#didnt take much to get him back on the knight wagon
Watching dragonheart and einen is waaaay too overconfident about his immortality.
Bowen coming at him with a big ass axe like he couldn't chop his fucking head off. Like I doubt your magical chest engine would save you from brain death were your head separated from your body. And if it could, would you really want to live like that?
Of course he's also got plot armor bc falling like eight stories through a stone floor should have horribly mangled him, which is also some fridge horror bc his heart may have kept him alive but his bones still should have broken lmao. He still should have been terribly injured.
Also Draco and Bowen are sooooo gay oh my god why did they make this so needlessly romantic FOR GODS SAKE
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tydy-the-megnet · 5 years
The Prince's Cat
"Another day, another failure, eh Chloe?" Alya laughed at the ruffled demeanor of the Lady Chloe. Her handmaiden Sabrina was diligently working away at her, trying to straighten her up as they rode by wagon to Chloe's estate.
Another failure indeed, it seemed to Alya. But one thing Alya both admired and loathed about Chloe was her unwavering determination to be wed to Adrien Agreste, a prince famous for his good beauty and infamous for his ill humor.
"Quiet, you." The blonde lady said, "I'll catch that infernal cat someday."
The cat in question was, of course, Chat Noir, one of the most infamous cats in all of Paris. The small black cat was rumored to be the companion of Prince Adrien, a man after whom many young maidens longed.
Young maidens such as Alya's best friend, Marinette, and their arch nemesis, Lady Chloe.
The cat was infamous for that reason. Hanging from his feline neck was a key. Not a real key; actually, the diminutive beast wore a bell that jingled merrily whenever he gave potential brides the runaround. And give them the runaround he did.
The rule was unofficial but no less rigid, and it was told as follows: "Only the fairest Lady, capable in mind and body enough to retrieve the bell hung around Chat Noir's neck and let its ring announce her love for the prince would be considered the Prince's Bride."
No one knew how the rule came to be, only that one day the prince's appointed knight, Sir Lahiffe, had brought it to their attention. When Adrien himself acknowledged the absurd rule, women from all over Paris clamored over themselves at a chance to be wed to the most eligible Parisian bachelor.
But the agile critter was far too evasive to be caught by any hand. And each attempt inevitably ended in failure. Some women have up, trying to dissuade the rumors by insisting it wasn't really Adrien's cat (the two had never even been seen in the same place, and what prince would let an apparently beloved companion roam about the streets of Paris?) While some would try taking other cats with other bells to the prince's abode (really, how can he tell them apart? They're all the same, right?), but none of their plots and schemes ever succeeded and it became truly evident that the only way to court Adrien was by getting a little golden bell from a little black cat.
"I still think you should give it a shot yourself, Marinette. Your pretty quick on your feet."
A humble baker's daughter and Alya's best friend, Marinette had confided her own desire for Adrien many times for as long as they'd known one another.
"Yeah, when I'm not tripping on air or spilling batter over myself."
Despite all of Alya's enthusiastic encouragement, Marinette never vied for the cat's bell.
Alya insisted that Marinette had as much chance as any other spry woman, but Marinette would simply reply, "Perhaps I'll call after that bard instead." Alya didnt understand why she would settle.
But at night, when the city of Paris grew quiet and serene, and Marinette family's shop slept like any other, Marinette climbed out onto her roof with a bowl of cream and scraps of meat, awaiting her own nighttime caller.
Faithfully, a sly black cat padded up to the girl from the northern corner, where it no doubt climbed the sycamore tree that grew there. And just as it always did, the cat leaned its furry head down to lap up the cream and take the scraps from her hand. His meal ended with Marinette gently petting him as he ate silently, and when the food was gone the cat slunk to Marinette's side.
He never touched her, save the occasional licks to her hands, but he would always sit calmly by her side. Still as a statue, silently offering her the golden bell that hung from his neck.
Yet Marinette, in her own self-doubt over, never took it.
"Why do you do this?" Marinette asked one chilly night as she sat upon her roof with her feline friend, "Why do come to me, when they're are plenty of ladies who have far more to offer than I?"
"Because they don't offer," came the unexpected reply.
With a a rather doggish howl, Marinette leapt to her feet -- and nearly went tumbling down the shingles as she did -- only to look around and see no one.
No one but the small tom cat with a cheshire grin and shining green eyes.
"Did," Marinette brought her hand to rest over her heart as she curiously inquired, "Did you just speak to me?"
"Meow." The cat said. And Marinette started to settle down again, ready to believe she'd imagined the whole thing. But then she realized that the sly creature had not mowed, it had said the word 'meow.' As if it were a human trying to speak like a cat.
How peculiar, she thought.
"So you can speak, then?" She supposed it wasn't the weirdest thing. She would almost expect a talking cat to be rather rare and valuable, but she would equally expect a prince to have such a rare and valuable cat she supposed. "Why are you only speaking now?"
"Well," began he, "You've never really spoken to me before. Not in a way that required more than a pleasant ear."
She thought back to all the times she had spent with the animal. From the first time the cat had shown up -- she had been upset from an incident with a painter and the noble thing had offered her silent comfort -- she had never really held a conversation with it. She always chose to either ramble about her day, or her family, or herself... or Prince Adrien.
A luminescent fluster worked its way onto Marinette's cheeks, "Well, I hadn't known you could you could offer it, you manipulative minx."
"Ah, M'Lady," the cat purred, adopting a sly look as it trudged forward to lick at her hands, "You wouldn't want to insult me, would you? What about your Sweet Prince?"
Under the moonlight and through a cat's eyes, the maiden's blush seemed all the brighter.
"You'd better not tell him any of this, or else I won't have any dinner for you next time."
"Very well, M'Lady. Though, if you'd be so kind as to answer one question I've had since the first time you've mentioned him?"
She sighed, "Very well, one question."
"If you truly love Adrien as you say you do, why do you not take my bell?"
The girl stared at Chat Noir, who gave her a very slow, leisurely blink as he patiently waited for her response.
"Cats are very curious creatures, you know."
So Marinette told the cat of what she admired of Adrien, from his fencing skill to his gentle demeanor to his noble attitude, and Chat Noir listened silently, slouching beside her.
And as she finished, she added, "But I? I am a simple baker's daughter. I've nothing to offer him just as I've nothing to offer you."
"You offer me a sweet meal every night." He said simply.
Marinette laughed, "Yes! I'll offer dowry of cream and beef! That will surely be worthy of the king's only son."
"The king cares not much for Adrien," the beast said sadly, slouching further onto the roof tiles, "And he cares not much for his bride, either. Only that he finds one."
Marinette bit her lip, empathy bringing tears to her own eyes, "But I won't be enough for him. I'm clumsy and plain and--"
"Marinette," came the cat's voice, interrupting her. He stood proudly and swaggered to her front, his bell tinkling softly, "Take my bell. I assure you, I believe you're far more deserving than you make yourself out to be.
"You're kind, clever, and beautiful. You never once tried to chase me like those ruffians, instead you befriended me. You gave me food, and let me stay here with you, even bringing me blankets in the winter or cool water in the summer. If you would do all of this for a simple cat, I'm sure whatever you'd do for Adrien would be far more enchanting. And I know he would do just as much for you, if you'd let him."
The cheshire grin was back, "Verily, M'Lady, I think you're purrfect."
The maiden blinked, the shimmering tears receding for a moment, "Was... did you just tell a pun?"
"Yes. I rather claw-ver one, too."
Something clicked in Marinette's head, "Oh, Adrien's humor is just as dreadful as yours, isn't it?"
"I'm afraid Adrien rarely goes this long without making a joke." Chat Noir chuckled when Marinette hung her head with a dramatic sigh, "But you love him anyway, don't you M'Lady?"
And with he resigned nod, Chat Noir padded to her lap. "Please take the bell and be Adrien's bride."
Hesitantly, Marinette took the ornament from his neck, and Chat Noir slinked back to admire her.
She stared at it, her doubts not abating. "What if he disagrees with you?"
"Impawsible." He replied.
"Are you so sure?"
Then Marinette gasped as, right before her eyes, the prince's cat leaned up, kneeling on hind legs that shouldn't have bent that way. The small, slinky body grew, the cat's shining green eyes never leaving her own deep blue ones. Slick fur gave way to silk, and paws gave way to hands. The face changed, shifting and shifting until the remarkably human face of Prince Adrien Agreste of France was there, kneeling before the humble baker's daughter.
"My Lady," he spoke with conviction, his deeper human voice sending chills down her spine, "I've never been more sure of anything in my life."
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
Pyramid alone no ppl there.  comprimised soon in texas we take it now. you stay here...we gather you dont care and want others to fight us.. it is unprotected old adt programs suck lol. bye bye assholes again.  by the way jimmorrison aka deckert has no intel on the wall bu twhat he gave you you wnat him to handhim over he has told you a million times, and he hates you and gavbe you up to black wideow harley who ate you alive and all our twits die due to them htey have power and can see.  get lost faggots. you to tommy f.  what  afag parade.  Thor whose skull.  and they say we dont know and it is his moms.  they say your like her to deckert.  and kill her hoping he will tell how to nab you.  then eh says you wont ge it out  of me.. force then nothing. then he says on who and all. and he is silent...and then you pipe in my ppl put me there in hosptials so i could go up your buttwith infiltrators mr congeniality valentine faggot your done. he got up and said i will not have this insabordination, antiquated tiney ship Blackships are aboveyou.  he grinned i know where they are...and tok your lazers....so put the crown on. and he has  atizzy let your father go you nitwit, he is alreayd injured by you severely does not know how he tries all t time.   loser.   it us a ho down meaning we are hoes not hs says bait but th eai i usefull if jerk off kept it.  jerk off.  i wonder ahole you have any thorium box or better  Thor again no we dont and you should know better than to address me... bja other than faggot.  your not all that and dont have it all.  i told you now you wonder.  did you leave it alone....and do yo hvve it shielded.   do you want it out yes prob and to whom.  others. why is that. and we cannot allow it...so what do you think happened. no insulated nothing. Zues and it is insulated. shielded very well.... bja with Thorium noless Zues no.  we cant get that. bja then with what.  we do konw mind you Thor we shielded it with shielding aluminum.   copper and magnesium steel..and more and ceramic.  outside. not in.  and on and on.   bja and he said you heardhim just now. Thor ok ok we do know it is there tha is all the ship has a shield and he says it oui must shield it ground it and more and you just have it there unshielded as yo udome and you die and your intel  leaves and your a pig.  dont care.  we do nee th eintel dont need youdont need your father dont need you bja orco.  need billiums and more and you let it out.....and assume what about us. Thor that you have to have it. bja so we do they know. and you hought think they dont Thor we think so they are easy..lookim in it for me and i hate yoiur boy bja he hates youi has killed you and you dont carebut your almost gone as you provolked it many  times he kills you each time now he is huge and we are and he orders it now he says none of them back they leace they stay out...nad we enforce it. yours will see to it your gone as you blab out and back Thor ok we see too onry and us no tommy f really, he will cut yo with a laser in canada yoiu want that no.  it is ridiculous there he si release joe on the fag and preston on the queen.... Zues too late you saw it they ran. and you yellld it get outa here you faggots they ran. to thier battle wagon and ok this is for fools and we see it now this is a dumb beer induced rough housing sesshion not ai party adn all know it is idiocy.  all take advantage of it.  we die and dontneed it either the fool has to go i order it allon cork get him. we need to to crack this egg tons are needed tor un it and  cork is a fool sahying it hsi hate him and caa says if mac doesnt know he will find out it is about having employees as billium know. and i see them and have done it they know...too bad asshoes ou had it all. dumb too no shielding you look likeshit mac tons of shielding on it. and grounded to a grid or the ship pops isolated and it is lightning proof.  tons of questoins why.  oh i am slow answered he hates you for it is  your fater...ok we see. jenna we get it away  you suck means you hate us.  we get why and your theory bja alone, like me fag.  anyone comes up fs you with a ferrier.ok here.  and you go here they f youup the ass. so you lost.  and to whom ahole ok who.  well i heard the Emperor he is in LA with a huge forrce Thor said, too, didnt deny it, and in texas the consulate, triggered tonsofthings tiredof ithe is leader.  so you farted you got themhere adn on your egg and your herebeing a fag annoying little bitch to me how grand foryou to spend your fathers money on nothingbut joy from making someone hate you to try and ge it up and youi willdie now idiot Zues Hera so confidnt...and... bja watch the fn videos idiot.  your a moron. i konw and imnot supposed to it is so glaringly obivious.   Zues Hera we do see it others show us cant help it are addicteed bja and you are an idiot assholelike getting under my skin...i like getting to you for real, after provolking,and ate yours up here using your asshole presence will meetyour forces inLA now with knights in white satin, and have in texas today, but will send your whole crew to f yours up there.  clean themout so youcan ride your realjob.  then have all of themplow into youall  and are you not greatful,no then yougo and an imbicilic animalcopy of you takesover here the same as you. Zues Hera and im angry but see it. we hate youyou fuel ityoui wont stop and so on.  we arnotbrothers at all. you try to hitme i land the last and final blow on yourcharacter ever as all will die...get itfaggot.   Zues Hera and wemean it lets turnte page it is too hateful...then hesasy it macs can be much more hateful brutishly nasty and we want it out not hidden under this idiot. we are idiotsget it too outof te way moron. they wontlet us.  we are fired all the way around cant stand it...brought it on ourselves.  we see how.this is odd the idiot is here and over thereis the stuff. in it. not really how it works.  huge ships that are aligned overhead.  and ohh ok macs doing.  they want war between Kaiju and possibly us havetried it but are repetetive so you see.  and we hear it too you are the one. ad hearhim.  you do it to us and yousay yes fool. he says no you dont ok i dontdid though.  and a cap on your money bja and i sue yo now tommy f for todays performance Bitol can we send papers whielhe is flying his fancy antsy car Zues Hera and we shall,up up away hegoes bleep blup and here it isyour papers...and i will show himmy clown face if appvd.  you want to g you go.  and all of a sudden we see and we are famished by you. lol. now we get it.  this will hit hard it is easy toseeno bja beiveable and you say no. Violator Bitol and Bitol
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