#did this with fluffyvenom
koko2unite · 1 year
drawing your ship as married old men living together is a form of therapy, actually
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mars-wuz-herez · 7 months
intro time!
Hi my name is mars. As you saw in the title I love shipping gay couples
Few things about me:
I love movies and shows
My goal when i'm older is to create movies or be an actor.
I ship so many a lot of characters: sonadow, appledash, lumity, catradora, softboots, fluffyvenom, and many more I can't seem to remember. However the one that holds a special place in my heart is Sonadow so this blog will mainly be about them. (sorry not sorry)
What will you find here?
Great question!
I create little videos. Nothing to special. Feel free to check them out under the tag: #mars edits
I post the little stories I write. I don't have the greatest form of writing btw but that won't stop me! All my stories are posted here first then on ao3! (username marswuzherez2024) Feel free to read some of them! I definitely love any advice you guys give!
This is a hate free zone. I ask for no critizism. If you do not like my stuff I ask you politely to move along.
My inbox is always open so feel free to ask any questions or any writing requests
that’s about it I hope you enjoy!
I also have a twitter….dont ask I just do (mars-wuz-herez or @HereWuzMarz)
Here are some of my most popular stories!
What if Sonic died in Sonic Prime? (Part one)
(Part two is currently on hold)
Hold on...just a little longer (Update 6/26/24: Part three just came out!)
The Place Where No One Goes
Chapter 1 coming July first!
*also be sure to check out the tags I put under here:
#mars writes: the stories I write
#mars edits: the cringy videos I make
#mars recs: stories I find and recommend for others to read!
#best of mars: my posts that did well
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regularponyfan · 2 years
Reading the Bad Guys Movie Novelization:
For some reason, the prologue is told from Wolf’s perspective and the rest is in third-person. Inconsistency much?
Let it be known that Snake hates split pea soup.
“It is always nice to get to know my buddy on a deeper level.” Wolf, you are so in love.
The fart scene is so much funnier in text.
This exchange: “Nice work, birthday boy.” Snake hissed back.
Someone add “El Nocturno” to the Bad Guys wiki.
Why did they swap out Mother Teresa with the Dalai Lama? Is Mother Teresa not school-friendly or something?
It’s confirmed that Chief Luggins eats other officers’ leftovers.
The spelling of “booty” cracks me up.
Why did they not include the scene of Piranha walking Wolf across the street?
According to the novel, the cat is female, even though Wolf still refers to it as a “he.” Not sure how canon this is.
“‘Madame Governor,’ he said, his voice smooth and flirty.” Damn Wolf, you’re such a player.
When the one person said they’d throw their cat into a tree just so the Bad Guys will save it. 🤣
“They steal hearts instead of wallets now.” AWWWW! 🥰
I love Webs’ advice for young hackers.
“Someone shouted on the other side of the room.” Uhh…the author knows the gala takes place outdoors, right?
“Maybe, Snake thought, his tail screaming in pain, my part of the plan isn’t going exactly right after all…” Aww, poor Snakey 🥺.
Wolf feels weird around Diane. Also, he drops his wallet in a donation box 😊.
The chief when Wolf asks for the Golden Dolphin: “Uh…okay.” 😂
Apparently, the author does know the gala is outside. They must just believe rooms can be outdoors.
Speaking of, I guess they didn’t proofread because the chief literally says one of her lines twice in Chapter 13.
Apparently, each of Webs’ hands has a full set of fingers.
It’s so cute how Snake is referred to as Wolf’s “bestie” even if it’s before they fight.
“Nothing says evil like a toxic pink glow.” Except that the meteorite glows blue in the movie. The guinea pigs’ eyes, too.
I wish the movie did show Webs comforting Piranha after their place was robbed. That was too sweet.
Love how they referred to Piranha’s dorsal fin as a “Mohawk.”
“Snake…but why?” “Because I’m a bad guy, remember?” Wow. That’s cold.
“I’ve never been happier to smell you guys!” LOL.
So cute how Wolf laughs at Snake teasing Marmalade even though he believes he was betrayed by him.
“Weenie guinea pig voice” XD
“Wolf, can I go crazy? Please say yes!” Oh, Piranha! 🤣
Chapter 19 should have been combined with Chapter 20 or something. It’s way too short.
“Catching Snake before he landed was all Wolf was thinking about now.” AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕💕💕
“Wolf caught Snake in his furry arms.” OMG WHY DIDN’T IT GO LIKE THIS IN THE MOVIE?!!!!!
“Piranha popped out from under Shark’s butt.” Um…whatever you’re into, Piranha.
The paragraph saying how much Snake loves his friends melted my heart.
Also, Snake has fingers according to the writer.
Why are some of these chapters so short? Just combine them!
I literally bought this book because of the fluffyvenom posts on here.
Also, because I just read the 16th book and was still craving more Bad Guys content.
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babybluebanshee · 2 years
I bought The Bad Guys on blu ray, time for nonsense
I find it very funny that all the fluffyvenom art and fics and playlists cast Snake as the emotionally constipated one who has trouble telling Wolf how he feels, when Wolf canonically Cannot Spit It Out even when it looks like he and the rest of the gang might literally die in moments. Snake knows that’s what he means, but Wolf still can’t force himself to say it.
Snake - in his own grumpalump fashion - is much more emotionally open than Wolf. He’s still guarded, to be sure (no one in the gang knew the reason behind his “weird hatred of birthdays”), but he’s actually pretty okay with the whole emotional labor and communication thing. He freely (and queerly) compliments Wolf, calling him an artist and a genius. When he overhears Marmalade telling Wolf to ditch the others and is afraid Wolf might abandon him/the gang, he talks to Wolf for reassurance. Part of the reason he’s so damn upset during the prison scene is because not only did Wolf screw up the Dolphin heist and their lives, but he did it for the exact reasons Snake was worried about, and he basically lied to Snake’s face about just going along with Marmalade’s experiment so it’d be believable. He’s upset that Wolf didn’t communicate with him. 
Snake has abandonment issues and his self-esteem is in the toilet, but Wolf is the one who is terrified of being vulnerable in any capacity - to the point where he can’t express love to someone he cares about as much as Snake - hides it behind a smokescreen of a smooth-talking, suave master thief, and I really, really want more fan content about this aspect of his character.
And for any potential sequels to focus on it in tandem with that plotline in the books where Wolf is mind-controlled into a mindless beast destroying the city and his friends (Snake specifically) have to talk him down because their love for him is just that strong, please Pierre, I want it so bad.
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Got any mr snake headcanons?
Ouhh yes I've been waiting for this one 🙌
Not really too much but I got a little handful for you anon:
- He's the type to sit on the couch and say he's gonna watch TV but as soon as he sits down a few minutes later he's out like a light, head leaned back in that open mouthed snore, but soon as someone touches the remote he's like "IM WATCHING THAT" and then nah he's asleep again
- sprinkling in a little fluffyvenom because I have to, I personally headcanon Snakey as a demiromantic gay man, so while Wolf had already realized his feelings for the reptile well into their friendship, it did take Snake a bit longer and getting to know him to realize those feelings as well, part of that being he'd never felt as close with someone as he did with Wolf
- I feel like he would enjoy golden oreo cookies for some reason
- his collection of hawaiin shirts is insane, half the time he'll notice a new shirt in his closet that he doesn't even remember buying, but he just goes with it cause hey the more the better right
- hates anything thats sour or bitter, Wolf convinced him to try black coffee and it was the worst experience his life
- If anyone touches his family or hurts them he will kill everyone in this room and then himself (pretty much true)
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minteafresha · 2 years
H..hello.. I am here once again 🧍‍♂️ to tell you that I am very much in love with your art style, especially with the way you draw fluffyvenom, I think about it every now and then /pos i also love ur wolf spotify playlist, did anyone tell you that you have killer taste bc it's so good--
THANK YOU !!!!! thank you bodty. im glad someone appreciates the wolf playlist, its my life realy
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