birdcagcd · 2 years
@dichromaticcapriccio​​ - x;
"Why didn't anyone wake me..." Charlotte yawns out.
Charlotte hadn't recalled when she fell fast asleep. Drowsy eyelids slowly open up and she recognizes the environment she was in, the House. She feels a heavy weight on her stomach and the cause was a sci-fi almanac. In her drowsy state she perks up upon hearing Felix's voice.
"F-Felix?! You frightened me," a hand was on her chest as if to soothe her fast heart rate, "you didn't want to wake me? Ahaha, you should've! I'm supposed to look after you, after all..."
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She feels her chest swelling up with anxiety. Was it the anxiety medication that caused her to be so tired that she passed out? Or was it her illness... Charlotte wish she had the answers but didn't want to discuss any of it to any of the tenants. It was her problem alone, no one elses.
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“ You know, I don’t need you for that. ” He feels mocked at the way she said that; even if he knew she didn’t mean it like that. (she never did, she’s too nice for that.)
“ I can take care of myself, thank you. ”
He sighs softly, fiddling with his gloves. “Besides, you were sleeping pretty deeply..” He’d just felt bad if he’d woken her up. He was in no rush, well he was always normally but. Just sitting here had been nice, even if he supposed it was weird to just watch someone sleep. It’d been kind of calming though.
“ How are you feeling? ”
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terminateddesires · 2 years
if you’re confused what this blog is. you wont be after you read this post! used to be dichromaticcapriccio but im just remaking the blog aesthetic and such ig? making it more raiden shogun-esque since she will be the new featured muse hehe. and thus im remaking tags and everything. may take a bit but will be worth it i guess!
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