#diana silvers x daniel sharman
onemoreparadise · 2 years
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Asphyxiated, I'll never make it without my babe, oh-ooh-oh. So I fill the void, I know you do the same. Nothing compares to the emptiness we both share and nobody cares like you do. You asked for my heart, but I didn't know where to start. But they won't think of you like I do I try my best to not get high again. But they won't think of you like I do. I try my best to not get high again but I've been stuck inside this place for days on end
Diana Silvers x Daniel Sharman requested by @asteria02 (part one)
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hiatuswhore · 2 years
𝕦𝕘𝕙, 𝕙𝕚𝕘𝕙 𝕤𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕠𝕝 — 𝕥𝕔
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Word Count: 2.4K
A/N: I have been struggling with writers block so I’ve been posting some works I wrote a while back but never put up. Let me know what you think. Feedbacks a good motivator! In my head I picture Shelley Hennig as Ivy, Diana Silvers as Marina, Daniel Sherman as Declan, Lili Reinhart as Mackenzie, and Camila Mendes as Bianca.
SUMMARY: Ugh, high school. Best four years of nothing. Raging mood swings and sporadic acne. All on top of balancing mean girls, douche bag guys, and cocky jocks. Best four years? Yikes image peaking in high school.
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I can list several things I cannot stand. I could start with my Mom’s overbearing need to talk about her high school glory days, or my Dad’s never-ending trophies in nearly everything. My list continues for things such as romantic comedies, jean leggings, and platinum blonde hair. Do not tell Ivy about that she is one break-up away from cutting her hair and dying it blonde. I love her to pieces but she is a wildcard with a knack for trouble and a high social media following. Trust me when I say do not look at her Tik Tok. Her high following and verification coming from her looks and problematic prank videos.
“Hello? (Y/n) are you listening?” Marina asked, sitting across from me at the lunch table she types away on her laptop rambling profusely. She delicately placed flowers through her hair with half of it pinned up. She wears a cute white camisole with a beige boho cardigan that reaches the hem of her jeans. Resembling a pretty hippy, it works on her. Apologizing, I ask her to repeat herself but she only rambles about Ivy being in detention. Oddly enough Marina is on the opposite end of the continuum from Ivy. Not only the cheer captain, but one can make it a game of trying to find what club she is not a part of. Even started her own anti-bullying campaign. “So you’re not listening?”
“I’m sorry Mina. I didn’t get much sleep last night because somebody was busy practicing his guitar at all hours of the night.” I groan looking over at the guy’s table. It was a mixture of faces in the masses. No set groups at their table, the mix of guys come from all sports teams and clubs. At the center of the table sits Timmy laughing at something. You know those people you grew up with when you were little but now they just annoy the shit out of you. Yeah, that’s Chalamet, as cliche, as it is the perfect-haired idiot, is my neighbor. We grew up next to each other, yes there is a picture of us bathing together as kids. It is the bane of my existence. Yes, we are still friends but more so a down low thing. Him being the soccer goalie made him this big deal and me being virtually no one makes our friendship odd at school.
“I ordered our homecoming tickets online,” Opening my mouth to protest she quickly shrugs me off. “You have to come, it'll be no fun without you.”
“You’ll both have dates. What am I going to do? Just linger awkwardly?” Biting into my cold fry it lacks salt making me want to spit it out. Marina closes her laptop and turns to her salad she brought from home.
“Ivy and I could find you a date,” Though I have every intention of saying no I miss my opportunity as Mackenzie and Bianca sit next to us. In their cheering uniforms, they wear it every day like it is a badge of honor. It screams pick-me but everyone does pick them so the behavior is enabled.
“Hey, Marina, where's Ivy?” Mackenzie asks, scooting to the side allowing her some space both she and Bianca fail to spare me a single glance. I can see on Marina’s face that she has no interest in talking to either of them but she plants a warm smile on her face. Despite her distaste for the two most clueless people on the planet that is what I love about Marina, she is kind to everyone.
“In detention for calling Coach Hoffman an asshole,” The laugh that leaves my lips contrast the two girls’ wide eyes.
“Anyways we came over with invites for you and Ivy. Party at my place tonight. My parents are out of town.” Bianca’s raven black hair is straightened to perfection. She shuffles through her Michael Kors purse before pulling out two envelopes. Marina looks at me as she thinks it over in her head.
“Ivy will kill us both if we turned this down so yeah we’ll all be there,” For the first time since they sat at the table their eyes drift to me. I smile sheepishly as they look me up and down. Mackenzie grits her teeth as she smiles at me.
“That’s the thing (Y/n) you need an actual invite to get in and I only have a certain amount. I’ll let you know if anything changes,” I am no idiot, I know she is lying, the faux smile and honey tone holds more poison than anything.
“Problem solved.” Handing me half of her invite I bite back a laugh as Marina rips it in half. Both Bianca and Mackenzie feign chuckles as they excuse themselves leaving the two of us to watch them purposely walk by the guys’ table. Marina shakes her as she turns back to her salad. “Those two are something else.”
“I’ll catch you later I have a photography club meeting,” I say and Marina only smiles before going onto her phone. Unlike Bianca and Mackenzie, I actually have to pass the guy’s table to walk over to the dish return. It is okay though because none of them even turn from their conversations except one pair of eyes. Timothee’s lips pull into a smirk before he shoots me a wink. Smiling sarcastically I flipped him off before continuing on.
Mrs. Klotz wastes no time diving into the agenda for the following weeks. Since I arrive a few minutes late it leaves me with the bottom of the barrel for what event to cover. Of course, there is only one event that no one wants to do, the homecoming dance. As the meetings adjourned I wait for everyone to leave the room, the meeting was brief, and yet so much was covered.
“Mrs. Klotz please don’t make me cover the homecoming dance. I don’t even want to go.” I say, closing the club binder she places it in her desk before resting her hands on the desk. She wears glasses that frame her face with her auburn hair, all the guys like to creep on her due to her being fresh out of college.
“I thought it’d be perfect for you (Y/n). I even saw you purchased a ticket,” Mrs. Klotz explains as her eyebrows pull together slightly she tilts her head to the side. I mirror her expression before I remember what Marina had said.
“No, that was Marina. I’m pretty sure what she is attempting is entrapment,” I say, sitting on the edge of the desk behind me I watch as Mrs. Klotz frowns.
“Well, first that is detention for Miss Monroe. The online ticketing policy states students cannot buy tickets for other students,” My stomach flips for a moment as I realize what I have done.
“Did I say Marina sorry I get those two mixed up. It was Ivy who ordered the tickets,” Knowing Ivy would not care as she has been in detention more than she has ever been in class. None of this matters as Mrs. Klotz only apologizes before writing Ivy up and telling me there is no one else who can do it. “I assume you can give this detention slip to Miss Porter.”
In the hallway, I stop as my phone vibrates in my pocket. Ivy sent a text in the group chat telling us to meet her in the computer lab. Walking through the halls my arms fall at my side like dead limbs as I sulk through the corridors. It smells like sweat and pizza from the cafeteria and every couple of lockers is a candy wrapper or abandoned worksheet. Whoever the hell said high school was the best four years of your life, lied. In the computer lab, both Marina and Ivy are already there. Ivy is wearing a tube top with a denim jacket and legging. She is breaking the dress code as usual but it is getting to a point where the faculty do not even care what she wears. I am almost certain Ivy could show up in a bikini and no one would be fazed. Handing her the detention slip her eyebrows pull together.
“Wait what did I do this time?” She asks, explaining the situation she laughs at me before turning to Marina, “Since I am now the sacrificial lamb I would love to talk about that super cute sheer tank top you refuse to let me wear.”
“You get to wear it once then it goes back in my closet,” Marina says, rolling her eyes at the extortion. I look to Ivy asking why she summoned both of us to the computer lab but she only shrugs saying she got bored. There are still ten minutes to spare before the warning bell goes off. Marina hands Ivy the invite to the party and the two giggle amongst themselves about it but I only groan.
“Wait, this is a perfect time to figure out a date for (Y/n) for homecoming. How about Jack Ribas?” Marina says, looking through her Instagram followers as the short boy came to mind I can remember he was my chemistry partner.
“Tiny hands,” I cannot fight the grimace on my face as Ivy laughs before going on her Instagram. The real answer being his ex-girlfriend, she rarely speaks and I am sure she is the reason he has not dated in over a year.
“What about Mark Warshaw?” Ivy asked, earning a nudge from Marina as she is clearly not taking it seriously.
“He smells terrible. Come on,” I say, leaning back in my seat this only furthers how much I do not want to go to homecoming. Marina continues looking through her phone and I cannot say I do not appreciate her wanting to help.
“Terrance Avecedo?” As the name left her lips I could not help but stare at her with eyes I can only imagine appeared crazed.
“You mean my cousin? Dude,” I say as Marina apologizes profusely there is one guy I would not absolutely hate the idea of going with. Just my luck he and a few of his buddies walk by the computer lab. Declan Knight, once again it’s super cliche but he’s the football quarterback and captain. Timothee found it more than hilarious my crush on the 6’2 curly-haired beau.
“Hey, Ivy. Hey, Marina,” He says, popping his head into the computer lab and they both say hey Declan at the same time before he turns to me. “Hey, (Y/n).”
The feeling of panic rushes every inch of me as I force out a chuckle before breathlessly saying, “Hey.”
“Real smooth,” Fortunately Ivy says this as Declan is already continuing on wherever he is walking toward. Marina once again nudges Ivy as I put my head down groaning loudly.
“I am going to my locker. Please leave me to sulk about my day in peace.” I say and I hear Marina yell love you, saying it back I do not turn around. Everyone is in the hallways always playing it dangerously close to the late bell. At my locker, I can see Timothee walking toward my locker.
“Double-A.” He says, looking at me with his usual shit-eating grin, I frown as we rarely speak in school.
“Timmy. Shouldn’t you be ducking behind something to talk to me here?” He only chuckles. Girls would kill for him to walk up to the locker and chat yet I would pay him right now to walk away from me. Only wearing a simple long sleeve shirt, jeans, and converse he is still somehow a hot commodity at school.
“Funny. Also what the hell were you watching last night. It gave me soft porn vibes but very cinematic,” He asks and I shift on the balls of my feet as his grin widens. So I decided to watch that movie 365 on Netflix which was one of the cringest things I have ever seen.
“Spying on me much?” But once again I earn a laugh before he says that I should close my curtains more often. “Maybe don’t look in my window.”
“Noted. Where’s your girls at?” He asks scanning the hall for Marina and Ivy I close my locker. Crossing my arms I look at him asking who wants to know but the smirk on his lips reappears. “The only man in your life. No, your Dad does not count. So that leaves me, you are very welcome.”
“I can assure my love. You would not be in my life even if you were the only man on the planet.” I said, watching as he places his hand over his heart feigning pain. He wastes no time in quoting Marina’s anti-bullying campaign motto, Spread the Love. “Shut up jackass.”
“Timothee,” Mackenzie says and the high pitch of her voice makes me grimace as I look away. She pulls him into a kiss that lasts a couple of seconds longer than needed. The two are the most indecisive couple I have ever seen. I’ll break it down like this, today is Wednesday. Monday they were dating, Tuesday they were not, today is a big question mark and tomorrow is still a coin toss. This does not stop Timmy from being a total whore when they are broken up. I’m pretty sure Mackenzie still does not know Timothee hooked up with Bianca. I narrow my eyes as Mackenzie looks at me as she kisses Timothee. The urge to promise her I have no interest in the mop-headed idiot is strong but instead, I just stand there.
“Hey still here,” Placing my hands in my pocket I look down at the tiles as Mackenzie pulls back.
“Gosh, (Y/n) I am so sorry. Since when were you friends with my ex-boyfriend?” She asks, smiling kindly but it is clearly fake. I have no intention of outing our lifelong friendship but I have no time to even say anything before Timothee chimes in.
“We’re not just asking for some notes. What does it matter anyway?” Timothee asks, looking at Mackenzie who gives him a doe-eyed pout. Gagging as she pulls him into another kiss.
“I know you miss me.” She says before stalking off and I cannot help but now smirk at him.
“Healthy thing you got going there,” I say but he rolls his eyes before walking down the hall away from me. The rest of the day feels uneventful, the girls and I agree to meet at my house to get ready for the party. Which translates to them already ready and helping me insisting on staying home.
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thiswasstarkslydia · 5 years
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Cecily Lightwood, née Herondale. Also known as Cecy or Cariad. Born 1863 in Wales. Shadowhunter. Daughter of Edmund Herondale and Linette Owens. Married to Gabriel Lightwood.
Gabriel Lightwood. Born June 2nd, 1860 in England. Shadowhunter. Son of Benedict Lightwood and Barbara Pangborn. Married to Cecily Herondale.
Sophie Lightwood, née Collins Ashdown. Born February 7th, 1858 in England. Ascended Shadowhunter and former mundane. Married to Gideon Lightwood.
Gideon Lightwood. Born 1858 in England. Shadowhunter. Son of Benedict Lightwood and Barbara Pangborn. Married to Sophie Collins.
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tvrgaryenz · 3 years
i’m stealing lu’s idea (bc i love her) and making a wanted ships post, so here’s a list of ships i desperately need: 
adelaide kane x andrew garfield alex fitzalan x camila monroe chris evans x adelaide kane daniel sharman x danielle campbell danielle campbell x andrew garfield diana silvers x kristine froseth dylan o'brien x maia mitchell dylan o’brien x sydney sweeney dylan o’brien x selena gomez emilia clake x jason momoa cody christian x samanta logan chris hemsworth x natalie portman maia mitchell x madelyn cline maia mitchell x olivia holt priscila quintana x tommy martinez
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princessnamora · 4 years
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@mya-bleu requested Diana Silvers x Daniel Sharman
for “The Breaking” by Emerald_diaz on Wattpad
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fanficmaker · 3 years
Family Introduction.
So i tried to make a new fanfic, about a woman named Zeta Xander.
So heres the family list:
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George Clooney as Sebastian Solomon Xander/Seb Xander
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Julia Roberts as Tannya Amara Xander/ Tamara Xander
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Daniel Sharman as Uriel Solomon Xander/ Uriel Xander
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Nicholas Hoult as Valentino Warren Xander/Valentino Xander
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Gregg Sulkin as Xavier Xenophone Xander/Xavier Xander
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Diana Silvers as Zeta Yvonne Xander/Zeta Xander
Lol they’re basically X family. So Uriel initials are USX, then Valentino are VWX, Xavier are XXX and Zeta are ZYX.
Lol idk i had using zeta xander name for my harry bosch fiction but i think I’m gonna pair her with other man or woman or idk?
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onemoreparadise · 2 years
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Smoke in my lungs, blood on my tongue, I'm here to make the devil cry. It's like a drug when I'm on the hunt. I'm gonna wake the war inside. Stare at the sun; do it for fun : This is the way I live my life. Listen to me now. It's coming down to the two of us. Let me show you how. Listen to me now. It's coming down to the two of us. I'm here to rumble. Get ready for thunder ‘cause I'm here to rumble
Diana Silvers x Daniel Sharman requested by @asteria02​ (part two)
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hiatuswhore · 2 years
𝕦𝕘𝕙, 𝕙𝕚𝕘𝕙 𝕤𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕠𝕝 𝕝𝕝 — 𝕥𝕔
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previous — masterlist — next
Word Count: 2.2K
SUMMARY: Ugh, high school. Best four years of nothing. Raging mood swings and sporadic acne. All on top of balancing mean girls, douche bag guys, and cocky jocks. Best four years? Yikes image peaking in high school.
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“Oh come on (Y/n). It’s a party, you don’t have to wear something scandalous but at least something cute. What do you think of this?” Marina holds up a tank top so sheer I can practically see her through it. She mirrors my confusion as we both stare at each other.
“What the hell is that?” I ask. Ivy glances up from her phone but only chuckles and looks back down.
“In what universe did you think (Y/n) would wear that Mina?” Ivy says as Marina exclaims it is only a camisole. Nodding my head I raise an eyebrow at her until she puts the shirt down.
“How about this one? Simple dark crop-top you can pair it with some jeans and jewelry. Super cute and comfortable,” Marina gives the shirt a wiggle for emphasis and pairs it with a big smile. I only grimace, what’s wrong with sweats and cropped sweaters? She sighs turning back to her bag in defeat, she has more clothes in the bag but she stuffs her two shirts away, “Fine but I heard Declan’s going to be there tonight.”
“Having this information would only be useful if (Y/n) would just take a breath and talk to him. Hell freezing over is more likely than that,” Ivy focuses on her eyeliner as she pulls no punches from my direction. Marina huffs Ivy’s name in a patronizing tone as we both stare at her.
“Do you always have to be a bitch?” I ask, rolling my eyes and she pauses as if she thinks it over, before nodding her head. We fall back into a comfortable silence with ease, sitting on Ivy’s words she’s not wrong. Every time I try to speak to Declan, I freeze—or in the wise words of Cady Heron, word vomit. “I think I will stick to my beloved grey sweats and drum roll please.”
“Oh no,” Ivy says, laying across my bed resting her head in hand while Marina sits on my beanbag chair forcing a smile.
“Princess and the Frog cropped shirt. Super cute and screams me,” I say, relishing in how they both shake their heads at my plain outfit choice.
“You should listen to your friends lovey. Vintage is back right? I have some super cute mom jeans from the nineties. Want me to get them out of the attic for you?” My mom beams in the doorway, I see her more excited at the prospect of me going to a party than my all A report cards.
“It could be super cute with this crop top,” Marina says, taking the black crop top from her bag. My mom squeals with excitement before disappearing down the hall.
“Not necessary Mom my outfits chosen,” I call out but she ignores me as I hear the ladder fall. Marina and Ivy giggle at my mothers excitement, I groan knowing I will now spend the next hour bickering with her about the jeans.
“I have such a crush on your Mom,” Ivy says, ignoring her comment I pull my hoodie over my head before switching into the princess and the frog shirt. The loose shirt pairs well with my sweatpants and I am ready for the party I plan to stay at for two hours max.
The next three hours consist of my mother trying to convince me to wear the jeans, Marina trying to put makeup on me, and Ivy being Ivy. On our way out of the door my dad reminds me of my curfew and if anything they can come get us if need be.
Mackenzie’s house is large. The room reeks of cheap perfumes, weed, and beer. I cringe at the loud music and packed living room. My parents would kill me if I did this to our house. Ivy and Marina are greeted by several of our peers with enthusiasm, my hellos feel as though they are tapered onto the end out of courtesy.
“I think there’s more space in the back to dance,” Marina says, locking arms we all work our way through the house to discover an even more ridiculous backyard. From the large in ground pool to the granite floors—I am undoubtedly in awe. Scanning the crowd I see no sight of Declan.
“Come dance with us,” Ivy says as Marina pulls an imaginary rope toward herself from my direction. I shake my head reminding them that I do not dance.
“Yeah you do,” Marina grabs my wrist pulling me in between both herself and Ivy. I stick out like a sore stiff thumb with them dancing around me. Ivy’s fiery look makes the swaying of her hips sexy, Marina’s ethereal look makes her enchanting as she moves as if no else matters. I look foolish as I grimace and bop like something constricts every muscle in my body.
“I’ve seen you dance (Y/n) let loose, you're a great dancer,” Ivy says, reminding her there is a huge difference between here and my bedroom. I take two steps back from them still just barely moving to the music.
“Oh wow all this dancing really tired me out. I’m going to find a drink,” I hear them both scoff at my exit but neither of them follow me inside. The music is somehow ten times louder inside and I work my way toward the kitchen with ease. I fill a red solo cup with cranberry juice and a little bit of vodka while pecking at the open bag of potato chips.
“Glad I’m not the only one looking for snacks,” My throat sinks to my stomach as I look over my left shoulder. Declan reaches down grabbing a chip looking down at me. I fail to shake the shock and at this point I am just staring at him. “Earth to (Y/n).”
“Uh sorry I um—yeah,” Why am I such an idiot? He chuckles asking me if I am having fun. Scratching the back of my neck I cringe almost on instinct, “I guess.”
He chuckles again, wetting his lips as he leans down toward me. What the hell? My heart is hammering as if it wants to jump out of my chest, “Between you and me. I’m not having much fun either.”
I let out a laugh as he leans back up and grabs a few more chips. Still I have not completed a single sentence since he joined me. Taking a deep breath I fiddle with my fingers. My mind races to think of something to say as I try to calm my nerves before speaking up. “I—“
Before I can speak Evan Meisters at Declan’s side pulling him off to join the other football players. My shoulders fall in defeat as I scold myself for once again getting in my own head.
“Double-A were running low on snacks?” Closing my eyes I know Timothèe stands behind me with a shit eating grin and something stupid to say. “You look very underdressed for a food station attendant.”
“Very funny,” Rolling my eyes he takes my cup from my hands and brings it to his lips.
“Vodka cran. Very classy,” He says, smirking as he continues my drink.
“You keep up and I’m going to think you have a crush on me Chalamet,” I say and he holds my gaze as he finishes my cup.
“You think poking fun of you is how I flirt?” He asks. Given the lack of originality it would not shock me if that is how he flirts. We both know I am kidding but a glint sits in his eyes that makes me shift but I cannot let him see me falter. He closes the space between us and chuckles playing with the hem of my shirt. “Wanna get out of here?”
I cannot lie. For a second—scratch that a millisecond the white button up, blue jeans, and gold chain was doing something. I flick his forehead before pouring myself another drink. His laughters non stop as he joins me in making himself another drink.
“Your ladies look amazing out there, have either of them asked about me?” He asks, taking a sip of my drink he does the same as we linger by the snacks and drink table.
“When I told them you were here I could practically hear their ovaries exploding. Marina’s eyes glowed like—like fairies and Ivy wept thanking the heavens for the opportunity to be in your presence. It was so powerful that they just started dancing together,” He laughs at my mocking tone, calling me insufferable. Any chance of me enjoying this party drains as Bianca joins Timothèe's side.
“Hey B what’s up?” He says nonchalantly and I frown, how the hell could he not worry about their interactions. The two of them hooking up is a ticking time bomb just waiting to erupt.
“Want to hang out later?” She asks, tilting her head forward, her dark hair frames her face making her dark eyes more noticeable. She’s wearing a dark crop top and denim skirt with waist beads.
“Tempting but I can’t tonight I have to help my mom move some furniture early in the morning,” My head whips toward him as the words leave his lips. If Bianca did not treat me as a ghost she would see my face and know he was lying. Bianca sighs and stalks off into the party leaving Timothèe to avoid my gaze.
“Um, why not just say no?” I ask, glazing over the comment about his mother he seems thankful for it.
“It’s never that simple. They always find a way around my no. I think I would need to have a girlfriend for them to back off,” He says, finishing my cup I shrug muttering that he should find a girlfriend then before leaving him at the table.
I leave the party without Ivy and Marina, it’s only a fifteen minute well lit walk to which I text them proof of life while in my bedroom. Turning on Project Runway, I make a bowl of popcorn and cozy up on the couch. I get through half an episode before knocking on the back glass door makes me flinch. It is faint and the porch lights are off—they are motion sensors. Tensing up I consider screaming for my parents to come down as the house grows eerily quiet. I almost do as Timothèe’s face appears in the kitchen window, he points toward the back door before disappearing.
“Are you insane?” I whisper letting him into the house. I turn the tv back on as a smokescreen. My parents would not care if they found Timothèe in the house but I still have no desire to wake them and be pestered with questions about the party.
“Love this episode by the way and you are a genius. I need your help getting Mackenzie and Bianca off my back,” He speaks fast and the smile on his lips tells me whatever he is about to say is going to idiotic. “Let’s pretend we are feeling each other and might date.”
“Why the hell would I do that?” I ask snatching my bowl of popcorn from his fingers as he helps himself.
“First I’m your best friend,” He says, holding up his hands gesturing to the many pictures on the wall of my living room. Timothèe’s and I are in a large amount of them together. Even his soccer photos reside on our fridge, my mom loves him.
“First friend,” I point out and he flips me off while stealing another piece of popcorn.
“Second, we can so pull off having chemistry. People mistake friendships for more all the time. Last I can help you get with Declan Knight,” Narrowing my eyes I scrunch my nose and he continues, “If we start hanging out people are going to ask questions. Girls are not the only ones who gossip, the guys are going to want to know why (Y/n) Acevedo. Then I tell them how cool you secretly are.”
“Just because we are hanging out does not mean that is going to draw Declan’s interest in me,” I point out, nodding his head. I wait for the shoe to drop knowing there is no way this plan carries out without something I do not like.
“Okay we are going to have to do a little bit of a look change,” He says, laying back on the couch I let out a long sigh.
“How different?” I ask and he bites his bottom lip grimacing at my cat pajama pants and SpongeBob shirt. “Seriously it’s that bad?”
“You have uni-boob, your posture sucks, and your comfy looks would look better if you put more effort into your hair” He lists off without a care and my jaw drops.
“How the hell did you get into Project Runway?”
“Remember the day you kicked me out because I thought you were depressed but you were actually just being extremely lazy?” Nodding my head I remembered I kept telling him to stop looking in my window. Yes I had been Project Runway all weekend and not leaving my room unless it was to pee but still. “I got curious how you could watch it so religiously but then I fell deep into that rabbit hole for a couple of days. So are you in?”
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