#didn't write solomon or diavolo because. i do not care about them tbh (also because i am lazy and just wanted to finish this)
annkous · 1 year
Lessons 14-19! Do I have an excuse? No! But I was mad about the whole developer mode issue and plus I got distracted with other games, so. Oops.
Anyways this one's loooong. My bad.
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Last time on Lesson 13 we were left with Diavolo's crucible, so here we are, with a confused Diavolo because we're helping him even if he wants to kick us out of the Devildom. Diavolo walks up to the statue of a "Fairy King" (which actually surprised me, I was not expecting fairies to be that important????) and says that the Devildom used to be the Fairy's land, but a powerful demon put him to sleep giving the King his blood to drink and claimed the land for the demons, which is now the Devildom.
They just casually drop that lore and that is it. Well then. The Royal Blood test is about giving royal blood to the Fairy King statue, and if his eyes remain closed, you're good. If not? Well, Diavolo says he doesn't know what would happen. Would the Fairy King wake up and reclaim his land? We don't know because Dia's blood doesn't wake the King, but it's an interesting concept to think about lol.
Then comes the other test: the test of virtue. We see the memories of Diavolo the moment Luci and the others fell down to the Devildom with Lilith, but something is different.
Memory!Barbatos talks about how Diavolo saw an opportunity in taking in Lucifer and the others in: he'd be commanding a very powerful group of demons, but not for the sake of his people, but because he wants to surpass his father as a Demon King, or else his life has no point. Diavolo is horrified and even begs MC not to listen.
Obviously we know he'll eventually become a proper Demon King and even if that's what he thought about Lucifer and the others at the beginning, he still took them in and helped them, and will eventually (if he's not already) grow closer and be friends with them. They're not his prisoners, and never were. We tell him he'll make a great Demon King, have a sweet moment (I gave him a hug because I might be going down the solo-Luci route but I will never refuse to give any of them a hug) and we're kicked our asses out of the trial back to the Devildom.
So Diavolo has passed the test, and after passing the test he basically says "fuck the nobility, I do what I want as recognized-future-king" and pardons Beel and gives us permission to stay in the Devildom indefinitely. Thank God. He even says how they all gained something important: "you", and that his instincts tell him it would be a big mistake to let you go.
If anything, I felt the moments with Diavolo were a bit too short.
Back out, Luci says "let's all go out to have something to eat, my treat", but when Solomon gets excited he tells Solomon he has to pay for his own meal www Luci please.
Back at Cocytus Hall, Solomon thanks us for telling Lucifer to pay for his meal too in the end, which he did. Softies, the lot of them. Here comes a Solomon moment! We're worried our actions are impacting the future, in which Solomon simply explains how time branches work and drops a very interesting question: if we go back to the present, will we go to our original branch, or to the present one that's a result of everything that's happening here? Which is a very valid question. While some things match (the grimoire, Cerberus, Henry) some also feel different. The brothers feel closer and more caring in Nightbringer, then again it might just be a writing decision and they won't acknowledge the change in the plot, or we can just go "they are more recent fallen angels, so it makes sense" and that explanation would not do it for me, tbh. Plus they know us here, and if they didn't in the present when we met, something happened in-between that made them forget about us.
Basically, I don't think our present branches from this one, but then it's just :( yeah.
Then he just drops "nah this is too much trouble thinking about lol let's stop thinking for now" and I wanted to throttle the man. Sidestepping bastard. He succesfully distracts you, though (or at least it worked for me lol), because he starts talking about his past a little bit. How he was born in an era where magic was persecuted, and his family had to hide him in the basement so he wouldn't get caught and executed. Then he made a friend (and if I remember correctly, that friend is Thirteen), made a promise to them and stops talking. There's something about his past weighing on him, and he doesn't want to talk about it just yet. He says he thought he was ready, but apparently it's still painful to him to talk about it.
Then, because it is Solomon here we're talking about, says again that the reason he wants to become the greatest sorcerer and grow powerful is to protect humanity from both angels and demons, so humans don't get looked down upon. He asks for your help in protecting humanity. And because I'm a softie and probably an idiot, I accepted to help, but only because when Solomon asks "Even if it means making enemies out of Lucifer and his brothers? Can you still promise you'll help, even knowing that?" MC can answer: "I'll find another way. So it doesn't come to that." I found it curious that you gain points with Simeon answering that, but hey, cool. I love him, so it was welcome.
Solomon looks a teeeny tiny bit sad and maybe a bit exasperated. "I figured you'd say that." Then, comments about how time might force our hand, and even if we don't like our options, we will have to take action "just like I did before."
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Give poor Solomon a break, man.
We also have a moment of Diavolo listening to Mephisto while they're having tea, and Diavolo comments how Mephisto's fretting over him reminds him of a mini-barbatos lol. I don't think Barbatos liked that one very much, though.
NEXT UP we're meeting with Thirteen! And please Solmare for the love of god give her more clothes that aren't the goddamn uniform. She invites us to have a drink and catch up, since the last time she saw us was when we passed out in the Fountain of Knowledge, and says she didn't visit because "those little princelings of yours would make a big fuss if I showed up, so I decided to let them handle it." The end of the conversation switches to rant about how Solomon doesn't realize his cooking is horrible www then she bounces and we can ask her to meet with us again. 10/10 refresher.
There's a mess when we arrive to the House of Lamentation, because none here can catch a break, but thankfully it doesn't sound too bad: Levi's "Snake-chan" (he hasn't named it Henry yet), has escaped and they're all mobilized (except Lucifer, who's out, and Satan, who's in a time-out in his room) to try and find it. We jump from brother to brother having moments as they look for the snake, and ngl, it was fun www the plot has been heavy so a refreshing silly arc goes down well right now, though there's also talks with each one about us being human.
There's Mammon being sweet, worried about us being too fragile because we're human AND saying AGAIN in this timeline to go to him and him alone if we ever get in trouble. He also saves us from tumbling down the stairs. My hero.
We have Belphie and Beel together in the kitchen, where Beel confused a demonic sausage with the snake lol. Since Beel is hungry and they're all working to find the snake, they make snacks. They're both surprised at MC's expert handling of Devildom's cooking even if we're human, and comment: "There's a reason you're here in the Devildom. Something made you leave the human world. In that case, you're in the same boat we are. If you need help, let us know." and I'm not crying I just got a pair of sweet twins in my eye-
Then we go to sweet Asmo, who's slacking off to test nail colours www. He says he doesn't really like snakes and doesn't understand how Levi can keep one as a pet, but then realizes a snake is Leviathan's motif, so maybe he feels like he relates to them. Asmo talks about how all of them resemble some sort of creature and it happened when they transformed when they fell, so he wonders if they all had makings of a demon back in the Celestial realm (and with a nice bg song too), but we can tell him "it's not how you're born, but how you live", and Asmo acknowledges in the end it doesn't matter. That both you and him were born in different places, but now live in the same world and same point in time, and it's all that matters. I love Asmo so much. You get a sweet moment with him just like the others aaaand...
Then the snake slithers over his thigh, Asmo loses his shit and goes to strangle Levi lmfao. I remember they did comment Asmo is scarier than Satan when he's angry, and honestly? I agree, and I love it.
After some silly shenanigans (including Asmo kink-shaming Leviathan) and Levi realizing he wants to name the snake "Henry" thanks to an online story he's reading (thanks Simeon), they realize Henry snuck into Satan's room. Uh oh. They're all terrified of going into his room.
But while they expect Satan to go on a rampage and eating the snake up (lol), he's just chilling and reading because Lucifer put him on a time-out as a result of a prank. Mammon is astonished Satan wasn't hanging from the ceiling and comments that Luci is too soft on him.
By this time you probably realized they're going more Satan-centric now, because he still hasn't fully fit in with the brothers and we can't have that. Apparently Henry went into Satan's room to molt because it was a safe and warm place. Levi apologizes to Satan because he thought he was going to eat Henry, but Satan instead just let it hang in his room to molt in peace. Satan's stunned and Mammon teases him, saying he's embarrassed, and Satan's all blushy and telling him "no I am not". It's really sweet.
They all grow a bit closer to Satan, finding his love for knowledge and books impressive.
The extra lesson is Thirteen talking with Barbatos, where Barb tells a bit of how he ended up choosing to serve Diavolo. I quote: "What would you have done, Thirteen? A small demon standing there before you, grasping the key to your room, trembling as he looks at you and says... I'm not letting you out of this room until you promise to be my loyal steward. For the rest of your life."
Let it be known that Barbatos could've bounced out of there at any moment. He can go to any world at any moment in time, so he chose to serve kid Diavolo out of his own volition anyways. As if a locked room with a key could stop this man, lol.
We're still hanging out with Satan in his room, just MC and him, and Satan drops a bit of Barbatos, Solomon and Fountain of Knowledge lore.
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Apparently, the Fountain of Knowledge was made so this demon, who was filled with sadness due to all the knowledge he had acquired during his long life, could escape his feelings of sorrow. And now I just want to hug Barbatos.
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However, when he reads about Solomon being persecuted because of his magic, Satan realizes: "When I read that part about how the people refused to accept him, I could't help but think... No matter the world, no matter the age, someone's always being excluded. There's always someone who just doesn't belong."
I'm glad they acknowledge it's a slow healing process, instead of just being done and fixed after a chapter. Satan is still going to have a hard time seeing himself as part of the family, but he's trying for now.
Mammon, wonderfully on cue (as he does), almost nearly kicks the door down to drag MC out with the others because they're playing a game, and drags Satan with him too. The game spirals into a trying "ideas to prank Lucifer" session and Satan, of course, becomes the center of it thanks to his creativity: they're going to summon a Hellfire Salamander in his study and wreck havoc. They don't even give us an option to stop them, by the way, lmao. A sweet detail: Beel is a bit apprehensive at first, but after hearing about Satan's prank, he's like "Oh a Hellfire Salamander is no match for Lucifer, so he'll be alright." And he's in for the prank. Gentle giant.
So they're all drawing the summoning magic circle on the study floor, but if I may remind you of a certain potions mishap in the og!Obey Me!, these demons are a disaster cooperating, specially on academic matters, so the circle ends up wrong and they accidentally end up summoning a Banshee instead.
Things get out of control fast. The Banshee makes no noise as it wrecks the study, but Beel suddenly starts screaming to make it stop. Uh oh. We stop the summoning and banish the Banshee before it gets worse, but the damage is already done.
They remind you that what set Beel off during the dinner with Diavolo when shit went down was when Lucifer spoke about his record of a Banshee. It seems we're going to find out what the hell happened.
Satan, knowledgable as he is, tells us that if you can hear a Banshee it's because you're in one of two categories: someone close to you is going to die (great! fantastic! love that!) or you've already heard a Banshee cry before.
Beel breaks down and confesses that he's heard a Banshee cry before when he went down to the human world under Michael's orders, right before the Celestial War, and the Banshee crying meant someone close to him was going to die. Back then he didn't know what it meant or what was making the sound, just that it was terrifying, so he ran away from there as soon as possible.
So, when he found out what hearing that noise meant during the dinner party with Diavolo, he became overtaken with grief and lost control. The Banshee had let him know Lilith was going to die with its crying, but by not telling anyone, Beel felt he sentenced Lilith to die. He feels if he had told Lucifer what he'd heard, Luci would've found out it was a Banshee and that one of them was going to die, and maybe he wouldn't have fought in the war after all to protect them. And maybe Belphie wouldn't feel guilty about Lilith, too...
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Satan interjects with a big "nope". When a Banshee cries, the future has already been decided, so there's no way to change it. Plus, he adds that Lucifer had already made up his mind about fighting, and he wouldn't have gone back on his decision because he thought it was the right one.
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The brothers agree with Satan and comfort Beel, saying they'd all made up their minds. "All of us made choices, and those choices led us to where we are today. It's not like it's anyone's fault." They tell him not to cry.
Then the sweetest thing happens: these goofballs make a hug pile. MC can hug Beel first, so we do, then Asmo joins in, dragging Belphie, who's pulling Mammon, who's holding onto Levi... And they're really happy about it.
Satan hasn't been pulled in, though, but we remedy that. Beel and Asmo fail to make him join, but we succeed.
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As if that wasn't enough to melt our hearts (at least mine), Beel's next line hit me like a truck.
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Then Simeon comes in with Luke, they see the hug pile and join for the fun www but now there's too many people and they all fall over over poor Mammon jfgsd. Anyways my heart is full and about to explode.
Right after the love pile, the brothers and MC are all together with Simeon and Luke playing a board game in the guest room. Lucifer's study is still a disaster, by the way, so they make a bet that the losing team has to clean it up, and it would've been a good plan... if Lucifer hadn't just arrived. He's not happy to have found his study wrecked. Well, shit.
Satan immediately shoots up and tries to take the blame for all of the brothers, but Beel doesn't let him and tells Lucifer they all were responsible. I love them so much.
Before sending them to clean the mess, though, and because none in the three worlds can catch a break, Lucifer comments that Raphael is coming to visit tomorrow, to check on Simeon and Luke and see how they're doing. That unsettles the brothers, and Luke drops a sus line: "I can't help thinking, maybe he doesn't trust us? And he's worried we're not doing a good job." Simeon laughs it off, buuut... Hm. Maybe not because of the job, but I don't really like the Celestial Realm. I've got nothing against Raphael, mind you, I adored him in the og, but think that the og!Obey Me has Raphael visiting them after... centuries, maybe, I forgot how much time passed. Maybe millenia, so he's probably more mellowed out about seeing the brothers, but right now, the wounds of the war are still fresh for all of them, so I don't really hold it against Raphael. I'm just wary about "this" Raphael for a reason that comes later, because he gave me a reason to want to smack sense into him.
Anyways, the brothers were insisting MC stayed the night over at the House, but someone has to tell Solomon that Raphael is coming and to wear the uniform the next day, so Lucifer tells you to move it... after cleaning the study. We almost got off the hook. Almost. And yes, Mammon does say you can just shoot Solomon a message, but Lucifer ignores the idea lol. Hey, the plot has to go on and you need to walk out!
After you're all done, Lucifer sends you home and tells Satan to escort you because he senses Satan wants to talk with you. Yay for more Satan bonding moments!
He tells you there's a legend about cats being the only animals able to cross between the Devildom and the human world, and apparently if you follow one in the Devildom you can find your way up to the human world. Of course, after he says this, you two find a cat and you can indulge Satan by asking him if he wants to follow it. Obviously!
As much as Satan wants to see the human world, see where you came from and visit all your favourite places, he's in a bind, because... what if now that you found your way into the human world, you decide to leave forever? He doesn't want you to go back, not yet anyways. Satan confesses he feels strange about you, and you can tell him it's either "love" or "friendship". I had to choose friendship, and it hurt me, because I love him o(-< but I'm trying to stick to Luci. I'll eventually redo the whole thing with Satan but, damn.
Even with friendship though, he asks MC to hold hands on the way back, and because I can't resist the cat man with puppy eyes, I let him. Suddenly, someone calls out to you two.
It's Solomon. Drunk. What.
Satan leaves, because now that Solomon is here you can go to Cocytus Hall with him so there's no need for him to be here, right? Ha. I think he just saw Solomon drunk and thought "I'm not dealing with that, good luck" and left you to fight the war alone. Bitch.
Solomon is still coherent, though, I honestly didn't notice he was drunk until Satan called him out on it tbh. He drags you to have another drink together. Oh boy.
But because he's drunk, Solomon starts talking a lot more than he usually does. He talks about how the first time he met Asmo it was in a bar just like this one, where Asmo broke down after he got separated from someone that loved him. Apparently he was with a human, but an exorcist/priest kicked his ass away. Ouch.
So Solomon confesses that after talking to Asmo all night, he made a pact with the demon using this pitch: "If you forge a pact with me, I'll always be there to remind you of how great you are. Forever and ever."
And thank god, you can call Solomon out on how terrible that was of him. Come on, dude.
But then karma gets his ass, because he confesses he now feels like Asmo felt back then.
I'm pretty sure we know he's talking about us.
You can tell him you've only been out for a day or make fun of him for being jealous, but he's genuinely down about you walking away from him, not needing him anymore, and getting closer to the brothers. He clarifies he's so used to having you around that when you're not there, he gets caught up in his own head.
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The night ends up with a lighter note, because he asks you to forget about what he just said, but you can just walk away and he just runs after you like "Hey!! You haven't promised me you'll forget-get back here!" www
The extra lesson is about Lucifer and Beel, where Beel decides to be honest to Luci about how he heard the Banshee. Lucifer is having none of that self-imposed guilt, and he breaks his Banshee recording, even if it's his favourite, so Beel doesn't feel scared anymore.
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I need a second here-
The next day they're all in their RAD uniforms and it just. It feels weird to see them wearing them again, okay? I like their demon forms better. Anyways, they're all waiting for Raphael and Solomon is nursing a hangover while begging the brothers to not be so loud lmfao.
They greet Raphael, but he's not only there to see Simeon and Luke. He brings a message to the brothers from the Celestial Realm.
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I'd like to remind the public that Luke is still a kid, because I'm sure many people crossed him when he urged the brothers to accept, but he stopped saying anymore when Simeon shushed him. He's a kid and he's got impulses, and despite everything, he wants the brothers to be okay and happy back home. Besides, I'm sure the main issue didn't even cross his mind:
As you've realized, Satan going with them is out of the question. He's a full demon, so he doesn't have any place in the Celestial Realm. Going back means leaving Satan behind, and all the brothers know it.
Raphael gets to talk to us in private and says "I heard about you from Michael." Great, fantastic. He has a message for us from him. Great, fantastic x2.
Michael's message is: "I'd like you to encourage the brothers to return to the Celestial Realm." Motherfucker.
I'm afraid I didn't like any options given here. One was to acknowledge it was the brothers' decision and not ours, but it was worded in a way that sounded like we accepted what Michael said. The other was simply "I don't want them to go back," which while it's the sentiment, I feel it's... not exactly the best answer, because it's not up to us, is it? Ugh.
Here's where Nightbringer! Raphael pushed my buttons: we do tell Raphael we know the brothers won't leave Satan behind, but then, with all the audacity he can muster, says: we were also his brothers.
Yeah. Well, Raph, sorry to say but I think you lost that privilege during the war. I think Simeon is the only one Lucifer would call his brother again out of all the angels, and even then it would probably take him centuries to do so again.
Edit post lesson 20: SO. HAHA. THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THIS RAPHAEL. And it's hidden in Lesson 20 hard mode. If you're curious.
So the brothers and MC leave and go back to the House. We ask the brothers, who are silent and sulking, if we can do anything. Lucifer tells us we can't and that we should go home. But we know ourselves, so we won't lol. We even ask Lucifer if we can stay with him, earning points from Belphie (which says a lot), but he brushes us off and walks away. Belphie, being a sweetheart, decides to make us tea to relax.
This is going to be a "going from brother to brother" couple of lessons, and let me tell you. They were the best ones so far.
Belphie says it doesn't matter where they are, that home for him is where his brothers are, and that he doesn't want to be separated from Satan. That even if Satan looks like a grump, that he's a nice person, and that after he commented he liked to stargaze, Satan lent him a book on stars.
Beel pretty much says the same thing as his twin. "Satan's one of us now, too. He's part of the family, so I don't want to leave him behind."
After Beel is where Luke appears, bringing custards for the demons. He feels guilty about not thinking before speaking when he urged the brothers to accept before, but he also doesn't want his food to feel like he's imposing his thoughts over them. He simply wants to give them something sweet as an apology, so we have to assure Luke his food will be well recieved and the brothers won't think he's trying to impose on them. Sweet angel ;;
Asmo is the least one affected by the message, because at the beginning of Nightbringer, his own personal crisis was about wanting to go back and coming to terms with himself being a demon now. Needless to say, he doesn't care about going back anymore. Plus: "We need to go back to the beginning, to start this party over. Except this time, Satan wil be a part of it, too."
Levi, even if he likes to be on his own, acknowledges that he doesn't want to go back, but he also doesn't want to be separated from his brothers. However, he says he knows them well enough to know their answer, so he's pretty calm about it. "Nobody considers that an option. We wouldn't just turn our backs on him."
Then comes Mammon's turn, who drags you out to buy some pudding. Why pudding? Because it's secretly Lucifer's favourite, since it tastes like one Simeon and Raphael used to make in the Celestial Realm. You have the option to buy pudding for everyone else too! If you do, Mammon calls you out on being too nice. He's gonna have to suck it up though lol.
Back home, Mammon talks about how he saw Satan enjoying his time with a cat, and this time you can call him out on him actually keeping an eye out on all his brothers, Lucifer included.
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I'm not crying I just have a cat in my eye-
So MC goes to Lucifer, but Satan is there as well. Lucifer appears, but he's not too keen about talking to anyone at the moment. In fact, Satan comments that he saw Lucifer turn around the moment he spotted you two. However, there's no avoiding this conversation, and he ushers you two into his study.
I think we know what's gonna happen.
With his whole chest, Satan says to Lucifer that all the brothers should go back to the Celestial Realm, that they shouldn't worry about him.
Then the brothers come tumbling in. They were eavesdropping behind the study door www but good thing they were, because they are having NONE OF THIS BULL, and they make sure they let Satan know.
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They hug him, too. What a lesson. I love it to bits. They're feeding me so well.
There's one extra thing, though. Lucifer tells everyone to wait outside. We've been the family counselor for long enough to know this man needs a session right this instant.
He tells us the story of how Satan was born as Lucifer fell off the Celestial Realm, just as he felt he'd lost "a part of him". The answers are either Lucifer's angelic light or his angelic wings. I chose to see Satan as Luci's light, and Lucifer adds if Satan had angel wings, they'd be beautiful, just like his brothers'.
Lucifer says he doesn't consider Satan a part of him, even if he was born from his wrath; that he sees Satan as family. "He feels more like another one of my brothers. Someone who's always been at my side, just as they have."
Then he confesses he was about to ask "Him" for forgiveness for his brothers so they could go the Celestial Realm while he stayed behind with Satan, which... I get it. I really do, even if I vehemently disagree with the decision. He was looking out for everyone, but he recognizes it would've been a horrible, horrible mistake, because he realized he wasn't considering his brothers' feelings about Satan.
This affects him a lot.
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Oh man ;;
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Well. The moment with him was incredibly sweet and a bit heartwrenching. I'm fine. I swear.
Is it over? Nope, nope it is not. There's still one more stage before ending this lesson, and the waterworks aren't closed just yet, because it holds everything people have wanted about Lucifer with his brothers: which is him being honest with them about his feelings and pushing his pride aside.
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Needless to say, they agree on staying in the Devildom and Lucifer asks you to go with him to communicate their decision to Diavolo the next day.
Then, because you bought pudding for everyone before, they all share it, and the lesson ends with a happy note.
Which might be the calm before the storm, because the Celestial Realm kind of gave them an ultimatum, and if they didn't agree to return... "The Celestial Realm will once again regard the Devildom as its adversary, and intervene to rectify the situation." Whatever intervene means to them. I hope it's not a fight, but I wouldn't put it past them, because the last thing we need is a fight between the Celestial Realm and the Devildom with us caught in the middle.
Plus we kinda failed Michael's tasks and he wasn't already very happy with us, so. A storm is brewing. A veeery big one.
The extra lessons on 18 and 19 are Solomon nursing his hangover with Barbatos, who sounds concerned but also calls him an idiot and an imbecile for getting drunk, and still won't say why he's so angry with him www. The last extra lesson is about all the brothers hanging together in Levis' room before they go eavesdrop on Lucifer, having a nice moment together where Levi steps up as an older brother for the rest.
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I enjoyed doing lessons 18 and 19 together a lot, honestly. And I'm also pretty worried about what's coming up. If I remember correctly, the first og!OM season lasted 20 lessons, so I'm also worried they'll leave me with a cliffhanger about an upcoming war for months. I'll cry. I'll legit cry. Don't do this to me, Solmare.
Still, though, I'm really happy with the direction they're taking and how they're writing the brothers with each other. A lot happy.
I have a serious problem with the 30 image limit per post, but that's on me here because I didn't do the lessons in time haha BYE.
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cinnamon-bunni · 2 years
alright lets go time for some of my aspec headcanons because, sorry to break the news to you, but they're all aspec. all of them. Also this is just my headcanons you hear me headcanons so like don't send hate or whatever. it's dumb and you'll look kinda pathetic tbh.
Also while writing this I was reminded on why i don't make headcanon lists anymore: they took too much time and I could be doing something better, like writing fics lol Anyways i really hope y'all enjoy this, once again just my hcs, but i couldn't get this idea out of my idea. (also tagging @ohheyitsyouagain for telling me to do this and also like helping me realize that boy all of them are like aspec lmao) Without further ado....
~~Aspec Headcanons for the OM! Boys~~
This demon could not care less about romance
For a while he just simply chalked it up to not having enough time: having work to do for Diavolo and taking care of his idiotic brothers really is a 24/7 job
But when his brothers (Asmo and Mammon) set him up on a blind date, he realized he just...didn't care for it
He felt very detached from the whole dating and romance scene, so he doesn't dabble in it. Simple as that
He doesn't really care for labels. He just knows that he doesn't want to have a romantic relationship, and that's all that matters
He once mentioned it off-handedly to Asmo, and the younger cried
Lucifer had no idea why--it wasn't that big of a deal--but he still comforted him
Asmo was quick to tell him that he was just so happy to feel seen
And Lucifer...wasn't sure how to respond to that
He simply comforted him and told him to go rest
But at least Asmo seemed happy about the little piece of information he gave
But whatever made his brother happy made him happy, so. yeah.
Romance is just a very weird concept for Lucifer in general
He realized that he doesn't know much about it and then from that realized he doesn't understand it
Something Lucifer doesn't understand? Impossible. So he just pretends that that's not the case and goes about his day
he doesn't think too hard about it
Similar to Lucifer, he too does not understand romance
Don't get it wrong! He wants to settle down and find someone nice to date and do all that romance-y stuff, he just...doesn't really know how
He tells himself he's just really picky with who he goes out with. And that's because he is
Yeah, he's pretty picky. And with the people he does like, he tends to accidentally come off on the wrong foot with his tsundere vibes he gives and actions he does
So it's rare for someone to like him, and even rarer for him to like them back in that way
Stemming from that, he just isn't too big with sex
He definitely probably tries to play off on how he of course has a big body count, he's slept with so many succu- and inncubi
In truth he doesn't like to sleep with someone he doesn't know. He needs to go on a few dates before doing something as intimate as that
And sometimes...it feels a bit too intimate. Sometimes he just freezes up, and he feels so bad about it too
Why is it that some days he's completely fine with the idea of sex, but on other days he would rather have to deal with Lucifer when he's pissed than have sex or even think about sex? Was he that messed up and weird?
It's something he takes a bit of time to come to terms with; he deals a bit with some internalized aphobia, but he soon learns to be happy with who he is
*self projects so hard*
This boy can fit so much internalized aphobia it's insane
He's always hated sex and the idea of sex. Which was weird already
Why was he so weird? Why couldn't he be like every other normie and just enjoy it? He watches....hentai...and has no problem with that and...getting off. But the idea of sex just put him off so much
When he thought about it for more than a second, he felt so uncomfortable with it. The idea of being so close to someone, the sweat, moaning, skin-to-skin contact, so much touching....
It grosses Levi out so hard
And don't get him started on romance
He's always hated watching the protagonist get the girl in the end. Main part of why he struggles to watch romance animes
He just assumed that it was his Sin acting up. Why did all the normies get the girl, but not him? Why couldn't he get someone like that?
But he also detests the idea of dating someone
Why can't he just be normal? Why does he have to be even weirder and make an even bigger gap between him and normies?
He just stews in internalized aphobia while he distracts himself by playing games that aren't romance-orientated
And if they do have romance, he just. decides to ignore it
But he's just so sad and takes him so long to learn to be okay with who he is
*also if you wanna read more about this go read my fic about him being extremely aroace please and thank you :))))*
Oh how he hates unnecessary sex scenes with a passion
It's one of his biggest pet peeves, actually (well, he has many pet peeves, but this is definitely up there on the list)
But sex scenes in general he hates
Yes, he understands that sometimes they're important. They might not move the plot along, but it is something people do. They do it to show how much they love the other person they're with, and it's just something people do even if they aren't in love
Doesn't mean Satan has to like it though
He hates reading it. He often skips the parts too. Books that don't have sex scenes are by far his favorites
Even ones that allude to them make him feel very Icky and Gross. He hates it and gets very angry over it
He just. can't deal with it. He is very much repulsed by sex and hates it with a passion
But also realizing than he's asexual felt...freeing in a way
He immediately felt so much better that he had a label for what he felt
He finally felt happy about it, and felt a lot less frustrated and angry over the whole thing
He felt seen
Now, as the Avatar of Lust, of course he loves sex
Who would he be if he didn't? (...he didn't like thinking about that, too existential for his taste and stressing as horrible for your skin)
But romance?...that was a bit different
He just didn't care for it, simple as that. It didn't interest him
He couldn't get himself to get into it, no matter how hard he tried. And believe me, he tried
He just could never form that sort of romantic connection with people like others, though
He always thought he was so weird because of it. Why couldn't he just date like normal people? Why couldn't he just feel comfortable with kisses and dates and those loving touches from a significant other?
Being in a friendship just felt better. Or even doing those "romantic" things but in a qpr with someone made him feel a lot better and more at ease, too
But he just felt so weird about it. If he loved sex so much and was happy with that, then why couldn't he be the same with romance?
When Lucifer and Satan told them about themselves though, he immediately felt more confident and happier with who he is
Because he's not alone. Other's understand him, especially Lucifer and Barbatos
Barbatos is someone he frequents to vent to or ask questions about aromanticism. He's very kind and helpful, and Asmo cherishes him for it
He's proud of who he is, and wants others to be as well (once again plugging in my fic that features an aro Asmo okay thanks bye)
Beelzebub isn't really romance repulsed per say, he just doesn't really look for it
Like, he wouldn't mind being in a romantic relationship with someone
But he doesn't actively search for one, or really care about not being in one
Finding someone who enjoys his company and makes him feel good is something that sounds really nice, but he also doesn't really care if he doesn't find anyone either
He needs to really get to know the person before they start dating
Even more so before they could do any sexual activities
He needs to be close to them, it's such a thing he holds highly and is essential to him for his relationships
He is kinda ambivalent with both romance and sex though. Like, they were fine, but he also didn't care as much about them as others did
It was usually just a matter he shrugged at and figured he'll get around to it at some point in time
Like Lucifer, he doesn't really care about romance. It's not something that he spends too much thought on
Unlike Lucifer, he doesn't mind the idea of dating. He just doesn't care about putting the energy into it though
Belphie just doesn't see why he needs to. He's happy with where he is now, so why change it?
Like, if he found himself in a relationship, he wouldn't mind. But he also doesn't mind at all with not being in one
Similar to Beel though, he needs to know and be close with the person before developing feelings and being fine with dating them or being in a romantic relationship
But in the end Belphie really just couldn't care less. Like he really just doesn't care
He doesn't care about romance, so it's hard to see himself in one
Again, if there's a special person that comes by, then yeah he could see himself being in a romantic relationship
But like other than that. He just doesn't bring himself to care
Of course this 🙏 Pure Angel is asexual
In all seriousness though, Simeon mostly abstains from sex
Unless he finds someone he really connects with, someone he truly loves and who loves him, he doesn't do sexual activities
Even then, sometimes he just. doesn't feel it, y'know? (i hope you know because i literally don't know how to explain it)
Sometimes he just feels Icked out by sex
He loves other romantic gestures though, like cuddling (he loves cuddling so much, like he just wants to hold his significant other so badly all the time)
But he has such a strange and weird relationship with sex, he struggles with it a lot
Mostly if there is someone who is interested in it while he isn't
He feels bad about it, but after a while he learns to try and communicate his needs with his partner or future partners
This dude is so aroace
That's it that's the section
He's known since like forever and has accepted it a long time ago
He's very knowledgeable (as he is on any topic) so many of the brothers and those in Purgatory Hall often go to him for advice or to answer their questions
Mainly Levi and Asmo went to talk to him, and often went to him for advice
He is a demon of many talents as he both bakes and gives solid advice for them to just love themselves and, even if they won't believe it now, to know that the panic over everything would fade
He's accepted himself and who he is, and just wants his friends to do the same as well
(also ugh this is not related but levi and barb being in a qpr makes me feel things am i the only one? yeah? alright then)
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frenchfrywrites · 3 years
Dick HCs
This is mostly here so I can reference stuff specifically in future fics. I'll maybe b doing pussy HCs too bc sometimes i like to keep things ambiguous or write them as trans >:)
edit: added cms too :)
Just above average, around 6in (15.24 cm)
kinda thick- you can fully wrap your hand around it but not much more
One prominent vein on the underside
Curves upwards just a bit
Meticulous with taking care of his pubic hair, manscaping and what not
Around 4.5 ish inches (11.43cm), but he’s a grower and it adds like an inch or two when he’s erect
Not that thick of a dick tbh, and that's ok!!
I think he would have a vertical guiche piercing (a piercing that’s located in the taint area) and/or a frenum piercing (along the shaft)
Manages his pubes just enough but isn't excessive about it, and doesn’t have that much hair to begin with
I think the lower one is larger and longer than the upper one, but both are kinda small (upper: 3.5in, lower: 4in) (upper: 8.89 cm, lower: 10.16)
separately they're not that thick
Both have several noticeable veins, he has to move lots of blood down there to keep them both erect
Circumcised (I did entertain the idea of one being circumcised and the other not, because that’s very funny to me, but there’s no way that he would have just gotten one done and not the other)
He takes… ok care of his pubes. He could probably maintain them better, but he doesn’t really care about them until he gets sexually involved with someone and even then it's hard for him to build a habit
Small and he does not care one bit about that, also a grower though, from 2.5in to 3in when erect (6.36cm to 7.62cm)
Skinny too, again does not care
He got a prince albert piercing as a dare (Asmo and Mammon hyped him up)
His dick curves to the left
Like Mammon he doesn’t go overboard but he cleans himself up
Surprisingly long! 5.5 to 6ins (13.97 to 15.24)
But he's skinny
His dick curves to the left as well as upwards
Has a mole right above where his pubic hair starts.
Love @teeth-farie 's HC that fem Asmo would shave her pubes into a heart- and I think all versions of Asmo would do this
Absolute horse cock, 8ins and thick as fuck (20.32cm)
he has no idea how to use it though :P
Two veins, one longer than the other
His dick curves upwards just a bit
Heavy balls too
Only started trimming recently when asmo pointed out that he “should”
His pubic hair is darker than the hair on his head
Average all around, 5ish inches (12.7)
Has one vein on the underside
Got a prince albert piercing, told no one but Beel about it, and made him carry the secret to his metaphorical grave
Does not trim his pubes like, ever. He doesn’t care and it doesn’t bother him. Also he is very hairy
Huge cock like Beel, just a bit smaller- 7.8ish inches (19.81 cm)
He’s thicker than him though
Two prominent veins
Loaded with piercings, ladder of like 5 frenum piercings on the underside of his cock
Trims consistently and manscapes every once in a while
Average- 5.5in and skinny (13.97cm)
It's so pretty though, it's unfair
Curves up a bit
Like Lucifer, is also a bit meticulous with his pubic hair
Smaller side of average, 5ish inches (12.7cm)
Little bit thicker than you’d expect though
Curves to the right
Has no idea how to use his either lol
Cleans himself up now but didn't know he “should” until Asmo brought it up
Has briefly thought about trimming into a cute design like Asmo but never went through with it because of how flustered it made him
Average, 5.3 in (13.5 cm)
Super thick though
Curves up
Sometimes he’s really consistent with trimming and sometimes he forgets about it for years
Has thought recently about getting a piercing down there, but is hesitant and doesn’t really know where he’d get it
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