#diane: brb
sekaithemystic · 4 months
s04e12 of the good wife is so funny cuz everyone was like "i can't help you i'm busy" then when elsbeth was mentioned they all went "i'm coming". she's really everyone's fav <3
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lizardindisguise38 · 7 months
can we stay frozen in time
in between hello and goodbye?
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preciousbutters · 1 year
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girly i’m two mins late to this brb gonna go watch it now
out of any shot of this movie they could’ve put they put this one with dian’s face bruh
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wulfums · 11 months
Vanille and Madeleine for Mr. Peanutbutter! (hiiii mr peanutbutter hiiiii)
Ears perked up, Mr Peanutbutter excitedly read out the question.
Vanille : how was your life before meeting S/I ? Has it improved since then ?
"To be honest, my life has always been pretty great. I had the most fun sitcom, I still get casted to this day in movies! I have some great friends, even my past relationships were great." Mr Peanutbutter paused for a second, losing his smile.
"Well, most of them. I mean, I think they were pretty good. I still talk to Diane and Pickles regularly! Did you see that Pickles recently hit 1 million subs on Youtube? It's amazing! Diane's also been...a lot happier since we divorced. It still kind of hurts, but Guy is a great guy. She's happy, and I'm happy for her. She's also been very supportive of me and Deerdog. Deerdog and Diane are like, besties now! Which is good. I was kinda worried when they first met. But they hit it off! Deerdog does the BRB and emoji art for Pickles' streams too!" Mr Peanutbutter started smiling again. "You know, I think even though my life was pretty great before, it's even better with Deerdog in it."
He looked at the next question.
Madeleine : Do you have many things in common with S/I or are you opposites in every way ?
"Well, we have more shared interests than I did with Diane. He's a lot more social and he loves going places with me and meeting people! He needs some time to recharge after though. Sometimes, he'll just draw and I'll watch. It's relaxing! He also loves the beach- and I love the beach!!! We have some differences though. He gets angry a lot quicker during interviews or on the news. To be fair, they never ask him before doing a news thing on it. I don't blame him. He's not great with speaking, so I've been helping him with public speaking more!"
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Part of the Network’s Annual “Countdown to Christmas” Programming Event
STUDIO CITY, CA – November 15, 2022 – Brooke D’Orsay (“Wedding of a Lifetime,” “Royal Pains”) and Ryan Paevey (“Two Tickets to Paradise,” “Coyote Creek Christmas”) star in “A Fabled Holiday,” a new, original movie premiering Saturday, December 3 (8 p.m. ET/PT), on Hallmark Channel as part of the network’s annual “Countdown to Christmas” programming event.
Talia (D’Orsay) and her childhood best friend Anderson (Paevey) delight in the pages of A Wunderbrook Christmas Story, in which a town full of Christmas spirit restores its visitors during their times of deep turmoil. Years later, Talia is a stalled writer who’s given up her pen, and Anderson is a doctor, shaken after a patient’s passing. They unexpectedly reunite in a curiously similar-looking town depicted in the book they loved, along with widower Charles (John Prowse, “Riverdale”) and soon-to-be divorced couple, Keith (David Attar, “Autumn in the City”) and Diane (Carmel Amit, “Virgin River”). The local townspeople, led by Judy (Rochelle Greenwood, “Peacemaker”) and Miles (John Murphy, “Martha’s Vineyard Mysteries”), worry they may not fulfill their mission in time for the closing Night of Wunder event this year, putting access to the secretly magical town in jeopardy. Nonetheless, as these visitors enjoy the town’s Week of Wunder festivities, with the clock ticking, each person is slowly starting to heal.
“A Fabled Holiday” is BRB Pictures production. Jenni Baynham, Chaya Ransen and Kristofer McNeeley are executive producers. Robyn Wiener serves as produce. Ruby Munro directed from a story written by E.S. Dolan Dix and Samantha Herman.
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1. Joey’s comment of Diane being the only good thing to come from Facebook reminded me of his Potion Master’s Corner ep where he called Facebook his favorite website. We love character growth
2. Ok yes that first photo yes but the SECOND photo, the throwback??? Lauren leaning her head against Joey’s shoulder? Brb I’m crying
Lmaoo but there was another good thing to come from going on facebook and that was seeing that second photo on the rescue page years before she posted it and desensitising it myself to it a LITTLE but they’re still the cutest BABY family 😭
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olipeaksforever · 5 months
brb that coop/diane list made me want to make a cooper/diane list of my own...............................................
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naufal-portofolio · 8 months
Love Journey oleh Dee An, Lalu Abdul Fatah, dkk: Ulasan Buku
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Buku ini udah gue baca dan review tahun lalu (2013). Review-nya gue post pertama kali di note FB gue ( https://www.facebook.com/notes/naufal-rm/book-review-love-journey-ada-cinta-di-tiap-perjalanan/10151854702439554 ). Tanpa banyak kata, this is my review...
[Book Review] Love Journey: Ada Cinta di Tiap Perjalanan
Rabu, 10 April 2013
Judul: Love Journey: Ada Cinta di Tiap Perjalanan
Penulis: Dee An, Lalu Abdul Fatah, Dian Onasis, Dinar Okti Noor Satitah, Prita Kusumaningsih, Gita Lovusa, Helen Koloway, Icho Ahmad, Ihwan Hariyanto, Katerina, Lina W. Sasmita, Mudhalifana Haruddin, San Yasdi Pandia, Silvani Habibah, SugaAdiswara, Takedi Yaya, Ulil Lala, Yudith Fabiola
Penyunting: Lalu Abdul Fatah
Penerbit: Mozaik Indie Publisher
Tebal: 237 halaman
Tahun terbit: 2012
Harga: Rp45.000
Rating: 4/5 
WELL, sebenarnya saya bingung mau review apa. Bingung bukan karena apa-apa, lho. Tapi, selesai baca antologi travelogue ini, saya sebenarnya hanya butuh satu kata untuk merespons buku ini: IRI! Iya, iri. Huhuhu.
Sebagai anak rumahan (yah, ngaku juga, dah), saya selalu saja berdecak kagum pada para traveler yang bisa jalan-jalan ke suatu tempat dan ternyata memiliki cerita tersendiri di tempat melancongnya itu. Terlebih, mereka nggak sekadar jalan-jalan, tapi juga menuliskan kisah perjalanannya. Catatan perjalanan itu kadang bikin saya senang karena sedikit banyak saya bisa "jalan-jalan" juga meski hanya lewat imajinasi via kata-kata yang mereka tulis dan foto yang mereka jepret. Tapi, lebih sering iri, sih. Ish! Kapan, ya, gue bisa backpacker-an ke situ juga?! Hahaha.
Nah, begitu juga perasaan saya dengan "Love Journey: Ada Cinta di Tiap Perjalanan" ini. Senang dan iri bercampur jadi satu. Senang karena saya bisa "jalan-jalan" ke tempat lain lagi dan iri karena banyak destinasi di buku ini yang tidak biasa. Seru juga. 
Ada 18 catatan perjalanan dalam buku ini. Dan, semuanya tak hanya menyuguhkan serunya perjalanan, tapi sedikit banyak juga menyadarkan saya, kalau ternyata di tiap perjalanan, juga ada cinta. Cihuy! Emang, deh, cinta ada di mana-mana. Hehehe.
Karena semua cerita di buku ini punya kesan tersendiri buat saya, saya mencoba mengulas singkat kedelapan belas travelogue-nya. Masing-masing punya cerita berbeda, namun benang merahnya masih sama, yaitu cinta. Ciye, cinta! Hehehe. Oh, iya, semoga review ini nggak spoiler, ya. Hehehe. 
1. Cintaku Tertaut di Gunung - Lina W. Sasmita
Sebagai cerita pembuka, saya rasa, cerita ini cukup berhasil untuk membawa pembaca untuk terus menelusuri halaman demi halaman buku ini. Saya terkesima banget dengan bagaimana lika-liku Mbak Lina menemukan jodohnya. Nggak nyangka, ternyata ketemunya pas mendaki gunung. Apalagi pasangan ini punya hobi yang sama, yaitu sama-sama suka naik gunung. Seru banget, dah. Hehehe. Oh, iya, saya juga sedikit haru baca puisi-puisi Soe Hok Gie di sini. Keren!
2. Malinau nan Memukau - Takedi Yaya
Ternyata, di pedalaman Kalimantan sana ada juga objek wisata alam yang keren kayak di cerita ini. Setelah baca cerita ini, entah kenapa saya malah ingat diri saya sendiri. Gue udah bersikap baik belum, ya, sama Bumi? Jadi pengin peluk pohon-pohon yang gede kayak di hutan itu, dah. *brb ke Kebun Raya Bogor* :p
3. Love is So in the Air - Gita Lovusa
Cerita ini sederhana, tapi kena banget di hati saya. Jujur, mata saya malah berkaca-kaca pas baca cerita ini. Huhuhu. Bagi saya, cinta si Gadis Kecil ini tulus banget pada si Oom (dibacanya o-om, lho, bukan om). Tapi, saya penasaran, si Oom sebenarnya ke mana, ya?
4. Selamat Tinggal, Gaza, Sang Cinta! - Prita Kusumaningsih
Baca cerita ini saya berkali-kali mengucap kata syukur. Ternyata, memang tidak mudah hidup di Gaza. Pengalaman dokter Prita ini menyadarkan saya kalau memang sudah sepantasnya saya nggak usah banyak ngeluh tinggal di Indonesia. Alhamdulillah banget, lho, negera kita ini nggak perang kayak di Gaza sana. Tapi, kalau ada yang biayain saya untuk jalan-jalan ke Gaza, entah kenapa saya harus mikir-mikir dulu, sih. Huhuhu. 
5. Ada Cinta di Gerbong Kereta - Dee An
Lagi-lagi saya dibuat iri. Kadang jodoh emang nggak jauh-jauh, ya? Bisa aja kayak di cerita ini, yaitu sahabat slash partner perjalanan. Seru sendiri mengikuti romansa Mbak Dee An dan suaminya pas di kereta. Emang, dah. Seru banget kalau kita punya satu passion dengan mitra hidup kita nanti. Jadi, bisa melakukannya bersama-sama. Hehehe. *brb cari cewek yang suka baca juga* *eh*
6. Menaklukan Rasa Takut di Dasar Laut Pulau Dewata - Katerina
Nah, di cerita yang cukup panjang ini, saya yang sedikit banyak fobia dengan laut, ikut deg-degan mengikuti serunya pengalaman Mbak Katerina ketika ia belajar menyelam dengan Mas Neo. Seru, tapi tetap aja, sih, saya takut laut. Hehehe. Oh, iya, entah kenapa feeling saya mengatakan kalau Mbak Katerina ini kayaknya berjodoh, dah, dengan Mas Neo. Hahaha. *kabuuur* *lah? ngapain kabur?*
7. Bali, Tanda Cinta untuk Simbok - Ulil Lala
Lagi-lagi saya dibuat haru. Cerita ini mengingatkan saya pada ibu saya. Jadi ingat kalau saya belum bisa membanggakan beliau. Salut banget saya dengan Mbak Ulil untuk usuhanya yang ingin membahagiakan Simboknya dengan jalan-jalan.
8. Wo Xiang Suzhou - Yudith Fabiola
Baca cerita ini rasanya saya mau mengikuti jejak Mbak Yudhit. Kalau dia ke Cina untuk belajar bahasa Cina dengan orang sononya langsung, saya mau ke Prancis buat belajar bahasa Prancis langsung sama orang sononya juga. Lah, malah curcol. Hehehe.
9. Déjà Vu dan Cinta Itu…. - San Yasdi Pandia
Abis baca cerita ini, saya malah geleng-geleng. Gile! Ini kebetulan atau apa, ya? Selain seru mengikuti perjalanan Mas San pas pulang kampung, selain itu saya juga pengin, dah, ketemu dengan jodoh dengan cara yang tidak biasa kayak Mas San ini. Hehehe. *halah* *banyak maunya*
10. Pete-Pete, Aku Jatuh Cinta - Mudhalifana Haruddin
Sebagai angkot lover, selama baca ini saya selalu berseru: "Aku padamu, Mbak Mudhalifana!". Hahaha. Boleh juga, nih, ceritanya. Sederhana, tapi unik. Oh, ternyata begitu, toh, kehidupan perangkotan di Sulawesi sana. Hehehe.
11. Honeymoon ala Backpacker - Ihwan Hariyanto
Sebagai jomblo (hiks), saya lagi-lagi sedikit iri. Banyak amat, dah cerita tentang couple di buku ini. Hahahuhu. Tapi, seru juga, sih, ceritanya. Cerita tentang bulan madu yang tidak biasa. Jadi terinspirasi, nih, saya. Halah! Cari calonnya dulu sana! Hiks. Hahaha.
12. Teruslah Bermimpi, Helene! - Helene Koloway
Waw, mimpinya Mbak Helene keren banget. Dia mau menjelajah Indonesia. Mantap, dah! Well, baca cerita ini juga seru. Mengikuti perjalanannya dan keluarganya traveling ke berbagai daerah di Indonesia bagian timur. Ternyata, oh, ternyata, di sana alamnya nggak kalah indah. Eh, ternyata dia punya suami orang Prancis. Gile! Prancis gitu! Negara favoritku! Kenalin sama cewek Prancis, dong, Mbak! Hehehe. *HOI!**salah fokus*
13. Cintaku Kandas di Menara Pemantau Banteng - Icho Ahmad
Setelah baca cerita ini, saya ngakak. Hahaha. Ups! Nggak boleh gitu, woi! Orang dapat musibah, juga. Hehehe. Maafin saya, ya, Mbak Icho. Tapi, cerita di Pangandaran-nya seru, lho. Dan, Mbak berani banget, ya?! Hehehe. Eh! Iya, iya, saya nggak ngeledekin Mbak lagi, deh. Hihihi.
14. Kain Gendong Batik Sebagai Saksi Cinta - Dian Onasis
Again. Cerita tentang ibu. Seru mengikuti kisah Mbak Dian dan anaknya yang masih kecil di Cina sana. Tapi, setelah baca ini, saya tiba-tiba mikir. Dulu saya digendong pakai kain juga, nggak, ya, sama ibu saya? Huhuhu.
15. It's a Long Journey - Suga Adiswara
Jujur, sebenarnya saya nggak ngerti-ngerti banget dengan cerita yang ini. Mungkin karena gaya bahasanya yang agak-agak puitis. Tapi, sedikit banyak saya senang juga mengikuti kisah perjalanan Mas Suga pas di Karimun Jawa yang ia ceritakan di sini. Akhirul kata, semangat mengejar cintamu, Mas! Hobah! Hehehe. *apeu dah*
16. Cinta Bujur Sangkar - Silvani Habibah 
Cerita ini punya kesan lebih dari cerita lainnya karena pertama, Veni teman saya, dan kedua, saya sempat baca dan edit cerita ini sebelum jadi buku. Saya udah tau dengan gaya bahasa Veni yang mengalir dan mudah diikuti. Kisah jalan-jalannya di beberapa daerah di Jawa Timur ini juga ciamik diikuti. Terus menulis travelogue ya, Ven! (fiksi nggak pa-pa juga, sih). Hehehe.
17. Mencari Senja di Delhi - Dinar Okti Noor Satitah
Baca beberapa kalimat pertama cerita ini bikin saya hampir nggak percaya. Ajegile! Sakit hati sampai bisa bikin Mbak Dinar ini terdampar (well, jalan-jalan, lebih tepatnya) ke Delhi, India. Seru juga mengikuti perjalanannya di sana dan di beberapa tempat lainnya. Oh, iya, di antara semua penulis di buku ini, gaya bahasa Dinar ini jadi favorit saya. Entah kenapa, saya suka dengan beberapa diksi yang ia gunakan. :)
18. Aku Cinta Indonesia? - Lalu Abdul Fatah
Antologi ini ditutup dengan kontemplatif oleh Mas Lalu. Setelah baca ceritanya, entah kenapa saya jadi mikir kalau ternyata traveling yang kita lakukan itu, secara adar atau tidak sadar, memang berpengaruh pada berbagai hal. Salah satunya, lingkungan. Saya sedikit banyak sependapat dengan pemikiran Mas Lalu di sini. Tapi, mengikuti kisahnya menjelajahi beberapa daerah di Indonesia di sini juga mengasyikan, lho.
Fiuh! Capek juga, ya? Hehehe. Tapi, buat yang suka jalan-jalan dan ingin tahu kalau ternyata ada makna cinta, lho, di balik semua perjalanan, wajib banget baca buku ini. Oh, iya, saya juga suka warna biru di cover buku ini. Selain itu, kayaknya lebih seru, deh, kalau foto-foto di dalam buku berwarna. Hehehe.
Kayaknya review ini panjang banget, dah. Tapi, nggak pa-pa, dah. Pengalaman tersendiri baca antologi travelogue ini. Ternyata, cinta ada di mana-mana, ya? Well, termasuk dalam perjalanan. Hehehe.
Selamat membaca!
For your information, sebelum dibukukan, cerita-cerita perjalanan di sini ternyata dipilih dari lomba yang diadakan oleh Mas Lalu dan Mbak Dee An di Multiply. Sekaranmg Multiply udah wassalam. Hehehe. Well, semua penulisnya dulu memang nge-blog di Multiply.
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iam-bianca · 9 months
The last episode of season 7’s rick and morty is such an emotional rollercoaster. The bit about Rick, Diane, and moving on gets me in places it shouldn’t get me, you know?
Welp. i think i need a good breakdown. brb reality.
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melis-writes · 2 years
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cordeliasdarling · 3 years
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i just cannot. i cannot stand the fact that she, is not my wife, and that i can’t water her garden whilst she sits on the porch drinking a glass of red wine, reading poetry out loud. why. WHY.
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josshelps · 6 years
* DIANE GUERRERO GIF PACK [ Doom Patrol 1.01 ]
Below is the gif page for 76 gifs of Diane Guerrero in Doom Patrol 1.01. All these gifs were made by me for roleplaying purposes, so please don’t claim as your own. I ask that you don’t put into other gif hunts or edit in any way.
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taraxacum-vulpes · 2 years
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Brb just gonna be thinking about Diane Kruger's burgundy velvet jumpsuit from The 355 for the rest of my life
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jocelynships · 2 years
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bourbon-ontherocks · 4 years
(Previously, on GG rewatch...)
*Sighs*. So now, after my favourite episode of the season, I guess that here comes the worst?
I’m going to go write fic after that to forget about this depressing nonsense...
Honestly this whole bar scene is peak Petty!Rio... The whole *chuckles* "oh hey, I've got to show you something!" *pulls out the bullets* is P E R F E C T.
Rio kissing the bullets and dramatically dropping them in front of Beth is literally a fanfiction. I have no other explanation
I feel bad for this unknown actor who plays the bartender and only has one line ("Sure thing") and nobody will ever pay attention to him because this scene is a fucking MOMENT.
"TO YOUR AIM"!!!!!!!!!!! Rio is a dramatic bitch and I'm here for it
"YOU'RE MY GIRL," he said, bottom lip hanging loose like a forbidden fruit. THE CHEEK TOUCHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BRB, gonna take a quick shower...
Why are these close-ups getting closer and closer??? Is this a symbol of Beth's tunnel vision? Feels kinda weird actually
NO! The abrupt switch from Rio to gross sweaty Deansie is absolutely unbearable. HOW DARE THEY??????
Has anyone, like ever, asked for a power clip of Dean working out???
Beth, asking the same question ten times and expecting a different answer is the definition of insanity. Taking a second pregnancy test for double check is valid. But ten?
Is Gayle just discovering the basic concepts of marketing while she's supposed to be a successful business-runner?? This doesn't make any sense
I appreciate Annie questioning Beth's self-proclaimed leadership. It's too bad it doesn't lead to anything.
So I get that it's supposed to make Beth appear like a true boss, but why is Gil suddenly saying where the money is while his blackmailing argument was for once extremely persuasive?
What's in the van, what's in the vaaaaaaan???
And. Another. French. Pop. Song.
Well, I for once agree with Dean, having a fifth kid IS a discussion. Honestly the only interesting part of this scene is learning that Beth's into roleplay, acrobatics and sextoys...
Gosh, this episode is probably the worst of the season. Beth is using everyone in the ugliest ways. She's using Rhea to save herself while she's acted awfully to her. She's using Dean as a sperm bank. She's using Rio and tricks him into believing she's carrying his child. She's using Ruby to get Gil's van. Ugh.
So, did Gil go or not?? Also, "he just is," is not an answer, Elizabeth, the correct answer was "I never listened much during gun practice and fucked up my aim as a result"
"HEY NOW"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The super romantic music playing during the "nauseous" scene feels a bit... off?? Like, I don't understand the intent, this episode is really fucked up, I feel like they couldn't settle for a tone and mixed a lot of things together, which can sometimes result in a brilliant mix in the end, but here it's just odd.
Extremely pissed that we didn't get to see Beth's first ride in the G-Wagon, trying to eat the ice-cream before it melts and Rio being all stressed-out about stains on the leather.
Dean, literally: "I just think it's healthier for my marriage not to cheat on my wife" oh you think, dude??? What was your first clue?
Can someone explain to me why Dean is the character from this show who gets laid/propositioned the most?? Like, WHO are these women?
I love how we can clearly see Beth's pulse during the gyno waiting room scene. Like, idk if it's just normal that it's so visible at this filming distance or if Christina is THAT good, but it feels very organic.
Okay quick poll: are there women out there who DON'T keep track of the date of their last period??? How can you not KNOW?
Oooooh, I forgot the puddle of nonsense that was this pregnancy plot. If Rio's been gone for two months, then there's no way you can't see the embryo AND have a heartbeat. And there's no way Rio would buy the ob-gyn's bullshit, especially since he's apparently been around during Rhea's pregnancy.
One more thing: death threats aside isn't that weird in general to take your new partner to your ex's ob-gyn??
I find the cereal-eating scene really gross tbh. This food looks disgusting.
And finally. This is it. After his long hiatus, Carlos Aviles is no longer Rio's Henchman #2 or Scary Guy #1. He's Mick, and honestly 80% responsible for my enjoyment of season 3.
Bonus: Look at this pwetty pwetty face...
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