#devour. everythig
Take it by the horns and devour it!
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laaskrin · 2 years
So the overwhelming answer to my previous post seems to be « ma’am please hand over the lore and OCs » so…
*cracks knuckles* LET’S GO!
The world is a urban fantasy setting.
The universe is made up of a superposition of multiple dimensions on top of each others. Initially, these dimensions were completly separate from each others. But a long time ago, all of them « collapsed » on top of one another.
Nowadays, they are all interconnected, meaning that while they exist in separate planes of existence, you can go from one to another through portals or breaches within these planes, or using magic.
Most of the dimensions are still whole and continuous, but some « broke » into pieces during the collapse, so they exist as separate, broken pieces of the same plane. As a result, even though they’re technically the same plane, you can’t go from one end of these plane to the other directly. Instead you have to go through another plane to access the rest of the pieces.
Exemples of planes or realms :
-          The human realm (also called Midgard)
-          Faerie, the realm of the fae
-          Takamagahara, the world of the kami
-          The realms of Asgard, Vanaheim, Alfheim, Jotunheim, Svartalfheim, Nilfheim, Muspellheim and Helheim
(and many others but i need to brush up on my mythologies)
There’s two more « special » realms, which are the Rim and Limbo.
The Rim
The Rim, also known as Yddgrasil, acts as a border and intermediary between worlds. It’s what connects them to each other. When you go through a portal or a breach to acces another realm, you pass through the Rim to do so.
The Rim is made of many pieces of broken planes that don’t exist on their own, and fused together after the collapse. So it can look very different depending of where you are. Some areas are forests, swamps, deserts, oceans, ruins, old abandonned cities etc.
It’s inhabited by small, independant settlements regrouping varying species, mainly from beings that refuse to bend to the laws or reigns of other worlds. As such, the Rim is sort of a no man’s land, that isn’t ruled by anyone, and constitute an lawless zone.
On top of these inhabitants, some dangerous and rare creatures dwell here as well, remnant of worlds that no longer exist.
Limbo is a realm that doesn’t exist in its own space. Instead, it is on top of all the other realms, kinda like a parallele universe. The appearance is mostly the same, the big difference is that only dead beings can enter limbo. Limbo separate all the worlds from the Abyss (see below). When someone dies, their spirit goes to limbo to then go to the Abyss. However, the trip from limbo to the Abyss is a dangerous one. Souls are fragile, and by being lost in limbo for too long, or hust by suffering too much during their life or just being terrible poeple, their souls can get corrupted. That’s were demons and ghosts come from. They feed off of energy, and souls are made of energy, so they hunt the souls of the deceased to devour them before they reach the abyss.
The only living beings that can reach Limbo are poeple in a coma, though most forget everythig about limbo once they wake up, as well as some surnats like valkyries, who escort the deads to the abyss and protect them from the danger of limbo. Other beings have a connection to limbo, despite not being able to access it, such as banshees or some psychics.
Sometime, the limit between limbo and other realms weakens, usually when bad stuff happens in those realms, like wars and such, as well as during some times of the year, like Samhain. In those case, demons and souls/ghosts can access the other realms, and might get stuck there or just refuse to go back to limbo.
The Abyss
Not a realm per se, it’s more of a force, that exist all around. It’s the fundation of the world, what it is made of. All energy, life, and magic comes from the Abyss. When people die and travel through limbo and reach the abyss, they disapear. No one really knows what happens to souls that join the abyss, if they cease to exist, or reach an after life…
 The human world
It’s a little special compared to others, as it has some close connection the the abyss. This is what’s called Ley lines, where the abyss « bleeds » into the human world. As such, these are places of strong magical power, and they attract magically sensitive beings.
The ley lines don’t exist in other realms. It’s because when the Collapse happened, it’s believed that the human realm was the one all the other realms collapsed onto. So it’s the fundations of the world, base of it.
In the human realm, surnats exist among regular humans, usually blending completely in their society, though there exist some communities of surnats hidden in the world. Even if they blend amongst human, they still belong to the surnat society. Witches belong in covens, were-beings in packs, vampires in clans… And all species together belong to Cerberus, the governing body of the surnat living in the human world (though not all of them are happy about it).
The main goal of Cerberus is to maintain peace, as such, their mission is to keep the existence of surnats secret from humans, monitor and maintain laws etc.. there’s multiple specialised corps in Cerberus : police, ambassadors, diplomats, healers, soldiers etc…
Most of the story and most of my OCs live in a city situated on a ley line, called Falls Creek, in Maine.
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a-dark-hideaway · 4 years
and the 6 foot 4 man was not how i remembered him
he was more queer and more gentle and more calm much more calm than the boy who thought i did everythig to hurt him. he has strong ideas, but those ideas now paint people to a better verison of themself. he is not the man i remember, but still is the same his voice was more joking and its hard to explain different.
we talked about the last 6 months the boys and the drunk nights and the stress and the shit he remembered so much, he was able to joke with references i had almost forgotten and i lived in them. he asked about change and talked about regressing and ideas we used to mention while devouring maccas late late at night. from the taste of orange on his breath to the booze he could always out drink me
he mentioned my old soul but all i want is to be young, and yet i always fit in with the older this ex-lover didnt spar any feelings in me, he was just a friend, a friend that knows me so scarily well.
he was a man of many moments, some of which i learnt from, some of which i still think of fondly, and i sure, some of which i will never fully remember.
but he isnt my man, and my man is a much better constant, he knows he can pull me in, when im lost on a different place and when i dont know how to make it all work and when i just want to throw life ina different direction.
so many people will affect my life and one day i wont even have a photo to remember them all by
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