#dgs sherlock holmes x reader
Hello hello! I stumbled upon your imagines recently and I absolutely love em! <3 May I request Herlock finding his S/O who’d fallen asleep wearing his coat?
hey anon ! ooh boy do you know how much i love writing for this man. it's funny, his theme just started playing as i started writing this hehe. hope you enjoy !
sherlock finding his s/o sleeping in his coat
sherlock is usually out of the house with cases taking up a lot of his time. sometimes it would be rare to see him before dinner because of a particular brain boggling murder case.
that being said, it was expected that you'd start to miss the detective while he was gone. the dinners you had to keep warm for him made you wish he'd be home for the food you helped iris with.
the night sky was getting even more dark, iris was in bed as you waited for your lover to come home from a long day's work. all you could hear was the clock ticking throughout the room, and it annoyed you to pieces. a loud groan from you was softened as you face planted into the couch cushion beneath you.
when was he coming home ?! it's way past curfew at this point ! every minute felt like an hour and ever hour started to feel like an eternity. you looked up at the door, the hanger beside it held sherlock's coat and hat, he hadn't been able to put it on since he was in such a hurry. a shiver run down your spine as you realised how chilled the room felt.
then it hit you. if you missed sherlock so much and we're also coincidentally cold, you should steal his coat ! the only good course of action of course. it would satiate your craving of him being here with his scent and it would be super warm to wear, killing two birds with one stone !
cue to you laying on the couch with the detective's cost wrapped around you. the coat was so warm that it felt like it was serenading you to a comfy trance, that scent also provided you with comfort. it wasn't long until you had fell asleep because of it.
a creak from the front door echoed throughout the room as the familiar detective peeked his head through the crack, inspecting the place and noticing that the lamps were still lit.
"ah love, seems that you forgot to- ah!" the blonde tried to keep his voice down, but the sight of you curled up on the couch in the most comfy position he's ever seen you in his entire life was too much for his heart.
a blush rose to his cheeks as he smiled so goofy, kneeling down to your level so he could tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
the sight was to die for, if he could, he'd squeal in delight, but he'd never want to wake you. he might just stay here for a bit, admiring how you looked in his coat. did you miss me that much ? how cute, he thought.
after a bit, you started to stir and woke up, your face very much close to sherlock's right now. you jumped a bit, face flushing bright red. it made sherlock laugh a bit too loudly.
"s-sherlock.. ! it's uhm.. not what it looks like.."
"oh i can assure you it's exactly what it looks like, my little bunny rabbit. and quite frankly, it's absolutely adorable seeing you wear my own coat when i come home." sherlock ruffled your hair and kissed your forehead.
"actually.." he smirked, "maybe you should wear it more often."
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callmemaeverick · 2 years
A Match Well-Played [Sherlock Holmes x fem!Reader]
AN: As promised, Part Deux of Dangerous Games! This was tricky to dish out because I intended DG as a oneshot, but you all and your comments gave the the kick in the butt to crank out another, with a third one in the works. As always, non-period compliant, but I do try my best to do some research and by research, I meant I watched Bridgerton. 
Part 1
Anywho... Onwards. The game is ON!
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It would seem that after that fateful night, you just cannot escape Sherlock Holmes.
You hadn't seen him again after leaving his apartment, especially with the news about the case breaking out the next morning and if you were honest, you were actually grateful for it. It gave you the chance to do what you do best in these kinds of situations; run.
You told yourself that it was late and it had been a long night and the only reason Sherlock acted that way was due to the blood loss. Surely.
And you... well, you were caught up in the moment.
So, promising your aunt that you would visit again soon, you went back to your life, ready to put said man and said moment behind you.
Or so you thought.
The sounds of giggling caught your attention and you looked up to see the two young girls that just entered your place of work. Calling out a greeting, you gave them a welcoming smile as you work your way down another set of inventory.
Working in a bookshop was one of the biggest joys of your life. You had loved books ever since your could remember and it was a dream come true to be able to spend countless hours just surrounded by thousands of stories. The owners of the store were an old loving couple and like you, they were avid readers. Together, all three of you had endeavored to cultivate and encourage reading to all of your patrons, especially young children. The store had became your safe haven, your second home, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
It was a busy day that day and as you carefully restocked some of Shakespeare's sonnets into their rightful places, you accidentally caught the whispers.
"I can't believe it's him!" A girl said, her voice giddy.
"He looks even more handsome than the papers made him out to be,"
"I wonder if he'll come in here,"
You smiled at their antics, amused as you recalled that you were once in their shoes, giggling and gushing over a boy. Running your fingers against the spines one last time to make sure they are properly arranged, you left the girls to their gossips and made your way back to the front.
Only for the door to swing open and enter someone you have not seen in a long long time.
The gasp you barely managed to tamp down actually scratched your throat as you whirled quickly and glued your back flat against the side of a shelf, wishing childishly that it would absorb you into the wood. You smiled awkwardly at the shocked looks your customers were giving you, but you dare not move from your spot.
You should have known something was going to happen that day. Ever since you woke, there was this niggling feeling at the back of your head and you just knew it was going to affect your day in the most unwanted way.  
And there it was, in the form of your former love.
Royce looked as handsome as the day you last saw him. His dark brown hair combed and coiffed perfectly despite being under a top hat all morning. His eyes glittered in the late evening light as he looked at the young woman at his arm.
Your heart clenched at the smiles they shared, the one on his lips exactly the same as the one once shared with you. The memory of what happened came to the forefront of your mind and you shook your head to block it out. It wasn't anyone's fault, you reminded yourself. People fall out of love sometimes.
Still you couldn't help the anxiety climbing up your throat. You were fine going separate ways so long as you don't have to see him again. That's why you up and left, why you spent a lot of your time visiting your aunt or reading indoors.
But you were working, and you needed to be professional. And your feet refused to move.
"God God. You need to stop this. It's ridiculous!"
"What is?"
You jumped a foot in the air at sudden intrusion and whirled around wildly, only to stop dead facing the man standing right next to you
"Sherlock!" You exclaimed, breathless. Clearing your throat, you eyed the people around you and composed yourself. "Mr. Holmes, what are you doing here?"
Sherlock Holmes narrowed his eyes as he studied you and you did all you could to act nonchalant, as if you did not know what he was doing, as if you didn’t want to disappear off the face of the Earth that very moment. It was a few minutes of uncomfortable silence as you fidgeted under his stare, but as usual, you refused to blink first. Perhaps he wouldn't figure it out.
“Who is he?”
Dash it.
When your jaw clenched involuntarily, you knew you couldn’t hide it from him. Not anymore. You opened you mouth to speak, but to your utter despair, someone beat you to it.
You turned slowly at the call of your name, as if your feet had turned to lead. You straightened your posture from the shelf, brushing off imaginary creases from your skirt before you raised your eyes to meet that of your first love.
“Royce," The smile on your face was tight, but you painted it on nonetheless. "It's so nice to see you again,"
Beside you, Sherlock shifted, as if something about the tone of your voice threw him off. You ignored him.
"You as well," Ever so polite, Royce responded. A beat of uncomfortable, dreadful silence ticked, before he turned to the woman beside him. "Amelia wanted to find some new books to read. She's a notorious reader... very much like you in that aspect."
Hurt lanced through your heart at that statement, that this new woman in his life was so similar to you, but somehow he had chosen her instead. You turned your smile to her, as she too smiled demurely at you. "Well, we have wonderful collections in here. I believe you would find something to your liking, Miss Amelia."
"Why thank you, dear. I just really need to get out of the house today. All this planning for the ball is so tedious, I couldn't stand it."
"The ball?" You asked. There was talk of a ball being held in town in a couple of days, but you hadn't paid much attention.
"Yes. My father insists to have a ball to celebrate my re-entrance into polite society. I have been away, you see. Travelling." She whispered conspiratorially. "I told him there was no need, but he is such a stubborn old man."
Despite everything, you really liked Amelia. Your smile bloomed steadier.
"You must come," She invited. "You and- " Her eyes moved to your left and widened in recognition.
Almost as if a bell dinged in your head, you realized that there was something else you hadn't paid attention to. Someone else, who was silent at your back throughout the last few minutes. "Oh, Royce, Amelia, this is-"
"Sherlock Holmes, Miss Delacourt," Sherlock took her hand and gave it a light kiss. "And we would love to attend your ball."
You stood frozen as the world seem to halt all around you. Your brain struggled to compute what had happened and you could only watch as the woman before you, like any other red-blooded woman around Sherlock Holmes, blushed lightly under his gaze. She shifted almost excitedly as she took him, and you, side by side. "That is splendid, Mr. Holmes. Isn't it splendid, my love?"
Your eyes were wide in surprise as was Royce's was. Clearing his throat, he blinked his shock away and returned his focus to Amelia. "That it is, darling." He looked back at Sherlock, then you, then back to Sherlock. Without your permission, a part of you, a small powerful part you did well to control, wanted to smirk at the look on his face. But you didn't.
He extended his hand to the man beside you. "I will see you there, Mr. Holmes."
The world seemed to be in a daze as the couple took their leave to begin exploring your store. Your head was muggy and your heart was racing. Without another word, you turned away and marched back to the front counter.
Sherlock called your name once, twice and a third time before you spun suddenly to face him. "What have you done?!" You hissed, finally feeling your bottled emotions bubbling to the surface. Your finger poked his chest and you were too close, decorum be damned. "Why would you do that?!"
He stood there in front of you, bodies inches apart, sharing your breath. For a split second, the store was empty and there were only the two of you. You wanted to slap him, yell at him, because how dare he drag you into this. How dare he spoke for you. But then, he inhaled and took a step back. And the world came back to life.
"I'm sorry."
Like a candle in a gust of wind, your ire dissipated. You knew Sherlock Holmes and you knew, you knew for a fact he does not normally apologize. Crossing your arms, you told him to continue.
"I was sent an invitation by Lord Delacourt and my brother-" He sighed, almost annoyed. "My brother insisted that I make an appearance."
You had heard of this mysterious brother. Powerful and protected by the government, and you knew he was the only person who could tell Sherlock Holmes what to do.
"But why drag me into it? You could have gone yourself."
He gave you a look that answered it all and you almost laughed. Sherlock Holmes, detective extraordinaire, cowering at the thought of overzealous mothers looking for a match for their daughters. "Ah, I see... You saw an opportunity and you took it.”
The man had the decency to look admonished. "So will you come?"
You thought about it for a moment, thought about seeing Royce and Amelia and then thought about their reaction to the thought of you and Sherlock. He had accepted the invitation on your behalf, and not showing up will only brought on more questions.
You took another moment to make sure you were committing to this, as there was no turning back. Then you took another moment just to annoy Sherlock.
Which you achieved when he called your name once more.
You sighed. "I can't believe I'm agreeing to this."
"Well then, my Lady,” His smile was the one he has when he cracked a case, and you rolled your eyes. “It looks like we're going to a ball."
Tagging: @eclecticpatrolroadlawyer, @minecraftravine​ 
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turnaboutinlove · 2 years
hi! i was wondering if you could do herlock with an s/o thats constantly sleep deprived/zones out a lot? (if you dont want to do this request thats ok as well) also nice blog so far!
(S)Herlock with an S/O who’s sleep deprived/constantly zones out
hello anon, thank your kind words! i hope you’re well! this is a little short because i ran out of ideas at the end lol :,) but i hope it’s okay anyway!
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Herlock is obviously concerned about you — he cares about your health and how it’s affecting you! He wants to help you in the best way he can.
Using his amazing deductive abilities, he deduces that the source of your problems — your sleep schedule…?
He’ll try to encourage you to sleep earlier. If you have trouble falling asleep, he’ll do the best he can to serve you! Need a hot drink (like hot chocolate or hot milk)? He’ll make something right away! Want to cuddle before bed… or cuddle til you’re asleep? No problem, he likes to hold you anyway!
He may or may not tease you ever so slightly on your zoning out, but if that makes you uncomfortable or hurts your feelings in any form, he will stop immediately.
Whenever you do zone out, he’ll try to get you back alert. If he can’t, he’ll move you away from danger, if zoning out brings you in any danger in the first place. He’s aware of the surroundings, mainly out of concern for you.
Sometimes you find yourself wearing a hat or an odd accessory when you’re aware of your surroundings (etc) again. Then, he appears, stating that “We’re matching.” with the goofiest grin, and another matching accessory. You don’t know where or how he keeps finding so many matching items.
If people are being a little… improper to you, due to your zoning out or sleep deprivation, he will defend you. He gets unnaturally serious for a moment, becuase he genuinely thinks that your zoning out shouldn’t impact others opinions on you, as a person. You’re just as amazing as the others — just a little tired.
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feywritings · 3 years
Absolutely loving your blog right now! Your writing is amazing wawa 🥺 I would like to request Sherlock with an s/o who likes going on investigations with him and Sherlock likes to keep them close, protecting them if any harm comes their way? What happens if there is some harm involved :0... You can choose to keep that in if you'd like. Thank you and keep up the great work!! ❤️
aww thank you so much anon!! you're too kind 🥺💗 i hope you enjoy these!
cw injuries and angst in the second half of this
Despite his playful persona, Sherlock will take s/o’s safety 100% seriously
He knows they can take care of themselves perfectly well, but he can’t help but worry
A great detective does have a great many enemies after all
He loves having his s/o close to him and will try to stay by their side the entire time they’re investigating if he can
From 2-4 we all know Sherlock is very smart and he comes up with his “great deductions” mostly just to mess with Ryunosuke and he’ll do that with s/o too
S/o sees right through it
“Sherlock, we both know there’s no way a cat managed to stab somebody.” “Nonsense, my dear, it’s the most logical deduction out there!”
Now if there was any danger and he noticed immediately, he’d be pushing s/o out of the way or getting them to a hiding space so fast
As soon as the threat’s dealt with he’ll rush straight back to s/o to make sure they’re okay
He’ll hold them close to him, running his hand through their hair
“I’m so sorry if I scared you, my darling, but I couldn’t bear it if you were hurt.”
But now let’s say s/o did end up getting hurt >:)
Oh, this man is not forgiving himself any time soon
He’ll immediately rush them to a hospital
If the injury was severe enough to need surgery, he is not leaving the hospital lobby room
The second the doctor says it’s okay for him to see them he’s running up to their room
He refuses to leave their bedside. He’ll just hold their hand and mutter how sorry he is
Cries a bit when they wake up
When they’re well enough to leave the hospital, he’ll take them straight home and not investigate until they’re fully recovered
“Love, I’m fine.” “Don’t be illogical, my dear. You need rest and some of Iris’s tea.”
If s/o is insistent that they want to be there to find their attacker, he’ll oblige with some reluctance. This time however, he’s not leaving his s/o’s side
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snowpeawritings · 4 years
Sherlock Holmes is horny wow who knew
DGS Sherlock Holmes x Female Reader
my absolute monkey brain idea. The second commissioned piece from @fleeting-fantasy​ where they wanted a spicy DGS sherlock holmes piece!
Consider commissioning/donating on my ko-fi!
CW (CONTENT WARNING): Sexual scenes
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Sometimes, you didn’t like that you were the one Holmes would use his experiments on.
You trust the man with your life, that much was certain. But there was a point where you would say no to the most insane things the detective can come up with and he will comply (not without a bit of whining). As much as you love to have Holmes make forward progress towards the betterment of today’s technology, you didn’t want to be his guinea pig.
There were some inventions that he takes pride on, like his tool that detects blood and his goggles atop of his head. But there were some inventions, albeit completely absurd, that he really takes pride on.
Such is the case right now.
A tiny little thing, almost the size of a bullet. But he makes sure to coerce you by the best of his ability for you to wear it.
The moment he turned it on, you cried out from the weird sensation that carried over to your clit. He turned it off and you took the time to lie down and catch your breath.
“I guess it’s a success.” He hummed, prying your shaky thighs apart in order to see his invention situated on your center. The little bullet was like a shiny beacon on your clit, a tiny thing that held so much power courtesy of Sherlock who wanted to see how much it affected you. Maybe he shouldn’t have placed it on the highest setting for your first time.
You finally caught your breath, glancing up at Holmes. “You… Just what in the world is this?!”
He chuckled, bringing his finger to his forehead to show his thinking expression. “An invention I made to spice up the bedroom! Of course, I’ll be the only one using this and you’ll be the only one subject to this.”
How he purred out those words made you shudder. You sat yourself up on your elbows, staring at the detective before looking down at your core. The thing still shined like it was taunting you.
“And why, pray tell, would you make an invention for the bedroom?” You groaned out.
He chuckled once more, bringing himself down in order to be eye level to your pussy as your thighs shook once more. “Why, you ask? Who wouldn’t want to see their darling so completely debauched by one tiny thing?”
You shivered from his tone, his words igniting a flash of heat across your stomach and your core. He inched further, fingers smoothing over the inside of your thighs. He moved one hand, his index finger nearing dangerously near the little switch that turned it on.
Yet he made no move to turn it on. He looked at you expectantly, waiting for your consent. You looked down at him then his finger inching towards the switch.
You let out a defeated sigh. “Is there no power level?”
At that, he giggled. “What’s the point of that if I always have it on the highest level?”
Before you could understand his sentence, he flicked it to life, the vibrations immediately attacking your clit as you threw your head back.
“Absolutely breathtaking…” He sighed out, nuzzling his cheek against your inner thigh as you quivered from the sensations.
Your elbows couldn’t even support you anymore so your back hit his mattress. You felt one of his hands grasp your flailing ones as you grabbed onto it as tight as you could. The little bullet on your clit had you already writhing on the bed, the sensations being so foreign but somehow being so good. You debated on asking Holmes if he could make another one for him.
Yet you couldn’t finish that train of thought before Holmes pressed it harder against your clit. You screamed out from the force, gasping out his name as you grabbed his hand tighter.
He let out a low groan from his name, looking at your arched back as if he was looking at a piece of art. He didn’t need his goggles to see every detail, to see your chest heaving up and down, to see your wetness seeping against the mattress. No, this is what Holmes wanted; to see his darling scream his name and come using his invention.
The thought immediately sent a shot of arousal into his groin, his cock straining against his trousers as he pressed harder. This time, he used his mouth and latched on to the source of the wetness on his bed.
Your hips bucked, thighs wrapping around his head as he groaned. “H-Holmes…!”
He thanked god Naruhoudo and Susato took Iris out today for he doesn’t want to have Iris hear how much you were screaming his name. His tongue flattened against your labia, gathering your addictive essence into his mouth as he growled from the taste. He continued to taste you before he had the tip of his tongue enter inside of you.
If it was possible for your thighs to crush his head, he would accept it willingly. You gasped and screamed out his name, your hand practically crushing his while your other tore holes through the comforter on how hard you were grasping it. He continued to thrust his tongue in and out of you, feeling the vibrations on your clit as he brought you closer and closer to release.
He felt your legs quiver and he removed himself from your core and released your hand. You whined from the lack of sensation but gasped when you felt his fingers, two of them, prod your entrance before thrusting inside and curling against your wet walls.
A few more curls before you gasped out Holmes’s name, your pussy shaking as your essence spread across his fingers and his mouth. It dripped below onto the mattress, creating a wet spot as you continued your orgasm.
“Good girl,” he hummed, smoothing your thighs, “that’s a good girl.”
You whined from the praise, recovering from your high as you tried to verbalize the experience you had. All you could get out were whimpers and little mewls but the detective seemed to understand judging from the little smirk on his face.
“I call that a success.” He said, looking like the cat who got the cream.
With all your energy, you slapped his arm weakly. “Too much for me…”
He hummed at your response, removing the invention from your clit as he tried to maneuver around with an erection in his pants. Getting a warm washcloth, he cleaned the apex of your thighs.
“I’ll make some modifications.” He said and he had to hold back a chuckle when you let out a sigh of relief. “Do you have any recommendations?”
You thought about it for a moment before settling on an answer. “Make sure you use that only for me and no one else. Got it?”
He let out his signature laughs, lifting your leg in order to kiss your knee. “If that is what my lady wishes.”
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randoimago · 2 years
Request may be weird but can i get Herlock Sholmes (or if you prefer Sherlock Holmes from The Great Ace Attorney) x Male Reader who's an invento, like Reader would have his own laboratory where he'd invent stuff to help Herlock with his investigation and Herlock would always find excuse to stop by (one of the excuses being Iris wanting to test some of her inventions for example idk-)
But please no spoilers I haven't finish the first game yet :(
The Great Crush
FANDOM: The Great Ace Attorney
Character(s): Herlock Sholmes / Sherlock Holmes
Type of Request: Headcanons
Note(s): Not weird at all! I love this and honestly Sherlock would make excuses to make up for a crush. I threw in some wingman Naruhodo for you!
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The first time he came across you probably would be investigating a case. He was told of an inventor that someone went to that wasn't him (or Iris) and immediately had to see this competition.
He ended up having a rather pleasant discussion with you over some things you were tinkering with and ended up getting some ideas of his own. He came to the conclusion that he would have to visit you again, to see how you're progressing of course.
The first few times of him arriving was to update you on how his own tinkering is going and to gloat about the things that he has invented (with Iris's help). Just trying to make himself look good, not that he'd admit that.
He definitely did not intend to stay as long as he did talking to you. But he had another pleasant time.
Unfortunately, he'd grown to realize that he was running out of excuses to see you. Not that he needs an excuse to see you. But why would The Great Sherlock Holmes need to see another inventor about something when he could do it himself?
Thankfully an excuse came up where Iris needed something but it wasn't readily available at his home. So he took it upon himself to go to his inventor friend to find the part! He deflated slightly when Naruhodo offered to go with him because he wanted to see you alone. But he accepted.
Ended up deflating more as he saw you chatting happily with Naruhodo about whatever inventions you were making. Sherlock didn't even get the opportunity to ask you about Iris's part because Naruhodo asked instead!
When you turned to ask Sherlock a question about a case, that's when he sprung back to life as he answered with great detail to try and impress you. He didn't even notice the expression on Naruhodo's face.
That's when Naruhodo chimed in and mentioned how great Sherlock is. Sherlock had a bright smile at that, hoping that let you know how amazing he is. That's when Naruhodo mentioned Sherlock being stumped on a detail that was not true.
He was ready to object to being "stumped" on any detail but then you stated you would be happy to help. Sherlock felt himself freeze for a second at that before he coughed into his fist to hide his flustered state before offering to discuss the details at a nearby cafe.
You had agreed and Naruhodo quickly made an excuse about going back to get the part to Iris, leaving the two of you alone to go to the coffee shop. The cold weather was Sherlock's excuse for being flustered and have a pounding heart.
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writemyaceattorneys · 3 years
Alrighty, hun. I am here today to request for none other than our beloved himbo, Sherlock. How about a yan scenario where he wakes up from a nightmare (probably about S/O leaving him) and S/O comforts him? Have fun!
Oh absolutely!!! This himbo needs more appreciation in this community!!!!! I will populate the internet with Sherlock Holmes (DGS) fanfiction if I have to, I crave more from this boi.
Spoilers: Dai Gyakuten Saiban (The Great Ace Attorney)
TW: Implied kidnapping, implied threats, obsessive behaviour, nightmares
🔎Sherlock Holmes🔍
“N-no...Don’t go, don’t leave me. Not again. No, no...NO!”
Sherlock woke up with a start, immediately jolting forward as he gripped his hair in his hands and breathed heavily. The last few weeks had been particularly strenuous for Sherlock, the few hours of sleep that he got each night had been plagued with a multitude of nightmares, hours of torment that all followed one single theme.
S/O had left him again, and this time they had left him for good.
The dreams had probably started after S/O’s latest little attempt. It was roughly two months ago and he was so caught up in another case that he didn’t notice that his darling had picked the lock on their bedroom door and was making a break for it until they were already a good three quarters of the way down Crawford Street. That had been the closest that they had been to leaving him in some time and it absolutely terrified him to think that they would be out there without anyone to look out for them.
Normally, Sherlock would force himself to shake this new set of nightmares off and attempt to re-salvage his sleep. However, tonight, he just couldn’t fight that layer of fear that chilled his bones and made his throat tighten up. He found himself pulling the covers off of himself and getting out of bed. If he could just check on S/O, just to make sure that his nightmares were not some horrible vision of events that had truly occurred, then his fears could be temporarily soothed. He found himself sneaking through his flat, careful not to wake Iris up as he walked to S/O’s room. Unlocking it, he was instantly relieved with the sight of S/O who was asleep, completely oblivious to the fact that he was in their room.
Sherlock found himself walking over to their bed to watch them more closely, they looked so peaceful...so carefree to everything, a far cry from their usual nervous expression and flighty disposition. After a few minutes of just observing, Sherlock drew an arm out to gently touch their shoulder, relishing in the feel of their skin under his own, he then slid next to them, wrapping his arms around them tightly and laying his head on top of their own. After about ten minutes of him just holding S/O in his arms, he felt S/O stirring from their own sleep. They immediately seemed to tense up as they realised that something…or someone was currently restricting their movement.
“...Sherlock…? W-what are you doing?” S/O sussurated. At this point they were completely still while Sherlock slowly let go of them and sat up, S/O turned around to face him and was somewhat taken aback by his rather forlorn expression. They quickly sat up themselves and looked at him nervously as he clasped their hands into his own.
“It’s silly really, just a nightmare that I’ve been having, I just wanted to check on you. I didn’t factor in the chance that I might wake you up. I do apologise.” Sherlock rambled while continuing to play with S/O’s hands. S/O let out a short sigh before slowly pulling their hands away from his and moving them towards his shoulders before pulling him into a gentle hug. This time, it was Sherlock’s turn to tense up as he realised what was happening. A shuddered breath escaped his throat as he looked down at S/O who had gently looped their arms around his middle and laid their head against the middle of his chest.
“I-I’m sorry Sherlock..” S/O whispered while rubbing little circles into his back. Sherlock sighed and looked down at them tiredly, leaning into the affection that was being given to him so willingly. “Please don’t leave me, I was so scared….something might have happened, something could still happen.” Sherlock shuddered while raising his own arms to tightly wrap S/O into them, S/O pulled their head away to look at him, eyes wide with an unrecognisable emotion shimmering within them.
“I-I’m not...I’m not escaping, please Sherlock I promise I’m not escaping.” They begged, pulling their arms away to grip onto the front of his shirt, Sherlock took this opportunity to press them closer to his chest as he laid his head against their neck.
“Shhh…I know, I’ve just been ever so worried since that last little attempt of yours, but I know that you wouldn’t try to escape me again, it would be illogical to attempt it.” Sherlock breathed while looking down at S/O, who had let out a rather long yawn as they tiredly slumped their head against his chest and looked well on their way to falling asleep.
“Laying next to you is truly a miracle cure, my darling.” Sherlock whispered, while slowly sliding down to lay next to them. He pulled them back into his arms as he felt asleep calling him once more, he hoped that with the knowledge that S/O was wrapped tightly up in his arms that the nightmares would cease to cause him grief for the rest of the night.
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wildfey · 4 years
Ace Attorney leaks MEGATHREAD (spoilers!!)
So hey, if any of you haven’t seen/heard of this yet - Capcom got ransomwared and a chunk of internal files were leaked, possibly because they refused to pay up (including some sensitive information which is uhhh... rough... if u’ve bought from the capcom us/japanese online store maybe consider changing passwords because they haven’t worked out what they lost yet) (Source: x x x)
So hey, you might be wondering... what’s the big deal - ransomware attacks are (concerningly) common
Well... allegedly very much allegedly some of the data leaked was information on future plans for the ace attorney franchise
ok so first of all, I wanna note this is like... completely unsubstantiated. I am sharing it as much for wish fulfilment as anything else, because I like baseless speculation and I know a lot of u aren’t on the reddit which is where a lot of the speculation I’m reading is happening. This post is essentially me presenting an attorneys badge and going take that!
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(this image translated by reddit user u/northadox) I have found several similar translations of the jpn original so I’m assuming the translation is legit even if the original isn’t lol.
Dai Gyakuten Saiban translation and boxset - this is the big exciting one, and the one we have most information for out of the leak (more below)
Development of AA7 (with temporary title?) - this has allegedly been going on since 2019 or before, ready for release for the 20th anniversary of the series in 2021. However we don’t know how covid is going to affect these plans and we also have basically 0 information about what is the actual content of this game
4/5/6 port - this seems to have no release date and we don’t have much information - documents seem to indicate that capcom is focusing on switch releases (which is consistent with capcom releasing the og trilogy last year) They also discuss PS4 and steam release, the latter being what I’m excited about because I am so fed up with the android emulated versions of the 456 which is what I play... the steam versions are remastered and available in every translated language, whereas the android version is only in english for some reason despite the fact that we know the other language versions exist... even on de google play u can only get these games in english, capcom pls save me. 
translation of large part of text as well as some english va. Many images and the context of the game seem to be remaining japanese but with subtitles (so no japanifornia this time). No additional language translation as far as I can see, just Japanese/English
possibly some new in-game animation (pls)
apparently due to us copyright issues Sherlock Holmes may or may not be Herlock Sholmes, a holdover and reference from the Lupin novels (yes this is stupid, yes this is also in a number of the documents so... idk)
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Usability improvements - auto save and more save data slots for dgs (and hopefully that also means for games going forward), option settings for pc players, achievements for ps4/switch/steam, more flexible story/chapter selection and auto-play text (I really want this one to be true, as a fast reader who finds clicking thru the text boxes annoying)
similar leaks for other games including monster hunter and a mysterious project called guillotine - this isn’t  relevant except in that it does make the possibility of the leaks being real slightly more likely - anyone who is faking data for fandom/trolling reasons is much less likely to do it for multiple fandoms
Approx 1TB of info was stolen, 60GB of which was released. There is quite possibly stuff missing. It is also quite possible that the rest of it was internal company stuff rather than development stuff so who knows. 
This chart is from 2019. The quartiles also represent the fiscal rather than calendar year. Bear those things in mind when thinking timelines, especially with covid. 
More here
If anyone has any further information I would love to hear it! This is just what I managed to get in the two hours since I woke up and started researching
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Hii! It’s great to see that you’re back! I’ve really enjoyed your writing for TGAA characters! Would it be ok to request Sholmes and Barok reacting to their S.O getting hurt and they blame it on themselves?(like Sholmes inventions/something during investigation hurts their s.o and someone hurts Barok’s s.o bc of their association with him?) sorry this is so long!
hiya franziska (love your name omg) ! thanks for the request ! this definitely made me feel a bit sad, but i got some sweets to munch on now to cheer me up lnvbdhehd.... sometimes these 30 something year olds can have an iron grip on your heart. i hope you enjoy !
content warning: includes some mentions of blood and cuts ! especially in barok's part ! also tgaa 2 spoilers in barok's part !
sherlock and barok's s/o gets hurt and blames themselves
"pass me that screwdriver, love ?"
"oh yeah, here you go."
the day was spent indoors, you were helping sherlock with another invention of his by giving him the appropriate tools. the blonde was too stuck in his work to realise something.
sherlock had realised that his desk had become cluttered with tools, so naturally he had to get rid of some, giving some to you to mind for a while.
a soldering iron was being used, sherlock told that you should be careful around it and never poke at it without the proper knowledge on how to use it. you nodded and squinted at the thing he was soldering.
you leaned back in your chair, arm resting comfortably on the edge of sherlock's desk. you closed your eyes until you felt a sharp, burning sensation in your forearm. turns out sherlock had misplaced the soldering tool and placed it right beside your arm. hissing through your teeth, sherlock noticed and gasped.
"oh dear heavens ! i do apologise my dear.. here, let me-" the blonde whisked you to the sink in the kitchen, leaving you with your arm underneath the running tap for a second as he fished out the first aid kit.
"oh dear, i'm so sorry.. it's all my fault for not looking where i was putting it !" sherlock almost wailed, hearing your winces of pain as he treated you damn near brought him to tears. after he bandaged your arm, he grabbed you in a big hug, kissing your head and stroking your hair.
by now the pain had gone away a bit and became more easy to deal with. though you felt sherlock's gaze pierce through your skull. you might want to check on him... he might be worse than you.
this was the first time you got hurt by something he did, and it was the absolute worst. he never attempted to go back to his project for the rest of the day he was that worried.
"uhm... sherlock, are you alr-"
"it was all my fault ! i'm truly horrible, aren't i... you poor thing..." he sniffled and hugged you. he just spent the whole evening holding you. you on his lap, it definitely wasn't the worst thing that could happen. you smirked and cuddled into your lover.
hurting you by accident again might result in you being coddled, but in this case he's quick to wrap your injury in bandages and hold you then and there. he lets his evening go by more quieter than expected, but he definitely needed the break, and what other way to spend it with you ?
carefully looks over you if you're doing something that may result in injury. mr overprotective comes out even when you're cutting up produce for lunch as he hugs you from behind.
if he saw you hurt because of him, he'd be so devastated. this man knows the dangers of being in a relationship all too well and has had nightmares about this sort of thing happening. he would absolutely hate it if his nightmare became reality.
barok would take extra care of you if you both were going home and it was quite dark. he's practically stuck to you like a magnet.
it was a particularly cold night in london, barok was taking you home as quick as he could. there was no available omnibuses or carriages so he had to settle on walking with you, secure to his waist with an iron grip, watching every direction like a hawk.
he always kept his rapier on him at all times, just in case he was caught up in an ambush. the sudden breeze made you shiver, barok instinctively hugging you closer to him for warmth. his guard was down and a gunshot rang through the streets, hitting a gas lamp and startling the two of you.
your breaths hitched, wriggling inside barok's grip as he turned around. he let you go, desperately wanting you to be safe and sound.
"run. get home safe," was all he said before more gunshots blasted in your eardrums. you were hesitant, but your flight response kicked in and you ran as far as you could. you didn't turn back but you could hear the sounds of a blade colliding with flesh and choked back a sob, you didn't want barok to die there!
as you were about to hide behind a corner, a bullet whizzed past you, slightly grazing your skin. it was enough to knock you down though, a scream echoing throughout the night. luckily, barok was almost done with the goons.
he eyeballed the one who shot at you and tightened his grip on the handle of his rapier. he ran to them, slashing them in the legs and grabbed their gun, aiming it at them before running back to you.
the blood was oozing through your fingers, you felt faint and gasped for air with tears streaming down your face. barok called your name and knelt down beside you, frantically looking everywhere on his person to try and find something that could block the bleeding. he untied his cravat and wrapped it around your wound, tight enough to soak up the blood.
"love, love listen to me. you'll be okay, you'll be okay." barok had tears now streaming from his face, a rare sight indeed. he never felt such strong emotions in god knows how long. he put his rapier back in its sheath and carried you, rushing to the nearest infirmary, all while he tried to calm you down, telling you that it would be okay and that you would get care immediately.
he'd stay with you until he had to part ways so that you could get the treatment you needed. but you can bet that he'll be there in the waiting room, pacing back and forth with immense guilt pulsating through his veins.
he's the first thing you see when you wake up, holding your hand with a smile on his face, another rarity...
he will buy you new books to pass the time during your stay, sometimes you wake up in the middle of the night to see him sitting beside you, slumped over to the side, book drooping in his grasp and a soft expression on his face. it's the cutest thing ever but if he were to know he would deny it to all hell.
luckily your stay at the infirmary was a short one and got to leave with barok by your side, still holding you close to his side. but this time, his fingers slightly grip into your waist a bit tighter than usual even though it was broad daylight. he would never want anything like that to happen again.
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Hello again! I finally got an idea for a request! Do you mind sharing your headcanons about Barok and Sholmes initiating a first kiss with their significant other please?
hi again, sev ! might have gone a bit overboard with barok's part because for some reason my brain is in barok mode rn........ i hope you enjoy !
sherlock and barok sharing their first kiss with their s/o
i have a feeling that the kiss would be an on the spur of the moment thing that just happens. either that or sherlock busts his ass with trying to be smooth about it while grinding his teeth.
he is an expert on the art of hiding his worries though, coming up with excuses here and there, making sure you don't see how nervous he is.
i have this image in my head that i cannot get over. it starts with you and sherlock spending the day at 221b, sherlock tinkering with inventions while you stand behind him and watch. feeling mischievous, you decide to steal the wrench he put down to grab something on his bookshelf.
"love, have you seen my wrench anywhere ? swear i just put it down here a second ago.." he pats down his body to check, and to no luck either. you smirk, sherlock now knows something is up and chuckles, "oh i know you have it, darling. where are you hiding it, hm ?"
"you'll have to come and catch me first !" you pull the wrench out from your back and run, only to be chased by sherlock who's thoroughly enjoying himself as he catches you quicker than you imagined he would. you two wriggle on the couch, you struggling to get the wrench away from him, but it's no use. he takes it from you and you both are panting, laughing messes sandwiched together.
soft sighs are exchanged, sherlock realising he has something he needs to do and clears his throat. "can i kiss you, my dear ?" he pants, his face may look calm, albeit tired from the running, but you're pretty sure you can feel his heartbeat.
you nod and close your eyes, sherlock instantly moving forward and locking lips with you. his free hand worms his way into yours as you two intertwine fingers. sherlock's lips felt vacuum sealed to yours, never letting go until you both are dying for oxygen, leaving you two panting and blushing messes afterwards. you were ready for another round already.
barok, without a doubt, would want his and your first kiss to be special. this dude brings out the whiteboard and markers and draws diagrams to figure out what to do and when.
it's a very silent process but you can see some small changes in barok's behaviour. he mostly acts more warm towards you, especially when he's cooped up with work. when you two spend quiet time together, he zones out while thinking about ways he should approach kissing you.
it definitely happens on a date rather, the end of the date. barok had found the most perfect restaurant in london and wanted you to experience it with him, all expenses paid by the man himself. what a gentleman.
he meets you at your door, absolutely stunned by your outfit if choice. he tries to stifle a blush behind but his cheeks turn pink and the corners of his mouth curl upwards. a kiss is placed to your knuckles and barok escorts you to the carriage.
it's a calm and comfy silent ride, you two only holding each other's hands while you sit and smile. cue barok escorting you into the restaurant. it's definitely posh alright, that's for sure. a waiter escorts you to your seats and offers you two some menus to look at.
barok pays for your food, thankful that you enjoyed it as much as he did. you two head back for another carriage ride home, this time half asleep and stuffed with food.
"ah, this is my stop," you lean up and stretch your weary bones, "let me walk you to your door. i would like to ask you something in private anyways." barok opens the door for you and let's you out, closing the door behind him. the cold night air nips at him, a shiver running down his spine.
"what did you want to talk about, barok ?" you look up at the man currently stepping a bit closer to you. he sharply breathes in, then exhales. you can see the cold air leave his mouth.
"i just.. ahem..." barok leans down and lets your lips softly melt to one another's. it's not a shocking kiss, actually it's quite warm, a toasty glow warming you up on the inside. your arms snake up his shoulders as his hold onto your waist gently. it's a kiss of comfortable length, not too long or too short, just right.
after the kiss ended the two of you are the most coy people ever, chuckling and fidgeting while buzzing with happiness.
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Hello! Can i req Barok, Sholmes and Kazuma comforing their S/O after nightmare?
Thank you in advance <3
hey anon ! thanks for the request ! nightmares are scary. for some reason, mine almost always have me in the back of a driverless car, what about you ? hehe i hope you enjoy this anyways !
barok, asougi and sherlock comforting their s/o after a nightmare
barok is no stranger to nightmares, being plagued with them since his early adulthood made him almost desensitised to them, yet there was always a little bit of him that felt uneasy after waking up from one. when he feels you squirm in your sleep beside him, his eyes flash open and inspects your shaking body
although he's no stranger to nightmares, he's very unsure what to do when someone has one themself. he doesn't care that much about the nightmares impact on him, but once he notices that you're having the nightmare, the situation flips.
all he can do is hold you close, stroke your head and keep you warm, hoping that would soften your tears and choked sobs.
he feels awkward, no doubt, but to think that you were plagued with a nightmare pushed a stake through his heart, especially with every sob your sleeping self cried.
time went by and feeling the warmth envelop you, started to calm down, cries turning into whimpers. barok peered down to see your red, tear stained face sticking to his now wet, salty silk pyjamas. the sight made him breathe out a sigh of relief to see that you were now calm. he gently wiped your tears away and kissed your forehead one last goodnight.
this man is a Deep sleeper, so if you want to grab his attention you might want to yank his hair out in hopes that he'll acknowledge your whimpers.
although if you were to leave his grasp, he's awake in a flash. he bolts up and spots your red and teary face in the dimly lit room, his gaze immediately softening and offering you a hug.
sherlock holds you as you sob, gently shushing you and stroking your hair until you can calm down enough to be able to speak to him.
he looks down at you with that ever so soft look on his face, calming down a tad more upon seeing him so worried for you. "i'm guessing you had a nightmare then, love. right?" you nod and he sighs, bringing you in for another hug.
he's not going to force you to talk about it, but he will comfort you in any way he can. he's no stranger to comforting others with nightmares, mainly because iris used to have them when she was younger. he lets you cry for as long as you need, holding you in an embrace, holding your hands with his big hands, you name it and he does. with how warm the blonde is, you find yourself succumbing to a sleep, peaceful and free from any worry.
the attorney stirs when he feels you moving more sporadically in bed, tightening his grip on your waist. you gasp and notice that he's awake, choking back a sob.
kazuma can sense how tense you feel right now, asking you if you're alright. whatever you respond (or don't respond) with, kazuma will hold you close and comfort you with small hums of a melody to help soothe you back to normal.
kazuma silently aches at the sight of you upset in his arms and vows that you will not leave them until you are content and at ease.
after a little bit of comfortable silence, kazuma starts to tell you some small, lighthearted stories about anything. things he's experienced, things that happened with ryuunosuke, things that happened to ryuunosuke, etc.
he wants to see you smile before going to bed and let's be honest, him messing up tongue twisters at three in the morning is pretty hilarious. it helps you forget about the nightmare as you two spent the rest of your night giggling in bed.
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turnaboutinlove · 3 years
hi! new ace attorney blog omg..... feel free to ignore this if you don't write for him but is it alright if i request sherlock dgs finding his s/o wearing his coat? probably trying to find it so he can go investigate something....... oh and since he's like what,,, 6'' the coat would be super huge on his s/o...... it looks so warm fvdvsgrgs thank you and have a good day!!
(S)Herlock finding his s/o wearing his coat
hello hello ~ thank you for your request! although i’m not that confident in writing sherlock ,,,, i hope i did okay lol. his jacket does look comfy as heck though lol. it’s a bit of a short piece of writing, i hope that’s okay! hopefully your day is going well too, anon!
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"Say, (S/O) have you seen my—” Before he could finish his sentence, he found you, wrapped in his oversized coat.
You had only meant to try it on for a little while - it did look comfortable, and besides, it wasn’t as if you couldn't wear it. But… you had underestimated the time you'd spend in it — it was extremely comfortable and soft, a bit big for you, but that’s what made it extra comfortable.
“Mm…” You hummed in response, snuggling into the coat further, “Just wanted to try it on… it’s surprisingly soft.”
“Well, it is my coat after all,” He grinned mischievously, though his face was lightly tinted with red at the sight of you. You, who seemed to barely fit in his jacket, were adorable — though he would probably explode with embarrassment if he had admitted it out loud due to how unprepared he felt. He had always planned to eventually give you his coat  — he had figured that you’d look great in it (and he would definitely have teased you upon giving you the coat), but seeing you take the coat by yourself... was unexpected.
“Wow! There are so many hidden compartments in this coat, it’s incredibly convenient and comfy! How’d you even do this?” You exclaimed, interrupting his thoughts upon the matter, but not noticing how flushed he was.
“Th-That would be Iris’ doing, but obviously a great detective needs such utilities! Anyway, may I say something, my love?” Coughing to regain his composure, a smug smile appeared upon his face, indicating you of whatever antics he might perform.
“Yes...?” You took the bait anyway, huddling into the coat even more (if that was possible).
“Well... I say you look rather dashing in my clothes! I mean, there’s nothing more wonderful than my lovely (S/O) in my amazing clothes!” You huffed at his words, averting your eyes and mumbling a quiet thank you in response to his compliment. When you eventually glanced back at Sherlock, you noticed his huge smirk, a celebration of his success of ever so slightly flustering you. “However, though I do enjoy seeing you in my clothing, I need that jacket — I have some investigating to do, my dear. ”
“R-Right!” You slipped the jacket off with ease, shyly handing him it. You swore he purposefully brushed his fingers against your own (as soon as you looked at him he winked), before moving to leave to go to perform his great deductions. Perhaps you’d indulge in stealing a few more items to wear from his eccentric wardrobe, most of his clothing looked intrerestingly warm and comfy.
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omg ur blog is rlly good! i like the long haired reader request but i want to request one w/ barok and sherlock pls (female pronouns pls if it’s ok) - chalice enthusiast
a/n: hi anon ! tysm for the kind words they mean so much to me !! these are a bit different than those ones but i do hope you enjoy them nonetheless !
sherlock and barok with an s/o (she/her) with long hair
you can't try to persuade me from thinking that he's the most experienced with hair styling out of the whole cast. you can't.
sherlock has styled little iris' hair when she was a baby, possibly still doing her hair in cute styles to this day ! if you ask him, he'd be so ecstatic that you would want your hair done by the great hairdresser ! i mean detective-
your long hair is a treasure trove for endless possibilities and this man is aching to comb his fingers through it. why does it look so soft and inviting ?! it's so soft !
would cuddle you and hold his face in your hair, taking in your scent and feeling all warm on the inside as he relaxes. it's so addicting to him and he'd rather be in this position for the rest of his days.
(muffled voice) "mhm.. your hair is so soft, my love..."
those were his last words before he fell asleep in your arms.
probably wouldn't say anything about wanting to doll up your hair though, cat got his tongue there, literally would think about asking, get sweaty palms and when the opportunity arrives he calls it a day.
if you do your hair up though, he'd be the first to compliment you though, maybe this time he'll ~swiftly~ imply that he really wants to doll your hair up a god awful lot.
it comes out as a squeak initially and after a chuckle, you let him. the man in his mid 30s becomes somewhat of a puppy and rushes to comb your hair.
i do headcanon that this man would grow out his hair so it would be a bit longer than shoulder length so... expect a bunch of hair products in his home when you come over for the day !
he's seemingly neutral about your hair, but does think that you suit it so extremely well, especially if you did up your hair for a dinner date you have with him.
something tells me that this man subconsciously gives headpats for when you do something he finds adorable, but when he finds that your hair is just so soft, the prosecutor can't help but let his bare hand linger for a few moments as he pets your hair.
he's very shy about asking if he could touch your hair so don't expect him to make the first move.
once his hair grows out enough for him to tie it up, ask him what kind of products he uses to start up a conversation, it might help him open up about his love for your hair.
if you were to gently comb your fingers through his hair though, you'll be met with a blushing barok as you realise, damn. his hair is more soft than you thought...
he's not horribly versed with the different hair styles one can conjur up but he Can tie your hair up into a loose ponytail and cute bow that compliments your hair colour.
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Hi hi hi!! Could I please get Sholmes confessing to his crush? That'd be awesome, thank! <3
a/n: hi anon! of course you can get this! i for one think sherlock would be a big doofus with crushes...... i mean, he’s a huge doofus as he is when he isn’t crushing. i hope you enjoy!
sherlock confessing to his crush
now sherlock is very skilled at masking his feelings from anyone he crushes on BUT will have some little advancements and clues for you to take heed of in place. he’s basically laying out rose petals for you to follow with him being the final destination (how sweet).
he makes sure that if you don’t understand what he’s trying to say that he makes it clear for you to even question if his actions are platonic or romantically fuelled. 
don’t worry though, he’s overthinking his feelings now and you’ve known that he might be trying to portray his feelings for quite some time now. he’s only getting fluffier with each and every day at this point.
i think i’ve mentioned this before but he would be buying you small stuff like coffee/your preferred drink of choice every morning if it just meant that he’d see your warm smile. and actually, if you’re both walking by a shop and you see something that catches your eye, you bet your ass this man will write a cheque to the seller and buy you the item that caught your eye. get ready to drown in gifts by the time he’s confessed his feelings to you.
he may be giddy but around you he’s exceptionally more giddy. like. childish giddy. he’s going to be cracking more jokes around you and he’s going to be more physically affectionate with you, opting to hold onto your shoulders to pull you closer to his warm body every so often. you could even fall asleep in his arms and he would be joyous to have you there with him.
...... maybe a bit too joyous though, his excitement isn’t exactly contained and will most definitely wake you up from your slumber before he could cherish the moment.
sherlock would ignore his untied shoelaces just to pine over you, so if you see a blushy sherlock fall over (head over heels) his untied shoelaces then you know you’re dealing with something seriously cute.
now to deal with the crush further than this, which of course it didn’t really work because now he’s pining twice as much as he did from the start! maybe he should’ve confessed before he would be too nervous to do so......
i can clearly see him dressing to be his best in a slightly casual suit and a bouquet of your favourite flowers, waiting for you to come out while messing with his little bowtie with a face red as beetroot juice. upon seeing you he may stutter a little bit and pass you the flowers he has in his grasp.
he would make one last excuse for having the flowers bought for you before he told you his true feelings, he can’t contain his feelings for long you know!
“haha ! oh wow, sherlock. you really didn’t have to. but that doesn’t explain why you’re all dressed up.... oh ! should i have dressed up too ?!”
“no- no! you are quite alright as you are... i only came here for one reason only,”
he sucked in a breath, red face deepening with colour as he held his breath and....
rather loudly (and quickly) barked out a confession. slowing in his tracks, realising how rushed he sounded, panted and coughed, taking a double take and this time took his time with the heartfelt confession, his voice now sounding like his usual smoother than silk voice. his heart going at the rate of a racecar, waited for your response, and now with your acceptance, he felt as it was appropriate for him to take hold of you, dip you and kiss you passionately on the lips, smiling into the kiss so hard his lips could fall off at any moment. oh he was waiting for this moment for so long!
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HIYA! Ahh thank you so much for answering my request for the singing one! I love it so much!! 🎉🥺 I'd like to go by Sugar Cube anon if you don't mind listing me on the list! (She/her)
I'd hate to bother you, but I have one last request to ask. Could you possibly write a scenario or headcanons about Sherlock with an S/O who plays the violin? I can just imagine the reaction when he finds out that his S/O can play the violin!
hi sugar cube anon ! thanks for the request. honestly..... violin music slaps, anything in the strings section in an orchestra is peak music for me (listening to aa orchestral music rn) and i would love it if sherlock dropped his soundcloud (i know you have it mr holmes. i need to listen to your violin music). anyways, i hope you enjoy this !
sherlock with an s/o who can play the violin
the detective is a rather musical man, it's an often common thing to see sherlock playing the violin laying on the couch when you come to visit. he creates melodies that even bring tears to your eyes, but forgets almost immediately how the melody goes afterwards.
he asks you to listen to his works even at three in the morning, which can be kind of annoying but it's also endearing and cute to see his face light up when you tell him you like it.
sherlock had invited you to come over for dinner and had been waiting for a while, antsy as he bounced his leg up and down on the floor. sherlock wanted to know why you were (checks watch) 2 minutes and 35 seconds late !! (he's kinda eager because he helped prepare dinner this time)
the wait got to him and he got up, grabbing his coat and slinging it on as quickly as he could, maybe he could see of you were still at home and that's why you were delayed.
the walk through the streets was accompanied by a slight chill in the weather, leaves floating across the street and a few droplets of rain fell to the curb. sherlock turned a corner to hear some music, a violin to be exact, and some synchronised clapping, and being the curious guy he was he decided to check out what was going on.
he turned to see a small crowd of people. wading his way through the people to see the source of the music, he saw his love, playing an incredibly beautiful tune. his eyes widened as he witnessed your confident movements, swaying your body as if the music was transforming you into a celestial being.
he smiled brightly, clapping alongside everyone else while they boogied and spun others around in a jolly mood. the music eventually came to a stop with everyone cheering, whistling and applauding your performance. taking a bow and thanking the crowd, you catch a certain blonde in the corner of your peripheral.
was it.. no, it couldn't be. you squinted.... maybe? oh shit ! you thought, i have to meet him for dinner, and i'm late ! you frantically put everything back in your violin case, the crowd of people chatting amongst themselves as they went back to their regular duties. all but one left you though.
sherlock's smile never left his face, walking up to you to tell you how amazed he was hearing you play and how you two must duet ! your head snapped up, noticing how close the man was without properly registering who he was.
"i-i'm sorry sir but-"
" 'sir' ? have you forgotten who i am, my dearest ?"
then it hit you. the man that you thought was waiting like an impatient child at his flat was... right here. this emitted another yelp from you as you fully realised that yes, your suspicions were true.
nothing but stutters came out of your mouth as the blonde chuckled, putting his hand on your shoulder, "your playing was amazing, darling. i didn't know you could play the violin !" you explain that you've been at it for a while as he's still thinking about the melody that's running through his ears... maybe you should start your soundcloud career so he can listen to your music on the go.
"we should absolutely duet a song together ! and i think we should do so during dinner, what do you think, love ?" sherlock holds you close as he guides you to 221b for dinner.
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Could you do some fluffy headcanons for Sherlock and Ryuunosuke w/ an s/o who is very clingy in the morning after they wake up and they’re sleepy 🥺🥺🥺 please and thank you!
a/n: hey anon ! this was The prompt ever, i loved writing these sleepy boys !! i hope you enjoy !
ryuunosuke and sherlock with a clingy s/o when they wake up
it's probably the most vulnerable you'll ever find him, so if you want to fluster him when you two wake up this is your chance.
he doesn't realise what's happening because he's still asleep but when he wakes up to see you clinging to him, resting your face up against him with a smile he gets a little bit shocked.
how did you two get in this situation ? ryuunosuke asks questions to himself as you snuggle closer with such a warm presence... it distracts him.
your smile makes ryuunosuke feel at ease, slowly raising his hand to gently pet your hair. upon doing so, you seemed to nuzzle further into him and make him flush red. if only your eyes were open to see such a sight !
you soon stir and open your eyes, heavy with sleep, looking up at your boyfriend. he smiles when he notices you and greets you a good morning.
ryuunosuke liked to spend these days with you in bed, no work to be seen to as it was his day off from all those affairs. if he were to be working, he would have a hard time getting out of the bed, your grasp too warm and welcoming to escape against his will.
you mumbled some incoherent words to which he chuckled, sleep still plaguing his mind. "you look cute like that." he mumbles out. ryuunosuke wasn't so good with words of affection but he was getting better at the affection giving.
"you're so warm, ryuu.." you mumble with sleepiness lacing your words. you want to stay with him here for the whole day, wrapping your legs around his so he couldn't get up. he chuckled at such an action, did you really not want him to get up?
"you're the warm one here i believe." he gently pulls you closer to his chest and sighs, happy and content with how comfy you two were together.
"nuh uh ! you're all warm here, i can feel the warmth radiating off of you." you protest. the words make ryuunosuke blush more than before, making you laugh, "see ? told you ! all warm !" you raise your hand up to his face and reach over to pinch his flustered cheeks.
seeing that sherlock is a hugger himself, he would love the fact that you're clingy like this ! you tend to wake up first before sherlock does so that means that you can watch as your boyfriend snores his brains out with his arms firmly wrapped around your form.
you smile at the sight, it's such a soft sight to see when the detective is more quiet when he's sleeping so soundly.
you can't help it but wrap your detective up in your arms in a just as firm grasp as his ! he doesn't even wake up because he's so sleepy ! you nuzzle yourself into his tall body and purr in contentment with how warm he is, he's like a furnace !
i think he wouldn't wake up at all to this so you fall asleep against his arms once again, smiling lazily as you dozed in the arms of your beloved detective. it would take him another while of snoozing for him to wake up.
upon waking up, he spots you so close to him, a smile placed on your face as you cling to the blonde man. if only you were awake to see the grin placed on his face right now. he stirs only a little bit out of excitement which is still enough to wake you as you were only in a light sleep.
you yawn, your arms still clinging to sherlock as if your life depended on it. "good morning, love.." sherlock pressed hot kisses to your face as you giggled with sleepiness. "morning.... what time is it ?"
sherlock looked over to the clock on the wall behind you, shaking his head. "it's not important, i want to stay here with you." he rolls over onto his back with you in his strong arms. you let out some noises out of happiness and nuzzle your nose against sherlock's. it was the days where you two could be so close together, so warm and do domestic that made you enjoy life even more.
you couldn't help but indulge him, melting in his grasp as you nuzzled your face under his chin. he sighed in bliss, your body warm like a hot water bottle on him. you two talked about everything and anything, albeit with slurred words since you two just woke up not long ago.
"you're so warm..." you mumbled into sherlock's neck. you felt as if you were being encapsulated by the warmth of the most beautiful sunny day. sherlock chuckled in a low voice, the voice that made you feel like butter melting on a pan.
"i'm flattered ! i may be warm but you seem to be the most beautiful being i have set eyes on. even when you're riddled fatigue, you are of ethereal beauty." sherlock purred into your ear before kissing you tenderly on the cheek, resulting in you blushing a whole new shade of red.
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