#did the rat grinders kill the FUCKING cleric teacher
feelingtheaster99 · 6 months
The tension Brennan built before saying “the body of… Yolanda Badgood” 😱
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mansionofhaunts · 4 months
Emily on Adventuring Party saying "I was gonna reach out to Ruben but then he dropped a fucking 9th level spell on me," is pretty illustrative of the difference between how the players see the game versus how a lot of folks online see it, like...why am I seeing people say stuff like "oh, they're all anti-capitalist until the battle starts and then all of a sudden, they're cops???? Do they not believe in restorative justice???"
These are kids who have plotted the deaths of the Bad Kids well before any of them actually did anything to warrant it, other than being good at adventuring. They've been openly antagonistic or have lied to and manipulated them. We're like, two episodes removed from them killing one of their own clerics (for the second time!) because they lost their opportunity to kill all of the Bad Kids. They sent dragons after a house full of kids that they launched into the sky in a wildly premeditated plan. They may have magically corrupted Gorgug's house!
The Rat Grinders have been manipulated by their teachers and magically corrupted by rage, yes, but even if you want to talk them down, if there's a rage wizard with ninth-level spells running around, you don't let that motherfucker drop a meteor swarm on all of your heads, like...there are priorities
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thecutepoison · 6 months
Guys, I'm kinda freaking out... we learned last episode that in the abscence of the previously estipulated successors, the position of principal of aguefort would fall upon the student's council president, right?
I'm going to state the obvious for a second. It's a given that Kipperlily is trying to win the election for more reasons than a personal achievement. She was 100% aware of the gap in the rules, which would mean Aguerfort's joke would be interpreted as the only manifestation of his will. This is the girl who said she's busy studying the student government and takes active joy in finding loopholes in the rules (like acing the year bc the rogue teacher found her).
But what is her angle here? It's a powerful position for sure, but the Rat Grinder's must be after something specific. So I started asking myself what specifically would help them in the plan of raising this Forgotten God from the dead. Aguefort's office must have dangerous items aplenty given the incident with the crown and his general personality. Do they want access to that?
Then it dawned on me.
Lydia Barkrock's body is under the fucking school.
For those who don't remember, in sophomore year it was revealed that Arthur Aguefort cloned Lydia while she was sleeping and placed her soul into a new body, hiding her original one in the depths beneath the school. Crazy ass move bc he did that without warning her, but that's what prevented Kalina from permanently killing Lydia in season 2 - upon the clone's death, she gained consciousness in her original body.
It's only fair to assume that Aguefort made this precaution again after sophomore year for the same reason: Lydia's death would entail Bakur's escape. And if Kipperlily is elected and becomes the principal... it's very likely she would have access to Lydia's original body since it's on school ground. Her vulnerable, unconscious body, the only thing preventing the fiend from escaping.
That's really bad, guys. Bakur knows how to do the divine ressurection ritual, he only failed because he picked the wrong place. But the Rat Grinders do know a place that would work!! Kipperlily specifically asked Jawbone about Yes! and he did tell her that this god was created by Kristen when she died in Prom and went to corn heaven. So, a god was born in corn heaven - that's why the Rat Grinders personally requested Buddy Dawn, a cleric of Helio. Maybe by using him, they can pass through the pearly gates to perform the ritual. After all, Arthur Aguefort did the same thing using Kristen.
Basically, if Lydia dies, all pieces fall in place for them. Together with Bakur, they have all the info necessary to pull this God from the Astral Plane back to existence. They would just have to kill her unconscious body and slay the clone holding her soul. What they lack right now is the access, which solved by gaining the position of principal.
PS: Also, there's a rat society under the school?? Perhaps it's close to where Lydia's body is localized?? Idk Brennan is insane
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crystalklk · 5 months
dimension 20 season 3 spoilers
i think i came up with a theory on what the ratgrinders like. did.
it really seems like kipperlily is Jealous of riz and his party, and i wonder if she, on some level, wants to be the center of attention
i actually am slightly suspicious that she might've convinced or suggested to ivy that she take up fighter, and so her party would have the same makeup as the bad kids
and after she heard their cleric revived a dead god? well, she's potentially been hanging out at graveyards, and she likely figured out info about the rogue teacher from doing that
maybe she stumbled on Something, some relic with ankarna's name on it
and she suggested or convinced lucy frostblade to reawaken a god herself, maybe it would finally give her party the attention she felt she deserved
(also i think the rat grinders genuinely care a lot about kipperlily, like ivy's comment about saying the bad kids weren't worth an outburst. it seems like her adventuring party is Aware of her anger issues and want her to be happy. and if lucy frostblade was so sweet, maybe she just offered it.)
and maybe it worked, maybe she gave lucy frostblade devil's nectar, and lucy frostblade was able to awaken ankarna by falsifying true belief
and maybe lucy realized ankarna's deific domain was conquest, and panicked, maybe she mentioned ankarna was cassandra's partner, and maybe kipperlily heard that and got pissed
another thing and it was gonna be connected to the fucking bad kids again.
or maybe kipperlily even panicked at the idea that they hadn't awakened a god, but awoke a fiend.
so lucy tried to shut down the worship, and... maybe it didn't work.
maybe she started panicking and freaking out and went to kipperlily and they tried everything and
lucy died
maybe it was an outburst from her adventuring party, maybe it was lucy's own suggestion to stop the awakening of a dead fiendish force
because if she had briefly awoken ankarna, the only way to kill a god quickly, is to kill their worshippers.
idk those are just my thoughts.
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