#did u hear what happened to cousin Martha?
starlooove · 1 year
The Wayne’s being a branch of the Addams family would be so funny actually
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megaguardain · 5 years
Elseworld’s Supergirl: First Born, Chapter Two
Chapter Two of Elseworld's Supergirl. We'll see Kara, Kal and the Kents (just realized all the K names here) come into Smallville for adoption papers, and boy are they in for a surprise. Plus an appearance of a very well known character.
See it early on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=8366308
“What the hell?” Jonathan asked. He, Martha, Kara and Kal were in the old truck. They had come into Smallville proper to figure out how to get adoption papers. The problem they found was the courthouse was a burnt out shell.
The police were stationed around what used to be the courthouse, yellow tape line the property with them. A man with greying brown hair and wearing a blue button up shirt with a black tie was speaking to another man wearing a suit.
“I’m going to have a word with the sheriff,” Jonathan said, getting out of the truck. Kara looked at Kal with concern. Jonathan came up to the two men as they finished talking, “Sheriff, mayor,” Jonathan greeted them.
“Jonathan! Good to see you!” the man in the suit said, “I’d stay and chat, but I have to see how the rest of Smallville faired in that meteor shower,”
“Is that what happened here?” Jonathan asked.
“It looks like,” the man in the blue shirt explained, “It musta hit a gas main or somethin’.”
“So everything’s gone, Parker?” Jonathan asked, glancing back at the truck. “Most likely, why do ya ask?” Parker asked.
Jonathan sighed, “Just before the meteor shower yesterday, Martha and I found this kid in our barn,”
“What was he doing in your barn?”
“She was with her baby cousin. They’re from Markovia. Don’t speak a lick of English,” Jonathan explained, looking toward the truck, the sheriff followed his gaze. He could she Martha in the passenger seat and a blonde teenaged girl in the back. Jonathan leaned close to the sheriff, “They don’t have any kinda papers. We think they came illegally.”
“What are you asking me Jon?” Sheriff Parker asked.
“Martha and I…” Jonathan trailed off, “We’re looking to adopt them,”
“Adopt them?”
“They’ve got no one else Doug, we can’t send them back where they came from,” the farmer explained.
Sheriff Parker sighed, looking at the ground, “A’ight.” he said after a moment, “I’ll see what I can do on making up some adoption papers,”
“Thank you, we owe you,” Jonathan said.
“Don’t thank me yet, I’m going to have to get some information from you two later,” Sheriff Parker explained, “What are their names first of all?”
“Kara and K-…” Jonathan stopped. Kal-El isn’t an English name, let alone an Earth one. He scrambled to think of another name, “Clark. The baby’s name is Clark,” “You paused there,” the sheriff pointed out.
“He has a..interesting name. We’re renaming him,” Jonathan bluffed.
“I’ll be seeing you, sheriff,” Jonathan said, turning back to walk back toward the truck.
“See ya Jon,”
Jonathan sat back in the driver’s seat of the truck and started it back up, they were turned around and heading back to the farm before anyone said something.
“What did Doug say?” Martha asked.
“He’ll make up some adoption papers. He thinks these two are from Markovia. But…” Jon trailed off.
“But what?” Martha asked.
“I had to rename the baby.”
“You what?”
“Kal-El isn’t a Markovian name!” Jonathan argued.
“How do you know? How would Douglas know?!” Martha argued.
“Tae nan roʃ gem?” Kara asked. The Kents looked at each other.
“This is going to be a long game of charades,” Jonathan mumbled as he drove.
Three Weeks pass…
Kara sat in her room in the Kent House reading the English dictionary. It was the room she woke up in, so it was as good as any to claim. Better than the barn. “Fin...grr?” Kara struggled to read. That didn’t sound right, “Fingar? Finger?” Kara asked herself. This language was difficult to learn, she could hold something of a conversation with Martha and Jonathan at least.
The last few weeks had been difficult since Krypton. Kara and ‘Clark’ had been adopted by the Kents, but it was strange. They had to hide the paper work for some reason? Earth culture was stranger still. They didn’t have one government with different branches like Krypton, they had different ones all around the world. Kara was glad she didn’t have to learn all of them.
Kara heard something. It sounded like rumbling coming outside, she put the book down and looked out the window. She could see a long black vehicle drive onto the Kent Farm. It came to a stop outside the House and a man wearing a suit and hat came out the front of the vehicle. He walked to the back and opened the door and another man stepped out, he also wore a suit, but his red hair was a long mane. Has he been touched by Rao? Kara thought. She watched the red haired man speak look around. She thought she saw him say something before hearing Jonathan.
“Luthor!” he sounded annoyed.
“Mr. Kent!” the red haired man called back. She could see them continue speaking, but could only hear pieces.
“..don’t care...money...can’t…” Jonathan said.
“...understand...research….already bought….” Luthor explained.
It looked like the pair were arguing. Jonathan looked ready to hit Luthor, Kara couldn’t blame him. Something about him felt wrong.
“Well this is a surprise,” a voice behind her said. Kara turned to find a man leaning on her doorframe. He wore a suit like Luthor in the yard, but he was definitely younger than him. He would’ve looked Kara’s age if it wasn’t for his bald head, “I thought the Kents couldn’t have a kid,” he said, then he noticed the crib, “Much less two,”
“Who are..you?” Kara demanded.
“My apologizes, for not introducing myself. My name is Alexander Luthor, but most people just call me Lex,” he said, “Who are you?”
“And who’s this?” Lex asked, approaching Clark’s crib.
“Don’t touch him,” Kara growled. Lex stepped back, with his hands up.
“You’re clearly adopted,” Lex said, “If the hair wasn’t a dead give away, your accent is. I can’t place it but it’s clearly not the local drawl,”
“I’m from...Markovia,” Kara said like she practiced with the Kents. That was one of the first things they had her learn in their language, besides formal greetings.
“Markovia huh? Interesting,” Lex said. He looked at Kara, his green eyes seemed to be looking for cracks in her lie, “My father has a few contracts with Markovian officials. I don’t think I’ve heard them with an accent like yours,”
Zhaol! Kara swore internally. Martha and Jonathan didn’t tell how what to say if someone actually knew someone from Markovia.
“I’m from...Kuvaium,” Kara said. Thank Rao for no one knowing Kryptonian, especially a kuvaium snake like Lex.
“Kuvaium? Never heard of it,”
“It’s a small..town. You probably can’t find it. Especially since it’s gone,” Kara improvised, anything to get this creep out of the house.
“I may look into it, even if it’s gone,” Lex said, turning to leave, “My apologizes for intruding on you Kara, I have hope I’ll see you again,” Kara glared at him as he disappeared out of sight, she could hear him descend the stairs and leave out the back door. She looked out at Jonathan and Luthor still arguing.
“...sn’t right we can negotiate,” she heard Luthor offer. They were much clearer than before, but they were still muffled.
“My farm isn’t for sale, that’s my price,” Jonthan explained. Unnoticed by Jonathan and Martha, but noticed by Kara, Lex quietly entering the car he and Luthor came in.
“Mr. Kent, we only need your land for a short period of time and I can assure you, I can and will compensate you and your wife for your time,” Luthor said.
“I don’t care, I’m not letting you tear up my farm for some science experiment,” Jonathan stood his ground.
“Alright, have it your way,” Luthor sighed. He reached into his jacket and pulled out a card, “If you change your mind though, here’s my card,” Jonathan took it without breaking his glare at Luthor, who just kept smiling at him, “I’m sure we’ll see each soon Mr. Kent,” Luthor said.
Luthor entered the car and the chauffeur closed the door, Jonathan and Martha watched as the car turned around and made its way off the farm.
“Learn anything, Lex?” Kara could hear Luthor ask. He was even more muffled, and getting quieter as the car drove further away.
“Nothing that would interest you,” Lex said.
Kara covered her ears. They’re driving away, in a vehicle. Why is she hearing them? How can she be hearing them.
“I need to know everything, Lex.” Luthor explained.
“They have two kids, one’s about my age the other is a toddler. Maybe a month old,” Lex explained.
“Can you befriend the older one?”
“Possibly. I didn’t give her a good first impression,”
“You were seen?!” Luthor shouted, but it was no louder than a whisper.
“It doesn’t matter...we…” Lex said. It was hard to hear them now, Kara could only pick out random words, “...eminent domain...Kent…MOOO!” Kara jumped. All she could hear were animal noises. She looked out the window again, towards the barn and fields. She could hear the cows in the barn munching on hay, she could hear the grass move in the breeze outside. This was terrifying. What was happening to her? Was she going crazy?
“...can’t keep Lionel away forever,” Kara heard Martha say. Jonathan and Martha were inside now.
“We’ll think of something,” Jonathan sighed. Kara crept out of her room and made her way downstairs, “We can’t have him poking around and finding about, Kara,” Jonathan said as Kara entered the living room.
“Is everything...good?” Kara asked, still not used to English . “Yeah, we just had to deal with someone...not nice,” Jonathan explained.
“Luthor?” Kara asked.
“Yeah, how do you know that?” Jonathan asked.
“You...talked really loud,” Kara lied. She wasn’t going crazy.
“It’s nothing for you to worry about Kara,” Jonathan assured her.
“O-okay,” Kara said, she turned and started heading back upstairs before stopping, “Did...did Luthor say something about an amnient..domain?”
“Amnient domain? You mean eminent domain?” Jonathan asked. Kara didn’t say anything, “Is everything okay Kara?” he asked.
“Y-yes,” Kara lied before quickly ascending the stairs and going to her room. Everything was not okay.
Kara sat on her bed, pulling her knees up to her face. What was happening? How could she hear things from so far away? She never heard of anyone being able to do this on Krypton, with the exception of Flamebird and Nightwing. But those two were legends! Myths!
“Why did you send me here?” Kara cried to no one in Kryptonian, “What is happening to me?” she cried.
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supcrson · 3 years
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intro --- long bio --- headcanons
( froy gutierrez. 21. he/they. demi-guy. ) are you a HERO ? something tells me that mud-stained untied converse, the glow of the stars at night, a well-worn farmhouse make you who you are, JONATHAN KENT. with the powers of KRYPTONIAN-HUMAN HYBRID PHYSIOLOGY, you’re sure to have an optimistic, insecure personality — and you definitely belong to UNAFFILIATED. were you listening to HEY LOOK MA, I MADE IT by PANIC! AT THE DISCO on your way to the subway? it suits you. we can’t wait to see what you do next! ( claire. 23. she/her. gmt. )
character name: jonathan samuel “jon” kent / superboy age: 21 faceclaim: froy gutierrez voiceclaim: also froy gutierrez (have u heard this little dude speak it’s adorable highly recommend) skill set: kryptonian-human hybrid physiology: (solar radiation absorption, invulnerability, accelerated healing); superhuman strength, speed, hearing, smell, & stamina; flight; enhanced visual perception (x-ray vision, heat vision); super-breath; empathic solar flare; can read & process information very very fast; really good at mariokart affiliations: super sons, superman & co, would like to be part of the titans but they keep rejecting him!!!! let jon join the team titans family: clark kent (father), lois lane (mother), conner kent (brother?? it’s complicated), martha kent (adoptive grandmother), jonathan kent (adoptive grandfather), kara zor-el (cousin), jor-el (grandfather, deceased) zodiac: capricorn (december 25 wiki link: jonathan samuel kent light of my life
was your character “blipped” out? if so, what did they return to and how is it affecting them? if not, who important to them was blipped out, and what has it felt like after those five years have passed? ( if your character is a dc muse:  what were they doing when they passed through the portal? )
Jon was out taking Krypto for a walk (or a fly) when the portal opened! Krypto saw a Friend through the other side (hi, Lucky), and rushed. Jon chased him through (and thought, maybe, the dog on the other side was in trouble and needed rescuing, too!). It wasn’t until he was on the other side that he realized what had happened. It was too late.
where are they living? are they living with anyone?
In a shitty, poorly-decorated frat house of an apartment with Kon. No parental supervision, just Superboys, yeah buddy !!!
why is your character affiliated with who they’re affiliated with?
Jon was born into a Very Powerful family with Very Powerful allegiances, Very Powerful morals, and Very Powerful connections, and was raised into them. He and Damian Wayne have been best friends and a dream team since they were kids, and the Titans have refused to let Jon join their team several times because they were “too young” or “Superman’s kid” or someshit. Generally, Jon’s on the side of the inarguable moral good. Except for Damian, who is a work in progress.
who are their major friends, allies, and foes?
friends: Damian Wayne (best friend, only friend, scares off all of Jon’s other potential friends), also Krypto the Superdog
allies: the Supers! the Bats, sort of, on account of Damian
foes: General Bad Guys, his father’s inherited rogues gallery
whose hands do they believe the country should be in?
Good people! People who believe in a better tomorrow! People who don’t do human rights violations! Not giant corporations! (Can you tell his dad is Superman is it obvious)
what’s their current mental state at? their physical state?
Jon’s fine I guess? A little confused, and misses the farm and his parents, but mostly just vibing. They’ve been struggling to get out of their father’s shadow, but there’s an added level of anonymity to this world that he appreciates. There’s a chance to just be Jon Kent here, whoever that is, whatever that means.
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fireofmyloins19 · 7 years
Broken Vows and Gypsy wagons
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So this is my first request! I felt like I needed to write this as a set up but I’m not sure whether the request was aiming for something set further into their marriage so I was considering a part 2? let me know what you think! 
Anon I hope u find this and enjoy x 
“John imagine where he married you instead of Esme, your sister.”
You fumbled for the cigarettes shoved down your brassier, finally retrieving one and turning to face the wagon parked behind you, leaning towards it in the hope it would block the wind whilst you struck a match. You took a long needing drag of the cigarette, wrapping your free arm around your body to protect your revealed skin from the cold. You shivered slightly, bouncing up and down and rubbing your hands against your skin in an attempt to warm yourself, flicking the cigarette numerous times although no ash remained. You only managed a few drags before their arrival, hearing the atmosphere of your family’s gathering change dramatically. The shrieks, taunting and laughter became inaudible murmurs and the ever nearing sound of footsteps crunched against the gravel. You cursed yourself, flicking your cigarette aimlessly to the ground and picking up your silky lilac dress decorated with glistening beads, feeling foreign on your body, in an attempt to avoid the mud.
 You swiftly turned the corner returning to the crowd, focusing on your feet as you avoided the puddles unsuccessfully leaving you stumbling in the mud. You lifted your head quickly to check whether anyone had witnessed, your eyes roaming across the faces in the crowd before locking with the one pair of eyes looking back. His face was fixated in a scowl, toothpick dangling from his mouth but once you had met his eyes, his face quickly began to soften. 
Realising you had frozen in the midst of the mud you began to fidget, fixing your dress and brushing the hair from your face. You caught a glimpse of the purple flower your sister had insisted your wear pinned to your dress, knocking you off your stride for a moment as you sighed at it in disgust before returning to his face with a flirtatious smile. That's when you caught a glimpse of his flower. The traditional white flower pinned to his suit; the flower of the groom. This was the man who was to marry your sister, the man neither you nor her had ever laid eyes on before but now you had you regretted it, as he was the most gormless yet intriguingly handsome man you had ever seen.
Your gaze of awe was interrupted by a heavy blow to your stomach, sending you stumbling sideways and knocking the breath from your body. You recognised it was your cousin instantly from his whiny laugh, causing the anger to surge through you and retaliate with a swift right hook to his cheek, swiping the smile off his face with a loud crack.
What the fuck Y/N!” He spat, holding onto his now glowing red cheek. You said nothing but gave him a smug smile, threatening him to try mess with you again. For a moment you had completely forgotten about the man whose eyes were fixated on you until you turned back around, the smug smile on your face instantly vanished when you saw him stood with his mouth hung open, eyebrows raised and a slight smile on his lips. Your cheeks began to flush as you hurriedly composed yourself, standing up straight and flicking your hair back in an attempt to regain your femininity.
It was him who broke off the stare this time. A man stood beside him who you presumed was one of his brothers nudged his arm to gain his attention. That was the signal for him to step forward as the ceremony was about to commence. 
“Will he do?” The brother spoke once they reached the front of the crowd, standing before the lone wagon, acting as a makeshift altar.
“He’ll do”
Your family cheered and began to hustle forward to get a better view before your sister appeared. You elbowed your way through the rowdy men to get to your allocated place beside the altar, given the role of a sort of maid of honour, although this was no traditional ceremony. You sighed, standing up straight with a contrived smile that you had been forced to practice several times before the day, your sister and the rest of the women having spent their time judging whether it was adequate.
You saw his movement from the corner of your eye, turning to watch him kneel on the wooden step beside you and being caught off guard when you found he was watching you also. Your brows furrowed in confusion while he stared at you with a smirk playing on his lips causing a natural smile to now appear on yours, soon to disappear when you heard the commotion behind him. You looked up to see your sister walking towards you in a flowing white dress, a veil draped delicately over her face. Having noted his failure to turn around you looked back at him, to be met by his now scowling face as his eyes flickered from you to the ground. You gave him a small friendly smile and a slight nod, as though to break off the previous longing stares and flirtatious smiles. Your heart sank when you did so, and you didn’t understand why as you had never even met the man before, let alone spoke to him. You watched your sister kneel beside him and lift her veil slowly. You held your breath when he turned to look at her, a sharp stabbing sensation plummeting through your stomach causing you to flinch and draw your eyes away now staring straight ahead of you, refusing to let yourself watch.
“Do you, John Michael Shelby, take Esme Martha Lee to be-”
 “Wait” John mumbled, not being heard over the declarations being read to him causing him to shout sternly, “WAIT”
Your eyes shot round in his direction, unable to stop yourself. He scrambled up to a standing position and strode towards his brothers who had fury in their eyes, arms out ready to shove him back and make him kneel themselves. His voice was low as he began to reason with them, their arms soon dropped and they concentrated on his words, too much of a whisper for anyone else to hear. The people around them strained their necks in an attempt to catch a word or two as everyone grew impatient, especially Esme who glared at the men and looked towards her family desperate for answers. She caught your eye and you shrugged your shoulders with one eyebrow raised in confusion. You imitated her movement, following her eye line back towards the men but you wished with all your heart that you hadn't, as you were greeted by them staring at you in unison. You glanced around in the hope you had been mistaken, only to be made sure their eyes were on you. You stared back bemused, feeling awkward under their gaze. Their eyes flickered back to John, the murmured discussion began again as you looked to Esme who now glared at you.
“What” you mouthed desperately, throwing your arms to the side in frustration as you still had no idea what was happening and at a loss for what to do.
A few moments later the men dispersed, the brothers wandering towards the elders of your family with John in tow. The exchange of a few mumbled words and glances towards the lone wagon stood before Esme was all that was needed before the men stepped back. The elder women strode towards Esme, pulling her from the step and marching her away from the crowd. An outburst of anger erupted as she demanded to know what was going on while John retreated to the step, dropping to his earlier kneeling position. You lunged forward, about to join your sisters cries understanding her desperation to know what was happening when you felt the grasp of several hands pulling you back and spinning you round, suddenly finding some of the women in your family fussing over you. You couldn't find it within to stop them, at a loss for words in your state of confusion. One fiddled with your loose hair, pinning it up into a rushed bun whilst another brushed down your dress. They sighed becoming flustered as they rushed, completely ignoring the perplexed look on your face when they stepped back to look at their work.
“It’ll have to do” one said shaking her head, this caused you to scowl and open your mouth about to finally ask what the hell was going on when she threw her hands on your shoulders, spinning you around and pushing you towards the steps. You cursed as you were shoved to your knees, turning to them to exclaim but a swift tap to the back of your head had you retreating in no time. The only sound you could hear was your uneven breathing brought on from the sudden rush, this was when the events of the last few minutes began to set in.
You hesitated before turning to look at him kneeling next to you, the toothpick still dangling from his mouth. He must have caught your eyes glance at it as he then began to look down trying to focus his eyes on it also, which only caused them to look funny making your laughter ring out at his endearing stupidity. He took it from his mouth and threw it to the ground, replacing it with a mischievous grin. You felt your heart race and your stomach dance as your eyes roamed his face, oblivious to your families who stood around you. That was, until you felt the veil being draped over your head.
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