#ryuunosuke naruhodou x reader
Could you do some fluffy headcanons for Sherlock and Ryuunosuke w/ an s/o who is very clingy in the morning after they wake up and they’re sleepy 🥺🥺🥺 please and thank you!
a/n: hey anon ! this was The prompt ever, i loved writing these sleepy boys !! i hope you enjoy !
ryuunosuke and sherlock with a clingy s/o when they wake up
it's probably the most vulnerable you'll ever find him, so if you want to fluster him when you two wake up this is your chance.
he doesn't realise what's happening because he's still asleep but when he wakes up to see you clinging to him, resting your face up against him with a smile he gets a little bit shocked.
how did you two get in this situation ? ryuunosuke asks questions to himself as you snuggle closer with such a warm presence... it distracts him.
your smile makes ryuunosuke feel at ease, slowly raising his hand to gently pet your hair. upon doing so, you seemed to nuzzle further into him and make him flush red. if only your eyes were open to see such a sight !
you soon stir and open your eyes, heavy with sleep, looking up at your boyfriend. he smiles when he notices you and greets you a good morning.
ryuunosuke liked to spend these days with you in bed, no work to be seen to as it was his day off from all those affairs. if he were to be working, he would have a hard time getting out of the bed, your grasp too warm and welcoming to escape against his will.
you mumbled some incoherent words to which he chuckled, sleep still plaguing his mind. "you look cute like that." he mumbles out. ryuunosuke wasn't so good with words of affection but he was getting better at the affection giving.
"you're so warm, ryuu.." you mumble with sleepiness lacing your words. you want to stay with him here for the whole day, wrapping your legs around his so he couldn't get up. he chuckled at such an action, did you really not want him to get up?
"you're the warm one here i believe." he gently pulls you closer to his chest and sighs, happy and content with how comfy you two were together.
"nuh uh ! you're all warm here, i can feel the warmth radiating off of you." you protest. the words make ryuunosuke blush more than before, making you laugh, "see ? told you ! all warm !" you raise your hand up to his face and reach over to pinch his flustered cheeks.
seeing that sherlock is a hugger himself, he would love the fact that you're clingy like this ! you tend to wake up first before sherlock does so that means that you can watch as your boyfriend snores his brains out with his arms firmly wrapped around your form.
you smile at the sight, it's such a soft sight to see when the detective is more quiet when he's sleeping so soundly.
you can't help it but wrap your detective up in your arms in a just as firm grasp as his ! he doesn't even wake up because he's so sleepy ! you nuzzle yourself into his tall body and purr in contentment with how warm he is, he's like a furnace !
i think he wouldn't wake up at all to this so you fall asleep against his arms once again, smiling lazily as you dozed in the arms of your beloved detective. it would take him another while of snoozing for him to wake up.
upon waking up, he spots you so close to him, a smile placed on your face as you cling to the blonde man. if only you were awake to see the grin placed on his face right now. he stirs only a little bit out of excitement which is still enough to wake you as you were only in a light sleep.
you yawn, your arms still clinging to sherlock as if your life depended on it. "good morning, love.." sherlock pressed hot kisses to your face as you giggled with sleepiness. "morning.... what time is it ?"
sherlock looked over to the clock on the wall behind you, shaking his head. "it's not important, i want to stay here with you." he rolls over onto his back with you in his strong arms. you let out some noises out of happiness and nuzzle your nose against sherlock's. it was the days where you two could be so close together, so warm and do domestic that made you enjoy life even more.
you couldn't help but indulge him, melting in his grasp as you nuzzled your face under his chin. he sighed in bliss, your body warm like a hot water bottle on him. you two talked about everything and anything, albeit with slurred words since you two just woke up not long ago.
"you're so warm..." you mumbled into sherlock's neck. you felt as if you were being encapsulated by the warmth of the most beautiful sunny day. sherlock chuckled in a low voice, the voice that made you feel like butter melting on a pan.
"i'm flattered ! i may be warm but you seem to be the most beautiful being i have set eyes on. even when you're riddled fatigue, you are of ethereal beauty." sherlock purred into your ear before kissing you tenderly on the cheek, resulting in you blushing a whole new shade of red.
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aaimagine · 4 years
relationship headcanons please
Thank you for requesting! I really love dgs, and though I haven't played for a few years I hold it dear to my heart.
Naruhodou Ryuunosuke Relationship Headcanons
He is very shy, honestly. And definately awkward.
As seen from the rundown theater special, he was very excited to see himself being gentleman-like, so I can definately see him doing his best to embody that (not as cooly as his best friend, though)
He will offer his arm to you while you stroll, give his hand out for you when you get off public transportation, and hold doors for you religiously
Though he is never quick to defend himself against criticisms, and though he has learned to hold himself in a calm way when faced with arguments, i feel that he would not hold back from defending you if someone were to insult you. That is going too far in his book.
Even if that means he ends up looking worse in the public eye in the process.
He is very awkward with affection and probably doesn't kiss you until you initiate it. Please be patient.
But he isn't always like that! Once he becomes a bit more confident, expect lots of cuddling in private!
Will pout if you tease him. Even if he's usually used to excessive banter from susato and holmes, he will, albeit unintentionally, probably make is obvious through his ever expressive eyes.
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snowpeawritings · 5 years
Oops- Forgot to add that! Scenario please for the DGS ask!
prompt: naruhodou and sherlock’s s/o being blackmailed and forced to falsely testify and theyre in scotland yard?
Reader is gender neutral
CW (CONTENT WARNING): Minor spoilers for DGS 2, drug mention, suicide mention
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| Ryuunosuke Naruhodou |
You watched the flame of  the candle flicker idly. Their mouths moved but you didn’t hear anything. You couldn’t hear anything. The blood rushing to your ears distracted you from listening to the trial. To others, they thought you were angry that the suspect had slipped past your grasp in your patrol.
To you, the true perp who was watching the trial with a contented smirk.
In order for you to not leap across the room and maul the man, you had to cross your arms under your chest and clutched the sleeves of your uniform with a passion. You probably couldn’t afford a new one so you had to patch the holes yourself.
Him (you had dubbed him the rat man) and the suspect go way back apparently. Far back that they were able to blackmail you of yours and a certain lawyer’s relationship.
It would be the biggest scandal for you and your career hasn’t even started. You were just a fledgling police officer that was too good for the Japanese man and Scotland Yard. If word got out that you were dating him—
You worry more for him rather than your own fate from Barok van Zieks.
His Honor had allowed a cross-examination and asked for the person who was in charge of their beat, you didn’t even let out a noise.
It was only when the defense had called your position in Scotland Yard, then your name. “Are you feeling well?”
It was a question out of courtesy since you’ve been standing on the witness stand without saying anything, but you knew the defense that those words had hidden concern.
You lightly nodded your head. “I’m fine.”
With a flourish of your hand, you brought your right hand above your heart and bowed your chest in a perfect 45 degree angle. “Honorable citizens of the court, please allow me to testify in this esteemed hall of justice!”
| Witness Testimony | What occurred in my beat
“I was patrolling around my beat as usual, the fog hadn’t been as bad as it was a lot of times before so I didn’t have any excuse to miss anything. T’was ‘round the corner of Rose’s Bakery that I spotted the suspect prowling near the dustbins that the bakery had.”
“Hold it!” Yelled Naruhoudo. “These dustbins… These are the same ones that was behind the bakery, correct?”
You nodded. “Same ones that kept filling up with egg shells and bread gone wrong. Thought it was another peddlar trying to get some scraps but his clothes caught me off guard.”
Naruhodou made a hum of agreement. “The suspect’s clothes are quite fashionable, aren’t they?”
The suspect next to you smirked at his compliment and puffed his collar. You had to physically stop yourself from breaking his fingers.
“His entire ensemble is from Claire and Frank’s boutique.” van Zieks added. “I should know, I am a frequent patron of theirs.”
If only, you thought solemnly to yourself as you remember your dull plainclothes back at home. If only people were just as well-off as the Reaper.
“In any case,” you brought the attention back, “it’s still a strange sight for a well-dressed stranger to be near a dump so…”
“I approached and asked him what was he doing there. Before he could answer, I saw the glint of a knife and then he lunged at me!”
“Hold it!” He said again, this time in urgency. “Were you alright?! Did he get you anywhere?!”
You made motions with your hands to calm him down. “Easy easy! I was trained to deal with blokes that pull a fast one on me so I disarmed him just as fast.”
“As expected of Scotland Yard!” The judge said. “And what did you do after you disarmed him?”
The click of a revolver flashed in your mind. His buddy cocking his gun to your forehead as his damn voice still made you punch your bedroom wall.
“… I disarmed him and stated that I was part of Scotland Yard. Because it was too dark, he thought that I was a mugger so he tried to defend himself.”
“It… was too dark?” Naruhodou repeated. “I thought the oil lamp next to the bakery’s door was lit?”
You cussed inwardly, eyes flitting to the man who had his smirk still on his face. He made a motion with his hand; Remember our deal.
“It… was lit.” You corrected yourself, silently berating yourself for having such an obvious slip-up. “I don’t know what’s up with the bloke, he probably has poor vision.”
The suspect made a gasp of offense before glaring at you. “Excuse you but my eyesight is perfectly fine! In fact, my eyesight is so perfect I could count exactly how many freckles His Honor has just from this distance!”
“The suspect shall do no such thing!” The judge exclaimed hastily.
Van Zieks stated your position then last name which immediately straightened your back. “Sir?”
“Do try to keep your stuttering out of your testimony.” He growled before giving you a cold glare. “Else I’ll keep you out of your job.”
You shivered. “Y-Yes sir…”
From your right, Naruhodou hummed before getting the attention of the court. “Your Honor, I request that the information where the lamp was lit be added to the testimony!”
Damn! You hoped that he didn’t catch on to your tell.
“The lamp on the wall was lit but that didn’t stop the bloke from swinging his knife at me!”
“Objection!” The defense yelled, his finger pointing at you. “Officer, you said the lamp was lit, am I correct?”
You bit the inside of your cheek. “Y-Yes…”
“How strange…” He started, placing his index finger under his chin. “Because in this photo, the lamp appears to have been broken.”
“Broken?” His Honor questioned, bringing up the photo to his face again. “Why, it appears the glass has been shattered!”
Double cripes!
“Officer, what is the meaning of this?!” His honor exclaimed, furrowing his brows.
Your arms wound up below your chest, hands squeezing on your sleeves that you fear your fingernails can tear the cloth. The expenses to repair your coat doesn’t even cover the taste of iron that was in your tongue. You bit the inside of your cheek too hard and you didn’t even noticed it.
“I…” You gasped out. You tried to keep your focus away from the suspect or the rat man, but their annoying smirks were forever imprinted on your mind. You risked a glance at Naruhodou, whose face was beginning to become worried.
You stared at him, your eyes nearly watering and cocked your head to the suspect. You could only hope he got the message as you prepared yourself for your next move.
Whatever you were going to say would cost you your future either way.
“I stand by what I said.” You told the court with finality. “The lamp was lit. It didn’t matter that the glass was broken.”
And with that, the court went in an uproar. Men and women arguing on what you just said, the fact that an underdog of Scotland Yard would ignore a blatant fact. You didn’t care for their screams. You didn’t care for the glower van Zieks was giving you. You didn’t care for the triumphant smirk that the rats had on their faces.
What you did care was the future Naruhoudo had that you wanted to protect.
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| Sherlock Holmes |
With a great detective as your lover, you thought that you had nothing to be afraid of.
You couldn’t help it. Even if it gets Tobias fuming, you had to admit that Sherlock emitted a charm that had you falling for. You fell in love with his theater of logic and reason (especially his fleeting touches whenever he slides near you before gliding off elegantly) and you fell in love with his little differences when he was alone with you.
Sherlock would always play his violin when you were around, the soft music gently swaying you to the music until you realize that Sherlock dropped his violin just to slow dance with you in his arms. You love him even more when you saw him taking care of Iris as best as he could until you stepped in, feeling your heart just swell at the warmth when you saw the three of you together like some weird family.
Which is why you cannot tell the entire court about this.
If people know about your relationship with the great detective, it would be the scandal of the century. If people were to find out about his and Iris’s relationship, it would be even more of a scandal than London’s most sought-out man is taken.
“… Officer? Officer can you hear me?”
You blinked out of your stupor when you heard the judge call your name. You were back in the courtroom, on the witness stand, where everyone has their eyes on you, especially him.
Rat bastard thinks its entertainment that you get to suffer standing there while he sits there scott-free. Said he owes the suspect u beat up at your beat and soon, you were the unfortunate soul who got trapped in his schemes. You could barely remember his threats on spreading your relationship to the court but you hoped that with Sherlock in this courtroom, he can point out your discomfort.
Who were you kidding. This is Sherlock Holmes. It’s gonna take him and Naruhoudo’s shared brain cell and Iris’s whole brain to figure this out.
“Sorry,” you said, “I’ll get to my testimony.”
You hoped that he was able to catch on.
“… They’re awfully nervous today, aren’t they?” Naruhoudo remarked to his mentor, noting how your eyes shifted from the suspect next to you to the audience of this court. He tried to follow your eyes but you were too fast to flick your sight back to front.
Sherlock hummed, his eyes flicking to your form. He had never seen you this jittery before even if it’s well-concealed. He could’ve brushed off Naruhoudo and said that you were nervous because your lover was watching you but he knew that wasn’t the case. You were the calm and collected other half to his fiery personality. He has you to thank for the times that he wanted to off himself and he would never stop his… addictions when you hadn’t stepped in.
You were the light of his darkest days. Back when Yujin Mikotoba left London and left Sherlock in a stifling darkness. You got him out of this darkness that he doesn’t know what to do if you were to ever go away.
That’s why when he notices you fidget with your sleeves, feet slightly shifting on the floor that he notices something was wrong. His mind racks to find any plausible answer but he can’t quite pinpoint on a good possibility.
He hates not knowing.
“Pish posh, Naruhodou!” He comforted the young man, tipping the brim of his hat. “I’m sure that them being in the same room as THE Sherlock Holmes is sending their heart pounding!”
At least, he hopes that’s just the reason.
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thesimpsbasement · 2 years
Request for Mod Betty! Can I ask for headcanons about how would Herlock, Kazuma, Barok, and Ryuunosuke react if they accidentally saw their shy crush drawing them please?
ℭ𝔞𝔱𝔠𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔦𝔯 𝔰𝔥𝔶 𝔠𝔯𝔲𝔰𝔥 𝔡𝔯𝔞𝔴𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔪
Fandom: Ace Attorney 
Characters: Kazuma Asougi, Barok van Zieks,Herlock Sholmes , Ryuunosuke Naruhodo 
Author: Mod Betty 
Warnings: none 
Reader is gender neutral 
Word count: 1,230 words
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ℍ𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕠𝕔𝕜 𝕊𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕞𝕖𝕤
-Using his great deduction skills that's how he learned about your little hobby 
-He always tried to get a peak without getting caught but he never saw the perfect opportunity to do so 
- Whenever you decided to draw him he was busy either with his detective work or inventing ( that's because he won't stay still otherwise) but mark his words he will see what you've been drawing 
-The time when he finally managed to catch a glimpse of your work was another day when he asked your assistance on a case " Oh but the great detective needs assistance sometimes too you know " as he puts it 
-As on queue as Herlock was reading g through some files you took your chance to start drawing , he noticing this has asked you to garb something, prompting you to put your sketchbook on the desk 
- The great detective is impressed indeed, he has his own great artist as an assistant 
- " My word this is marvelous and you've been hiding this from me for how long? You wound me ____" he explains dramatically looking over the pages with a grin on his face 
- Who looked petrified, how could you been fooled by his little antics " S-sholmes it's not what it looks like I was just….." before you can try to make an excuse he simply chuckled " Now that the mystery has been solved I have a suggestion for you" 
-You looked at him concerned on what the detective had in mind 
- " How about we use your amazing art skills for the covers for the latest Herlock Sholmes novel I'm pretty sure Iris will be delighted to work alongside you, just think about how many citizens will be intrigued by it with those wonderful drawings of yours!" 
- You just sat there quietly listening to him ramble on how you can use your art .
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𝕂𝕒𝕫𝕦𝕞𝕒 𝔸𝕤𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕚
-Kazuma probably knows about your passion for art , he is the observant type after all 
-He also notices you sketch something away while constantly looking back in forth from the page to him on your breaks when you 2 decide to have study sessions
-He didn't ask you about it , you were the shy one and didn't want to put you on the spot.
-The time he actually saw the contents of the sketchbook is when you forgot your sketchbook in his room after finishing another study session 
-Curiosity got the best of him and decided to look through a bit 
-A peak won't hurt right? 
-Upon opening the sketchbook he's amazed of the amount of detail in each drawing
-Flipping through the pages he landed on one he wasn't fully expected to see
-It was an image of him studying, serious look on his face
-He had to admit he's impressed 
-A small blush crept on his face as he admired the details , you knew how to capture his features well 
-Suddenly his door opens revealing you 
-" Hey Kazuma, have you seen my…." You stopped yourself mid sentence as you look at Kazuma who had your sketchbook in hand 
- Immediately a blush appears on your face as you try to stutter out a " it's not what it looks like" 
-Kazuma chuckled handing you the book " Sorry I couldn't help snooping a bit" he says as he runs the back of his neck 
"You should show me more of your drawings , they're quite lovely " he tells you
-You managed to muster up a quiet " thank you" before storming off the room with the blush still remaining on your cheeks.
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𝔹𝕒𝕣𝕠𝕜 𝕧𝕒𝕟 𝕫𝕚𝕖𝕜𝕤
-Probably the one to not notice at first 
-He's usually absorbed in his work to notice you looking at him as you drew away 
-He did take note of the noise the pencils made while you were visiting his office 
-You were probably the only one who could so casually walk into his office which says a lot about how he cares about you , even if you 2 are friends ( for now ) 
- You do enjoy these quiet times with him , not having to necessarily talk or keep conversations which Barok appreciates because he does need some quiet time from those trials and noisy witnesses 
-When he does manage to catch you looking at him with sketchbook in hand he does ask " Is there something wrong, you've been staring at me for some time" which you respond with a simple "o-oh nothing " 
-His gaze lowers to the sketchbook you're holding "May I see what you have there?" 
-Knowing you can't get out of this one you mod as you gave him the book while turning away, whole face turning red already 
-Good job you got the all mighty reaper flustered 
-He was staring at the piece of paper,  dumbfounded almost 
-The silence made you even more concerned but you managed to look at him " Barok?" You stuttered out looking at his puzzled expression 
-" Oh right it's nothing " he says as he comes back to reality handing you the sketchbook " I must say you do have some remarkable talent " he remarks as you hid your face behind the sketchbook while Barok managed to have a small smile on his face with his pale cheeks having a red hue.
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ℝ𝕪𝕦𝕦𝕟𝕠𝕤𝕦𝕜𝕖 ℕ𝕒𝕣𝕦𝕙𝕠𝕕𝕠
-Most likely saw you draw during classes in university before you 2 left for Britain 
- He was really impressed with your art skills and often asked you all sorts of questions about your hobby which you didn't mind and quite enjoyed your time together 
- When you 2 are in Britain you sometimes like to watch him from the gallery, admiring his more serious nature than the nervous version that you see everyday, you had to admit he did cute when he gets all sweating and a blush on his face as if you aren't the same 
- During one of his trials you decided to capture different versions of Ryuunosuke, his serious face, bug eye Ryuunosuke, flustered Ryuunosuke you name it 
-After the trial and Ryuu talking about how he thought he was gonna faint out there , you 2 head back home. 
-You were planning to finish up the sketches from today so you left the sketchbook on your desk as you went to get yourself a drink and that's when Ryuu enters your room and sees himself in all his glory 
- Oh boy he's a blushing mess looking at the page, there he was, and there he was again all over that one page he saw himself 
-He was so focused looking at the drawings he didn't notice a certain someone walk up behind him before he got tossed across the room hearing " SUSATO TAKEDOWN" as he landed 
- " Mr Naruhodo, you know it's not right to snoop on others' belongings without their permission!" Yells a very angry Susato as she scolds the boy for looking through 
-While those 2 are bickering you walk in to see the disaster unfold , upon closer inspection you noticed your dear sketchbook in Ryuunosuke's hands , quickly adding the dots together and figuring out that he ended up seeing those silly drawings of him 
Which now leaves us with 2 blushing messes and a still angry Susato.
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How would phoenix wright and naruhodou react to the readers love confession to them?
Phoenix and Ryuunosuke reacting to a confession
Normally i’d say it depends on which Phoenix you’re confessing to; Feenie, Nick, Beanix, or Phoenix; but truthfully they’re all sort of the same with varying intensity; he cries. He cries or he tears up or he bawls his eyes out but regardless tears are shed. He bows a lot, thanking you for being brave enough to make the first move, and then he hugs you. No matter how low in life he is, Phoenix will never reject your feelings and immediately considers you his girlfriend
Bows so hard he falls to his knees for you. He will thank you profusely for your honesty and recognize that your confession took courage. He respectfully accepts your feelings, then hugs you tightly. He’s over the moon at your confession and tries really hard to reign in his emotions before he does something silly like scream to the world you’re now his. He still likes to ask and clarify that the two of you are officially courting, because he's always doubting himself
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quillandink333 · 3 years
Hook, Line, and Sinker
Ryuunosuke Naruhodou × Reader × Kazuma Asougi
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Rating: E
Word Count: 1.4k
WARNINGS: Kazuma is a fuckboy, themes of sexism, prior sex trafficking, implied loss (pretty much the only thing you need to worry about in this chapter), threesome, platonic sex, unprotected sex, nipple play, first-time anal, bondage, hair-pulling, scratching/clawing, light edging, bukkake
Summary: Having been let down and taken advantage of time and time again, a classroom assistant at Yuumei has a fateful encounter that changes the course of her tragic sex life for evermore.
Part I • Part II • Part III • Masterlist
Key: {Fn} – reader’s first name, {Ln} – reader’s last name
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The time was just past ten o’clock post-noon. In the dark of night, the only sounds to be heard from outside were the steady, predictable claps of the souzu fountain in the garden complemented by its soft trickle. Once the house’s three occupants had all dressed and freshened up a bit, Asougi turned to his guests (both of whom had neglected to bring a set of sleepwear and thus had each been forced to borrow one of his own) with a contrite look upon his face.
“Well, it pains me to say it, but, erm…I’m afraid this is the only spare futon I have.”
The two glanced at the bedding folded under his arm, then at each other, then in opposite directions the instant their eyes met.
“That’s alright,” Naruhodou replied before {Fn} could. “She can have it. I’ll just sleep on the floor.”
“Naruhodou-san, I can’t let you do that.”
He looked genuinely perplexed by her statement. “What do you mean?” he blinked.
“While the two of you get that sorted,” their host chimed in as he finished straightening out the corners of the blanket, “I’ve got an exam coming up in a few days, so I’ll be in the study for a while yet. Make yourselves at home and let me know if you need anything.”
“I really am fine without it,” Ryuunosuke insisted as the door to the guest room slid shut behind his friend. “I’ve slept on just tatami before. It’d be no trouble at all.”
“Look.” She swivelled to face him. “Didn’t you say tonight was about me earlier?”
“Um… Well, yes.”
“And I want you to be comfortable.”
That really was the exact opposite of why he’d said that. He’d wanted her to be able to forget about anyone else’s needs for a night, but…
He sighed. “I suppose…if it’s going to weigh on your conscience that heavily, then…” His fingers gravitated toward the back of his neck. “Maybe, we could share…? U-Unless that’d make you uncomfortable, in which case—”
“No, no, I’d love to.”
What in the world was that? His ears turned a vivid pink, as did her whole face.
“I mean—!” The words had come out of her mouth with such unprecedented ease. “Yes, it’s fine by me if you are. Er, if you’re fine by it. Wait, no, if—”
“I think it’d be alright.” He cut her off just as she had him a moment ago. So he wasn’t bothered by her entirely too enthusiastic slip of the tongue just now. Thank the heavens. “Just for tonight.”
And so it was that the two slept quite literally side-by-side. Though painfully awkward in his annunciation, he offered her his shoulder as a place to rest her head, seeing as there was only a single pillow to go around. She was quick to accept, to both his relief and concern. What if the erratic sound of his heart racing, in spite of the fact that this situation was strictly platonic, kept her awake?
But no later than she’d made contact with his shoulder was she out like the flame of the candle.
What an exhaustive day she’d had, he realised as he lay awake for a short while. First her usual seven-to-five routine at the university, then sukiyaki, followed by the trip here, after which they’d all but immediately gotten down to business, leaving her hardly any time to rest at all.
He drew the edge of the blanket over her shoulder, exposed by the jinbei’s loosely sewn seams. Contrary to what he’d expected, having at first been acutely aware of the weight of her thinly clothed body against his, it didn’t take long to adjust to it. He stared blankly down at her lashes—veils acting to hide the ever-lingering crescents of shadow below her eyes from his own. After a few quiet moments like this, he thought, Why not? and gave himself up to the lure of the warm scent of another person beside him, burying his face in her sex-dishevelled hair and holding her close.
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When morning came, {Fn} awoke to an arm strewn lackadaisically across her body from behind.
Her eyes cracked open bit by bit as her surroundings came into focus. She breathed in, then was instantly hit by the scent of the clothes she’d been lent to wear overnight and, hence, by the scent of he who had lent them to her. Whatever dream she’d been having quickly faded into obscurity and in its place, memories of the previous night came flooding in.
Now that she was fully awake and no longer blearily staring off into space, she noticed the absence of her friend in the English department beneath her head. He must have woken up not long before she and made an early departure, she pondered. It was a mild disappointment that he hadn’t said something before taking his leave, but oh well. Perhaps he’d elected to do so simply out of consideration. She smiled quietly to herself. It was just like him to do something like that for such a reason, after all.
But if it wasn’t Naruhodou-san holding her, then…
The arm wound itself snugly around her middle as the body attached to it rolled over and into her back. He let out a low, rumbling groan as he did so, tickling the nape of her neck with his breath. She stiffened, fearful that any sudden moves might rouse the beast. His red hot glare as he’d held her wrist in a vicelike grip was still fresh in her mind. She didn’t dare contemplate what would have happened to her if he were to have been awakened prematurely. The thought was petrifying.
Then the thrum of his heartbeat against her shoulder blade made itself known. Soft, and slow. It felt strange—more so than it ought to have done.
With the utmost caution, she gave into curiosity and twisted her shoulders around. Even when fast asleep, he seemed to have his guard up. That or it was just the natural shape of his brow. In any case, surely none who knew him would ever have imagined Kazuma Asougi to be the cuddly type, though come to think of it, she didn’t have a guess as to why not.
Upon further reflection, she realised that this was the most vulnerable she had ever seen him. An inscrutable pang jabbed at her heart when the chilling look of apathy she’d received upon foolishly bringing up the topic of his family the evening prior materialised in her mind’s eye. Suddenly the idea of living alone in a place like this, with all its barren rooms and abandoned courtyards, felt like more than any human soul could bear for long.
Could that have been the reason he slept around so much? To fill the void?
Her midriff still captive in his hold, she turned the rest of her body to face him, noticing a menagerie of aches the instant she’d started to move. Once she’d managed to rotate the full one-hundred-and-eighty degrees, however, the choice of what to do next gave her pause. Her arms were folded tightly between her front and his, barely an inch of distance left between his chin and her forehead, and their legs lay uncomfortably parallel to each other, knees knocking together. She hadn’t thought a bit of this through, had she?
With the hesitance of some unfortunate vermin who’d already made the mistake of wandering into a seemingly similar trap once before, she raised her upward-facing arm, only to find that his broad frame was so much so that she couldn’t get it quite all the way around him without her hand flopping out at an odd angle. There was already nowhere to go for the arm she was lying on. She paused again, her brow beginning to furrow, before making a bungling attempt to swing one leg over the pair of his, which of course ended once again in failure.
After another minute or two of fruitless struggling, he startled her with another, slightly lengthier groan. Both eyes still closed, he took her arms and manually wrapped them about his own waist, pulled each of her legs forward to intertwine with his, then gathered her head in his arms toward his chest, letting it fall effortlessly into place in the crook of his chin.
In the wake of all this, he let out a deep, warm sigh of contentment, sinking into her body as it was pressed flush to his. To contrast his now utterly relaxed state, she was more tense and more full of questions than ever.
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naruwuhowodou · 3 years
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!!! welcome to naruwuhowodou !!!
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quick rules:
i made this blog for fun, please don’t bring any negativity or mean-spirited comments in this space
open to self-insert and character ships, but do keep in mind that there are some things i am not comfortable writing, and that i will refuse any illegal ships (you know the ones)
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about snowie:
she/they , 24 , bi, wasian
current favs: best boi ryuunosuke, best girl susato
current pet peeve: herlock (affectionate)
current concern: seriously considering the effectiveness of a van zieks leg slam as an alternative to caffeine
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drabbles, ficlets, headcanons:
in progress:
The Great Croissant Mystery - Ryuunosuke Naruhodou x Reader ; The entire apartment is worried sick over Runo. He’s overworking himself and is always coming home with a dozen croissants. Clearly, he’s spiraling.
Threateningly Yours - Herlock Sholmes x Reader ; After a failed attempt of a written love confession, Herlock must now convince his beloved that the letter in their hands is not from “some sick psychopath stalker”, and that no one is “out to kiss or kill them or whatever.”
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masterlist ☆°.*
→ ✉ inbox: a good few
→ requests: closed !!
→ mod introduction
→ rules
→ important
→ list of anons
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ryuunosuke naruhodou:
• ryuunosuke and gina realising they have feelings for you !
• ryuunosuke relationship headcanons !
• ryuunosuke's s/o proposing to him !
• ryuunosuke and herlock with a taller s/o !
• ryuunosuke friendship headcanons !
• ryuunosuke reasurring his girlfriend (she/her) !
• ryuunosuke and sherlock with a clingy s/o when they wake up !
• ryuunosuke teaching tongue twisters his s/o who has a stutter !
• ryuunosuke with a ticklish s/o !
• sherlock and ryuunosuke with a kid headcanons !
• kazuma and ryuunosuke with a girlfriend (she/her) with long hair !
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kazuma asougi:
• kazuma with a serious reader (he/him) who's actually soft !
• kazuma and maria realising they have feelings for you !
• kazuma with a touch starved s/o (he/him) !
• kazuma and herlock wedding headcanons !
• kazuma and his girlfriend (she/her) who is the polar opposite of him (short, timid, hates fights) !
• kazuma training with his male s/o !
• kazuma dating ryuunosuke's younger brother !
• kazuma and his s/o sharing their first kiss !
• kazuma finding out his s/o is ticklish !
• kazuma with a jealous s/o !
• kazuma with a prankster s/o !
• kazuma and tsundere reader (she/her) who has a crush on him !
• kazuma and ryuunosuke with a girlfriend (she/her) with long hair !
• kazuma, sherlock and barok comforting their s/o after they have a nightmare !
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sherlock holmes / herlock sholmes:
• sherlock gaining a new assistant ! (platonic)
• sherlock relationship headcanons!
• sherlock and reader parent headcanons !
• sherlock's assistant (he/him) calling him dad by mistake !
• sherlock with a pregnant (she/her) s/o !
• sherlock with his assistant (he /him) who has anxiety !
• sherlock's s/o falling asleep in his arms !
• sherlock with a tailor!s/o who gets him to model dresses for them !
• lazy day with newlywed sherlock and s/o !
• ryuunosuke and sherlock with a taller s/o !
• sherlock with an oblivious reader !
• nonbinary!sherlock and their nonbinary s/o !
• sherlock with a serious s/o !
• sherlock giving his s/o his jacket !
• kazuma and sherlock wedding headcanons !
• sherlock with his female (she/her) s/o assistant !
• sherlock's s/o complimenting him !
• sherlock and his s/o giving him random affection !
• sherlock taking care of his sick s/o !
• sherlock with an s/o who likes to cook and bake !
• sherlock deducting that his s/o (she/her) is pregnant !
• sherlock's s/o taking care of him when he's sick !
• jealous sherlock headcanons !
• sherlock and his jealous s/o !
• sherlock meeting his s/o who is a fan of his !
• "i love you" turns into a soft make out session with sherlock !
• ryuunosuke and sherlock with a clingy s/o when they wake up !
• sherlock's s/o telling him they love him for the first time !
• sherlock shielding his s/o from harm and confessing !
• sherlock and his s/o introducing iris to her little sister (and some general family fluff) !
• sherlock with a playful s/o !
• sherlock and his s/o having a fight (angst to comfort) !
• sherlock with an s/o who zones out a lot !
• sherlock with a rival detective (she/her) and slowly falls in love with her !
• sherlock pining headcanons !
• sherlock and ryuunosuke with a kid headcanons !
• sherlock and barok with an s/o who proposes to them !
• sherlock with a really caring s/o !
• sherlock asking reader to marry him at first sight !
• sherlock with a quiet and shy s/o !
• sherlock catching his s/o (they/them) dancing and singing !
• barok and sherlock with an extremely ill s/o !
• sherlock dancing with his s/o !
• sherlock holmes confessing to his crush !
• sherlock and barok with an s/o (she/her) with long hair !
• sherlock, barok and kazuma comforting their s/o after they have a nightmare !
• sherlock with an s/o who can play the violin !
• sherlock finding his s/o sleeping in his coat !
• sherlock and barok sharing their first kiss with their s/o !
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gina lestrade:
• ryuunosuke and gina realising they have feelings for you !
• gina friendship headcanons !
• maria and gina with a younger sister (she/her) !
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maria goulloyne / maria gorey:
• kazuma and maria realising they have feelings for you !
• maria and gina with a younger sister (she/her) !
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barok van zieks:
• sherlock and barok with an s/o who proposes to them !
• barok pining headcanons !
• barok and sherlock with an extremely ill s/o !
• barok and sherlock with an s/o (she/her) with long hair !
• barok, sherlock and kazuma comforting their s/o after they have a nightmare !
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• barok and sherlock sharing their first kiss with their s/o !
• barok with an s/o who wants to hug him but is too shy !
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Can I request how would Ryunosuke or Kazuma react to their S/O proposing to them, please? 🥺
a/n: hi anon ! i decided to go write for ryuu because i need to work on him gvdvehrfe hope that's okay ! i hope you enjoy this !
ryuunosuke's s/o proposing to him
he had noticed that you had gotten quieter these past few days, and a bit antsy too.
it was weird, his s/o who was usually bubbly and sweet to see them go quiet at the drop of a hat.
but little did he know that you were just scheming things for an upcoming event.....
he asks if you're alright every so often; you can't beat asking if your s/o is alright when they're not the same !
he's gonna be that bit clingier because he thinks something awful is wrong and maybe he's the cause of it. he likes to over think things in scenarios.
as time goes by he starts to wonder if you're trying to tell him that you want to break up with him. at first he doesn't want to think that but it becomes apparent in his head that that seems like what you're trying to tell him.
yet you're still making sure he's getting enough love, kissing his forehead and hugging him and everything lovers do.
one day you decide to bring him out to both of your favourite spot to have dates, a secluded part of a park where many fruit trees and green grass lay.
he wonders what will happen ! is this a send off ?
and after a bit of chatter he can't help you insinuating something, but it isn't that you want to break up..
you bring out a small velvet box from your pocket and get on one knee, showing the gorgeous gemstone ring, nerves wracking up your entire body.
after a small speech about how much you love ryuunosuke you sigh, shivering with a wobbly smile.
"will you make me the happiest person alive and marry me ?"
ryuunosuke is in shock ! all this time he thought you wanted to get rid of him ! but you want to marry him ?
he's out of breath, being whipped into place he eagerly accepts, hugging you tightly. he never wants to let you go.
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Yo yo yo!! I hope you're doing fantastically fabulous hun✨💐 As for a request, how about Kazuma and Ryuunosuke with a girlfriend who has long hair and usually keeps it up (so it doesn't get in her way when she's working and such) and they just find her with her hair down and she's brushing it and they want to help her brush her hair??? (I'm totally not projecting 👀) -🌷
a/n: hi anon ! sorry for the wait on this one, life caught up to me like a train haha [combusts] i hope you enjoy this fluff filled story anyways !!
kazuma and ryuunosuke with a girlfriend (she/her) with long hair
i am obsessed over the fact that both your long hair in a ponytail and his bandana (there's a word for it but i forgot it......) both flow in the direction the wind is blowing. you two stand with your arms crossed, hair and bandana flowing behind you both.
kazuma doesn't think much of it, your hair is your hair and he likes it no matter what, even if you went bald ! he has to admit that the colour of your hair really suits you, it goes amazingly with your eyes and the hairstyle is perfect for your face shape and totally compliments you !
i think you and susato would be best buddies. since susato has a beautiful (and possibly really hard to do) hairdo, you could get tips for how to care for your hair, tips on how to style it hell, susato would even do your hair up like she does herself. you're matching hairstyles and kazuma finds it endearing that you two care about your hair so much.
you and susato have a girls night every so often where you talk about anything on your mind, eat sweets, do each other's makeup and eventually do each other's hair up in cute styles that you see in books and whatnot.
kazuma sees you coming home in a giggly with a big smile, your makeup and your hair in a style only a certain girl he knew would be able to accomplish. he's incredibly happy that you and susato can bond over something like that.
i think he'd try his hand at doing hair up, starting with doing simple updos and braids, but anything other than that is not in his skill set. why is hair so hard to do ?! kazuma can't do much but at least he tried, right?
one day he noticed you were gently brushing your hair so you could do your hair in your shared room, but what kind of style would you go for ? you thought as you combed through your silky smooth hair. kazuma walked in to you and watched, in a trance as you combed your hair.
"here, let me do that," kazuma muttered and took control of the brush, gently brushing your hair. he was gentle, he doesn't even make untangling your knots feel sore. you leaned back into his chest enough so you could relax and enough so he could comb your hair.
you sighed in bliss, you never knew kazuma could be so gentle with a hairbrush. he leaned in to the back of your head and pressed a kiss to your now untangled hair.
he put the brush down and reached over to the bedside table to get a hair tie. after a few minutes of fiddling with your hair, pulling it gently to the side as he gave you a loose braid, the perfect hair that you needed to go through the day with. telling you to look in the mirror with a smile, you smiled back, resting your hands on his shoulders and kissing him softly.
"it's perfect, thank you."
he's not crazy over it, that is until you put your hair up in any updo. ponytail ? ryuunosuke shall compliment you on how it suits you well. braid ? get ready for the awkward compliments ! he thinks its amazing on how you can do so much with long hair.
he's shocked on how much it takes to keep your hair so healthy. ryuunosuke is the type of guy to think that some shampoo and conditioner will keep him alright, but when he sees your collection of shampoo, conditioner, hair mousse, and more it clicks in his mind on how you style hair.
the things you have in your collection is nothing he's ever seen before, it looks as if you have the secret profession of being a hairdresser with all these products.
maybe you could treat him to a day off with a whole spa day, taking care of your hair and his own hair with some clay masks on your faces ? ryuunosuke would much appreciate a day like that after a long day of court proceedings.
one day, you decided to do up your hair in a way that you had perfectly mapped out in your head, all for a date that ryuunosuke had promised you would go out on together sometime during the week, and now today was the day.
you were brushing out your freshly blow dried hair with your hairbrush before you could do anything, humming a small tune you had made up with a smile on your face. you had gently put on some makeup as well to look extra nice for this date, hopefully ryuunosuke will like it ! you thought to yourself.
ryuunosuke had made himself look nice too, not too formal and not too casual for today. he planned on bringing you out for ice cream and a walk in the nearest park, maybe window shopping too if you would like. he had come to your room to check in on you to find the door barely agape. knocking on it and slowly opening it, your boyfriend entered the room.
"ah ! y/n, i was just wondering if you were ready to go ?" your boyfriend looked over to you and couldn't help containing his joy. you looked gorgeous, even if your hair wasn't even done yet.
"hm.. not yet, i still need to do my hair. could you be a doll and help me brush it? i need to grab my clips to hold it up in a moment." you held the brush up to him. grabbing it in his hand, ryuunosuke nodded with that fond smile of his.
"o-of course !" ryuunosuke sat down beside you and held your soft hair in his hand, brushing it as gently as possible so you wouldn't be hurt. he couldn't help but feel joyous inside for such a small thing and the same thing could be said for you too. he may be helping you do something small but the gratitude that beamed inside you was huge.
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How about Ryunosuke teaching his S/O, who has a stutter, tongue twisters and helping him with pronunciation and enunciation? Thanks in advance!
a/n: hi anon ! as a person with a stutter, thank you for requesting this ! i struggle with saying these more than some and it sucks so i'm glad that i could write out my struggles. i hope you enjoy !
ryuunosuke teaching tongue twisters his s/o who has a stutter
okay so it's canon that ryuunosuke likes tongue twister so i believe he'd be good at wrapping his head around english well.
if you had a stutter, i think the first thing he'd do to help you is tell you to repeat some tongue twisters with him ! they're fun and you can have a laugh about them with each other.
"hey y/n, check out this tongue twister i found ! do you want to practice it with me ?" he's so enthusiastic about getting better at something and it's something that oozes into your relationship and maybe rubs off of you with due time.
he understands the difficulties someone with a stutter has to his utmost abilities so he's not going to judge you for fumbling over words ! and if you thought anything bad of it he would be there to comfort and reassure you that it's fine.
he might even personalise some tongue twisters for you so you can smile at the thought gone through to create something so meaningful for you. you're eternally greatful for the love and support ryuu gives to you throughout your learning.
like i've said before, he's like a personal motivator for you. he's a cheerleader that helps you with wrapping your tongue around words. and with every bit of progress being made makes him so, so proud of you !
"snap crackle pop, just say that three times and with every time you do, get a little bit faster !" he reads the page with the words over and over as you say it.
"snap crackle pop, snap crackle pop, snap crackle.... ugh ! this is so hard.." you slump over and let out a groan out of annoyance. ryuunosuke squeezes your cheeks together and stares at you in your eyes,
"you're doing well ! just have another try at it, you're getting better and better with every try, i promise !"
ryuunosuke is sometimes your only motivator at the end of bad days, and even if you're having such a horrible day, he can be the one thing that makes it better for you. he puts a smile on your face that no one can and that's impressive.
his words of affirmation and reasurrance are also things that you love. he has such a way with words and it makes you feel like you're high on cloud nine. his words have a big impact on you and it gets you pumped in your times of need !!
when you're practicing with ryuunosuke you get a lot done, you make progress like rapid-fire and it makes ryuunosuke so proud of you, he loves it when you successfully say a tongue twister and your eyes widen with sparkles in them.
"how can a clam cram in a clean cream can?..... oh ! i said it without stuttering !" your eyes light up as ryuunosuke hugs you tightly and kisses your cheek.
"you did ! and i'm so proud of you !"
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How about a Platonic Sholmes and Ryuu with a gn Child reader where they do a nice family thing or smthn :) you've been doing awesome work these past few days! Don't forget to hydrate >:(
a/n: hi ✨ anon ! i made the kid around 5 years old in this ask if that's okay, i thought it would fit best ! hopefully i'm still doing good work considering i've been away for a bit gnfvsgegsfs i'm going to be cranking out these requests more now. anyways, i hope you enjoy !
sherlock and ryuunosuke with a kid headcanons
he's adopted another kid ?! that's not a surprise seeing how he's like a perfect dad and whatnot. he's perfect because he's so bubbly around children and can be the Cool Dad to some. he's not cruel, he is very leniant and can push the rules to make things seem more fair but if there's anything he's serious about he can and will make himself clear.
he definitely buys the kid all the cool things he thinks they'll like, he's a mind reader and the kid loves all the things he buys. sherlock also makes cool things like plush toys and little robots for the kid.
i can also see the kid bringing one of the plush toys that sherlock makes for them with them when they go out of the house for an outing or if they're simply just shopping at the local market.
he loves to bring the kid on little adventures, nothing dangerous but little outings with iris too to make it the best family outing ever ! he loves to bring you two to the park to have a picnic that you all helped prepare stuff for like the food.
the kid brings their plush to the picnic and hugs it while they're walking to a nice spot in the grass, sherlock holding your hand tight and the wicker basket in the other.
sherlock's drinking nice tea that iris made and is loudly talking to the two of his kids. he loves the both of them and to take a day off from work to relax with his little family he's even more happy than the happiest person in the world !
iris is nibbling on some sandwiches she prepared with her little sibling and smiling at all the words sherlock's saying, taking mental notes because these things could be used in the new script she's writing.
suddenly, sherlock's little kid pulls themselves up from the grass with little flowercrowns (iris taught them how to make them) for both iris and sherlock which flatter them a lot !
sherlock is quick to take off his hat to put on the cute crown of flowers, thanking his little darling and pulling them close to give them a hug and a kiss on the forehead, ruffling their hair too !
iris thanks her little sibling and tells them that she loves the crown, it's so cute and she can't help but squeal in delight, taking the crown and asking how she looked. the picnic is full of hugs, smiles and overall enjoyment !
ryuunosuke is the overly worried and stressed parent of the bunch, worrying about if he's a good parent and always has someone babysitting his kid while he's in court, maybe a certain professor mikotoba......
he is frantically trying to make sure the kid doesn't get hurt and if they do, he's picking them up and sweating buckets as he brings them to the counter to set them on and see to their injury.
he is awkward with kids at first but he learns, susato is a big help to him and his kid sees her as their big sister (found family my beloved) and ryuunosuke as their respective dad. susato is so calm and collected that it makes ryuunosuke jealous. she can help when his child is crying with ease and ryuunosuke would have to go to a lot more lengths to make them stop (they stop crying if he trips on an open shoelace bet).
one day ryuunosuke took his child on a walk with their big sister susie and saw a cute little toy shop a bit ahead on the street. the little kid pointed off to the shop with glee, running off to inspect the contents of the window.
ryuunosuke stuttered as he got a scare at how fast his child could run ! susato chuckled at the eagerness of them. they really reminded her of ryuunosuke. he rushed up to see what was up and saw his kid staring into the thick glass.
he looked in the shop and saw that his kid was staring at the cute eyes of a plush mouse with big ears (guess who hehee). he looked into the sparkly eyes of his kid and back at the plush. he sighed and took out his wallet to see what money he had for the plush.
the plush was.. what ?! did he have enough money for that ?! he frantically looked in his wallet with sweaty palms and double—triple—quadruple checked that he was short of money and wasn't hiding any coins.... which it wasn't, that was the sad truth.
ryuunosuke put the money back in his wallet and sighed in defeat, apologising to his kid with a hand on their shoulder. he didn't like admitting he didn't have enough money for the plush but it was the best thing to do. that is until susato rushed up to them with her hand holding something.
"n-naruhodou-sama ! wait !" susato had noticed from the start that his kid was fascinated with something in the toy shop and watched the events unfold in front of her. "i have the remaining amount of money here to purchase the plush toy, here you go." she offered the last couple bits of money to him as a wave of relief washed over him.
"t-thank you, susato-san !" he put his hands together in a big thank you, "i'll pay you back as soon as possible !" smiling at his kid, he took the two into the shop to purchase the cute plush ! susato was met with a hug from two people (and a plush mouse) and smiled at the thanks she was getting.
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!!! Dgs imagine blog!!! Quite the galaxy brain you have here my friend. Could I request romantic headcanons with Ryu? Maybe how he would behave around a crush or in a relationship? Thank you in advance 💕
a/n: hi anon ! i actually wrote stuff about ryuu behaving around a crush and dealing with his feelings here ! so if you wanna check that out..... 💛 but i'll write some relationship headcanons for the guy anyways !
ryuunosuke relationship headcanons
he's such an awkward mess at the start.
he'd want to be the best boyfriend ever and stresses himself out over it.
you tell him that he's already perfect as he is and he gets flustered at your words.
literally any kind of affection you give him he will get flustered over.
you give him a kiss ? he's flustered. you hold his hand ? he's flustered AND stuttering.
of course i think he'd get better as time goes by, but it's still a bit easy to turn his cheeks pink.
he's not used to physical affection so pda isn't an option minus holding hands and staying close to each other.
but he's more okay to cuddle when you ask to cuddle in the comfort of his house.
you'll probably have to guide him through cuddling every so often and be upfront if you want to cuddle.
i think he'd try to pull off some romantic stuff but the plans go to shit (for him anyways).
like he tries to bring you to a nice place where you can see a beautiful waterfall but it starts raining and you have to run back home.
he's apologising for that as you dry your hair, telling him that it's fine and he can't predict sudden changes in the weather.
he sighs and agrees but he'll still kick himself on the inside for it.
whenever you're brought up in a conversation he has he gets all flustered but proud like "y-yes they are my s/o and i-i love them !"
but otherwise he doesn't overly brag about you like a certain person (cough SHERLOCK cough).
he's quite the busy man being a defense attorney and all that so he does try to pull all nighters at his desk with paperwork that scrambles his brains.
but with enough love and support you can change that and help him get more sleep.
he's more vulnerable when he's sleepy so it's a bit easier to get him to bed when he's more tired and not saying "i know, i know but i gotta finish this last bit of paperwork !"
he has such a weird sleep schedule. sometimes he does three nights of all nighters for work and then sleeps for a whole month.
you try and aid him with stuff like warm milk to help him get to bed quicker and doze off better and he's grateful to have you.
literally he'd be so much worse if you weren't there for him.
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Could you maybe do hc’s for Herlock and/or Ryunosuke with a s/o who is taller than them and is slightly embarrassed by their height and wishes they were shorter? Please and thank you!
a/n: hi anon ! sorry for the wait, i hope you don't mind ;; i enjoyed writing this one !! i think these mfs would love you no matter what you looked like, no matter your gender or anything !! personality is what matters most <3 thank you for requesting (and putting up with the wait)
ryuunosuke and herlock with a taller s/o
i think ryuunosuke is more average height, nothing too tall but nothing too short at the same time.
so it's not much of a surprise when he finds himself someone to love who just so happens to be taller than him.
and it doesn't matter to him, he doesn't mind what build you have, as long as you love him that's all he asks for.
he really has to tilt his face upwards to have eye contact with you.
small things like that make him smile in my opinion !
he also has a bit of trouble carrying you, which worries you but you never tell him upfront. i think it'd be easier for him to get picked up.
wait no that's adorable... you picking him up for a kiss holy shit.
if you muster up the courage to tell him before he catches on (because believe me, ryuunosuke will catch on if he notices you upset) he'll be confused, but he can see where you're coming from.
he never had a problem with your height, he thinks that it's what is on the inside that counts for beauty.
he can see the appeal for people falling in love with someone for their physical features but he doesn't think in the same way.
he thinks it's what's inside is what should come first, looks aren't everything ! he'll love someone who cares for him, and you fit that description.
he has no other criteria, just that you'll be there for him in times of need and that you'll care for him no matter what and he'll do the same. there's no criteria on his mental list that says you much be a certain height.
he tells you this, and it's so heartfelt that you feel the need to hug your boyfriend, pulling him up in your arms in joy.
he's happy that he can help people he cares for, especially you !!
ok so before the localisation hit the west, there was a line sherlock said saying "that logic was so hot you wouldn't believe that this detective is single and lonely !" or something to that effect.
so naturally i think he finds it hard to find a s/o. but that's where you come into play. you make him fall head over heels in love it's inhumane !
he also isn't one for looks, just someone who can fucking tolerate him. dear lord give him some love and he'll have a bad case of "unnecessary feelings".
the things that he looks out for is if you really love him and care for him and if iris thinks you're alright !
and you fit both of those criteria perfectly. iris loves you and thinks of you as her other parent and the last puzzle piece to the family.
in my opinion, sherlock will pick you up, spin you around in his arms, all of that stuff no matter your build, no matter your height. even if you were a (loveable) giant compared to him.
he also has phenomenal intuition and can figure out anything at the drop of a hat. well, most of the time.
but he can pick up on your insecure thinking even before you mustered up the courage to talk to him about it. he always knew there was something a bit off. you had a bit of an upset aura around yourself that sherlock was able to find out.
when it comes to insecurities, sherlock is no stranger to them as he was a very different man way back when, he probably had his own fair share of insecurities too.
he can get serious in these times and holds your hands in his, tightly and securely.
he kisses your cheek and strokes the back of your hands with his thumbs, telling you that he understands where you're coming from, but there isn't anything to be worried about.
your thoughts aren't like people judging you, although it can seem that way, right ? but sherlock is here to reassure you that no one thinks you're weird for being the way you are.
he tells you that iris loves you and sees you as her parent, she loves you to bits. she thinks you're amazing.
and the same goes for sherlock ! you waltzed into his life and made him fall hard, he was attracted to your loving personality more than anything.
although he does find it cute when you blush ! it makes him feel all warm inside.
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Could you maybe do platonic hc’s for Ryuunosuke? Maybe where reader is British and met him after he arrived in England?
a/n: hey anon ! thank you for requesting this ! it was really fun to write ryuu in a platonic light. i hope you enjoy !
ryuunosuke friendship headcanons
you had quickly noticed the two exchange students, they stuck out amongst the crowds of people at the train station.
you were waiting for a friend who was on a small holiday and once you saw them, you tried to rush towards them.
but that only lead to you rushing into the tall exchange student, ryuunosuke naruhodou.
you almost knocked him down with the speed you were going at but you stopped as soon as you bumped into him, both of you apologising profusely.
"i-i'm so sorry, sir ! i didn't mean to bump into you !"
"ah.. ! n-no, no it's fine ! i'm sorry for being in the way !"
and if susato wasn't there to remind ryuunosuke where they needed to go then you two would stay there forever, in an apology loop.
you remember that they're the exchange students and quickly introduce yourself and tell them how excited the british people were to finally have them in the british empire.
i think you all would have funny little encounters like that again, you'd be rushing to your home after getting some shopping done at the market and you'd rush into ryuunosuke who was collecting mail from the mailbox downstairs. again you'd apologise but you mention that you're in a rush to get home.
ryuunosuke looks at you completely, you're drenched and your paper bag looks like it's going to give in and the contents of it will spill. so he offers to help, covering you with his umbrella.
you two would continue to hang out, probably at a local café and talk all about yourselves, the differences between britain and japan, etc. you would have a blast together !
he'd hate to drag you into an investigation but if he needs to question you he'd try to be quick as possible. of course you would be a big help to him when finding the culprit ! and he thanks you for that.
after a case, you treat ryuunosuke to his favourite treats at the café you two circulate often, and he can't help but smile goofily as he eats his cake and strawberries on top.
you two have a strong bond and it would break his heart if he realises that he has to tell you that he isn't in london to stay forever, but rather that he's on an educational trip to london for only a year (i think it was about that much).
so i think he'd try to keep you from knowing that he has to go sooner than anticipated. but that may come back to bite him in the ass.
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hii just wanna say thank you for your hardwork on this blog! i was wondering if i can request ryunosuke reassuring his s/o’s insecurities (such as the fear of him leaving or doubting how they look)? she/her pronouns please ;w;
a/n: hi anon ! thank you so much for your kind words ! i think ryuu would be there for his girlfriend all the way, supporting her forever ! he's a loving boyfriend after all. i hope you enjoy !
ryuunosuke reasurring his girlfriend
ryuunosuke would be devastated to hear that you think such things ! he's going to be there for you forever and always, no matter what. so expect a lot of awkward hugs. he's trying his best.
he holds you close to his and lets you vent to him, taking in each and every word you tell him. you thought he would've reacted badly but the hug he pulled you into startled you at first, a good way to get the waterworks running.
upon realising that you're crying, ryuunosuke scrambles to help you feel better by stuttering and kissing soft kisses all over your face. it's cute, really. he's trying his best and even with how you were feeling, you couldn't help but smile a small smile for your boyfriend.
ryuunosuke notices and smiles greatly, having found the jackpot he now knows where to give you kisses and love whenever you're upset.
after this revelation, expect things to go a lot smoother than that. you're upset ? ryuunosuke picks you up in his arms and hugs you tightly. though he has to bring you to a place like the couch so he can sit and cuddle with you.
he noticed you were looking a bit upset so he asks you what was wrong, eager to figure out why you were upset and a solution to fixing your problems !
if you're upset about how a certain part of you looks, he will look a little bit upset because he thinks you look gorgeous no matter what ! you're his girlfriend, he didn't think he would be able to get in a relationship with such a beautiful girl like you.
he'll hug you gently yet firmly, a nice grasp that is soothing once you're in it. you sit nicely in his arms and rest your face in his collar. you're the finishing puzzle piece in his jigsaw, you are the final piece of his life.
"i promise you, you look perfect. i wouldn't lie !" ryuunosuke peppers those kisses that you're ever so infatuated with on your face that he gently tugs up, smiling at you to reassure you that everything is okay.
he can understand where you're coming from, he also has anxious thoughts too ! i like to think that if he has any techniques he'll share them with you and help you through any rough patches.
and !!! influenced by kazuma, he chants mantras with you to help you boost your enthusiasm and make you happy. the way he tells them to you does make you giggle and it gets ryuunosuke a bit flustered.
he chants these things, things like "you can do it !!", "i love you !!" and "i believe in you !!" and it makes you pumped, he can see why he picked it up from kazuma.
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