Dolores | Diego and Five
“Of course I know what I’m doing you don’t have to keep getting on my back about this.” Five said, a little frustrated at Dolores. She’d spent the whole afternoon telling him he was wrong again and again and it was getting a bit old. Yes he probably was wrong but he wasn’t about to admit that any time soon. 
“Look you have to stop doing this. I may be young again but I’ve not forgotten everything we’ve been through.” Five all but shouted, arms crossed as he faced the mannequin, too involved in this conversation to notice anyone approaching. 
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Learning | Diego and Five
@silentthrow liked for a starter 
As a child Five had been pretty good when it came to ASL. He’d used it a lot to communicate with Diego and it was nice to be able to make comments about Dad without him knowing because of course the old man had never bothered to learn. Over the years with no one to practice with his skills had gotten rusty and returning to his family had shown him just how much. He was the last person to admit a failure but he had been struggling to understand Diego and he felt like the best person to turn to was his brother. 
He went to visit him at the boxing club, knowing that was probably the best place to find him. He blinked into the room, fully prepared to dodge a blade that may be thrown his way in defence. 
“It’s just me.” He said, holding up his hands in surrender. 
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Presents | Diego and Five
@insolentbratx continued from x 
“Well that’s not a very cheery outlook on life, Five."
Diego frowned as he shook the wrapped gift, trying to figure out what was inside. They didn’t get presents often, but today was their birthday and they each got one a year from Mom.
Luther had already opened his and got a model of the Saturn V spaceship. Pretty cool. Diego was next, since they always went in number order.
But Diego just wanted to revel in the curiosity for a moment longer before he knew his siblings would start yelling at him to hurry up.
He loved feeling like a normal kid.
Five sat, waiting impatiently for his own gift. He was pretty sure it was a book based on the wrapping but he was curious to know what book it was. Mom always knew what book to get him. 
“Well, sometimes life isn’t very cheery. Like now. While we wait. For you to open your present.” 
Why oh why wasn’t he higher up the number order? 
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Doughnuts | Diego and Five
It had been A Day. Something was up and Five’s powers were flaking out on him. It had happened before and he knew he just needed a pick me up. He needed company though. 
He sat in his room and thought through each of his siblings, wondering who’d A) be most up for sneaking out of the house to get doughnuts and B) actually be a good person to talk to for a bit. He settled on Number Two so made his way to his brother’s room and pushed open the door. “Doughnuts?” 
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Training | Diego and Five
Of all the training days Five figured the days with Two were both the most useful and most entertaining. With One it was all about discipline, with Three it was stealth, with Four they tended to talk strategy and with Six it was more of a private training time. With Two, they could fight. 
Yes it was exhausting, yes it was dangerous but that was the thrill of it, the echo of the adrenaline rush that came with a real mission. 
Today they were in the garden, the space big enough for them to have a real go at it and test each other’s powers to the limits. Five got there first, sitting and waiting on the bench for Two to join him. 
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Five wouldn’t say he was in a dumpster more that he was....half in the dumpster and partially against the wall. Very debatable but as Diego approached he was very keen to make his position known. 
“I am not in a dumpster.” 
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music meme
“And that was when I ruled the world“
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Injured | Diego and Five
Continued from here 
Five watched Diego’s outburst. It was natural yes but he really needed to pull himself together, didn’t he know the apocalypse was coming? Had he really not told all of them enough? 
“You’re telling me I don’t know about loss 5 days after the death of our father and 3 days before the global apocalypse I was the sole survivor of.” Five replied, deadpan to try and hide the prickling irritation. “There’s time to mourn if we stop the apocalypse, until then, let it go. There’s more important things to be dealing with here.” 
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