#dex holders
cheshire387 · 2 months
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Week 3, Final Song:
It has been 10 minutes since the stranger appeared and things were not looking well for everyone especially Crystal, while she was trying to calm everyone done, she herself is internally panicking, while she herself had faced God, she had her Pokémon with her during that time, but this, her Pokémon were locked away.
“Um, super serious gal? Not to interrupt, but we have ourselves an issue.” She knew that, ever since some maniac hijacked the contest, unfortunately, it was something much worse. (Fate had to be so cruel huh,) The first thing was that they noticed more dead bodies, turns out several people tried to lash out but ended getting themselves killed. Turns out, a second figure emerged, like the first, it was obscured save for a murderous glint which flashed in the darkness. It kept saying, “You’re not the person, where’s the persistent little shrimp?” with each murder.
Even more bad news soon happened, as she heard from Ruby, Red’s Pika was outside of his Pokéball, in a fit of rage, Pika himself tried to use volt tackle at the mysterious figure, but to no avail. A second figure slashed Pika’s chest and punched him sending him flying, his pulse was miraculously stable but is unconscious. Red, angered by the stranger, yelled out, “Who are you? Why are doing this?!” The mysterious person only laughed at the comment in spine-chilling way that Red shrunk slightly. “Oh right! Where were my manners? You can call me……..”
*BANG* before the strangers could reveal themselves, a person busted a door open and locked it behind them. The person appeared to be slightly shorter than Ruby but just barely taller than Emerald, he appeared to be wearing a dark green hoodie, dark grey trousers, a X-shaped hairpin was seen in his hair, he appeared to be sweating profusely and was panting, was he running from something? But Ruby realised 1 detail that shook him to the core, his lime green hair and hair style, no doubt about it, it was Wally. Ruby had so many questions why Wally was here, but shook it off and tried to shout out. "WALLY! RUN, THEY ARE REALLY DANGEROUS!!" Key word 'tried'.
Instead, Wally spoke out, "So it seems that you targeted this place just to lure me out right, White and Black?" At this point, everyone was shocked as how can a boy be so calm at the severity of the situation. (With slightly confused and offended Black and White in the audience) Just as sudden when the contest plunged into darkness, the stadium lights flooded back on, revealing the appearance of the killers.
The first appears to be bean shaped astronaut with a halo floating above his head, an oval shaped viser was seen where his eyes were, he appeared to have a pair of floating hands one was holding a knife and another holding a microphone, and ironically, he also is white in colour. The other was also appears to be bean shaped astronaut but is wearing a traffic cone on his head, a square viser instead of an oval one, just like the first, he appeared to have a pair of floating hands, one was holding a sharp, bloodided knife and another holding a blood red microphone, he is black in colour and appears to be taller and bigger than the white one. He also has the same murderous glint in his eye shown from earlier.
Instead of being killed instantly, White and Wally engaged in a conversation:
Wally: Right, so you had to hijack a contest just to lure me here?
White: Just as planned >:)
Wally: Alright, here's the deal, if I beat you in a rap battle, you'll leave everyone alone, deal?
White: Fair enough,
Wally: Also, next time, when you want to fight someone, pick someone your own size! Time for a little ejection!
Alright, phew! A lot longer than I thought but I can't get this out of my head so here it is. Also this is just a draft or a beta version of the actual thing
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wardingshout · 9 months
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Family for day 6 of SpeSilverWeek! Edition uuh found biological and crime I guess...
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c0ffee-7 · 4 months
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Stupid ass meme I made (og meme in found on Pinterest under cut)
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silvermoon424 · 10 months
I don't know how many people on here read (or did read) Pokemon Adventures, but do y'all remember the end of the FRLG arc? When Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow are fucking turned into stone and the arc just ends there?
I remember being in the fucking trenches when we were still waiting for a resolution to that. It took a few years I think, and the entire time I was so upset because "When will you help my friends :((((" (I was like 13 at this time lmao)
The payoff in the Emerald arc ends up being worth it but people who didn't have to wait in the trenches to see the Dex Holders survive their predicament don't know the pain the fandom was in lmao. I still vividly remember waiting for Coronis's monthly updates on the Serebii forums (Coronis was the resident manga expert who would update with summaries and pics from the latest chapter releases in Japan).
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wiavi · 2 years
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atomically99 · 2 months
not to expose one of my other special interests, but specialshipping dragon age inquisition au while i am (im)patiently waiting for veilguard news
as is per all my aus i create in my head (i have a lot), yellow is of course the inquisitor. i see her as a rift mage lavellan. lavellan bc yellow being integrally connected to nature like the dalish are is important to her character. i see her as a mage for spirit healing and the fact she has legit powers in canon (telekinesis and such) and rift mage to represent her connection w pokemon as a connection to the fade/spirits.
red is definitely warrior. i see his character as a similar role to cullen. cullen is a seasoned templar who is a solid leader and trains troops (one can see green (m) in this role but this is a special au and not a feeling one lol). red is the de facto leader of the dex holders and that carries over. cullen and red’s physical trauma (lyrium addiction/withdrawal and paralysis of wrists and ankles) has a similar carry over.
in my mind, each gen would have one of each class (mage, rogue, or warrior)
i do think that the kanto quartet should serve as the inky and advisors but while i think blue could be good in leliana’s spymaster role, i don’t think green makes for a very good josephine. josephine is a diplomat who does all of the talking for the inquisition. i do think green would do good at this especially considering he is a public figure both as a dex holder and a gym leader. i think the personality difference is keeping me from really seeing it
i can see blue and silver as rogues. with blue as an artificer (traps and gadgets) and silver as an assassin. i could also see-story wise-them as apostates who fled the circle (led by pryce) and were on the run before the mage rebellion.
gold is def warrior and crystal i do see as a mage. i’m stealing this from dragon age 2 but crys would make a solid force mage. gold would likely be a champion.
i have kinda more abt the other gens but the one ill say is the lowkey equivalent of interpol for rakutsu would be the qun. he was raised in interpol and goes undercover for their interests. it has a similar energy
okay back to specialshipping, can you imagine the angst from this au?? in your heart shall burn??? adamant???? trespasser?????? there’s so much to choose from.
considering clan lavellan and kirkwall are both in the free marches, there could be a whole moment pre-inquisition where they meet. he could save her from a tal-vashoth attack. she could heal him after he deals with abominations or demons. and they meet again after the conclave, under stressful circumstances
is this clear and concise and makes sense? no, but i’ve been lore binging dragon age so i had to do it. if any of you spe and da fans have thoughts or just hate this, hit me up i wanna talle about dragon age
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lilacstar99 · 10 months
Can't wait until Scarlet and Koraidon finally make an appearance.
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Please stop hiding under that helmet, we know it's you Scarlet
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theviolenttomboy · 2 years
Having finished the final route of Violet, I am now open to the idea of one the Paldea Dex Holders not being completely human.
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flower-ghosts · 2 years
Thinking about the non protag characters of pokespe
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I know not everyone will like having to battle all the gym leaders again but I actually really like having responsibilities as a champion. Community-building, quality control, leadership…it really makes the champion more than just a figurehead
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cheshire387 · 2 years
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Platinum Berlitz as water elf 🤔
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Btw I must put out that while I have brainworms for unova 75% of the time I love the sinnoh trio so so much
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UAO-022 ‘The Paradox Genes’
Alright, now instead of me doing the narration, I’ll let Dr Wallflower to take over, so, take it away Dr Wallflower!
Dr Wallflower: Well, thanks old friend, and in case you don’t know, hi! I’m Dr Wallflower, and this is UAO-022 (Unidentified Anomalous Object), also known as, ‘The Paradox Genes’
Description: UAO-022 refers to a group of genes which can be divided into 2 categories, UAO-022-01 and UAO-022-02. Usually, these genes are dormant and don't really do anything until they are activated which is when the true horrors start. UAO-022-01 are roughly scarlet colour which is impossible but nonetheless, UAO-022-02 are roughly violet in colour and are found everywhere in the body just like the former. It is unclear when the genes activate but it seems to have a dormant stage of 1-20 years. Once they are activated the host will experience mild mental changes which include:
Slight increased aggression
An urge to be in the sun or an urge to be around areas with electricity
However, once the host of the genes have life threatening injuries, say for example: being stabbed at the back, that's when the true effects of UAO-022 happen. Whenever this happens, the genes will override the host’s body and the process will be divided into 3 stages:
Stage 1: Extreme pain and lost of consciousness
After the fatal blow was delivered, extreme pain will surge through the body causing the host to be unable to stand up and clutch to the ground in pain, shortly after, the host would consciousness due to the pain inflicted
Stage 2: Physical Changes
Once the host is unconscious, the genes will rapidly take over the cells in the body. Changing the DNA of the host causing the host to attain physical attributes of whatever paradox pokemon they turn into. This process is rather quick, happening below an hour.
Stage 3: Full Transformation and Loss of Control
Once the process is over, the genes will hijack the host's mind, causing them to be irrational and violet in their actions. They will appear to have no memory of who they were.
Transformed hosts of UAO-022 are extremely aggressive and will not hesitate to kill anyone in their way. It appears that they have similar behaviours to normal paradox pokemon albeit more aggressive.
While there is currently no way to remove the genes from the host, it is possible to change the host back to normal. If the host of the genes is knocked unconscious, the genes hijacking the minds will be destroyed, severely weakening them. In the weakened state, the hosts will be in control of their body and aware of everything of what's happening but unable to speak their own language. However, it is also shown that it is possible for the hosts to change back between their forms at will.
Little is known about the origins of UAO-022, but what we do know is that the genes are already present in the dex holders since birth, how did they get in there? We don't know, but what's more concerning is the organisation that caused all this in the first place. If you had paid attention in the story from the teaser, you would've remembered the sentence, 'All wearing black uniforms and a tell-tale 'R' symbol, only difference being that it is rainbow coloured instead of being red.' The rainbow coloured R, what organisation has this? More importantly, why are they doing this? Maybe one day, our questions will be answered in the future. Now stay tuned in our blog as we go further and further for more Aus.
Me: Wow, that was amazing Dr Wallflower!
Dr Wallflower: Thank you
Me: Anyways, that's about it on this file, unfortunately I couldn't share the rest of the details (If there is any) because the rest of this stuff is classified.
Well, that's all I have now, this is the-new-pokespe-futures, signing out!
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digitalsnail · 1 year
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since disability pride month is wrapping up i decided to draw some disabled dex holders :')
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lyra664 · 4 months
I finally got to draw her, like, she's my second favorite female Dex holder and I only drew her now.
Now another Yellow for the collection.
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