them. 
“Oh no,” they both said in unison. 
The soda bottles fizzled and exploded throughout the aisle. Two liter bottles went flying over the shelves into other aisles. The two were drenched in soda, yet somehow still found themselves laughing at the shouts from other customers. Anytime K_K heard a shriek, they couldn’t help but throw their head back and laugh. Even Cap’n found some enjoyment from the scene. He hadn’t done something so absurd in such a long time, if ever. 
Sweet appeared before them, immediately trying to pull them from the ground. “Guys, c’mon! What did you do?!” It took some doing, but Sweet managed to get the two out of the store without being stopped. They laughed all the way out the door. 
“Ugh, what happened to keeping a low profile?!”
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bloodgutsdevilcake · 2 years
<* M a s t e r  L i s t *>
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Original Poetry
My Religion
Original Excerpts 
Dirt and Grime (SMUT)
Obey Me!
Beel x GN Reader SMUT
Eddie and Venom
Eddie/Venom x AFAB GN Reader SMUT
Doc Oc
Doctor Octavius X GN Reader SMUT
Resident Evil
Heisenberg x GN Reader SMUT
Michael Myers
Brahms Heelshire
Danny Johnson
Luisa x GN Reader SMUT
Adrian Tepes
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hollowgourd · 2 years
Undergrad Reference Pages
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The current freshman class of Hollow Gourd!
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h34rtcake · 4 months
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devilcake / devilbong
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2-dsimp · 2 years
If kitchen orders still available, can you write cheesecake/devilcake (you can choose!) skittles for kazuha?? You don’t have to if you don’t want to btw, have a lovely day~~
Here’s your Skittles!
Yandere! Soulmate Kazuha x Artist reader
You we’re the ink to his brush, the petals to his blossom. The apple of his eye, the icing to his cake. And you represented the blood that splattered on his face, coming from the many rivals that dared to take his place.
Kazuha was entranced by you from the moment you waltzed into his life. Or when he wondered into yours throughout his years of traveling aimlessly hoping to find his missing piece. The only reminder he had of his soulmate was that they were an artist judging from the tattoo of a paint platter on the inside of his wrist.
There you were, at your favorite arts and crafts store. Lovely as always even when you acted indecisive when choosing a specific color or material. He wishes he could announce to the world of how fortunate he was to have a soulmate such as yourself. However, as much as his heart yearns too he can’t. Nor can he ever approach you.
As there was one unspoken restriction placed upon destined soulmates, a tragic one at that. Which prevented the intertwined souls before them to never be reunited, unless they’ve overcome this daunting trail.
The ancient decree that follows states:
“You are invisible to your soulmate, however everyone else can acknowledge your presence. Should you wish to be noticed by your other half you must leave traces of your existence. And pray that your soulmate can put two and two together and realize that you’re there.”
So Kazuha did everything in his power to make himself known to his darling. He left poems which bleed out his heart, pouring out his love on every scripture that was posted outside your bedroom window. Made sure to be there for you when you happened to get into any accidents.
Oh you lost your prized brush utensils? It was miraculously left on your desk the next day, as if you’ve never misplaced it in the first place.
Your missing something on your artwork that prevents it from being finished? Somehow the missing piece presented itself in the for of a red heart, just the thing you were searching for!
He was always there, but due to your obliviousness you failed to realize that the phenomenons happening to you wasn’t purely confidential. Making Kazuha grow frustrated every time he witnessed you becoming too close towards a co-worker of yours.
Why couldn’t you realize that all you ever needed was right beside you? What can he do to make it clear that his existence exists solely for you? As does yours exist for his alone. Days go by and it seems as if you’ve forgotten that you even had a soulmate because of some foolish fellow who doesn’t respect boundaries. He spent hours ransacking his head for ideas…
Until an thought popped up in his head, a deranged smile spreads across his face as he finally figured out the answer to making you notice him. And he was proven correct by how you actually managed to see him covered in the remains of your beloved co worker who was slumped over lifelessly in front of your house. Their blood becoming the ink Kazuha used to write the following words:
“Welcome home Darling, from your soulmate”
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fairytalemorgue · 2 months
hes a 10 but hes a snuggler.... so hes actually a 12 LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL <3<3<3<3<333333333333 MYOOOOOOO ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not nice to come into my morgue and brag about yourself, devilcake XD!!
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toastlyeggs · 2 years
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urgph... devil k_k back at it againe..... <3
aka i colabed with @gqyass and this is the happened!! so cool!!! so cooooool!!!!
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kiyoo-omi · 3 years
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mock cover for devilcakes!
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furbys-world · 5 years
2 moods
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cookiegayedits · 6 years
hot take: pancake cookie and devil cookie
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i used my favorite sprites of both of them in this ts grand,, , , ,, , , , , minecraf kiddos, , , , , 
KJFHSGFJHKS I JUST THOUGHT OF THOSE “i used to have a girlfriend… but one day… she never logged into minecraft” tik toks or somethign like that  amazing
- mod fire spirit 
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williechou · 2 years
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會知道這家店是去年在台南甜點節認識的, 那時候會看上這家店, 是因為他們推出了一個特別的櫻花塔, 吃過後覺得還不錯, 想著可以找時間去店裡試試看其他品項, 誰知道那天之後就整個台灣陷入了疫情, 沒有辦法內用啊, 而他就算能外帶, 我也不想騎車把他帶回善化吃啊, 只會變得跟廚餘一樣啊! 這次趁著要去空山祭前的空檔, 趕緊來去吃一波當晚餐, 還不小心被認了出來, 哈哈, 但他們品項的數量有限, 有想吃的人, ���以到他們的IG看看每次的甜點, 有喜歡的品項就傳訊息預留吧, 但不要放鳥他們, 這樣他們會很傷心, 也會讓其他想吃的客人扼腕。 [ 草莓千層酥 ] 他們的千層酥口感很明確, 就是很脆硬, 不是可以輕易切開或是撬開的那種, 所以只要一開吃, 他就會直接大毀容, 他們的鮮奶油感覺有混一些酒在裡面的感覺, 還是什麼的, 因為味道不太一樣, 然後裡面還夾帶有整顆的草莓的草莓醬在裡面, 另外還有卡士達醬的濃郁的奶香味, 整體在嘴巴裡面的味道還蠻豐富的, 但是可能是因為鮮奶油的關係, 吃到後面的味道會比較厚重一點, 但也還不至於到膩口, 就是因為新鮮草莓的酸味, 可以把它們中和掉。 [ 惡魔蛋糕 ] 老闆很親切的提醒說這款有加酒, 所以建議先吃草莓千層酥, 再來吃它, 以免嘴巴裡面被酒的味道佔據。 第一口吃吸引去的時候, 最先感受到的果然是酒的味道, 但不確定是哪種酒的味道, 後來看了一下它們的哀居, 是使用了蘭姆酒, 蛋糕體應該是海綿蛋糕, 但店家說是惡魔蛋糕體, 但他應該也是海綿蛋糕的延伸。 因為吸收了上面刷上去的酒糖液的關係, 變得很濕潤好入口, 一點都不會覺得太乾或是過於紮實不好咀嚼, 反而能跟著奶油的濕潤度, 在嘴巴裡面化開, 留下夾在裡面水果, 讓那股果酸跟口感在嘴裡跟酒香氣去做一個混合, 提升他的香氣, 可可的味道沒有過重, 就是一個後韻、香氣呈現的感覺。 [ 蘋果茶 ] 熱熱的蘋果茶, 喝起來感覺超像在喝以前國中時期很常喝的美顏社, 酸酸甜甜的滋味, 剛好可以平衡這次點的兩樣帶有明顯奶味的甜點跟蛋糕。 🍫:台南市中西區河中街54巷5號 FB:小滿 IG:小滿 #小滿 #台南中西區 #台南甜點 #巷弄甜點 #手工甜點 #巷弄美食 #河樂廣場美食 #北極是吃貨 #惡魔蛋糕 #千層酥 #蘋果茶 #devilcake #Chocolatecake #millefeuill #strawberrymillefeuill #fruitcake #appletea (在 河樂廣場) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca8b9ICvqGN/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ghostyrainbow · 6 years
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#devilcake #astral and #sly with me at the meeting place #furby (at The Meeting Place on Market)
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yayaqazrin · 3 years
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Count the memories, not the calories . #yesterdate #wednesdate #food #eat #date #husbandandwife #instafood #instagood #instagram #instadaily #instalike #instamemories #yayaqairel #datenight #dinnerdate #soso #love #youandmeagainsttheworld #loveisintheair #devilcake #instacake #soulmate #notrecommended (at Qidot Cafe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMjEGwCJF-w/?igshid=1c85witnnk39b
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hollowgourd · 2 years
Height Charts!
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Meet (most of) the cast of Hollow Gourd! Hollow Gourd Academy is the most prestigious Nippin (micefolk) academy in the universe, and accepts only the best of the best in their fields while remaining a successful Nippin Colony.
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chinabambi · 4 years
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The most awesome cake! Well done @monicazamoralom ❤️🎂😈😍 #cake #epiccake #devil #devilcake #foodporn #cakegoals #cakesofinstagram #birthday #birthdaygirl #twenties #gettingold #celebrate #family #travel #adventure #holiday #hollywood #la #lax #california #cali #cervenafox (at Hollywood) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8oOlQwp0Ty/?igshid=1ulm2a5ry8zcc
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fairytalemorgue · 2 months
hes so me *subtly motions toward kokichi wearing a gir kigarumi after he ate a bunch of easy bake oven cakes n cookies that were all dosed w hello kitty meth*
XD!!! You adorable devilcake, when is your tush going to be back in trauma club, I demand to know! Nightmarish chicken nugget!
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