#didnt want to wait to upload it at like 12am though
projectpeak · 2 months
Genderbends are hard for me, because most of the time people just give the characters short hair and a different body type and I mean yeah that works but dang Plus, considering Siber is already pretty androgynous it was kinda hard so I just gave them a mohawk lol. kinda rushed this one
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neoneversleeps · 6 years
la vie en rose | l.dh
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pairing: lee donghyuck x reader (non!idol au + college au)
genre: fluff, fluff and more fluff
warnings: none
A little overwhelmed after a stressful week, Donghyuck sings you your favorite song in his honey sweet voice and finally, you find some peace.
words: ~2.5k
notes: Hello! I know I still have to upload the last chapter of “Of sleepovers and college talk” (and i promise I will!) buut inspiration struck at 12am a few nights ago and i just had to write this down,,i hope you enjoy !!
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Donghyuck was beautiful. Painfully so. And especially when his eyes closed as his melodic voice filled the small bar and blessed the ears of all those who listened to it. This was his element, his thing. Sitting on a stool on top of the slightly elevated stage in the corner of the rustic mahogany floored interior of the bar located near the college campus. The warm yellow lighting illuminating his soft features almost as much as the sun did on a bright day… almost.
And on any other friday night, you would have been as captivated by your boyfriend's stunning beauty and soothing voice as you usually were. But tonight wasn't just any other friday night. As you sat on your barstool swirling around the untouched rum and coke you had ordered about half an hour ago, you couldn't bring yourself to look at your boyfriend, opting instead to focus your attention on the group of girls in the far booth who were obviously fawning over him instead.
You weren't jealous per say, actually, you weren't jealous at all. You knew Donghyuck was faithful to you and never gave his weekly admirers more than a polite smile, if even that. But something about the events of the day, no, scratch that, this whole past week, had you feeling slightly pissed off at the sight. You sighed in frustration as you slid from your stool, definitively abandoning your rum and coke and slipped out onto the street.
You were instantly hit with the harsh autumn wind and pulled your way too light jean jacket closer to your body, silently cursing at yourself for making this choice in attire. You sighed, this week nothing really seemed to go your way.
After a very chilly twenty minute walk you arrived at yours and Donghyuck's shared apartment, hastily turning the key and stepping inside. You sauntered through the hallway and into your now shared bedroom. Rummaging through a particular drawer you pulled out one of Hyuck's large hoodies. Discarding the jean jacket on the floor, you slipped the hoodie over your T-shirt and revelled in the instant warmth it brought you and also at the fact that it smelled distinctively like your boyfriend's favorite cologne.
You moved into the kitchen, stomach grumbling slightly at the lack of food. You open up the fridge, which is, to your dismay, pretty empty. You honestly shouldn't be surprised, with the busy (read: shitty) week you had, you hadn't had time for grocery shopping. And apparently neither had Donghyuck. But then, something caught your eye, down on the lowest shelf lay a still packeted slice of chocolate cake. You recall having bought it two days ago in the campus bakery to eat after your cafeteria lunch, but then remembering half way through your lunch that you had a paper that needed to be handed in that day that you *surprise, surprise* hadn't even started yet and bolted to the library, cutting your meal short. You ended up bringing the dessert back home and, fortunately for your now grumbling stomach, had placed it in the fridge, where it had been lying, forgotten, until now.
You took it out, grabbed a fork and tossed it onto the tiny little dining table. You poured yourself a glass of water and sat down in one of the dining chairs. You simply opened the plastic lid, not bothering to even place the slice of cake on an actual plate. Admittedly, it was a little squashed and also slightly falling apart at the edges from being tossed around too much in your bag. You couldn't bring yourself to care much as you plunged in to the chocolaty goodness.
Smooth criminal was playing incessantly inside you head, the same part over and over again like a broken record. You faintly recall Donghyuck blasting it throughout the apartment some time this week, which is why it must be stuck in your head right now. Funny how one's brain always brings up random song segments at the most oddest of times. It wasn't a bad song, in fact you very much enjoyed the song and many others by the “king of pop” aka Michael Jackson. You had always enjoyed his music, but since moving in with Donghyuck you heard it a lot more frequently and it became much more endearing with the image of your boyfriend singing along at the top of his lungs which you now associated with it.
Except, having "Annie, are you ok? Say, Annie are you ok? Are you ok, Annie?!" repeating without end in your mind did absolutely nothing to improve your overall sour mood. You felt so exhausted, having gone to bed at 4am the day before...and most days before that, but somehow you didn't feel tired. You figured your body had learnt how to survive on only four to five hours of sleep and your exhaustion was just emotional. Or maybe you were just so sleep deprived that you were past the point of even needing to sleep. Wait, did any of that make sense? You weren't sure. Your mind was too hazy to even form coherent thoughts.
You were sure of one thing though, you were definitely emotionally exhausted. This week had really taken a toll on you. You had so many last minute assignments and every news you received had been bad, not to mention the fact that you were very stressfully cramming for your upcoming midterms. College will be fun, they said. Oh, how they were wrong. Ok… so maybe you were being a tad bit dramatic, but after the week you had, you felt you were justified.
Your mind wandered to Donghyuck, and suddenly you felt a twinge of guilt mix together with your frustration, exhaustion and suckiness. Was suckiness even a word? Probably not, but it did feel like an appropriate term for the way you were feeling. Normally, you and Hyuck would walk home together after his singing sessions down at O'Connolly's, sometimes stopping at one of those cozy hole in the wall restaurants for dinner. But tonight you had been selfish and wanted nothing more than to just hide away in the safety of your apartment. Also, had you walked home with him or even eaten with him, it probably would have ended in a fight. You knew exactly how you were when you got frustrated. And you knew how easily you could get annoyed with Donghyuck's normally light hearted sass in this state.
As you sat there, still finishing your, well let's face it, mediocre at best chocolate cake, you heard keys jingling outside the front door and the lock slowly clicking as the door opened. You heard the rustling of clothing and two dull thumps, which were what you assumed to be your boyfriend taking off his coat and shoes. Footsteps padded closer until Donghyuck entered the small kitchen. "Hey"he greeted you, not even really glancing at you as he moved to grab cereal from one of the top kitchen drawers. It suddenly dawned on you that you actually did have some other form of food. Oh well, you thought to yourself, pouring a bowl of cereal sound like too much work anyway. "Hi" you finally replied back in greeting.
You observed your boyfriend grabbing the necessary ingredients for his “dinner”. He was dressed in black from head to toe, a black tee with a metallica print and black skinny jeans which highlighted his unfairly long and slender legs. There was a small chain around his hips instead of the usual belt and it sparkled slightly in the artificial light hanging above your far too small kitchen. The bowl clattered against the table as Donghyuck pulled out his chair and sat down, immediately spooning the contents into his mouth. The dark eyeliner around his eyes was slightly smudged and his dyed auburn hair still a bit windswept from his walk home. And for the second time that night you thought to yourself: Donghyuck was beautiful. Painfully so. Frustratingly so. How did he still manage to outshine everyone and anyone even in his slightly disheveled state? How did he pull off the completely black outfit so effortlessly? If you tried to pull it off you would probably end up looking like a wannabe emo kid.
The two of you sat there in relatively comfortable silence. Or was it uncomfortable? You honestly couldn't tell and didn't really care anyway. “So why’d you leave?” Donghyuck said after another spoonful of cereal. His voice wasn’t really accusatory, more confused than anything and maybe just a tiny bit hurt. You blinked slowly and it took some time to actually register and comprehend his words due to your mind’s hazy state. Then you simply shrugged and answered: “Wanted to go home...”. Your voice was a little slurred, despite not having any alcohol in your system, your exhaustion seemingly seeping into your voice as well. “Well, you missed a very funny scene. Mr. Kim decided to join me in my singing after his tenth whiskey and had to be kicked out” he said with a slight chuckle. “Bummer.” you replied flatly. You didn't mean for everything you said to come across in such a mean manner but you were just so tired. “Ok.” ,Donghyuck finally snapped as his spoon fell into his now empty bowl, “What is up with you? Are you angry at me? Did I do something wrong?” his voice went from angry to concerned as he seemed to bombard you with questions. “No, no, no, you didnt do anything” you answered, because it was true, Donghyuck had done nothing wrong.
You heaved a heavy sigh. “I’m sorry...it’s just, everything's been a bit much lately.” Suddenly there was a lump forming in your throat and you looked at the kitchen tiles, your hair hiding  your eyes and the tears that were slowly threatening to spill there. You hated crying, especially in front of Donghyuck. You had gone the six months of your relationship without crying infront of him, and you weren't about to start now. “Did something happen?” his voice rang softly from across the table. You tried desperately to swallow down the sobs trying to climb up your throat, tried to organize your thoughts to be able to reply. But your body betrayed you as your shoulders shook and you audibly choked back a sob. It only took a few seconds for Donghyuck to appear in your line of vision, kneeling down next to your chair and cupping your face in his hand, concern visible on his features. That was all it took for you to finally break down.
Pathetic sobs wracked your body as your boyfriend lifted you off the chair and carried you to the living room couch. He sat down with you curled into a ball on his lap. His arms wrapped around you, fingers combing through your hair, whispering sweet nothings and occasionally pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You stayed there for God knows how long, simply being held in Donghyuck’s embrace, breathing in his scent and silently thanking the stars that you were blessed with a boyfriend so caring that you almost felt undeserving. After a while your crying died down to just a few sniffles and the living room was bathed in silence.
“Can you sing for me, please?” your voice was hoarse and barely above a whisper but you felt Donghyuck nod his head in response. “Hold me close and hold me fast…” the first line of his rendition of La vie en Rose, one of your favorite songs ever,  rang through the small space of your living room. You sighed contently and closed your eyes, letting the soothing voice of your boyfriend filter through your ears. There was something about him singing just for you that made you feel at ease.It also made you feel special, that he chose to sing for only you, an audience of one.
What you didn't know was that it also made Donghyuck feel special, his singing having this affect on you made him feel more sure of himself in his abilities. His heart soared whenever you would close your eyes and slightly sway to his melodious tunes, smile ever present on your face (you always thought Donghyuck closed his eyes too, but he actually kept them open just so he could see your expression). And when he was finished you would beam at him, your eyes filled to the brim with adoration that would make his heart clench painfully, aching because he just loved you so much.
Right now he couldn't see your face, but he was content with the way you snuggled closer to him and he could picture the way the corners of your mouth would tug up into a small smile, eyes closed as you listened. “Give your heart and soul to me… and life will always be… La Vie en Rose.”
The last verse rang through the room and it once again went silent, the space around you feeling almost empty due to the absence of Donghyuck’s singing. You slowly lifted your head so you could look at him. “Better?” he asked. “Yes.” you answered with a soft smile, eyes focused on the boy in front of you, the boy you loved so much it made your heart want to burst. “Good”, he paused, “Now I can finally shower.” He snickered at your offended expression. “Hey!” you hit him as he squirmed to get out from under you. He only laughed in response, and you couldn’t help but laugh with him. After a few more swats at his arms and chest, and some tickling at his sides, you finally leant back and allowed him to get up from the couch.
You put your arm on the back of the couch and laid your head on it, observing how your boyfriend headed down the hallway in the direction of the bathroom before he abruptly turned on his heel and headed back your way.
You stared up at him standing in front of you, head tilted to the side in confusion. His voice was quiet as he spoke: “You really are feeling better now...right?”. His face wore a light pout and it made your heart do flips because how was this boy just so damn cute? You smiled as you tugged him down to your level, gently holding on to his shirt as you pressed your lips to his in a sweet, chaste kiss. “I really am.” you answered. The pout was still there.“Promise?” Your repressed the squeal of joy at his adorableness as you replied: “I promise”. He finally smiled at that and you swore the room just got ten times brighter. He stood back up and happily made his way to the bathroom, this time shutting the door behind him.
You sat there for a while, lips still curled up in a sweet smile as you heard the faint sound of Donghyuck singing in the shower.
Donghyuck was beautiful, you thought, inside and out.
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