#dia 12
meu-fragil-miocardio · 11 months
30 dias escrevendo
12º dia - Cinco bênçãos em sua vida.
O simples sabor do amor próprio.
Quando me conectei a primeira vez com a espiritualidade e ela me mostrou varias formas de amor, principalmente o próprio.
Saber que temos o mais importante em nossas vidas mas não damos o valor necessário: casa, comida, roupas e pessoas que se importam com a gente como nós nos importamos com elas.
Família que permanece unida.
Amigos que são Família.
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sole-keiji · 2 years
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Dia 12:Un señor de edad - hice a mi abuelito materno, el normalmente me pregunta sobre mis monos y así ⭐
Día 13:Un vehículo - solo un carro todo chafa jsjs 🤠🔫
Día 14:Autorretrato de mi mascota - obviss que haría a mi perro otra vez, lo adoro demasiado 💍🌸 (en el dibujo dice 13 pero es 14 XD)
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miguel1235 · 7 months
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Dia 12 Resultados
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musicaemdx · 2 years
SonicBlast Moledo '22, o segundo dia em fotografia
SonicBlast Moledo ’22, o segundo dia em fotografia
O Música em DX voltou a estar presente no SonicBlast com uma reportagem fotográfica pelo Daniel Jesus. Alguns dos destaques do segundo dia incluíram Witch, Conan e Electric Wizard. Sem mais demoras, as galerias abaixo. The Machine + fotos na galeria SonicBlast ’22 dia 12 Agosto The Machine Green Lung + fotos na galeria SonicBlast ’22 dia 12 Agosto Green Lung Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs…
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captaincolorblob · 2 years
the 2012 turtles are transfem and the Rise turtles are transmasc. do you see my vision. can anybody hear me
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jukeboxofjellycat · 7 months
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¡Feliz Día de Muertos! 🕯️💀🏵️ (mañana)
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cathy-plus-e · 9 months
It's Castiel's birthday but also Chile's birthday and nobody is talking about it, how sad 😔🇨🇱
[Spanish/Español]: Es el cumple de Castiel pero también el de Chile y nadie habla de eso, qué triste 😔🇨🇱
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humanaaa · 7 months
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pensat-i-fet · 2 years
12 Days of Christmas: Day 1 (Rúben Dias)
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Day 2
"This is a bit pointless, Rodri”, you told your friend while you carried some snacks from the kitchen to the living room.
“I don’t know half of these people. How am I supposed to get them a good Secret Santa present?”
“No one cares about the presents, silly. Just buy something funny and cheap, like everyone else”, he said with a shrug.
After putting the food on the table, you sat down and saw Rodri grabbing the bag with all your names.
"Ok, everyone. Eyes closed", he said.
"What?", asked your friend Jaime. 
"It's so I know you're not cheating".
You were the fourth person to pick a name. And when you got it out of the bag and before you had a chance to open your eyes, your hand hit Rodri's and the paper fell to the floor.
"I'll get it", he said.
"Did you hit my hand on purpose?"
"No. What are you talking about? Here is your paper".
Instead of reading it, you decided to put it in your pocket. This game was so stupid.
"Are you having fun?", you heard someone ask you while you were grabbing another drink. 
"Rúben! You scared me", you laughed, trying not to blush like you did every time he spoke to you.
"Sorry. So, who did you get on your secret Santa?"
"Well, if I told you it wouldn't be so secret".
"Fair enough", he said laughing. "Well, whoever you got is lucky. I'm sure Cancelo got my name and God knows what he'll get me".
"The team's trickster?"
"You don't even want know".
He then moved to your left to get a drink for himself. Seeing him made you realise that was actually why you were in the kitchen in the first place. So you busied yourself finishing the drink to try and calm your nerves down.
"See you out there?", he said before taking his drink and leaving.
"Yes, see you".
And before joining everyone else in the living room, your curiosity got the best of you and made you check your piece of paper to see who you needed to buy a gift for.
When everyone had left, you decided to help your friend tidy up.
“Rodrigo, this is why I didn’t want to do this!”, you said to him, showing him the Secret Santa paper.
“What are you talking about?”
“What am I supposed to get him? I barely know him”.
“Yes, because you run away whenever he talks to you”, he laughed.
“I don’t run away”, you complained. You only hid a couple of times. There was no need to make fun of that. 
“You could always write him a love letter”.
“I hate you, Rodri. I should have never told you I found him attractive”.
“No no no, you didn’t say that. You said you had a crush on him. Thank God for cocktails that make you extremely honest. Maybe you should invite him to have a drink or two so you can confess your feelings”, he teased.
“I’m not confessing any feelings or writing him a love letter”, you said and left him to clean by himself.
For the next two weeks, you continued doing your Christmas shopping and of course, worrying about what to get for Rúben. Rodri had proven to be of no help and just kept on telling you to spend more time with Rúben so this wouldn’t be a problem the next time. 
So when the day of the next party came, you made your way to Rodri’s with your stupid gift packed in your bag. 
When you got there, the front door was open. Maybe he left it like that so people would stop ringing the doorbell? But that didn’t sound like something your friend did. 
"Rodrigo? Why is your door open?"
But there was no response.
"Rodriiigoooo?? Where are you? Where is everyone?"
You actually thought you were late but there was no one there.
"Hello?", you heard a voice coming from the door.
"Hi?", and when you got to the door, you saw who it belonged to. "Rúben hi! How did you get in?"
"The door was open".
"What? I closed it when I got here. Have you heard from Rodri?"
But before he could answer, the kitchen door opened and closed again.
"What the…?"
"Stay here", said Rúben, while he walked towards the door.
"Ok? I thought it was better to stay together in these horror movie-like situations".
That made Rúben look back, and you could see he was trying not to smile. "I guess you are right, but stay behind me".
When you got to the door, you saw an envelope on the floor with both of your names written on it. You took it and read it out loud.
"Dear friends,
Since you are both incapable of telling each other how you feel, I wanted to help. I got Rúben's name on the Secret Santa after all. And yes, bestie, you might wonder how you also got his name but…well, that might have been me cheating and trying to get you to talk to him. But you still didn't so desperate situations require desperate measures.
In this envelope you'll find the address of the restaurant where there is a reservation under your name, so you can finally have your first date together.
Don't forget to thank me at your wedding's speech and naming your firstborn after me would also be appreciated.
Your friend who was tired of seeing you being two idiots.
When you finished reading, you looked up to see Rúben staring at you.
"Maybe it's a joke…".
"Don't", he said, "he's right about me. Is he right about you?"
"Yes", you said, making him smile.
"Then we better go on that date".
“What? Now?”, you said and looked down at your very simple outfit. What if the reservation was at a fancy place?
Rúben took the pieces of paper from you, brushing your fingers while doing that and forcing you to look down again to hide your feelings that he could have clearly seen on your face.
“We need to be there in half an hour. So there’s not much time. Should I drive us there?”
“Honestly, I don’t think I’m capable of doing anything right now so yes, you drive”.
He chuckled and took your hand to guide you to his car. Your blush was impossible to hide now.
Once at the restaurant you could tell you were really not dressed appropriately. The waiter’s face said it all but it was too late to go back home and change. So you tried not to think about it much. Being on a date with Rúben was making you extremely nervous already.
“So”, he started, “we haven’t really had a lot of time to talk. Just the two of us”.
“Yeah, according to Rodri it is because I was hiding from you”.
“You were”, he said, biting his lip and holding a laugh.
“I’m shy ok?”, you said, covering your red face with your hands.
“Hey”, said Rúben, taking your hands from your face. “It’s ok to be shy. Just annoying that we could have been doing this for a while but that got in the way. But it’s fine. You intimidate me a bit too”.
“Me? How so?”
“Well, it’s more the fact that you’re Rodri’s best friend. He’s bigger than me, I don’t want to make him angry”.
That made you laugh. Rodri was a big and strong guy, but he also had the personality of a golden retriever. It was hard to imagine anyone being scared of him.
“Well, you’ll have to treat me well, then. So you don’t upset him”.
“I was planning on treating you well with or without the threat of Rodri’s rage”, he said, reaching out to hold one of your hands and making your heart race.
“I…”, great, you were going to start stuttering now, “I have a present for you”.
“You do?”, he asked, confused.
“The Secret Santa that Rodri rigged?”
“Right. Where is that present then?”
“It’s really bad. I’m sorry”.
You reached for your bag and then gave him the little package. He opened it and laughed so hard that some people stared at him.
“The crap Secret Santa gift book?”, he read, laughing again.
“I told you it was bad”, you said, covering your face again.
“Stop that”, he said, but couldn’t stop laughing. “It’s ok. It’s just what Rodri told you. We need to get to know each other. Should we start now?”
“Yeah, why not?”, you said, smiling at him. “And if I bore you, you’ve got a book to read”.
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murasakinocatt · 1 month
Drawing Challenge! Mothers Day
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I offer you a drawing activity, draw a character or some figure with your mother
It can be on paper or digital, and write a Mother's Day message (preferred)
Make your art and tag/send for my profile!
instagram: @murasakino_catt
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Dia 12 Próximos Partidos
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maizixie · 9 days
dói me as costas de carregar um trabalho que supostamente ia ser feito por 12 pessoas
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musicaemdx · 2 years
SonicBlast '22 dia 12 Agosto, El Perro
SonicBlast ’22 dia 12 Agosto, El Perro
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They have updated all the characters profiles, so here's one again for Dia.
Dia "Devil Prince"
Race: devil
"I have coexisted with perpetual solitude. I have no need for either your solace or your forgiveness."
CV: Kobayashi Yuu
An aloof youth who has become a devil, he lived in perpetual nothingness. He was once loved as the prince of Colchicum Kingdom which was also known as [The Farthest Land], but 1000 years ago, he caused a wicked calamity called the [Scarlet Disaster] that destroyed the Kingdom, his guilty conscience and despair towards the world has turned him to a devil. Although a willful and fickle prince, his life of longevity has cultivated his wisdom and dignity, he's now a worthy existence that stands above people. He's weak for sweets, showing a childish side.
Birthday: November 26th
Age: 1012 year old
Height: 150 cm
Weight: 39 kg
Dominant hand: left
Weapon: magic
Special skill: painting unique paintings
Hobby: arts, arts appreciation
Likes: crown, games (specifically puzzles and chess)
Dislikes: situation that he's too used to, death
Favorite food: stained glass cookies (honey flavored), sweets
Least favorite food: black coffee, bell pepper
Favorite place: the top of the castle's tower
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captaincolorblob · 1 year
“’2012 Raph hates/abuses Mikey!!”’
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