#didn't rec any of my more popular fics bc they're already popular
useramor · 11 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
hi beloved!!!!! thank you for the ask this was fun
okay so
starting with wishing to be the friction (9/9, 97.2k) because not only is it my longest work and by god did i put EFFORT into her, i do very genuinely enjoy it. it's silly and fun, it's got s2 buddie, eddiehen friendship, the MOST oblivious idiots to ever oblivious idiot, and, of course, a LOT of smut and a LOT of pining. what's not to love in my opinion :-)
(the rest is in no particular order)
the i in ikea stands for i love you (2.8k) this is one of my fics that i reread pretty often because it's so stupid and fluffy and sweet and i just enjoy it. if you like pure fluff you should read this it's very cute in my humblest of opinions. features ikea.
he's got a one hand feel on the steering wheel (the other on my heart) (20.3k) this was my buddieversion fic and i reread it the other day and ummmmm it is So Fun. like so fun. the angst is angstier than i remember it being and the fluff, like all my writing, is so fluffy.
i think i wanna merry you (10.2k) i wrote this entire fic in one sitting on the 23rd because i wanted to post a christmas fic in time for christmas. and i did. this was the third fic i ever posted for buddie and i still love it so much
and finally, last but not least, every time that i think of home (i can picture you) (7.9k) listen this is one of my more underrated fics but i just re read it to see if it was good enough to make this list and i cried so. do with that what you will. it's very fluffy bc i only know how to write sweet things
bonus bc i cannot leave her out i got all my sisters with me (6.7k) because i believe we all need more diaz siblings in our lives <3
this was so fun to actually look through lol
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the-cookie-of-doom · 2 months
fic recs should also have lesser known underrated fics!!! not just fandom classics and fics that are already well loved and popular !!! that's the whole point of recommending i feel 😅
I am. not sure if you're saying that all the fics I recommended are fandom classics (they weren't!), or if this is pointing out what I tried to do, which is highlight more underrated fics.
Yes there were some absolute monsters that everyone knows and loves, like Error in the Code, but I feel I put a pretty good blend of well-known and unknown fics as well. I haven't been in this fandom all that long so a lot of my bookmarks came from popular fic reccs, and has grown since then.
There's actually a lot of them I didn't recommended bc they already had tens of thousands of hits, and I do believe fic reccs should have lesser known works, too! It can be discouraging to see the same group of people always recommended, especially when it feels like no one really reads "unknown" fic writers. Luckily KP doesn't seem to suffer from this problem, it's a small enough fandom that it feels like a lot of us are just. Already friends/familiar with each other. But that was a huge problem back in the Star Wars/TfA fandom back in the day. If you weren't a BNF, good luck ending up on a recc list.
At some point I might put together a list of my favorite fandom classics, so to speak, bc I think it's equally shitty to leave someone off of a list just because they're already popular. We're all still just people that crave validation, and there's no such thing as too much praise. I'm just trying to spread the love to everyone I can, popular or not, bc I think everyone deserve to get their fic recc'd at least once. And there's a lot of really amazing fics that don't get the attention I think they deserve!
No one has sent me any recc prompts but I'm building up my own list of ideas, and while my focus is definitely more on less popular works, it's always going to be based on how much I loved the fic itself. Popular fics are popular for a reason! Which is why I think the best thing to do is just try and strike a nice balance. That way everyone gets to be appreciated!
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
Regarding recommendations of your fic, are you more comfortable with people not ‘advertising’ it on tiktok and such? I know that the comments people make on there can be pretty intense. My point of asking this is, where is the line for you about how much you want your fic talked about outside of tumblr? I think we’ve all seen it before, fics blowing up online is a double edged sword, so I understand you wanting to keep in ‘contained’. I just love to gush about my current favorite reads, but I also don’t want to cause you any trouble.
okay i feel like this answer is gonna get long lol but. yeah generally speaking tldr is i'm not really comfortable w people posting abt my hp fics on tiktok anymore
and like. i don't wanna come off as like...ungrateful ig. like it does make me happy when people like my fics enough to recommend them + i appreciate the kind words + love etc but!! honestly if someone is wanting to let me know that they appreciate my writing the best way to do so is by commenting or sending me a message here, bc im not gonna see any tiktoks unless i go searching for them. and while i appreciate people reccing my fics i also like. have no desire for any sort of 'advertising' like i appreciate recs to the extent that they're someone telling me 'hey i loved ur writing!' i don't like. have a desire to grow an 'audience' or whatever so! that is not something i am asking anybody to help me do and if someone does decide to try and make my fics more popular i'm not really gonna be grateful bc like...i didn't ask for that lol.
and the two big reasons i'm specifically wary about tiktok are:
1. every time i have seen a fic go viral/gain popularity on tiktok there has been a simultaneous influx of hate, entitlement, and just general fuckery that has made the fic writer's life worse. so in this case, specifically with atwmd, i am 100% sure that if it did gain popularity via tiktok that i would get an influx of hate, especially bc it's like. a complex story with very fucked up characters lol. i mean just look at the people who take up arms bc atyd wolfstar is 'toxic' or whatever...i do not want 2 see what would happen if that crowd read my wolfstar in atwmd lmao
2. i have very mixed feelings abt writing hp fic in the first place and am trying to limit my personal contribution to hp's popularity. like. with ao3 people aren't going to be stumbling across hp fic unless they're already seeking it out; tumblr is, for the most part, a similar type of self-curated space where my hp fic pretty much remains limited to what are already hp-fic reading circles.
but bc of tiktok's algorithm, my fic could end up on the fyp's of people who aren't really interested in hp and pique their interest, drawing in new people to start engaging w hp fandom who otherwise wouldn't. and i don't really like the idea of that happening! i don't want the fic i'm writing to contribute to like. growing hp's popularity. i'd rather keep it in circles of people who are already choosing to engage w this content, rather than have it float into the lives of people who might otherwise not see it.
i also feel like. on ao3 anyone finding the fic is gonna be someone searching for like. those specific tags--someone who wants to read a story like the one i'm writing. on tumblr, the only people really hearing abt it r people who follow me + so have like....seen me talking abt the fic + are basically knowing what to expect. on tiktok, any posts tagged like #marauders or whatever could end up crossing paths w a bunch of people who specifically would not read this type of fic, and i do not want those people to read it and then get upset with me when the story isn't what they wanted (something else that i have seen happen to other writers). so that's kinda what i mean by the 'breaking containment' thing
anyway. i don't have any issue w people reccing my fics to like their friends or closed discord servers or whatever--spaces where like. u know the people ur reccing it to are people who would like the fic + not treat it like a product for consumption etc. and as stated previously i appreciate those sorts of recommendations bc it does mean a lot 2 me when someone likes my writing enough to want 2 share it!! there are just specific pitfalls w tiktok that i have grown uncomfortable w to the point that now anytime someone mentions seeing my fic over there and i go search up the vid, even if it's super sweet and has like lovely comments that make me smile and literally nothing negative i still get a kick of anxiety at the thought of who might see this video or what might happen if it goes viral.
i've accepted at this point that i can't control how people are going to respond to my writing once i've posted it on the internet; all i can do is say 'please don't do x with my fics' and hope people listen. but i'm not gonna like get mad at people for posting on tiktok or whatever bc obviously not everyone is gonna see this post or read my faq, and i don't want to send any hate towards people who are posting tiktoks abt my fics--like i don't need anyone defending me or whatever. usually those vids are just out of sight out of mind 4 me. but!! since u have taken the time 2 kindly ask (ty btw) this is like. the very long answer abt where i currently stand on tiktok lol
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choerrypuffs · 2 years
happy new year to you as well, miss lana!! i hope 2022 is better than the last two years :D
and don't worry, ccsa and i aren't going anywhere :') if i do, they'll be sure to whoop my ass for it and vice versa <3
how'd you celebrate new years? i had to stay up late to study for a test i had on jan 2, but it was fun nonetheless!! i also managed to get started on a fic for enhypen's jake which i'm so excited for :D
wbu? OH ALSO!! i've been meaning to ask: do you have any song recs for me that are not k-pop? i'm trying to branch out :') i do listen to non kpop songs but they're all limited to owl city because his songs are my comfort songs <3 owl city and alan walker, occasionally imagine dragons </3
~ samoyed <3
happy 2022, my love!!! DFSLLEK yes we can only pray 🧎‍♀️
LMFAOOO not whooping each other’s ass 😭 but i’m so happy you guys are gonna stick around 🥺💖 i unfortunately had to stay home bc of a covid scare but my friend and i got drunk over a discord call (and i had the nastiest hangover the next morning even though i only drank a little bc i am a LIGHTWEIGHT) 😌 i’m sorry that you couldn’t do anything fun :((( how did your test go?? that’s crazy that you’re still in school omfg when does your break start? but omg yay!!! i’m glad you’re writing <3333 i’m still chipping away at the monstrosity that is going to be jeno’s demigods fic 💔
omg idk who alan walker is but owl city !!! fireflies is so iconic 🤩 also nothing will be funnier than taylor swift writing enchanted about the guy from owl city and then immediately ghosting him afterwards 💀
but yes i would love to give you some recs!! i really only listen to sad/slow songs bc i just prefer them to more upbeat songs (with the exception of my bubblegum pop girl groups 😤) plus A LOT of taylor swift but i feel like you don't need recs for really popular artists since you've probably heard their songs already. so i picked lesser known artists (?) idk maybe they're actually all super well known and i'm just dumb but these recs are basically what my entire music archive is 🤧 you will notice that the songs kind of all sound the same bc i don't ever branch out DSLLKSD
anyways i hope you enjoy them and i didn't just make you depressed 💔
gracie abrams (i literally just discovered her so i am basically recommending her whole discography LMAO)
i miss you, i'm sorry stay 21 mean it friend under/over long sleeves rockland for real this time the bottom painkillers hard to sleep
and it breaks my heart in a stranger's arms chasing a feeling die for you apart falling hope is a heartache pink cruel to care
alina baraz
morocco endlessly off the grid to me lavender and velvet
double take moonlight stable life
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