#did some googling and she refers to herself everywhere on the internet as she
cithaerons · 2 years
idk i think it’s usually fair to assume that someone goes by the pronouns they present as unless they tell you otherwise? and if we declare that’s not the case then i feel like we’re back in the boat of pressuring people to tell the world their pronouns and thus out themselves when they aren’t comfortable doing do. and i kind of feel like the people who primarily harmed by NOT doing that are trans people? obviously it’s good to ask if it’s a safe and appropriate context for doing so but it often won’t be in the real world. idk, maybe others have different views.
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lastsonlost · 4 years
Oh my God Elon said something we don't agree with. God I hope Apple and Starbucks disagrees with you too.
Owning a Tesla, the luxurious electric car, is a major liberal status symbol. It signals nothing more than good taste — the perfect balance of wealth with care for fossil fuels. But the man behind the brand is crafting a very different persona online that may now prove to be a challenge for his fans.
Elon Musk, the bombastic head of Tesla and SpaceX, exhorted his 34 million Twitter followers on Sunday to “take the red pill.” The comment was quickly embraced by his followers, including Ivanka Trump, President Trump’s elder daughter, who announced that she had taken the pill already.
The exchange referred to a scene from “The Matrix,” the 1999 science fiction action film. But the meaning of “red pill,” and the idea of taking it, have since percolated in online forums and become a deeply political metaphor. And with Mr. Musk and Ms. Trump, the phrase is now lodged more fully into the mainstream.
So Tesla owners are having to grapple with a car that carries a few new connotations.
“Honestly, Musk is becoming a liability and the Tesla board needs to seriously consider ousting him,” wrote Markos Moulitsas, author of “The Resistance Handbook: 45 Ways to Fight Trump.” “And I say that as a proud owner of a Tesla and a SpaceX fanatic who truly appreciates what he’s built.”
So what is the red pill?
[ I hope your fuckings Tesla explodes. You don't have to be in its but you should be forced to walk everywhere.]
In “The Matrix,” the movie’s hero, Neo, played by Keanu Reeves, is given the option to take a pill that lets him see the truth.
The world he thinks is real turns out to be an entertaining lie; his body is actually trapped in a farm where people are being used as human batteries. Taking the blue pill would let him return to living in the ignorant but blissful lie, while taking the red pill would launch him into an arduous journey through a brutal but fulfilling reality.
The idea of taking the red pill later grew to mean waking up to society’s grand lies. It was embraced by the right, especially by members of its youngest cohort who organized and spent their time in online forums like Reddit and 4chan.
The truth to be woken up to varied, but it ended up usually being about gender. To be red-pilled meant you discovered that feminism was a scam that ruined the lives of boys and girls. In this view, for a male to refuse the red pill was to be weak.
Red Pill forums were often filled with deeply misogynistic and often racist diatribes. The more extreme elements splintered into groups like involuntary celibates (“incels”) or male separatists (Men Going Their Own Way, or MGTOWs). Conferences like the 21 Convention and its sister convention, Make Women Great Again, sprang up to gather red-pilled men. Being red-pilled became a sort of umbrella term for all of it.
As these conversations seeped into the mainstream, pulled along by a host of other internet language from message boards to establishment Republican conversations on sites like Breitbart, the meaning broadened and got watered down. To be red-pilled can now mean being broadly skeptical of experts, to be distrustful of the mainstream press or to see hypocrisy in social liberalism.
What’s going on with Elon Musk?
Mr. Musk has been pretty wild online for years now, which has made him a major internet celebrity with devoted fans who call themselves Musketeers. There are fan pages like Musk Memes with nearly 100,000 followers, and a Reddit page with 200,000 members in constant, extremely active conversation.
Most recently, Mr. Musk has been a prominent skeptic online of the coronavirus, calling the response to it a “panic” and “dumb” and wrongly predicting close to zero new cases by the end of April. As of Tuesday, there were more than 90,000 deaths from the virus and more than 1.5 million cases in the United States alone.
The night before Tesla’s earnings were released last month, Mr. Musk tweeted an anti-lockdown rallying cry: “FREE AMERICA NOW.” He had a showdown with local lawmakers, threatening to move Tesla headquarters out of California and deciding to reopen a Tesla factory in Fremont, Calif., despite the local county’s restrictions to prevent the virus from spreading.
When State Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez objected on May 9 with an obscene tweet, Mr. Musk responded, “Message received.”
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Defending his reopening of the Tesla factory, Mr. Musk wrote on Twitter that he would be on the factory floor and offered himself up to authorities. “I will be on the line with everyone else,” he posted on May 11. “If anyone is arrested, I ask that it only be me.”
This month, he and his girlfriend, Claire Boucher, the musician known as Grimes, had a child and named him X Æ A-12. And Mr. Musk announced that Tesla shares were too high and that he was selling almost all his possessions to the point of owning no house.
“We have a phrase, it’s E.M.M. — Elon Moves Markets,” said Bill Selesky, an analyst at Argus Research who tracks how Mr. Musk’s messages impact Tesla’s stock price. “People want to listen to him no matter what he says. He tends to be thought of as a great visionary.”
Mr. Selesky said even Mr. Musk’s detractors parsed every tweet and utterance. “Plus, if you have a Tesla, nobody can ever complain about you because you’re good for society,” he added.
This leads back to Mr. Musk’s message on Sunday, telling his followers to take the red pill.
Do ‘The Matrix’ creators like this?
No. Lilly Wachowski, a “Matrix” co-creator, told Mr. Musk and Ms. Trump in colorful language on Twitter that they could take a hike.
Is ‘red pill’ a Silicon Valley thing?
To some extent.
There has long been a strain of men’s rights activism in Silicon Valley, exemplified by James Damore, a former Google engineer who was fired after writing a memo arguing that the reason there are fewer female engineers is biological differences rather than discrimination.
Mr. Damore became a folk hero for a simmering movement in the technology industry of people who thought the efforts toward 50/50 representation at tech companies were absurd. Cassie Jaye, who calls herself a former feminist, made a 2016 documentary about the Red Pill community and said it had flourished in the tech world.
But the more common phrase in Silicon Valley to signal contrarian thinking is “narrative violation,” which is often used to describe an event that cuts against the mainstream media’s consensus on a topic. The idea is that there is a story being told about the world and how it works, but that the story is too simplistic to be entirely true and an event occasionally pops up to remind people of that.
Why does any of this matter?
Few products today are as deeply entwined with a person’s brand as Tesla is with Mr. Musk, and so his comments can feel personal for Tesla drivers.
“As a Tesla owner, a 47-year-old male recovering from Covid-19, and someone very concerned simultaneously about the environment, the economy, my kids’ and my parents’ future, this ain’t great,” said Jeff Guilfoyle, a product manager at FireEye in San Diego. “This disease is no joke, and the long-term health impacts are unknown for survivors.”
Many have implored Mr. Musk online to stop.
Raja Sohail Abbas, the chief executive of an outpatient psychiatric clinic in Allentown, Pa., wrote: “I am a Tesla owner and love the company. You have to stop being an idiot about this.”
“Tesla owner and Fan here, but this was a disappointing tweet despite the frustrations of and holdups,” added Alex Goodchild, a D.J. in Brooklyn. “Words are weapons especially when used during situations like the one we’re currently experiencing. You sound just like Trump in this tweet.”
The debate has riven the Tesla community.
“The last two months, there’s been this polarization in the Elon Musk fan club,” said Paula Timothy-Mellon, a technology consultant who moderates that LinkedIn-based fan club, which has 22,000 members. “There are those who are believers in these California guidelines and there are those in favor of his push to re-open Tesla.”
“As a Tesla owner, a 47-year-old male recovering from Covid-19, and someone very concerned simultaneously about the environment, the economy, my kids’ and my parents’ future, this ain’t great,” said Jeff Guilfoyle, a product manager at FireEye in San Diego. “This disease is no joke, and the long-term health impacts are unknown for survivors.”
Many have implored Mr. Musk online to stop.
Raja Sohail Abbas, the chief executive of an outpatient psychiatric clinic in Allentown, Pa., wrote: “I am a Tesla owner and love the company. You have to stop being an idiot about this.”
“Tesla owner and Fan here, but this was a disappointing tweet despite the frustrations of and holdups,” added Alex Goodchild, a D.J. in Brooklyn. “Words are weapons especially when used during situations like the one we’re currently experiencing. You sound just like Trump in this tweet.”
The debate has riven the Tesla community.
“The last two months, there’s been this polarization in the Elon Musk fan club,” said Paula Timothy-Mellon, a technology consultant who moderates that LinkedIn-based fan club, which has 22,000 members. “There are those who are believers in these California guidelines and there are those in favor of his push to re-open Tesla.”
Driving a Tesla often carries great symbolism for the owner (and observers).
“If you own a Tesla, you feel you are directly connected to Elon Musk and people think that Tesla owners are directly connected to the politics of the C.E.O.,” said Sam Kelly, a Tesla owner and investor based in Spain who posts under the name SamTalksTesla.
He added that he did not think the red pill comment meant any big new political awakening from Mr. Musk.
Asked to explain his thinking, Mr. Musk pasted an image of the Urban Dictionary definition of red pill in an email. It read:
“‘Red pill’ has become a popular phrase among cyberculture and signifies a free-thinking attitude, and a waking up from a ‘normal’ life of sloth and ignorance. Red pills prefer the truth, no matter how gritty and painful it may be.”
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Seriously get a refund, buy a prius and
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sariahsue · 5 years
The Open Line, Chapter Six - Secrets
Ladybug knows that if it weren’t for Adrien, she would have fallen for Cat Noir, hard and fast. And when Oblivio takes her memory, she does just that. Able to keep her memory after the Oblivio incident but still unaware of Cat Noir’s real identity, Ladybug must deal with her growing feelings for her partner, who is desperately trying to win her over. (Rated PG.)
Read Chapter One Here Read Chapter Five Here
Marinette fingered the corner of the poster Alya had given her to "encourage her new crush." Alya was completely wrong, of course. All through the school day Marinette had been blushing every time someone mentioned Cat Noir, true, but it was from the embarrassment of last night's "bell incident" and nothing more. It definitely had nothing to do with the two-day break from him she'd had to take to rid herself of the perplexing emotions that Oblivio had caused. Definitely not.
"So are you putting it up or not?" Tikki asked. "You're going to be late to patrol if you keep standing there."
"It's okay for me to have his picture up, right?" Marinette asked. "I can support my partner. I don't have a crush on him." She reached for the tape and started sticking it to the corners. "I'm supporting my friend." Marinette pushed the corners against the wall, making sure they were stuck fast.
Tikki waited until the poster was secure and then said, "It's not healthy to deny your feelings like that."
"I'm not!" Marinette flailed her arms around in an attempt to be taken seriously. "We're just friends."
"Okay. If you're sure."
Marinette transformed before Tikki could say anything else crazy, and Ladybug was soaring to Parc de Bercy before she knew it. Tonight, they would be patrolling the 12th Arrondissement.
Cat Noir was much the same as he had been the night before, quiet and distant, though this time, she caught him staring at her intently when he thought she wasn't looking. She was rattled to realize that she liked the attention.
The longer the night wore on, the more she suspected that there was more going on than just silence. Something was definitely wrong. 
The ending of patrol was a drawn-out process. Back at the park, they shuffled their feet and said goodnight several times before Ladybug simply sat down on a bench and patted the space next to her. It was late, and they both should have been going to bed, but it was a nice night, and even though she definitely DID NOT have feelings for her partner, he was good company, and she enjoyed spending time with him. Besides, he still looked like he could do with some more attention. She might be able to help him feel better. A few extra minutes couldn't hurt, right?
"So, you ready to talk about it?"
"Whatever is wrong?"
"Nothing," he said. He had left a small gap between them when he'd sat down. The air between them felt colder than the air everywhere else, and she didn't like. She scooted a little closer, careful not to touch him, since she wasn't sure how he would react.
Their bench overlooked a large lake, which reflected moonlight. A light breeze made ripples on the surface dance. After the gates were locked was her favorite time to visit the city parks, when they became one of the few places she could be truly alone with her partner. It was peaceful.
"Sometimes, I don't like being civilian me," she whispered. Maybe, if she started sharing secrets, he'd do the same. He needed to talk to someone. "Sure, the stakes are higher, but I can just erase all my mistakes at the end. Plus, I get this partner to help me out." She bumped his shoulder lightly. "He's kind of great."
"I like to watch anime."
"Come on, I told you a secret. That's not a secret."
"It's a personal detail that you didn't know before. It counts."
"Really? I didn't hear you quoting Steins;gate two weeks ago?" He hadn't explained the reference to her, and she'd had to use her yoyo to Google how a microwave started World War Three. "I know what crazy shows you watch."
"Fine. I-"
For a few seconds, she thought he was going to say it.
"I'd wanted to learn embroidery when I was little. I thought it looked cool, and thought maybe it was fancy enough that my father would let me try it, so I asked for lessons. I was told it wasn't practical, so the answer was no. I tried to teach myself from the internet anyway. Turns out I'm terrible at it, so I quit. I never told anyone else that. Does it count?"
"I'll allow it." They had a common interest? Really?! She tried to squelch the excitement by reminding herself that he had told her a secret, but not what was wrong. She'd have to try a more direct approach. "So this thing that's bothering you, it's a person, isn't it?"
"I- My..." He turned away quickly. She hoped he wasn't going to say her. Three days ago, she'd run out on him, then abandoned him during patrols without warning, and couldn't get a word out of him since. It would make sense that she was the cause, and she hated to admit it.
"My... father," he finally said, and Ladybug sighed with relief.
"What about him?"
"He's very... distant. We don't understand each other very well."
He shifted, bringing his arm up, and for a moment, she thought he was going to put it around her, or maybe run his fingers through her hair, but he only scratched the back of his neck and let his hand fall again. Ladybug told herself that she wasn't disappointed. She hadn't wanted him to hold her. She only wanted to be near him because she cared about him. That was an objective fact. And sharing personal details was making her feel closer to him. That was all. It didn't mean anything else.
"Have you talked to him about it?" she asked. Focus on the task at hand, Marinette. He needs your attention right now. 
"Tried to."
"What about other people?"
Cat Noir shrugged.
"No one? You can't expect things to change if you don't ask someone for help."
"You don't get it," he said. "And it's not like I can tell you more about it. Identities."
"Yeah," she said. "I know." There were some secrets they would have to keep, though she'd never hated it more than she did right then.
Read chapter seven right here!
Author's note: If I ever do one of these prompt month things again, I'll take a leaf out of @thenovelartist's book and combine multiple days into larger chapters. Pacing it myself, I probably would have written days one through four as one and days six through eight as another. Day five is the only one that makes sense to me as its own thing. Oh, well.
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ephemerational · 4 years
Pillow Grave (VIII)
The ground is still a long ways off, hidden away beyond the impenetrable darkness. 
If there even is one. 
I suspect that there is. 
Supposing that I'm correct, it's a little bit closer now. 
I must have fallen from somewhere, a cliff or building or other structure, which has to stand on something, so there necessarily has to be a ground. 
But I don't remember. 
I can't always have fallen. 
If I did, could it really be called falling, technically?
Doesn't feel right. 
A little closer yet. 
I look up into the void, or down, I can't tell, and through the clouds of now vaguely materializing forms, the letter "L" looks back at me. 
Less than an inch away from my retina. Some more letters dig themselves into my cheekbones, creating a sharp pain all over the right half of my face. 
I lift my head off the keyboard. 
Not yet sufficiently sober, my body sways from side to side, forcing my center of mass beyond the chair's edge. 
I haven't stopped falling. 
Face to carpet, back to darkness.
I awaken to the high-pitched voice of my younger brother and a light tap on the shoulder.
“Hey, I thought you were gonna show me the around the school today.”
The young boy in front of me is beaming from cheek to cheek.
“Yeah, definitely, I was just… waiting here for you.”
“I dunno Vi, it kind of looked like you were sleeping.”
“Sleeping? In class?”
I smile widely and blow out some air through my nose in hopes of making the act more convincing. “How dare you accuse your brother of such delinquency?”
“If you say so. We did homeroom-introductions with miss Wagner today, everyone seems really nice!”
“Wagner? You lucked out then, her classes are pretty low-effort. You didn’t talk to anyone, did you?”
“Of course I talked to them, duh. They’re my new classmates, and I told you they’re nice.”
“Any word you speak to those vultures is ammunition against you. Just wait until they find their first target and you’ll see. I’ve done school for a bit now and the best way of being ignored is ignoring them. They’re boring as shit anyways.”
Was I still being sincere when I said that? Was I sincere at any point? When did it all get so twisted, so dark and callous? Why did I feel like I had to experiment with him? Why did I poke everything until it broke?
“I am no longer him!”
“No longer who?” 
Lloyd responds in the muffled, barely understandable tone of a man mumbling into his pillow.
“Don’t even worry about it… I need to take a shower”
“Woah, what kind of epiphany has led to taking action as drastic as basic hygiene?
“yeah, yeah, whatever.”
Even as warm water beats against my face and layers upon layers of filth and dead skin are stripped from my body, the thoughts won’t go away. I can’t live like this. I need absolution. Just some, just a little bit, not actually from the good one himself though. That’s worthless, he’ll forgive anyone. He already forgave me for fuck’s sake. How much could that possibly mean. I open my mouth and take in the jet of disgusting, metal-tasting water, in hopes that it will drown me before I can bring this particular train of thought to conclusion. My half assed attempt at suicide proves unsuccessful. There has to be a place for this kind of forgiveness. Fuck talking to some religious dipshit, but sad, directionless teenagers playing psychoanalyst for each other, so they don’t have to deal with the reality of their own misery for a bit? Now that’s something I can get behind. And forums like that ought to exist everywhere.
A few google searches and DMs to angsty teenagers in Lo’s comments lead me to just the place I was looking for: “The darkness glows”. A wall of absurdly pretentious confessionals, ten times the wordcount they would require, were the people responsible even remotely as interested in conveying their actual issues as they are in convincing readers of their depth, stretches down farther than any reasonable human would ever dare to scroll.
The site was apparently created by a lifestyle blogger named Veronica Heine, who became somewhat famous amongst the goth-adjacent two years ago after unexpectedly killing herself and leaving multiple novels worth of purple-prose as her suicide note. Further digging into her uncovered this site, which she assumably set up in order to help herself, but which didn’t gain any traction until the connection to the now dead pseudo-e-celeb had been was revealed. That is to say: quite a bit too late. The girl however succeeded in becoming a messianic figure for depressed assholes who think that she somehow sacrificed herself to bring them this site and therefore save their lives, miraculously unaware of the existence of suicide hotlines.
I guess I shouldn’t be too cynical of the whole matter, seeing how this is exactly what I needed.
Thanks Veronica.
For a moment I consider contemplating how incredibly macabre and creepy that thought was but decide against it.
Instead I start reading a post.
“There is no out. There can’t be. The thing we want to escape from once simplified to its most basic, nuanceless core is reality itself, or rather the human experience that is the lens through which we conceptualize it. How could there possibly be anything outside that except death? Anything that seems like an out is just another in, a pathway to another corner of the same shitty old building where the only way to escape is jumping out the 21st floor window. It still sucks, wherever your path leads, but at least it sucks in a way that’s new, refreshing almost for a while. It puts past shit into perspective despite not being an exit and becomes the new, interesting shit, which might just be enough? As long as one keeps taking the “out”s that aren’t really and continuously turns the old shit into the new shit, the grind stays interesting enough to be worth it, maybe. Maybe that’s the point of it all.”
“If you’re still looking for the point, you have already missed it, because there is none and that is the point.”
“Wouldn’t that mean that there is one? Isn’t that just a “the path is the goal”-type twisting of words, that denies the initial discernibility of a thing’s nature, but not the verisimilitude of its existence. That’s even kind of the thing I described above.”
“It would be, if I, like you apparently do, operated on the assumption that “points” or any comprehensibility-serving abstraction of physical reality is an inherent property of it, rather than a foundationless attribution made by flawed human minds.”
“In that case you’re just being needlessly obtuse by referring once to the point of existence and once to your point about existence with the same word in the same sentence.
Being hard to understand doesn’t make you profound, you know?”
“Well what’s profound?”
“Anything that makes people go “oh, I get it, the world’s like THAT” in the form of a very neat, memetic sentiment. No more than a paragraph. The kind of shit middle aged women go nuts for.
didn’t miss that you changed the topic btw.”
The commenter didn’t respond to this.
What IS profound? THAT, yes, sure, but also more, right? There has to be more. It’s not satisfying like this. There has to be a more profound explanation of profundity. Did THEY, the commenter,  find it satisfactory, of did they just not reply because their ego had been bruised?
I come to the realization that that becoming cognizant, not knowing, but actually becoming cognizant of the fact that other people do exist and have thoughts is genuinely the worst feeling imaginable.
I take a large gulp of rum straight from the bottle and the burning sensation in my throat distracts me from the terrifying thought that some guy on the internet had maybe been given a glimpse at the true nature of things that simply doesn’t do it for me.
Why did I go here?
Where did the rum come from for that matter? Sometimes it seems like alcohol just appears around me. Wait, right. This was about Lo. It’s hard not to feel pathetic in this situation, despite the overwhelming work I put into cleansing myself from such feelings forever. The space girl would surely have a blast observing and commenting upon my fucked-up coping mechanisms, but then again, there are few pathological behaviors with which she doesn’t have a field day, this tendency of hers very much included.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
The Acid Reflux Strategy
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-acid-reflux-strategy/
The Acid Reflux Strategy
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    “So, you thought your acid reflux was just innocent annoyance?” my doctor asked.
Then, looking me straight in the eyes, he added…
“You were DEAD wrong!”
I wasn’t sure if the pun was intended.
My wife’s shivering hands squeezed mine as tears ran down her chin.
“Don’t worry. We’ll get through this,” she sobbed…maybe more to convince herself than me.
Frozen with fear, I couldn’t speak.
Only one thought circled through my mind: “I’m too young to die!”
You don’t anticipate this kind of shock when seeking medical advice for acid reflux, do you?
Yes, heartburn makes your life miserable. It robs you of sleep, ruins your meals, and embarrasses you with burp and gas outbursts in the worst places.
At worst, you fear ulcer, which is, of course, horrible.
But death — you don’t expect that!
If you frequently suffer heartburn, you should, however, prepare for the worst.
I tell you why…
Not being able to sleep that night, I googled the health risks of acid reflux.
What I found was terrifying.:
Recent studies prove that acid reflux is the number one cause of not just one or two, but SIX types of fatal cancers (4).
And we’re talking strong connection.
Heartburn increases your risk of…
cancer in the larynx by 286%;
cancer in the hypopharynx by 254%;
cancer in the oropharynx by 247%;
cancer in the tonsils by 214%;
cancer in the nasopharynx by 204%;
cancer in the sinuses by 140%.
Sum it all up, and you’re 1345% more likely to get one of these six cancers than does a person who doesn’t suffer heartburn.
One thousand, three hundred, and forty five percent.
That’s a lot!
“Acid reflux is more dangerous than smoking,”
…the researchers concluded.
Millions of people die every year because they don’t take their heartburn seriously enough.
And there I was, ready to be another name on a grave.
It wasn’t my fault, really!
I’ll explain in a second how I finally got rid of my acid reflux using a simple home remedy that takes only four or five minutes to make.
You most likely have all the ingredients sitting in your kitchen. So, if you want, you should be able to take the first sip within 10 minutes from NOW.
Had I known about this remedy before, I would not have received the dire news that day.
But with what I knew then, I couldn’t have done much differently!
Like most people suffering heartburn, I was loading up on proton pump inhibitors (PPI), medications thinking they were safe.
Well, they are not.
According to a study from Washington University in St. Louis, PPI drugs increase your risk of dying within a year by a terrifying 50% (1).
Another study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association (2) proved that PPI pills drastically increase your risk of stroke.
And, in a new study from the University of Hong Kong and University College London published in the peer-reviewed journal Gut (6), these same drugs were found to double your risk of stomach cancer.
Maybe worst of all: They also double your risk of kidney disease.
Hey, I can live with stomach ulcers, but I can’t live without my kidneys or stomach.
Other heartburn medications, such as antacids and H2 blockers (such as Tums and Zantac), may or may not be a little bit safer. However, numerous studies have also found a row of life-threatening side effects from these drugs.
Putting it bluntly:
It’s a matter of life and death that you naturally address your acid reflux immediately today.
Don’t put it off another day!
Plus, these drugs cost a fortune…
When my insurance company stopped copaying for my medication a few years back, I had to shuffle out over $5000 a year for heartburn prescriptions.
Even after I turned to cheaper over-the-counter PPIs, I was still paying close to $2000 a year for drugs that were actually murdering me.
Okay, finally, some good news:
Additional testing luckily revealed that my cancer diagnosis was a false alarm — “false positive,” they called it.
At that point, however, I was informed enough to realize I had gotten a second chance at life…
…but it wouldn’t last long unless I cured my acid reflux as soon as possible.
PPI and other heartburn medications only temporarily mask the symptoms. They do not cure your acid reflux or GERD.
Therefore, they do nothing to protect you from dying from cancer and other causes.
In fact, they drastically increase your risk of dying.
So, I knew I had to handle my acid reflux naturally…
…which is easier said than done.
The Internet is full of well-meaning tips for acid reflux.
I’m sure you’ve tried everything from baking soda to just carrying around Tums everywhere you go.
When other common wisdom, such as sleeping sitting up, not eating spicy food, and avoiding sugar, chocolates, and tomato sauce, is to no avail, you are running out of options, aren’t you?
So, you get what I was facing.
Finally, my luck changed when a friend referred me to a man named Scott Davis.
Scott is somewhat of a legend in the natural health research field.
He has come up with solutions for numerous health issues the traditional medical system has no answer for.
Among those are acid reflux and GERD disease.
At the age of 84, he dedicated most of his time to research and was not seeing many people in person.
In fact, he seemed quite irritated having to deal with such a mundane issue as my acid reflux.
You see, for someone like you and me, who have endured the pain of acid reflux for so long, curing it deserves the Nobel Prize and its million-dollar award, right?
Scott, however, had helped so many people with heartburn, it had become an old hat.
It wasn’t a challenge for him anymore.
He only helped me because my friend was Scott’s nephew, and really expressed how desperate I was.
Well, he did charge me $200 for a 30-minute session, which I, at that time, thought was kind of a rip-off.
That is until I realized how effective his method is.
In fact, this is the best investment I have made…
…not just because of my health but also because I’m saving almost $2000 every year in medications.
I don’t mind effortlessly banking extra 2000 bucks a year… Would you?
That’s one 1000% return on investment every year — beat that, Wall Street.
But obviously, saving my health and life was my only motivation that day.
Scott told me that the three-step system he had developed works for pretty much anyone, and if I followed it in detail, it would help me too.
“Let’s see,” I thought to myself, quite skeptical.
As Scott gently shuffled me out the door, he gave me a printout of 43 pages listing the three steps he wanted me to take.
Part one was his “quick fix,” – including his simple acid reflux remedy.
I could make the remedy right away, as it included only three ingredients I already had in my kitchen.
I was amazed to feel the pain melt away!
That night, I slept through without any bloating, burbling, or throat burning for the first time in decades.
Imagine the joy of waking up the next day feeling great. No gasping for air and spitting up acid before breakfast.
I made the formula again in the morning, and the whole day passed without any reflux.
This was great!
Several days and nights passed without any heartburn issues. I drank a glass of the formula two to three times a day.
And it was keeping my stomach in great shape.
Sometimes, I would add one or two of the extra herbs Scott recommended to boost the effectiveness of his remedy even further.
Herbs number six and nine on his list were especially effective, and I could get them from any supermarket along with the other ingredients.
The best part was being able to eat and drink anything I wanted (even fattening and heavy comfort food, which can really cause heartburn).
I could have coffee in the morning, a glass of red wine in the evening, and even a bit of spicy food for lunch (I didn’t dare try spicy for dinner.).
Heck, I had even forgotten that a sip of Bourbon wasn’t supposed to be painful.
All I did was make sure that I had a shot of Scott’s remedy when I knew I was going to eat or drink something that I shouldn’t.
Every day, I felt powerful and full of energy and focus.
This was amazing because I had tried literally hundreds of home remedy recipes before I met Scott.
The Internet is full of those recipes.
I’m sure Scott’s remedy has been ripped off somewhere (although I haven’t seen it anywhere else). But you’d have to literally go through thousands of failures before finding it (if you ever do).
Some of those online remedies I tried helped a little for a few days, but they always stopped working.
Others made my pain worse.
Scott’s remedy has never failed me.
That’s except when I failed Scott!
What do I mean by “failing Scott?”
You know what happens when we get a good thing going. We too quickly forget the hard times.
And, little by little, I began to forget taking the remedy.
I would run out of the ingredients or forget to take it with me when traveling.
Or, most idiotic of it all: Sometimes, I thought I didn’t have five minutes to spare to make it.
Imagine having a remedy that you know would eliminate your acid reflux every time, and you just decide in your mind that it’s not worth five minutes to make it.
Well, my brain is obviously not the brightest.
And that was okay for a few days…
…until one night, when the reflux assaulted me with full force again.
As luck would have it — it was exactly a night spent in a hotel, where I had none of the ingredients needed.
Worst night of my life!
Most of it was spent with my head in the toilet.
That’s when I got it:
Just like prescription medications, the remedy was dealing only with the symptoms.
It is, of course, natural and not causing any side effects.
But no matter how effective it was, it wasn’t curing my acid reflux.
I had promised Scott not to get stuck with the remedy and also take the two other steps in his system.
Well, this night reminded me of that promise.
And the hours that passed before I could get to a supermarket and buy the ingredients for the formula nailed that memory in deeply.
When I got home, I immediately began working Scott’s program for real.
The next step was to give my stomach a break.
It wasn’t enough to use the mixture that soothed my stomach.
I actually had to cut out the foods that were triggering it.
Scott had given me a list of foods to look out for, followed by a long list of delicious foods that are good and soothing for the stomach.
I got it all wrong before.
Okay, I knew about sugar, spicy foods, tomatoes, and many of the other obvious trigger foods.
But I had no idea about most of the things on Scott’s lists.
And here is the thing nobody tells you about acid reflux diets:
It is NOT about avoiding certain TYPES of foods.
It’s the food combinations in your meals that are much more important.
Scott taught me six simple fundamentals for food combination for acid reflux.
Using these fundamentals, I’m actually able to eat lots of foods that previously would have caused terrible bloating attacks.
I just avoid combining these “bad foods” with other foods that promote heartburn.
And finally, the third step…
The huge misunderstanding about stress and acid reflux:
You know the saying: “having a knot in the stomach” when someone is stressed or in dread.
It’s no wonder because when you are stressed or anxious, you feel it in your guts, right?
It’s like your intestines are twisted and turned?
Now, when acid reflux bloats your stomach, it tricks your body into thinking you’re under major stress — even when there is nothing to stress about (other than the pain, of course).
This triggers your brain to release a ton of stress hormones. This causes you to feel even more stressed, which again gives you that knot-in-the-stomach feeling and triggers acid reflux.
It’s a vicious circle of heartburn and stress.
That’s why traditional stress management doesn’t ease acid reflux.
Scott, meanwhile, taught me four powerful techniques, each of which taking only two to three minutes and focuses on the mind/stomach relationship.
I began using these techniques anytime I sensed a small tension in my stomach.
And the results were remarkable:
Over and over again, tensions that would have transformed into full-blown reflux before would melt away as I did the stress release exercises.
All I was left with were this great energy flow and light joy in my guts.
Scott is phenomenal!
Combining Scott’s simple mixture, his food plan, and his easy stress relief techniques when needed gave my guts a much-needed rest.
Over the coming weeks, I began experiencing a flow of energy in my guts that I hadn’t felt before.
The heaviness and pressure I would usually have after eating were gone.
Instead, I felt uplifted and energized.
At some point, choosing the right food and food combination became second nature. I don’t even think about it anymore.
Plus, it doesn’t matter if I cheat a little once in a while. It doesn’t send me into full-blown heartburn.
When going out to eat and I know I’m going to consume something I shouldn’t, I take four or five minutes to brew up Scott’s remedy and experience no heartburn problems.
Best of all: I feel like a normal person again.
It’s such a relief not dreading going out with friends because you are that weird guy who can’t eat or drink the same as others.
I can order normally without having to interrogate the waiter about the ingredients in the food.
And I can have a drink or two without fretting the night.
Now, it’s your turn…
Recently, Scott began working with natural health publishing company Blue Heron Health News to spread his knowledge.
They published the same three-step strategy Scott gave me:
Take the simple home remedy (plus the 11 herbs that supercharge it) to stop acid reflux in its tracks.
Identify the foods and the food combinations that trigger acid reflux.
Address the “knot in the stomach” using simple stress relief techniques.
In addition, he included a chapter specifically focused on pregnant women and acid reflux.
Another chapter focuses on infants and children experiencing heartburn.
I highly recommend Scott’s strategy for anyone suffering from acid reflux, GERD, or heartburn.
So, how much does Scott’s Acid Reflux Strategy cost?
The icing on the cake:
Unless you completely eliminate your acid reflux, heartburn, GERD, or whatever else you call it, you end up paying NOTHING…
..unlike dangerous prescriptions or medications that suck $3000, $5000, or even $8000 every year (and attempt to murder you in the process),
…cheaper, over-the-counter versions digging you into a $1000–$2000-hole year after year—and actually make you sick,
…or even natural remedies that may not cause side effects but most often don’t help either (and rob you of several hundreds or thousands in the process).
Not even the $200 Scott charges for a 30-minute session (if you are lucky enough to get one).
As much as Scott knows how effective his system is, he doesn’t want to sell it to anyone unless he’s 100% sure it will help them.
After all, you are not wasting his personal time like I was.
Even though he that knows you…
might be spending your life savings on dangerous, ineffective herbs and medications
 are at tremendous risk of dying from cancer and liver damage due to your acid reflux.
are suffering every day and night…
… he still knows that you might hesitate to try his system if you are required to shell out a huge amount of money.
And let’s be honest…
I’m sure Scott could provide you with hundreds of testimonials from people who had similar results as I did, but how do you know whether they’re true?
He could also bore you with thousands of pages of scientific studies proving different aspects of his acid reflux strategy, but you might still doubt it will work for you.
The only way you can find out for sure whether Scott’s three-step strategy will work for your acid reflux is if you try it out for yourself.
Here is how you can try the Acid Reflux Strategy for free:
After you click the button below, you’ll be charged a small, one-time, fully refundable deposit.
I think that’s fair, as that is your commitment to giving Scott’s strategy your best shot. Without it, this would just be another one of those free online information nobody gives any weight to.
It also guarantees that Scott gets a little gratitude from those who benefit from his strategy. And he does deserve some gratitude if he helps you heal your acid reflux, doesn’t he?
Immediately after you submit your deposit, you’ll be redirected to a page where you get full access to Scott’s strategy.
Start by making the simple home remedy.
You most likely have all the ingredients in your kitchen already.
So, within 10 minutes from NOW, you can have your first sip.
Imagine the relief if your acid reflux was gone TODAY!
If you would sleep through the night without gasping for air, stomach cramps, or throat burning and wake up without upset stomach burping (or even throwing up)…
Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
Whether you experience complete relief tonight or not, I recommend you drink Scott’s remedy every day for a few days.
Then, you can move on to steps two and three in his strategy.
Now, if you don’t experience the same amazing results as I did, or if you’re, for whatever reason, not completely thrilled with the strategy (Maybe you don’t like the font type.), then I’m truly sorry.
In that case, just send the team at Blue Heron Health News a quick email, and they’ll immediately refund your deposit. No questions asked.
You can use the contact link at the bottom of this page or reply to the confirmation email you will receive with your order.
Scott Davis and Blue Heron Health News put their +40 years of great reputation in the natural health biz on the line, guaranteeing you will be thrilled with either your order or refund.
You have 60 days to ask for your deposit back, which means you can thoroughly test out the 3-Step Acid Reflux Strategy.
If you ask for a refund (I don’t think anyone has ever asked. At the least, it’s very rare.), you come out even. Lose nothing.
But if you manage to cure your acid reflux… just imagine the money you’ll save on medications every year.
We are talking pocketing extra $1000, $4000, or even $8000 every single year — tax-free.
That’s the greatest return on investment I can think of — with zero risk (because if it doesn’t work, you lose nothing).
But it has to happen today!
It’s bad enough to go through another agonizing day with acid reflux when you know there is something that could help you, isn’t it?
Not being able to eat anything you like
Being kept up half the night with a burning throat and a bloated stomach
Having an almost guaranteed ulcer down the road (if not already)
These are bad enough on their own.
But add to this the knowledge that your heartburn is putting you at over one thousand three hundred percent increased risk of six types of fatal cancers.
That makes it pretty likely that you will get one of those cancers if you don’t tackle your heartburn today.
Plus, knowing that the common medications available for acid reflux cause kidney failure, stroke, dementia and stomach cancer.
Worst of all: This can happen any day!
One minute, you’re fine. The next, you’re coughing blood and rushing to a hospital with stage five throat cancer.
And you know that as you’re lying in the ambulance, you will be thinking you should have done something about your acid reflux sooner.
You know you will!
You still have time today, unlike at that point, it will be too late.
The time to act is NOW!
It’s an ugly truth, but it has to be said.
So, why don’t you click the order button below now and begin addressing your acid reflux within minutes?
You risk nothing and have your life and health to gain.
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ccrowsiie · 7 years
I knew a girl in high school who did the 'bwahaha' thing every time she laughed. She had a complete and total lack of self-awareness and was overall a fucking weirdo. That's something, coming from me. I'll call her "K". 
I was never friends with K, but she was really tight with a girl I used to hang with in. I'll call her 'C'. C was kinda troubled, but she was really sweet, genuine and pretty. The polar opposite of K. I always got the feeling that K had this love-hate relationship with C, but C was too kind to see it. Sad thing, I ended up being completely right on the money. They were thick as thieves during high school, but after graduation K totally cut C off from every form of contact they shared and apparently 'despised her'.
Remember that erotic friend fiction gag from Bob's Burgers? K and C wrote tons and tons of it together and carried it around in wire-bound notebooks everywhere she went. Apparently, it was a shared hobby  C and her younger sister started, that K latched onto like a leech. They called them 'what-ifs' and they were almost always sexual in nature. K was really keen on letting all of her pals know that she had a rape fetish... And that she was also apparently schizophrenic (though she never showed any symptoms that I was aware of and seemed all too quick to proudly proclaim it to people). She was also obsessed with a certain substitute teacher from school, referred to him by a made-up nickname and was convinced that he was stalking her.
This is not a joke.
I know delusions like that are a common marker of schizophrenia, but as someone who grew up with two schizophrenic immediate family members (one of which genuinely believes that I am a demon trying to murder them), I was under the impression that the paranoia was a... negative aspect. She damn near swooned over the poor guy and would get excited (and dare I say it, turned on) when she spotted him around campus. So yeah, her Wikipedia diagnosis is absolute BS afaic.
C let me read their 'what-ifs' between classes. That same substitute teacher showed up in almost every single story as the villain/love interest/rapist (all at the same time). I remember the two of them getting banned from using the internet at school because they were searching up weird shit on google, and after graduation, K ended up cutting contact with everybody.
K thought of herself as some kind of manipulation queen, but as the reigning manipulation queen ATT, I saw through her act like rice paper. Game recognizes game and I hadn't seen that trick's face in my whole life. She acted peppy and friendly to my face, but as soon as I was away she'd turn around and gossip about me to someone else. I knew this because they'd come to me later and laugh with me over how gassed up she was. I  also caught her dropping the facade a half a second too soon after we spoke. She really didn't know how to keep a hold on her microexpressions. I found it amusing.
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Sacred Beasts 2 | Astra 2 - 3 | Given 1 - 2 | DanMachi II 1 | Demon Slayer 15 - 16 | Dr Stone 2 | Fruits Basket 14 | Cop Craft 2 - 3
Rolling out the tags soon.
Sacred Beasts 2
“Sissy” always pissed me off as a nickname for your sister. It’s clearly meant as a term of endearment in some cases, but it also is the equivalent of “wuss”, y’know???
I’ve seen mushroom soup out of a tin…that don’t look like mushroom soup in that case.
Uh, random question…she has th same surname as Will, but is Schaal herself adopted???
Y’should’ve followed Hank, Nancy…(is her name Nancy or Schaal? Schaal is her middle name, yet she seems more commonly referred to as Schaal…hmm.)
*sees synopsis* - No one mentioned Nancy’s hometown was called Livletwood Village…
I pause my shows a lot to get down these notes…then Crunchyroll or my internet (or both!) cursed me with regular buffering (that can sometimes play video and subs through it, but generally sets down a few seconds after unpausing and lasts for a minute) and made it a pain in the butt to make these notes. But you do realise I basically have notes for almost every show I’ve ever watched under this system? These notes are special to me, which is why I put up with the buffering. It also means impactful scenes lose their impact, meaning well-paced shows get favoured in my picking process on CR these days.
Astra 2
Yup, the 2nd time we talk about how to scavenge for food this season – gotta remember this…in case I ever get into a situation like that. You never know! (creates “The More You Know” star with hands)
I-awwwwwww…I never thought I’d see the day where the Luca Javelin would get animated, much less Astra as a series. Dang, is this a dream???
Eyyyyy. Nothing like endangering your little sister to really understand why you love her…much less understand that you love her in the first place. (partially sarcastic)
Given 1
This is my second rodeo with BL anime (I’ve only read one BL manga and it was pretty darn mediocre, but the one BL game I tried was okay)…hopefully it’s good.
Was there the ticking of a clock in the background???
…and cut to OP. Yay! I can predict when the OP happens now…(It only took me years of training…okay, I’m kidding.)
I think this OP is like a music video…and I think that’s the point.
Kaji??? Is this Eva (LOL)?
I’m no band person – I was merely a solo pianist in my time with music, although notably I did have to sing for one of the musical pieces – but “Thom Yorke” and “Keith Richards” sound familiar. Why???...Okay, so it seems Thom Yorke is part of Radiohead and Keith Richards is part of the Rolling Stones. I’m familiar with those bands by name, at least.
Lemme guess…this guy (Ritsuka) sucks at improv.
I had to go back and find out what Yayoi said a few lines ago…and  love her already because she’s like “You suck”…she’s just like me, to be honest.
Early husbando predictions say Haruki is my dude of the season.
Seeing manly dudes act like blushing schoolgirls is great…!
Yushiro-who???...Okay, Yushiro Ishihara is apparently that’s a singer that’s already passed away, but has a bit of a rep behind him.
Is it just me, or is Ritsuka basically a lesser Bakugo…?
Come to think of it, it would be hard for me to teach someone piano now that I haven’t properly played since the end of 2014…almost 5 years. Geesh, that’s a long time.
Welp, that was…actually pretty good. The only thing that sucks is that this ED isn’t rock, to go with the rest of the show.
DanMachi II 1
Another counterintuitive name for a sequel anime season…this is my last premiere before I wrap them up, or at least until Machikado Mazoku (or whatever) land on CR.
…and of course, it’s back to Big Boobies (aka Hestia). She’s probably the worst part of the show for me.
Why does Bell need an advisor anyway…? I never thought about it when watching s1.
Who’s this Naza-sama, anyway…?...Okay, it seems she’s a doctor from the Miach Familia. I don’t remember her from s1, really.
I’ve forgotten who Asfi is as well…Oh yeah, that blue-haired woman from the Hermes Famlia. Hermes seems like a bit of a loose cannon – the sort who wouldn’t have a Familia if given the chance – though.
I think we saw Freya in s1…just scheming behind the scenes…
Hermes looks like a sleazebag half the time he’s on screen…
I forgot how much I loved Miach’s character design in s1...and to a lesser extent, Takemikazuchi.
Demon Slayer 15
…Zenitsu is annoying again.
I didn’t think Tanjiro was scared of anything…excpt maybe losing Nezuko again.
Oh! I just realised Natagumo has a hint in its name…The “gumo” can be read “kumo”…as in cloud or spider, but it’s given with the kanji for spider so it can only be a spider-related problem on Mt Natagumo.
I’d hate to have Smellovision on this show…(What’s Smellovision, you ask??? Here, read up on it…at least, I was thinking of the Google variant, so read up on the Google version.)
Ukogi appears to be a type of plant known as eleutherococcus and ukogi rice is rice with ukogi leaves.
Dr Stone 2
Episode 3’s title is like “Weapons…of SCIENCE! *cue Bill Nye the Science Guy theme song*”
Ooh, nice angle! (on Senku and petrified!Yuzuriha being protected by Taiju…and not just because Yuzuriha’s butt is showing…)
“You can eat lion?” – No duh, Taiju!
“I want to give thanks to the circle of life…” – Sorry, but can I interrupt with a meme here? *cue ululations that ae meant to imitate the iconic song from The Lion King, y’know, the one that goes “Ahhhhhhh zee bun yah… (etc.)”*
Tsukasa’s frickin’ tall, man! Look at him tower over Taiju and Senku…
Having read the manga before, I just realised Tsukasa is mighty suspicious when he says Senku could be able to rebuild civilisation from scratch. That was harder to recognise in manga format though, I think.
I also didn’t realise, but the shell tale is talking about Tsukasa! Hmm…interesting.
Dr Stone’s ED…never in my life did I think it was going to be a rap song. Unless, of course, it’s a science rap…(There’s hydrogen and helium and lithium, berrylium…uh, I don’t remember the words after that…)
Oh, that next-ep font takes me back…it reminds me of the 90s, where terrible WordArt font like that was everywhere and I had to get by on Lucida Calligraphy.
Fruits Basket 14
Oh, crab meat…these CGI cars look absolutely terrible…
Pay attention to the relationship between Kyo and Kyoko…you people who don’t know about manga!Furuba are in for a real revelation on that front.
Wow, the effects on the flowers are really pretty for the ED…
Cop Craft 2
That OP is just so good…*swoon*
Well…they spelt “Unknown” wrong…on Kei’s phone.
Hmm…I think the insert song was in English.
Astra 3
Oh…something didn’t make sense. It turns out the word the subber is using is “attitude” when it should actually be altitude…
Given 2
Ooh, Haruki does coffee in the OP! I didn’t notice that, since I had to skip it…there’s some kinda suckish buffering on CR, which is why I have to skip as much as I can.
Welp, I’m a pianist. I’m as clueless as any other non-guitar player when it comes to guitars, so I don’t mind the lesson but also don’t need it.
Given this is a BL/yaoi (no pun intended), I think Akihiko and Haruki should pair up…but maybe I’m just going nuts with the shipper glasses here.
“You’re going to have to do something about that soon.”
Aye…I relate, Mafuyu. When you’re younger, you can beg your parents for money, but equipment, books etc. really costs some hard cash. I remember having to go to Hong Kong to find a pearl pink metronome on the cheap…the poor thing isn’t getting much use now. (But still, I think the more I watch and see Haruki in action, the more I like him. Not necessarily as a husbando, but more in the sense of that one cool dude you gravitate towards.)
It randomly cut to Salon Harusame…don’t tell me this is how Haruki gets his money???
I think the comment that said “lolol” actually had 超 in front of it, so that would be “super lololol” or, in my personal way of saying it, “major lololol”.
Oh, so that’s what was in the OP!
I swear Uesama (LOL) should just get a job as a guitar tutor to little kids…well, that would work if he were in college/uni, maybe.
Hey, a girl! Didn’t expect one in a BL work…(LOL, my standards are so low for BL/yaoi, eh?)
Hmm…I get the feeling amateurs get their hands on acoustic models instead. I know a guitar player, y’know (although again, that doesn’t mean I know the first thing about playing a guitar).
I love how the show turned green all of a sudden. The colours match the mood, basically.
Demon Slayer 16  
This episode’s titlecard only has a wave pattern…I probably know what the pattern is called, but I’ve…probably forgotten that name.
Hey, a Demon Slayer girl! (My standards seem to have been lowered in regards to seeing gals in leading or even supporting roles…It’s more acceptable for Demon Slayer, given its historical setting, but still, how sad it is to not see many girls…)
(TW: abuse) Why…for some reason, this feels like an abusive household, specifically where the father does evil things to the mother…but this time, the son’s part of the problem.
I find it funny Zenitsu just calls Inosuke “Wild Boar”. To be fair though, I don’t think Inosuke introduced himself to Zenitsu, way back when they were meant to.
This scene where Zenitsu is crying and has his back turned to the “camera”…they clearly used a CGI model for him.
It’s a BODY! Holy s(BLEEP)!
“Chu-Chu chuuuuun!” Oh my glob, Ukogi is so adorable~!
Hey…where was Ukogi hiding before he chose to come out again?
Another CGI model when Zenitsu walks away from the camera. It’s so dark, nobody can see Ukogi…I don’t think he has a CGI model and that’s good.
I had a weird thought, but…I think Tanjiro would be a good breakdancer, if he were living in 2019.
Inosuke, you did it! But I wonder if those stats are correct and Inosuke’s going to call his name properly at climactic moments…?
Cop Craft 3
Brother Kenny…you’re just lewd.
“…O or V or A.” – Aside from OVAs, hmm…O would be (CENSORED), V I don’t know about and A…I don’t know either, but I guess it’s (CENSORED).
Kei Manoba (sic).
Doreany seems to be humanity…Did they already introduce that? I forget.
This show looks pretty bad, but the story makes the stay worth it.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
The Acid Reflux Strategy
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-acid-reflux-strategy/
The Acid Reflux Strategy
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    “So, you thought your acid reflux was just innocent annoyance?” my doctor asked.
Then, looking me straight in the eyes, he added…
“You were DEAD wrong!”
I wasn’t sure if the pun was intended.
My wife’s shivering hands squeezed mine as tears ran down her chin.
“Don’t worry. We’ll get through this,” she sobbed…maybe more to convince herself than me.
Frozen with fear, I couldn’t speak.
Only one thought circled through my mind: “I’m too young to die!”
You don’t anticipate this kind of shock when seeking medical advice for acid reflux, do you?
Yes, heartburn makes your life miserable. It robs you of sleep, ruins your meals, and embarrasses you with burp and gas outbursts in the worst places.
At worst, you fear ulcer, which is, of course, horrible.
But death — you don’t expect that!
If you frequently suffer heartburn, you should, however, prepare for the worst.
I tell you why…
Not being able to sleep that night, I googled the health risks of acid reflux.
What I found was terrifying.:
Recent studies prove that acid reflux is the number one cause of not just one or two, but SIX types of fatal cancers (4).
And we’re talking strong connection.
Heartburn increases your risk of…
cancer in the larynx by 286%;
cancer in the hypopharynx by 254%;
cancer in the oropharynx by 247%;
cancer in the tonsils by 214%;
cancer in the nasopharynx by 204%;
cancer in the sinuses by 140%.
Sum it all up, and you’re 1345% more likely to get one of these six cancers than does a person who doesn’t suffer heartburn.
One thousand, three hundred, and forty five percent.
That’s a lot!
“Acid reflux is more dangerous than smoking,”
…the researchers concluded.
Millions of people die every year because they don’t take their heartburn seriously enough.
And there I was, ready to be another name on a grave.
It wasn’t my fault, really!
I’ll explain in a second how I finally got rid of my acid reflux using a simple home remedy that takes only four or five minutes to make.
You most likely have all the ingredients sitting in your kitchen. So, if you want, you should be able to take the first sip within 10 minutes from NOW.
Had I known about this remedy before, I would not have received the dire news that day.
But with what I knew then, I couldn’t have done much differently!
Like most people suffering heartburn, I was loading up on proton pump inhibitors (PPI), medications thinking they were safe.
Well, they are not.
According to a study from Washington University in St. Louis, PPI drugs increase your risk of dying within a year by a terrifying 50% (1).
Another study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association (2) proved that PPI pills drastically increase your risk of stroke.
And, in a new study from the University of Hong Kong and University College London published in the peer-reviewed journal Gut (6), these same drugs were found to double your risk of stomach cancer.
Maybe worst of all: They also double your risk of kidney disease.
Hey, I can live with stomach ulcers, but I can’t live without my kidneys or stomach.
Other heartburn medications, such as antacids and H2 blockers (such as Tums and Zantac), may or may not be a little bit safer. However, numerous studies have also found a row of life-threatening side effects from these drugs.
Putting it bluntly:
It’s a matter of life and death that you naturally address your acid reflux immediately today.
Don’t put it off another day!
Plus, these drugs cost a fortune…
When my insurance company stopped copaying for my medication a few years back, I had to shuffle out over $5000 a year for heartburn prescriptions.
Even after I turned to cheaper over-the-counter PPIs, I was still paying close to $2000 a year for drugs that were actually murdering me.
Okay, finally, some good news:
Additional testing luckily revealed that my cancer diagnosis was a false alarm — “false positive,” they called it.
At that point, however, I was informed enough to realize I had gotten a second chance at life…
…but it wouldn’t last long unless I cured my acid reflux as soon as possible.
PPI and other heartburn medications only temporarily mask the symptoms. They do not cure your acid reflux or GERD.
Therefore, they do nothing to protect you from dying from cancer and other causes.
In fact, they drastically increase your risk of dying.
So, I knew I had to handle my acid reflux naturally…
…which is easier said than done.
The Internet is full of well-meaning tips for acid reflux.
I’m sure you’ve tried everything from baking soda to just carrying around Tums everywhere you go.
When other common wisdom, such as sleeping sitting up, not eating spicy food, and avoiding sugar, chocolates, and tomato sauce, is to no avail, you are running out of options, aren’t you?
So, you get what I was facing.
Finally, my luck changed when a friend referred me to a man named Scott Davis.
Scott is somewhat of a legend in the natural health research field.
He has come up with solutions for numerous health issues the traditional medical system has no answer for.
Among those are acid reflux and GERD disease.
At the age of 84, he dedicated most of his time to research and was not seeing many people in person.
In fact, he seemed quite irritated having to deal with such a mundane issue as my acid reflux.
You see, for someone like you and me, who have endured the pain of acid reflux for so long, curing it deserves the Nobel Prize and its million-dollar award, right?
Scott, however, had helped so many people with heartburn, it had become an old hat.
It wasn’t a challenge for him anymore.
He only helped me because my friend was Scott’s nephew, and really expressed how desperate I was.
Well, he did charge me $200 for a 30-minute session, which I, at that time, thought was kind of a rip-off.
That is until I realized how effective his method is.
In fact, this is the best investment I have made…
…not just because of my health but also because I’m saving almost $2000 every year in medications.
I don’t mind effortlessly banking extra 2000 bucks a year… Would you?
That’s one 1000% return on investment every year — beat that, Wall Street.
But obviously, saving my health and life was my only motivation that day.
Scott told me that the three-step system he had developed works for pretty much anyone, and if I followed it in detail, it would help me too.
“Let’s see,” I thought to myself, quite skeptical.
As Scott gently shuffled me out the door, he gave me a printout of 43 pages listing the three steps he wanted me to take.
Part one was his “quick fix,” – including his simple acid reflux remedy.
I could make the remedy right away, as it included only three ingredients I already had in my kitchen.
I was amazed to feel the pain melt away!
That night, I slept through without any bloating, burbling, or throat burning for the first time in decades.
Imagine the joy of waking up the next day feeling great. No gasping for air and spitting up acid before breakfast.
I made the formula again in the morning, and the whole day passed without any reflux.
This was great!
Several days and nights passed without any heartburn issues. I drank a glass of the formula two to three times a day.
And it was keeping my stomach in great shape.
Sometimes, I would add one or two of the extra herbs Scott recommended to boost the effectiveness of his remedy even further.
Herbs number six and nine on his list were especially effective, and I could get them from any supermarket along with the other ingredients.
The best part was being able to eat and drink anything I wanted (even fattening and heavy comfort food, which can really cause heartburn).
I could have coffee in the morning, a glass of red wine in the evening, and even a bit of spicy food for lunch (I didn’t dare try spicy for dinner.).
Heck, I had even forgotten that a sip of Bourbon wasn’t supposed to be painful.
All I did was make sure that I had a shot of Scott’s remedy when I knew I was going to eat or drink something that I shouldn’t.
Every day, I felt powerful and full of energy and focus.
This was amazing because I had tried literally hundreds of home remedy recipes before I met Scott.
The Internet is full of those recipes.
I’m sure Scott’s remedy has been ripped off somewhere (although I haven’t seen it anywhere else). But you’d have to literally go through thousands of failures before finding it (if you ever do).
Some of those online remedies I tried helped a little for a few days, but they always stopped working.
Others made my pain worse.
Scott’s remedy has never failed me.
That’s except when I failed Scott!
What do I mean by “failing Scott?”
You know what happens when we get a good thing going. We too quickly forget the hard times.
And, little by little, I began to forget taking the remedy.
I would run out of the ingredients or forget to take it with me when traveling.
Or, most idiotic of it all: Sometimes, I thought I didn’t have five minutes to spare to make it.
Imagine having a remedy that you know would eliminate your acid reflux every time, and you just decide in your mind that it’s not worth five minutes to make it.
Well, my brain is obviously not the brightest.
And that was okay for a few days…
…until one night, when the reflux assaulted me with full force again.
As luck would have it — it was exactly a night spent in a hotel, where I had none of the ingredients needed.
Worst night of my life!
Most of it was spent with my head in the toilet.
That’s when I got it:
Just like prescription medications, the remedy was dealing only with the symptoms.
It is, of course, natural and not causing any side effects.
But no matter how effective it was, it wasn’t curing my acid reflux.
I had promised Scott not to get stuck with the remedy and also take the two other steps in his system.
Well, this night reminded me of that promise.
And the hours that passed before I could get to a supermarket and buy the ingredients for the formula nailed that memory in deeply.
When I got home, I immediately began working Scott’s program for real.
The next step was to give my stomach a break.
It wasn’t enough to use the mixture that soothed my stomach.
I actually had to cut out the foods that were triggering it.
Scott had given me a list of foods to look out for, followed by a long list of delicious foods that are good and soothing for the stomach.
I got it all wrong before.
Okay, I knew about sugar, spicy foods, tomatoes, and many of the other obvious trigger foods.
But I had no idea about most of the things on Scott’s lists.
And here is the thing nobody tells you about acid reflux diets:
It is NOT about avoiding certain TYPES of foods.
It’s the food combinations in your meals that are much more important.
Scott taught me six simple fundamentals for food combination for acid reflux.
Using these fundamentals, I’m actually able to eat lots of foods that previously would have caused terrible bloating attacks.
I just avoid combining these “bad foods” with other foods that promote heartburn.
And finally, the third step…
The huge misunderstanding about stress and acid reflux:
You know the saying: “having a knot in the stomach” when someone is stressed or in dread.
It’s no wonder because when you are stressed or anxious, you feel it in your guts, right?
It’s like your intestines are twisted and turned?
Now, when acid reflux bloats your stomach, it tricks your body into thinking you’re under major stress — even when there is nothing to stress about (other than the pain, of course).
This triggers your brain to release a ton of stress hormones. This causes you to feel even more stressed, which again gives you that knot-in-the-stomach feeling and triggers acid reflux.
It’s a vicious circle of heartburn and stress.
That’s why traditional stress management doesn’t ease acid reflux.
Scott, meanwhile, taught me four powerful techniques, each of which taking only two to three minutes and focuses on the mind/stomach relationship.
I began using these techniques anytime I sensed a small tension in my stomach.
And the results were remarkable:
Over and over again, tensions that would have transformed into full-blown reflux before would melt away as I did the stress release exercises.
All I was left with were this great energy flow and light joy in my guts.
Scott is phenomenal!
Combining Scott’s simple mixture, his food plan, and his easy stress relief techniques when needed gave my guts a much-needed rest.
Over the coming weeks, I began experiencing a flow of energy in my guts that I hadn’t felt before.
The heaviness and pressure I would usually have after eating were gone.
Instead, I felt uplifted and energized.
At some point, choosing the right food and food combination became second nature. I don’t even think about it anymore.
Plus, it doesn’t matter if I cheat a little once in a while. It doesn’t send me into full-blown heartburn.
When going out to eat and I know I’m going to consume something I shouldn’t, I take four or five minutes to brew up Scott’s remedy and experience no heartburn problems.
Best of all: I feel like a normal person again.
It’s such a relief not dreading going out with friends because you are that weird guy who can’t eat or drink the same as others.
I can order normally without having to interrogate the waiter about the ingredients in the food.
And I can have a drink or two without fretting the night.
Now, it’s your turn…
Recently, Scott began working with natural health publishing company Blue Heron Health News to spread his knowledge.
They published the same three-step strategy Scott gave me:
Take the simple home remedy (plus the 11 herbs that supercharge it) to stop acid reflux in its tracks.
Identify the foods and the food combinations that trigger acid reflux.
Address the “knot in the stomach” using simple stress relief techniques.
In addition, he included a chapter specifically focused on pregnant women and acid reflux.
Another chapter focuses on infants and children experiencing heartburn.
I highly recommend Scott’s strategy for anyone suffering from acid reflux, GERD, or heartburn.
So, how much does Scott’s Acid Reflux Strategy cost?
The icing on the cake:
Unless you completely eliminate your acid reflux, heartburn, GERD, or whatever else you call it, you end up paying NOTHING…
..unlike dangerous prescriptions or medications that suck $3000, $5000, or even $8000 every year (and attempt to murder you in the process),
…cheaper, over-the-counter versions digging you into a $1000–$2000-hole year after year—and actually make you sick,
…or even natural remedies that may not cause side effects but most often don’t help either (and rob you of several hundreds or thousands in the process).
Not even the $200 Scott charges for a 30-minute session (if you are lucky enough to get one).
As much as Scott knows how effective his system is, he doesn’t want to sell it to anyone unless he’s 100% sure it will help them.
After all, you are not wasting his personal time like I was.
Even though he that knows you…
might be spending your life savings on dangerous, ineffective herbs and medications
 are at tremendous risk of dying from cancer and liver damage due to your acid reflux.
are suffering every day and night…
… he still knows that you might hesitate to try his system if you are required to shell out a huge amount of money.
And let’s be honest…
I’m sure Scott could provide you with hundreds of testimonials from people who had similar results as I did, but how do you know whether they’re true?
He could also bore you with thousands of pages of scientific studies proving different aspects of his acid reflux strategy, but you might still doubt it will work for you.
The only way you can find out for sure whether Scott’s three-step strategy will work for your acid reflux is if you try it out for yourself.
Here is how you can try the Acid Reflux Strategy for free:
After you click the button below, you’ll be charged a small, one-time, fully refundable deposit.
I think that’s fair, as that is your commitment to giving Scott’s strategy your best shot. Without it, this would just be another one of those free online information nobody gives any weight to.
It also guarantees that Scott gets a little gratitude from those who benefit from his strategy. And he does deserve some gratitude if he helps you heal your acid reflux, doesn’t he?
Immediately after you submit your deposit, you’ll be redirected to a page where you get full access to Scott’s strategy.
Start by making the simple home remedy.
You most likely have all the ingredients in your kitchen already.
So, within 10 minutes from NOW, you can have your first sip.
Imagine the relief if your acid reflux was gone TODAY!
If you would sleep through the night without gasping for air, stomach cramps, or throat burning and wake up without upset stomach burping (or even throwing up)…
Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
Whether you experience complete relief tonight or not, I recommend you drink Scott’s remedy every day for a few days.
Then, you can move on to steps two and three in his strategy.
Now, if you don’t experience the same amazing results as I did, or if you’re, for whatever reason, not completely thrilled with the strategy (Maybe you don’t like the font type.), then I’m truly sorry.
In that case, just send the team at Blue Heron Health News a quick email, and they’ll immediately refund your deposit. No questions asked.
You can use the contact link at the bottom of this page or reply to the confirmation email you will receive with your order.
Scott Davis and Blue Heron Health News put their +40 years of great reputation in the natural health biz on the line, guaranteeing you will be thrilled with either your order or refund.
You have 60 days to ask for your deposit back, which means you can thoroughly test out the 3-Step Acid Reflux Strategy.
If you ask for a refund (I don’t think anyone has ever asked. At the least, it’s very rare.), you come out even. Lose nothing.
But if you manage to cure your acid reflux… just imagine the money you’ll save on medications every year.
We are talking pocketing extra $1000, $4000, or even $8000 every single year — tax-free.
That’s the greatest return on investment I can think of — with zero risk (because if it doesn’t work, you lose nothing).
But it has to happen today!
It’s bad enough to go through another agonizing day with acid reflux when you know there is something that could help you, isn’t it?
Not being able to eat anything you like
Being kept up half the night with a burning throat and a bloated stomach
Having an almost guaranteed ulcer down the road (if not already)
These are bad enough on their own.
But add to this the knowledge that your heartburn is putting you at over one thousand three hundred percent increased risk of six types of fatal cancers.
That makes it pretty likely that you will get one of those cancers if you don’t tackle your heartburn today.
Plus, knowing that the common medications available for acid reflux cause kidney failure, stroke, dementia and stomach cancer.
Worst of all: This can happen any day!
One minute, you’re fine. The next, you’re coughing blood and rushing to a hospital with stage five throat cancer.
And you know that as you’re lying in the ambulance, you will be thinking you should have done something about your acid reflux sooner.
You know you will!
You still have time today, unlike at that point, it will be too late.
The time to act is NOW!
It’s an ugly truth, but it has to be said.
So, why don’t you click the order button below now and begin addressing your acid reflux within minutes?
You risk nothing and have your life and health to gain.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
The Acid Reflux Strategy
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The Acid Reflux Strategy
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    “So, you thought your acid reflux was just innocent annoyance?” my doctor asked.
Then, looking me straight in the eyes, he added…
“You were DEAD wrong!”
I wasn’t sure if the pun was intended.
My wife’s shivering hands squeezed mine as tears ran down her chin.
“Don’t worry. We’ll get through this,” she sobbed…maybe more to convince herself than me.
Frozen with fear, I couldn’t speak.
Only one thought circled through my mind: “I’m too young to die!”
You don’t anticipate this kind of shock when seeking medical advice for acid reflux, do you?
Yes, heartburn makes your life miserable. It robs you of sleep, ruins your meals, and embarrasses you with burp and gas outbursts in the worst places.
At worst, you fear ulcer, which is, of course, horrible.
But death — you don’t expect that!
If you frequently suffer heartburn, you should, however, prepare for the worst.
I tell you why…
Not being able to sleep that night, I googled the health risks of acid reflux.
What I found was terrifying.:
Recent studies prove that acid reflux is the number one cause of not just one or two, but SIX types of fatal cancers (4).
And we’re talking strong connection.
Heartburn increases your risk of…
cancer in the larynx by 286%;
cancer in the hypopharynx by 254%;
cancer in the oropharynx by 247%;
cancer in the tonsils by 214%;
cancer in the nasopharynx by 204%;
cancer in the sinuses by 140%.
Sum it all up, and you’re 1345% more likely to get one of these six cancers than does a person who doesn’t suffer heartburn.
One thousand, three hundred, and forty five percent.
That’s a lot!
“Acid reflux is more dangerous than smoking,”
…the researchers concluded.
Millions of people die every year because they don’t take their heartburn seriously enough.
And there I was, ready to be another name on a grave.
It wasn’t my fault, really!
I’ll explain in a second how I finally got rid of my acid reflux using a simple home remedy that takes only four or five minutes to make.
You most likely have all the ingredients sitting in your kitchen. So, if you want, you should be able to take the first sip within 10 minutes from NOW.
Had I known about this remedy before, I would not have received the dire news that day.
But with what I knew then, I couldn’t have done much differently!
Like most people suffering heartburn, I was loading up on proton pump inhibitors (PPI), medications thinking they were safe.
Well, they are not.
According to a study from Washington University in St. Louis, PPI drugs increase your risk of dying within a year by a terrifying 50% (1).
Another study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association (2) proved that PPI pills drastically increase your risk of stroke.
And, in a new study from the University of Hong Kong and University College London published in the peer-reviewed journal Gut (6), these same drugs were found to double your risk of stomach cancer.
Maybe worst of all: They also double your risk of kidney disease.
Hey, I can live with stomach ulcers, but I can’t live without my kidneys or stomach.
Other heartburn medications, such as antacids and H2 blockers (such as Tums and Zantac), may or may not be a little bit safer. However, numerous studies have also found a row of life-threatening side effects from these drugs.
Putting it bluntly:
It’s a matter of life and death that you naturally address your acid reflux immediately today.
Don’t put it off another day!
Plus, these drugs cost a fortune…
When my insurance company stopped copaying for my medication a few years back, I had to shuffle out over $5000 a year for heartburn prescriptions.
Even after I turned to cheaper over-the-counter PPIs, I was still paying close to $2000 a year for drugs that were actually murdering me.
Okay, finally, some good news:
Additional testing luckily revealed that my cancer diagnosis was a false alarm — “false positive,” they called it.
At that point, however, I was informed enough to realize I had gotten a second chance at life…
…but it wouldn’t last long unless I cured my acid reflux as soon as possible.
PPI and other heartburn medications only temporarily mask the symptoms. They do not cure your acid reflux or GERD.
Therefore, they do nothing to protect you from dying from cancer and other causes.
In fact, they drastically increase your risk of dying.
So, I knew I had to handle my acid reflux naturally…
…which is easier said than done.
The Internet is full of well-meaning tips for acid reflux.
I’m sure you’ve tried everything from baking soda to just carrying around Tums everywhere you go.
When other common wisdom, such as sleeping sitting up, not eating spicy food, and avoiding sugar, chocolates, and tomato sauce, is to no avail, you are running out of options, aren’t you?
So, you get what I was facing.
Finally, my luck changed when a friend referred me to a man named Scott Davis.
Scott is somewhat of a legend in the natural health research field.
He has come up with solutions for numerous health issues the traditional medical system has no answer for.
Among those are acid reflux and GERD disease.
At the age of 84, he dedicated most of his time to research and was not seeing many people in person.
In fact, he seemed quite irritated having to deal with such a mundane issue as my acid reflux.
You see, for someone like you and me, who have endured the pain of acid reflux for so long, curing it deserves the Nobel Prize and its million-dollar award, right?
Scott, however, had helped so many people with heartburn, it had become an old hat.
It wasn’t a challenge for him anymore.
He only helped me because my friend was Scott’s nephew, and really expressed how desperate I was.
Well, he did charge me $200 for a 30-minute session, which I, at that time, thought was kind of a rip-off.
That is until I realized how effective his method is.
In fact, this is the best investment I have made…
…not just because of my health but also because I’m saving almost $2000 every year in medications.
I don’t mind effortlessly banking extra 2000 bucks a year… Would you?
That’s one 1000% return on investment every year — beat that, Wall Street.
But obviously, saving my health and life was my only motivation that day.
Scott told me that the three-step system he had developed works for pretty much anyone, and if I followed it in detail, it would help me too.
“Let’s see,” I thought to myself, quite skeptical.
As Scott gently shuffled me out the door, he gave me a printout of 43 pages listing the three steps he wanted me to take.
Part one was his “quick fix,” – including his simple acid reflux remedy.
I could make the remedy right away, as it included only three ingredients I already had in my kitchen.
I was amazed to feel the pain melt away!
That night, I slept through without any bloating, burbling, or throat burning for the first time in decades.
Imagine the joy of waking up the next day feeling great. No gasping for air and spitting up acid before breakfast.
I made the formula again in the morning, and the whole day passed without any reflux.
This was great!
Several days and nights passed without any heartburn issues. I drank a glass of the formula two to three times a day.
And it was keeping my stomach in great shape.
Sometimes, I would add one or two of the extra herbs Scott recommended to boost the effectiveness of his remedy even further.
Herbs number six and nine on his list were especially effective, and I could get them from any supermarket along with the other ingredients.
The best part was being able to eat and drink anything I wanted (even fattening and heavy comfort food, which can really cause heartburn).
I could have coffee in the morning, a glass of red wine in the evening, and even a bit of spicy food for lunch (I didn’t dare try spicy for dinner.).
Heck, I had even forgotten that a sip of Bourbon wasn’t supposed to be painful.
All I did was make sure that I had a shot of Scott’s remedy when I knew I was going to eat or drink something that I shouldn’t.
Every day, I felt powerful and full of energy and focus.
This was amazing because I had tried literally hundreds of home remedy recipes before I met Scott.
The Internet is full of those recipes.
I’m sure Scott’s remedy has been ripped off somewhere (although I haven’t seen it anywhere else). But you’d have to literally go through thousands of failures before finding it (if you ever do).
Some of those online remedies I tried helped a little for a few days, but they always stopped working.
Others made my pain worse.
Scott’s remedy has never failed me.
That’s except when I failed Scott!
What do I mean by “failing Scott?”
You know what happens when we get a good thing going. We too quickly forget the hard times.
And, little by little, I began to forget taking the remedy.
I would run out of the ingredients or forget to take it with me when traveling.
Or, most idiotic of it all: Sometimes, I thought I didn’t have five minutes to spare to make it.
Imagine having a remedy that you know would eliminate your acid reflux every time, and you just decide in your mind that it’s not worth five minutes to make it.
Well, my brain is obviously not the brightest.
And that was okay for a few days…
…until one night, when the reflux assaulted me with full force again.
As luck would have it — it was exactly a night spent in a hotel, where I had none of the ingredients needed.
Worst night of my life!
Most of it was spent with my head in the toilet.
That’s when I got it:
Just like prescription medications, the remedy was dealing only with the symptoms.
It is, of course, natural and not causing any side effects.
But no matter how effective it was, it wasn’t curing my acid reflux.
I had promised Scott not to get stuck with the remedy and also take the two other steps in his system.
Well, this night reminded me of that promise.
And the hours that passed before I could get to a supermarket and buy the ingredients for the formula nailed that memory in deeply.
When I got home, I immediately began working Scott’s program for real.
The next step was to give my stomach a break.
It wasn’t enough to use the mixture that soothed my stomach.
I actually had to cut out the foods that were triggering it.
Scott had given me a list of foods to look out for, followed by a long list of delicious foods that are good and soothing for the stomach.
I got it all wrong before.
Okay, I knew about sugar, spicy foods, tomatoes, and many of the other obvious trigger foods.
But I had no idea about most of the things on Scott’s lists.
And here is the thing nobody tells you about acid reflux diets:
It is NOT about avoiding certain TYPES of foods.
It’s the food combinations in your meals that are much more important.
Scott taught me six simple fundamentals for food combination for acid reflux.
Using these fundamentals, I’m actually able to eat lots of foods that previously would have caused terrible bloating attacks.
I just avoid combining these “bad foods” with other foods that promote heartburn.
And finally, the third step…
The huge misunderstanding about stress and acid reflux:
You know the saying: “having a knot in the stomach” when someone is stressed or in dread.
It’s no wonder because when you are stressed or anxious, you feel it in your guts, right?
It’s like your intestines are twisted and turned?
Now, when acid reflux bloats your stomach, it tricks your body into thinking you’re under major stress — even when there is nothing to stress about (other than the pain, of course).
This triggers your brain to release a ton of stress hormones. This causes you to feel even more stressed, which again gives you that knot-in-the-stomach feeling and triggers acid reflux.
It’s a vicious circle of heartburn and stress.
That’s why traditional stress management doesn’t ease acid reflux.
Scott, meanwhile, taught me four powerful techniques, each of which taking only two to three minutes and focuses on the mind/stomach relationship.
I began using these techniques anytime I sensed a small tension in my stomach.
And the results were remarkable:
Over and over again, tensions that would have transformed into full-blown reflux before would melt away as I did the stress release exercises.
All I was left with were this great energy flow and light joy in my guts.
Scott is phenomenal!
Combining Scott’s simple mixture, his food plan, and his easy stress relief techniques when needed gave my guts a much-needed rest.
Over the coming weeks, I began experiencing a flow of energy in my guts that I hadn’t felt before.
The heaviness and pressure I would usually have after eating were gone.
Instead, I felt uplifted and energized.
At some point, choosing the right food and food combination became second nature. I don’t even think about it anymore.
Plus, it doesn’t matter if I cheat a little once in a while. It doesn’t send me into full-blown heartburn.
When going out to eat and I know I’m going to consume something I shouldn’t, I take four or five minutes to brew up Scott’s remedy and experience no heartburn problems.
Best of all: I feel like a normal person again.
It’s such a relief not dreading going out with friends because you are that weird guy who can’t eat or drink the same as others.
I can order normally without having to interrogate the waiter about the ingredients in the food.
And I can have a drink or two without fretting the night.
Now, it’s your turn…
Recently, Scott began working with natural health publishing company Blue Heron Health News to spread his knowledge.
They published the same three-step strategy Scott gave me:
Take the simple home remedy (plus the 11 herbs that supercharge it) to stop acid reflux in its tracks.
Identify the foods and the food combinations that trigger acid reflux.
Address the “knot in the stomach” using simple stress relief techniques.
In addition, he included a chapter specifically focused on pregnant women and acid reflux.
Another chapter focuses on infants and children experiencing heartburn.
I highly recommend Scott’s strategy for anyone suffering from acid reflux, GERD, or heartburn.
So, how much does Scott’s Acid Reflux Strategy cost?
The icing on the cake:
Unless you completely eliminate your acid reflux, heartburn, GERD, or whatever else you call it, you end up paying NOTHING…
..unlike dangerous prescriptions or medications that suck $3000, $5000, or even $8000 every year (and attempt to murder you in the process),
…cheaper, over-the-counter versions digging you into a $1000–$2000-hole year after year—and actually make you sick,
…or even natural remedies that may not cause side effects but most often don’t help either (and rob you of several hundreds or thousands in the process).
Not even the $200 Scott charges for a 30-minute session (if you are lucky enough to get one).
As much as Scott knows how effective his system is, he doesn’t want to sell it to anyone unless he’s 100% sure it will help them.
After all, you are not wasting his personal time like I was.
Even though he that knows you…
might be spending your life savings on dangerous, ineffective herbs and medications
 are at tremendous risk of dying from cancer and liver damage due to your acid reflux.
are suffering every day and night…
… he still knows that you might hesitate to try his system if you are required to shell out a huge amount of money.
And let’s be honest…
I’m sure Scott could provide you with hundreds of testimonials from people who had similar results as I did, but how do you know whether they’re true?
He could also bore you with thousands of pages of scientific studies proving different aspects of his acid reflux strategy, but you might still doubt it will work for you.
The only way you can find out for sure whether Scott’s three-step strategy will work for your acid reflux is if you try it out for yourself.
Here is how you can try the Acid Reflux Strategy for free:
After you click the button below, you’ll be charged a small, one-time, fully refundable deposit.
I think that’s fair, as that is your commitment to giving Scott’s strategy your best shot. Without it, this would just be another one of those free online information nobody gives any weight to.
It also guarantees that Scott gets a little gratitude from those who benefit from his strategy. And he does deserve some gratitude if he helps you heal your acid reflux, doesn’t he?
Immediately after you submit your deposit, you’ll be redirected to a page where you get full access to Scott’s strategy.
Start by making the simple home remedy.
You most likely have all the ingredients in your kitchen already.
So, within 10 minutes from NOW, you can have your first sip.
Imagine the relief if your acid reflux was gone TODAY!
If you would sleep through the night without gasping for air, stomach cramps, or throat burning and wake up without upset stomach burping (or even throwing up)…
Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
Whether you experience complete relief tonight or not, I recommend you drink Scott’s remedy every day for a few days.
Then, you can move on to steps two and three in his strategy.
Now, if you don’t experience the same amazing results as I did, or if you’re, for whatever reason, not completely thrilled with the strategy (Maybe you don’t like the font type.), then I’m truly sorry.
In that case, just send the team at Blue Heron Health News a quick email, and they’ll immediately refund your deposit. No questions asked.
You can use the contact link at the bottom of this page or reply to the confirmation email you will receive with your order.
Scott Davis and Blue Heron Health News put their +40 years of great reputation in the natural health biz on the line, guaranteeing you will be thrilled with either your order or refund.
You have 60 days to ask for your deposit back, which means you can thoroughly test out the 3-Step Acid Reflux Strategy.
If you ask for a refund (I don’t think anyone has ever asked. At the least, it’s very rare.), you come out even. Lose nothing.
But if you manage to cure your acid reflux… just imagine the money you’ll save on medications every year.
We are talking pocketing extra $1000, $4000, or even $8000 every single year — tax-free.
That’s the greatest return on investment I can think of — with zero risk (because if it doesn’t work, you lose nothing).
But it has to happen today!
It’s bad enough to go through another agonizing day with acid reflux when you know there is something that could help you, isn’t it?
Not being able to eat anything you like
Being kept up half the night with a burning throat and a bloated stomach
Having an almost guaranteed ulcer down the road (if not already)
These are bad enough on their own.
But add to this the knowledge that your heartburn is putting you at over one thousand three hundred percent increased risk of six types of fatal cancers.
That makes it pretty likely that you will get one of those cancers if you don’t tackle your heartburn today.
Plus, knowing that the common medications available for acid reflux cause kidney failure, stroke, dementia and stomach cancer.
Worst of all: This can happen any day!
One minute, you’re fine. The next, you’re coughing blood and rushing to a hospital with stage five throat cancer.
And you know that as you’re lying in the ambulance, you will be thinking you should have done something about your acid reflux sooner.
You know you will!
You still have time today, unlike at that point, it will be too late.
The time to act is NOW!
It’s an ugly truth, but it has to be said.
So, why don’t you click the order button below now and begin addressing your acid reflux within minutes?
You risk nothing and have your life and health to gain.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
The Acid Reflux Strategy
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-acid-reflux-strategy/
The Acid Reflux Strategy
 Buy Now    
“So, you thought your acid reflux was just innocent annoyance?” my doctor asked.
Then, looking me straight in the eyes, he added…
“You were DEAD wrong!”
I wasn’t sure if the pun was intended.
My wife’s shivering hands squeezed mine as tears ran down her chin.
“Don’t worry. We’ll get through this,” she sobbed…maybe more to convince herself than me.
Frozen with fear, I couldn’t speak.
Only one thought circled through my mind: “I’m too young to die!”
You don’t anticipate this kind of shock when seeking medical advice for acid reflux, do you?
Yes, heartburn makes your life miserable. It robs you of sleep, ruins your meals, and embarrasses you with burp and gas outbursts in the worst places.
At worst, you fear ulcer, which is, of course, horrible.
But death — you don’t expect that!
If you frequently suffer heartburn, you should, however, prepare for the worst.
I tell you why…
Not being able to sleep that night, I googled the health risks of acid reflux.
What I found was terrifying.:
Recent studies prove that acid reflux is the number one cause of not just one or two, but SIX types of fatal cancers (4).
And we’re talking strong connection.
Heartburn increases your risk of…
cancer in the larynx by 286%;
cancer in the hypopharynx by 254%;
cancer in the oropharynx by 247%;
cancer in the tonsils by 214%;
cancer in the nasopharynx by 204%;
cancer in the sinuses by 140%.
Sum it all up, and you’re 1345% more likely to get one of these six cancers than does a person who doesn’t suffer heartburn.
One thousand, three hundred, and forty five percent.
That’s a lot!
“Acid reflux is more dangerous than smoking,”
…the researchers concluded.
Millions of people die every year because they don’t take their heartburn seriously enough.
And there I was, ready to be another name on a grave.
It wasn’t my fault, really!
I’ll explain in a second how I finally got rid of my acid reflux using a simple home remedy that takes only four or five minutes to make.
You most likely have all the ingredients sitting in your kitchen. So, if you want, you should be able to take the first sip within 10 minutes from NOW.
Had I known about this remedy before, I would not have received the dire news that day.
But with what I knew then, I couldn’t have done much differently!
Like most people suffering heartburn, I was loading up on proton pump inhibitors (PPI), medications thinking they were safe.
Well, they are not.
According to a study from Washington University in St. Louis, PPI drugs increase your risk of dying within a year by a terrifying 50% (1).
Another study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association (2) proved that PPI pills drastically increase your risk of stroke.
And, in a new study from the University of Hong Kong and University College London published in the peer-reviewed journal Gut (6), these same drugs were found to double your risk of stomach cancer.
Maybe worst of all: They also double your risk of kidney disease.
Hey, I can live with stomach ulcers, but I can’t live without my kidneys or stomach.
Other heartburn medications, such as antacids and H2 blockers (such as Tums and Zantac), may or may not be a little bit safer. However, numerous studies have also found a row of life-threatening side effects from these drugs.
Putting it bluntly:
It’s a matter of life and death that you naturally address your acid reflux immediately today.
Don’t put it off another day!
Plus, these drugs cost a fortune…
When my insurance company stopped copaying for my medication a few years back, I had to shuffle out over $5000 a year for heartburn prescriptions.
Even after I turned to cheaper over-the-counter PPIs, I was still paying close to $2000 a year for drugs that were actually murdering me.
Okay, finally, some good news:
Additional testing luckily revealed that my cancer diagnosis was a false alarm — “false positive,” they called it.
At that point, however, I was informed enough to realize I had gotten a second chance at life…
…but it wouldn’t last long unless I cured my acid reflux as soon as possible.
PPI and other heartburn medications only temporarily mask the symptoms. They do not cure your acid reflux or GERD.
Therefore, they do nothing to protect you from dying from cancer and other causes.
In fact, they drastically increase your risk of dying.
So, I knew I had to handle my acid reflux naturally…
…which is easier said than done.
The Internet is full of well-meaning tips for acid reflux.
I’m sure you’ve tried everything from baking soda to just carrying around Tums everywhere you go.
When other common wisdom, such as sleeping sitting up, not eating spicy food, and avoiding sugar, chocolates, and tomato sauce, is to no avail, you are running out of options, aren’t you?
So, you get what I was facing.
Finally, my luck changed when a friend referred me to a man named Scott Davis.
Scott is somewhat of a legend in the natural health research field.
He has come up with solutions for numerous health issues the traditional medical system has no answer for.
Among those are acid reflux and GERD disease.
At the age of 84, he dedicated most of his time to research and was not seeing many people in person.
In fact, he seemed quite irritated having to deal with such a mundane issue as my acid reflux.
You see, for someone like you and me, who have endured the pain of acid reflux for so long, curing it deserves the Nobel Prize and its million-dollar award, right?
Scott, however, had helped so many people with heartburn, it had become an old hat.
It wasn’t a challenge for him anymore.
He only helped me because my friend was Scott’s nephew, and really expressed how desperate I was.
Well, he did charge me $200 for a 30-minute session, which I, at that time, thought was kind of a rip-off.
That is until I realized how effective his method is.
In fact, this is the best investment I have made…
…not just because of my health but also because I’m saving almost $2000 every year in medications.
I don’t mind effortlessly banking extra 2000 bucks a year… Would you?
That’s one 1000% return on investment every year — beat that, Wall Street.
But obviously, saving my health and life was my only motivation that day.
Scott told me that the three-step system he had developed works for pretty much anyone, and if I followed it in detail, it would help me too.
“Let’s see,” I thought to myself, quite skeptical.
As Scott gently shuffled me out the door, he gave me a printout of 43 pages listing the three steps he wanted me to take.
Part one was his “quick fix,” – including his simple acid reflux remedy.
I could make the remedy right away, as it included only three ingredients I already had in my kitchen.
I was amazed to feel the pain melt away!
That night, I slept through without any bloating, burbling, or throat burning for the first time in decades.
Imagine the joy of waking up the next day feeling great. No gasping for air and spitting up acid before breakfast.
I made the formula again in the morning, and the whole day passed without any reflux.
This was great!
Several days and nights passed without any heartburn issues. I drank a glass of the formula two to three times a day.
And it was keeping my stomach in great shape.
Sometimes, I would add one or two of the extra herbs Scott recommended to boost the effectiveness of his remedy even further.
Herbs number six and nine on his list were especially effective, and I could get them from any supermarket along with the other ingredients.
The best part was being able to eat and drink anything I wanted (even fattening and heavy comfort food, which can really cause heartburn).
I could have coffee in the morning, a glass of red wine in the evening, and even a bit of spicy food for lunch (I didn’t dare try spicy for dinner.).
Heck, I had even forgotten that a sip of Bourbon wasn’t supposed to be painful.
All I did was make sure that I had a shot of Scott’s remedy when I knew I was going to eat or drink something that I shouldn’t.
Every day, I felt powerful and full of energy and focus.
This was amazing because I had tried literally hundreds of home remedy recipes before I met Scott.
The Internet is full of those recipes.
I’m sure Scott’s remedy has been ripped off somewhere (although I haven’t seen it anywhere else). But you’d have to literally go through thousands of failures before finding it (if you ever do).
Some of those online remedies I tried helped a little for a few days, but they always stopped working.
Others made my pain worse.
Scott’s remedy has never failed me.
That’s except when I failed Scott!
What do I mean by “failing Scott?”
You know what happens when we get a good thing going. We too quickly forget the hard times.
And, little by little, I began to forget taking the remedy.
I would run out of the ingredients or forget to take it with me when traveling.
Or, most idiotic of it all: Sometimes, I thought I didn’t have five minutes to spare to make it.
Imagine having a remedy that you know would eliminate your acid reflux every time, and you just decide in your mind that it’s not worth five minutes to make it.
Well, my brain is obviously not the brightest.
And that was okay for a few days…
…until one night, when the reflux assaulted me with full force again.
As luck would have it — it was exactly a night spent in a hotel, where I had none of the ingredients needed.
Worst night of my life!
Most of it was spent with my head in the toilet.
That’s when I got it:
Just like prescription medications, the remedy was dealing only with the symptoms.
It is, of course, natural and not causing any side effects.
But no matter how effective it was, it wasn’t curing my acid reflux.
I had promised Scott not to get stuck with the remedy and also take the two other steps in his system.
Well, this night reminded me of that promise.
And the hours that passed before I could get to a supermarket and buy the ingredients for the formula nailed that memory in deeply.
When I got home, I immediately began working Scott’s program for real.
The next step was to give my stomach a break.
It wasn’t enough to use the mixture that soothed my stomach.
I actually had to cut out the foods that were triggering it.
Scott had given me a list of foods to look out for, followed by a long list of delicious foods that are good and soothing for the stomach.
I got it all wrong before.
Okay, I knew about sugar, spicy foods, tomatoes, and many of the other obvious trigger foods.
But I had no idea about most of the things on Scott’s lists.
And here is the thing nobody tells you about acid reflux diets:
It is NOT about avoiding certain TYPES of foods.
It’s the food combinations in your meals that are much more important.
Scott taught me six simple fundamentals for food combination for acid reflux.
Using these fundamentals, I’m actually able to eat lots of foods that previously would have caused terrible bloating attacks.
I just avoid combining these “bad foods” with other foods that promote heartburn.
And finally, the third step…
The huge misunderstanding about stress and acid reflux:
You know the saying: “having a knot in the stomach” when someone is stressed or in dread.
It’s no wonder because when you are stressed or anxious, you feel it in your guts, right?
It’s like your intestines are twisted and turned?
Now, when acid reflux bloats your stomach, it tricks your body into thinking you’re under major stress — even when there is nothing to stress about (other than the pain, of course).
This triggers your brain to release a ton of stress hormones. This causes you to feel even more stressed, which again gives you that knot-in-the-stomach feeling and triggers acid reflux.
It’s a vicious circle of heartburn and stress.
That’s why traditional stress management doesn’t ease acid reflux.
Scott, meanwhile, taught me four powerful techniques, each of which taking only two to three minutes and focuses on the mind/stomach relationship.
I began using these techniques anytime I sensed a small tension in my stomach.
And the results were remarkable:
Over and over again, tensions that would have transformed into full-blown reflux before would melt away as I did the stress release exercises.
All I was left with were this great energy flow and light joy in my guts.
Scott is phenomenal!
Combining Scott’s simple mixture, his food plan, and his easy stress relief techniques when needed gave my guts a much-needed rest.
Over the coming weeks, I began experiencing a flow of energy in my guts that I hadn’t felt before.
The heaviness and pressure I would usually have after eating were gone.
Instead, I felt uplifted and energized.
At some point, choosing the right food and food combination became second nature. I don’t even think about it anymore.
Plus, it doesn’t matter if I cheat a little once in a while. It doesn’t send me into full-blown heartburn.
When going out to eat and I know I’m going to consume something I shouldn’t, I take four or five minutes to brew up Scott’s remedy and experience no heartburn problems.
Best of all: I feel like a normal person again.
It’s such a relief not dreading going out with friends because you are that weird guy who can’t eat or drink the same as others.
I can order normally without having to interrogate the waiter about the ingredients in the food.
And I can have a drink or two without fretting the night.
Now, it’s your turn…
Recently, Scott began working with natural health publishing company Blue Heron Health News to spread his knowledge.
They published the same three-step strategy Scott gave me:
Take the simple home remedy (plus the 11 herbs that supercharge it) to stop acid reflux in its tracks.
Identify the foods and the food combinations that trigger acid reflux.
Address the “knot in the stomach” using simple stress relief techniques.
In addition, he included a chapter specifically focused on pregnant women and acid reflux.
Another chapter focuses on infants and children experiencing heartburn.
I highly recommend Scott’s strategy for anyone suffering from acid reflux, GERD, or heartburn.
So, how much does Scott’s Acid Reflux Strategy cost?
The icing on the cake:
Unless you completely eliminate your acid reflux, heartburn, GERD, or whatever else you call it, you end up paying NOTHING…
..unlike dangerous prescriptions or medications that suck $3000, $5000, or even $8000 every year (and attempt to murder you in the process),
…cheaper, over-the-counter versions digging you into a $1000–$2000-hole year after year—and actually make you sick,
…or even natural remedies that may not cause side effects but most often don’t help either (and rob you of several hundreds or thousands in the process).
Not even the $200 Scott charges for a 30-minute session (if you are lucky enough to get one).
As much as Scott knows how effective his system is, he doesn’t want to sell it to anyone unless he’s 100% sure it will help them.
After all, you are not wasting his personal time like I was.
Even though he that knows you…
might be spending your life savings on dangerous, ineffective herbs and medications
 are at tremendous risk of dying from cancer and liver damage due to your acid reflux.
are suffering every day and night…
… he still knows that you might hesitate to try his system if you are required to shell out a huge amount of money.
And let’s be honest…
I’m sure Scott could provide you with hundreds of testimonials from people who had similar results as I did, but how do you know whether they’re true?
He could also bore you with thousands of pages of scientific studies proving different aspects of his acid reflux strategy, but you might still doubt it will work for you.
The only way you can find out for sure whether Scott’s three-step strategy will work for your acid reflux is if you try it out for yourself.
Here is how you can try the Acid Reflux Strategy for free:
After you click the button below, you’ll be charged a small, one-time, fully refundable deposit.
I think that’s fair, as that is your commitment to giving Scott’s strategy your best shot. Without it, this would just be another one of those free online information nobody gives any weight to.
It also guarantees that Scott gets a little gratitude from those who benefit from his strategy. And he does deserve some gratitude if he helps you heal your acid reflux, doesn’t he?
Immediately after you submit your deposit, you’ll be redirected to a page where you get full access to Scott’s strategy.
Start by making the simple home remedy.
You most likely have all the ingredients in your kitchen already.
So, within 10 minutes from NOW, you can have your first sip.
Imagine the relief if your acid reflux was gone TODAY!
If you would sleep through the night without gasping for air, stomach cramps, or throat burning and wake up without upset stomach burping (or even throwing up)…
Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
Whether you experience complete relief tonight or not, I recommend you drink Scott’s remedy every day for a few days.
Then, you can move on to steps two and three in his strategy.
Now, if you don’t experience the same amazing results as I did, or if you’re, for whatever reason, not completely thrilled with the strategy (Maybe you don’t like the font type.), then I’m truly sorry.
In that case, just send the team at Blue Heron Health News a quick email, and they’ll immediately refund your deposit. No questions asked.
You can use the contact link at the bottom of this page or reply to the confirmation email you will receive with your order.
Scott Davis and Blue Heron Health News put their +40 years of great reputation in the natural health biz on the line, guaranteeing you will be thrilled with either your order or refund.
You have 60 days to ask for your deposit back, which means you can thoroughly test out the 3-Step Acid Reflux Strategy.
If you ask for a refund (I don’t think anyone has ever asked. At the least, it’s very rare.), you come out even. Lose nothing.
But if you manage to cure your acid reflux… just imagine the money you’ll save on medications every year.
We are talking pocketing extra $1000, $4000, or even $8000 every single year — tax-free.
That’s the greatest return on investment I can think of — with zero risk (because if it doesn’t work, you lose nothing).
But it has to happen today!
It’s bad enough to go through another agonizing day with acid reflux when you know there is something that could help you, isn’t it?
Not being able to eat anything you like
Being kept up half the night with a burning throat and a bloated stomach
Having an almost guaranteed ulcer down the road (if not already)
These are bad enough on their own.
But add to this the knowledge that your heartburn is putting you at over one thousand three hundred percent increased risk of six types of fatal cancers.
That makes it pretty likely that you will get one of those cancers if you don’t tackle your heartburn today.
Plus, knowing that the common medications available for acid reflux cause kidney failure, stroke, dementia and stomach cancer.
Worst of all: This can happen any day!
One minute, you’re fine. The next, you’re coughing blood and rushing to a hospital with stage five throat cancer.
And you know that as you’re lying in the ambulance, you will be thinking you should have done something about your acid reflux sooner.
You know you will!
You still have time today, unlike at that point, it will be too late.
The time to act is NOW!
It’s an ugly truth, but it has to be said.
So, why don’t you click the order button below now and begin addressing your acid reflux within minutes?
You risk nothing and have your life and health to gain.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
The Acid Reflux Strategy
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-acid-reflux-strategy/
The Acid Reflux Strategy
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    “So, you thought your acid reflux was just innocent annoyance?” my doctor asked.
Then, looking me straight in the eyes, he added…
“You were DEAD wrong!”
I wasn’t sure if the pun was intended.
My wife’s shivering hands squeezed mine as tears ran down her chin.
“Don’t worry. We’ll get through this,” she sobbed…maybe more to convince herself than me.
Frozen with fear, I couldn’t speak.
Only one thought circled through my mind: “I’m too young to die!”
You don’t anticipate this kind of shock when seeking medical advice for acid reflux, do you?
Yes, heartburn makes your life miserable. It robs you of sleep, ruins your meals, and embarrasses you with burp and gas outbursts in the worst places.
At worst, you fear ulcer, which is, of course, horrible.
But death — you don’t expect that!
If you frequently suffer heartburn, you should, however, prepare for the worst.
I tell you why…
Not being able to sleep that night, I googled the health risks of acid reflux.
What I found was terrifying.:
Recent studies prove that acid reflux is the number one cause of not just one or two, but SIX types of fatal cancers (4).
And we’re talking strong connection.
Heartburn increases your risk of…
cancer in the larynx by 286%;
cancer in the hypopharynx by 254%;
cancer in the oropharynx by 247%;
cancer in the tonsils by 214%;
cancer in the nasopharynx by 204%;
cancer in the sinuses by 140%.
Sum it all up, and you’re 1345% more likely to get one of these six cancers than does a person who doesn’t suffer heartburn.
One thousand, three hundred, and forty five percent.
That’s a lot!
“Acid reflux is more dangerous than smoking,”
…the researchers concluded.
Millions of people die every year because they don’t take their heartburn seriously enough.
And there I was, ready to be another name on a grave.
It wasn’t my fault, really!
I’ll explain in a second how I finally got rid of my acid reflux using a simple home remedy that takes only four or five minutes to make.
You most likely have all the ingredients sitting in your kitchen. So, if you want, you should be able to take the first sip within 10 minutes from NOW.
Had I known about this remedy before, I would not have received the dire news that day.
But with what I knew then, I couldn’t have done much differently!
Like most people suffering heartburn, I was loading up on proton pump inhibitors (PPI), medications thinking they were safe.
Well, they are not.
According to a study from Washington University in St. Louis, PPI drugs increase your risk of dying within a year by a terrifying 50% (1).
Another study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association (2) proved that PPI pills drastically increase your risk of stroke.
And, in a new study from the University of Hong Kong and University College London published in the peer-reviewed journal Gut (6), these same drugs were found to double your risk of stomach cancer.
Maybe worst of all: They also double your risk of kidney disease.
Hey, I can live with stomach ulcers, but I can’t live without my kidneys or stomach.
Other heartburn medications, such as antacids and H2 blockers (such as Tums and Zantac), may or may not be a little bit safer. However, numerous studies have also found a row of life-threatening side effects from these drugs.
Putting it bluntly:
It’s a matter of life and death that you naturally address your acid reflux immediately today.
Don’t put it off another day!
Plus, these drugs cost a fortune…
When my insurance company stopped copaying for my medication a few years back, I had to shuffle out over $5000 a year for heartburn prescriptions.
Even after I turned to cheaper over-the-counter PPIs, I was still paying close to $2000 a year for drugs that were actually murdering me.
Okay, finally, some good news:
Additional testing luckily revealed that my cancer diagnosis was a false alarm — “false positive,” they called it.
At that point, however, I was informed enough to realize I had gotten a second chance at life…
…but it wouldn’t last long unless I cured my acid reflux as soon as possible.
PPI and other heartburn medications only temporarily mask the symptoms. They do not cure your acid reflux or GERD.
Therefore, they do nothing to protect you from dying from cancer and other causes.
In fact, they drastically increase your risk of dying.
So, I knew I had to handle my acid reflux naturally…
…which is easier said than done.
The Internet is full of well-meaning tips for acid reflux.
I’m sure you’ve tried everything from baking soda to just carrying around Tums everywhere you go.
When other common wisdom, such as sleeping sitting up, not eating spicy food, and avoiding sugar, chocolates, and tomato sauce, is to no avail, you are running out of options, aren’t you?
So, you get what I was facing.
Finally, my luck changed when a friend referred me to a man named Scott Davis.
Scott is somewhat of a legend in the natural health research field.
He has come up with solutions for numerous health issues the traditional medical system has no answer for.
Among those are acid reflux and GERD disease.
At the age of 84, he dedicated most of his time to research and was not seeing many people in person.
In fact, he seemed quite irritated having to deal with such a mundane issue as my acid reflux.
You see, for someone like you and me, who have endured the pain of acid reflux for so long, curing it deserves the Nobel Prize and its million-dollar award, right?
Scott, however, had helped so many people with heartburn, it had become an old hat.
It wasn’t a challenge for him anymore.
He only helped me because my friend was Scott’s nephew, and really expressed how desperate I was.
Well, he did charge me $200 for a 30-minute session, which I, at that time, thought was kind of a rip-off.
That is until I realized how effective his method is.
In fact, this is the best investment I have made…
…not just because of my health but also because I’m saving almost $2000 every year in medications.
I don’t mind effortlessly banking extra 2000 bucks a year… Would you?
That’s one 1000% return on investment every year — beat that, Wall Street.
But obviously, saving my health and life was my only motivation that day.
Scott told me that the three-step system he had developed works for pretty much anyone, and if I followed it in detail, it would help me too.
“Let’s see,” I thought to myself, quite skeptical.
As Scott gently shuffled me out the door, he gave me a printout of 43 pages listing the three steps he wanted me to take.
Part one was his “quick fix,” – including his simple acid reflux remedy.
I could make the remedy right away, as it included only three ingredients I already had in my kitchen.
I was amazed to feel the pain melt away!
That night, I slept through without any bloating, burbling, or throat burning for the first time in decades.
Imagine the joy of waking up the next day feeling great. No gasping for air and spitting up acid before breakfast.
I made the formula again in the morning, and the whole day passed without any reflux.
This was great!
Several days and nights passed without any heartburn issues. I drank a glass of the formula two to three times a day.
And it was keeping my stomach in great shape.
Sometimes, I would add one or two of the extra herbs Scott recommended to boost the effectiveness of his remedy even further.
Herbs number six and nine on his list were especially effective, and I could get them from any supermarket along with the other ingredients.
The best part was being able to eat and drink anything I wanted (even fattening and heavy comfort food, which can really cause heartburn).
I could have coffee in the morning, a glass of red wine in the evening, and even a bit of spicy food for lunch (I didn’t dare try spicy for dinner.).
Heck, I had even forgotten that a sip of Bourbon wasn’t supposed to be painful.
All I did was make sure that I had a shot of Scott’s remedy when I knew I was going to eat or drink something that I shouldn’t.
Every day, I felt powerful and full of energy and focus.
This was amazing because I had tried literally hundreds of home remedy recipes before I met Scott.
The Internet is full of those recipes.
I’m sure Scott’s remedy has been ripped off somewhere (although I haven’t seen it anywhere else). But you’d have to literally go through thousands of failures before finding it (if you ever do).
Some of those online remedies I tried helped a little for a few days, but they always stopped working.
Others made my pain worse.
Scott’s remedy has never failed me.
That’s except when I failed Scott!
What do I mean by “failing Scott?”
You know what happens when we get a good thing going. We too quickly forget the hard times.
And, little by little, I began to forget taking the remedy.
I would run out of the ingredients or forget to take it with me when traveling.
Or, most idiotic of it all: Sometimes, I thought I didn’t have five minutes to spare to make it.
Imagine having a remedy that you know would eliminate your acid reflux every time, and you just decide in your mind that it’s not worth five minutes to make it.
Well, my brain is obviously not the brightest.
And that was okay for a few days…
…until one night, when the reflux assaulted me with full force again.
As luck would have it — it was exactly a night spent in a hotel, where I had none of the ingredients needed.
Worst night of my life!
Most of it was spent with my head in the toilet.
That’s when I got it:
Just like prescription medications, the remedy was dealing only with the symptoms.
It is, of course, natural and not causing any side effects.
But no matter how effective it was, it wasn’t curing my acid reflux.
I had promised Scott not to get stuck with the remedy and also take the two other steps in his system.
Well, this night reminded me of that promise.
And the hours that passed before I could get to a supermarket and buy the ingredients for the formula nailed that memory in deeply.
When I got home, I immediately began working Scott’s program for real.
The next step was to give my stomach a break.
It wasn’t enough to use the mixture that soothed my stomach.
I actually had to cut out the foods that were triggering it.
Scott had given me a list of foods to look out for, followed by a long list of delicious foods that are good and soothing for the stomach.
I got it all wrong before.
Okay, I knew about sugar, spicy foods, tomatoes, and many of the other obvious trigger foods.
But I had no idea about most of the things on Scott’s lists.
And here is the thing nobody tells you about acid reflux diets:
It is NOT about avoiding certain TYPES of foods.
It’s the food combinations in your meals that are much more important.
Scott taught me six simple fundamentals for food combination for acid reflux.
Using these fundamentals, I’m actually able to eat lots of foods that previously would have caused terrible bloating attacks.
I just avoid combining these “bad foods” with other foods that promote heartburn.
And finally, the third step…
The huge misunderstanding about stress and acid reflux:
You know the saying: “having a knot in the stomach” when someone is stressed or in dread.
It’s no wonder because when you are stressed or anxious, you feel it in your guts, right?
It’s like your intestines are twisted and turned?
Now, when acid reflux bloats your stomach, it tricks your body into thinking you’re under major stress — even when there is nothing to stress about (other than the pain, of course).
This triggers your brain to release a ton of stress hormones. This causes you to feel even more stressed, which again gives you that knot-in-the-stomach feeling and triggers acid reflux.
It’s a vicious circle of heartburn and stress.
That’s why traditional stress management doesn’t ease acid reflux.
Scott, meanwhile, taught me four powerful techniques, each of which taking only two to three minutes and focuses on the mind/stomach relationship.
I began using these techniques anytime I sensed a small tension in my stomach.
And the results were remarkable:
Over and over again, tensions that would have transformed into full-blown reflux before would melt away as I did the stress release exercises.
All I was left with were this great energy flow and light joy in my guts.
Scott is phenomenal!
Combining Scott’s simple mixture, his food plan, and his easy stress relief techniques when needed gave my guts a much-needed rest.
Over the coming weeks, I began experiencing a flow of energy in my guts that I hadn’t felt before.
The heaviness and pressure I would usually have after eating were gone.
Instead, I felt uplifted and energized.
At some point, choosing the right food and food combination became second nature. I don’t even think about it anymore.
Plus, it doesn’t matter if I cheat a little once in a while. It doesn’t send me into full-blown heartburn.
When going out to eat and I know I’m going to consume something I shouldn’t, I take four or five minutes to brew up Scott’s remedy and experience no heartburn problems.
Best of all: I feel like a normal person again.
It’s such a relief not dreading going out with friends because you are that weird guy who can’t eat or drink the same as others.
I can order normally without having to interrogate the waiter about the ingredients in the food.
And I can have a drink or two without fretting the night.
Now, it’s your turn…
Recently, Scott began working with natural health publishing company Blue Heron Health News to spread his knowledge.
They published the same three-step strategy Scott gave me:
Take the simple home remedy (plus the 11 herbs that supercharge it) to stop acid reflux in its tracks.
Identify the foods and the food combinations that trigger acid reflux.
Address the “knot in the stomach” using simple stress relief techniques.
In addition, he included a chapter specifically focused on pregnant women and acid reflux.
Another chapter focuses on infants and children experiencing heartburn.
I highly recommend Scott’s strategy for anyone suffering from acid reflux, GERD, or heartburn.
So, how much does Scott’s Acid Reflux Strategy cost?
The icing on the cake:
Unless you completely eliminate your acid reflux, heartburn, GERD, or whatever else you call it, you end up paying NOTHING…
..unlike dangerous prescriptions or medications that suck $3000, $5000, or even $8000 every year (and attempt to murder you in the process),
…cheaper, over-the-counter versions digging you into a $1000–$2000-hole year after year—and actually make you sick,
…or even natural remedies that may not cause side effects but most often don’t help either (and rob you of several hundreds or thousands in the process).
Not even the $200 Scott charges for a 30-minute session (if you are lucky enough to get one).
As much as Scott knows how effective his system is, he doesn’t want to sell it to anyone unless he’s 100% sure it will help them.
After all, you are not wasting his personal time like I was.
Even though he that knows you…
might be spending your life savings on dangerous, ineffective herbs and medications
 are at tremendous risk of dying from cancer and liver damage due to your acid reflux.
are suffering every day and night…
… he still knows that you might hesitate to try his system if you are required to shell out a huge amount of money.
And let’s be honest…
I’m sure Scott could provide you with hundreds of testimonials from people who had similar results as I did, but how do you know whether they’re true?
He could also bore you with thousands of pages of scientific studies proving different aspects of his acid reflux strategy, but you might still doubt it will work for you.
The only way you can find out for sure whether Scott’s three-step strategy will work for your acid reflux is if you try it out for yourself.
Here is how you can try the Acid Reflux Strategy for free:
After you click the button below, you’ll be charged a small, one-time, fully refundable deposit.
I think that’s fair, as that is your commitment to giving Scott’s strategy your best shot. Without it, this would just be another one of those free online information nobody gives any weight to.
It also guarantees that Scott gets a little gratitude from those who benefit from his strategy. And he does deserve some gratitude if he helps you heal your acid reflux, doesn’t he?
Immediately after you submit your deposit, you’ll be redirected to a page where you get full access to Scott’s strategy.
Start by making the simple home remedy.
You most likely have all the ingredients in your kitchen already.
So, within 10 minutes from NOW, you can have your first sip.
Imagine the relief if your acid reflux was gone TODAY!
If you would sleep through the night without gasping for air, stomach cramps, or throat burning and wake up without upset stomach burping (or even throwing up)…
Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
Whether you experience complete relief tonight or not, I recommend you drink Scott’s remedy every day for a few days.
Then, you can move on to steps two and three in his strategy.
Now, if you don’t experience the same amazing results as I did, or if you’re, for whatever reason, not completely thrilled with the strategy (Maybe you don’t like the font type.), then I’m truly sorry.
In that case, just send the team at Blue Heron Health News a quick email, and they’ll immediately refund your deposit. No questions asked.
You can use the contact link at the bottom of this page or reply to the confirmation email you will receive with your order.
Scott Davis and Blue Heron Health News put their +40 years of great reputation in the natural health biz on the line, guaranteeing you will be thrilled with either your order or refund.
You have 60 days to ask for your deposit back, which means you can thoroughly test out the 3-Step Acid Reflux Strategy.
If you ask for a refund (I don’t think anyone has ever asked. At the least, it’s very rare.), you come out even. Lose nothing.
But if you manage to cure your acid reflux… just imagine the money you’ll save on medications every year.
We are talking pocketing extra $1000, $4000, or even $8000 every single year — tax-free.
That’s the greatest return on investment I can think of — with zero risk (because if it doesn’t work, you lose nothing).
But it has to happen today!
It’s bad enough to go through another agonizing day with acid reflux when you know there is something that could help you, isn’t it?
Not being able to eat anything you like
Being kept up half the night with a burning throat and a bloated stomach
Having an almost guaranteed ulcer down the road (if not already)
These are bad enough on their own.
But add to this the knowledge that your heartburn is putting you at over one thousand three hundred percent increased risk of six types of fatal cancers.
That makes it pretty likely that you will get one of those cancers if you don’t tackle your heartburn today.
Plus, knowing that the common medications available for acid reflux cause kidney failure, stroke, dementia and stomach cancer.
Worst of all: This can happen any day!
One minute, you’re fine. The next, you’re coughing blood and rushing to a hospital with stage five throat cancer.
And you know that as you’re lying in the ambulance, you will be thinking you should have done something about your acid reflux sooner.
You know you will!
You still have time today, unlike at that point, it will be too late.
The time to act is NOW!
It’s an ugly truth, but it has to be said.
So, why don’t you click the order button below now and begin addressing your acid reflux within minutes?
You risk nothing and have your life and health to gain.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
The Acid Reflux Strategy
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-acid-reflux-strategy/
The Acid Reflux Strategy
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    “So, you thought your acid reflux was just innocent annoyance?” my doctor asked.
Then, looking me straight in the eyes, he added…
“You were DEAD wrong!”
I wasn’t sure if the pun was intended.
My wife’s shivering hands squeezed mine as tears ran down her chin.
“Don’t worry. We’ll get through this,” she sobbed…maybe more to convince herself than me.
Frozen with fear, I couldn’t speak.
Only one thought circled through my mind: “I’m too young to die!”
You don’t anticipate this kind of shock when seeking medical advice for acid reflux, do you?
Yes, heartburn makes your life miserable. It robs you of sleep, ruins your meals, and embarrasses you with burp and gas outbursts in the worst places.
At worst, you fear ulcer, which is, of course, horrible.
But death — you don’t expect that!
If you frequently suffer heartburn, you should, however, prepare for the worst.
I tell you why…
Not being able to sleep that night, I googled the health risks of acid reflux.
What I found was terrifying.:
Recent studies prove that acid reflux is the number one cause of not just one or two, but SIX types of fatal cancers (4).
And we’re talking strong connection.
Heartburn increases your risk of…
cancer in the larynx by 286%;
cancer in the hypopharynx by 254%;
cancer in the oropharynx by 247%;
cancer in the tonsils by 214%;
cancer in the nasopharynx by 204%;
cancer in the sinuses by 140%.
Sum it all up, and you’re 1345% more likely to get one of these six cancers than does a person who doesn’t suffer heartburn.
One thousand, three hundred, and forty five percent.
That’s a lot!
“Acid reflux is more dangerous than smoking,”
…the researchers concluded.
Millions of people die every year because they don’t take their heartburn seriously enough.
And there I was, ready to be another name on a grave.
It wasn’t my fault, really!
I’ll explain in a second how I finally got rid of my acid reflux using a simple home remedy that takes only four or five minutes to make.
You most likely have all the ingredients sitting in your kitchen. So, if you want, you should be able to take the first sip within 10 minutes from NOW.
Had I known about this remedy before, I would not have received the dire news that day.
But with what I knew then, I couldn’t have done much differently!
Like most people suffering heartburn, I was loading up on proton pump inhibitors (PPI), medications thinking they were safe.
Well, they are not.
According to a study from Washington University in St. Louis, PPI drugs increase your risk of dying within a year by a terrifying 50% (1).
Another study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association (2) proved that PPI pills drastically increase your risk of stroke.
And, in a new study from the University of Hong Kong and University College London published in the peer-reviewed journal Gut (6), these same drugs were found to double your risk of stomach cancer.
Maybe worst of all: They also double your risk of kidney disease.
Hey, I can live with stomach ulcers, but I can’t live without my kidneys or stomach.
Other heartburn medications, such as antacids and H2 blockers (such as Tums and Zantac), may or may not be a little bit safer. However, numerous studies have also found a row of life-threatening side effects from these drugs.
Putting it bluntly:
It’s a matter of life and death that you naturally address your acid reflux immediately today.
Don’t put it off another day!
Plus, these drugs cost a fortune…
When my insurance company stopped copaying for my medication a few years back, I had to shuffle out over $5000 a year for heartburn prescriptions.
Even after I turned to cheaper over-the-counter PPIs, I was still paying close to $2000 a year for drugs that were actually murdering me.
Okay, finally, some good news:
Additional testing luckily revealed that my cancer diagnosis was a false alarm — “false positive,” they called it.
At that point, however, I was informed enough to realize I had gotten a second chance at life…
…but it wouldn’t last long unless I cured my acid reflux as soon as possible.
PPI and other heartburn medications only temporarily mask the symptoms. They do not cure your acid reflux or GERD.
Therefore, they do nothing to protect you from dying from cancer and other causes.
In fact, they drastically increase your risk of dying.
So, I knew I had to handle my acid reflux naturally…
…which is easier said than done.
The Internet is full of well-meaning tips for acid reflux.
I’m sure you’ve tried everything from baking soda to just carrying around Tums everywhere you go.
When other common wisdom, such as sleeping sitting up, not eating spicy food, and avoiding sugar, chocolates, and tomato sauce, is to no avail, you are running out of options, aren’t you?
So, you get what I was facing.
Finally, my luck changed when a friend referred me to a man named Scott Davis.
Scott is somewhat of a legend in the natural health research field.
He has come up with solutions for numerous health issues the traditional medical system has no answer for.
Among those are acid reflux and GERD disease.
At the age of 84, he dedicated most of his time to research and was not seeing many people in person.
In fact, he seemed quite irritated having to deal with such a mundane issue as my acid reflux.
You see, for someone like you and me, who have endured the pain of acid reflux for so long, curing it deserves the Nobel Prize and its million-dollar award, right?
Scott, however, had helped so many people with heartburn, it had become an old hat.
It wasn’t a challenge for him anymore.
He only helped me because my friend was Scott’s nephew, and really expressed how desperate I was.
Well, he did charge me $200 for a 30-minute session, which I, at that time, thought was kind of a rip-off.
That is until I realized how effective his method is.
In fact, this is the best investment I have made…
…not just because of my health but also because I’m saving almost $2000 every year in medications.
I don’t mind effortlessly banking extra 2000 bucks a year… Would you?
That’s one 1000% return on investment every year — beat that, Wall Street.
But obviously, saving my health and life was my only motivation that day.
Scott told me that the three-step system he had developed works for pretty much anyone, and if I followed it in detail, it would help me too.
“Let’s see,” I thought to myself, quite skeptical.
As Scott gently shuffled me out the door, he gave me a printout of 43 pages listing the three steps he wanted me to take.
Part one was his “quick fix,” – including his simple acid reflux remedy.
I could make the remedy right away, as it included only three ingredients I already had in my kitchen.
I was amazed to feel the pain melt away!
That night, I slept through without any bloating, burbling, or throat burning for the first time in decades.
Imagine the joy of waking up the next day feeling great. No gasping for air and spitting up acid before breakfast.
I made the formula again in the morning, and the whole day passed without any reflux.
This was great!
Several days and nights passed without any heartburn issues. I drank a glass of the formula two to three times a day.
And it was keeping my stomach in great shape.
Sometimes, I would add one or two of the extra herbs Scott recommended to boost the effectiveness of his remedy even further.
Herbs number six and nine on his list were especially effective, and I could get them from any supermarket along with the other ingredients.
The best part was being able to eat and drink anything I wanted (even fattening and heavy comfort food, which can really cause heartburn).
I could have coffee in the morning, a glass of red wine in the evening, and even a bit of spicy food for lunch (I didn’t dare try spicy for dinner.).
Heck, I had even forgotten that a sip of Bourbon wasn’t supposed to be painful.
All I did was make sure that I had a shot of Scott’s remedy when I knew I was going to eat or drink something that I shouldn’t.
Every day, I felt powerful and full of energy and focus.
This was amazing because I had tried literally hundreds of home remedy recipes before I met Scott.
The Internet is full of those recipes.
I’m sure Scott’s remedy has been ripped off somewhere (although I haven’t seen it anywhere else). But you’d have to literally go through thousands of failures before finding it (if you ever do).
Some of those online remedies I tried helped a little for a few days, but they always stopped working.
Others made my pain worse.
Scott’s remedy has never failed me.
That’s except when I failed Scott!
What do I mean by “failing Scott?”
You know what happens when we get a good thing going. We too quickly forget the hard times.
And, little by little, I began to forget taking the remedy.
I would run out of the ingredients or forget to take it with me when traveling.
Or, most idiotic of it all: Sometimes, I thought I didn’t have five minutes to spare to make it.
Imagine having a remedy that you know would eliminate your acid reflux every time, and you just decide in your mind that it’s not worth five minutes to make it.
Well, my brain is obviously not the brightest.
And that was okay for a few days…
…until one night, when the reflux assaulted me with full force again.
As luck would have it — it was exactly a night spent in a hotel, where I had none of the ingredients needed.
Worst night of my life!
Most of it was spent with my head in the toilet.
That’s when I got it:
Just like prescription medications, the remedy was dealing only with the symptoms.
It is, of course, natural and not causing any side effects.
But no matter how effective it was, it wasn’t curing my acid reflux.
I had promised Scott not to get stuck with the remedy and also take the two other steps in his system.
Well, this night reminded me of that promise.
And the hours that passed before I could get to a supermarket and buy the ingredients for the formula nailed that memory in deeply.
When I got home, I immediately began working Scott’s program for real.
The next step was to give my stomach a break.
It wasn’t enough to use the mixture that soothed my stomach.
I actually had to cut out the foods that were triggering it.
Scott had given me a list of foods to look out for, followed by a long list of delicious foods that are good and soothing for the stomach.
I got it all wrong before.
Okay, I knew about sugar, spicy foods, tomatoes, and many of the other obvious trigger foods.
But I had no idea about most of the things on Scott’s lists.
And here is the thing nobody tells you about acid reflux diets:
It is NOT about avoiding certain TYPES of foods.
It’s the food combinations in your meals that are much more important.
Scott taught me six simple fundamentals for food combination for acid reflux.
Using these fundamentals, I’m actually able to eat lots of foods that previously would have caused terrible bloating attacks.
I just avoid combining these “bad foods” with other foods that promote heartburn.
And finally, the third step…
The huge misunderstanding about stress and acid reflux:
You know the saying: “having a knot in the stomach” when someone is stressed or in dread.
It’s no wonder because when you are stressed or anxious, you feel it in your guts, right?
It’s like your intestines are twisted and turned?
Now, when acid reflux bloats your stomach, it tricks your body into thinking you’re under major stress — even when there is nothing to stress about (other than the pain, of course).
This triggers your brain to release a ton of stress hormones. This causes you to feel even more stressed, which again gives you that knot-in-the-stomach feeling and triggers acid reflux.
It’s a vicious circle of heartburn and stress.
That’s why traditional stress management doesn’t ease acid reflux.
Scott, meanwhile, taught me four powerful techniques, each of which taking only two to three minutes and focuses on the mind/stomach relationship.
I began using these techniques anytime I sensed a small tension in my stomach.
And the results were remarkable:
Over and over again, tensions that would have transformed into full-blown reflux before would melt away as I did the stress release exercises.
All I was left with were this great energy flow and light joy in my guts.
Scott is phenomenal!
Combining Scott’s simple mixture, his food plan, and his easy stress relief techniques when needed gave my guts a much-needed rest.
Over the coming weeks, I began experiencing a flow of energy in my guts that I hadn’t felt before.
The heaviness and pressure I would usually have after eating were gone.
Instead, I felt uplifted and energized.
At some point, choosing the right food and food combination became second nature. I don’t even think about it anymore.
Plus, it doesn’t matter if I cheat a little once in a while. It doesn’t send me into full-blown heartburn.
When going out to eat and I know I’m going to consume something I shouldn’t, I take four or five minutes to brew up Scott’s remedy and experience no heartburn problems.
Best of all: I feel like a normal person again.
It’s such a relief not dreading going out with friends because you are that weird guy who can’t eat or drink the same as others.
I can order normally without having to interrogate the waiter about the ingredients in the food.
And I can have a drink or two without fretting the night.
Now, it’s your turn…
Recently, Scott began working with natural health publishing company Blue Heron Health News to spread his knowledge.
They published the same three-step strategy Scott gave me:
Take the simple home remedy (plus the 11 herbs that supercharge it) to stop acid reflux in its tracks.
Identify the foods and the food combinations that trigger acid reflux.
Address the “knot in the stomach” using simple stress relief techniques.
In addition, he included a chapter specifically focused on pregnant women and acid reflux.
Another chapter focuses on infants and children experiencing heartburn.
I highly recommend Scott’s strategy for anyone suffering from acid reflux, GERD, or heartburn.
So, how much does Scott’s Acid Reflux Strategy cost?
The icing on the cake:
Unless you completely eliminate your acid reflux, heartburn, GERD, or whatever else you call it, you end up paying NOTHING…
..unlike dangerous prescriptions or medications that suck $3000, $5000, or even $8000 every year (and attempt to murder you in the process),
…cheaper, over-the-counter versions digging you into a $1000–$2000-hole year after year—and actually make you sick,
…or even natural remedies that may not cause side effects but most often don’t help either (and rob you of several hundreds or thousands in the process).
Not even the $200 Scott charges for a 30-minute session (if you are lucky enough to get one).
As much as Scott knows how effective his system is, he doesn’t want to sell it to anyone unless he’s 100% sure it will help them.
After all, you are not wasting his personal time like I was.
Even though he that knows you…
might be spending your life savings on dangerous, ineffective herbs and medications
 are at tremendous risk of dying from cancer and liver damage due to your acid reflux.
are suffering every day and night…
… he still knows that you might hesitate to try his system if you are required to shell out a huge amount of money.
And let’s be honest…
I’m sure Scott could provide you with hundreds of testimonials from people who had similar results as I did, but how do you know whether they’re true?
He could also bore you with thousands of pages of scientific studies proving different aspects of his acid reflux strategy, but you might still doubt it will work for you.
The only way you can find out for sure whether Scott’s three-step strategy will work for your acid reflux is if you try it out for yourself.
Here is how you can try the Acid Reflux Strategy for free:
After you click the button below, you’ll be charged a small, one-time, fully refundable deposit.
I think that’s fair, as that is your commitment to giving Scott’s strategy your best shot. Without it, this would just be another one of those free online information nobody gives any weight to.
It also guarantees that Scott gets a little gratitude from those who benefit from his strategy. And he does deserve some gratitude if he helps you heal your acid reflux, doesn’t he?
Immediately after you submit your deposit, you’ll be redirected to a page where you get full access to Scott’s strategy.
Start by making the simple home remedy.
You most likely have all the ingredients in your kitchen already.
So, within 10 minutes from NOW, you can have your first sip.
Imagine the relief if your acid reflux was gone TODAY!
If you would sleep through the night without gasping for air, stomach cramps, or throat burning and wake up without upset stomach burping (or even throwing up)…
Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
Whether you experience complete relief tonight or not, I recommend you drink Scott’s remedy every day for a few days.
Then, you can move on to steps two and three in his strategy.
Now, if you don’t experience the same amazing results as I did, or if you’re, for whatever reason, not completely thrilled with the strategy (Maybe you don’t like the font type.), then I’m truly sorry.
In that case, just send the team at Blue Heron Health News a quick email, and they’ll immediately refund your deposit. No questions asked.
You can use the contact link at the bottom of this page or reply to the confirmation email you will receive with your order.
Scott Davis and Blue Heron Health News put their +40 years of great reputation in the natural health biz on the line, guaranteeing you will be thrilled with either your order or refund.
You have 60 days to ask for your deposit back, which means you can thoroughly test out the 3-Step Acid Reflux Strategy.
If you ask for a refund (I don’t think anyone has ever asked. At the least, it’s very rare.), you come out even. Lose nothing.
But if you manage to cure your acid reflux… just imagine the money you’ll save on medications every year.
We are talking pocketing extra $1000, $4000, or even $8000 every single year — tax-free.
That’s the greatest return on investment I can think of — with zero risk (because if it doesn’t work, you lose nothing).
But it has to happen today!
It’s bad enough to go through another agonizing day with acid reflux when you know there is something that could help you, isn’t it?
Not being able to eat anything you like
Being kept up half the night with a burning throat and a bloated stomach
Having an almost guaranteed ulcer down the road (if not already)
These are bad enough on their own.
But add to this the knowledge that your heartburn is putting you at over one thousand three hundred percent increased risk of six types of fatal cancers.
That makes it pretty likely that you will get one of those cancers if you don’t tackle your heartburn today.
Plus, knowing that the common medications available for acid reflux cause kidney failure, stroke, dementia and stomach cancer.
Worst of all: This can happen any day!
One minute, you’re fine. The next, you’re coughing blood and rushing to a hospital with stage five throat cancer.
And you know that as you’re lying in the ambulance, you will be thinking you should have done something about your acid reflux sooner.
You know you will!
You still have time today, unlike at that point, it will be too late.
The time to act is NOW!
It’s an ugly truth, but it has to be said.
So, why don’t you click the order button below now and begin addressing your acid reflux within minutes?
You risk nothing and have your life and health to gain.
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
The Acid Reflux Strategy
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-acid-reflux-strategy/
The Acid Reflux Strategy
 Buy Now    
“So, you thought your acid reflux was just innocent annoyance?” my doctor asked.
Then, looking me straight in the eyes, he added…
“You were DEAD wrong!”
I wasn’t sure if the pun was intended.
My wife’s shivering hands squeezed mine as tears ran down her chin.
“Don’t worry. We’ll get through this,” she sobbed…maybe more to convince herself than me.
Frozen with fear, I couldn’t speak.
Only one thought circled through my mind: “I’m too young to die!”
You don’t anticipate this kind of shock when seeking medical advice for acid reflux, do you?
Yes, heartburn makes your life miserable. It robs you of sleep, ruins your meals, and embarrasses you with burp and gas outbursts in the worst places.
At worst, you fear ulcer, which is, of course, horrible.
But death — you don’t expect that!
If you frequently suffer heartburn, you should, however, prepare for the worst.
I tell you why…
Not being able to sleep that night, I googled the health risks of acid reflux.
What I found was terrifying.:
Recent studies prove that acid reflux is the number one cause of not just one or two, but SIX types of fatal cancers (4).
And we’re talking strong connection.
Heartburn increases your risk of…
cancer in the larynx by 286%;
cancer in the hypopharynx by 254%;
cancer in the oropharynx by 247%;
cancer in the tonsils by 214%;
cancer in the nasopharynx by 204%;
cancer in the sinuses by 140%.
Sum it all up, and you’re 1345% more likely to get one of these six cancers than does a person who doesn’t suffer heartburn.
One thousand, three hundred, and forty five percent.
That’s a lot!
“Acid reflux is more dangerous than smoking,”
…the researchers concluded.
Millions of people die every year because they don’t take their heartburn seriously enough.
And there I was, ready to be another name on a grave.
It wasn’t my fault, really!
I’ll explain in a second how I finally got rid of my acid reflux using a simple home remedy that takes only four or five minutes to make.
You most likely have all the ingredients sitting in your kitchen. So, if you want, you should be able to take the first sip within 10 minutes from NOW.
Had I known about this remedy before, I would not have received the dire news that day.
But with what I knew then, I couldn’t have done much differently!
Like most people suffering heartburn, I was loading up on proton pump inhibitors (PPI), medications thinking they were safe.
Well, they are not.
According to a study from Washington University in St. Louis, PPI drugs increase your risk of dying within a year by a terrifying 50% (1).
Another study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association (2) proved that PPI pills drastically increase your risk of stroke.
And, in a new study from the University of Hong Kong and University College London published in the peer-reviewed journal Gut (6), these same drugs were found to double your risk of stomach cancer.
Maybe worst of all: They also double your risk of kidney disease.
Hey, I can live with stomach ulcers, but I can’t live without my kidneys or stomach.
Other heartburn medications, such as antacids and H2 blockers (such as Tums and Zantac), may or may not be a little bit safer. However, numerous studies have also found a row of life-threatening side effects from these drugs.
Putting it bluntly:
It’s a matter of life and death that you naturally address your acid reflux immediately today.
Don’t put it off another day!
Plus, these drugs cost a fortune…
When my insurance company stopped copaying for my medication a few years back, I had to shuffle out over $5000 a year for heartburn prescriptions.
Even after I turned to cheaper over-the-counter PPIs, I was still paying close to $2000 a year for drugs that were actually murdering me.
Okay, finally, some good news:
Additional testing luckily revealed that my cancer diagnosis was a false alarm — “false positive,” they called it.
At that point, however, I was informed enough to realize I had gotten a second chance at life…
…but it wouldn’t last long unless I cured my acid reflux as soon as possible.
PPI and other heartburn medications only temporarily mask the symptoms. They do not cure your acid reflux or GERD.
Therefore, they do nothing to protect you from dying from cancer and other causes.
In fact, they drastically increase your risk of dying.
So, I knew I had to handle my acid reflux naturally…
…which is easier said than done.
The Internet is full of well-meaning tips for acid reflux.
I’m sure you’ve tried everything from baking soda to just carrying around Tums everywhere you go.
When other common wisdom, such as sleeping sitting up, not eating spicy food, and avoiding sugar, chocolates, and tomato sauce, is to no avail, you are running out of options, aren’t you?
So, you get what I was facing.
Finally, my luck changed when a friend referred me to a man named Scott Davis.
Scott is somewhat of a legend in the natural health research field.
He has come up with solutions for numerous health issues the traditional medical system has no answer for.
Among those are acid reflux and GERD disease.
At the age of 84, he dedicated most of his time to research and was not seeing many people in person.
In fact, he seemed quite irritated having to deal with such a mundane issue as my acid reflux.
You see, for someone like you and me, who have endured the pain of acid reflux for so long, curing it deserves the Nobel Prize and its million-dollar award, right?
Scott, however, had helped so many people with heartburn, it had become an old hat.
It wasn’t a challenge for him anymore.
He only helped me because my friend was Scott’s nephew, and really expressed how desperate I was.
Well, he did charge me $200 for a 30-minute session, which I, at that time, thought was kind of a rip-off.
That is until I realized how effective his method is.
In fact, this is the best investment I have made…
…not just because of my health but also because I’m saving almost $2000 every year in medications.
I don’t mind effortlessly banking extra 2000 bucks a year… Would you?
That’s one 1000% return on investment every year — beat that, Wall Street.
But obviously, saving my health and life was my only motivation that day.
Scott told me that the three-step system he had developed works for pretty much anyone, and if I followed it in detail, it would help me too.
“Let’s see,” I thought to myself, quite skeptical.
As Scott gently shuffled me out the door, he gave me a printout of 43 pages listing the three steps he wanted me to take.
Part one was his “quick fix,” – including his simple acid reflux remedy.
I could make the remedy right away, as it included only three ingredients I already had in my kitchen.
I was amazed to feel the pain melt away!
That night, I slept through without any bloating, burbling, or throat burning for the first time in decades.
Imagine the joy of waking up the next day feeling great. No gasping for air and spitting up acid before breakfast.
I made the formula again in the morning, and the whole day passed without any reflux.
This was great!
Several days and nights passed without any heartburn issues. I drank a glass of the formula two to three times a day.
And it was keeping my stomach in great shape.
Sometimes, I would add one or two of the extra herbs Scott recommended to boost the effectiveness of his remedy even further.
Herbs number six and nine on his list were especially effective, and I could get them from any supermarket along with the other ingredients.
The best part was being able to eat and drink anything I wanted (even fattening and heavy comfort food, which can really cause heartburn).
I could have coffee in the morning, a glass of red wine in the evening, and even a bit of spicy food for lunch (I didn’t dare try spicy for dinner.).
Heck, I had even forgotten that a sip of Bourbon wasn’t supposed to be painful.
All I did was make sure that I had a shot of Scott’s remedy when I knew I was going to eat or drink something that I shouldn’t.
Every day, I felt powerful and full of energy and focus.
This was amazing because I had tried literally hundreds of home remedy recipes before I met Scott.
The Internet is full of those recipes.
I’m sure Scott’s remedy has been ripped off somewhere (although I haven’t seen it anywhere else). But you’d have to literally go through thousands of failures before finding it (if you ever do).
Some of those online remedies I tried helped a little for a few days, but they always stopped working.
Others made my pain worse.
Scott’s remedy has never failed me.
That’s except when I failed Scott!
What do I mean by “failing Scott?”
You know what happens when we get a good thing going. We too quickly forget the hard times.
And, little by little, I began to forget taking the remedy.
I would run out of the ingredients or forget to take it with me when traveling.
Or, most idiotic of it all: Sometimes, I thought I didn’t have five minutes to spare to make it.
Imagine having a remedy that you know would eliminate your acid reflux every time, and you just decide in your mind that it’s not worth five minutes to make it.
Well, my brain is obviously not the brightest.
And that was okay for a few days…
…until one night, when the reflux assaulted me with full force again.
As luck would have it — it was exactly a night spent in a hotel, where I had none of the ingredients needed.
Worst night of my life!
Most of it was spent with my head in the toilet.
That’s when I got it:
Just like prescription medications, the remedy was dealing only with the symptoms.
It is, of course, natural and not causing any side effects.
But no matter how effective it was, it wasn’t curing my acid reflux.
I had promised Scott not to get stuck with the remedy and also take the two other steps in his system.
Well, this night reminded me of that promise.
And the hours that passed before I could get to a supermarket and buy the ingredients for the formula nailed that memory in deeply.
When I got home, I immediately began working Scott’s program for real.
The next step was to give my stomach a break.
It wasn’t enough to use the mixture that soothed my stomach.
I actually had to cut out the foods that were triggering it.
Scott had given me a list of foods to look out for, followed by a long list of delicious foods that are good and soothing for the stomach.
I got it all wrong before.
Okay, I knew about sugar, spicy foods, tomatoes, and many of the other obvious trigger foods.
But I had no idea about most of the things on Scott’s lists.
And here is the thing nobody tells you about acid reflux diets:
It is NOT about avoiding certain TYPES of foods.
It’s the food combinations in your meals that are much more important.
Scott taught me six simple fundamentals for food combination for acid reflux.
Using these fundamentals, I’m actually able to eat lots of foods that previously would have caused terrible bloating attacks.
I just avoid combining these “bad foods” with other foods that promote heartburn.
And finally, the third step…
The huge misunderstanding about stress and acid reflux:
You know the saying: “having a knot in the stomach” when someone is stressed or in dread.
It’s no wonder because when you are stressed or anxious, you feel it in your guts, right?
It’s like your intestines are twisted and turned?
Now, when acid reflux bloats your stomach, it tricks your body into thinking you’re under major stress — even when there is nothing to stress about (other than the pain, of course).
This triggers your brain to release a ton of stress hormones. This causes you to feel even more stressed, which again gives you that knot-in-the-stomach feeling and triggers acid reflux.
It’s a vicious circle of heartburn and stress.
That’s why traditional stress management doesn’t ease acid reflux.
Scott, meanwhile, taught me four powerful techniques, each of which taking only two to three minutes and focuses on the mind/stomach relationship.
I began using these techniques anytime I sensed a small tension in my stomach.
And the results were remarkable:
Over and over again, tensions that would have transformed into full-blown reflux before would melt away as I did the stress release exercises.
All I was left with were this great energy flow and light joy in my guts.
Scott is phenomenal!
Combining Scott’s simple mixture, his food plan, and his easy stress relief techniques when needed gave my guts a much-needed rest.
Over the coming weeks, I began experiencing a flow of energy in my guts that I hadn’t felt before.
The heaviness and pressure I would usually have after eating were gone.
Instead, I felt uplifted and energized.
At some point, choosing the right food and food combination became second nature. I don’t even think about it anymore.
Plus, it doesn’t matter if I cheat a little once in a while. It doesn’t send me into full-blown heartburn.
When going out to eat and I know I’m going to consume something I shouldn’t, I take four or five minutes to brew up Scott’s remedy and experience no heartburn problems.
Best of all: I feel like a normal person again.
It’s such a relief not dreading going out with friends because you are that weird guy who can’t eat or drink the same as others.
I can order normally without having to interrogate the waiter about the ingredients in the food.
And I can have a drink or two without fretting the night.
Now, it’s your turn…
Recently, Scott began working with natural health publishing company Blue Heron Health News to spread his knowledge.
They published the same three-step strategy Scott gave me:
Take the simple home remedy (plus the 11 herbs that supercharge it) to stop acid reflux in its tracks.
Identify the foods and the food combinations that trigger acid reflux.
Address the “knot in the stomach” using simple stress relief techniques.
In addition, he included a chapter specifically focused on pregnant women and acid reflux.
Another chapter focuses on infants and children experiencing heartburn.
I highly recommend Scott’s strategy for anyone suffering from acid reflux, GERD, or heartburn.
So, how much does Scott’s Acid Reflux Strategy cost?
The icing on the cake:
Unless you completely eliminate your acid reflux, heartburn, GERD, or whatever else you call it, you end up paying NOTHING…
..unlike dangerous prescriptions or medications that suck $3000, $5000, or even $8000 every year (and attempt to murder you in the process),
…cheaper, over-the-counter versions digging you into a $1000–$2000-hole year after year—and actually make you sick,
…or even natural remedies that may not cause side effects but most often don’t help either (and rob you of several hundreds or thousands in the process).
Not even the $200 Scott charges for a 30-minute session (if you are lucky enough to get one).
As much as Scott knows how effective his system is, he doesn’t want to sell it to anyone unless he’s 100% sure it will help them.
After all, you are not wasting his personal time like I was.
Even though he that knows you…
might be spending your life savings on dangerous, ineffective herbs and medications
 are at tremendous risk of dying from cancer and liver damage due to your acid reflux.
are suffering every day and night…
… he still knows that you might hesitate to try his system if you are required to shell out a huge amount of money.
And let’s be honest…
I’m sure Scott could provide you with hundreds of testimonials from people who had similar results as I did, but how do you know whether they’re true?
He could also bore you with thousands of pages of scientific studies proving different aspects of his acid reflux strategy, but you might still doubt it will work for you.
The only way you can find out for sure whether Scott’s three-step strategy will work for your acid reflux is if you try it out for yourself.
Here is how you can try the Acid Reflux Strategy for free:
After you click the button below, you’ll be charged a small, one-time, fully refundable deposit.
I think that’s fair, as that is your commitment to giving Scott’s strategy your best shot. Without it, this would just be another one of those free online information nobody gives any weight to.
It also guarantees that Scott gets a little gratitude from those who benefit from his strategy. And he does deserve some gratitude if he helps you heal your acid reflux, doesn’t he?
Immediately after you submit your deposit, you’ll be redirected to a page where you get full access to Scott’s strategy.
Start by making the simple home remedy.
You most likely have all the ingredients in your kitchen already.
So, within 10 minutes from NOW, you can have your first sip.
Imagine the relief if your acid reflux was gone TODAY!
If you would sleep through the night without gasping for air, stomach cramps, or throat burning and wake up without upset stomach burping (or even throwing up)…
Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
Whether you experience complete relief tonight or not, I recommend you drink Scott’s remedy every day for a few days.
Then, you can move on to steps two and three in his strategy.
Now, if you don’t experience the same amazing results as I did, or if you’re, for whatever reason, not completely thrilled with the strategy (Maybe you don’t like the font type.), then I’m truly sorry.
In that case, just send the team at Blue Heron Health News a quick email, and they’ll immediately refund your deposit. No questions asked.
You can use the contact link at the bottom of this page or reply to the confirmation email you will receive with your order.
Scott Davis and Blue Heron Health News put their +40 years of great reputation in the natural health biz on the line, guaranteeing you will be thrilled with either your order or refund.
You have 60 days to ask for your deposit back, which means you can thoroughly test out the 3-Step Acid Reflux Strategy.
If you ask for a refund (I don’t think anyone has ever asked. At the least, it’s very rare.), you come out even. Lose nothing.
But if you manage to cure your acid reflux… just imagine the money you’ll save on medications every year.
We are talking pocketing extra $1000, $4000, or even $8000 every single year — tax-free.
That’s the greatest return on investment I can think of — with zero risk (because if it doesn’t work, you lose nothing).
But it has to happen today!
It’s bad enough to go through another agonizing day with acid reflux when you know there is something that could help you, isn’t it?
Not being able to eat anything you like
Being kept up half the night with a burning throat and a bloated stomach
Having an almost guaranteed ulcer down the road (if not already)
These are bad enough on their own.
But add to this the knowledge that your heartburn is putting you at over one thousand three hundred percent increased risk of six types of fatal cancers.
That makes it pretty likely that you will get one of those cancers if you don’t tackle your heartburn today.
Plus, knowing that the common medications available for acid reflux cause kidney failure, stroke, dementia and stomach cancer.
Worst of all: This can happen any day!
One minute, you’re fine. The next, you’re coughing blood and rushing to a hospital with stage five throat cancer.
And you know that as you’re lying in the ambulance, you will be thinking you should have done something about your acid reflux sooner.
You know you will!
You still have time today, unlike at that point, it will be too late.
The time to act is NOW!
It’s an ugly truth, but it has to be said.
So, why don’t you click the order button below now and begin addressing your acid reflux within minutes?
You risk nothing and have your life and health to gain.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
The Acid Reflux Strategy
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-acid-reflux-strategy/
The Acid Reflux Strategy
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“So, you thought your acid reflux was just innocent annoyance?” my doctor asked.
Then, looking me straight in the eyes, he added…
“You were DEAD wrong!”
I wasn’t sure if the pun was intended.
My wife’s shivering hands squeezed mine as tears ran down her chin.
“Don’t worry. We’ll get through this,” she sobbed…maybe more to convince herself than me.
Frozen with fear, I couldn’t speak.
Only one thought circled through my mind: “I’m too young to die!”
You don’t anticipate this kind of shock when seeking medical advice for acid reflux, do you?
Yes, heartburn makes your life miserable. It robs you of sleep, ruins your meals, and embarrasses you with burp and gas outbursts in the worst places.
At worst, you fear ulcer, which is, of course, horrible.
But death — you don’t expect that!
If you frequently suffer heartburn, you should, however, prepare for the worst.
I tell you why…
Not being able to sleep that night, I googled the health risks of acid reflux.
What I found was terrifying.:
Recent studies prove that acid reflux is the number one cause of not just one or two, but SIX types of fatal cancers (4).
And we’re talking strong connection.
Heartburn increases your risk of…
cancer in the larynx by 286%;
cancer in the hypopharynx by 254%;
cancer in the oropharynx by 247%;
cancer in the tonsils by 214%;
cancer in the nasopharynx by 204%;
cancer in the sinuses by 140%.
Sum it all up, and you’re 1345% more likely to get one of these six cancers than does a person who doesn’t suffer heartburn.
One thousand, three hundred, and forty five percent.
That’s a lot!
“Acid reflux is more dangerous than smoking,”
…the researchers concluded.
Millions of people die every year because they don’t take their heartburn seriously enough.
And there I was, ready to be another name on a grave.
It wasn’t my fault, really!
I’ll explain in a second how I finally got rid of my acid reflux using a simple home remedy that takes only four or five minutes to make.
You most likely have all the ingredients sitting in your kitchen. So, if you want, you should be able to take the first sip within 10 minutes from NOW.
Had I known about this remedy before, I would not have received the dire news that day.
But with what I knew then, I couldn’t have done much differently!
Like most people suffering heartburn, I was loading up on proton pump inhibitors (PPI), medications thinking they were safe.
Well, they are not.
According to a study from Washington University in St. Louis, PPI drugs increase your risk of dying within a year by a terrifying 50% (1).
Another study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association (2) proved that PPI pills drastically increase your risk of stroke.
And, in a new study from the University of Hong Kong and University College London published in the peer-reviewed journal Gut (6), these same drugs were found to double your risk of stomach cancer.
Maybe worst of all: They also double your risk of kidney disease.
Hey, I can live with stomach ulcers, but I can’t live without my kidneys or stomach.
Other heartburn medications, such as antacids and H2 blockers (such as Tums and Zantac), may or may not be a little bit safer. However, numerous studies have also found a row of life-threatening side effects from these drugs.
Putting it bluntly:
It’s a matter of life and death that you naturally address your acid reflux immediately today.
Don’t put it off another day!
Plus, these drugs cost a fortune…
When my insurance company stopped copaying for my medication a few years back, I had to shuffle out over $5000 a year for heartburn prescriptions.
Even after I turned to cheaper over-the-counter PPIs, I was still paying close to $2000 a year for drugs that were actually murdering me.
Okay, finally, some good news:
Additional testing luckily revealed that my cancer diagnosis was a false alarm — “false positive,” they called it.
At that point, however, I was informed enough to realize I had gotten a second chance at life…
…but it wouldn’t last long unless I cured my acid reflux as soon as possible.
PPI and other heartburn medications only temporarily mask the symptoms. They do not cure your acid reflux or GERD.
Therefore, they do nothing to protect you from dying from cancer and other causes.
In fact, they drastically increase your risk of dying.
So, I knew I had to handle my acid reflux naturally…
…which is easier said than done.
The Internet is full of well-meaning tips for acid reflux.
I’m sure you’ve tried everything from baking soda to just carrying around Tums everywhere you go.
When other common wisdom, such as sleeping sitting up, not eating spicy food, and avoiding sugar, chocolates, and tomato sauce, is to no avail, you are running out of options, aren’t you?
So, you get what I was facing.
Finally, my luck changed when a friend referred me to a man named Scott Davis.
Scott is somewhat of a legend in the natural health research field.
He has come up with solutions for numerous health issues the traditional medical system has no answer for.
Among those are acid reflux and GERD disease.
At the age of 84, he dedicated most of his time to research and was not seeing many people in person.
In fact, he seemed quite irritated having to deal with such a mundane issue as my acid reflux.
You see, for someone like you and me, who have endured the pain of acid reflux for so long, curing it deserves the Nobel Prize and its million-dollar award, right?
Scott, however, had helped so many people with heartburn, it had become an old hat.
It wasn’t a challenge for him anymore.
He only helped me because my friend was Scott’s nephew, and really expressed how desperate I was.
Well, he did charge me $200 for a 30-minute session, which I, at that time, thought was kind of a rip-off.
That is until I realized how effective his method is.
In fact, this is the best investment I have made…
…not just because of my health but also because I’m saving almost $2000 every year in medications.
I don’t mind effortlessly banking extra 2000 bucks a year… Would you?
That’s one 1000% return on investment every year — beat that, Wall Street.
But obviously, saving my health and life was my only motivation that day.
Scott told me that the three-step system he had developed works for pretty much anyone, and if I followed it in detail, it would help me too.
“Let’s see,” I thought to myself, quite skeptical.
As Scott gently shuffled me out the door, he gave me a printout of 43 pages listing the three steps he wanted me to take.
Part one was his “quick fix,” – including his simple acid reflux remedy.
I could make the remedy right away, as it included only three ingredients I already had in my kitchen.
I was amazed to feel the pain melt away!
That night, I slept through without any bloating, burbling, or throat burning for the first time in decades.
Imagine the joy of waking up the next day feeling great. No gasping for air and spitting up acid before breakfast.
I made the formula again in the morning, and the whole day passed without any reflux.
This was great!
Several days and nights passed without any heartburn issues. I drank a glass of the formula two to three times a day.
And it was keeping my stomach in great shape.
Sometimes, I would add one or two of the extra herbs Scott recommended to boost the effectiveness of his remedy even further.
Herbs number six and nine on his list were especially effective, and I could get them from any supermarket along with the other ingredients.
The best part was being able to eat and drink anything I wanted (even fattening and heavy comfort food, which can really cause heartburn).
I could have coffee in the morning, a glass of red wine in the evening, and even a bit of spicy food for lunch (I didn’t dare try spicy for dinner.).
Heck, I had even forgotten that a sip of Bourbon wasn’t supposed to be painful.
All I did was make sure that I had a shot of Scott’s remedy when I knew I was going to eat or drink something that I shouldn’t.
Every day, I felt powerful and full of energy and focus.
This was amazing because I had tried literally hundreds of home remedy recipes before I met Scott.
The Internet is full of those recipes.
I’m sure Scott’s remedy has been ripped off somewhere (although I haven’t seen it anywhere else). But you’d have to literally go through thousands of failures before finding it (if you ever do).
Some of those online remedies I tried helped a little for a few days, but they always stopped working.
Others made my pain worse.
Scott’s remedy has never failed me.
That’s except when I failed Scott!
What do I mean by “failing Scott?”
You know what happens when we get a good thing going. We too quickly forget the hard times.
And, little by little, I began to forget taking the remedy.
I would run out of the ingredients or forget to take it with me when traveling.
Or, most idiotic of it all: Sometimes, I thought I didn’t have five minutes to spare to make it.
Imagine having a remedy that you know would eliminate your acid reflux every time, and you just decide in your mind that it’s not worth five minutes to make it.
Well, my brain is obviously not the brightest.
And that was okay for a few days…
…until one night, when the reflux assaulted me with full force again.
As luck would have it — it was exactly a night spent in a hotel, where I had none of the ingredients needed.
Worst night of my life!
Most of it was spent with my head in the toilet.
That’s when I got it:
Just like prescription medications, the remedy was dealing only with the symptoms.
It is, of course, natural and not causing any side effects.
But no matter how effective it was, it wasn’t curing my acid reflux.
I had promised Scott not to get stuck with the remedy and also take the two other steps in his system.
Well, this night reminded me of that promise.
And the hours that passed before I could get to a supermarket and buy the ingredients for the formula nailed that memory in deeply.
When I got home, I immediately began working Scott’s program for real.
The next step was to give my stomach a break.
It wasn’t enough to use the mixture that soothed my stomach.
I actually had to cut out the foods that were triggering it.
Scott had given me a list of foods to look out for, followed by a long list of delicious foods that are good and soothing for the stomach.
I got it all wrong before.
Okay, I knew about sugar, spicy foods, tomatoes, and many of the other obvious trigger foods.
But I had no idea about most of the things on Scott’s lists.
And here is the thing nobody tells you about acid reflux diets:
It is NOT about avoiding certain TYPES of foods.
It’s the food combinations in your meals that are much more important.
Scott taught me six simple fundamentals for food combination for acid reflux.
Using these fundamentals, I’m actually able to eat lots of foods that previously would have caused terrible bloating attacks.
I just avoid combining these “bad foods” with other foods that promote heartburn.
And finally, the third step…
The huge misunderstanding about stress and acid reflux:
You know the saying: “having a knot in the stomach” when someone is stressed or in dread.
It’s no wonder because when you are stressed or anxious, you feel it in your guts, right?
It’s like your intestines are twisted and turned?
Now, when acid reflux bloats your stomach, it tricks your body into thinking you’re under major stress — even when there is nothing to stress about (other than the pain, of course).
This triggers your brain to release a ton of stress hormones. This causes you to feel even more stressed, which again gives you that knot-in-the-stomach feeling and triggers acid reflux.
It’s a vicious circle of heartburn and stress.
That’s why traditional stress management doesn’t ease acid reflux.
Scott, meanwhile, taught me four powerful techniques, each of which taking only two to three minutes and focuses on the mind/stomach relationship.
I began using these techniques anytime I sensed a small tension in my stomach.
And the results were remarkable:
Over and over again, tensions that would have transformed into full-blown reflux before would melt away as I did the stress release exercises.
All I was left with were this great energy flow and light joy in my guts.
Scott is phenomenal!
Combining Scott’s simple mixture, his food plan, and his easy stress relief techniques when needed gave my guts a much-needed rest.
Over the coming weeks, I began experiencing a flow of energy in my guts that I hadn’t felt before.
The heaviness and pressure I would usually have after eating were gone.
Instead, I felt uplifted and energized.
At some point, choosing the right food and food combination became second nature. I don’t even think about it anymore.
Plus, it doesn’t matter if I cheat a little once in a while. It doesn’t send me into full-blown heartburn.
When going out to eat and I know I’m going to consume something I shouldn’t, I take four or five minutes to brew up Scott’s remedy and experience no heartburn problems.
Best of all: I feel like a normal person again.
It’s such a relief not dreading going out with friends because you are that weird guy who can’t eat or drink the same as others.
I can order normally without having to interrogate the waiter about the ingredients in the food.
And I can have a drink or two without fretting the night.
Now, it’s your turn…
Recently, Scott began working with natural health publishing company Blue Heron Health News to spread his knowledge.
They published the same three-step strategy Scott gave me:
Take the simple home remedy (plus the 11 herbs that supercharge it) to stop acid reflux in its tracks.
Identify the foods and the food combinations that trigger acid reflux.
Address the “knot in the stomach” using simple stress relief techniques.
In addition, he included a chapter specifically focused on pregnant women and acid reflux.
Another chapter focuses on infants and children experiencing heartburn.
I highly recommend Scott’s strategy for anyone suffering from acid reflux, GERD, or heartburn.
So, how much does Scott’s Acid Reflux Strategy cost?
The icing on the cake:
Unless you completely eliminate your acid reflux, heartburn, GERD, or whatever else you call it, you end up paying NOTHING…
..unlike dangerous prescriptions or medications that suck $3000, $5000, or even $8000 every year (and attempt to murder you in the process),
…cheaper, over-the-counter versions digging you into a $1000–$2000-hole year after year—and actually make you sick,
…or even natural remedies that may not cause side effects but most often don’t help either (and rob you of several hundreds or thousands in the process).
Not even the $200 Scott charges for a 30-minute session (if you are lucky enough to get one).
As much as Scott knows how effective his system is, he doesn’t want to sell it to anyone unless he’s 100% sure it will help them.
After all, you are not wasting his personal time like I was.
Even though he that knows you…
might be spending your life savings on dangerous, ineffective herbs and medications
 are at tremendous risk of dying from cancer and liver damage due to your acid reflux.
are suffering every day and night…
… he still knows that you might hesitate to try his system if you are required to shell out a huge amount of money.
And let’s be honest…
I’m sure Scott could provide you with hundreds of testimonials from people who had similar results as I did, but how do you know whether they’re true?
He could also bore you with thousands of pages of scientific studies proving different aspects of his acid reflux strategy, but you might still doubt it will work for you.
The only way you can find out for sure whether Scott’s three-step strategy will work for your acid reflux is if you try it out for yourself.
Here is how you can try the Acid Reflux Strategy for free:
After you click the button below, you’ll be charged a small, one-time, fully refundable deposit.
I think that’s fair, as that is your commitment to giving Scott’s strategy your best shot. Without it, this would just be another one of those free online information nobody gives any weight to.
It also guarantees that Scott gets a little gratitude from those who benefit from his strategy. And he does deserve some gratitude if he helps you heal your acid reflux, doesn’t he?
Immediately after you submit your deposit, you’ll be redirected to a page where you get full access to Scott’s strategy.
Start by making the simple home remedy.
You most likely have all the ingredients in your kitchen already.
So, within 10 minutes from NOW, you can have your first sip.
Imagine the relief if your acid reflux was gone TODAY!
If you would sleep through the night without gasping for air, stomach cramps, or throat burning and wake up without upset stomach burping (or even throwing up)…
Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
Whether you experience complete relief tonight or not, I recommend you drink Scott’s remedy every day for a few days.
Then, you can move on to steps two and three in his strategy.
Now, if you don’t experience the same amazing results as I did, or if you’re, for whatever reason, not completely thrilled with the strategy (Maybe you don’t like the font type.), then I’m truly sorry.
In that case, just send the team at Blue Heron Health News a quick email, and they’ll immediately refund your deposit. No questions asked.
You can use the contact link at the bottom of this page or reply to the confirmation email you will receive with your order.
Scott Davis and Blue Heron Health News put their +40 years of great reputation in the natural health biz on the line, guaranteeing you will be thrilled with either your order or refund.
You have 60 days to ask for your deposit back, which means you can thoroughly test out the 3-Step Acid Reflux Strategy.
If you ask for a refund (I don’t think anyone has ever asked. At the least, it’s very rare.), you come out even. Lose nothing.
But if you manage to cure your acid reflux… just imagine the money you’ll save on medications every year.
We are talking pocketing extra $1000, $4000, or even $8000 every single year — tax-free.
That’s the greatest return on investment I can think of — with zero risk (because if it doesn’t work, you lose nothing).
But it has to happen today!
It’s bad enough to go through another agonizing day with acid reflux when you know there is something that could help you, isn’t it?
Not being able to eat anything you like
Being kept up half the night with a burning throat and a bloated stomach
Having an almost guaranteed ulcer down the road (if not already)
These are bad enough on their own.
But add to this the knowledge that your heartburn is putting you at over one thousand three hundred percent increased risk of six types of fatal cancers.
That makes it pretty likely that you will get one of those cancers if you don’t tackle your heartburn today.
Plus, knowing that the common medications available for acid reflux cause kidney failure, stroke, dementia and stomach cancer.
Worst of all: This can happen any day!
One minute, you’re fine. The next, you’re coughing blood and rushing to a hospital with stage five throat cancer.
And you know that as you’re lying in the ambulance, you will be thinking you should have done something about your acid reflux sooner.
You know you will!
You still have time today, unlike at that point, it will be too late.
The time to act is NOW!
It’s an ugly truth, but it has to be said.
So, why don’t you click the order button below now and begin addressing your acid reflux within minutes?
You risk nothing and have your life and health to gain.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
The Acid Reflux Strategy
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-acid-reflux-strategy/
The Acid Reflux Strategy
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“So, you thought your acid reflux was just innocent annoyance?” my doctor asked.
Then, looking me straight in the eyes, he added…
“You were DEAD wrong!”
I wasn’t sure if the pun was intended.
My wife’s shivering hands squeezed mine as tears ran down her chin.
“Don’t worry. We’ll get through this,” she sobbed…maybe more to convince herself than me.
Frozen with fear, I couldn’t speak.
Only one thought circled through my mind: “I’m too young to die!”
You don’t anticipate this kind of shock when seeking medical advice for acid reflux, do you?
Yes, heartburn makes your life miserable. It robs you of sleep, ruins your meals, and embarrasses you with burp and gas outbursts in the worst places.
At worst, you fear ulcer, which is, of course, horrible.
But death — you don’t expect that!
If you frequently suffer heartburn, you should, however, prepare for the worst.
I tell you why…
Not being able to sleep that night, I googled the health risks of acid reflux.
What I found was terrifying.:
Recent studies prove that acid reflux is the number one cause of not just one or two, but SIX types of fatal cancers (4).
And we’re talking strong connection.
Heartburn increases your risk of…
cancer in the larynx by 286%;
cancer in the hypopharynx by 254%;
cancer in the oropharynx by 247%;
cancer in the tonsils by 214%;
cancer in the nasopharynx by 204%;
cancer in the sinuses by 140%.
Sum it all up, and you’re 1345% more likely to get one of these six cancers than does a person who doesn’t suffer heartburn.
One thousand, three hundred, and forty five percent.
That’s a lot!
“Acid reflux is more dangerous than smoking,”
…the researchers concluded.
Millions of people die every year because they don’t take their heartburn seriously enough.
And there I was, ready to be another name on a grave.
It wasn’t my fault, really!
I’ll explain in a second how I finally got rid of my acid reflux using a simple home remedy that takes only four or five minutes to make.
You most likely have all the ingredients sitting in your kitchen. So, if you want, you should be able to take the first sip within 10 minutes from NOW.
Had I known about this remedy before, I would not have received the dire news that day.
But with what I knew then, I couldn’t have done much differently!
Like most people suffering heartburn, I was loading up on proton pump inhibitors (PPI), medications thinking they were safe.
Well, they are not.
According to a study from Washington University in St. Louis, PPI drugs increase your risk of dying within a year by a terrifying 50% (1).
Another study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association (2) proved that PPI pills drastically increase your risk of stroke.
And, in a new study from the University of Hong Kong and University College London published in the peer-reviewed journal Gut (6), these same drugs were found to double your risk of stomach cancer.
Maybe worst of all: They also double your risk of kidney disease.
Hey, I can live with stomach ulcers, but I can’t live without my kidneys or stomach.
Other heartburn medications, such as antacids and H2 blockers (such as Tums and Zantac), may or may not be a little bit safer. However, numerous studies have also found a row of life-threatening side effects from these drugs.
Putting it bluntly:
It’s a matter of life and death that you naturally address your acid reflux immediately today.
Don’t put it off another day!
Plus, these drugs cost a fortune…
When my insurance company stopped copaying for my medication a few years back, I had to shuffle out over $5000 a year for heartburn prescriptions.
Even after I turned to cheaper over-the-counter PPIs, I was still paying close to $2000 a year for drugs that were actually murdering me.
Okay, finally, some good news:
Additional testing luckily revealed that my cancer diagnosis was a false alarm — “false positive,” they called it.
At that point, however, I was informed enough to realize I had gotten a second chance at life…
…but it wouldn’t last long unless I cured my acid reflux as soon as possible.
PPI and other heartburn medications only temporarily mask the symptoms. They do not cure your acid reflux or GERD.
Therefore, they do nothing to protect you from dying from cancer and other causes.
In fact, they drastically increase your risk of dying.
So, I knew I had to handle my acid reflux naturally…
…which is easier said than done.
The Internet is full of well-meaning tips for acid reflux.
I’m sure you’ve tried everything from baking soda to just carrying around Tums everywhere you go.
When other common wisdom, such as sleeping sitting up, not eating spicy food, and avoiding sugar, chocolates, and tomato sauce, is to no avail, you are running out of options, aren’t you?
So, you get what I was facing.
Finally, my luck changed when a friend referred me to a man named Scott Davis.
Scott is somewhat of a legend in the natural health research field.
He has come up with solutions for numerous health issues the traditional medical system has no answer for.
Among those are acid reflux and GERD disease.
At the age of 84, he dedicated most of his time to research and was not seeing many people in person.
In fact, he seemed quite irritated having to deal with such a mundane issue as my acid reflux.
You see, for someone like you and me, who have endured the pain of acid reflux for so long, curing it deserves the Nobel Prize and its million-dollar award, right?
Scott, however, had helped so many people with heartburn, it had become an old hat.
It wasn’t a challenge for him anymore.
He only helped me because my friend was Scott’s nephew, and really expressed how desperate I was.
Well, he did charge me $200 for a 30-minute session, which I, at that time, thought was kind of a rip-off.
That is until I realized how effective his method is.
In fact, this is the best investment I have made…
…not just because of my health but also because I’m saving almost $2000 every year in medications.
I don’t mind effortlessly banking extra 2000 bucks a year… Would you?
That’s one 1000% return on investment every year — beat that, Wall Street.
But obviously, saving my health and life was my only motivation that day.
Scott told me that the three-step system he had developed works for pretty much anyone, and if I followed it in detail, it would help me too.
“Let’s see,” I thought to myself, quite skeptical.
As Scott gently shuffled me out the door, he gave me a printout of 43 pages listing the three steps he wanted me to take.
Part one was his “quick fix,” – including his simple acid reflux remedy.
I could make the remedy right away, as it included only three ingredients I already had in my kitchen.
I was amazed to feel the pain melt away!
That night, I slept through without any bloating, burbling, or throat burning for the first time in decades.
Imagine the joy of waking up the next day feeling great. No gasping for air and spitting up acid before breakfast.
I made the formula again in the morning, and the whole day passed without any reflux.
This was great!
Several days and nights passed without any heartburn issues. I drank a glass of the formula two to three times a day.
And it was keeping my stomach in great shape.
Sometimes, I would add one or two of the extra herbs Scott recommended to boost the effectiveness of his remedy even further.
Herbs number six and nine on his list were especially effective, and I could get them from any supermarket along with the other ingredients.
The best part was being able to eat and drink anything I wanted (even fattening and heavy comfort food, which can really cause heartburn).
I could have coffee in the morning, a glass of red wine in the evening, and even a bit of spicy food for lunch (I didn’t dare try spicy for dinner.).
Heck, I had even forgotten that a sip of Bourbon wasn’t supposed to be painful.
All I did was make sure that I had a shot of Scott’s remedy when I knew I was going to eat or drink something that I shouldn’t.
Every day, I felt powerful and full of energy and focus.
This was amazing because I had tried literally hundreds of home remedy recipes before I met Scott.
The Internet is full of those recipes.
I’m sure Scott’s remedy has been ripped off somewhere (although I haven’t seen it anywhere else). But you’d have to literally go through thousands of failures before finding it (if you ever do).
Some of those online remedies I tried helped a little for a few days, but they always stopped working.
Others made my pain worse.
Scott’s remedy has never failed me.
That’s except when I failed Scott!
What do I mean by “failing Scott?”
You know what happens when we get a good thing going. We too quickly forget the hard times.
And, little by little, I began to forget taking the remedy.
I would run out of the ingredients or forget to take it with me when traveling.
Or, most idiotic of it all: Sometimes, I thought I didn’t have five minutes to spare to make it.
Imagine having a remedy that you know would eliminate your acid reflux every time, and you just decide in your mind that it’s not worth five minutes to make it.
Well, my brain is obviously not the brightest.
And that was okay for a few days…
…until one night, when the reflux assaulted me with full force again.
As luck would have it — it was exactly a night spent in a hotel, where I had none of the ingredients needed.
Worst night of my life!
Most of it was spent with my head in the toilet.
That’s when I got it:
Just like prescription medications, the remedy was dealing only with the symptoms.
It is, of course, natural and not causing any side effects.
But no matter how effective it was, it wasn’t curing my acid reflux.
I had promised Scott not to get stuck with the remedy and also take the two other steps in his system.
Well, this night reminded me of that promise.
And the hours that passed before I could get to a supermarket and buy the ingredients for the formula nailed that memory in deeply.
When I got home, I immediately began working Scott’s program for real.
The next step was to give my stomach a break.
It wasn’t enough to use the mixture that soothed my stomach.
I actually had to cut out the foods that were triggering it.
Scott had given me a list of foods to look out for, followed by a long list of delicious foods that are good and soothing for the stomach.
I got it all wrong before.
Okay, I knew about sugar, spicy foods, tomatoes, and many of the other obvious trigger foods.
But I had no idea about most of the things on Scott’s lists.
And here is the thing nobody tells you about acid reflux diets:
It is NOT about avoiding certain TYPES of foods.
It’s the food combinations in your meals that are much more important.
Scott taught me six simple fundamentals for food combination for acid reflux.
Using these fundamentals, I’m actually able to eat lots of foods that previously would have caused terrible bloating attacks.
I just avoid combining these “bad foods” with other foods that promote heartburn.
And finally, the third step…
The huge misunderstanding about stress and acid reflux:
You know the saying: “having a knot in the stomach” when someone is stressed or in dread.
It’s no wonder because when you are stressed or anxious, you feel it in your guts, right?
It’s like your intestines are twisted and turned?
Now, when acid reflux bloats your stomach, it tricks your body into thinking you’re under major stress — even when there is nothing to stress about (other than the pain, of course).
This triggers your brain to release a ton of stress hormones. This causes you to feel even more stressed, which again gives you that knot-in-the-stomach feeling and triggers acid reflux.
It’s a vicious circle of heartburn and stress.
That’s why traditional stress management doesn’t ease acid reflux.
Scott, meanwhile, taught me four powerful techniques, each of which taking only two to three minutes and focuses on the mind/stomach relationship.
I began using these techniques anytime I sensed a small tension in my stomach.
And the results were remarkable:
Over and over again, tensions that would have transformed into full-blown reflux before would melt away as I did the stress release exercises.
All I was left with were this great energy flow and light joy in my guts.
Scott is phenomenal!
Combining Scott’s simple mixture, his food plan, and his easy stress relief techniques when needed gave my guts a much-needed rest.
Over the coming weeks, I began experiencing a flow of energy in my guts that I hadn’t felt before.
The heaviness and pressure I would usually have after eating were gone.
Instead, I felt uplifted and energized.
At some point, choosing the right food and food combination became second nature. I don’t even think about it anymore.
Plus, it doesn’t matter if I cheat a little once in a while. It doesn’t send me into full-blown heartburn.
When going out to eat and I know I’m going to consume something I shouldn’t, I take four or five minutes to brew up Scott’s remedy and experience no heartburn problems.
Best of all: I feel like a normal person again.
It’s such a relief not dreading going out with friends because you are that weird guy who can’t eat or drink the same as others.
I can order normally without having to interrogate the waiter about the ingredients in the food.
And I can have a drink or two without fretting the night.
Now, it’s your turn…
Recently, Scott began working with natural health publishing company Blue Heron Health News to spread his knowledge.
They published the same three-step strategy Scott gave me:
Take the simple home remedy (plus the 11 herbs that supercharge it) to stop acid reflux in its tracks.
Identify the foods and the food combinations that trigger acid reflux.
Address the “knot in the stomach” using simple stress relief techniques.
In addition, he included a chapter specifically focused on pregnant women and acid reflux.
Another chapter focuses on infants and children experiencing heartburn.
I highly recommend Scott’s strategy for anyone suffering from acid reflux, GERD, or heartburn.
So, how much does Scott’s Acid Reflux Strategy cost?
The icing on the cake:
Unless you completely eliminate your acid reflux, heartburn, GERD, or whatever else you call it, you end up paying NOTHING…
..unlike dangerous prescriptions or medications that suck $3000, $5000, or even $8000 every year (and attempt to murder you in the process),
…cheaper, over-the-counter versions digging you into a $1000–$2000-hole year after year—and actually make you sick,
…or even natural remedies that may not cause side effects but most often don’t help either (and rob you of several hundreds or thousands in the process).
Not even the $200 Scott charges for a 30-minute session (if you are lucky enough to get one).
As much as Scott knows how effective his system is, he doesn’t want to sell it to anyone unless he’s 100% sure it will help them.
After all, you are not wasting his personal time like I was.
Even though he that knows you…
might be spending your life savings on dangerous, ineffective herbs and medications
 are at tremendous risk of dying from cancer and liver damage due to your acid reflux.
are suffering every day and night…
… he still knows that you might hesitate to try his system if you are required to shell out a huge amount of money.
And let’s be honest…
I’m sure Scott could provide you with hundreds of testimonials from people who had similar results as I did, but how do you know whether they’re true?
He could also bore you with thousands of pages of scientific studies proving different aspects of his acid reflux strategy, but you might still doubt it will work for you.
The only way you can find out for sure whether Scott’s three-step strategy will work for your acid reflux is if you try it out for yourself.
Here is how you can try the Acid Reflux Strategy for free:
After you click the button below, you’ll be charged a small, one-time, fully refundable deposit.
I think that’s fair, as that is your commitment to giving Scott’s strategy your best shot. Without it, this would just be another one of those free online information nobody gives any weight to.
It also guarantees that Scott gets a little gratitude from those who benefit from his strategy. And he does deserve some gratitude if he helps you heal your acid reflux, doesn’t he?
Immediately after you submit your deposit, you’ll be redirected to a page where you get full access to Scott’s strategy.
Start by making the simple home remedy.
You most likely have all the ingredients in your kitchen already.
So, within 10 minutes from NOW, you can have your first sip.
Imagine the relief if your acid reflux was gone TODAY!
If you would sleep through the night without gasping for air, stomach cramps, or throat burning and wake up without upset stomach burping (or even throwing up)…
Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
Whether you experience complete relief tonight or not, I recommend you drink Scott’s remedy every day for a few days.
Then, you can move on to steps two and three in his strategy.
Now, if you don’t experience the same amazing results as I did, or if you’re, for whatever reason, not completely thrilled with the strategy (Maybe you don’t like the font type.), then I’m truly sorry.
In that case, just send the team at Blue Heron Health News a quick email, and they’ll immediately refund your deposit. No questions asked.
You can use the contact link at the bottom of this page or reply to the confirmation email you will receive with your order.
Scott Davis and Blue Heron Health News put their +40 years of great reputation in the natural health biz on the line, guaranteeing you will be thrilled with either your order or refund.
You have 60 days to ask for your deposit back, which means you can thoroughly test out the 3-Step Acid Reflux Strategy.
If you ask for a refund (I don’t think anyone has ever asked. At the least, it’s very rare.), you come out even. Lose nothing.
But if you manage to cure your acid reflux… just imagine the money you’ll save on medications every year.
We are talking pocketing extra $1000, $4000, or even $8000 every single year — tax-free.
That’s the greatest return on investment I can think of — with zero risk (because if it doesn’t work, you lose nothing).
But it has to happen today!
It’s bad enough to go through another agonizing day with acid reflux when you know there is something that could help you, isn’t it?
Not being able to eat anything you like
Being kept up half the night with a burning throat and a bloated stomach
Having an almost guaranteed ulcer down the road (if not already)
These are bad enough on their own.
But add to this the knowledge that your heartburn is putting you at over one thousand three hundred percent increased risk of six types of fatal cancers.
That makes it pretty likely that you will get one of those cancers if you don’t tackle your heartburn today.
Plus, knowing that the common medications available for acid reflux cause kidney failure, stroke, dementia and stomach cancer.
Worst of all: This can happen any day!
One minute, you’re fine. The next, you’re coughing blood and rushing to a hospital with stage five throat cancer.
And you know that as you’re lying in the ambulance, you will be thinking you should have done something about your acid reflux sooner.
You know you will!
You still have time today, unlike at that point, it will be too late.
The time to act is NOW!
It’s an ugly truth, but it has to be said.
So, why don’t you click the order button below now and begin addressing your acid reflux within minutes?
You risk nothing and have your life and health to gain.
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