#diabolik lovers morana
cryptid-pet · 1 year
If ya don’t mind me asking what did you think of the other Clan rulers? Like Zweig’s devein, Morana, Striga, and Zajef
Personally I do love Striga
Striga my love 😍
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The wrong companions - Keiichirou (@gingerall ) and Morana sub story
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Shit. Shit. Shit. It was the only thought going through her head as she ran up the stairs of Ryoutei academy, skipping every other step to save time. It was the last class of the day and she was running late. Normally she wouldn't care about class but this time it was different. It was a favor and also Reiji got a call from the school recently telling him she wasn't the model student he expected her to be. So out of fear of retaliation she was now running at full speed towards the classroom. Ok, I will definitely be late for the bell but if I take the shortcut I might make it before the teacher so in theory I won't be late. She tried to cheer herself up as she took off toward the narrow hallway between the two school wings. All she had to do is to is turn right, book it down the hallway and she would make it in time.
But just as she turned the corner she was met with a human wall. Girls from all grades have barricaded her shortcut and no matter how much she tried to squeeze past they wouldn't let her. To make matters worse they all were talking over each other, fighting for the spotlight, for whatever reason. Morana tried one more time to go trough the crowd but it was useless. It felt like for every person she passed three more would appear in front of her. So she took a step back and tried to see what all the fuss was about. And then she saw the red hair. She now understood everything and it made her even more angry realizing that she was going to be late for class because of him. Morana wouldn't let that happen so she took a few steps back, got into a half running position and said as loudly as she could:
"Hey! Can all of you go droll over that mediocre man somewhere else?!" Suddenly the hallway turned silent. Okay, this is good. As the group of girls turned toward the sound of the comment, Now!, she bolted down the middle, aggressively bumping the shoulders with the redhead as she continued running toward the class. She didn't have the time to bully him any further, reckon she would do it back at the mansion.
The last think Keiichirou expected, after being bombarded with what felt like half of the school, was to be called mediocre. To make it worse that person hated him so much they fully launched themselves toward him hitting him in the shoulder before running away. There wasn't much that could be done about the situation so he just continued to stare at her back as she ran to end of the hall. They really haven't interacted before and he wouldn't even know of her existence were she not from the Sakamaki household so he was really baffled by her actions. "What a strange woman." he said out loud. His voice low and soft almost like he intended it to be a thought. Having his focus change from them to her grounded the girls around him and they returned to screaming their questions. Turning his gaze back at them Keiichirou smiled and calmly continued answering any questions that were understandable. And before he knew it the pink haired assailant was completely out of his mind.
That is until the workshop. School festival was coming up and the music teachers decided to organize a two month workshop in which, hopefully, they would brainstorm and practice a couple of songs which they would perform at the end of the festival. It was mandatory for every student to take at least one workshop so Keiichirou was more than happy to join the music department. But he would lie if he said that he wasn't hesitant about entering the class after seeing that the only available seat was the one next to a girl that had no problem full on rugby dashing into a group of people. Standing in front of the class for a few more seconds, Keiichirou composed himself, took a deep breath and entered.
"Lovely to see you again." an unfamiliar voice woke Morana up from her daydream. Next to her sat a redhaired man she didn't recognize. He was quite tall and had an aura of confidence surrounding him. If Morana would to describe him she would say he looked soft and neat. Comparing him to the Sakamaki boys she would say he had much softer features, from the smooth skin, rounder eyes and fuller lips to the messy hair that seemed like it was purposefully made to look like that he was as beautiful as they were but with a touch of softness the boys just didn't have. After looking around to make sure he didn't address anybody else she turned to him and as they locked eyes she said: "I'm sorry but do I know you?"
Ouch. At this point Keiichirou didn't know if she was messing with him or if her being aggressive at school was reoccurring thing. "First calling me mediocre and now this. You really know how to ground a man." He turned his gaze as he noticed another girl making her way towards their desk. It was one of the girls from the hallway. He recognised her straight away. She was one of the quieter ones, the ones that stood aside and would blush if their eyes met his. He wanted nothing more than to toy with her but this wasn't the time for that. He just put on a smile and waited for her to approach. "I...I'm sorry to interrupt b-but I just wanted you to have this." She held a small goodie bag in her hands. It was filled to the top with tiny chocolates of all shapes and sized, some not really recognizable. "I know that they're not the prettiest but I'm sure they taste just fine." As he reached for the chocolates he took her hands into his. She was shaking. How cute. He thought as he pulled back with the bag. "Thank you. Knowing you made these just for me is more than enough." The girl bowed and make her way back to her desk as fast as she could. The last thing Keiichirou saw was other girls surrounding her to hear all the details of the encounter.
Vultures at work. He thought as he turned back to face Morana only to be met with book covers dividing the two of them. "Is this your version of creating privacy? Well, thank you for being considered but you can put this barrier down." He laughed as he started putting her books down. But just before he got to the last one she picked it up and put it of front of her face. "You really out to destroy my self confidence today are you?" But before he could probe even more he got some murmurs back from her. "I'm sorry. I didn't catch that." He drew his ear closer to the book. "I'm....I...you. I...mean...it." Was the only thing he could he could make of it. "You know if you didn't talk directly into the book I might understand what you're trying to say." He turned his face towards her and slowly with his hand on top of the book tried to lower it. He got to her eyes before she yelled: "I'm sorry I hit you, okay?! I didn't mean it! Fuck!" She wouldn't look at him directly, her eyes were glossy and that the tips of her ears were a bright shade of pink. Wow. This day was full of surprises. But before Keiichirou could press on any further the teacher entered the room and the class started.
The workshop was pretty much like a normal class. The teacher gave a short speech on what they planned to accomplish at the end of the workshop and gave out the sheets for the songs they planned on playing at the festival. All that was left for them was to look over the sheets and add suggestions, if they had any. "I will now play all of the songs so you get the idea of what it'll all sound together." The teacher said as they pressed play on the cd player. For Keiichirou everything seemed normal, that is until he turned to his right. The girl next to him seemed to be scribbling on the sheets like her life depended on it and every time a new song would come on her eyes would slightly widen and she'd gasp a little. Curiosity got the better of him and he scooched a little closer to her. What he saw confused him even more. There were drawings of the plays the songs are from or illustrations of composers with a little note under them saying (ask Shuu which one this is), under some there were lyrics even though the whole concert was to be instrumental only. Why is she doing all of this? He kept asking himself until it finally hit him. Without a second though he said out loud: "You can't actually read notes, can you?" The pink haired girl froze. Was she serious? She's in a musical workshop and yet she can't read notes. The more he thought about it the less it made sense. "I'm an auditory learner, okay?!" was all she could say to him. "Yeah, I can see that." he said as he noticed her lowering her head over the papers so her hair would cover both her embarrassed face and her scribbled notes. "Also, this wasn't even my idea to begin with. Shuu was going to fail the year, again, if he didn't choose a workshop. He chose this but decided to skip last minute. I'm just doing him a favor. I can sing, I just don't know how....how to read notes." After a few minutes of silence he took a few strands of her hair and lifted them up. She turned towards him and their eyes met. "How about I teach you how to read?" he gave her a gentle smile. Her eyes widened as she bolted upwards. "Really? You'd do that?" Keiichirou couldn't believe the difference between her now and a few hours before. He thought she was some delinquent girl just waiting for someone to anger her enough so she could start a fight but the more he looked at her now the more she looked like she couldn't hurt a fly. "Yeah. I also..." , he looked to the side ,"...it's embarrassing, but I'm also not that great with reading notes so we can practice together."
The rest of the class went without a hitch. Keiichirou walked her out of the classroom, flashed her a smile and went on his way. Morana took one last glance at the classroom and shut the door.
After that they pretty much met up everyday for practice. Sometimes even skipping classes because of Keiichirou's other business'. They started talking in the hallways. Especially if Keiichirou needed help with his groupies. She would still do the run that she did the first time they met but this time instead of pushing him away she would grab him by the arm and run away with him. If he was running away from his fans she would wait by the classroom door and pull him in when he would run by. Rumors about them dating started spreading around which was to be expected but every time Morana would deny it Keiichirou would double down that they were.
There would be instances where Morana would walk in on Keiichirou flirting with other students and she would try her best to get away without being caught but somehow Keiichirou always knew if she did. "It's the way you walk," he would say, "I can sense your perfume from two classrooms down." Morana wouldn't say anything and would try to change the subject but depending on Keii's mood that wouldn't always work. He tried to flirt with he a couple of times but every time she would shut him down so bluntly that after a while he couldn't help but smile at the bluntness. Provocations didn't work either because no matter which of the Sakamaki's he brought up she would always give him the same answer, "We're not dating."
A couple of weeks into practice Morana said she was ready to try and play one of the songs on the piano. "You know, I'm more of a violinist." Keiichrou added while she was trying to adjust the seat. "Well I'm neither and the piano just makes more sense to me now." She patted the space right next to her and with a sigh Keii sat down. Saying that it didn't sound anything like the song would be an understatement. She knew the theory behind the song but no matter how much she tried she couldn't put it into practice. The biggest problem for her seemed to be the placing of the keys. No matter how much she tried she couldn't reach the necessary key in time. "Just spread your fingers a little farther." Keiichirou instructed "Listen, if I did my hand would split in half." and Morana would argue back. "Yeah, right." he noticed that she was getting frustrated. "Just watch me this time." And he started playing. It finally sounded how it should, granted it wasn't perfect considering this wasn't a violin but it was still very recognizable. After he finished he turned to look at her but her mood just changed from frustrated to pouty. "All I'm saying is that its not that hard." He smiled hoping it will ease the tension. "Of course is easy for you..." she grabbed his hand, "...look how big your hands are compared to mine!" as she put it against hers.
Her hand was so small. It was so surprising seeing how she was one of the taller girls he knew. Also her hand never fully extended, like it was constantly in a state of grabbing or holding onto something. Unconsciously he closed his hand in hers.
"You can let go of my hand now."
He put their hands down on the chair and rested his forehead on her shoulder. They stayed like that in silence for a few seconds.
"Hey, Mor?"
"Why don't you like me?"
Silence filled the room once again. Finally Morana took a deep breath and said: "Because you're a liar Keii." She felt his hand squeeze tighter. He raised his head just enough so their eyes met. "What are you talking about?" he smiled a sympathetic smile, "I would never lie to you." Next thing he knew he felt a strong sting on his face.
The smack echoed throughout the music room. Morana pulled away the hand that was intertwined with his and stood up from the chair. Keiichirou, still in shock, only moved his head towards her. "Don't you dare do that shit. Not to my face!" She pulled her hands closer to her chest. “It’s always the same.” She said under her breath. “That fake smile of yours. Practiced it a lot, haven’t you?” Keiichirou moved his gaze away from her. "You lied to me since day one, and not just to me to everyone around you. You think I didn't notice? The misshapen chocolates you threw away at the first day of workshop, the "I can't read notes thing", the lies you would say to all those girls in school, the lies you would tell me about your home, your job, your mother! You really think I'm that stupid?!"
Morana didn't wait for an answer. She just picked up her bag from the floor and left the classroom, loudly shutting the door behind her. Keiichirou stayed in silence in the music room until the end of the school day.
Morana didn't show up to the next workshop meeting. Or the one after that. Or the one after that. Keiichirou was also seen skipping the class but he would come every so often to see if she decided to show up and every time he would be greeted with an empty desk. He tried asking his groupie if they've seen her but most of them were reluctant to tell him anything, afraid that he would start ignoring them again. He even tried searching for her on his own but every time he thought he was close to her she would disappear. It was the last day before the festival and Keiichirou really hoped she would turn up on the last workshop meeting but to his surprise he found the oldest Sakamaki in her place. Reluctantly, he sat next to him and pulled out his notes.
"You really have a talent for pissing women off." It was the first thing Shuu said to him. "Personally, I don't mind that she decided to spend more time with me but her sour expressions really ruin the music." Keiichirou just continued to look through his notes. He flipped through them until the last song. He paused and look at the scribbles she left on his pages. The little doodle of him wearing the mask to the lyrics she put underneath the notes so she could guide herself by the rhythm of them. The song she tried so hard to master. "I don't know what happened between you two but you should just apologize. Both of you look miserable now-" "You know what Shuu? For someone who doesn't talk that much you really are running your mouth today." Keiichirou closed his notebook and stood up. "And you're right. You don't know what happened." And with that he left the class. God, what a drag. Shuu thought to himself as he put his earphones back in his ears.
He exited to the roof and pull out a box of cigarettes.
God, this fucking sucks. He thought to himself as he lit the first one.
This shouldn't be happening. He was supposed to just chill with this girl and use her to get some piece of mind so how did it end up being the opposite? She wasn't anything special so why did it bother him so much?
He lit the second one.
Maybe it was because she was playing hard to get. Yeah, that has to be it. She was just the one that got away and that doesn't happen to him.
He lit the third one.
Or maybe it was because Shuu had an eye on her and he just wanted to see if he could steal her from him.
He lit the forth one.
Or was it because she was the first person he could actually relax next to? He did have piece of mind but it was when he was with her. There wasn't any pressure to be the best, to be perfect, he could just simply be. They talked about stupid things, played in wrong keys, sneaked around the school and...
"Fuck." there were no cigarettes left. I need to stop thinking about this or I'll eat myself alive. As he was about to go down the stairs he heard the distant sound of a piano. Great. Looks like they started without me. He said to himself but something didn't feel right. It was the song from the festival plan but it sounded a little off. And then he heard a voice.
Wishing you were
Somehow here again
Wishing you were
Somehow near
Sometimes it seemed
If I just dreamed
Somehow you would
Be here
It was her. He didn't know how he knew but he did and he took off running.
Jumping over a flight of stairs, he took off toward the narrow hallway between the two school wings. All he had to do is to is turn right, book it down the hallway and he would make it in time. But just as he turned the corner she was met with a human wall. Girls from all grades have barricaded the shortcut and no matter how much he tried to squeeze past they wouldn't let him. All of them were talking over each other, fighting for the spotlight, for a chance to talk to him. I don't have time for this. he though to himself as he spotted Kou in the classroom next to him. "Lovely ladies why settle for a mediocre man like me when you can have an idol?!" With that he opened the classroom door and let the chaos ensue. As soon as there was a clearing he ran pass and down the hallway.
The music that was coming from Shuu's room was slowing down and the voice was getting quieter. Morana was quite proud of her performance. It did make her a little sad that she wouldn't perform it along side her classmates but this alone was enough for now. As her finger reached towards the last notes she sang:
Help me say goodbye,
Help me say
She raised both of her hands off the piano and just sat there staring at it until her she heard a voice behind her say:
"I don't want that."
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Don't lie, not to me- Keiichirou (@gingerall) and Morana
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"It's always the same."
"What is?"
"That smile. Practiced it a lot, haven't you?"
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"I really hate people like you."
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Pov: you're starting to realise that the girl that offered to help around the garden has no idea what she's doing
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How beautiful she looked in the moonlight- Simone (@smonie) and Morana
"I have been in love with no one, and never shall," she whispered, "unless it should be with you."
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Morana and Subaru- Crimes? Crimes.
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They absolutely hated each other in the beginning
Both of them being hot-headed and ready to throw down didn't help either
Things changed when Morana noticed how reluctant Subaru was about fighting her
Yeah he would talk big but most of the damage he'd do would be on property
Later on she started noticing how much time he spent alone
She projected her hatred towards loneliness onto him and that's when she decided to spend more time around him
Morana would just hang around him, mostly doing her own thing not really communicating in fear that she might start a fight
Subaru hated it at first, yelling at her to leave him alone and destroying stuff around her to scare her off
But after some time he got used to it, to a point where if she didn't seek him out he would panic and search for her
It took few weeks of them just vibing together till they actually started talking
It was actually mostly Morana talking and Subaru just listening to her ramblings
M: For a 100+ y.o. vampire you're really inexperienced with life. S: WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME?!
She figured out that since Subaru didn't have friends he never really did the things that friends do (exp. go to the movies, go on little trips, get drunk at a hangout spot, etc.)
That's when she made a bucket list of all the things she felt like he needed to experience and every weekend she would drag him out of his room to do them
Again, he absolutely hated it at first but the more they hung out together the more he had fun
There were moments where Morana would catch him smiling and that alone made her want to continue dragging him everywhere
Subaru also got super protective of her
He would try to get her out of uncomfortable situations if he sensed that she was struggling
Spending a lot of time together in silence made them sense each others moods just by body language
Laito tried to make Subaru uncomfortable by insinuating that he obviously had a thing for her
They both beat the shit out of him
S: "Don't project your gross shit onto us."
They consider each other brother/sister and will go to each other first if they need help with something
S to M and vice versa : [You're the only bitch in this house that I ever respected] meme
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This is how I imagine Simone's (@smonie) and Morana's first interaction
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Yui and Morana - To fall apart, to reunite
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Two oruguitas, cocooned and waiting Each in their own world, anticipating
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They're all they have for shelter They long to stay together But something inside them is growing
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It's very on brand for them
Ayato keeps forgetting she can recite the Bible in English, Japanese AND Latin
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🌌 If your OC has a nightmare, what’s it most likely about?
🌈 Does your OC speak more than one language? If so, how many and which?
🎲 If your OC played a pen and paper RPG, what class would they pick? Warrior, mage, thief, ranger, cleric, paladin, druid, necromancer, bard (or other, if that’s not enough).
🌌 - It would be about the night the orphanage burned down but instead of her finding her way to the forest it would be visions of her brothers and sisters blaming her for abandoning them
🌈 - She does. She is fluent in Japanese and English and she also knows how to read and write in Latin
🎲 - She would chose either Rouge (high dexterity) or Barbarian (Rage ability)
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🍕 for a moodboard about my muse’s favorite foods
Hearty food ♡
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Morana perfers meals over snacks. Cooking for/ with people she likes is one of her favorite past times
Savory over sweet
Noodle dishes are her favorite, especially if the noodles are fresh
She leans more towards the pescatarian side but she will eat meat from time to time
Makes really good vegetable soups
She and Reiji cook together a lot and it came to a point where they don't instruct each other on what to do next, they just trust each others cooking abilities
Will make takoyaki for Ayato if he's in a bad mood
Same goes for Kanato and his sweets
Will not give up until she finds Subarus favorite dish
Won't make dishes that require large flames or flambé-ing around Shuu
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I saw your post about writing routes and I think it’s best to send it this way rather than commenting (cause I personally hate the comment system on tumblr but I digress)
Imo, I prefer writing my characters story through traditional novel means because it helps me A) organize ideas and thoughts better and B) I like to write a lot of internal dialogue extensively. It’s all about your preferences and what you prefer to write. I’ve roleplayed in a novella/literate style for about a decade and that’s what I am used to. However I do see some perks in writing the “route” format cause it seems to me it doesn’t take up /too/ much time to write. That could just be me tho!
Overall, from one writer to another, it’s all about preference and what makes you comfortable! If you feel like a route layout would be easier than writing a story traditionally or vice versa, do it! That and the other advice I can give is write everything down from ideas to plot points because if you write for so long you are definitely bound to forget what happened in Ch1 versus writing for Ch21, ya know?
Anyway I like your OC and I wish you luck in your endeavors of writing their story! <3
Thank you for your input. I am also much more comfortable with writing in a novel type style so the visual novel type actually takes me a lot more time to finish than the novel way.
The main problem for me is re reading my chapters and feeling like I'm rushing things or I'm putting too many things at once without exploring the things I already put down. I want to continue writing and improving but I feel like I'm doing more damage to the story/ characters than good. I'm thinking on pausing the main story until I figure out what to do next.
Thank you so much for the tips and the compliments. I also really like your OC and I hope we interact more in the future. 😊
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Morana's route- Brute Ending
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And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand.
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ll nome suo nessun saprà
E noi dovrem, ahimè! Morir! Morir!
Dilegua, o notte! Tramontate, stelle!
Tramontate, stelle! All'alba vincerò!
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Robbed- Laito and Morana sub story
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It was a turbulent night. Rumbling of tunder and the patter of rain against the window filled the rooms of the Sakamaki manor. The lights were off. Whether that be by choice or because of the weather was anybodies guess but it made the house seem even more ominous. For the usual occupants of the house this would've made zero difference but for a fairly new member to the family it was quite a problem. Good thing she was in the kitchen so finding a candle and lighting it was much easier than if she were in any other room. "God, this is one of the fancier ones Reiji uses for those monthly dinners isn't it? He's gonna kill me." She cursed under her breath as she continued brewing her coffee. It was a Wednesday evening, meaning it was bookclub night. At least, it was supposed to be but a certain sibling of Reijis decided they should cause as much property damage as possible during class so a two person bookclub turned into pity party for one. No matter. It wasn't the first time she read alone and it wouldn't be the last but she did admit to herself that it did make her a little sad. Taking her freshly made coffee in one hand and the candle in the other she made her way upstairs towards the library.
Like everything in the manor, the library was a ginormous room. Bookshelves started and ended as long as the walls allowed and all of them will filled to the brim with books. If you were to look closer you could find first editions of some of the most well known books, editions that would not only cost a fortune to own but would be sealed and protected somewhere where nobody could ever touch them again. But not here. Here they were treated like any other book and they fought for their place in those shelves. More of them could be found on the floor probably the unlucky ones that found themselves next to the actual wanted book.
In the middle of the room there were many sitting areas, a lot of them arranged according to specific occasions. One was for studies, where the tables and chairs were taller to accommodate for all the books you'd need to research, the other one was more for leisurely reading, having big cosy armchairs and a smaller round table for drinks and snacks and the last sitting area looking more like a place for an audience at a theatre show, having tall chairs and very small side tables presumably for a pamphlet and a fan.
Deeper into the library, in the right corner of the room, there was a small inclination, a simplistic stage from the looks of it and on it stood a grand piano. One would think that seeing it for a few times might ease the nerves but it never did. It was a beautiful instrument with such a rich and powerful sound that was in the right to demand your respect. And now as the lightning stuck next to the nerby windows it made it look so much more magical.
Finding her usual spot Morana put down her cup and lit the other candles on the stand before extinguishing the expensive one. I should probably hide that one. Maybe in Ayatos room just in case. She thought to herself as she sat down in her usual spot and picked up a book from the table. There was a note attached to the cover that said:
"To Morana,
I must apologise for the last minute cancellation of our Wednesday meeting. As you might have heard, Subaru has destroyed much of the home economics classroom therefore I, and majority of the household, have been called in by the school admissions office to help in the cleaning process and also to assess the cost of the damages. Please enjoy the rest of your evening reading and rest assured that I will read your pick for me in time for the next meeting.
Always the drama queen even in his letters she laughed to herself as she remove the note. The book was extremely colorful which was surprising knowing from who it came from. Vibrant greens, pinks and oranges filled the cover and the title rested in the middle of all of it.
"One Hundred Years of Solitude, huh?" A voice behind her proclaimed as she felt to hands rest on her shoulders. Turning her head she was meet with two green eyes looking down on her and the book.
"Ah, it just you Laito. Can't believe you're off cleaning duty." Her shoulders relaxed as she put the book on her lap. "Thought you might be lonely so I humbly sacrificed family time to spend with our honored guest. Also wouldn't want you getting any escape plans while we're out~" His hand left her shoulders as he made his way across the table. "I sure hope that your pick as at least a little steamier that what my dear old brother recommended." Laito looked at her as he picked the other book up from the table. Clearing his throat he passionately read the back of the book:
"Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta. She was Lo, plain Lo, in the morning, standing four feet ten in one sock. She was Lola in slacks. She was Dolly at school. She was Dolores on the dotted line. But in my arms she was always Lolita."
"Laito..." she said quietly, not knowing if he knew the context of that quote or the book in general. "Hmm? What's with that reaction? Was my narration not good enough? Was I supposedto read it more sensuality?" He laughed as he threw the book back on the table.
"No! It's the exact opposite. That book is not supposed to be seen in that light." She tried to vaguely explain it. Morana felt like she was playing with sparks and if she said the wrong things it will eventually burst into flames.
"Really now? Then..." he sat down in the armchair opposite of hers. He turned his body so his feet could dangle over one of the arm rests and his head could rest on the other. "...how are we supposed to read it? What's the book about?"
For a few seconds nothing but the sound of rain filled the room. This was the question she was afraid of. Knowing the vampires past and the speed which their emotions could switch she wanted nothing else but to change the subject.
"You know what? Since you're not really a book person maybe we could do crossword puzzles until the rest comes back." She desperately tried to make him focus on anything else.
"We could do that," He said as she felt herself relax once more, "as soon as you tell me what this book is about." His eyes pierced hers and that's where she knew his mind was made up.
Maybe if I'm direct and blunt he won't react badly. Right, like ripping off a band-aid. She thought to herself as she reached out for the book. She look down at it as she said: "Lolita is a novel about a man and his disturbed obsession with his young step daughter which he tries to convince himself and the readers it is a consensual romantic love." I better stop there. I told him what the book is about and that should be enough. She raised her gaze to see his expression. He wasn't looking at her anymore but rather the ceiling. His expression however remained the same as it was before she told him.
"Lai-" as she tries to reach out to him he interrupts her. "What if it was real love?" He says.
She knew what he was thinking. "...it wasn't." She knew it and she had to stop him from going into it deeper. She grips the book in her hands. "He was just a sick man who used and abused a child and no matter how he tries to justify it he is wrong!"
Oh no, she let her feelings slip out. Looking up at Laito his stare is back on her but this time it felt different. The atmosphere around them was different, it was cold, suffocating and what little light there was seems to have dimmed.
"Say, why did you raise your voice just now?" He asks he flatly. The was no cheery or sarcastic twinge in his voice anymore. He already knew the answer but he wanted to hear her say it.
"It's a very misinterpreted book and I just wanted to set the record straight." She couldn't look him in the eyes. She knew she needed to, to sell the lie but she felt like if she did she would completely freeze up.
"Hmmm, really? And here I thought you started compering some things from the novel to real life." She still didn't look at him. Another deathly silence followed as the last spark of the candle faded out.
"I really hate women like you."
Even before the coffe cup crashed and broke Morana found herself on the floor with Laito hovering over her, holding both of her hands in his. "Wait, Laito! Stop!" She yelled hoping if she was loud enough he would snap back to his senses.
"Shut up." Was the last thing he said before his fangs lached onto the side of her neck. His bite stang. Almost as if she was getting bit by a venomous snake. She tried to move her legs but he just locked the into place with his. Tears started running down her cheek as she begged him internally to stop. "You got too comfortable with your opinions knowing that we're not allowed to kill you, huh?" He moved down, closer to the collarbone. "If it were up to me, I would've ripped your esophagus out right now." He pierces the skin again. "Now tell me, am I the little helpless child who's getting used and abused? What about her? Was she just lying to herself when she loved me?!" He bit deeper into her shoulder.
Morana was getting weaker every time he took a bite. Her vision was going black and she started to feel cold. There wasn't much energy left in her to think of the plan to escape so she focused oh his words.
"You're wrong." She managed to say. "She is neither of the characters, you are both." There was a pause from both sides. "You are both the child and the grown man because she never never needed to convince herself of anything. You needed to lie to yourself that that was love or else you would've gone insane. You were never her goal, her obsession but she was yours." And with that her vision disappeared.
When she woke up she found herself still on the floor of the library. The table was still flipped, her favourite mub still broken but the Lolita book was nowhere to be seen. Despite the excruciating headache she got up and started cleaning the library.
After some time everything was back to normal. Morana looked at the opposite side of the table, now with one book less. There were a million thoughts going through her head, so much so that they became just white noise. With a sign of defeat she returned to the library shelves and pulled out Interpreter of Maladies.
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Yuma and Morana gardeners headcannons + the other Mukami's
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Morana admires hardworking people. So much so that when she sees someone giving their all she gets motivated to either help that person or get better at a hobby/assignment of her own.
That's why she always volunteers to help Yuma with his garden
She's not really good with tools so Yuma usually assigns her on watering or picking duty
Unless there's actual visible fruit on the plant she won't be able to tell you what plant she's looking at
Yuma: Oi, go water the zucchini!
Morana: aye aye~
Yuma: Sow, those are strawberries.
Morana: Right, I knew that!
If she finds camomile or other well known tea flower she will pick and dry them and give them to Reiji
Will force Yuma to go with her and if it's apple season she sneaks in an apple for Shuu
Since both of them know that Shuu doesn't like sweet food they planted one Granny Smith tree just for him
Morana likes to eat as she picks and especially if Yuma tells her not to
She also really wants him to own like a little cow or a piggie or any cute domestic animal
Morana: Oh come on! Imagine how cute it would be to have all these tiny piggies in the back yard.
Yuma: I already have one pig to take care of I don't need any more
Morana: .....
Yuma: ....
Morana: Alright bitch, square up!
Water hose is the weapon of choice for both of them
When talking to others about the school garden she takes all the credit until Yuma comes and drags her away
She once brought a tire to turn it into a swing but Ruki stepped in and took it away
However, on his way back he brought a wooden swing and told her to set it up
If they aren't too busy Morana will prepare picnic food for the whole household and they will have lunch in the garden
Kou will be the first one to hog the swing until Yuma's patience runs thin and he pushes Kou so hard he falls off it
Morana and Azusa would both want to go next but will do the whole "you go first" thing that they would end up sitting on it at the same time
Ruki would be on clean up duty while the rest of them would have an all out water balloon war
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Sacrificial brides
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I'll open the door to heaven or hell
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Whoa, death someone would pray
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Could you wait to call me another day
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