dezmodian · 2 years
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Finally done with my very first character reference sheet (clearly very limited-this one dies early lol)!! Song of the Devilstorm - story currently 81k words (1/2 done?), working to make it a webcomic now too. Slow process for a filthy casual, but I'm gettin there! Another good dozen characters to go, for now! Really excited to finally get some more actual progress done. Characters, places, dimensions? Cooking? ha. World building ftw!
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devilscraft34 · 9 years
Bonjour, ceci est le launcher du serveur DevilStorm vous pouvez accedez a notre site ici :
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dezmodian · 2 years
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Work in Progress: character art, Arthados. Ohhhh this is a lot of fun! While writing earlier today, I got a bit of inspiration for a character reference for this guy... Arthados, father of the main character.Yeah... totally just a normal human, yup. Nothing strange going on here at all. Nope. Its a shame too, he has a tragic death early on that is totally not unusual in the least! Poor totally normal human that will have no further effect on the story at all.... yup. Tragic. Shadow? There is no shadow of anything here... nope, nothing to see! *grins* Story is now up to 81K+ words so far! Webcomic is still in foundation stages, and will hopefully be starting up soon!
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dezmodian · 2 years
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Where ever you are, whoever/whatever you are, and however your species celebrates the height of this cold season, may it be surrounded by friends and loved ones, filled with food, and as comfortable as you can be :) Seasons greetings from the Song of the Devilstorm webcomic (still early WIP) characters overlooking the city of Alabandrin. MC cuddling against the flank of his love, P'traltis, dragon family flying overhead: (short names) Arnkit and her mate Verthrik, and their children Smara, Vred'tiss, Herinn, and Kyrvat. Completed in photoshop in about ~7 hrs, no plan-started last night.
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dezmodian · 1 year
Updates and Progress
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See my other social links: linktr.ee/dezmodian Growth and progress! Okay, so the current workflow had slowed a bit till I complete a promised video project to family. However, I've continued to develop the story and related material for Song of the Devilstorm. Once the video project is complete, I'll be doing a massive amount of art for this entire thing!! July is the "Camp NaNoWriMo" event, a secondary effort of the main NaNoWriMo campaign which takes place in November each year. It's basically a free support site to encourage authors, and it's helped me keep writing for years. All I do is keep updating the wordcount, it tracks it into stuff like the screenshot below. Very nice. This CampNaNo effort was to flesh out the short story origin for one element of my main story... and it turned out to be a possible novel on its own! During it's development, I was able to find many uses for the story elements that reach well beyond the first book of the main story-filling plot holes and supporting distant timeline plot points. The success has been delicious! I've already sketched out some concept art for it as well, and that'll be shared later on. So yeah, the plan: 1) family video project 2) finish bulk of secondary writing 3) construct concept art 4) design some primary artwork pieces with full attention 5) finish most early story character references for webcomic 6) finally start setting up the webcomic initial pages for sharing 7) keep writing dev of primary story I'll probably be primary on Ko-Fi, but I'll be posting a bit on Patreon as well, and everywhere else goo heh. For those sites, I'll ALWAYS have my comics up for free. The development process will be behind the cheapest tier, and the higher tiers will eventually have some fun things :) I have some thoughts for plan development on those already-but thats for the future.
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dezmodian · 2 years
Webcomic  Progress - The Story Grows
Song of the Devilstorm - future webcomic!!
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I’m trying to get some actual art done here soon, lol! Having a lot of fun continuing to work on the story though-so I’ll share that real quick at least!  Currently, the main story starts off from the very beginning, right where the webcomic will begin. It’s sitting at 78,205 words right now, with a grand total of 145,000ish words when the random ‘plot points’, characters, locations, and other such support/lore material is all added up. I HOPE this will stretch on to several books, with the comic progressing along with it in the shadows heh. It’ll be a fantasy genre, but I’ll be trying to create a lot of my own stuff-staying away from the standard Tolkien races and other such traps we’ve all seen too often now.
Quick bit of history, I guess-cuz why not, right?
It started in high school back last century (yeah I’m old ><) when I was playing the first kind of Massively Multiplayer Online game.... Godwars MUD haha. All text based (C# code I think?) adventuring and role playing, like the first Zork games. The normal MUDs (Multi User Domains) were standard D&D flavor adventuring like you’d find in most standard Nintendo games (dragon warrior, Zelda, Final Fantasy, etc etc etc). GodWars MUDs elevated that to go to the next level where the players are all immortal demigods. I played a demon character for many years on a couple of em.
This was my character:
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Drawin in high school, used colored pencil and sharpie markers heh. Did a few more, like these:
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Years after that stuff, I started putting a few thoughts together and came up with the start of a few things that would eventually snowball into a larger concept for the story.  It’s taken a LOT of time, but I finally established a full timeline for the first book-even identified chapters! About 23 of them. The start and end are solidified. The first several chapters are solidified. Main concepts are done. Details are fleshing together. Its comin along! You can read the Summary and a short (WIP) excerpt of the prologue here at my NaNoWriMo project list  <--clicky (and then click on the cover image so it’ll flip over and you can actually read things)
Webcomic Progress
I’ve done several practice comics to get started. They went well! Now, I have a few choices to work on.... biggest is going to be style: classic page comic, or long single vertical strips (Webtoons/mobile device preference). That will gauge the foundation for the comics style, length of chapter segments, etc. Could also do a hybrid thing and do lots of single panes to then stick together... but... man. Choices >< heh.
I’ve seen huge successes in various places doing well with all kinds, so... its not so much an issue with how its presented as it will be making something compelling.  ....duh, right? lol! Gotta make up my mind here soon though. Till that happens, I’m going to do a couple more practice comics to continue a Terraria comic story I’ve started (she’s totally going to be a recurring side comic project!!). So yeah! Lots of progress.... no actual new art progress though >< Esh. Soon though!! But... here is a concept sketch I did for a blacksmith that’ll be interacting with the main character quite a bit.... Zar. Heh
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dezmodian · 2 years
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Side Comic #0000 This is the first of many side comics. This category was made first as a practice/warmup for the primary line of comics, Song of the Devilstorm. These will be for all the non-related funny stuff I come by, as well as a home for small projects like the Terraria, Starbound, Stellaris, etc fanart comics. Should be lots of fun!
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