#didnt ruin anything but like u know its been used
puhpandas · 4 months
what do u guys think the hw2 dlc is gonna be about
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ccswife · 2 months
Oh No..
part 4: is it working?
pairing๛: kate martin x iowau!reader
synopsis๛: kate catches you watching your saved edits of her
warnings: slight angst (barely)
not a lot of dialogue in this one, but low-key proof read :D
It's sunday morning, and you wake up to a bright ray of sun in your face, peeking through the barely-shut curtains. turning over in your very, very warm bed, you notice the time on your phone.
as well as some notifications..
notification center
3 messages from bear🐻
[goodmorning star sunshine!]
[hows the hangover?]
[r u alive]
you reply to her texts and chat for a little bit. she admits halfway through your in-depth conversation about what you drank and what color your throwup was, that she didnt remember anything from last night. ANYTHING. your head was already reeling from the raging hangover you had aquired, and this made it ten times worse. you begin to play a game of eenie-minie-moe with yourself. "do i tell her? do i say nothing? do i ruin it? do i protect my own feelings?" after at least 7 minutes, you come to the conclusion to not say anything. hey, you know what they say! ignorance is bliss!
you climb out of bed and grab some clothes to go take a hot bath. bathes are very good on tense muscles, and aroma-therapy helps to ease anxiety, reduce inflammation and sooth headaches. it was about 10 when you hopped in, and you planned to stay there till the water got cold. after the fact, you showered quickly to wash the grime off and get the hairspray out of your hair. finally getting dressed into a comfy pair of sweats and a oversized shirt, you go to cook some breakfast. cooking breakfast always was a good thinking time for you, as it wasnt super busy in the mornings and you could stand there and watch the eggs or pancakes cook whilst contemplating every decision you have ever made leading up to that moment. todays topic was " what the hell did i do to get into this position with the girl i love!" and it did not dissapoint! feeling that the topic was actually taking years off your life, you decide to give yourself a kate break and call out of work for monday. you used the "im sick *cough cough* and i never take days off!" excuse and it worked surprisingly well!
after a calm morning and breakfast, you chilled on the couch and put on a random show for some backround noise. it was now about 11ish, nearning 12. scrolling through instagram reels, you get a notification that kate posted on her story. (yes, you have her story notifs on.) clicking on the notif, it brings you to her story.
you nearly dropped your phone.
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another woman....hiding her face..... LUNCH DATE?!?!?!?!? so shes seeing someone? you've never seen this woman in your life, so obviously a secret. even from you, her best friend. honestly, it took some life out of you. with everything going on between you two, you didn't exactly know how to feel. did you deserve to feel like this, like you had been "betrayed"? part of you knew that that was a little dramatic, but nevertheless still very valid. if there was one thing that Kate and the girls had taught you, its that your feelings will always be valid, whether they change or stay the same. these specific feelings made you lose your appetite, and frankly the will to live. aggressively turning your phone off, you get out of the deep crevice you were shoved in on your couch and make your way back to the bedroom.
"and here, I shall lay"
you dramatically say as you fall onto the bed, draping a hand on your forehead as you do so. you opt to watch "Crazy Rich Asians", just to believe-in some sort of love, and cuddle up in between the sheets. half-way through the movie, you feel multiple buzzes from your phone. opening it up, you see a bunch of texts from a very worried gabbie and caitlin. they know what happened last night, so the story she posted as alarming to them as well.
gabbie babbie wabbie
y/n are you alive
caity baby
we saw kates story
obviously its not u cuz ur not tagged
r u ok
gabbie babbie wabbie
lil harsh there cait...
caity baby
whoops sorry
but r u alive
get out of bed
gabbie babbie wabbie
answer pls we miss you and wanna know ur alive
caity baby
after scrolling through the messages, you liked a few and explained you were ok, and that you took tomorrow off and are gonna lay in bed for a while. they remind you to eat and be good to yourself and you reluctantly agree and promise to them that you'll comply. finally finishing your heart-wrenching movie, you fall into a light sleep. periodically you respond to your texts, as kate had been texting you quite normally. this includes all the regular nicknames and stupid jokes she always made. you'd be lying if you didn't love the normalcy she was exuding, and that it didn't bring you comfort in your relationship. it just solidified your decision to not tell her about last night, in order to keep what you two have now. you were sure that you could shove all the feelings down and support your long time best-friend in her romantic endeavors (not with you). at about 7 o'clock, kate asked if she could 'stop by' and obviously you agreed.
IF you were being 100% honest with yourself, you were seriously nervous. you hoped that you wouldn't slip about what happened and how you felt about the insta story. at exactly 7:16pm, kate knocked on the door of your apartment and you graciously let her in, immediately being engulfed into a bear hug. she had the biggest smile on her face as she pulled back to look at you.
"hello beautiful" she tucks a piece of hair behind your earn, rubbing her thumb against your blushed cheek. "I missed you today! it feels like its been forever" she pouts at you, doing her signature puppy eyes.
you giggle at her and reply in a blissful tone. "ive missed you too katie bear, how was your day?" pulling away from you, she starts to walk to your bed room, you following close behind. " it was actually really good! I had a really good lunch today. you would've died at how good it was. it was some Italian place downtown." she draws out the emphasis on 'really', and continues to talk as she plops on to your bed. " I went out with my friend nancy, she graduated last year and is interning at a dental place by school" you join her on the bed. "oh yea? is she a new friend?" curiosity killed the cat, but you tried to be as discrete as you could with the tone of your voice. obviously since she was talking about it, she is open to the subject. kate goes on to rant about how she's her new friend, how they met at a coffee place, blah blah blah. then she gets to the surprising part.
"-and then after we talked about edits, she mentioned how she has a whole folder of them! I dont think ive met anyone with a folder of women's ball edits! it was so funny, and then she mentioned how there were a few of me in it! I laughed so hard I-" after she said that you stopped listening and internally crashed out. never met anyone with that?????? does she not remember catching you???? it genuinely boggled you how one of the only people that remembers every single detail about you could forget that. deciding again not to say anything, you mentally join back into the conversation and give her 'mm's and 'ohh yea's to let her know you were acknowledging her rant. the conversation slowly turned into showing each other stupid tiktoks and reels. both of your eyes began to droop, and whilst laying on each other, the two of you fell asleep.
and together you peacefully slept, blissfully unaware of anything else happening in the world
a/n ◕‿↼ : wooooo finally chapter 4!!!! I finally got a laptop so this is way more fun and wayyy easier to do so im a tad bit more motivated. I know this one wasn't the most exciting and didn't hav much dialogue but there's a lot to come guys dont worry I'm cooking up some good chapters. love you pookies! enjoy pls🤗
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mikalame · 1 year
Sooo I saw u wanted requests but if anything feel free to ignore what about husband Tom x wife reader who always wakes him up with kisses an let’s say one day she sleeps in Tom does it back to her
Morning honey
This is kinda the era with this oneshit but you can use what ever one you like
taglist: @oppopotamus @violentnewmarley @saumspam
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"Morning honey" you whisper sweetly as you kiss toms cheeks and lips softly to wake him up. You had been doing this since the start of your realtionship as you were always quite the early bird while tom liked to sleep in.
"mmh, morning babe" he groans streching his arms and back before flopping back into the bed resting him head on his arm "how did you sleep love?" he questions eyebrow cocked.
"Wonderfuly, tho someone needs to stop kicking me" you say in an accusatory tone, tom giggles "i don't know what your on about, i neverrr kick" he says with a guilty look.
"Yeah right, mister, come on chop chop we have stuff to do today, we have to meet with the band, bill wants to go to some amesment park, then while were there we are doing and interveiw of sorts but yeah, full day" You say while walking around getting all of your things sorted for the day.
Ugh, i just woke up give me a second hon pleasee" he whines, dragging him feet across the carpet, slowly getting ready. "Well whos fault is that for sleeping in till 8 hmm" you question "no, you just wake up at like the ass crack of dawn, mabey tomorrow you sleep in and i can do all them ushy gushy stuff you do to me, to you huh how bout it" tom asks eyebrows raised.
"Tommie i would probly have to remind you to do it, its fine i dont need you too i like doing all that 'ushy gushy stuff' to you" you say quoteing him, while fixing his hair so it wasnt in his face making sure the dreads sticking out werent to bad.
"Okay, tom you ready, lets go" you say doing the last bit of your shoes before heading out, Tom in toe behind you.
Time skip
"Ugh, my feet are killing me" you moan rubbing the back of your heels where they had been rubbing agaist you for the whole day. "Mhh, i agree why coudn't we just sit down on a bench or something" Tom asks sittig down leaning his lead on the back of the couch.
"Im gonna shower then gonna go to bed" you say groaning as you stand you "mmh have fun babe, dont fall over" tom giggles.
After waiting for a bit he hears the shower turn on and decides to get ready for bed as well not bothering to shower as he didnt want to move his arms to do his dreads up.
After putting on his sleep clothes he walks to the kitchen to make himslef some food hearing the shower turn off and hearing some noises he assumes ___ has gone to bed.
Finsihing off him food he walks back to the bedroom and sees ___ passed out on the bed, he smiles giggling at the fact she was so tired there he decided to wake up early and make sure she was super comfy for tomorrow.
Time skip
Tom groans as his head falls to the side quickly turning off ___ alarm to wake herself up he checks to see if she woke up but she hadn't. Tom sighs, his entire plan would be ruined if she had awoken.
Tom starts by cleaning the kitchen and doing all the laundry, folding and putting on the next load, before moving to make her a breakfast in bed with eggs on toast, bacon, and panckes for if she wanted more after, with a side of coffee.
As the clock hit 8 it was show time Tom carefully walked to the bedroom careful not to make much noise.
As he places the breakfast on her nightstand he kisses he cheeks softly remembering how much he liked it, next he did some sweet word whipering i love you's and talking about how pretty ___ is and all that lovey stuff.
___ eyes begin to flutter as she wakes up to soft kisses and someone talking about how beautiful she was, when she opened her eyes she was met with the face of none other than her husband smiling down at her softly.
"Tom, your up so early" she groans still thinking its 6am "no hun it 8 i let you sleep in anddd,... i made you breakfast" he says gestering towards the food next to her the heat wafting off of it, her stomach rumbles loudy just smelling the food.
"Oh Tom your so sweet" she says kissing his cheek before tucking into the food he prepared.
"No problem at all my love" Tom says a smile adorned on his face looking at his one true love.
Hope you like anon i got hungry when writing the food lol
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mayzingly · 1 month
all the s2 ep3 parts ruined with yapping
I haven’t seen an episode be split up in parts since s1 ep10, so either Brittany decided to do it in parts instead of all at once because she knew we would complain about it literally being three months since the last one, or THEYRE COOKING
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so the episode starts with them walking on a path, which means im allowed to assume that Pyrare and Ajacenus went in the forest and then got ajavex from somewhere.
first thing I notice right off the bat is how enthusiastic they are about beating their sister up😭😭 like y’all are forgetting that whatever injuries ajaceare gets, ajacent has to deal with. they just don’t fade once she becomes uncorrupted, do they
that’s all I had to say about the first part, since it was surprisingly more boring than I remember
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this is my favorite out of the prevs.
the episode starts with ajaceare running like she just got 500$ from her mom and was told she could spend it on anything. dub then asks her how collecting pieces has been going. she pulls out a BIG ASS BAG. if im correct there are 20 artists featured in jsab minus the ones that already gave their pieces and some of them are one timers (avenza, pegboard nerds (iirc), plesco, silva hound, nanobii, TECHNICALLY omnitica, etc etc) so like where did she get all them pieces???
there are multiple theories about who those people could be, but I choose to believe theyre 2/5 out of Shirobon because
also, I hope this is just a transition because OTHERWISE HOW DID SHE NOT NOTICE THEM.
one sentence to describe this episode: tri-py.
anyways, onto the next one. you better get your popcorn ready cause im about to RANT.
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*cracks knuckles*
why is literally every monster either corrupted or a pacifist in tpc. like YALL GOT FIGHTING SKILLS, USE EM “don’t you know we monsters never attack shapes??” That’s only for YOU, your SAILOR MOON HAVING ASS HAIR LOOKING ELDER SISTER, and “SAILOR MOON”’S BITCHASS BARRACUDA HAVING FRIEND.
girl. im sorry but if I was a monster id be throwing these hands left and right.
“How could you have gotten corrupted like this?” gee idk, maybe a corrupted person touched her!??? Shocking wow “You’re supposed to stay in the mountains like the rest of us!!” bro shes 1000, im pretty sure shes able to not be huddled under u all the time.
“Now give me your pieces!!”
again, this makes
IF SHE WAS TALKING ABOUT PYRARE, SHE WOULDVE SAID “Give me HIS pieces!” But instead shes saying “Your”.
I don’t know WHY the hell Ajacenus and ajavex would even have pieces, because it’s clear that they don’t have the triangle symbol like every other group member, but even if they did, IT WOULD BE INCOMPLETE BECAUSE AJACENUS IS SUPPOSED TO BE WICKED - AVENZA AND AJAVEX IS DEADLOCKED - F-777!!! SEE HOW ITS TWO DIFFERENT ARTISTS???
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one sentence to describe this episode: BRITTANY COOKED BUT NOBODYS HUNGRY🔥🔥
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last and definitely least, is the 4th part. now, the whole video was a bossfight so I don’t have much to say except SHE GOT PUFF PONYTAILS YAAAAAAAAA
I hope she isn’t batshit ugly or I might just remove s2 ep3 part 5 from my consciousness once it comes out
…yeah I had to remove it from my consciousness because WTH is this
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“What happened to me?” Girl do you have the big D? (dementia)
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“It isnt right for a male to hit a female” dude sybau. you throw hands all you want if you feel provoked. pussy.
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anyways, onto dub. his section was the only entertaining part. Seeing him tweak like that genuinely made me go “😧” IRL
“Which caretaker is it!? I swear if it’s the anxious one…” made me BUST OUT laughing. Though I do wonder what he would’ve done if the flower lied to him and said it was “the anxious one” who I’m assuming is cube.
“So you decided to come out of retirement?” im curious about this, because… how does he even go into retirement in the first place?
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though, I’m gonna talk about three things here.
1. I think (Altered) finally gives us an answer to what Circusic meant in episode 2. “The same way you are!” So we all saw him get revived by the reaper and turn into circubit, so when he says that I can only guess that Iris got revived that same way. You get revived, but with some perks, aka ALTERATIONS.
2. Every flower is infected? That means George is probably back.
3. Circusic is infected??? Either he doesn’t know that hes uncorrupted; or HES BAAAACK!!!!
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shenjiusaturday · 11 months
if you wouldn’t mind would you be willing to tell us a bit more about your pidw kids? i’m really interested in that 👀 like do you have thoughts on their mothers? are they his only two kids or some of many? how do they react to each other/how do they try to get their fathers attention? you don’t have to answer all of these or any btw!! just would love to hear more about them
first of all its canon that bingge has a whole heap of descendants so ya they have a horde of siblings. i mean... 3000 wives? yeah. imagine
luo biyu was my first and so her background is a little more fleshed out than her little brothers 😂 her mom married bingge in an arranged marriage for a political alliance. she didnt want it, and bingge quickly lost interest. she fell out of favor, hard, so she and her kid (biyu) became outcasts in the harem/palace (ive been toying with the idea of whether they were put in a cold palace or not...) biyu has only met her father a few times in her life, tho shes seen him more often from a distance. shes desperate for his attention/affection/acknowledgment. after her mom died, she left the palace in a daze and has been just wandering the lands. (ive also been thinking about her going to the ruins of long gone qing jing peak to look for the fake jade pendant in a desperate bid for his regard if she could retrieve it for him) shes like... 160cm ? maybe, i havent actually decided yet if i want her to be tall or short
luo mei is a little less developed cus hes so fresh LOL i know his relationship with his father was much better than biyus, atleast in childhood. as he grew older, and his personality developed, bingge slowly distanced himself for some reason... (its cus mei started vaguely reminding him of Someone... but who... 🤫bingge, justifying it in his head: ok but what if my child has bad vibes?)
he grew up surrounded by women so he thinks men aint shit. hes somewhat friendly but he has a tendency to lash out at times. he can fight but its not really a passion or anything for him. hes an arts guy! specifically, hes a dancer! luo mei is 180cm
thoughts on their mothers: luo biyu loved her mother, she was her whole world. they were isolated and only had eachother.
luo mei has a regular relationship w his mom. i havent rly thought much about them yet!
how do they react to eachother: luo biyu resents her siblings, ESPECIALLY the ones who get more attention from bingge. luo mei pities biyu. they dont interact a lot (specifically because biyu was so isolated) tho he finds her to be one of his more tolerable siblings LOL
how do they try to get their fathers attention: luo biyu tried at excelling in anything she could to get his attention/approval. shes therefore one of the strongest of his kids but alas... and she will try to do things that she knows has meaning to bingge like getting him things etc that kinda stuff luo mei doesnt want bingges attention LMFAO hes like that man aint shit!
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p1xiemeat · 11 months
hi do you mind if I ask you what symptoms of bipolar you have experienced before/are currently experiencing right now? if this is too heavy for you to answer then that’s alright it’s just that I was recently diagnosed with bipolar 2 and I wanted to hear about the experience from another person.. thank you 
well i have bipolar 1 rapid cycling which is more severe than just having bipolar 1. and bipolar 1 by itself is more severe than bipolar 2, so definitely don't compare yourself to me too much. also everyone is different. not every person with bipolar of any type has the same symptoms. i also have anxiety, ptsd, and im seeing a psychiatrist in november to be tested for a neurological disorder that my therapist thinks i may have but she can't diagnose me. so sometimes those symptoms from other things overlap into what i experience. some things might be caused by my anxiety or ptsd. for example i've had hallucinations plenty of times which can be a symptom of bipolar but also could be from ptsd too. i have manic episodes all the time. and when im not having mania im basically in a constant state of depression. its awful. i do have impulses but ive spent years learning how to control them. they used to be uncontrollable and it ruined my life for many years. my sleep and appetite changes constantly. sometimes i dont need sleep at all and other times all i do is sleep. and most of them time i can't eat a lot. and when i am able to eat i end up binge eating to make up for barely eating most of the time. im extremely indecisive and its hard to focus on one task. i usually have like 10 different tasks going at a time which makes it hard to complete anything. but i also become obsessed with my interests. it actually annoys ppl because i will talk about the same few things over and over. i have suicidal thought all the time. only thoughts tho. i would never act on them. but before i could control my impulses i had multiple attempts to end my life. i also have constant racing thoughts or my mind feels blank and i'll be completely silent for days sometimes because i have nothing to say. except when it comes to my children. obviously i speak to them when they are around, but i won't start a conversation when my mind feels blank or i won't CHOOSE to say anything for days. yeah it really fucking sucks. life with bipolar is mainly living in extremes. [for me anyway]. im either exteremely happy or extremely sad. same goes with being confident or not confident, hungry or not hungry, etc. one of the hardest things is having so much energy when im manic and feeling constantly tired and drained when im depressive. because i have children and i HAVE to be productive on daily basis. i can't just NOT clean or do dishes or laundry etc. so when im depressive i have to mentally and physically force myself to do anything. its honestly absolute hell. and im so sorry you have it too. i wish i had more positive things to tell you about it, but im not going to sugarcoat it or lie to you.
as long as you put in effort to work on yourself and try to be aware of the way you react to things or what things affect your mood, it will get easier. i know that i NEED therapy. every time i left therapy i relapsed on drugs or i mentally deteriorated. so i highly recommend finding a good therapist if you start to struggle badly. or just have one just to help you even if you don't think you need one. they help sooo much with helping u understand yourself and your thoughts and actions. i wish you nothing but the best✨💜 bipolar disorder can be so crippling. it can even be a disability for some ppl. for me it is. i am getting disability soon because its pretty impossible to find a job that works with what im able and unable to do. it lowered my confidence a lot when i realized i needed the extra help but now im more okay with it because i know its just the hand i've been dealt. i didnt ask for bipolar disorder. just like i didn't ask for it to prevent me from working. its just what happened to me. and thats okay. 🖤💜 i hope you are well🥰
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cloudjumpervalka · 1 year
ill elaborate on this over the day i think but im very mixed on what i think about the w.i.t.c.h. reboot but uh. its mostly negative
first off, this is partially coming from a place of im just a fan of the comic and already didnt care for the tv show.
i mean... i liked the show as a kid because it was what got me into the series, but once i picked up the comics i knew it had my heart and it couldnt compare. (its very similar to how i felt about fma03 > going into the manga after)
but anyway, i think the reboot is of all things, just disney being lazy in making new ips of course. if theyre doing a full rework of the plot, characters, and costumes, why not just make a new magical girl comic? oh because of the obvious theyve been testing the popularity of the comic by rereleasing it over the past couple years, and now the ip is recognized enough again that they can use it to their advantage. definitely in the wake of winx getting their reboot (which i also think is unnecessary but i think the circumstances may have been different. which leads me to..)
i worry about what theyre going to do with the story in general. if its anything like the later half of the comic (ie new power onward) iiiiiii dont know if we need that. i personally dont think that was the strongest era of the story. it, unsurprisingly, came off as an attempt to haha... copy the winx by doing power upgrades and becoming even more glittery and pink and what i would call a typical "girls piece of media"
ofc side note nothing bad with that but again leading into another point
heh.. the treatment of the original team. its early and i dont quite remember all of the details but i do know that they were done dirty. I know for sure it involved barbucci and canepa, unsure if gnone was involved as well, but disney took that series from them. as far as i know, that series was their baby and disney plucked it apart into something they never intended it to be. barbucci and canepa haved regularly talked about their dislike of disney and their personal beef with them as a direct result of what happened with w.i.t.c.h.
it was their dark fantasy series that disney wanted to girlie-pop-ify to most likely have it compete with winx directly. completely going against what the team envisioned leading to their ? departure from disney. im personally not quite sure if they quit on their own or if disney fired them to make room for a more cooperative team but Still. the point still stands: disney is shitty in this situation
so just from the inital description and seeing will's transformed resign, it looks like... it will most likely go in the direction of being a direct winx competitor again and will continue to take the story in a completely different direction than it was originally intended to be. some part of me hopes tho that because will looks like an edgy hot topic kid that maaaaaybe theyll have some darker tone to it but uh.... again disneys reputation makes me think that wont happen lmao
if they really cared enough they would literally be like sorry og team, here do what u wanted. because uh. at least barbucci and canepa still regulary post about w.i.t.c.h. and share fanart and stuff so theyre still interested imo (again i havent followed up with gnone over the years but im sure she'd be on board)
i reaaaaally want to know if they even knew their series was gonna be rebooted like this or i guess however it ends up being. god i would do anything to read the nda they signed when splitting with disney.
but eh i also hope its good just for the sake it wooooould be cool to have new w.i.t.c.h. content (again sad its not like a comic accurate tv adaptation or like... the og teams work) buuuuuut this is suuuuch a comfort series to me so i wanna hope for the best
my nostalgia is probably ruining it for me and the fact ill already rant about how i hate the cartoon adaptation now dkdbksbf but eh i wanted to just dump my thoughts before starting my work day
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luckyqueenreign · 1 year
Honestly, it took me a min to process this weeks episodes.
I have been reading people thoughts about the episodes, and i miss when the Islanders had their own personal opinion on MC.
I'm also getting tired of FB desperately trying to make LI so shady in this case, Lewie, for me.
Like pls make up your mind. Is Lewie a sweet guy, or is he a red flag. Is Jamal the chilled cool guy, or is he a snake. Like i get there has to be drama but why is everything surrounding MC at least season 2 and 4 we had Priya/Noah/Hope drama Lottie or mc/Rocco/Marisol drama and 4, the whole Lexi/Kobi/Valentina.
If this is an attempt to bring back the story line of MC and Bruno, they are failing horribly.
At this point, i just feel like Ozzy is obviously the main character, I like him, but i really wanted to pursue and look into the other routes before his slow burn.
I did like that we finally got to interact abit with amelia and she wasnt mixed in the drama, but Pls for the love of god just get over what you have to say because i promise you i dont care if its anything Zeph involved.
I liked Lewie getting jealous, and im not gonna lie. i liked the whole (Suresh/Arlo) moment looking at each other through the dates, i wish we could have flirted like we did then, but i was a Suresh Girlie. But definitely, last season gave me whiplash, and i was hoping for a cleaner route the first time around.
The whole recoupling was so rushed like i was literally just coupled up with Lewie the night before????
Also once again FB WHY ARE YOU MAKING HIM GO TO TALK TO CHLOE BEFORE US, then coming to me to sneak away with you at the day beds???
Like i love Lewie but i hate how they are doing his route filled with sneakiness.
Something bugging me is that we can't seem to talk to other ppl unless it's LI related. In Season 2 my MC was hooping around in my noah route. Right now, i feel like i barely spoke to Jamal or Roberto. it's either flirt with your first LI or Ozzy. Maybe they change it later. Sorry for venting!
no bestie dont be sorry because I feel the same right now!!
Every single season since s2 we've all been like bring back s2. give us what we had back then. and I know when s2 was out people complained that MC was constantly in someone else's drama and it was too centered around the villa and not us. but why didnt they tweak that just a tiny bit instead of giving us the most boring season of life with s3. s4 I think is the closest we ever got to s2 because we actually had routes that season but we also had one of the ugliest MCs of all time. no need to drudge up the past on s5...I was a suresh girlie too and man they put literally everyone in hell every single week. I have some ptsd after that season and still havent been able to replay it. I know we said we wanted recouplings back after having zero last season but we actually wanted some control over them!! we didnt want fb to just dictate them all over again. fb lowkey has ruined the LJR route for me. one I hate that those THREE guys all have the exact same route. and then if you aren't romancing the other two u literally never see them or talk to them. S2 I never romanced Ibrahim or Gary and was never coupled with them but I actually got to know them and even though we were just friends I knew so much about them. We know nothing about the other guys. Some people have sent me asks about head canons for Roberto and I havent been able to answer them bc I literally dont know that man. the only people I know are Ozzy and Lewie and even then the convos have been kind of surface.
ps you can vent anytime!! 💖
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neteyamsilly · 2 years
Okay so yeah as I said I'd be back later, and I am back ( yeah very late lolz) So how are you???? Hope everything is alr? Okie so god, Jake seems pissed, the fatherly rage and all. He gon fuck up the person that dare interrupted this moment. Like my man was finally having a heart felt moment and finally realized his mistakes ( at long last) and was trying to correct them, but no, it can't happen not so soon anyways. Like this guy, I kinda feel bad for us when this old father was finally admitting his mistakes, some douchebag had to ruin it. like I can imagine the us goin "Aye U mf, this bish was finally, finally apologizing and u had to ruin it didn't you? Leave my father man I'll fuck you up, dumb bitch couldn't handle bein humiliated by dad and mom once that you come back again for more?"
I WANT NEYETIRI'S REACTION FOR THE NAME JACK, AND I SAW SM1 IN YOUR ASKS SAYING THE NAME JACK THE CANNIBAL. AND I LOVED IT WHOEVER HAD THAT IDEA. I CAN IMAGINE NEYETIRI GOING- SHE'S TOO MUCH OF A COPY LIKE HER FATHER- Like bro but god I re-read it again all the parts and I cried, an emotional wreak, the lucid dreaming? oh it felt so true, like it was not a part of ur fiction but the actual movie. This is how good your writing is. Okie so as you said we are heading to the Metkayina Clan. I want a lil info if psbl. Is she gonna fall in love with one of the Metkayinan Boy or Girl? I've never, ever been obsessed with a piece of Fiction so damn bad as this one. I'm addicted to this man, what you write hits right in the damn feels. Love you <33 AND YEE PAY FOR MY AND OTHER'S THERAPY BILLS. IMMA SEND MINE NEXT.
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AND totally uncalled for TMI but i wanna complain a bit,,,, I started my period today and things suck it hurts. the radiator in my room also broke down and im cold its winter here. but like. im happy regardless bc i have you guys<3 constantly am reminded there's a small crowd out there on the internet who love me (maybe) and my writing so im cheered up instantly. yes im being cheesy im on my period EXCUSE ME
MOVING ON THOUGH i want to say that man was one of the recombinants in quaritch's squad that wasn't quite killed and only wounded. the rest of his squad got extraction but he didn't, so that's how he made his way to the tree of souls trying to navigate the forest. i didnt really gave context to how sister!reader's rescue went because she was very focused on herself and her claustrophobic panic at the moment but YEAH I thought it'd be cool to establish a bit of a butterfly effect HSHSJDS ur gonna see what jake does with him it's going to be interesting
OOF to be honest i only have bits and pieces for the metkayina plot. if i were to write about it i think i'd do just headcanons? i dont have a lot tbh,,,,, nothing is set in stone at the moment. for the romance i have ideas i entertain, sister!reader is a character who can have interesting dynamics with everyone due to her personality. i havent really planned anything at all so i just dont know. i really am planning to leave the ending ambiguous sorry AHAHAH
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lilredghost · 1 year
babyyyy!!! im so sorry i am late, college started so i had to shift to the hostels and its so hectic but also so fun here(its so much like the colleges u see in movies like soty i didnt expect this college to be like that im so glad im here) and there was some issue with the wifi in my room so no ao3 for 3 weeks </3
i am in in LOVE with all the times obikin kiss, its so so soft and sweet, obi's trusting anakin with himself its so cute!!!!!!!
(As much as he loves the scruffing, it’s not exactly conducive to Obi-Wan having a discussion.)
(Or thinking at all, really.)
oh my god me too pls i cant think after reading this u will be the sole reason im not studying before my math quiz
His hope is to extend that feeling to other parts of his life, someday, but for now Obi-Wan will stick to brushing and braiding his husband’s hair with all the care he can muster.
oh he is so oblivious oh god oh please tell me they both know the other person loves them before they separate pls
(And this, Obi-Wan has done before.)
(He is, perhaps, an expert in doing things quietly.)
sjdvhvjkdv pls pls red stop killing me im dying over here
(Anakin would deserve it too, is the thing. He'd deserve whatever he asked for.)
baby pls send him to therapy pls i love him but he is unwell™
But the day has been long and fraught, and he would like to believe that he can be happy too.
maybe anakin is the therapy, mandatory sessions for the both of them??? i'll tie them up back to back in a room until they talk
in public interest i would like you to know that u have officially ruined my plans for studying today as this fic will be bouncing around in my head on a pogo stick. i want to distill this fic and use it as an iv
Baby!! I'm glad you're having fun at college and not, like, a giant crisis 🙌 but no ao3 for 3 weeks sounds like hell 😭😭 My sister's wedding was just this last week (and you know big Indian weddings-- I'm exhausted) AND I resume college next week so it's pretty chaotic over here too.
So happy you liked this chapter 🥰🥰 I wanted to get through my whole outline of events instead of cutting the chapter in half (but also it took so long that maybe I should have cut it, lol). Obikin kissed so much that I'm amazed they got anything else done honestly!!
Obi-Wan is sooo brave for taking these leaps of faith, I love him so much. He makes a resolution in the next chapter (though it will be a bit hard for him to act on):
The most important thing is this: Anakin still doesn’t know what he is. The second is this: He cannot be allowed to find out, or Obi-Wan will lose him. Anakin may have married him for reasons Obi-Wan will never know, but being an alpha is surely a nonnegotiable part of that. Unless… Unless Anakin loved him. If Anakin, perhaps, were in love with him, the way Obi-Wan is in love with Anakin, then perhaps he could tell the truth. Perhaps he could be held and kissed and accepted in his entirety, as though he weren’t a failure of an alpha, a failure of an omega—
Baby hasn't even figured out that Anakin is already in love with him, or that Anakin doesn't give a shit that he's not an alpha. It's just so hard for him to detach his designation from his sense of self worth 🥺😔
And yes I made Anakin taste like cinnamon!! I only decided that an omega's slick tastes (mostly) the way their arousal smells like halfway through, so I'm SO GLAD that I gave him a good scent and not like. Something weird, idk. Some things smell good but I do not want them in my mouth. Also I'm not sure if you remember this post but it sure does lend a whole extra layer of meaning to it 😂
The scruffing I'm so absolutely obsessed with and idk why! Obi-Wan's emotions have been so out of control in these last few chapters, and it's such a sweet way for Anakin to lend him comfort, while also being hot as fuck in the right circumstances. I need him to pavlov Obi-Wan into getting horny when he scruffs him.
(Also please study for your math quiz baby, the sex will be there to reread when you finish 🙌)
Isn't he so fucking stupid?!! Anakin will tell him he loves him but I'm not sure yet how much he'll believe it (the outline gets pretty loose post-Tatooine rn).
(And this, Obi-Wan has done before.) (He is, perhaps, an expert in doing things quietly.)
OK this was literally like one of my favourite lines in this whole chapter ❤️❤️ It's so indicative of Obi-Wan's character and also the absolute root of their relationship problems. Obi-Wan is holding himself back from telling the truth, from telling Anakin he loves him, from biting him, all while Anakin is doing the same, because neither of them wants to scare the other away. (It also just hasn't occurred to Anakin that he hasn't said he loves Obi-Wan yet. He's so focused on holding himself back physically that he forgets about the words.)
Obi-Wan needs therapy soooo badly, poor thing. I love him but he is definitely unwell™. I don't want to say he's blowing things out of proportion (these feelings are obviously real and he's struggling with them a lot), but they are absolutely a byproduct of the way he keeps spiralling. He'll be feeling sky high one minute and then he'll crash to the ground again in the next. Some of this is his depression but also his hormones are out of wack because his supressants are failing!! 😬
I've been trying not to fall into that rut of "romantic partner cures depression magically" by having Obi-Wan slowly, like, rebuild his support system (Feemor and his friends), find an identity outside of being an alpha and being emperor (like that same thing from earlier about detaching his sense of self-worth from his designation and his job), indulging/discovering hobbies and interests (anthropology, embroidery, time with his friends), and showing vulnerability to others (Anakin is a big one here, but Karishma was an important milestone too).
On one hand I understand it's imporant to study but on the other hand !!! This fic also bounces around my head on a pogo stick 🤭🤭 I always love to see which things you noticed and which things you liked because it gives me so much motivation to keep writing, thank you!!! 🤗💕💕
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smoosnoom · 1 year
the i love you too scene actually broke me. like i was in shambles. anyway
i love finding out my favourite people on the internet share more then one interest! if is so exciting!
also i absolutely love love love the wolf scene. ik you already talked ab it in another Ask but idc uhh anyway that scene destroyed my everything,, also omg i love the parts where they legit just dance around like.. you see everything from their perspective and then it zooms out and they are just dancing! !like silly little guys!!! back to the ily scene the way she said it? hello?? the emotion????? god that actres. i love her
and and i love the ending. they didn’t get their house back. they didn’t get freedom. they still have to steal food from grocery stores but they are still happy because they have learned despite everything they can still settle and be happy! i love it, it puts on a more real amd honestly more interesting perspective then all the ‘person is unhappy person is saved person is happy and safe and has no troubles’ blah blah blah fmf on top!!
(also if you rant on this Ask don’t u date apologize. i see you moobynom. moynoymoob. shh don’t say sorry just rant ☺️☺️☺️
HI AGAIN it has been months and iam sosoososo sorry for that . but ienjoyed reading ur thoughts and u are so so right !
the "i love u too" scene ruined my life for Real oh my god . i love u but i shouldnt have married u what were they THINKING . oh my god . and that is such a real thing too oh my god ineed to walk into the ocean
oh u are so real for that because i loveee the way they dance . stop motion is avery versatile form of media and i love the way they had all the characters move in a very . intriguing way, moving away from realism and into a more artistic way of showing them act and behave, like their dancing especially ! they dance so cartoony but also Not . the grocery store dance scene lives in my heart forever n ever .
the ending u are so right !!!!!!!! like they didnt gain any of their things back they dont have a physical home anymore and they might have to return back to their hole and they dont have freedom but they are still happy ! mr fox is maybe even a little less concerned with his materialistic view and is now maybe valuing his family all the more :)
this also reminds me of mr fox's relationship with ash because u know . the entire time ash is just trying his best to grow into the sort of outstanding fox that his dad used to be, and its clearly not the path made for him because he just keeps falling short, and its even visible when mr fox favors kristofferson a little more because hes kind of just . the fox that mr fox used to be . and at the end ash doesnt even do anything incredible to make up for it ! but mr fox loves him anyway ! because ash doesnt need to do anything great because he is already great to mr fox !!!! oh my god !!!!!!!!
anyway . so many thoughts so many emotions i know it has been Forever but if u ever want to drop by into my inbox again feel so free to do so !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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red-dyed-sarumane · 1 year
okay so i need u to remember that text from marshall maximizer thats something like if u cant prove ur acting if ur own volition and doing things for urself then u cant prove ur a person. okay. important detail there.
unplanned apoptosis, fittingly named but ill get to that in a second, this girls been pushed one step too far & shes handling it so awfully.
we know something in particular happened thats shes acting like this & im willing to bet it's about the angel from oumen mokushiroku & the sacrifice thats mentioned several times but thats another theory. its not just the whole repeating end of the world its something else in particular that really sets her off. though i think she wasnt the best person before this song anyway. this one thing really affects her & she just doesnt want to do this anymore. but she also knows about the "person" vs "thing" concept & she knows if she just dies normally she'll have to keep going anyway. and she knows she has to pass that point of being "herself" & no longer be a "person" if she doesnt want to continue anymore. hence the title that seems contradictory. its not. she didnt plan for this to happen but now that it did she's going to destroy herself in anyway she can so she doesnt have to live with it anymore.
i think thats why this song uses jibun rather than jiga like laboratory does. both being a sense of self. but the laboratory character doesnt want to die. apoptosis does. but she can only do that if she kills herself in every sense. acting out, excessive lying, causing problems, anything that goes against who she is as a person, destroying who she is entirely so she doesnt have to suffer anymore.
but it'll never work. everyone else who lost their "self" has the context of mostly working so hard towards their goal they forgot who they were in the process. maybe forgot isnt the right word but its that type of concept. laboratory, ignoring certain data or whatever, trying to reach that end shes so hoping for or the exchange in maximizer about the person doing their job, but being able to do that job even if it helps doesnt mean anything about the humanity of said person. theyre just working towards whatever goal whatever means possible & thats what costs them everything. but THIS GIRL is actively going against all of it. shes making the decision to step out of line, to mostly if not entirely give up on her job & trying to save anyone, all to give herself some relief. and the thing about that is thats her own will. by doing that she's keeping the last threads shes trying to get rid of. going like this she might never get the end she wants.
and THAT. the having to live with whatever loss set her off in the first place, being forced to continue because she's still a person, even after she's destroying herself and character to break free, THATS why it ends with such distress the whole "how the hell cant you all see it? today ended as usual" after EVERYTHING all shes lost & ruined. it all means nothing. it changes nothing. & that just really get me
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areyoudoneyetneon · 17 days
no one wants to try and hear me out on y feeligns, not him not her
they only deem it as me trying to argue when im onlu trying to explain myself and when im crying it's only seen like im being a nuisance. its like theyre saying "are u done yet bro?"
like im obviously still sad about it, i obviously need time. why does their have to be a time limit on my feelings?
it feels like im \in so much pain and i know i feel pain so much more than the people i surround myself with cuz i cant stop being such a little bitch
everyone js see's me as a submissive little bitch when im trying to explain myself nand explain that im hurting still
i have no one to talk to, no one to speak to about this and the only thing i can do is be even more pathetic on the internet. its so pathetic and i hate myself so much for it
because she thinks its pathetic to be this way
to be so sensitive and i wish i wasnt
its so pathetic that i cry all the time
people like to preach that its okay to cry but it isnt. everytime i show my vulerbility to anyone it gets taken as annoyance.
"just let me sleep"
its not even like i was arguing with her anymore, i was trying to get reassurance before she sleeped and all she care abt was sleeping
she was so obviously annoyed with me
it was like she was saying "can we wrap this up? ik youre crying rn but i just dont wanna deal with you"
and i know no one wants to deal with me anymore. even if im in the right its taken for ransom like its js some crazy idea that i could be right abt my feelings
sometimes i just really feel like dying and i wish it would work out better
i know i dont deserve to be happy. i deserve to suffer and i deserve to be raped and abused and molested and i dont deserve to be dead
i deserve to be dead and rotting in hell
im trying so hard
im trying so fucking hard to change and i am changing and i know it
i dont want the media i dont want my phone i dont want any of it
obviouslyh that other person didnt care enougn abt my felings or wanting to stay in the friendship any longer. he just completely ignored my feelings and thought more abt himself. he thought "WOW THIS PERSON IS WEIRD THIS PERSON IS WRIRFD" when he's literally lied abt stuff abt me and it made me wanna kill myself. i was in the lowest point that i felt i needed to snort up bath salts.
bath salts thta literally ruin you. i wanted to ruin myself
even i questioned myself if what i did was wrong for such a long time
i hated myself so much and i still do, i still fucking do
i know thst i desrve that kind of person in my life
i hate myself and i just want to quit
quit trying anymore
i wasnt trying to argue with anyone, i was trying to explain myself and whenveer i communicate how i feel, they take it as arguing and then it leads to an argument and i dont think they realize that
or maybe im just stupid and i just shouldnt ssy shit
maybe i am so worthless that my feelings dont matter anymore
no matter if i change
no matter if i change or not
no matter if anything ws forgiven, it doesnt matter
i know im so worthless im so fucking worthless
i know im a lowlife and barely make money, i know im gonna be homeless and die alone i justy know it
ive been trying to get a second job because she knows how worthless i feel when im doign absolutely nothing and she used it against me and it made me so sad too
she used it against me
she used my feeling of worthlessness against me. i feel so worthless i feel so worthless. im trying to mae money with my depop acc too and all she sees is worthlessness i just feel it
and she called me a psycho for the same shit she did to me and other people
i just wish she understood.
everytime i try with people in my life it goes stupid. and when im in the wrong im in the wrong and i get scolded for it but when im in the right i get scolded for it too. i get scolded for everything and i feel like it just means that either way, no matter what i do ill still be terrible. like the creator wanted me to live only for me to enjoy seeing a white bitch suffer and try to kill themself multiple times and it wont even let me.
ill still be terrible even if im doign something right. i cant take it anymore
i cant take it anymore i seriously cant, its so embedded.
its so embedded. i feel like people will hate mwe for the things i do even if its right or workng. its always been that way
forever and ever and ever and ever bro
and the only thing they could be thinking is "stop feeling sorry for yourself"
im breaking down bro please stop judging me for being offended
its obvious. you cant respect someones feelings after they fuck u over so why are u still here listening to me cry
i just wish i was dead and its not ever taken seriously. because i know one day im gonna be on the verge of doing it and people will only be thinking "brah the only reason i didnt try to help is cuz i thought they were bluffing" when in reality i will be pushed over the edge and im not saying its anyones fault. i just wish i hadny donje stupoid shit
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zeenbean · 1 month
yapping about school, again
a lot as happened since my last ranty post, like that i have gotten B on my final grade from english(as a secondary language) but nobody really follows this blog so much so they would actually know what am i talking about.
in multiple posts ive been whining about my secondary laungage english teacher bcs shes dumb af and doesnt even know english past average 9yo vocabulary(except the slang💀) so when i use my fancy fancy worlds on her(telling her that taking drgs is NOT silly) she ofc gets mad. and that is, how she made my final grade from exact 9 marks from the second semester. 2 of them were group activities(two A`s), 5 quick tests(one A, one B& three Ds) and the rest unit reviews(one A and one B, but the b was my falut bcs im not gonna remember in front of what words u put the, a or nothing. but that were the weird ones like i dunno i cant remember bcs the only ones i remember are the ones that are obvious ones help) im a person who to function needs to have EVERYTHING planned. also when the teachers are all extremely chaotic i cant focus when i have to sit in place where i dont normally sit(i sit there for four years there, last place on the left but idk how other classrooms are build so it differs) its even worse. like this btch will be like so okey i know i said were gonna write the test tomorrow but i dont feel like it so were gonna do it today and than theres me who had planned to study today afternoon bcs it works for this types of tests best for me, also i had to practice on my saxophone yesterday bcs i ALSO had some MORE IMPORTANT EXAMS so now the whole thing is messed up & i have the saxophone exam today but im gonna be stressed form this test and it will completely ruin my day and maybe even a week.
im gonna browse more on the school system in hour school bcs its really messed up. like i wanted to transfer for this year but some therapist-not-therapist who is payed by the school told my mum that that is a not good idea bcs "every school has its dark side" yes. i know. but i asked my friend a simple question. "do your teacher provide materials from the lessons ex. presentations" and she was like EVERY TEACHER DOES THAT. HEAVEN ON EARTH.
like yeah only three from 20+ teachers does that in our school. and were really small school, only one building, the friends school has SIX.
it kinda is related to this and its really me problem but i struggle to keep writing notes in class. like one time i couldnt even get myself to hold the pencil bcs i had a bit dirty notebook(my bottle cracked and everything got wet and as it dried i had stains. so i couldnt write notes in the name notebook but i didnt wanted to buy a new one so i just wrote it who knows where and i was always loosing it. but i feel that the whole idea of notes doest suit me and some other people. i can pay attention, can write it dow beautifully like when i want to i can have the best looking notes in class but WHAT FOR. like it genuinely doesnt help me a bit. i can rewrite it like with the blurting technique but i still forget everything the next hour. and that isnt even with notes, thats with textbooks, some like non fiction books(i love books about like space or sum but i remember shit. like i can remember that on the page five there was this "in some insignificant galaxy(milky way) in some insignificant arm of the galaxy(orion arm)(btw i had to search it up bcs i dont know the exact term in english and it hurts my soul that there in the recommended questions there was "are we in the milky way rn)were rotating around some insignificant star(the sun) and living on some insignificant planet(the earth)" but i dont remember ANYTHING ELSE. LIKE THIS RANDOM THING BUT NOT THE REST OF THE A LOT MORE SIGNIFICANT THINGS?(if anyone recognizes the quote pls don judge me im halp asleep)
okey im not gonna get mad by my inability to absorb information
than when the teacher doesnt even want to help me by giving me like the presentation or like the book where they take these exercises from than its har to be motivated to learn and like in some cases even not able to properly learn the things. i have a friend(that one who i asked about her school) who i literally wish i had her brain bcs were on about the same level of inteligence but she can absorb information like a average human being. like pls help me.
but back to the teacher, there is this one who is really weird, he doesnt really like me but when you email him about anything related to geography he will explain, give sources and you can always ask for like a graded presentation(kinda rare there for someone to give you request presentation). thank you for being the most insufferable person on the whole school but who somehow does his job.
i shouldn't even talk about our principal who is like the embodiment of satan and god of gaslighting in one if someone like that exists. bro will be like "were the BEST school in town!" and than hires a known person who hase fake degrees and has been accused of being predatory towards students. like bro pick i side.(fun fact i one time i got so mad that i went to his facebook under a fake name and started to like spit some real good arguments under his homophobic and transphobic posts and one time i got extra silly and made a bit personal joke and he blocked me💔)
like im so so so much sorry for his ELEVEN FREAKING KIDS and especially the girls bcs he said(in a very insignificant physics lesson) that theyre mistakes. bro how can you be so fucking disgusting towards your own children that you sometimes even bring to school. in front of the whole class.
hey so this is probably it bcs im getting more and more tired and tomorrow i have to wake up really early
also i know my spelling here is completely diabolical but who cares int the internet does anybody here seen th post about how bad english technically doesnt exist? think of that now
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lovelifekind · 8 months
standing on the ruins
since I have gotten here (the new "journey"), I haven't been given a chance to think about the past memories of the old sorry angry aggressive "journey", I got so busy with tasks and many details, but this peaceful morning and those kinda poetic songs are reminding me of how far I came and how much I endured getting to embark on this new journey, of course, its god plan, but at some point, in the past, I thought I am never gonna be able to leave, it was easier to quit, I didn't ,though, do I have the right to call myself i was a warrior all along, I don't know, I am not an objective judge, my perception on me is very extremist, I can never be fair, I even doubt my standards of evaluation, I think about uni as this place where u feel sad to leave and sad to stay in, u feel like u missing out on so many cool stuff out there, but then, the door opens and you re free just like that, so now what, of course, u gonna start walking away very slowly because u wanna survive outside those walls ,the walls that are meant to "oppress" you ,still feels like a triumph being able to breath another kind of fresh air ,i never felt the willingness to celebrate ,at this moment ,i kinda do ,but its a breath of sad nostalgic scared from the unkown air ,its amazing how able we are at moving on and pretendng to be a new person whenever the cicumustances changes ,its like i can barely recall what i have been through back then ,i used to remind myself everyday that life can't get worst than it was ,and the only way to light is to get out ,here we are free as a bird who as soon as he got out of a cage ,he got in another one ,do i really have the choice now or am i gonna let myself be caged unwillingly for the second time ,have i really learned anything from the past or its the same me ,different game, same faillures ? its easy to say that i am stronger now however ,i am likely gonna question that every single moment cause with every challenge winning or not is not my concern rather my ability to choose the battles which has been always my biggest nightmare ,they say"dont let the lillte stuff get to u ,dont be bothered by the details "but if i cant control the details then what about the bigger ones ,obvisiouly ,i am not the one in control over them ,so what part of my life worth fighting for and be 'bothered' by? ,all i have got is the little details ,those are mine!if i am caged at least i wanna decide the song i wanna sing behind bars,somehow my hopes for freedom didnt fade away ,after all i have been through ,i still feel like runing away ,i still have faith that one day i am gonna fly away because suddenly i am gonna grow stronger and bigger wings ,and all the fear is gonna disapear like it was never planted deep in my soul ,FAITH ?IS IT REALLY ALL I NEED ?
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dutchwinter · 1 year
okay sending u albums before i go tobbed., two dreams the amulet olg?
damb okay. two dreams. the amulet. on letting go. okay. lets go
two dreams:
my favorite song: i cant do this i have to do top three. electric moose, even better, imposter syndrome. but also die on the west coast and sleep well and curitiba. CURITIBA. and discount on psychic readings. and I THINK YOU GET IT.
the song that makes me cry: even better die on the west coast gone for good imposter syndrome curitiba. etc. the entire album. im
the song that’s a fucking bop: discount on psychic readings. late nap. buzzhenge. all of the songs are SO FUCKING GOOD ITS INSANE on this album but like. if i turn off the words and my brain to those i can just have a great time you know.
the song i most dislike/least love: buzzhenge? but like. I LOVE THAT SONG MORE THAN ANYTHING ON EARTH. i actually cant chose. fuck you. if i had to chose a different one maybe drift. but DRIFT GETS DONE SO DIRTY. does it matter if it takes my life. how can you honestly say forever. WE KEEP ON MAKING ALL THE SAME MISTAKES??
our last shot who i didnt mention by name im sorry. i love you so much. justice for our last shot im so fucking serious. i never wanted you to feel this way. i know its never gonna be the same. the hurt expected you to feed the chain. you ruined everything and everyone was out the door. when you were lonely. when you were scared. i didnt notice anybody care. YOU ARE SAVED. YOU ARE SHAME.
last point. i really like this album. like a fucking lot. its very special.
the amulet: okay now this album im not as familiar with as olg and esp two dreams i know her like shes me but i do love the amulet verry very dearly. [his ass has listened to her twice]
my favorite lyric: no answer i dont know her well enough for that. but like. damn is some of this shit JUST SO??? GOD. GOOD GOD.
my favorite song: id have to say lustration!!! but god damn every fucking song is so good im gonna eat it.
the song that makes me cry: yes
the song that’s a fucking bop: i cannot recall what most of this album sounds like bc the only times ive listened to it all the way through is after already listened to every other circa album that day so??
the song i most dislike/least love: none of them fuck you. but also i dont know this album that well i just know that i love her so dearly!!! if you played any of the songs for me right now id be singing along like yeah i know this but i dont have them in my head yet.
on letting go:
my favorite lyric: all of on letting go. all of the difference between. all of kicking your crosses down.
my favorite song: kycd. your friends are gone. on letting go. but probably kycd. i also really like difference between, mandala, travel hymn, in the morning and amazing, the greatest lie. and of course every other song of course.
the song that makes me cry: kycd. your friends are gone. living together makes me want to punch things.
the song that’s a fucking bop: difference between. travel hymn. but also. YES. ALL OF THEM
the song i most dislike/least love: carry us away or close your eyes to see? im just not that familiar with them sadly
x ask game SEND ME THESE i love these ones!!!
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