sherlock-is-ace · 10 months
There will never be a more romantic line than "I'm burning up a sun just to say goodbye"
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stellarcn · 11 months
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"Oh, damn, mommy- I mean... Kafka is on this updates banner? I need to grind."
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acaciapines · 3 months
I just had a thought: do you think that in a world where daemons are out & about as an everyday fact of life, societies would veer more towards largely pedestrian, just because a lot of settled daemons might not be able to fit into vehicles?
okay so i've been thinking about this nonstop since you sent it lol and i am. going to go on a very long answer. so um apologizes in advance??? i'm sure i'll answer the question somewhere. the short answer is do whatever you want forever, and likely in a real-world scenario it would be a sort of case-by-case basis on the local cultural values and historical patterns of settling.
my gut answer is "no," actually, for a few different reasons. i have a few different ways of writing worlds with daemons based on what i want to say with the story, but most of them are sort of based on interrogating the text of his dark materials because it presents a very interesting and incredibly unsatisfying picture of daemons, at least to me. and so because of that, i think a core concept is like, okay, what DO people settle as??
because, like, that's what this question is based on--this idea of, what do people settle as? i think probably early human societies would veer pedestrian, but i also think early human societies wouldnt actually settle young, or maybe even at all. bc of how hard survival is back then, the ability to change form is like, a premium. its sort of a privilege for a daemon to settle as a sparrow, and not, like, need to be a wolf sometimes to defend the town's sheep, or a horse to haul up the materials for building. i think actual animals would still be used for these tasks, but like, if you can turn into a horse, sometimes its easier to just do it yourself, rather than having to build trust with an animal, you know?
but blah blah blah, things keep developing. people want to go further, and keep pushing further. so, we are still going to get ships, because sea travel is still really hard even if half of you can turn into an orca whale. and i think as societies develop so too do like, humans put meanings onto the animals around them, and now settling SAYS something about a person, and i feel like you can come up with all sort of stigmas. like, if you settle as a working animal (think horses, oxen, etc) you're seen as inherently lower class than someone who settles as a lion. and now its a bit easier to keep the predators away, so people dont need to hold out on settling for so long, and now theres MEANING behind settling. and this means you can do it wrong.
so, like, what i'm getting as here is i think most people would end up settling pretty small anyways. like, big dog-sized being the larger end of things. if you look at hdm there's already a mammal bias, if you look at daemonfic as a whole there's a canine and feline bias, and i think this would hold true in a real world situations, too. settled form is (as i write it) influenced very much by what a kid is exposed to growing up--as time goes on the idea is you settle younger, and younger, and you settle as the RIGHT sort of animal, the sorts that are good and noble and say something good. you dont settle as, like, a sea cucumber. and an elephant, well--thats so BIG! you really like to take up space, dont you? how...interesting.
and so as things industrialize i think trains, cars, planes all still come to be. i think the expectation is you settle smaller to make up for it. lowkey i think something like the americans with disabilities act is passed for people with larger daemons, but i think the same sort of stuff happens--like, yeah, this school is accessible for people with bison-daemons! you have to call ahead so somebody can set up the fright elevator for you, and you can't go out in the main halls, and like, maybe it follows the law technically, but. like. its not great.
um. basically i think a world with daemons (if we base it off of HDM, which i do more often than not these days) has a lot of biases and discrimination regarding settled form that would lead to places not really being any better than they are today. because the assumption is you settle small. and if you dont settle small, well thats a you problem, isnt it? its not for the "normal" people to fix.
BUT ALL THAT SAID i think a society that is more pedestrian is also perfectly plausible. i think its just down to what sort of story you want to tell. and right now the most recent daemon au i wrote is my owl house daemon au, wherein the way i built out the human world was entirely based on my issues with hdm, and the entire central conflict on the story is around the idea of settling, so...this.
uh, i hope that answers things! feel free to send in followups lol i have Many Thoughts About Daemons.
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scoopstrooptm · 9 months
maybe i want to write here again soon ( even though it's currently robin fighting for her life against many other louder muses ) and maybe i've made a start by adding robin's d&d verse and wwdits verse to her page
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flops · 2 years
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not again 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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kxllerblond · 1 year
How I feel making cringe hcs on main:
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How I feel making cringe hcs on the nsfw sideblog:
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irafuwas · 8 months
this time of year is always my favorite for fandom stuff cause its when people are allowed to wear cosplay to certain disney parks and i love seeing my fave characters come to life and have fun!! 🥹
some lilia and silver cosplayers i really like have been hitting up tdl and tds the past few days and posting so many cute pictures and videos together im dying they're so precious 😭
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of-mutts-and-men · 9 months
unhinged thought. human/slime/werewolf threesome.... the slime is like dont worry about all that cum i'll act as a condom!! but when it's inside you it can rub every single good spot inside you and it's also insanely good on the werewolf's cock... and once the werewolf knots you the slime is Also trapped inside and all they do is rub you to more and more orgasms on the werewolf's knot......
i know the breeding kink is super important for the fantasy, usually, but dfkjgdfg the idea won't leave me now. And who knows! maybe the slime will drive the werewolf insane enough he wants another round. and another. an-
Ohohoho very interesting. Makes me think about a similar situation where the slime assures everyone that they can’t ‘break’ and it’ll be completely safe, only to let go of their protective shape around the werewolf’s cock and release multiple loads-worth of cum all at once 😈. Maybe the werewolf was in on it too.
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oooocleo · 10 months
i dont know if i properly answered anons question there dfkjgdfg but u know... i just really really wanted to draw.. so for me its mostly the things surrounding that are what takes grit - the admin work, managing freelance taxes and ur own schedule, tracking finances... honestly... the drawing part is easy 🥲
peoples circumstances vary so much so its tricky to give any kind of blanket advice... u have to think abt whats feasible for u but in my experience its also important to try to go for things u think will make u happiest.. otherwise whats the point
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coracuttle · 1 year
Hey! Just popping in to say that I absolutely ADORE your artstyle and it seriously inspired me to try and continue drawing my own Splatoon character ^^ (and that I had to hold myself back from spam liking all of your content dfkjgdfg)
Aw thanks for popping in! That’s very sweet of you to say, thank you 💚
Also, I wholeheartedly support more cephalopod people out in the world, I’m glad I could help in a way!
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sherlock-is-ace · 9 months
enjoying other people's fanart is a double edged sword. cause i love seeing it, i love the various art styles and ideas, little artistic liberties they take with the canon designs, new outfits, cartoonish styles and hyperrealistic pieces, all wonderful
but then i look at my fanart and it sucks kdfjdfg
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kissmejuyeon · 5 years
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here u go
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acaciapines · 5 months
If you have the time, please tell us what your favourite part is about working on watching & dreaming <3
the fact that it means im almost free <3
okay in seriousness tho. it is like, REALLY amazing to see as i finish chapters im like, i can count on one hand how much more of this series i have to write. currently i've got 1.5 chapters left of watching and dreaming and the amount of satisfaction i get every time that number ticks down? unparalleled.
but it is REALLY amazing to be like. writing all these ending scenes i've had outlined out for a while now. im on the second to last chapter!! ive like...known how this is gonna go for a while now! and im DOING IT???
wild. cannot wait til the epilogue fic bc i FINALLY figured out how it's gonna go (i decided that every character who ever got a pov gets 1.5-2k words to see what theyre up to after it all, ending w/ of course luzmari <3) and thats gonna be SO cool. literally i already know how long it will be. i just gotta Get There.
but yeah writing now is like. the finish line is RIGHT THERE. i can SEE IT.
(and of course i trip right at the end bc i have to edit + backwriting like, 2-3 fics but shhhh shhh shhhhhhh we dont talk about that <3)
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f-jesgrr · 3 years
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sally face
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fleethall · 3 years
alright so dental exam has occurred and their estimate for everything including the root canal (which i need two of) and the fillings/caps whatever is going to be a lot more than I expected, so i set up a gofundme
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hunrising · 4 years
oh my god
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