#didn't even know I could use ms paint to draw until two years into having a home computer
donaldduckau · 6 years
Uncanny resemblance Au
This au is inspired by transdonaldduck art so check her work if wanted to
In this Au, Donald starts to look like scrooge whilst raising the triplets.
Donald was in his houseboat looking at his sisters eggs whom she disappeared for whilst thinking about his uncles actions. He couldn't believe scrooge built that rocket when he told him was too risky to take but he still bluilt it, didn't he think Della would find it after all she literally finds everything especially things that for her. He didn't have time to hang around no he had to buy cribs,toys among other items for the triplets as he wasn't going to go back to scrooge's.
Donald goes to the back of the houseboat entering door that housed all the treasures he collected on his travels. He sorts through the items from gems, totems, coins even books listing the values of them, a skill he develop from listening to his uncle all the time. Donald takes the eggs to someone he trusts to not tell scrooge, Daisy duck his sister in law from the triplets father side. Donald knocks on her door, it's few minutes before daisy answers "hello what can I do? Donald omg ate they my nephews" taking a egg as she shows him in her house. Donald and daisy are sitting on couch as Donald asks her to watch the eggs " can you watch them for me for two or one day please daisy " daisy doesn't hesitate to reply " yes Donald but why not scrooge " Donald doesn't look her in the eye "I got some things to sell" understanding what he means she gently replies "okay" letting him out to do what he needs to do.
Donald goes back to his houseboat collecting all the coins he's collected from his journeys. Donald travels around duckburg entering all the coin experts stores remembering the prices before entering the one that gave the highest amount. Donald does the same for the gems going through the various experts on gems before selling each gem to the store that gave highest amount for each type of gem. It's takes longer to sell the books as books are in another language so it takes while before he manages to sell all the books leaving the easiest items, Donald knows no one but a few will no the values of these items but people like his uncle so he starts walking towards glumgolds company,
Donald enters glumgold building that easy to recognise by the massive image of glumgold face on the top of the building. Donald walks towards the desk " I need to see glumgold" the receptionist apologises " sorry sir but glumgold busy" Donald kindly tells her " I'm scrooge McDucks nephew I think he want to see me, my name donsld" the receptionist buzzs a button " sir a duck claiming to be scrooge McDucks nephew Donald is here to see you " it answers back " bring him to office now " the receptionist guides Donald towards Glumgold office.
Inside glumgold office."so what brings scrooge nephew to my office" looking at the bag Donald carrying. Donald uses glumgold rivalry with his uncle to his advantage. " Simple I want to sell these to you " laying the items for glumgold to see. " after all these are worth some money, scrooge nephew selling it to you not him I wonder what he do when he finds out" glumgold smirks "you got a deal laddie here take ***********" Donald leaves the room hearing glumgold laughing.
Donald goes to a baby store, buying a crib and draws for his nephews among colour coded clothes for the three yet to be hatched ducklings finishing with paint for the room. Donald arrives at the houseboat entering his once treasure room to now boys room, he cleans the floor and paints the walls white after a hour the walls are dry. He repaints the walls red, blue and green on wall each leaving that to dry, once the paint dry he starts assembly the crib. He places it towards the north side whilst the east side is the draws and he's finished .
Donald starts to place the money he got left from the sold treasures for the boys college fund. Donald starts walk to daisy as he enjoyong the peace and quiet. Donald looks at some windows stores for toys for the unhatched triplets and notices book on display one that being sold cheaper than its worth and having nothing for himself decides to buy it. Donald enters the store picking up the book buying it as he walks out a women speaks behind him "that's rare book you have I say it's worth" before she could finish Donald says the value. The women starts starts saying items and he says the value until she gives him a card "if you want a job as a antique seller just call" before walking away. Leaving Donald confused.
Donald arrives at daisy place and thanking her,she offers to watch them anytime she can, Donald will remember this as he leaves carrying the eggs "thanks daisy"
Donald calls the lady about the job as she was expecting . the women starts training Donald on how to notice fakes and real items whilst training Donald on how to sell items and buying, Donald starts to find the work fun and hes able to leave the hatched duckling whom he named hubert , dewford and lleweyln with daisy when he can. its not the job he saw himself doing but for them he stick with it.
Years pass by as the triplets grow, Donald starts a company of selling an antigues that's quiet successful that required or chosen to wear glasses to show the details on items better. Donald starts to wear suits more to be respected by possible sellers of buys as he learnt you got look respective to be successful adding a cane for touch.he still lives on his houseboat.
Donald was starting to dress for work as he noticed Louie and Huey were hanging around him getting suspicious he firmly asks them " why are you hanging around I thought you huey would try reading you guide book whilst you Louie be on your phone " Louie and huey stare at each other before replying " we were going tell your late as the clocks went head a hour" Donald starts to rush knowing they lying, he grabs Louie and huey before asking "where's dewey" turning his head hearing towards the staring wheel where dewey was most every time. Dewey excitedly says " just this wire then adventure waits" before turning his head hearing his uncle "no adventure for you but a grounding dewey" Donald picks Dewey up as he places him in his car next to Louie and then he hears his houseboat explodes. Sighing Donald calls daisy " daisy can you to take the triplets for today something happen" daisy on the other side apologises " sorry Donald I just got story that I got to leave for" ending the call. Donald places a hand on his head as he calls her the last person he knows or trust to take care of the triplets, ms Bearley whom accepts his request.
Outside Scooge gates, Donald exits his car , buzzing the button informing that Beakley he was there before the gates could open his uncle arrives. Donald walks to his uncle stiffly speaking "Uncle Scrooge" scrooge shocked relies "Donald "acting if he recognised his nephew who looks like a younger version of himself. Donald hears the triplets get excited about this development before asking scrooge "your looking good" with scrooge replies "still live on that boat" gaining a reply "still a billionaire scrooge points his cane towards the gates Donald turns his head at the direct pointed. "So" "so" scrooge angry orders " get that deadbeat joelumpy off my drive way" Donald replies "so you think your richest duck in the world" scrooge replies " I am the richest duck in the world Now move " Donald replies "Just as it happens I have business deal to go to" scrooge asks "why you here then " Donald replies "ms Beakley said you watch the boys so can you watch them " scrooge replies "of course I can" Donald starts walking towards the car rolling his eyes " thank youu soon much " scrooge pride fully says " your welcome Wait? What now" Donald starts introduce the boys to scrooge "huey, dewey and louie remember no no lies , no lies no trouble" the boys sweetly say "yes Donald " Donald stares scrooge "I wasn't talking about you" before leaving the triplets with scrooge the towards the business deal with glumgold.
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kirbykwan-blog · 6 years
You look at me and smell the tangerine (Verkwan)
Verkwan AU
Sadness/fluff/Chubby Seungkwan
This was my first fic, be gentle with me
(Unedited, originally posted on AO3)
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It was dark, and the smell of Seungkwan was still there, on his pillowcase. He loved the way Seungkwan smelled, his hair of sweet citrus and his skin of fresh vanilla. Everything about Seungkwan was sweet, his scent, his smile, his personality.. even his laugh. That's one of the reasons Hansol loved to be around him. Boo Seungkwan had been his best friend for three years now, and he wouldn't ask for anyone else to take his space. Seungkwan was a good listener, and always listened to what Hansol had to say, even if he didn't know much about the subject in the first place.
Hansol would give anything up for Seungkwan, he just wanted to keep his best friend safe. He crawled out of bed groggily, rubbing his eyes and letting out a soft yawn. It was already 8:46am, so he knew that Kwannie was already at work. Hansol admired how hard Seungkwan worked, never getting to work late at all. He worked as a music teacher at the local primary school, and the kids absolutely adored him! Hansol adored him too.
Hansol picked up his phone and sent out a message to Seungkwan, just the basic and simple 'Good morning lil dumpling! have a wonderful day!'. He texted Seungkwan goodmorning every morning, he had since they had first become friends. Seungkwan would always giggle at him, telling him that he didn't need to put effort into that every single day. He thought it was plain silly, but Hansol on the other hand, never stopped.
Hansol got dressed the way he did every day, padding out to the kitchen to get breakfast, his smile growing larger at the little stickies his best friend had left all over the small apartment kitchen. Vernon forgot things a lot, so Seungkwan would write a small note to him on a sticky and place it right where he could see it. Some of them said things like, 'Pack a bottle of water and stay hydrated!' or 'Please eat a banana, you need potassium, the bananas will go bad otherwise.' All were embellished with small doodles of whatever had been on his mind. Little clouds and stars littered the small neon notes, keeping the words company.
He grabbed a bottle from the cabinet, turning the sink on to fill the container to the brim with water, just like Seungkwan had said to do. He also grabbed one of the slowly browning bananas from the countertop before heading out of the apartment, locking the door behind him. It was chilly outside, and he really hoped that Seungkwan remembered his jacket before he had left that morning. Despite the fluff on the boys body, Seungkwan still managed to get cold very easily. Not long into their friendship, Hansol had noticed his hoodies and pullovers all went missing. It didn't take him long to find out the culprit had been the tangerine boy himself, snatching all his warm items up because he 'thought they were comfy' and because 'they smelled like apples'. Vernon had no idea why Seungkwan thought he smelled of apples, but he didn't mind the compliment.
He trekked down the street to his office building, smiling brightly at the primary school when he walked by. He waved at the building as if Seungkwan could really see it, which he knew was impossible. He was busy singing little nursery rhymes to the children, laughing as they sang along in their sweet young voices. Thinking about that made Hansol think about Seungkwans' smile, like a perfect crescent. Hansol stopped in his tracks, just to daydream about Seungkwans smile. The way his whole face lit up made Hansols heart sing, his eyes reduced to small bright slivers every time his lips turned up into his perfect bunny smile. Everything about Boo Seungkwan made Hansol so so warm inside.
Hansol began walking again, thoughts of seungkwans smile in his mind. He pushed open the door to his office building, the man at the front desk looking quite concerned. "Mr. Chwe, hello. Its nice to see you so happy today!" he spoke with a small smile.
Hansol returned the smile, "Its an absolutely wonderful day, a bit cold though. Wear a jacket if you choose to go outside, Soonyoung!"
The man at the desk smiled his big smile some more and began to type onto his computer again as Hansol was walking away.
Hansol walked into the elevator and hummed softly to himself, deciding to text Seungkwan that he had gotten to work safely. It was a simple text with a small smiley emoticon tacked onto the end, the one that he found himself only using in his texts to Seungkwan. That's only because Seungkwan made him happy, and he wanted his best friend to know it.
The elevator dinged and let him off, and Hansol pushed his cellphone back into his hind pocket, making his way down the long hallway to his own personal office. Hansols' job wasn't the most exciting thing in the world, in fact it was actually quite boring to say the least. He just sat in his little brightly lit office and answered phonecalls, occasionally even sending out emails. He sat down in the navy blue spinning chair and came face to face with the photo on his desk.
He smiled at the memory, the photo just he and Seungkwan in the middle of New York together. He had brought Seungkwan with him on his trip last year, and it was absolute art to see his squishy little face light up at all of the sights. Of course it was just another big city, but it was the first big city they had ever been to together.
The photo was just a selfie of the two of them standing in Times Square, a smile on both of their faces. Seungkwan was looking up at all the lights, but Hansol seemed to be looking right at Seungkwan. When the boy had asked why he was staring at him, he rolled his eyes and said he was just looking at a Pidgeon in that general direction.
Anyone who knew Hansol knew that it was a lie, but Seungkwan believed it, so he wasn't worried. That was one of the best memories of he and Seungkwan, but it wasn't the only thing Seungkwan related in his office. He had stickies everywhere, just like the ones at home, except they were all white instead of neon 'to fit with the workplace aesthetic' he had said.
Sometimes Seungkwan would come and visit him while he was working and leave silly little motivational notes, or just inside jokes, there was even a sticky that just had a picture of a butt on it. They were all scattered around his office, and he had been told if he took them down he would have his head shaved in the middle of the night.
Hansol would never take them down anyway. They brought color to the office, metaphorically of course. He just worked now, smiling to himself, eating some of his half browned banana while he sent out all of his important emails and doodled on MS Paint, falling asleep an hour or so into the day.
He woke up soon after snoozing, working the rest of the day with no complaints. He finished off his last phonecall and his last MS paint drawing of a cat before getting his things together to go home. After he had taken his short nap, the day went by in grey, he didn't even want to take a lunch break.
Hansol skulked out of the office building, not bothering to say a goodbye to Soonyoung as he started on his way home. Something caught his eye as he was walking, and he stopped dead in his tracks. Across the street was a little cart selling different colors of carnations, and what kind of person would Hansol be if he didn't buy one of those for his best friend?
He carefully made his way across the street, purchasing a dozen pink ones from the boy at the stand who flashed him an angelic smile, he thanked the gardener politely before resuming his walk home. By now the sky was darkening, and all the streetlights were on. Hansol remembered a lot of things, like how once he took a stroll with Seungkwan on this very street once, at this time of evening.
They held hands, Seungkwan wrapped up tight in Vernons coat, snow fluttering softly to the ground. Little flakes danced in the wind as if they were trained to do so, some landing on seungkwans pink nose and cheeks, some even settling down atop his eyelashes. He remembered the conversation they had.
"Noni.. Why is it so cold. Why did you bring me out here in the cold. I'm not a fan of the cold, nor am I a fan of you at this very moment!" Seungkwan had asked in a huff, his face contorted into a pout that looked more cute than actually upsetting in any way.
Vernon had rolled his eyes, squeezing his hand tighter. "I thought maybe if I took someone as warm hearted as you out here, all the snow would melt and spring would come. I suppose I mistook you for someone else, though, because you're just as bitter as the wind."
It had been that point that Seungkwan had demanded they go inside, and Hansol happily obliged, making his friend the warmest hot chocolate he could, trying but failing to make it as sweet as the boy himself.
Vernon was so lost in thought, he almost missed his turn. Almost. He took a left across the road and continued walking until his feet hit the grass. This isn't where he meant to go, but its where his feet were leading him. He almost didn't realize what he was doing until he took a seat in the grass. "Hi, How are you?" He didn't wait for a response before speaking again, "I brought you these flowers, the carnations are your favorites right? And also this." He slid off his jacket, wrapping it around Seungkwan comfortingly. "Its a bit cold, you really should wear a jacket out here you know."
He looked at seungkwans face, the boy smiling back at him like he always did. He reached up and ran his fingertips across the glass of the picture frame, he would have to replace it soon. "I'm just glad it isn't snowing yet, although I'm sure your heart will keep you warm. With you spring is always here. Did you get my goodmorning text by the way? I really hope you did.."
His voice wasn't as bright anymore, not now. "I thought about you all day. I know you wouldn't want me to cry over you, and I swear I don't mean to.." Hansol sniffed softly. "I really love you. I love you so much that sometimes it keeps me up at night. I wish I would have told you that more, I wish I would have bought you more flowers."
He trailed off, standing up, he gently placed the flowers and half the banana onto the ground as if they were glass. As if they were fragile.
Hansol felt so fragile.
He wrapped the coat tighter around the headstone that read the worst name it could, Boo Seungkwan. "Thank you for listening. You always listen. Goodnight, Seungkwan. I hope you rest well.. Please enjoy your flowers."
And with that, Hansol turned away from the headstone littered with dozens of flowers and most of Hansols hoodies and pullovers. Seungkwan had always said that they were comfy and smelled like apples. He never understood how he smelled like apples, but he took the compliment anyways.
He made his way back to their apartment, trudging up the stairs to the place he called home. He numbly walked past the couch where they had shared their first kiss. He walked into the bathroom, where he had first told Seungkwan he was beautiful, even though he had a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth and his hair was all wet. Hansol took a quick shower, getting out almost as soon as he had gotten in. He wasn't worried about that now.
He walked into their bedroom, slipping on some clothes, eyeballing the stickies on the bedroom mirror that said bright things such as 'you look great today' or 'I like that shirt!' all kept company by the usual little doodles on them. The notes were like little doodles of clouds and stars on the empty home, little neon pieces of company for Hansol. They kept him going somehow.
He let out a sigh before sitting on his bed, attaching his phone to its charger. He rested his head on the pillows and let out a choked sob, it was dark, and the smell of Seungkwan was still there, on his pillowcase. He loved the way Seungkwan smelled.
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