#alicia: i need ur help will
sekaithemystic · 4 months
s04e12 of the good wife is so funny cuz everyone was like "i can't help you i'm busy" then when elsbeth was mentioned they all went "i'm coming". she's really everyone's fav <3
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sluttyminghao · 1 year
hi hi alicia! i've been loving ur works and congrats so much for 8k, you deserve all of it c: i was wondering if u could do a little nsfw hao drabble of him just being very sweet w u and vice versa? kinda like u have both been stressed out 4 a while and u take the time to unwind each other and :c yea i hope this makes sense ... just very comforting bc i have been having a bit of a bad few days ^^ so sorry if this has already been done, i checked ur mlists and i hope this is okay!
hi mika beloved! im so sorry this is so late but I hope u like <3
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your head hangs low as you trudge through your apartment door, the weight of the day pressing against your shoulders tauntingly. everything that could've gone wrong, went wrong, and it somehow was all your fault even if it wasn't your department.
"baby! you're home- what's wrong?"
minghao's cheerful voice turns to one of concern upon seeing you on the verge of tears, and he immediately brings you in for a hug. he kisses the top of your head and you feel the stress begin melting away, even when he silently picks you up and carries you to the bedroom.
"everything that couldve gone wrong, went wrong, I'm so done with today."
the exhaustion lacing your voice has minghaos eyebrows knitting together, his arms lowering you to the bed gingerly while he undoes your shoes and places them on the floor. an idea sparks in his mind, and he quickly sets to work gathering what he needs.
you don't even move as minghao speeds around you looking for things, body curled into a ball. approximately 10 minutes later, you're still in the same position, to which you can hear minghao lightly sigh and come over to where you lay.
"let me help you undress, baby, i've got a bath running for you and I'll give you a massage."
you faintly smile as he undoes your top and slides it down your shoulders, before lifting you up and helping you undo your pants. he guides you to the bathroom and can only gasp at the setup he's produced in only minutes.
"hop in, i made sure the temperature was just right," he mumbles as he holds your waist while you step into the warmth of the tub. more stress melts away as you crouch into the water and let the bubbles seep over your tired body, eyes closing with relaxation.
minghao could stare at your body for hours, and it only made his cock twitch when he got a good view of your ass as you stepped into the bath. he tried to push the thoughts down as he grabbed the body oil and rubbed some into his palms, before letting them rest on your shoulders.
an unconscious moan slips past your lips as he works his hands over your skin, and it takes everything within minghao to not slide into the tub with you and fuck you. he again, pushes the thoughts down and lets his hands glide over your shoulders.
another moan. he can't stop himself this time.
"fuck, you sound so pretty, need to fuck you...let me strip off," he mutters, and your face morphs into one of excitement as his lean body joins yours and he presses his lips to yours, his hands resting just on your thigh.
"well, what are you waiting for then? fuck me, hao"
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cubedmango · 2 years
naina i am very passionate abt ocs.... can i ask abt ur girls... like a lil introduction!! if not tho thats fine!!
OF COURSEE i love my ocs i will talk abt them for days if given the choice ty for asking abt them 😔
ok . so. doter on the left in that drawing is julia, doter on the right is alicia. they have a long and complicated (at least in my head) childhood best friends -> estranged -> rivals -> friends -> lovers arc . i made them v long ago before i even knew abt aa but somehow they ended up scarily similar klapollo so u can imagine how their dynamic is from that i guess
anyways so they used to be inseparable besties and then things happened and unfortunately they got separated both with Very Incorrect Ideas of why they got separated, and then they meet again at their unis theatre club (?? if those are a thing in american unis . idk i havent researched that much) and bc of said incorrect ideas they have a Rivalry ™ ..... on the Stage.......... 👀 then more things happen and they are forced to spend time together and once they actually talk they go 'Wow So We Misunderstood Everything!' and theyre back on track for friendship (and more) except it also takes long bc i gotta have that slow burn
i actually had them meet again during hs but i aged them up for the drama factor of the long estrangement (also bc. girl help i need to project on them forever) so i think that worked out p well?? oh and they both have their own personal besties who manages their pining but i didnt post abt them yet sjdnfbjs
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cyberdanse · 5 years
adults make me feel unsafe
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bonebrokebuddy · 2 years
Okay, I just saw ur WIP challenge post, and cuz I'm addicted to DPxDC, could I ask about numbers 22 to 25? Cuz W H A T- all of those short-circuited my brain to think about consecutively
(If I can only ask about one per ask, could I ask about the Amity Park Nuclear Blast Zone one? Cuz omg that would explain so much if the timeline was lined up JUST the right way-)
Ty for all these suggestions because I now have the motivation to complete them. Most of 22-25 I have nearly completely done or have the beats planned out but need more research.
I'll make sure to tag you when each gets finished so you can see the ones you requested!
So far, you got me to finish up 22!  
A Summoning Going Dead Wrong (an ask by @sagaduwyrm I commandeered from @stealingyourbones that got stuck in WIP hell for the past month and is FINALLY done.)
The original ask: 
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stealingyourbones original intro section:
Oh my god. 
I love this so much this is incredible.
Batman is grumpy, Flash is pissed, Superman is confused, all of the leaguers are frustrated because Madame Xanadu’s instructions weren’t working.
Go to the middle of bumfuck nowhere Illinois: check.
Recreate an insanely intricate summoning circle using a grocery list worth of extremely rare items: check.
Precisely at 3am start chanting the words from an ancient scroll that was written in a long forgotten dead language: check.
They followed Madame Xanadu’s instructions to the “T” and yet the ritual isn't working.
Where I continued: 
It always starts the same. An icy wind tears out of the circle as a it begins to glow a viscous green hue.
 A metallic taste filling their mouths as the taste of ozone thicky permeates the air. The static almost reminiscent of touching your tongue to a 9V battery. 
 Oozing toxic green sludge begins to seep upward from the center of the circle, the color so bright it flickers out of human perception. The pile suddenly loses it’s viscosity and like popping a balloon of paint over someone, the goo splashes down, disappearing into the summoning circle, revealing, once again, the wrong damn person floating in the center. Danny Fenton.
Hal let out an annoyed groan as he sunk into the shitty lawn chair and let his head fall limp to the side as he watched Batman’s fifth attempt that week to summon The Ruler of Infinite Realms, yet again the wrong guy.
They knew Danny already, hell, he was a sweet kid who helped to set up the damn summoning circle on the first day of the JL’s arrival.
Danny and his Aunt Alicia were the ones who offered to let the League use a small section of her cornfield to do the ritual.
That same Danny, now out of his farm working clothes and in his pajamas, is currently floating above the summoning circle meant to bring The High Ghost King to earth. Hovering as if an invisible wire is holding his chest up while the rest of his body is slack for just a moment as Batman finishes the last incantation. 
The humid night summer air hits them with full force as the icy wind gets harshly sucked back into the portal leaving their ears and noses bitten with the rush of cold air, leaving their ears pop with the pressure drop, along with it disappears the eerie green glow. 
The only sign that the circle was active is the lingering taste of acid and the quickly dispersing feeling of static electricity. As last words are spoken Danny drops like a sack of potatoes from his position floating five feet in the air. 
The Flash zips over to and catches him before he hits the ground. The movement jarring Danny awake instantly, who quickly takes a glance around him at the cornfields and back at the Flash and relaxes. 
Then immediately tenses again as Flash zips him over to an empty lawn chair, the cornfield rustling his wake, and sets him down before heading back to his own lawnchair next to Hal’s. 
Bonelessly, Danny seeps into the lawnchair’s hold as he groans, looking exhausted, then glancing at his clunky neon green and white watch with his father’s face peering up at him from the end of the watch’s hands. 
“You guys know that I get up at 5 to milk the cows, right? Not at 3. Thanks for the wake up call but this is a little earlier than I’d like.” Danny said. 
Batman turned to face the pajama-clad farm boy and sighed, “We’ve had this discussion before, Fenton. The summoning must begin at the witching hour per the instructions or we risk summoning another entity instead.”  
“World’s greatest detective and he cant punch a hole through reality right,” Danny groaned as he limply flopped his head toward Batman who was heading to join the rest of the group around the fire, “At this point I should just stay up with you guys and wait if this keeps happening.”
Batman narrows his eyes and begins to open his mouth when Danny cuts him off, “If you say another word about me knowing what nights you try to summon the Ghost King on may interfere with the process and might decrease the odds of a successful summon, I am going to find the High Ghost myself and ask it to remove every gargoyle and grotesque perch in gotham and dump them into the sewer.” 
Flash scrubs his face in his hands and distantly looks over to Batman, “Give the kid a rest Bats. It’s been five times we’ve dumped him in this field without a warning. I can’t blame him for being at least a little displeased.” He turns to the yawning kid fighting off sleep next to him,  “Sorry man, we really thought it would work this time” 
“No, that's fine. Again, I really shouldn’t have tried to sleep if I knew you guys were going to keep up at it.”  Danny looked around at the other supers huddled around the campfire, sitting in lawn chairs that were all similar states of decay. 
“We still doing s’mores?” 
Hal grabbed the mostly empty bag of jumbo marshmallows next to his seat and tossed them to Danny, “Saved some just for you, kid.”  
Batman’s eyes narrowed from where he sits, now also sitting on the opposite side of the fire as Danny with Wonder Woman on his left and Superman on his right as he maintains direct eye contact with Hal.
The fire crackled inbetween them as Hal sighed and looked at Bruce, “No kidding, he’s pissed Bats. You're the one who keeps pressing that we need to summon this Ghost King. From what the kid says, if it’s still summoning him then it’s just finding the highest source of ectoplasm in the area and bringing it to the circle. Doesn’t help that the kid’s ecto-contaminated enough from his upbringing that it just pulls him in. I cannot imagine that he’s pleased at being awoken at ass-o-clock in the morning for the fifth time.”
“Hhm, you’re just mad you’re not getting your beauty sleep, Hal.”
“Oh trust me, I am. But we can’t just keep summoning this poor kid over and over.” 
“I’m 18!”
Ignoring the kid, Hal continued, “We need a way to fix this. Have we called Constantine yet?”
Batman sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose, “I’m aware this was another failure,” 
“You can say that again” Danny grumbles as he assembles his s’more with more force than necessary.
“It’s been a repeated mistake so far, I will admit that Daniel.” 
“Don’t call me that.” Danny snaps.
“Don’t call me that either.”
“Danny, then. It is important that we keep trying. Constantine will be here in three days if this is not sorted out by then. However, I’d prefer to not interact with that man if I can help it so we will continue until then to do it with our own efforts.”
Danny, not Daniel and especially Not Dan, now gripes, roasting (or more accurately, burning the everloving shit out of) his smore over the fire, “I don’t even understand why it’s so important to summon him- oh shit!” 
The marshmallow melted off the stick and fell into the flames, already being a charred brick of carbon, it probably wouldn’t taste all that different from the cinders it fell on. 
Danny turned to Hal, “do we have more?” 
“Sure do, kid. Got a whole bag.” Hal grabbed and handed Danny a new marshmellow who viciously skewered the poor thing and shoved it mercilessly back into the flames. 
As his marshmallows immediately burst aflame, he turned back to Batman and repeats, “I don’t even understand why it's so important. He’s not even that cool of a guy, I swear.” Danny retrieved his newly made lump of coal from the fire and turned away to assemble the rest of his s’more, clearly not done with complaining but deciding to not test any more of Batman’s limit to dealing with half-dead children. —-- Clark sighed to Bruce’s right. His cape rustled lightly in the slight breeze that ran through the cornfield. That same breeze was also blowing the smoke from the fire directly in his face. He was told to be in this spot. Or more accurately, he was bullied to by Hal and Barry while Bruce, (who Clark just knew was getting a kick out of seeing Superman, The Man of Steel have to deal with directly inhaling campfire smoke for hours on end) stood watching from the shadows with a slight grin on his face because while Bruce didn’t admit it out loud, he was an asshole who liked seeing Clark in minor amounts of misery) who said that there wasn't enough spaces around the fire for someone to not be directly in the smoke’s path so he should sit there because technically didn't need to breathe.
The bane of his existence, the lot of them. Especially Bruce. At least tomorrow he’ll be able to watch Bruce struggle to milk a cow. The nerve of city boys these days. 
Clark took his eyes off the fire and turned to look at the asshole who’s made his days a little more bearable, “What do we do now Batman? This clearly isn’t working right.” He spoke quietly, turning his unnaturally sky blue eyes to observe Danny who was now making his second s’more while asking(interrogating) Hal again about the aliens he’s met while working for the Green Lantern Corps.
To his right he could hear the sound of heavy shifting fabric and quietly squeaking leather, the beat of Bruce's heart still as steady as ever as the white lenses of the cowl’s eyes stared at Clark’s back. 
Despite his frustration, Bruce hid it well, as he always did. But Clark could tell. “We did everything exactly as Madame Xanadu instructed. Either her instructions were wrong or we’re missing something,” Bruce spoke back in barely a whisper as he knew that Clark would be able to hear him no matter how quiet he attempted to be. 
After all, there was no need to talk louder on Bruce’s end. As long as Clark spoke loud enough for him to hear, they could converse partially in secret among the heroes around the fire.  
“Constantine is coming in three days.” Clark shifted his gaze back to Bruce who sat in his lawnchair with his typical guarded posture, the fire casting dramatic shadows across his face covered in the sculpted cowl, “You sure Captain Marvel is not available?” Clark asked.
“Marvel is currently dealing with matters at the Rock of Eternity.” Batman whispered. “It’s important that we continue to try to get incontact with the Ghost King with as least outside help as we can manage. Madame Xanadu said that he may be a powerful ally but could turn into a great threat if we’re not careful. The faster we establish contact, the faster we can determine whether this Ghost King can be trusted.”
“And be able to determine how to take him down if he goes rogue.” 
“The faster we get him on our side, the longer I have to-” Clark huffed and cut the Dark Knight of Gotham off. 
Leaning his arm back over the chair, he raised his eyebrows at his friend. All too used to Bruce’s need for contingency plans. “And the faster you’ll be able to find a way to take ghosts down? I know that you need us here in case something goes wrong because otherwise you would have done this yourself.” 
Clark continued, “But if this doesn’t work, Perry is going to threaten to fire me again if I don’t come back with a story about a peace treaty with the Ghost Realm.”
Bruce shifted his cape around himself, “He’s a powerful ghost with unknown abilities and is rumored to be able to take down entire cities with a massive skeletal army. I’m obviously out of my depth here, Clark.” 
They both fell into a comfortable silence for a moment. A light rustling breeze passed through the cornfield, making them wave softly as the sound of crickets in the distance and the crack of embers, pierced the humid night air. The sky overhead was filled with stars with the moon almost at its fullest. 
The silence was quickly broken by Hal who piped up from across the now dying fire, “Hey lovebirds! Now that you’ve stopped having one of your creepy one way conversations. I’d like to head inside for the night.”
Clark could hear Bruce just fine, it wasn’t his fault that Hal didn’t have the superhearing necessary to understand the other half of the conversation. It helped that the reactions it got were funny.
Hal continued, “it’s now 3:30 in the morning and Danny over here,” he nodded his head in Danny’s direction, “looks dead on his feet.” 
Danny, sure enough, looked absolutely exhausted.  
“Pfft, nah, only about half dead. I used to only get way less sleep in high school. Guess I’m just not used to it anymore.” Danny yawned and rubbed his eyes.
Hal patted Danny on the back and stood up, “Come on, kid. Let’s head back inside so you can catch up on your sleep.”
Danny waved him off, “It’s all good. I went to bed at eight so I got a good seven hours of sleep. Just not quite used to being magically summoned in the middle of a cornfield at 3am yet,” he said, brushing off his pajama pants and standing up.
“I better head inside and change so I can get a head start on cleaning the cow shed.” Clapping his hands on his legs, Danny hauled himself to his feet freeing himself from the ratty lawnchair’s grasp and headed down the gravel path to the farmhouse.
To the average human, the night sky just ever so barely illuminated the long path back. But to Clark, he could see the boy retreat as if it were day. Watching the boy reach the junction of the path then pause and think for a moment. Turning around he called out to the group of heros,
“By the way, who is Constantine?”
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urboymutual · 2 years
Hi, I totally get and agree with your post about writing Kaia. My problem is that I'm currently working on a fic centered around Claire and the other girls spanning s13-15, and I was wondering what to do with Kaia. I know next to nothing about indigenous American culture, and I'm afraid of leaning into some of the stereotypes by including her, but I also don't know how to exclude her while keeping the main storyline canon-compliant. Don't know if you're the right person to ask, but I had no idea who to turn to.
hey hi anon sorry if this is late LOL but yeah that does seem like a tricky situation and ur trying to stay canon compliant .. hm i mean im a firm believer in somethings r canon dont need to be carried over into fics (busty asian beauties, kaia, spn's canon treatment of black characters like gordon and billie)
personally i feel like ur best bets r like replacing kaia with an oc (if u choose to make ur oc indigenous u can always talk to indigenous writers on tumblr -- not necessarily ones in the fandom) but really like. you want to avoid the dreamwalking aspect of her character as its treated as a "superpower" thats why its so complicated to write her bc her whole character is just rooted in racism
but u could also just try replacing her role with maybe an unexplored minor character-- alicia banes (im clairealicia shipper to the end) max or stacy or krissy, just any other minor character and try to avoid the dreamwalking part of kaia's character. like for example, u could write that alicia's magic helps them find the other universe or even tweak patience's ability to see into the future to see into other universes too (like hello that would be such an interesting concept) i hope this makes sense! like staying canon compliant by using another canon character instead of her.
finally, this one i'm very :// about like this should be plan z on ur list of ideas of plans a-z but you could always just write her out idk this idea because it includes continuing to write about her and as i mentioned. u cant really take the racism out of her character without erasing her character completely lol
i hope this was helpful in a way? but i think if you do choose not to include her it's best to have an authors note because not alot of people (usually ⚪️...) don't understand how problematic her character is . they usually just view her as "poc rep" and go lmao
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dcbnam-aep · 2 years
715- amina
pre-ep thoughs
- I already know that this is alycias last episode and i cant say im ready
- alicia is literally my fav character ever I cant believe she’s leavingggg
- but at the same time alycia will be great at whatever role she plays next and shell always have my support so yuh
- anyways on to the ep AKA my breaking point ksjdjjf
ep thoughts-
- straying with a montage of a dying, hallucinating, semi-unconscious alicia wow
- this better be 47 minutes if just alicia
- the way she’s so shaky sitting up
- june taking her pulse slay
- ‘do not stand up… bring fever under control it will kill you’ owch from the get go
- ‘you need to rest’ alicia pls listen to the doctor and rest
- aannndddd she’s hallucinating again
- she doesn’t know if she’s hallucinating or not
- ok she’s chasing after a hallucination ok then
- it better be her as a child or else 😤
- she rlly just walked into the radiation world as everyone is trying to LEAVE and is not answering her comms
- oh good she answered thank god
- ‘don’t come looking for me’ GIRLIE
- debilitating hallucinations and we’re not even 5 mins in
- almost died count: 1
- lol the kid is actually real
- actually my bets are the kid still isn’t real and she’s hallucinating it all to keep the last of her mental sanity
- and since the kid won’t say her name or take the mask off that’s what’ll happen at the very end as she dies kskdnnf
- if the kids ‘friend’ is nick i will SCREAM
- not the kid quoting Alicia’s mum istg it’s literally young her I called this ages ago
- ‘I’ve been fighting a long time’ GIVE BESTIE A BREAK AND HAPPINESS
- not the madison tape talking bout the bird and alicia said hi to a bird
- awww she’s taking it with her and once she dies madison will get it back
- ‘I barely made it here’
- ok at least she’s going for self preservation now slay
- the way she just grabbed the gun and didn’t care
- ‘to do something that might outlast me’ awwww bestie ur memory will live on forever
- yeah u can beat it and help ur friends ‘that’s not true’ owch
- the way the kid has the bite mark in the same place literally baby alicia stop-
- kinda devo ive got no happy scenes for literally a season and now she’s gonna die
- her making fun of young her being short
- almost die count: 2
- she literally cant even stand up stop it
- not her planning on killing herself very much owch
- i dislike that the child is saying how she’ll be find and giving us all hope and then she dies die like that’s so cruel
- i get queerbaited enough now im getting deathbaited do ksjjdjd
- if she’s going to the tower Strand better be with her when she dies
- and she’s fainted. Again.
- the child literally talks and acts like alicia
- The bullet she’s gonna use to kill berserker around her neck
- and now she’s being carried to the start like the beginning again
- luciana queen
- and now there’s no child cause alicia walkied them ugh too predictable
- her mind making things up to make things make more sense for herself is sad
- ok like give her a tranquilizer and put her on the raft and keep her safe jeez its not that hard
- if she saves the girl she’s saving herself stop this foreshadowing of survival is CRUEL
- alicia doesn’t wanna die 🥹🥹
- she knows she sounds crazy lol
- ayyy luciana teaming up to help alicia slay
- Everyone joining to help her
- ahhh happy s5 nostalgia where they were all one happy family not off on separate storylines slayyyy
- not her loading the gun arghhh owchies
- trailer scene power walk icon shit
- alicia telling everyone why they need to live and then sending herself in to die hurts
- ‘I have to do this on my own’ giving Lexa
- the cgi fire also hurts im not kidding i could literally do better
- id say ftwd should hire me but i wouldn’t get to cgi alicia so no
- shes walking like a walker owch
- ‘im not sure i can make it’ owch again
- shes telling herself she can do itttt
- also the birds there again maybe she hallucinated that the first time to
- kinda want a flashback of how she got down from the burning tower ngl
- her friend is strand aka alicias friend already this is all so obvious and pointless I hate that this delusional alicia is the last we’re gonna get she’s such an amazing character and deserves so much better ksjjdjdj
- *chanels anger and grief and emotions into keyboard smashes* jsjdjdjjdjdj
- the slo-mo of her almost fainting again djjdjfj
- her grabbing her head and looking broken and done with herself so much owch
- strand is her family when rlly madison her actual mother is coming back next ep and shes already gonna be dead
- oop she fainted. Again again.
- and ofc the kid fainted too cause they’re the same duh
- she actually can’t stand and walk and breath at the same time
- the bird cgi is so bad I could cry
- Strand where u at come comfort alicia already
- he’s gonna be drunk asf
- oh guess what he’s drunk asf
- i mean at least alycia got to film some of her last scenes with bestie colman
- she’s got survivors guilt
- ‘making what she gave us mean something. to do what she didn’t get to.’ Well screw that cause she’s still gonna get to and alicias last years are gonna be for literally nothing
- ‘it’s not fair’
- oop the bird pulled to the window so she’ll be fine it’s all g
- the madison flashbacks are unnecessary
- They’re undermining Alicia’s entire story because they’re bringing madison back instead and I hate it
- it they’re gonna do both they can do it in a way that brings both characters justice
- the reveal that it was alicia all along i wonder who called it oh yeah that’s right me 🙄
- the idea that she hasn’t lost her inner child didn’t involve needing an actual child it could just be her staying rational and sticking to her true values- literally the opposite of everything the writers have done
- i hate ftwd why are they doing this
- stop with the madison referenced we literally all know she’s coming back just give alicia a respectful ending omfg
- cut to them carrying her again
- wow called it again
- ok its not the end
- they’re not gonna tell us what she said why???? literally why is any of this happening??? none of the characters are getting development of closure??
- at least charlie saw a beach the single redeemable thing about this episode
- and alicia got thanked that’s good
- luciana wanting to go in the raft with her go bestie
- strand taking initiative and going as well that would have been such a better ending
- this episode has been so not-alicia and i genuinely hate it
- strand would knock her out and put her in the boat not just paddle the fuck away
- and now alicias final act is giving strand closure when she deserves the love
- ok she got 1 (ONE) teary smile and that was it
- her little wave is depressing asf but she adorable
- the bird flying above her-
- she’s awake and not sweaty is this meant to be heaven? im confused
- drink that water gal
- no fever slay
- little alicia not a slay she can go away pls
- ok the bite marks gone and she’s safe now I didn’t need little alicia for that
- ok got another smile which was stupid in the context but ill take it
- ‘I feel like myself’ yeah well the ftwd writers clearly haven’t been watching the past 6 seasons cause shes not acting like herself
- so they’re just gonna end with her walking off into the supposedly uninhabitable land and leave it like that??
- only good symbolic bit all ep was the very very end when she shot the walker with the last bullet she had saved for herself
- at least she’s not dead so I can make canon-compliment fix-it fics in my head
- pulled an althea not dead but potential chance to come back into the series even tho it will probably never happen???
- overall a pretty shit episode did even get close to the justice and farewell alicia deserves but at least she’s alive and alycia acknowledged how much love she had for the character and support she felt from the fans so there’s that I guess
- ftwd is dead to me but alicia will live on in my heart forever 🫶
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jessely3 · 3 years
Cursed - Katie bell x female!reader
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A/N : Your Harry’s twin sister Y/N ur currently in 6th year as well. You’ve been best friends with Katie Bell since Harry was on the team.
Currently I was seated in the Three Broomsticks with one of my best friend Katie Bell. We met my first year and her second year when Harry joined the quidditch team, and he introduced us. Since she was a year older we didn’t have many classes together, but we still hung out all time.
During my third year I realized I fancied Katie, but I was never gonna tell her that. She’s one of my best friends…plus I don’t know if she likes girls. The only person who knew of my feelings was my brother Harry, and merlin does he love to tease me about it.
“Hey Y/N…look it’s your brother, Ron, and Hermione” I heard Katie say.
I turn to my right as I see the trio enter. My brother immediately spotted us and walked over.
“Hello Katie…Y/N…How are you?” Harry asked as he stopped next to me. I try not to roll my eyes as I see the smirk on his face.
“Alright Harry….and yourself?” Katie asked him taking a sip from her butterbeer.
Harry looks towards Katie smiling like an absolute git “Splendid now that I found Y/N here.”
“Yes…lovely…you found me” I scoffed to Harry sarcastically.
He looks back to me still smiling like he found all the bloody gold in the world “Well I’ll leave you ladies to it.” He says patting me on my shoulder and walking towards Hermione and Ron.
“Anyways as I was saying…I really excited for the first match…granted tryouts were a mess…but I think by our first game we should be cracking” Katie says looking at me in my eyes.
I couldn’t help but stare back into her big beautiful brown eyes and get lost, but when I realized I had said anything and just stared at her I spoke up.
“Ye…Yes…you’ll be splendid Katie…Gryffindor is sure to win the Quidditch Cup this year”I say smiling back at her. I finished the rest of my butterbeer and stood up.
“I need the use the Ladies’ ill be back” I told Katie to which she nodded.
I walked towards the Ladies and open the door. As I finish drying my hands I hear one of the restroom stalls open and someone walking out. As I’m turning to walk out I notice the tip of a black shoe in the corner of my eye then everything goes black.
Katie’s POV :
As I watched Y/N walk to the loo I down the rest of my butterbeer and my mind begins to think about anything and everything.
I can’t believe Im graduating this year…though i’m not exactly excited for take my N.E.W.T.S or to leave Y/N behind. She is honestly one of best friends and my fourth year I realize I actually fancied her.
I only ever told Angelina and Alicia and they teased me constantly whenever they saw me staring to long or when I get back to my dorm after spending time with her. I figured since it’s my last year, it’s now or never to tell her my true feelings…whether she reciprocates or not…which hopefully she does.
A few minutes passed, Y/N has been in the loo for about 10 minutes now and I still see no sign of her coming back yet. Another 5 minutes passed and I’m starting to worry something happened, but when I see her exit the Ladies a sigh of relief comes out my mouth.
Looking down, I notice a random package in her arms that she definitely didn’t have before, I worry again. I stand up and make my way towards her to question her about it.
“Y/N…what’s this…you didn’t have this a moment ago?” I say in a hushed tone to not attract attention.
“I have to get this to Dumbledore…now…it’s important” Y/N says.
I look at her for a moment her face was emotionless as she stared ahead not even looking at me. She moves quickly walking around me and heads for the door. I stood there for a second before almost running after her, following after her I failed to notice the three other people coming after me.
“Y/NNNN….you don’t know what it could be…let’s find a professor to take ca-“ I tell her as she cuts me off.
“NOOO…I have to deliver this to him…it’s not a big deal…look” Y/N say still walking towards the castle as she begins to unwrap the package.
“Don’t open that Y/N…you don’t know what it could be!” I exclaimed!
“Don’t worry Katie I know what i’m doing” Y/N says as she opens the black box over the wrappings, and on the inside revealed a necklace with opal stones surrounding it.
“That’s enough…I’m taking this to a professor NOW!” I say as I reach to close the box and take it from her, but her hand blocks mine before I can even get close to it.
“NO-“ Y/N says but as she moving her hand forward her hand touches the necklace and she falls on her back her looking lifeless.
“AHHHHHH” I scream at the top of my lungs and turn behind me to see if anyone was around. Unfortunately for me it was her brother, along with Hermione and Ron. They looked at me in shock at the sight of Y/N on the ground.
“I warned her…I warned her not to touch it“ I tell them.
“Katie…what happened?” Harry ask as they walk closer
“She said she had to deliver this t-“ but I cut myself off and looked passed Harry towards Y/N body.
Next time I know Y/N is being dragged around the ground harshly. Then, she rose six feet above the ground, her arms outstretched as though she was trying to fly, her eyes were closed and her face was quite empty of expression.
Y/N let out a terrible scream. Her eyes flew open but whatever she could see, or whatever she was feeling, was clearly causing her terrible anguish.
Finally whatever force that was holding her up threw her harshly back on the ground. I could feel the tear slipping out of my eye, knowing their was nothing I could do.
“Don’t get any closer” I hear behind us, we all turn back and notice Hagrid walking towards us.
“Get back all of you” Hagrid’s saying moving towards Y/N. As he was walking towards I hear the silent pleas of the trio hoping Harry’s sister would be alright. While Hagrid was lifting her up I see Harry walk towards the package.
“Don’t not touch that except for the wrappings…do you understand?” Hagrid says looking at Harry.
As soon as Harry carefully puts the necklace away, we’ll walk behind Hagrid carrying what looks like Y/N lifeless body. I can’t help but just stare at the back of her head when I feel a hand on my shoulder, looking up at the hand I notice it was Hermione looking at me.
“She’ll be alright Katie…Y/N‘s a strong girl…she’ll be okay” Hermione says as she reaches her my hand, and gives it a small squeeze.
“I know” I say back to her giving her a smile of appreciation and a small squeeze back.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Katie’s POV :
While Y/N was being transported to St. Mungo’s, all four of us stood in a classroom with Professor McGonagall, while she questioned us about the incident.
“You sure Y/N didn’t have this in her possession when she entered the Three Broomsticks?” Professor McGonagall asked looking directly at me.
“No…honestly…she went to go to the loo..and when she came back she had the package “ I said looking back her.
“It’s true professor…I saw both Katie and my sister sitting down at a table with no package” Harry says.
“She also said it was important she deliver it” I say looking back at McGonagall.
“Did she to who?” McGonagall asked.
“To Professor Dumbledore” I said.
Professor McGonagall sucked in a short breathe and dismissed me.
As I’m walking out the classroom I can only think of Y/N and if she’ll be alright or not. I haven’t even told her how I felt yet and they don’t even know if she’ll wake up.
‘I just hope she wakes up soon…I miss her terribly’ I thought to myself, as I make my way to the common room.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
APRIL 1997:
My head was pounding and my body felt terrible. I tried to open my eyes but the white ceiling looked so bright it hurts just to keep them open. I groaned softly as i moved around the bed a bit to stretch when someone spoke.
“Y/N you’re awake thank goodness deary you gave us quiet the fright” I hear what sounds like Mrs.Weasley’s voice. When I do finally get to open my eyes, their she is looking down at me happily and engulfs me into a huge hug.
Before I can say anything though two healers with St.Mungo’s badges on making their way towards me. As they continue with their test I can’t help but stretch my entire body, it felt like I haven’t moved in months.
“How are you feeling sweetheart” Mrs.Weasley ask me from the foot of the bed where she was standing, smiling gently.
“Like I just rose from the dead” I say with a dry chuckle, which no one else laughs at. Mrs.Weasley just stared, before long she brought out a cup of water for my dry throat. I took a huge gulp of water ‘Guess my throat was dry’ I thought before setting the glass down.
“Wha…umm…what happened?” I asked carefully. They all look at one another before the two headless step out.
Mrs.Weasley explains to me about how I found some package at the Three Broomsticks, and that I needed to deliver to Dumbledore right away. She also said that Katie were arguing about it on our way back to the castle about the package, how I opened it to show her it was fine.
They told her when Katie tried to take the package away I stopped her and somehow touched some necklace. The necklace in question was cursed and I barely survived the incident.
I sit and think of what she told me over and over again trying to remember any of that happening but my mind goes blank, only thinking of when I was drying my hands in the Ladies’ then waking up today.
“I honestly can’t remember any of that at the moment…I honestly don’t believe i could’ve taken that package unless…I was under the Imperius Curse” I saw at my realization, which Mrs.Weasley seemed to know since she nodded her head.
“Yes…we know you wouldn’t have taken something unknown and dangerous to Dumbledore” She says before speaking again
“Now rest some more Y/N…tomorrow is saturday and your brother along with everyone else will be here tomorrow…they be glad to see you awake and better….I’ll still be here when you wake up” Mrs.Weasley says smiling at me.
I nodded and thanked her for being here and soon drifted off to sleep again.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I woke up shivering from the cold air and this very thin sheet that did very little to keep me warm. I looked around and noticed the bright sunlight that came from the window in the corner.
“What time is it” I saw softly to no one in particularly, thinking maybe Mrs.Weasley might’ve gone out this morning.
“It’s almost 9 am Y/N…just in time too everyone should arrive soon” I jump at the sound of Mrs.Weasleys voice coming from the left side of the room.
“Ohh sorry sweetheart…didn’t mean to frighten you” Mrs.Weasley says as she brings a tray on a table over.
“Have some breakfast before they arrive you’ll need some strength” She says handing me some utensils and bring over some juice.
As I sit on my bed peacefully eating my breakfast, I hear bunch of loud talking coming hallway. I know exactly who they are just by how loud their being, they walk into my room all talking at once not even noticing me sitting there eating my breakfast.
“Oi!!! you lot…shut it!!” I say loudly over all their voices, which quickly gets their attention towards me.
“Y/N….you’re awake” Harry, my twin, says.
“Yes…thank you for finally noticing” I saw sweetly and they walk to stand around my bed
As I look around the room I notice Mr.Weasley, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, the twins, and Harry. ‘I hope I get to see Katie before she graduates’ I think to my self hoping it comes true.
We spend majority of the time talking about the past SIX MONTHS that I apparently missed out on. They told me that I would be exempted from exams til fall to catch up, which was honestly the greatest relief ever.
The entire time we all spoke I could only think about Katie. ‘I hope she knows i’m okay…I miss her…so much for spending her last year here together’ I thought to myself all at once.
Later on in the afternoon everyone started to get hungry, so everyone left to see what they could bring me back to eat. Everyone except Harry, he wanted to stay behind with me, I knew he would ask at some point what happened but I honestly don’t remember.
“Y/N…do you remember anything that happened…you didn’t have that package when I saw you sitting in the Three Broomsticks” Harry said looking at me.
“I don’t…the last thing I remember is drying my hands then everything thing went black for a second..they I woke up yesterday” I said to him shaking my head.
“It’s alright Y/N…just glad your alive…I was going insane” Harry says walking over to bring a chair closer the bed.
“Me too Harry” I smile at him and reach for his hand and give it a light squeeze. We sit there for a moment hand it hand before I look at him.
“How’s Katie?” I asked quietly, knowing he was gonna give me crap for it but I honestly just needed to now how she was.
“She’s great…she just…misses you” he says in a comforting tone.
“I miss her too” I say softly. Several minutes go by while we sit there and talk about everything, how everything at school was going, and how our House is up for the Quidditch Cup again Ravenclaw this May.
A while later the Weasley’s alone with Hermione came back with a good lunch and we continued to talk and talk until they had to leave back for The Burrow. Lucky for me though I’m getting discharged Monday morning so I’ll be going on the train ride back to Hogwarts with them.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Finally Monday morning came around and I was waiting patiently on my bed ready to leave as soon as Mrs.Weasley said so.
“Y/N dear you ready to go?” Mrs.Weasley ask coming into the room. I nod my head and grab my bag, hopping off the bed and making my way to the door with her.
Finally we leave St.Mungo’s and head straight for King’s Cross. As we arrived it was 10 minutes before the trained was to leave for Hogwarts. We went through the barrier two by two and got into the train 3 minutes before it was timed to leave.
As soon as we sat down I rested my head towards the window and quickly fell asleep. About 5 hours later and we had finally arrived and it was about to be lunch time. We all quickly dressed into our robes, waiting for the train to come to a stop before getting off and into the carriages.
When we entered the Great Hall everyone looked in our direction, but I didn’t really care I needed to find Katie. Finally when everyone stopped looking I was able to see Katie sitting at the other end of the Gryffindor table.
One of her surrounding friends seemed to notice me staring at her so she taps Katie on her shoulder and points in my direction. She quickly turns and sees me standing there to which she smiles and I smile back while quickly walking in her direction. She stand ups to meet me half way and practically jumps into my arms for a hug, which I happily returned.
“I missed you” I hear Katie say softly.
“I missed you too” I say back. We stood there for a minute before we pulled away remembering where we were before Katie spoke again.
“Can I…talk you…alone for a moment outside?” Katie asked me looking anywhere but my face.
“Sure let’s go” I say and quickly take her hand in my mine. As I turn I noticed Draco standing there watching Katie and I for a moment, for a split second I look down to the ground and notice his black shoes. Bringing my eyes up to his I can’t help but stare at him ‘what is it him who gave me the necklace?’ I question to myself.
“Y/N…are you alright?” Katie asked me, shaking me out of my thought I quickly turn to her and give her a small smile.
“Yes let’s just go…please” I say. Thankfully Draco left the minuted I turned back to Katie so we headed towards an empty corridor.
“Soo…umm…how are you?” Katie asked quietly as we came to a stop.
“I’m fine…really…though I don’t think i’m ever going to wear a necklace again” I say jokingly.
She quietly laughs before looking into my eyes. ‘OH MERLIN how I her chocolate brown eyes’ I internally scream.
“Y/N…their something I really need to tell you before I graduate and leave to merlin knows where” Katie saying staring deeply into eyes, She took a big deep breathe before she continued.
“I like you…a lot…since my fourth year…I never said anything because I didn’t want to ruin our friendship…and I was going to tell you…I planned on telling you when we were walking back to the castle…but then…well you know..” Katie says looking down at her shoes.
‘BLOODY HELL, SHE ACTUALLY LIKES ME BACK’ I thought to myself. She actually likes me back, I should probably say something.
“I really like you too Ka-“ but i’m cuff off by the softest lips ever kissing me so passionately. It doesn’t take long for me to wrap her neck and kissed her back. She wraps her around my waist and pulls me closer.
I moaned softly at the feeling of her lightly squeeze it my ass. She swiped her tongue across the bottom on my lip, asking for entrance, which I happily grant.
We stood making out for a few minutes because I honestly couldn’t get enough it’s intoxicating. We finally pulled back when we were running out of oxygen but we kept our foreheads pressed together.
“wished I’d done that sooner” Katie says quietly chuckling.
“Me too” I say and go in to kiss her again.
if anyone sees this lmk if it was good
A/N : Katie bell is so underrated. She only spoke a couple words but she has my whole heart <3 / i own nothing from harry potter btw ;)
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briarrosescurse · 4 years
Hihi yume! 19 from the wholesome ask game for Roza please!
hihi aya !! :D
19. Which ocs would Roza sincerely adore and would look out for unconditionally?
ooooh, that is a big boy question - sorely because this could be applicable to 98% of all the people roza knows.
roza is someone with a lot of love in her heart to give. she never holds grudges and is willing to hear you out! she cares about everyone she meets a lot, she is always ready to reach out a helping hand to you, if you need it!
however, if you wish me to name specific people! vinh, flint, berkeley, sarge, lola and yes, even ronnie (@prometheanglory), alicia (@jabberwockyontheloose), solemn and celi (@cursedmoon) pleiade and orion (@the27th), aya (hihihi, yes ur aya), hanna (@eclipsezero), leroy and mellow (@fumikomiyasaki), anna and delphine (@circuscarnage), choco and nassir (@choconanime), betty (@orangettie), andreas and kendrick (@calderadorm) and plenty of more ocs! i couldn’t now name everyone because wow, god, this is already a long list JJDJDJD
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sunnytumbies · 5 years
just follow my yellow light (and ignore all those big warning signs)
Warning! This fic includes mentions of depression, anxiety, needles (in a medical setting), and dealing with grief/trauma. Please stay safe should you choose to read! 
A/N: This is also a more plot-heavy fic, with most of the fiendery occurring in the very last sections, so please be aware of that!  Word count: 8499 Title: “Yellow Light” by Of Monsters and Men
The thing about hospitals is that they’re all the same.  
Cal understands why people hate them—really, he does—but sitting here on the exam table, the paper crinkling beneath him, a blood pressure cuff tightening around his bicep, he can’t help but feel...safe. Understood.  
He’s biased, he guesses. He grew up in one, doodling on prescription pads with crayons, running his favorite toy car along the floor (weaving around the nurse’s practical clogs on his hands and knees, look, Mom, look at how fast I am!), his mother Marianne bouncing him on her lap as she updated charts on her computer even though he was far too old for that, stray blonde hair that escaped from her tight bun tickling his cheek. Every once in a while, she’d turn to him with a wide, warm smile.  
The whirring of blood pressure machines were his lullaby. The smell of antiseptic was the closest he got to the smell of home, and was in fact the very smell that followed him home from work with Marianne, permeated the whole house along with her tired sighs and her whispered arguments with his father Henry when she thought Cal was sleeping.  
So, yeah. Cal likes hospitals. Don’t overanalyze it.  
The nurse—Alicia, today—gives him a small, tired smile, the expression of someone who genuinely cares but is too busy to do much about it. “Dr. Moore says everything looks good, Cal. Just make sure to keep an eye on your lungs. Don’t bind for too long and keep doing your injections around the same time each week, okay? You know where to find us if you need something.”  
“Thanks, Alicia,” Cal says, but she’s already whisking out the door. Cal wonders how many patients she has. Alicia oversees the hospital volunteer program, and even though Cal's known her for years, he swears her face is as young and beautiful as it was when he was a child. She’s funny and whip-smart and strong and she likes Cal best, he thinks, but lately she’s looked so tired. 
He wonders if she’s one of the nurses who really cares about all of her patients. He wonders if that kind of thing is sustainable.   
Alicia cares, he thinks.   
He’s walking down the corridor, idly rubbing at the bandage across his forearm—and yeah, okay, if he has to name one part of the hospital experience that he could do without, it’s the blood draws—and he’s so fixated on reaching under the bandage to rub at the stinging skin there that he almost runs directly into Sweater Guy, who reaches out preemptively to steady Cal by the shoulders. 
“Shit, sorry,” Cal mutters reflexively, then looks up to see that it’s him and, well, fuck.  
Cal’s been volunteering at the hospital for six months or so, now, answering call buttons for the nurses and giving directions to confused family members and just grunt work, really, something—nay, anything—for him to put on his resume, and at every single shift he’s volunteered for, he’s seen Sweater Guy.  
He’s Cal’s height but twice as skinny, collarbones jutting out underneath his sweaters (his endless sweaters, usually layered over collared shirts and rolled up to the elbows, no matter how swelteringly hot it gets outside). The sweaters bother Cal more than they should, because they all look expensive, and yeah, sue him, he’s a little bitter, because he buys one new pair of shoes a year and calls it splurging. He’s a candy striper, Cal thinks. He wears a pair of yellow-tinted glasses that Cal cannot for the life of him make sense of, constantly slipping down his nose (and yes the yellow compliments the rich brown of Sweater Guy’s skin beautifully, not that Cal has noticed, thanks). He has what Zara always insisted is sex hair, expression perpetually annoyed, like he always has something better to doing.  
And he avoids the fuck out of Cal.  
“It’s not on purpose,” Zara said one day a few months ago, leaning conspiratorially  over their little table in the hospital cafeteria, mouth full of mediocre tuna fish sandwich, because Zara is a godless heathen who enjoys tuna fish sandwiches. “He’s just...busy, you know? He doesn’t avoid you more than he avoids anyone else.” 
“Except he does,” Cal muttered, toying with the bottle cap from his soda. More than once he’d made eye contact with him in the hall, and then watched him completely switch directions, head ducked down low over his shoulders.  
Not long after that, Zara--who had, until then, occupied the third room in he and Amy’s apartment--left school to attend a community college program for mortuary science, because Zara is, in addition to being a godless heathen, a chiefly ridiculous person, and now Cal doesn’t have anyone to complain to about this.  
It shouldn’t bother him, except...Cal is likeable. He is. He charms nurses as though that’s what he’s getting volunteer credit for. Babies smile at him on the street. He’s likeable.  
So what the fuck, you know?  
“I apologize,” Sweater Guy says now, and Cal is hyper-aware of the guy’s chapped lips, of his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down nervously in his throat. He makes himself look away.  
“You apologize? I’m the one who didn’t see you, dude,” Cal says, and God damn does that yellow sweater he’s wearing look nice on him. It shouldn’t. Yellow is categorically the worst color. Cal’s pissed.  
Sweater Guy actually cracks a smile. “Yes, well. I’m glad we avoided a collision.”  
And just like that, he’s walking off, and Cal doesn’t know what he’s supposed to make of it, if it means anything at all, but surely first contact after six months of silence means something.  
“Hey,” he calls out before he can think better of it. “What’s your name?”  
Sweater Guy stops and blinks, surprised, then pauses for a minute like he has to think about it. “Oh. My name is Quincy Washington.” He swallows. “What’s yours?”  
“It’s nice to meet you, Cal,” Quincy says softly, and Cal watches him walk away until he disappears around the corner.  
Cal has a routine. He’s never been particularly organized, never been the type of person with color-coded planners or who lays out his outfits the night before, but he has a routine for check-up days: after picking up his inhaler refills and testosterone from the hospital pharmacy, he’ll treat himself to an iced chai tea latte with almond milk, hot if it’s cold outside or he’s feeling adventurous. He shifts his weight from foot to foot as he waits in line to place his order, his lips flicking up into a small little smile as he pulls out his phone, realizing he finally has an update, deciding to send it to the group chat he still has with Amy and Zara: 
I figured out his name!!  
Amy texts back immediately, and Cal’s little smile splits into a full-blown grin. ???????????
Sweater Guy, Cal types, shifting forward as the line moves. It’s Quincy Washington, apparently. 
Cal grins when he sees a message from Zara appear: r u sure he gave u his real name? that sounds pretty made up ngl :* but hey u finally talked to him!!!! told u it wouldn’t be hard!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 
Cal rolls his eyes a little, but good-naturedly. Zara was always convinced that Cal has a crush he’s not addressing, a conspiracy theory that has infected Amy as well, because no one fixates that hard if they DON’T have a crush, Cal, come on. Cal maintains that while he isn’t blind, there are about a million things more interesting about Sweater G--Quincy than how attractive he admittedly is. 
Cal: In my defense, he talked to me first, and it’s only because I ran into him. 
Zara: charming! did u gaze longingly into his eyes? did he gaze longingly into urs?
Cal rolls his eyes, but he’s smiling. Well it wasn’t his EYES I was looking at. ;) (I  was looking at his stupid yellow sunglasses.) 
Zara: silly! u should’ve asked him if he needs roomies. it would be an honor if my old room went to The Cause :)))
Cal’s lips droop, the smile sliding off his face as he pockets his phone. He knows Zara meant nothing by it, but he’s been compartmentalizing the roommate situation until now, and it’s not something he can particularly deal with at this moment. He doesn’t have to, as it happens--at that moment, an impatient “--sir? Sir, may I please take your order?” breaks through his mental abstraction, clearly not for the first time, and he shakes his head to clear it, cheeks flushing as he approaches the counter, mumbling apologies. He orders his drink, iced chai tea latte, please,  making sure to leave a hefty tip in the jar. 
Eager to spare himself further social anxiety, Cal grabs his drink as soon as it’s placed on the counter, mumbling another apology as he grabs a straw and walks briskly out of the exit closest to the parking lot, sipping eagerly at the drink (he swears it’s even better than usual) and what do you fucking know. 
“Quincy,” Cal says when he reaches his car, clamping down on the little thrill he gets from knowing the name. He swirls the drink a little like some kind of movie character with a glass of wine. He’s chill. He’s cool. 
“Oh. Hello, Cal,” Quincy says sheepishly. He’s standing at the front of a car—not just a car, the car—its hood propped open in a universal sign of defeat. “I seem to...be having some car trouble.”  
“No fucking way,” Cal breathes out, because some things are too strange to be coincidences.  
“I’m...I’m sorry?”  
Cal shakes himself. “No, you’re good, sorry. It’s just that, uh. This is your car?”  
It’s a Mercedes AMG, and it’s been parked next to Cal’s car every day for a couple months now. Cal’s awe hasn’t dulled with time. He figured it belonged to some paranoid doctor, rich and extravagant and scared enough of car crashes to buy a luxury armored SUV. The fact that it belongs to Quincy isn’t strange all on its own—because sure, whatever, Quincy is well-off, that’s a thing that happens to people—but the odds of the day he realizes it belongs to Quincy being the same day he learns Quincy’s name after months of wondering and silence?  
“Yes. It’s practically new,” Quincy says sadly, “but I’m hopeless with cars. It’s probably something rather foolish.”  
And then, because Cal is a masochist, he finds himself saying “Well, I know a thing or two about cars,” and yeah, okay, this is happening, apparently.  
“You do?” Quincy’s expression is nothing short of hopeful. “Cal, I would be incredibly grateful.”  
“Of course,” Cal says, already moving toward the car, because who is he to say no to a beautiful boy in a yellow sweater, to a beautiful car with its hood propped open? “It’s no trouble. Keys?”  
“In the ignition.”  
Cal forces himself to focus on the task at hand, even though sitting in the driver’s seat makes him feel downright giddy. He tells himself it’s the car’s immaculate leather interiors, the sheer novelty of sitting in a ridiculous, extravagant vehicle, and not the boy standing in front of the hood with his arms folded across his chest in defeat. He takes a breath.  
Although, he thinks as he twists the key in the ignition, surely this is an acceptable thing to be intrigued by. Why is unassuming Quincy, who looks no older than Cal, driving an armored SUV—and not just any armored SUV, but one that can sustain machine guns and hand grenades?  
He guesses people could say the same about him and his car, because the upkeep of classic cars is a bit of a bitch, but Cal’s beat-up inherited ‘59 Chevy Apache isn't machine gun proof, and it certainly isn't new. She's valuable, of course, but she was passed down to him, not bought fresh off the lot, and that value is probably tempered by years of dings and scratches. She's not a symptom of extravagance the way this absolute mammoth must be. So. Not the same, actually.  
When he tries to crank up the car, it makes a horrible grinding sound that he knows well, the needles on dashboard instruments shuddering. Cal takes great pains to compose his amused grin into something more sympathetic.  
“Good news and bad news,” he says, slamming the car door behind him reflexively before cringing. This isn’t the Apache, with its squeaky doors and stubborn latches, and that door alone probably cost more than Cal’s college tuition. “The good news is it’s nothing serious. You’ve just got a dead battery.”  
Quincy slumps a little with what Cal assumes is relief. “That seems manageable.”  
“The bad news, though,” Cal says. “Do you have jumper cables?”  
“No,” Quincy replies, ducking his head like he’s embarrassed.  
“See, that’s what I was worried about.” Cal gestures to his own car. He sips at his latte, and is genuinely alarmed to realize it’s almost empty. It’s delicious, but still, he’s only had the drink for twenty minutes at the most. “I don’t have mine either. I--” Cal considers the location of his jumper cables, in a heap in the living room of the apartment, leftover from a Skype debate with Zara centered on a story her classmate insisted was true concerning jumper cables and nipples. Cal doesn’t regret the use of a visual aid--he won the debate, after all, because seriously, have you seen jumper cable clamps, there is no way--but he decides this is not something he needs to share with Sweater Guy. “They’re at home. I can go grab them and come back to give you a jump, though? Our place is literally right around the corner.”  
“I wouldn’t want to impose,” Quincy hedges, a little desperately. Cal sees him battling internally between the need to be polite and the need to get his car running again.  
“You’re not imposing,” Cal says, “because I offered. Seriously. Apologizing to me when I ran into you! Thinking you’re an imposition after I offered you something! You’re too nice for your own good, Quince.” The nickname slips out without Cal’s consent, and he feels the tips of his ears warm.  
Quincy looks at him, tilting his head curiously. “I have an anxiety disorder,” he says after a moment, very plainly, and Cal feels like the biggest asshole in the world. He feels like an even bigger asshole because his knee-jerk reaction is to laugh, because what a mood, really.  
To his abject horror, the laughter actually bubbles out, warm and genuine and fuck, he needed it, but he can also feel himself blushing crimson, because Jesus Christ, Cal, this is not the kind of reaction you should be having to this information. “I’m sorry,” he manages after a too-long moment. “I’m so sorry, oh my God, I promise I’m not laughing at you. It’s just...fuck, we’re not allowed to be that blunt, you know?”  
Quincy inclines his head again, an unspoken question, and yeah, okay, you made this bed, Cal, now lie in it.  
“I just mean, like...okay. Example. I’m chronically ill, right? I have asthma, thanks for that, genetics, but anyway the point is that I tell people I’m sick and they’re like, get well soon! They don’t understand that I don’t...want that. They don’t get that I’m sick, and that it’s okay! That’s fine! If you’re sick, you either have to be dying, or you have to be overcoming it or some shit. I just…I wish I could introduce myself like hi, I’m Cal, I have depression and my lungs don’t work very well. But I can’t, because that’s weird, that makes healthy people feel awkward, and our whole lives are about making healthy people feel better about our fucking lives.” He takes a breath, a little more painfully than he would prefer because it's goddamn cold out. “I just mean...I don’t know. It’s refreshing.”  
Well, okay. Emotional intensity with Sweater Guy is not what Cal banked on happening today, but Sweater Guy is Quincy Washington, and now that he’s looking at him up close, he kind of feels like he’s demystifying him or...or something. The expensive sweater, he sees, is fraying at the sleeve from being picked at nervously. That annoyed expression, the one Cal always interpreted as aloof, is the face Quincy makes when his glasses start slipping down his nose. His sex hair is just...really good hair, perhaps a little mussed at the roots from a tendency to run his hands through it with the air of an exasperated father in a movie, and what’s wrong with that, really? 
Sweater Guy, as it happens, is just a guy.  
Anyway, Cal’s shifting his weight awkwardly from foot to foot, feeling the full force of the straight-up monologue he’s just delivered, but then Quincy is saying “That’s exactly it” in this relieved goddamn voice, so maybe things are okay after all.  “What is that? Why do they make it so weird? It’s not as though it’s contagious.”  
“Right? I don’t know. I’m just kind of exhausted of healthy people.” He inclines his head, toward his car, moving to the driver’s side because, again, it’s cold as shit and his lungs ache and he really should get Quincy that jump. “I’ll go grab those cables.”  Something in the pit of his stomach grumbles at the movement, and he frowns, a reflexive hand coming up to rest on his belly. Weird. 
“Oh, yeah,” Quincy says, like he’s forgotten what the whole point of this was (and doesn’t that just make something warm pool in Cal’s chest, God, he’s so screwed), and casts a withering glance toward the hospital doors. Cal looks at him for a second, shivering underneath his layers in front of his out-of-commission car, and before he can think about it any further than that he’s saying “You can ride with me there and back, if you want? It’s awfully cold out.”  
Quincy positively beams. “I would like that very much, Cal.”  
Okay then.  
Amy is doing an honest-to-God tarot reading in the middle of the living room when Cal gets home, complete with candles and a red cloth draped over their coffee table, and isn’t that just their whole relationship summarized. He throws Quincy a put-upon glance over his shoulder, and Quincy bites his lip to keep from laughing. Has Cal mentioned that Quincy is attractive? God fucking damn it.  
“Permission to enter the divination room?” he says in lieu of a hello, and Amy startles, nearly knocking over one of the candles. 
“Cal!” Amy says, scandalized, staggering to her feet. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming! I would’ve gotten rid of these!” 
Cal can’t help but chuckle. “I’m not going to have an asthma attack from candles, Ames.” 
“You could! Go--go stand in the kitchen or something! Make your friend help me!” 
Cal gives Quincy a look, a sort of see what I have to deal with? shrug, and Quincy responds with an amused smirk. “I’d be happy to help,” he says in a tone that sounds like he’s honest-to-God fucking with Cal. “What tarot deck is that?” 
The kitchen is essentially attached to the living room, the two only separated by a narrow doorway, but Cal shrugs and takes this opportunity to wriggle out of his jacket and grab a soda from the fridge. He has a feeling he’s gonna be here for a while. As he reaches into the fridge, however, that strange little twinge deep in his belly makes itself known again, and he grimaces as a cramp seizes his insides. He closes the refrigerator empty-handed, leaning a suddenly-clammy forehead against the cool stainless steel. This does not bode well. 
“So how do you know Cal, again?” Amy is saying just as he’s composed himself enough to re-enter the living room. Quincy has migrated to the couch, at least, albeit with his back ramrod straight, Amy apparently having been satisfied that Cal is not in any immediate mortal peril. 
“He volunteers at the hospital with me,” Cal says before Quincy can say anything, and when Amy glances over at him, Amy mouths Sweater Guy over Quincy’s head. Amy’s eyes bulge, so Cal forges ahead before she can say something to embarrass him. “His battery died, so I came here for the jumper cables.”  
“Riiight, the hospital,” Amy says, a barely restrained grin in her voice, and God, when Amy tells Zara that Cal brought Sweater Guy home he is never going to hear the end of it.  “Did you put up the fliers, by the way? We’re really gonna struggle this month if we don’t get it figured out soon,” and Cal looks up sharply, idly placing a hand on his stomach when it protests at the movement. Why is Amy bringing up the roommate fliers now?  
“I know,” Cal says slowly, trying to communicate please don’t do this now with just a glance.. He sits on the couch next to Quincy, careful to leave a socially acceptable distance between them. “I know, Amy. But...no, I didn’t.” He wipes sweat from his brow with the back of his sleeve, his stomach starting to churn in earnest. 
“Cal,” Amy chastises, and Cal thinks he would prefer anger to disappointment. “Did you talk to anyone, at least? It’ll be easier if it���s someone we know for, like, negotiating rent and stuff.”  
“Um,” Cal says eloquently, but then Quincy is saying, “Actually, he talked to me,” and alright then, that took a turn.  
“Oh,” Amy says, skeptical, but her face has brightened nonetheless. “Really?”  
“That’s part of why I brought him with me to grab the cables,” Cal says, because he’s rolling with this, apparently. He really is never going to live this down. “To show him the room.”  
“I wanted to see it for myself,” Quincy says sagely.  
“Uh, yeah,” Cal adds lamely.  
Amy is giving him this proud goddamn grin, and Cal is having trouble looking at it, because seriously, it shouldn't be like this. Amy has left this whole roommate search up to him, which is a nice gesture—Amy could live with anyone, with her natural inclination toward small talk and her compulsive baking which is the least unwelcome coping mechanism and her goddamn optimism, but Cal, with his bound chest and testosterone injections, has a lot more to lose here. The thing is, Cal, for all his charm and his mock-flirting and his wolfish grins, has a hard time with people, so him bringing home a coworker (or whatever he's supposed to call Quincy—coworker doesn't feel right, and Cal's trying really hard not to overanalyze that) isn't exactly a common occurrence. Amy is a proud parent smiling at her kid for making friends on the first day of kindergarten, and Cal loves her for it, he does, but it also chafes against him like his chest binder on a hot day.  
"Well, go ahead," Amy finally says, breaking what could have turned into an awkward silence. "Don't let me stop you! I'm Amy, by the way. What's your name? I’m not sure I caught it." She glances at Cal as she says with a terribly unsubtle wink.  
"Quincy Washington," Quincy says in that same quiet way he told Cal. "It's wonderful to meet you, Amy. I’m a fan of tarot myself and you have an excellent eye for ambiance."  
"Thanks!" Amy beams, and Cal wrenches himself off the couch and ushers Quincy down the hallway before Amy loops him into a conversation about the history of tarot or some shit. Cal loves her to death, but knows she’s practically chomping at the bit. He won’t be surprised if she’s  texting Zara as he speaks. 
"You did me a solid, there, Quincy," Cal says quietly when they're far enough down the hall to be out of Amy’s earshot, hyper-aware of how sluggish he is. "We can just waste a little time and then I'll get you that jump."  
"May I see the room?" Quincy asks, and Cal's heart just about stops entirely. "I'm glad to have done you...a solid, but I do happen to be looking for a room to let." His voice catches strangely and unfamiliarly around the slang.  
Cal stares at him for a second. "Seriously?"  
"I am very serious. If you'll have me, of course," Quincy says then, rushing through the second sentence and looking self-conscious about it.  
"No, I just..." Cal says in something like disbelief, then shakes himself off. "Anyway. I guess I'll show you the room, then?"  
"Please," Quincy says, so Cal leads the way.  
"It's kind of small," he says apologetically, pushing open the door and flicking on the lights. They're Edison bulbs, and they cast the room in buttery yellow. "And obviously we'd move this stuff out of here if you moved in."  
Quincy doesn’t say anything, and Cal turns to see that his face is frozen in genuine, slack-jawed awe. It's more than a little endearing, and Cal tucks his fond little grin away before he speaks. "You're a book guy, huh?" 
"You could say that," Quincy breathes, and moves forward a little. "May I—?"  
"Go for it," Cal says, and Quincy reaches out to touch one of the bookcases.  
The room belonged to Zara until she moved out, the smallest room by far but also the one with the most windows, all against the far wall looking out toward the main road. Pushed against the opposite wall are three wood-paneled curio cabinets that Henry once used as bookshelves, packed tight with the books he cared about most in this world. Many of them are leather-bound and there is more than one special edition, all of them older than Cal's grandparents.  
"They're beautiful," Quincy finally says after a moment, "but why do you have rare books in your apartment?"  
Cal snorts, because it is so contrary to what he was expecting, but also because this is a valid question. "Honestly," he says, "I just couldn't bear to part with them. They were my dad's." The words are out before he realizes he's just dropped the dead dad bomb, so he forges ahead. "Uh, like I said, we'd get them out of here before you moved in."  
"Or you could leave them," Quincy murmurs, eyes darting back and forth as he scans the titles. "God, is that a livre d'artist?" 
On some level, Cal registers that this a very pretentious question, and also that there is just something strange about the way Quincy speaks, like everything he says has been polished beforehand. On another, baser level, he finds it frustratingly hot. "Uh, that sounds like a question I should maybe know the answer to, but honestly, these were my dad's thing. I haven't opened up any of the books since he died. I keep the shelves dusted, but I'm not much of a literature person."   
"Are you a book person?" Quincy asks.   
"Come on, you can be one or the other. People can like books without liking capital L literature," he says, turning to look at Cal with this ridiculously excited expression. It's kind of heartwarming. "You know, people who hate Hemingway but loved Twilight."   
Cal may or may not have the entire saga on the much smaller, far less decorative bookshelf beside his bed, but Quincy doesn't need to know that. "Interesting distinction. Yeah, I guess I am."   
"I knew it. Team Edward or Team Jacob?"   
"Wow I hate this conversation."   
Quincy smirks and turns back to the shelves with a quiet sort of reverence that makes Cal smile. It also makes his heart ache a little because it reminds him so much of his dad, but it's an ache that has dulled with the passage of time.    
"So," Cal says, trying to sound casual, "Are you a student?"  
"Yes," Quincy replies, still scanning book titles with a feverish intensity that skirts perilously close to lunacy. "I'm a senior. Are you?"  
"Yeah," Cal says thinly. There's still a chance, he tells himself, and has to catch his breath as his stomach cramps again. A low rumble has begun deep in his gut, like someone set it to simmer, his stomach doing lazy barrel rolls that make him swallow hard.  "Senior, too. Pre-med."  
"I'm a double major. Classics and Theology. Not the most practical, I know," Quincy says, sheepishly, like he's used to people reacting poorly to it.  
Fuck. God fucking damn it.  
"Oh!" Cal says, forcibly infusing his voice with something akin to enthusiasm. "That's really cool. Um. Side note, just by the way..."  
Quincy looks at him inquiringly. Fuck.  All at once, his stomach cramps harshly enough to have him seeing stars, a cold sweat breaking out across his forehead again, and he can’t quite stifle a pained moan, clutching at his roiling insides, leaning against the doorframe for support. 
“Are you okay, Cal?” Quincy takes a step toward him, evidently not too worried about whatever Cal was going to say, looking more concerned than Cal would expect from someone who avoided the fuck out of him prior to today, and he gives a pained nod, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment. Something bubbles in his lower belly painfully, and it hits him all at once. 
“Fuck,” he hisses, noticing all at once how his stomach is puffy, poking out under his shirt and over the waistband of his jeans, how the cramps are accompanied by a near-constant rumble and oppressive waves of nausea. “Sorry, I’m--I  just forgot to ask for—” He swallows again, hardly able to think about the damned chai tea latte, presumably made with full fat milk, churning around inside him. “I’m...lactose intolerant,” he manages, painfully aware that this is happening in front of Sweater Guy of all people. “I forgot to ask for almond milk instead of regular.” 
“Are you alright?” Quincy sounds alarmed, eyes darting from Cal to the door and back again. “Should I get Amy? Is it an allergy, or—?” 
“No, no,” Cal manages, laughing lightly. “You sound just like her, though. It’s just—” He grimaces, clutching at a twinge of nausea— “Just a pretty gnarly tummy ache. I’ll be okay.” He allows himself to rest a hand on his belly, straightening up through immense willpower. “Seriously, let’s just...move on, if that’s alright.” 
“Of course,” Quincy murmurs, still looking rather concerned. It’s endearing, Cal thinks, even  through the fog of nausea and the embarrassment tinging his cheeks red. “I believe you were saying something?” 
“Oh,” Cal remembers, and looks at the floor. "My dad's name was Henry Kline?"  
Quincy freezes. To his credit, he reigns in the incredulous expression relatively quickly.  
"Cal," he says instead, very sincerely, turning to look at him with sad, sad eyes. "Cal, I am so sorry."  
"Don't be," Cal mumbles, looking down, rubbing at the back of his neck. His stomach lets out a loud, angry rumble, and he flushes an even deeper shade of crimson. "I just, uh, wanted you to know from me. 'Cause if you live here, you gotta understand that people are gonna talk. They always do, about us. 'Specially when they hear our last name."  
"Cal Kline," Quincy realizes all at once, and then, with that painful sincerity again, "I wouldn't listen."  
Cal smiles despite himself. "Thanks, Quincy."  
Quincy clears his throat, straightening up from where he's been crouched to pour over the books. Cal is sort of impressed at the sheer muscle tone it must’ve taken to forget he was doing a deep squat. "Cal, I have something to tell you as well."  
This is it, Cal thinks. He doesn't want the room. Doesn't want to live with the bereaved Klines. It's too much. Just give him the jump and go back to never speaking again. The anxiety stirs up his upset stomach, and he clamps down forcibly on a burp that tries to burble up. His stomach lets out a low groan in response to the air being forced back into it.   
"I was studying under Professor Kline," he says instead, and oh, okay. Which is to say, what the fucking shit, how many motherfucking coincidences can there feasibly be in one 12-hour period, but okay, it's better than what Cal was expecting. "I was a teaching assistant, and I was helping him restore his book collection." He glances back to the shelves. "I should have recognized them immediately, but I never saw them on the shelves..."  
Cal's glad Quincy isn't looking at him anymore, because he can't vouch for what his face is doing. The ache Henry left is healing, dulled with the passage of time, but it still hurts if Cal picks at it. Quincy studied with Henry. Quincy knew him in a way Cal never did, never will, his brain screams, and something about that is just, well. His stomach flips, something cramping low and urgent in his belly. 
Quincy is beautiful, and he is wearing a yellow sweater, and he likes Cal's car, and the only reason he cares that Cal's last name is Kline is because he doesn't want to be inconsiderate to Cal.  
So, fuck.  
"Well, now that we've got the awkward parts out of the way," Cal says, and Quincy flashes him a genuine smile that  is positively blinding. He recovers from his seven consecutive heart attacks before continuing, "I can show you the rest of the apartment."  
“Are you sure?” Quincy glances dubiously at Cal, who still has an arm curled around his belly. “You’re awfully pale.”
“That’s, uh—” Cal laughs nervously, feeling sicker and sicker by the moment. “Yeah. Maybe you could just...show yourself around?” At that moment, a low whine fills the apartment, a sure tell that Amy has gotten into the shower, and Cal’s stomach tightens. “Minus the bathroom, I guess. Sorry, our pipes do that when we use the shower. I’m just gonna, uh, have a seat in the living room.” 
Quincy doesn’t question this, and Cal sends up a silent cry of gratitude to whoever may be listening. He settles into his favorite crease on the sofa, looking furtively over his shoulder to make sure Quincy is occupied with checking out the patio before pressing both hands to his grumbling stomach, feeling irritable movement beneath his palms. Oh, it hurts, cramps squeezing at his lower belly like a vice, a sticky, hot nausea plaguing his tummy.  He tries in vain to soothe the ache, rubbing his hand across his bloated stomach as gently as possible, but the touch only sends up a dangerous belch that leaves him panting, hanging over the edge of the couch, the taste of chai and stomach acid coating his mouth revoltingly. 
Quincy’s self-guided tour doesn't take long; their three-bedroom student apartment doesn't exactly contain multitudes. Cal has thankfully composed himself before Quincy pokes his head into the living room. “I have seen what I need to see, I believe,” he says with that stiff formality that seems to crop up occasionally. 
"Yeah, that's the place! Nice and straightforward,” Cal says brightly, as convincingly as he can without moving around too much. “Any clutter you see is mine because Amy is an android, probably."  
Quincy smiles, and Cal's cardiac health continues to worsen, God those fucking smiles. "Can you prove it?"  
"Irrefutably. Evidence: runs for fun. Consumes spinach, also for fun. Wakes up and goes to bed at the same time every day. Possibly irons her clothes, but I'm still not sure on that one."   
"She sounds...pretty human. Perhaps you're the android."  
"No, I just have depression," Cal says before he can stop himself.  
Quincy throws his head back and laughs, and it makes Cal feel so fucking warm. Has he mentioned recently that he is completely screwed in a way that has nothing to do with his cramping stomach? 
"God, Amy hates when I joke about it. It'll be nice to have someone who understands around here when you move in."  
Quincy straightens up. "When I move in?"   
"What can I say. You sold me. If you want to live here, I want you to live here." He smiles, small.   
It was kind of a done deal when you said you worked with Henry Kline, Cal doesn't say. The way you talk to me like I'm a normal person and the fact that you're fucking gorgeous are just bonuses. 
"There is one more thing," he says, steeling himself. Much of his life is spent steeling himself. He pauses, waiting for Quincy to make a joke, to grin another heart-stopping grin, but he just looks at Cal curiously. "I'm trans. I wasn't born a male but I am and always have been a boy. I bind my chest and live as a male and use he/him pronouns. If you don't understand it, that's okay, but I will demand a certain level of respect in my own home, and it'd be preferable if that respect was voluntary." The speech is well-oiled from use, but Cal's voice still shakes.   
"Is that all?" Quincy says, and Cal feels his entire body slump in relief, straightening back up a little when his stomach protests. "I mean, of course, Cal. I'm not ignorant."   
"Oh, yeah, right. Thank you, gentle cis man. I worship at the holy altar of your allyship." He says it like a joke, but it takes effort to get out, because despite everything, it's taken him years to give this speech to a receptive audience and not feel like he's been granted a favor.   
It's taken him years to say I'm here and not have it come out as I'm sorry.   
When he told Zara, it was this whole thing, Zara reaching across the table to clasp one of Cal's hands in both of hers, you know I'm here for you, right? Cal's Facebook messages are full of Zara sending him every post she sees with the word trans in it, and like yeah, Zara, you're very sweet and supportive, but sometimes Cal just wants to be Cal, you know?   
It's just that Cal's known Quincy for all of a few hours and he already feels so goddamn understood.  
"I'm happy to pay whatever Zara’s share was," Quincy says, "And if you would be willing to leave Professor Kline's books, I would be honored."  
"Consider it done," Cal says, smiling a little. He’s almost able to forget about the slow, sinister ache in his stomach. Almost. "Though get ready for Amy to talk about it all the time. She’s really not on board with them being here."  
"I mean...religion isn't my cup of tea either, believe it or not, but I saw an original King James Bible. That alone has to be worth at least twenty grand. Literature person or not, that's...a really valuable thing to be keeping in your rented apartment."   
Cal's eyes flit to the tiled floor, and he can feel Quincy's gaze on him, and he knows he's biting his lip, something he does often enough that one side of it is slightly larger than the other.   
"Oh...Cal, I apologize. I didn't mean to intrude." It's that stiff formality from their almost-collision at the hospital again, and when Cal glances up, Quincy is backing away from him, hands folded behind his back. "I'm sure they're insured, or...even if they're not...I just mean, it's your business, of course. I apologize."   
"No, it's fine." Cal clears his throat nervously. "You're right. Zara and Amy just kind of went a little crazy helping me get rid of his stuff when he died, and they wanted to donate them to the university. I probably should have let them, but..." He shrugs, wipes his sweaty palms on his jeans, presses his lips together around another burp that he forces down, wincing at the added pressure. "It's not like these are even all the books he had. There are probably hundreds in the storage unit. But I'm ridiculous, and they were just his thing, and for some reason the thought of them just sitting in a dusty room with boxes of his old clothes and the lawnmower and literal cobwebs just didn't sit right, so."   
"So you brought them here." Quincy looks at him like he understands, and isn't just that the worst fucking thing? "I get it."   
"I kind of do want to donate them, as it turns out," and wow, okay, Cal didn't realize that until he says it out loud. "I'm just a little worried because I haven't exactly been...maintaining them, or whatever. I wouldn't even know where to start. If I'm going to let the university open up the Henry Kline Memorial Library or whatever the fuck, I don’t want to give them dusty books with cracked spines, you know? He would've hated that."   
Quincy clears his throat, licks his lips a little, and wow, okay, Cal's feeling things again. "I don't know if this is something you'd even be comfortable with, but...I could continue the work I was doing with Professor Kline. We were in the middle of restoring his collection, and I learned his technique well. I still have access to the labs. I could take it one book at a time. With your approval, of course."  
Cal blinks. "Um...yeah. Yeah, okay. That's super cool of you, thank you."  
"Are you kidding?" Quincy blurts, and then scratches the back of his neck a little like he's embarrassed. "I mean, it's just that you're doing me a favor. Henry Kline's book collection...I'll admit that I've missed them."  
Cal can't help the little smile that tugs his lips up, and seriously, he has to get these feelings under control, God, the guy hasn't even moved in yet.   
Before he can say anything, Quincy's face softens into that aching sympathy again. "And Cal...I miss him, as well. He was a good man."  
Cal kind of wants to cry, so suddenly and desperately that it takes his breath away for a second. His stomach churns audibly, and Quincy looks at him in alarm. 
"Quincy," he says when he gets his voice back, "How soon can you move in?"  
Quincy beams. "How soon will you have me?"  
When Amy gets out of the shower, Cal is sprawled across the couch, openly groaning, clutching his stomach with both hands.  
"What happened to Quin--Cal?” Amy blurts out as she enters the living room, rushing over to the couch when she takes in Cal’s sickly pallor. 
“Finally drove him back and jumped his car," Cal groans, still marveling that he was able to hold it together long enough. He may or may not have had to pull over on the way back, heaving up a trickle of stomach acid and chai tea latte onto the side of the road, at least as much due to anxiety as it was to lactose intolerance, but Amy doesn’t need to know that. "Says he'll take the room…" 
“Okay, that’s great, we’ll unpack that later,” Amy says, sitting gently at Cal’s feet, “But what’s going on with this?” She doesn’t wait for permission, laying a soft hand on Cal’s bloated belly, kneading gently at a cramp, ushering up a soft burp. Amy is sort of a miracle worker.
"’S gonna pay Zara’s share,” Cal murmurs, leaning into Amy’s touch, grimacing as the pressure ushers up a burp that brings up a wave of stomach acid. He swallows hard.  
"Again, that’s great, but,” Amy says, rubbing his belly in wide arcs, maintaining a steady pressure that does wonders for the cramps. “What the hell?” 
“I got anxious getting my latte,” he mumbles, letting his eyes slide shut. Amy’s ministrations are easing the worst of the nausea, and he is so, so thankful for her. “Forgot to ask for almond milk.” 
“Cal,” Amy says, all faint disapproval and warm concern. “Why didn’t you say anything?” 
“You were showering,” he whines, then whimpers a little at a particularly strong cramp, and Amy moves closer, applying a bit more pressure as she kneads at the cramp, massaging her other hand gently over the burbly places in his lower belly. “I made him show himself around. He didn’t even mind.” 
“Sounds like a dreamboat,” Amy says, her voice light and teasing. 
Cal doesn't know what to say to that that won't be self-incriminating, so he just says, "He really likes yellow."    
"I noticed that,” Amy agrees. "When does he move in?"  
Cal keeps his eyes shut, studiously avoiding eye contact. "Tomorrow."  
"Oh, wow, so soon! I can't wait to get to know him." Amy’s tone is completely genuine, probably working out what she can bake that properly conveys a message of thanks for living with us! She applies a bit of firm pressure unexpectedly to the bloat beneath Cal’s ribs, and he groans, feeling a flutter in his stomach as it tries and fails to expel a rush of trapped air. “Oof--please don’t do that again,” he manages, clutching at his chest. 
“I’m sorry, honey,” Amy says, sounding genuinely sad, and Cal slowly opens his eyes. “Just seems like you’ve got quite a lot of air stuck in there. Would you like some tea? Not chai, I guess...” 
Cal groans, shoving a couch pillow over his face. “I know. I’m an idiot. Oh, my tummy—” 
“Let me make you that tea,” Amy says lightly, giving his tummy a little pat before wrenching herself off the couch, and Cal loves the fuck out of her, has he mentioned? 
"I think you'll like him," Cal calls as Amy moves into the kitchen, deciding to take this opportunity to drop the bomb, adding more quietly, "Oh, and, small world, he worked with my dad."   
The rustling in the kitchen pauses, then starts again almost as suddenly as it stopped. "Does he...?"  
"Yeah, I told him. Didn't seem to bother him. He really likes the books."   
"The books," Amy murmurs, and oh God, not this again, but Amy is already following up with "Have you thought any more about what you're going to do with them?"   
Cal takes a deep breath and feels it stutter a little in his chest, reminding him he's been binding for a bit too long. "Yeah, actually. They were working on restoring the books when Dad died. He said he'd help me get them back into shape and I think I'll donate them to the university."   
"Oh," Amy says, pleasantly, and Cal reminds himself that Amy is good, that Amy is only doing what she thinks is best, what Zara told her would be best, that most rational people would question the wisdom of having cases of books worth thousands of dollars in an apartment not known for its impenetrable security measures. "That's really cool. He sounds like a really neat guy, Cal."  
Cal thinks of yellow-tinted glasses, of that scar on his face and the way he looked at Cal like he understands him. "Yeah," he says softly. "He really is."   
“Ginger or mint?” Amy calls, and Cal is thankful for the change of subject. 
“Ginger, please,” he calls back, carefully cupping his stomach with his palm, and takes a very deep breath. 
A long while later, Amy has fallen asleep on his shoulder, a hand still splayed across his slightly-less-bloated belly, old episodes of The Twilight Zone streaming at a low volume on the TV. Cal can’t be bothered to move, too comfortable, too deep in thought, the churning of his belly finally soothed by Amy’s ministrations and a few shamefaced trips to the bathroom. 
Cal thinks about his dad every day, and that is no euphemism. He sometimes drifts past the extra room (Quincy's room, he thinks, something blooming in his chest in a way he doesn’t want to deal with right now) and sees his books, or catches sight of the scar on his knee he got the first and last time he and his dad went fishing when they were supposed to be studying for Cal's math test the next day, when a stray hook went straight through and he needed stitches, remembers the ice cream after, I'm not going to say don't tell your mom, but I'm going to say I won't if you won't, and he smiles, just a little (he didn't tell his mother). Every night he lays in a bed across from a desk that's been flush to the wall underneath the window since the day his dad built it, the one they picked out together at IKEA before Cal moved in, the one that had him muttering profanities for three hours on a blisteringly hot day in August while Zara’s mother, Virginia, poked her head in intermittently, how are those PhDs treating you, Dr. Kline?  Cal thinks about his dad all the time.  
It's just that he can't remember the day he died.   
It's just that he knows that he's the one who found the body, that he's the one who, somehow, called 911, who clung to Amy when the ambulance came, but he knows it the way you know stories about your fourth birthday party or your first day of school—more retelling than memory. Something you know because you're told.   
If he tries hard enough, he thinks he can remember what his uncle was wearing that day, what the perfume of the hospital secretary smelled like, but he can't for the life of him remember his dad's face, what the last thing he said to him was. And when it comes down to it, maybe he doesn’t remember what his uncle was wearing at all, maybe he just remembers him saying at the funeral, he bought me this tie, you know.   
You'd be surprised how many people come to a funeral for a professor, how many handshakes and hugs Cal got just for losing someone. How many looks of pity he got (gets) when they hear his name: Cal Kline, the guy who found his dad dead.   
And he can't even remember it.   
Psychogenic amnesia, Dr. Hodge told him in one of their first sessions, because yeah, when you're trans and you find your dad dead and can't fucking remember it, the one thing you spare no expense on is a really badass therapist. His brain couldn't handle what happened. He repressed it. It was the emotional shock, was the trauma, was the pain, yeah, Cal gets it.   
It's just that the one thing you should be allowed to hold onto are lasts, and Cal can't even remember his. He thinks of his dad and sees fishing, sees the lectures he sometimes sat in on, sees a receding hairline and eyes just like his and of course I still love you, sweetheart, daughter or son, you're family, and it aches.   
He wonders if Quincy's lost someone, if that's why he looked at him like that, eyes soft and understanding but not pitying. I get it, he said, and Cal believes him.   
Cal rolls that around in his head like a marble.  
I get it. I get it. I get it.   
Yellow's an awfully pretty color. 
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myaheartsmarkie · 5 years
mamamoo & kpop community rant about racism.
if i get one more ask abt why i don’t stan mamamoo, imma flip. so i’m going to answer this here. 
mamamoo makes good music, yes. but no matter what, they. did. blackface. and there is no excuse for that. 
everyone is always like: oMg iT hApPeNdEd sO LoNg aGo lEt iT gO. 
bitch, no. you don’t get to tell us when to “move the fuck” on because you weren’t the one hurt by it, we were. i don’t care if they’re your favorite group. they need to own up to what they did and actually educate themselves on the black culture AND the history. they have enough internet access, stop using that “they’re korean. they don’t know what’s right from wrong” stop infantilizing these idols. they’re grown ass adults that are completely capable of looking up what si considered racist and what is not. but then again it’s kinda wild bcuz i’m pretty damn sure they’d be highly offended if someone came up to them making slanted eyes and saying “ching chong” right? okay then. plus, i know they know BEYONCE, they know drake, they know bruno mars, they know rihanna, but when it comes to respecting our culture all of a sudden they don’t know how to do that shit??? bull fucking shit. we’re sick and fucking tired of racism being a learning experience for you guys, dude. if you don’t know shit about it, SHUT THE FUCK UP. bottom line. i’m not even just talking abt mamamoo now, i’m talking abt every fucking idol that has ever appropriated the black culture or disrespected us. long ass list ain’t it? smfh. the list goes on and on dude. it’s honestly sickening. y’all will literally go on full rants about koreaboo’s and how racist that shit is, but let a black kpop fan express her feelings about how ur oppa bashed a very common feature that we have. LET US TALK ABOUT THE CONSTANT APPROPRIATING WITHIN THE FUCKING MUSIC! let a black person period “think they have a voice” right? & best believe we’ll be the common ratchet, ghetto, hood male or female, right? kpop, or any music in general wouldn’t be music WITHOUT the pioneers of music themselves. i mean michael jackson, R. Kelly, TLC, missy elliott, mariah carey, alicia keys, mary j. blige etc...the wearing of the durags, the dreads, the grills, the cornrows, saying nigga. all the shit is appropriation of the black community. just don’t be disrespectful & don’t speak out on something you don’t know anything about. that’s all we ask. this ain’t even half of it. put yourself in our shoes. you wouldn’t want your culture to be constantly put down by the artist you support and listen to, right? then don’t sweep shit under the rug when they do something racist or ignorant. educate them. help us educate them. if the kpop community was really a community, then we should all be able to speak out an an issues such as blatant ignorance and racism without being told off by people that don’t know the first thing about being a black person in this shitty ass world. i wanna see you go through racism and being told your skin isn’t pretty, or that you’ll never amount to anything just because you’re black. you wouldn’t be able to walk a mile in our shoes. 
racism is evil. help stop it, don’t be apart of the problem.
if you disagreed with any of this, unfollow & block me .
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hyucksbabymomma · 4 years
quarantine playlist tag !
hi i was tagged to do this challenge by @sugarjaee whom also made this challenge. just something fun to do while we’re on quarantine haha!
a song that you like the aesthetic of
maniac - conan gray
i really like the vibe that this song gives of because it radiates such happy vibes. it screams “i dont care” and those are my favorite vibes.
a song that means a lot to you
in the air tonight - phil collins
me and my mom love this song! we always listen to it and it’s my mom and i’s song. it’s one of the only things we bond over.
a cover/remix you prefer over the original
U2 - sung by jungkook
does this seriously need an explaination?
the song that you relate to the most
if you can’t hang - sleeping with sirens
i do be getting super stressed and needing to listen to some hard songs. but in all honesty i’m still stuck in my 2015 emo phase and this songs lyrics are what i’ve related a lot to. it’s basically about how a guy had thought he met the love of his life so he gave her everything and she ended up breaking his heart.
a song you like from a genre you normally don’t listen to
used to love you sober - kane brown
okay so i normally don’t listen to country because i have really bad memories connected to this genre. but i’m really i’m love with this song. like the vocals and UGH *chefs kiss*
a song that makes you want to dance
ayy ladies - travis porter
this is literally twerking music that i can get hype to any day.
a song from an artist you want everyone to know about
flamin hot cheetos - savage ga$p
literally everyone of his songs i’ve heard are certified bops. i seriously recommend this artist.
a recent favorite
hanging by a moment - lifehouse
this song makes me think of a special person i have in my life right now. and a lot of the lyrics are lyrics that i’d relate to him.
an old favorite
heart-shaped box - nirvana
so, i have a very wide variety of music. but this song is seriously so good.
a song you can’t help but sing your heart out to
no one - alicia keys
i feel like this needs no explanation.
a song that always makes you cry
please don’t go or i always want what i can’t have by abbey glover
okay so her music has such relatable topics. she isn’t on spotify or anything so you’d have to listen to her on youtube. but i seriously recommend being hard in your feelings listening to this just to get the good cry out.
a song you forgot about but love
replay - shinee
A CLASSIC! sometimes i forget this song exists and then it comes on when i’m listening to my playlist and i begin to like have spasms. i miss them so much ajdnsjd
ur most played song of 2020
regular eng. version - nct 127
i- iconic. literally they did that.
i’m tagging: @carrotkyu @jaeyoi @caramelrecs @hyunhjaes @choyrim
these are all the same person ahdbhs
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alicia’s plotting ideas/notes??
ideas & stuff!! feel free to message me either here or on urstyle or wherever else u have me, or comment directly on this post, to plot! ill put finalized notes w/ rest of snow’s info once we have it down :)
Sky - so since seraphina’s a newer racer, she and marivana don’t know each other super well? but they’re almost complete opposites, in terms of like racing specialties, and marivana doesn’t feel threatened by seraphina in any way. she probably keeps her distance whenever they aren’t doing things their agency has sent them on? 
It would be kind of fun to say that maybe, as a publicity stunt, twilight’s official statement is that snow has been mentoring sky behind the scenes? 
and they have to pretend that’s true, even though it’s not lol
LOL but it would be funny if one day marivana showed up at the track while seraphina was doing stuff and was just like, “so twilight wants me to teach you something that makes it look like i’ve actually been helping u. u free atm?”
but overall I don’t think marivana has too many strong opinions about seraphina, unless we want to create some kind of drama?
Ice - premade; tbd
Supernova - Marivana is…pretty indifferent? when it comes to Supernova. She knows who she is and what she’s done, of course-who doesn’t?-but if you think that she’d be starstruck and/or falling over herself when Supernova’s around her…well, you’d be wrong. Marivana’s had multiple trusted parties tell her that she’s just as good as Supernova was, at her peak, so she knows that she’s not a threat-for now, at least. Marivana’s a bit wary of the other racer, but also a bit curious to see as to where this comeback will lead.
So, depending on how much of the wedding and divorce was public....Marivana def would remember 1) the wedding, and 2) not giving a shit about it
The 2 of them have raced together, right at the very beginning of Marivana’s career? like 10+ years ago? and if As even remembers all that girly snow princess stuff, she could be like “lmao so twilight really pulled a 180 on her”
AHHHH so I know I never made this explicitly clear because I suck as a human being but - the deal with unicorns is that agencies/manufacturers/etc say that they’re just robots? agencies probably actually believe it, but in terms of the manufacturers they might be vaguely aware of otherwise but also don’t want to jeopardize any profits so they keep that shit on the DL
but obviously for ppl like Mari/As who have been riding for p much their entire life, they can tell when horses are distressed, happy/content, etc?
and robot unicorns are basically horses in terms of how sentient they are? 
so i have no fucking idea when this would happen, but the 2 of them mutually acknowledging that RUR is pretty fucked up for the unicorns?
also like....IT WOULD BE SO CUTE if the two of them sort of rolled their eyes at the same time about some kind of story regarding another rando racer who quit maybe a lil after As did (so the newer racers aren’t familiar with her)? and then they realize that they both rolled their eyes at the same time LOL
honestly just being Tired Grandmas together
anyway. @interluxetumbra LMK what u think!!!
Sunbeam -  tbd
Flower - Marivana knows exactly what 𝑅 𝐼 𝒮 𝐸 is pulling with Flower (her own agency did the same thing to her, after all), and she is not fooled at all. She’s not stupid; in the robot unicorn racing industry, nobody is completely, utterly unknown when they debut unless they had no prior experience with robot horses/unicorns in the past. Marivana knows that Flower probably had to work her butt off to stay with 𝑅 𝐼 𝒮 𝐸, and she would bet her right hand that the image that Flower puts out to the public is just that - an image.
is the lil club plot we have how they meet/1st time they actually talk 2 ea other????
speaking of which - how do we want to write that? collab in a gdoc???
& then they just keep coincidentally running into ea other randomly????
aura saying something super Flower-esque and marivana just rolling her eyes and being like, “ok great now tell me what you really think about __” ??? lol
aura somehow discovering that marivana is into BOTANY, of all things????
maybe this is when she makes some sort of dry remark about the bio for Flower on the RISE website? “[Flower] grew up in a lush green meadow, hidden away from prying eyes by miles and miles of ice. How Flower managed to get the ice to melt for long enough to plant flowers and trees will always be a mystery.” and marivana’s like “lol magic my ass there’s literally no fucking way”
she explains it with a good amount of scientific jargon thrown in and aura’s just like watttttttttttttt :0000
literally hit me up ANYTIME i already adore them
also - their aesthetics as racers? put together? a+++++++++
OMG THIS IS LIKE WAY IN THE FUTURE BUT LIKE, we should say that their secret relationship somehow ends up going public for the ~drama~??? and instead of being super freaking pissed off, both of their agencies are just like “lmao okay ice queen x fairy princess? best ship” and use it for publicity?????
Flame - Marivana knows about 1) the image that she projects, and 2) that this image is pretty true to who Flame really is, for the most part. Her verdict? Flame could prove to be annoying, if she gets relevant while Marivana is still in the industry as a racer. Marivana doesn’t know what life not racing would be like, but she’s well-aware that she’s the oldest racer out there (well, besides Supernova, who doesn’t count. She’s making a comeback, after all), and that retirement is probably not too far out in her future. So, if Flame is still around within the next 5-10 years, then Marivana might start worrying about her. For now, she’s just the irritating racer with ʟᴀᴢᴇʀ who won’t ever stop causing a scene.
So they haven’t really interacted much yet, do we wanna say? 
they’re wary of each other because both their unicorns specialize in high power/strength so they’re like, more directly in competition?
are they going to engage in the RUA equivalent of a twitter fight??? in a publicity stunt that both of their agencies are putting on?
maybe snow has once insulted kehlani in an interview??? though it was fake/staged/scripted by her agency so she doesn’t actaully feel that way but ya know. doin it for the vine
and kehlani responds in kind, maybe at the behest of lazer, maybe not?. and it just keeps going???
but ya, marivana prob finds her personality kinda annoying so would generally avoid her unless kehlani approached first
Nyx - so like, snow probably thinks sol is way too flashy and all over the place, & does not engage her ever? she knows of the rumors of foul play, ofc, b/c who doesn’t, but she assumes that the rumors are super blown out of proportion (as rumors tend to be)?? and snow knows that if sol ever tries to target her/other ice world racers specifically, twilight will literally strong-arm lazer into dropping her. so she’s not that worried about that stuff????
definitely thinks her razor-sharp precision with U-800 is something to be admired, though, even if it’s not the flashiest skill like dressage or speed
OMG LOL spoiler alert but the 2nd event is a race on lava world, so they’re all on the main LW training/practice facilities in the days leading up to the race???? and we TOTALLY need to have them do that weirdly super aggressive staredown/pre-game smack talk sesh that they do in super extra sports anime LOL
Widowmaker - snow’s heard of her, knows of her, has competed against her, but since they both tend to keep to themselves they haven’t really talked? it could be potentially cool if eleni guessed about/found out about what actually happened with marivana’s 1st unicorn?? OMG DRAMA but what if she actually knew of the armed thief? who was on ice world for whatever reason lmfao we can hand-wave it. bonus points if she’s pissed that 1st unicorn killed the person?????????? lol
and it could be POTENTIALLY FUN to write a scene with them where eleni basically calls her out on the fact that, yeah marivana fucking hates twilight for deactivating the first unicorn so why tf does she still race for them/earn them so much money???
also marivana has literally no retirement plans atm so.....i have NO FREAKING IDEA if this would ever be possible or not, but if she somehow?? gets involved? with the people who wanna fuck up TEF govt for not giving a single shit about black hole ??? ? ??? ?? thru eleni????????//
idk dude feel free to just be like “lmao alicia that would never happen” if it feels too OOC!!! it’s also like 4 am & i’m only half coherent so ;D
but i literally have no idea in what context the calling out would be in!!! maybe if marivana saw some top sekrit info that eleni might have access to and was like “i won’t tell anyone at TWILIGHT if you tell me why you have this”? and eleni is like *eyeroll* “not like u have any reason to like ur agency”
Taglist: @ayzrules @bebemoon @jay-swagsby @filthysoulls @shiftyprincess @kzombi3 @now-on-elissastillstands
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cubedmango · 2 years
OK KNOW I READ UR OC POST WHEN U POSTED IT I LIKE THEM A LOT... ok time for a proper reaction but i am absolutely obsessed with how theyre childhood friends who were estranged and then rivals and then lovers?? LIKE THAT IS THE BEST FLAVOR... ALSO KLAPOLLO? SO TRUE... i love the drama of their misunderstanding regarding the separation... im glad that they got to reconnect!!! ALSO YEAH!! they can reconnect in a club at uni 100% can see it... ALSO VERY EXCITED TO ALSO SEE THE BESTIES TOO if u want!
if ur willing to share are there any general likes, dislikes, things they do for fun for julia and alicia? besides drama and such... do they have pets do they like animals... whats their fav types of things to perform... also very silly question if they watched cherry magic what would their thoughts on it be
AHH THANK U im glad u like the gorls 🥺🥺 i dont have any decent art of their besties rn (tbh . i still havent even decided on final names for them which........... help) but heres an old thing i made abt them which should explain them perfectly (warning 2020 naina art jumpscare)
Tumblr media
oh hmmm likes and stuff...... i gave. one of them photography as a hobby but for the life of me i cant remember who ?? probs julia???? oh and shes also into music a lot and plays a couple instruments 👀 for alicia i havent thought of much yet but shes very much a Secret Nerd so shes into shows and video games and stuff kfdjsfk,, oh and no pets yet but ! i did intend on them getting a pet after they get together and live together so ill think about that some more hehe
sighs ok the truth come out. i made them theatre gorls but i actually dont rlly know much abt western theatre ..??? my original idea for them was that they did musicals and stuff but........... (<-has never watched a proper musical) so there is a lot i need to research before i can answer that bit jkfJDKJFS
omg juliali being cm enjoyers........ i think theyd both be like 'what the FUCK is that title' at first but end up liking it .... perhaps theyd make art and fic of it......... 👀👀
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wtfzodiacsigns · 7 years
Songs For Couples At Their Best And  Worst
Aries x Aries
Best: Rocketeer – Far East Movement ft. Ryan Tedder
Worst: I Just Don’t Know What To Do With Myself – The White Stripes
Aries x Taurus
Best: Around My Head – Cage the Elephant
Worst: Happy Ever After – Gin Wigmore
Aries x Gemini
Best: You & Me – Disclosure ft. Eliza Doolittle (Flume remix)
Worst: Bust Your Windows – Jazmine Sullivan
Aries x Cancer
Best: Slow Dance – Babeo Baggins
Worst: I’d Rather Go Blind – Etta James
Aries x Leo
Best: Love On Me – Galantis & Hook N Sling
Worst: Used To Love You – Gwen Stefani
Aries x Virgo
Best: Big Jet Plane – Angus & Julia Stone
Worst: Go Outside – Cults
Aries x Libra
Best: Trndsttr – Black Coast ft. M. Maggie
Worst: Heartbeat – Childish Gambino
Aries x Scorpio
Best: Wolves (You Got Me) – DREAMERS
Worst: Really Don’t Care – Demi Lovato
Aries x Sagittarius
Best: Nine In The Afternoon – Panic! At the Disco
Worst: FU – Miley Cyrus ft. French Montana
Aries x Capricorn
Best: I Will Always Love You – Whitney Houston
Worst: Potential Breakup Song – Aly & AJ
Aries x Aquarius
Best: Feeling Good – Muse
Worst: Bulletproof – La Roux
Aries x Pisces
Best: Run – Hozier
Worst: Fuck You – Lily Allen
Taurus x Taurus
Best: LOVE. – Kendrick Lamar ft. Zacari
Worst: I’m Good – LeToya Luckett
Taurus x Gemini
Best: Pillowtalk – Zayn
Worst: Before He Cheats – Carrie Underwood
Taurus x Cancer
Best: Fallingforyou – The 1975
Worst: Easily – Bruno Major
Taurus x Leo
Best: More Than Words – Extreme
Worst: Hotline Bling – Drake
Taurus x Virgo
Best: Honey – Kehlani
Worst: I Don’t Believe in Love – We Are Trees
Taurus x Libra
Best: Lovesong – Adele
Worst: Fuck It (I Don’t Want You Back) – Eamon
Taurus x Scorpio
Best: Ya da One – Rihanna
Worst: Fuck You – CeeLo Green
Taurus x Sagittarius
Best: Share My World – Mary J. Blige
Worst: Survivor – Destiny’s Child
Taurus x Capricorn
Best: Never Knew I Needed – Ne-Yo
Worst: The One That Got Away – Katy Perry
Taurus x Aquarius
Best: As the World Falls Down – David Bowie
Worst: Never Gonna Love Again – Lykke Li
Taurus x Pisces
Best: Walking On a Dream – Empire of the Sun
Worst: Faking It – Calvin Harris ft. Kehlani & Lil Yachty
Gemini x Gemini
Best: Promiscuous – Nelly Furtado
Worst: I Love It – Icona Pop
Gemini x Cancer
Best: Home – Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
Worst: Jar of Hearts – Christina Perri
Gemini x Leo
Best: Rock With You – Michael Jackson
Worst: Clarity – Zedd ft. Foxes
Gemini x Virgo
Best: I’m Yours – Jason Mraz
Worst: I Can’t Stop Drinking About You – Bebe Rexha
Gemini x Libra
Best: Beneath Your Beautiful – Labrinth
Worst: Don’t – Ed Sheeran
Gemini x Scorpio
Best: My Way – Fetty Wap
Worst: Tears Dry On Their Own – Amy Winehouse
Gemini x Sagittarius
Best: Come On Eileen – Dexy’s Midnight Runners
Worst: 50 Ways to Say Goodbye – Train
Gemini x Capricorn
Best: Fallin’ – Alicia Keys
Worst: Hurts – Emeli Sandé
Gemini x Aquarius
Best: Sea of Love – The Honeydrippers
Worst: IDGAF – Dua Lipa
Gemini x Pisces
Best: Stereo Hearts – Gym Class Heroes ft. Adam Levine
Worst: Gibberish – Max ft. Hoodie Allen
Cancer x Cancer
Best: Cold Arms – Mumford & Sons
Worst: Say You Love Me – Jessie Ware
Cancer x Leo
Best: Safe With Me – Sam Smith
Worst: TV Dreams – Cults
Cancer x Virgo
Best: Beyond Love – Beach House
Worst: Tears – Clean Bandit ft. Louisa Johnson
Cancer x Libra
Best: All of Me – John Legend
Worst: Leave (Get Out)  – JoJo
Cancer x Scorpio
Best: Let My Baby Stay – Amandla Stenberg
Worst: On Hold – The xx
Cancer x Sagittarius
Best: Can’t Help Falling In Love – Elvis Presley
Worst: Crown of Love – Arcade Fire
Cancer x Capricorn
Best: Put Your Head On My Shoulder – Paul Anka
Worst: Million Dollar Man – Lana Del Rey
Cancer x Aquarius
Best: Always Forever – Cults
Worst: Don’t Speak – No Doubt
Cancer x Pisces
Best: Toothpaste Kisses – The Maccabees
Worst: Send My Love (To Your New Lover) – Adele
Leo x Leo
Best: Countdown – Beyoncé
Worst: Unapologetic Bitch – Madonna
Leo x Virgo
Best: Okay – Backhouse Mike ft. Elizabeth Gillies
Worst: Irreplaceable – Beyoncé
Leo x Libra
Best: Smooth – Santana ft. Rob Thomas
Worst: I Fall Apart – Post Malone
Leo x Scorpio
Best: For Emma – Bon Iver
Worst: Say It Right – Nelly Furtado
Leo x Sagittarius
Best: Alone Together – Fall Out Boy
Worst: Gotta Get Away – The Black Keys
Leo x Capricorn
Best: Roses – The Chainsmokers
Worst: Need You Now – Lady Antebellum
Leo x Aquarius
Best: Daydream In Blue – I Monster
Worst: Love Hurts – Nazareth
Leo x Pisces
Best: I Need Your Love – Calvin Harris ft. Ellie Goulding
Worst: I Am the Greatest – Logic
Virgo x Virgo
Best: La Vie En Rose – Louis Armstrong
Worst: i hate u, i love u – gnash
Virgo x Libra
Best: Budapest – George Ezra
Worst: We Don’t Talk Anymore – Charlie Puth ft. Selena Gomez
Virgo x Scorpio
Best: Save The Last Dance For Me – The Drifters
Worst: Ha Ha You’re Dead – Green Day
Virgo x Sagittarius
Best: Somewhere Only We Know – Max Schneider & Elizabeth Gillies
Worst: Ugly Heart – G.R.L.
Virgo x Capricorn
Best: Don’t Worry Baby – The Beach Boys
Worst: Gonna Get Over You – Sara Bareilles
Virgo x Aquarius
Best: Out of My League – Fitz and The Tantrums
Worst: Lies – Jane XO
Virgo x Pisces
Best: Counting Stars – OneRepublic
Worst: Just Desserts – Marina and the Diamonds ft. Charli XCX
Libra x Libra
Best: Dreamers – Savoir Adore
Worst: The Night We Met – Lord Huron
Libra x Scorpio
Best: Oui – Jeremih
Worst: Numb – Hayden James ft. GRAACE
Libra x Sagittarius
Best: Ugly – Jaira Burns
Worst: Thinking Of You – Kesha
Libra x Capricorn
Best: Crazy He Calls Me – Billie Holiday
Worst: You Lied – Rayy Dubb
Libra x Aquarius
Best: Buzzcut Season – Lorde
Worst: Gives You Hell – The All-American Rejects
Libra x Pisces
Best: Stand By You – Rachel Platten
Worst: Makes Me Wonder – Maroon 5
Scorpio x Scorpio
Best: Burn the Pages – Sia
Worst: You Give Love a Bad Name – Bon Jovi
Scorpio x Sagittarius
Best: Drugs – Anderson .Paak
Worst: Back to Black – Amy Winehouse
Scorpio x Capricorn
Best: Can’t Take My Eyes Off You – Frankie Valli
Worst: U + Ur Hand – Pink
Scorpio x Aquarius
Best: Check Yes, Juliet – We the Kings
Worst: So What – P!nk
Scorpio x Pisces
Best: Any Time, Any Place – Janet Jackson
Worst: Set Fire to the Rain – Adele
Sagittarius x Sagittarius
Best: My Love – Justin Timberlake ft. T.I.
Worst: Don’t – Bryson Tiller
Sagittarius x Capricorn
Best: Fantasy – Mariah Carey
Worst: I Miss You – Clean Bandit ft. Julia Michaels
Sagittarius x Aquarius
Best: Bad Romance – Lady Gaga
Worst: I Don’t Fuck With You – Big Sean (ft. E-40)
Sagittarius x Pisces
Best: Dance With Me Tonight – Olly Murs
Worst: IFHY – Tyler, the Creator
Capricorn x Capricorn
Best: Something – The Beatles
Worst: You’re Such A – Hailee Steinfeld
Capricorn x Aquarius
Best: Count on Me – Bruno Mars
Worst: Same Old Love – Selena Gomez
Capricorn x Pisces
Best: O Valencia! – The Decemberists
Worst: Somebody That I Used to Know – Gotye ft. Kimbra
Aquarius x Aquarius
Best: I Put a Spell On You – Annie Lennox
Worst: Perfect Illusion – Lady Gaga
Aquarius x Pisces
Best: Thinking Out Loud – Ed Sheeran
Worst: Another Love – Tom Odell
Pisces x Pisces
Best: Wipe Your Eyes – Maroon 5
Worst: Cry Me A River – Justin Timberlake
Source: astrologieez
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lordmongoose · 6 years
shit, the current anime season is ending.
well, uh
guess i’ll
A Thing About, uh... How Not to Summon a Demon Lord, I guess
short summery get it cuz it was a summer anime and now it’s not summer anymo
It’s an isekai. There’s a guy who’s, like, the most powerful fucker in all the land in this MMO he plays, and he mostly just hangs out in some dungeon killing all the other players who keep trying to take him out.
Then he goes to bed, wakes up, oh shit it’s another world, etc etc.
Fuckin’ isekais, man.
Yes, he’s his character from the video game. Yes, he’s ridiculously overpowered. Yes, the world is the MMO world. sorta. iunno.
Before him (genuinely don’t remember his actual people name) are 2 kawaii-ass girts, who, uh... Summoned him, I guess? Thing is, he’s got thing ring that reflects literally all magic. Got it as a reward for being the first player to defeat some big raid boss. So, the two girls cast enslavement magic on him, figuring he’s a demon or whatever, but that shit gets reflected and now they’re both his slave. Slaves. Iunno.
Thing is- and this is basically the only reason why I kept up with this show- the guy’s completely fuckin’ inept as a person. He can’t talk to people for shit, but he can roleplay as an evil demon lord asshole. So, at the risk of being uncovered as a socially inept fuckula, he be’s all like, “sup bitches y’all thought you could enslave the daemon lorde diablo fuck that noise y’all’re mine now alright now what the fuck’s going on.”
The two girls, a catgirl named Rem i think and an elf girl named Ce-Cel-
Shera, that’s what it was. Shera.
They give him the lowdown on stuff. They all sign up as adventurers, what with Diablo being level 150. The deal with the isekai world is that most people don’t want to fuckin die, so there really aren’t too many people who’re higher than like level 30.
A bunch of people be all like, “dude, fuck this demon lord guy. who the fuck he think he is. shit he just fuckin blasted all my steez into oblivion. well.”
meanwhile, the girls are just sorta like “ay diablo what’s large, round, and rhymes with anime tiddies. surprise, it’s anime tiddies.”
except Rem doesn’t have large anime tiddies. You’ve seen the scene where a girl is all, “oh no i don’t have ooki oppai. this is so sad alexa play renai circulation,” so, like, there’s no point in going over that.
Turns out Rem’s got a fuckin demon lord inside her. No, it’s not the main character. Yet. Her fam has been cursed to carry the demon lord Krebsklumnmmmnmmnm, and she wants to deal with that shit cuz she’s sorta doomed to just die and/or condemn her child to the same fate. rip.
Diablo, being the upstanding gentleman that he is, swears that he’ll use his immense demon lord schlong power to fix this whole demon parasite situation.
Someone from the mages guild gets pissed at Diablo being rude and tries to kill him. He gets his shit pushed in, etc etc.
Note: I don’t actually remember if this is the order things actually happened in. So, y’know.
Some other guy, proclaiming himself to be an ally to all women, vows to free Shera and Rem from Diablo’s enslavement. Naturally, being a man who proclaims himself to be an ally to all women, he doesn’t actually fucking listen when the girls tell him that it’s not a problem and the whole enslavement deal was an accident. He gets his shit pushed in and then they all become friends once he realizes that Diablo is also an ally to all women or some shit i don’t fuggin kn
Shera’s brother shows up- wait no
The mage man that got his shit pushed in starts a demon invasion cuz he’s salty. Diablo blows the demons up. Woo.
Shera’s brother shows up and is all like, “Hey Shera, y’all wanna make an incest baby?” to which Shera be’s all like, “fuckin... no?” so he gets pissed and leaves, vowing that he’ll be back for her.
Like a day later, he’s back for her. He plays a flute and suddenly she’s all, “y’know what onii-chan that incest baby plan sounds pretty solid right about now let’s head back to the elf kingdo-” also btw shera’s the princess of the elf kingdom and her brother is here to retrieve her that’s kind of an important detail “-m.”
Diablo gets PTSD from the ordeal, cuz he’s kinda gotten attached to the girls and shera just sorta swooced on outta there y’know. He soon realizes that the flute is a literal rape whistle and has mind control powers over Shera. Maybe others, but specifically her in this instance.
Also, earlier, they got a mission to stop war with the elf kingdom.
So, Diablo and friend go to save Shera. Shera’s brother’s startin to get all, “ay shera i’m gonna poke you stuff,” and she’s all, “no don’t” in response but he don’t fuckin listen. 
Then Diablo shows up at the elf camp, and Shera brother is all, “hey where’re the guards how’d you get here,” to which Diablo be’s all like, “bitch,” and turns shera brother into a pancake. Not really, because Shera doesn’t want her brother to die, but then her brother summons a hydra to kill Diablo. Diablo kills the hydra, everyone is saved.
Then the royal guard shows up. Turns out, the guy in charge whose name I definitely remember wants war with the elf kingdom for reasons. So, he decapitates Shera brother. Yup.
The royal guard leader is actually pretty friggin’ tough, being almost at Diablo’s level, but Diablo doesn’t suck, so royal guard man gets his shit pushed in and Diablo be’s all like, “Fuckin’ stop. I’m gonna blackmail the shit out of you with the fact that you tried to start a war, so just go back to yer fuckin castle and eat all yer shitty cheese or whatever.”
Then a demon girl shows up and be’s all like “ay, I know how to get that demon outta Rem.” So they, as well as this royal guard girl that they’ve known for a while shit i forgot to mention that earlier all go to a tower. Also I forgot to mention that Diablo learned how to dispel magic by using him magic to find magic and then de-magic it.
Then, some royal guard asshole with mystic eyes of distortion shows up and tries to kill Diablo and friends because he thinks he’s the weapon of god or whatever. He’s fuckin terrible. They push his shit in and move on.
So, they get to the place and also the plan is to flood the demon lord in Rem with magic until it revives, at which point Diablo will kill it. Sound plan. 10/10. Fuck it.
So, Diablo floods Rem with magic. Doesn’t work, so the demon girl is all, “you can flood magic better from within.”
to which Diablo responds, “wait, like, how ‘within’ are we talkin here?”
“you must put ur hand in her girl bits”
“mmm, right”
So, diablo puts his hand in her girl bits and fills her with magic shut up and the demon lord becomes revived. It’s a smol girt. She likes biscuits.
The demon girl what proposed the plan earlier is confused, but, like, the girt is the demon lord, so I guess mission accomplished? Another demon man shows up and is all, “wait shit this ain’t the demon lord she didn’t fully revive I’m gonna kill her and retry.” but then diablo just sorta pushes his shit in and they all go to town and have a nice non-sexual sleep.  One detail of that last sentence was a lie. Guess which one it was. Vote now on your phones.
Boom, the royal guard girl was evil. She hates the mortal races and wants the demon lord to be fully revived so that she’ll destroy them. They’ve named the demon lord girl Krem, btw.
The religious asshole man from earlier kidnaps Rem and Krem with Alicia (royal guard betrayal woman)’s help. Religious asshole man tortures Rem with swords and almost kills her, so Krem explodes with anger and kills the religious asshole man fucking god finally.
Diablo fights Krem. Krem gets her shit pushed in, comes back to her senses, and etc. Everyone lives happily ever after and Alicia doesn’t get killed because even though she tried to initiate genocide, she’s got a real swell rack.
Only men can die.
Anime wasn’t a mistake guys i swea
They try to tell her that she needs to stop being a little shit and let go of her PTSD past or whatever. And then she’s just off somewhere. Yup.
The guild leader doesn’t trust Krem because she’s the demon lord, so Diablo enslaves Krem too so that she’s under his authority which is enough i guess fuck it.
Someone’s going to jail for this.
It’s... Neat, I guess. I wouldn’t call it good, per se, but hot damn if there ain’t some real cathartic shit in this. Diablo is, as a rule, stronger than literally everyone else in the entire world, so it’s just really satisfying watching all these asshole try to fuck with his peeps and then getting their shit pushed in.
Also, the development of the relationships between the characters is oddly well-done. There are a lot of anime that’ll toss some girl at a guy and she’s immediately smearing herself all over him, but that isn’t necessarily the case here. Iunno.
7/10. I enjoyed it a fair amount. It was pretty good filler in between, uh...
Boruto and Chio’s School Road. Shit, I shoulda done Chio’s School R
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